Corn silk - medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal properties and contraindications of corn silk

Another medicine given by Mother Nature. It is unknown who was the first and when exactly to use corn silk for medicinal and prophylactic purposes, but now that their properties have been fully studied and their effectiveness has been proven, almost everyone can experience the healing effect of corn silk.

Medicinal properties of corn silk

Corn silk contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, tannins and hormones. Namely, it is a storehouse of P, K, E, A, pantothenic and ascorbic acid, essential oils, saponins, tannins, glycosides and other equally valuable components. Among microelements, a special place is given to selenium, which is simply necessary for the body in order for lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism to proceed well and efficiently. It is also needed for proper functioning, to neutralize harmful compounds that often enter the body. The unique properties of selenium include its ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Regular consumption of corn silk leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels, improved pancreas and liver function. Stigmas are also popular for their choleretic effect, the ability to have a calming effect on the nervous system and have a diuretic effect. With their help, stones are expelled from the kidneys, and therapeutic and preventive measures are provided for. A decoction of corn silk removes bad cholesterol from the body, protecting the walls of blood vessels from plaques and blockages, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Corn silks have proven themselves to be positive in the hematopoietic system and as a hemostatic agent; they cleanse the blood well and increase coagulation. Therefore, taking a decoction based on them is very useful for those ladies who suffer from. Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of how corn silk helps in the process of losing weight, but more on that a little later.

Application of corn silk

Corn silk is often used to prepare decoctions and tinctures (both alcoholic and aqueous), and for brewing tea. With their help, kidney and liver diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol, tuberculosis and atherosclerosis are treated. In medicine, corn silk is used to treat sleep and the nervous system, reducing increased irritability and excitability. And, of course, corn silk has found active use in dietetics. With their help, they control appetite, improve metabolism and other systems in the body that can be reflected in weight problems.

Corn silk contraindications

There are not many contraindications for corn silk. Among them:

  • poor appetite;
  • high blood clotting;
  • thrombosis and thrombophebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Corn silk for weight loss

If you plan to use corn silk as an aid to weight loss, then you will definitely need recipes that promote the fat burning process.

  • Option decoction for weight loss No. 1. Pour a glass of boiling water over a small spoon of stigmas and put on fire for a minute. Remove from the stove, cover and leave for an hour, then strain and squeeze out the herb. Divide the finished broth into three parts and drink during the day half an hour before meals.
  • Decoction for weight loss, option No. 2. Pour boiling water over four large spoons of stigmas, cover with a lid and cover with a terry towel, leaving to steep for two to three hours. Squeeze the finished composition and take it three times a day according to the principle of option No. 1.
  • Slimming Tea. Take stigmas, currant leaves and green tea in a 2:1:1 ratio respectively. Add two large spoons of the dry mixture to boiling water and leave (preferably in a thermos) for about three hours. This tea is consumed half an hour before meals in the amount of one glass.
  • You can prepare an alcohol tincture, which is prepared with 70% alcohol. If you can’t get alcohol, you can take vodka as a last resort. Pour 200 g of stigmas with a glass of alcohol (or vodka), close the jar tightly to prevent the alcohol from evaporating and place in a dark place for twenty days, shaking occasionally. Take 35-40 drops half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Whatever method of use you choose, you need to remember that the intake lasts no longer than a month, but not less than 14 days. After this, a break is taken for the same period, and then, if desired, the course is duplicated.

How to brew corn silk

Depending on what the corn silk is used for, it needs to be brewed and consumed. Let's look at some options.

These are just a few of the recipes that can be made using corn silk. Finally, I would like to remind you of the importance of consulting with a specialist before taking the drug orally, this will protect you from side effects.

It is not for nothing that Christopher Columbus visited America in his time. Of the many new products he brought to Europe, there was corn. She adapted to the new conditions, took root and was loved for her unique taste. But it turned out that common corn can be used for medicinal purposes. Or rather, stigmas, peculiar fibers that envelop the plant itself. They make delicious, rich and healthy oil from corn.

What are the benefits of corn fiber?

Corn silk contains the most useful substances that can benefit:

  1. Saponins. Thanks to them, cholesterol and water-salt metabolism is regulated. They can help the hormonal system if it malfunctions, and also have expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Tannins and flavonoids. Their presence in the human body is necessary due to their choleretic, bactericidal, and antispasmodic effects. These substances increase the tone of the heart muscle and have antitumor and radioprotective effects.
  3. Alkaloids. They have an antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effect on the human body.
  4. Essential oils. The collection of volatile substances helps calm the nervous system, stimulate appetite and improve digestion. They also have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, antimicrobial and antiviral.
  5. Sterols. Their presence in the body is mandatory, as they significantly increase immunity, normalize hormonal levels, help a depleted nervous system, improve the condition of hair and nails, prevent sexual disorders and remove signs of aging at an early stage.
  6. Vitamin K Without it, the blood clotting process will be disrupted, since the vitamin activates the prothrombin-forming function of the liver, which means the level of prothrombin in the blood increases. In this case, the vessels, if there is a lack of vitamin K, will become brittle and their constant rupture will be observed. This causes bruises on the skin. This vitamin enhances intestinal and stomach motility, participates in cellular respiration, and supports the functioning of the liver and heart.
  7. Selenium. Natural element. It has unique properties - it helps the body to more gently perceive the negative impact of the environment. Can neutralize toxins that gradually accumulate, poisoning the organs. Improves metabolic processes and restores the immune system.
  8. Acids– ascorbic and pantothenic. Vitamin C takes an active part in many metabolic processes, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthens bone tissue, relieves feelings of irritability and increased fatigue. Pantothenic acid is needed for the production of steroids by the adrenal glands and helps in the treatment of neuroses.
  9. Inositol. Takes part in the metabolism of fats and cholesterol, restores liver function, and promotes hair growth. In combination with choline, it prevents the arteries from becoming thicker.

Corn silk also contains alcohol, trace elements and natural sugar.

Diseases that are treated with corn silk

Corn silks have earned the attention of not only traditional healers for their beneficial natural qualities. Official medicine also recognizes the effectiveness of corn “hairs”, and therefore uses them when it is necessary to treat diseases:

  • liver and biliary tract;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • kidney and urinary tract, primarily cystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cholelithiasis

Stigmas have a beneficial effect when internal bleeding or swelling occurs due to cardiac dysfunction. Preparations based on corn fibers have a choleretic and diuretic effect, regulate bilirubin levels, have hypoglycemic and hemostatic properties, affect the outflow of bile, improving its secretion, and increase the number of platelets in the liver.

Traditional medicine has a more extensive list of diseases. Common corn silks are used to treat:

  • diabetes;
  • diarrhea;
  • dropsy;
  • obesity;
  • glaucoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • premature aging of the body;
  • helminthic infestation, the fight against tapeworms is especially effective.

How to make your own corn silk

Ready-made corn silks are sold in every pharmacy. But, if possible, they are prepared independently. The best time to harvest is when the cob is at the stage of milky ripeness. All fibers are removed by hand; this procedure is not particularly difficult. Then the raw materials need to be dried in a place where there is access to fresh air, but only so that direct sunlight does not destroy the useful elements.

Only those fibers that have a specific smell inherent to the plant, and the color is dark golden yellow or with a reddish tint, will be healing. To properly preserve the entire harvest, it must be placed in a dry room, in a wooden box lined with white paper.

Treatment: recipes based on corn silk

Most often, people think about corn fiber when the liver is sick and a good choleretic agent is urgently needed. A 5% infusion of corn silk can help. They drink it 30 - 100 grams. three times a day. Should be taken before meals. It should be borne in mind that this remedy also has a diuretic effect, so it is not advisable to plan any business meetings or long-distance hikes.

Corn fibers treat cystitis and inflamed kidneys, as well as urolithiasis, helping to painlessly remove sand and small stones. Liver diseases and gallstones are treated using this remedy. Take equal parts of corn silk and agrimony herb and mix. Mixture in a volume of 30 g. pour a liter of boiling water. Drink 100 gr. three times a day.

This remedy is reserved for patients with hepatitis, cholangitis or cholecystitis. In equal proportions you need to prepare:

  • corn silk;
  • St. John's wort and yarrow grass.

Mix all the plants, measure out 3 tablespoons, which you will need to pour into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let the medicine infuse and drink it throughout the day, dividing it into 4 to 5 doses.

There is another recipe. Take 20 gr. stigma and the same amount of sandy immortelle - grass along with flowers, you get about 15 stems that need to be cut. Pour a liter of boiling water over the ingredients and place on low heat. After 10 minutes, remove, let it brew under the lid and strain. You should drink 0.5 cups, in addition you need to drink 100 grams. milk to which two tablespoons of honey are added. Take the medicine 30 minutes before meals. It should be taken for 4 days, then take a short break for 2-3 days, then resume treatment. Treatment time is two months.

If liver disease is severe, herbalists offer a simple decoction that works quickly and effectively. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of fiber - 200 g. The decoction is prepared in a water bath, covered with a lid. It should be kept on low heat for at least 20 minutes. Then strain and add boiled water until the glass is full. Taking a tablespoon 3-4 times a day is no longer necessary, since the decoction is quite strong. The course of therapy is from 1 to 3 months. Every two weeks you need to give your body a chance to rest.

Advice! To restore the body's defenses, it is advisable to brew corn silk along with mint and black currant or strawberry leaves.

The decoction needed for patients with kidney pathologies is prepared according to this recipe. 5 gr. fibers are poured into 300 g. boiling water and place in a water bath over low heat. After 30 minutes have passed, remove, allow time for the medicine to cool and filter. Since the result is a strong concentration, you need to add 100 grams. water. Drink a tablespoon three times a day. The dose can be doubled for atherosclerosis and edema. If the infusion is prepared in large quantities, it should be used within two days and stored in a cool place.

Diseases of the genitourinary area are treated using this method. Required:

  • corn silk, bearberry leaves, birch buds and bean leaves - 15 g each;
  • cornflower flowers, horsetail grass - 10 g each.

Mix all ingredients, measure 30 g, add a liter of water and set aside for 12 hours. Then boil for 10 minutes. Take 4 times a day, 100 g. only when warm. You should drink it an hour after eating. This remedy also helps those people who have cardiac dropsy.

Don't look for fad diets to lose weight. For this you will only need corn silk. They can reduce appetite to such an extent that their effects will be noticeable within a week. You only need a teaspoon of fiber, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and put on fire, but only for a few minutes. Take 50 grams 30 minutes before meals.

By taking medicinal decoctions internally, the hair becomes silky, and dandruff often disappears completely. But they also rinse their hair with decoctions after washing, then, without rinsing, wrap it. This procedure should be repeated 5-6 times.

What are the contraindications?

Before being treated with traditional methods, it is better to consult with your doctor. You should not use corn silk if you have allergic reactions after using it. They are also contraindicated for those people who have increased blood clotting, have been diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, anorexia, or are underweight.

Long-term treatment can provoke a significant leaching from the body of essential substances such as magnesium and potassium.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use corn silk for medicinal purposes.

Video: medicinal properties of corn silk

Corn is not called the queen of fields for nothing. However, not only the sweet yellow cobs are good for health, corn silk is often used in folk medicine to solve many problems. Corn silks are the same threads that are visible from the top of the cob; they can be light yellow, green, or burgundy. It is not recommended to remove leaves and stigmas; it is believed that with them the corn turns out tastier and healthier.

Composition and beneficial properties of corn silk

Corn silk contains many biologically active substances; this part of the cob turns out to be more valuable and healthier than many vegetables and fruits. For treatment, you can prepare corn silk yourself or buy ready-to-use at the pharmacy.

They are characterized by a high content of such important substances for humans as saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, stearin, tannin, cryptoxanthin, inositol, gum, various bitters (bitter glycoside) and tannins. Corn silk is also rich in vitamin K1 (naphthoquinone), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), copper, iron, manganese, selenium, and aluminum. It is important that these substances are in a certain balance with each other and that is why corn silk is highly effective in treating many diseases and problems.

There are many indications for the use of corn silk; most often they are used in the treatment of diseases of internal organs. They are shown when:

- inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract;
- nephritis, cystitis;
- stones and sand in the kidneys;
- edema of various etiologies;
- cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis;
- gastritis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- obesity;
- tuberculosis;
- hypertension;
- anemia;
— acne, acne, dermatitis;
- varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
- burns, bedsores, wounds, ulcers;
- uterine bleeding;
- diarrhea;
- infertility, impotence;
- menstrual pain;
- nervous disorders, insomnia, stress.
- prevention of cancer, atherosclerosis.

The most important and basic effect of corn silk is diuretic and choleretic. They significantly reduce the viscosity of bile, thereby improving its outflow and eliminating stagnation, and also reduce bilirubin levels. There is evidence that corn silk helped cure jaundice in newborns when medications and procedures did not lead to a positive result.

Corn silk has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, this alleviates the condition of kidney disease, relieves spasms, improves urination and excretion of urine from the body.

They also lower blood sugar (this is important for diabetics) and remove bad cholesterol, which prevents atherosclerosis. Fatty acids, together with other active substances, prevent the fragility of blood vessels and make tissues more elastic.

A mild sedative effect of corn silk has also been noted., they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, help fight stress, normalize sleep, eliminate headaches, and help overcome fatigue and irritation. This also works as an immunomodulator, since the body under stress is more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, and in an even state it has strength and resistance to many colds.

Corn silk also has a good hematopoietic and hemostatic effect. They help with heavy bleeding, including menstrual bleeding, anemia, they can be useful as a preventive measure for deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Corn silks are used for weight loss, they dull the appetite, and in the treatment of gastric and intestinal diseases, since the silks eliminate the causes of fermentation and stagnation of food. In the treatment of skin diseases, corn silk exhibits its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.


Corn silk is contraindicated for:

- low body weight;
- poor appetite;
- thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
- blood clotting disorders - blood thickens faster than necessary;
- individual intolerance.

Traditional medicine recipes

For cholecystitis, hepatitis, bleeding, bile stagnation

Prepare a decoction at the rate of one tablespoon of corn silk per 100 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 3 hours and drink 75 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

For edema

Add 2 teaspoons of honey per 100 ml to the infusion. Drink 20 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

For the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, kidney stones, edema, obesity

5 tablespoons of corn silk are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then leave in a warm place for 3 hours, filter. Take 30 ml three times a day before meals.

Mix corn silk, bearberry and birch leaves, and licorice root in equal proportions. Pour 1 tablespoon into 250 ml of boiling water and cook for half an hour in a water bath. The infusion is taken 150 ml 4 times a day before meals.

For anemia

To increase hemoglobin, drink a decoction of corn silk, 50 ml three times a day before meals.

For obesity

To reduce weight, drink 50 ml of the decoction every three hours.

The fibrous growth around an ear of corn is called corn silk. The best time to harvest them is when the corn turns milky. The fibers are torn off by hand, dried in devices designed for this purpose, or outside in the shade so that the sun's rays do not fall on the threads.

Corn silk contains a great variety of beneficial minerals and nutrients. With its unique composition, corn fiber is often used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

Useful and healing properties

Corn silk fiber contains a variety of vitamins, proteins, saponins, essential oils, selenium and ascorbic acid, as well as many other useful elements.

Thanks to its composition, rich in beneficial microelements and other substances, corn silk can be used in the treatment of a number of diseases. Infusions and decoctions based on these fibers have medicinal properties and allow you to:

  • improve metabolism in the body;
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • stabilize liver function;
  • enhance the process of bile formation;
  • reduce appetite;
  • calm the nervous system.


Instructions for use

It is recommended to take corn silk in the form of decoctions, extracts, powders and tablets, or brew tea from them. Preparations based on corn silk can be bought at the pharmacy, ready for use, or, if possible, collected and dried yourself (this will only increase the beneficial properties).

Prepare a decoction by pouring 10 milligrams of dried stigmas with 0.2 liters of hot water and leave to brew under a closed lid. And then the container should be heated in a water bath for half an hour. The prepared mixture is squeezed out and diluted with boiled water to end up with 200 ml of decoction.

Take the decoction orally, 30 drops a quarter of an hour before meals, 2-3 times during the day. The decoction is consumed either in its pure form or added to tea, compote, juice or herbal cocktail.

For children aged 6 years and older, I prescribe a decoction of corn silk 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, 20 minutes before meals. It helps babies, with its beneficial properties, fight biliary dyskinesia.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of corn fiber are due to the huge amount of vitamins contained in the stigmas. They are also valued for containing biologically available selenium, which can block the formation of cancer cells. Due to this feature, doctors often prescribe decoctions of corn silk to prevent cancer.

Corn silks contain substances that can lower blood sugar levels in humans and also reduce appetite. Therefore, stigmas are recommended for use by women when fighting excess weight, as well as by people suffering from diabetes.

Among other things, corn silk tincture can also be used for hair. A decoction of fibers strengthens thin hair and adds natural shine and silkiness. Ideally, dried stigmas and dry nettle are mixed in equal parts, and a liter of boiling water is poured in (per 0.5 cups of the mixture). Rinse your hair with the resulting decoction after each shampoo.

In addition to its undeniable beneficial properties, corn silk can also harm the body. Consumption of decoctions of stigmas or cosmetics based on them can cause a severe allergic reaction. However, an allergy can only occur in a person predisposed to an acute reaction to corn.

Reviews from doctors I do not recommend abusing decoctions or consuming them in excessive quantities. It is also highly undesirable to include stigma in the menu for people with poor appetite, since it may disappear completely and as a result the person will experience severe exhaustion.

How to take corn silk for weight loss

There are two generally accepted ways to use corn silk for weight loss. In both options, the course of taking the decoction lasts from 14 to 28 days. Then there is a break of at least 2 weeks, and the process can be repeated again. With this choice of means to combat weight, the rule of equality applies. The break between courses should be equal to the number of days of the course duration.

How to brew and drink

1. One teaspoon of dried stigmas is added to 200 grams of boiling water and boiled for 1 minute. After which the broth is left to brew in a dark place under a lid for 1 hour. Then you need to strain the broth and you can drink a third of a glass half an hour before each meal. It should be remembered that you need to use only fresh decoction and you will have to prepare it every day. 2. 4 tablespoons of dried stigmas should be poured with one glass of boiling water and left for 2-3 hours in a dark place. after which the stigmas are filtered and squeezed out. The resulting decoction can be stored in the refrigerator and taken 30 minutes before meals.


Doctors do not recommend consuming decoctions of stigmas for women during menstruation. The course should begin no earlier than the second day after the end of the discharge.
People with varicose veins should not consume corn silk, otherwise the risk of blood thickening increases. But for patients with poor coagulability, the stigma will be very useful.

For diseases of the ureteric passages, stigmas can be consumed only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, stigmas have a strong diuretic effect, and when consumed, the amount of potassium and magnesium in the body decreases.

By the way, do you know how to use? Read reviews and instructions.

Corn silk during pregnancy

During pregnancy, corn silk extract is contraindicated for women; only decoctions are allowed. The reason for this fact is the ethyl alcohol content in the extract. And drinking any alcohol during pregnancy is extremely undesirable. The consequences can cause serious harm to the developing body of the child and even lead to miscarriage.

Most doctors are of the opinion that a pregnant woman should not even take medications that contain alcohol.

If a woman becomes pregnant immediately during the period of time when she took corn silk extract, then she should immediately stop drinking it and immediately consult a doctor. In such cases, the likelihood of complications is not high, but it is better not to risk the life and health of the unborn child and the mother herself.

A medicinal herbal preparation called “Corn silk” is quite interesting in itself, even if you do not pay attention to its strange name. And the question often arises - what is this unusual name and where did it come from? It is also quite interesting how exactly they help a person and how exactly their therapeutic effect manifests itself.

What kind of “stigma” are these?

Corn silk, the medicinal properties of which raise questions and interest among many, contains many useful substances. Corn is a cereal plant that grows for one year. It is found in almost all parts of the country. It is quite useful in itself, this is evidenced by the fact that we have already written about, about and even about - and we usually don’t write about useless products. Corn silks are essentially fibers that envelop the inside of the fruit and extend out from under the leaves. They are herbaceous shoots. They are collected at the time when the cob is ripening - then it has milky ripeness. The fibers are pre-dried and then used to correct various problems and pathologies.

The composition of corn silk is quite rich. They have a lot:

  • Organic acids: , inositol;
  • Fatty oils;
  • Bitterness;
  • Comedy;
  • Natural sugar;
  • Resins;
  • Saponinov;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Vitamins of group B, PP and carotene, as well as K.

Corn silk, the use of which contributes to a significant improvement in human health, improves kidney function, ensures blood clotting, and is responsible for normalizing metabolism. It is also known that they are used as a choleretic, sedative, and hemostatic agent. And often they are used as a diuretic.

When is it used?

Corn silk, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described quite widely, is used for therapeutic purposes in the following situations:

  • For diseases of urolithiasis, as well as nephritis: such a herbal remedy can even be used in the presence of renal neoplasms of the stony type or those located in the bladder; They also cope well with various types of swelling;
  • For cholecystitis and cholangitis: for many years, scientists have studied the effects of stigmas on the gastrointestinal tract and found that they can perfectly dilute bile and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract; Corn silk is often taken for hepatitis, because they contain bilirubin, thereby restoring its balance in the body;
  • For blood loss: fibers can stop various types of bleeding - they are often used to treat diseases of the female genital organs;
  • For stress: this culture has a proven calming effect, it noticeably calms the nerves, improves sleep, improves mood, and relieves nervous tension;
  • For obesity: due to their high efficiency in improving metabolism, they are widely used to improve metabolism and help reduce appetite;
  • For diabetes.

List of diseases

Well, as a result, corn silk, reviews of which are mostly laudatory, are prescribed in the presence of diseases such as:

  • Urinary tract diseases;
  • Cystitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • The presence of stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • Nephritis;
  • Various types of swelling;
  • Gastritis;
  • Biliary dyskinesia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Tuberculosis and many others.

Looking at this list, you can understand that such a natural medicine is prescribed quite often and to almost everyone. No wonder Khrushchev loved corn so much...

In what forms and dosages should I use it?

The list in the previous paragraph is quite impressive. Suppose we found our disease on this list. What to do next? Asking questions: “How to brew corn silk? How to use them correctly? — it’s worth knowing that stigmas are widely available in different types and forms.

Thus, they can be produced in the form of a liquid extract. To create this kind of product, you need to mix the fibers with pure alcohol in equal proportions. Use the resulting infusion in the form of drops - 30-40, mixed with a small amount of water. But since alcohol is a poison, this form is the least preferable and harmful, given that there are also non-alcoholic forms, it is better to use them.

For example, use a decoction. For it, 5 g of fibers need to be poured with boiling water and left to cook over fairly low heat. After you sue, you can drink. How to take corn silk in this form? It is enough to strain the infusion and use 80 ml before meals.

A tincture from such raw materials is prepared as follows: a few tablespoons of the product (usually it is recommended to use 3) are poured into a glass of boiling water. Afterwards you need to leave everything covered for an hour. All that remains is to strain and you can use it. Drink ¼ glass half an hour before meals 5 times a day.

Corn silk, the instructions for use of which are quite simple, can be used in the form of release that is most convenient for you. After all, they will act quite effectively in any situation. But, as we wrote above, it is better to avoid alcohol extract.

Will they help you lose weight?

Today, corn silk is often used for weight loss. Experts say that the best option for this would be a decoction. Nutritionists advise preparing it in two different ways. The first one is this: add a teaspoon of herb to a glass of boiling water. Next, you need to boil it for a minute and put it in a dark place for about 60 minutes (the container must be covered). In order to lose weight, you should drink a third of a glass about half an hour before meals. A new decoction should be prepared every day, because... the one that stands already loses its properties.

The second brewing option looks like this. Pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of the product and leave to steep for several hours. It is optimal to use a thermos for this. You need to use 1 tbsp of the decoction. before meals, at least half an hour. A decoction prepared this way can be used for several days, but between doses you need to put it in a cold place - the refrigerator is best.

The weight loss effect of using corn silk is based on the fact that it normalizes appetite and restores impaired metabolism. Moreover, the process is going quite smoothly. The course is quite long and takes 2-4 weeks. And it is worth remembering that you should not drink the herbal decoction for a long time - you need to take breaks of the same duration.

Corn silk for weight loss, the recipes of which are quite variable, allow you to lose weight quite gently and significantly improve human health.

What are the contraindications?

Stigmas also have a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. So, it should be remembered that such a drug, like any other herbal drug, can cause an allergic reaction. Do not use corn silk during pregnancy. Moreover, the ban is absolute, i.e. fully.

Avoid prescribing this drug in the presence of varicose veins, in the presence of blood clots, and also for those who have been diagnosed with increased blood clotting.

Those who are fairly slim and do not have a very active appetite are also advised to avoid using such a drug. After all, it noticeably reduces appetite, which can worsen the situation.

It is necessary to take into account and remember that with long-term use of stigmas, due to their diuretic effect, such useful and necessary components as potassium and magnesium are washed out of the body, which does not have a very good effect on the activity of the heart.

Corn silk, the contraindications for taking which are not so few (for example, there are practically no contraindications, while the benefits are comparable to corn silk), allow you to normalize a person’s condition and give him the opportunity to feel better.

How do they respond to this drug?

There are quite a lot of reviews about corn silk on the Internet. People who have tried them note that heaviness in the side in the presence of any gastrointestinal pathologies goes away, and appetite is corrected. All this allows you to restore your health and get an effect of minus 5-7 kg in a couple of months.



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