General blood test - laboratory test, which includes counting all types of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), determining their parameters (cell sizes, etc.), leukocyte formula, measurement of hemoglobin level, determination of the ratio of cell mass to plasma (hematocrit).

What are the indications for a general blood test?

A general blood test is performed for most diseases and preventive examinations.

What do the general blood test indicators mean?

  1. Hemoglobin(HGB) - carries oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues of the body. Low hemoglobin indicates anemia (anemia).
  2. Red blood cells(RBC, “red blood cells”) are blood elements containing hemoglobin. A decrease in the number of red blood cells indicates anemia (anemia).
  3. Color index is an indicator of the degree of saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin.
  4. Reticulocytes- young forms of red blood cells.
  5. Platelets(PLT) - participate in the blood clotting process. A decrease in platelet count indicates poor blood clotting. A natural decrease in platelet levels is observed during menstruation and pregnancy, and an increase after physical activity.
  6. ESR- erythrocyte sedimentation rate. An increase in ESR indicates inflammation, acute infection or poisoning.
  7. Leukocytes(WBC, “white blood cells”) - are responsible for the neutralization and cellular immunity from viruses and bacteria. An increase in the number of leukocytes is a sign of an inflammatory process.
  8. Band (s/n) neutrophils.
  9. Segmented (s/i) neutrophils.
  10. Eosinophils(eosinophilic granulocytes) are a type of white blood cell. An increase in the content of eosinophils may indicate allergic diseases, the presence of worms.
  11. Basophils(basophilic granulocytes) are a type of leukocyte.
  12. Lymphocytes- cells immune system, a type of white blood cell. Responsible for acquired immunity.
  13. Monocytes- large mononuclear leukocytes.

What preparation is needed for the study?

The analysis is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. Eating food, including juice, tea, coffee, and alcohol, is not allowed for 8 hours (preferably 12) before the test. You can drink plain water.

What are the deadlines for completing the analysis?

What are the normal values ​​for a complete blood count?

Quantitative and qualitative research. How does a general blood test differ from a clinical one?

A blood test is the most popular and informative test, so doctors often prescribe it to their patients to diagnose diseases or confirm preliminary diagnoses. In some cases, the appointment is issued on general analysis blood, in others - for biochemistry. Let's figure out how a clinical blood test and a biochemical blood test differ, and what can they tell the doctor?

What are the differences?

Blood tests are carried out due to various reasons: during scheduled medical examinations, in preparation for surgery, as well as when symptoms of any diseases appear. Depending on what information the doctor needs to obtain in decoding, the patient may be prescribed a clinical analysis (also called general) or blood biochemistry.

In what cases is a clinical blood test and biochemical blood test indicated?

A study such as biochemical analysis makes it possible to assess the condition and functionality internal organs. Considering that the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other internal organs produce various enzymes, hormones, proteins, biologically active and minerals, the deviation of their concentration in the blood from the norm allows us to identify an organ with pathology. The same analysis will tell you which microelements the body senses as a deficiency or excess.

This type of analysis is often used when conducting diagnostic examination in endocrinology, cardiology, therapy, gastroenterology and other areas of medicine.

Clinical analysis helps evaluate general condition body, identify the presence of inflammatory processes and the stage of their development (beginning, acute phase, attenuation), detect .

Typically, each study determines the parameters of certain blood parameters. However, in some cases, the doctor may need a detailed analysis, which will include additional indicators. Both general and biochemical analysis can be detailed.

If you are confused, your doctor sent you for a general or biochemical blood test, be sure to clarify this again. The point is that to get reliable results examinations for biochemical analysis should be prepared over several days.

Another difference between these studies is the sample collection method.

For clinical analysis, blood is taken from a finger, and for biochemical analysis - from a peripheral vein.

For each age group The average statistical norms of blood parameters were determined. In addition, decoding results will differ between women and men due to specific hormonal levels female body.

Clinical analysis

The main indicators that are examined when conducting a general analysis are:

  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate (which is abbreviated as ESR),
  • hemoglobin level,
  • number of leukocytes and erythrocytes,

Let's take a closer look at each decryption parameter.

  • Hemoglobin. This complex iron-containing (hence the name hema-, which means iron) protein, which is a component of red blood cells, ensures the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the cells of other organs and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. Low level This protein indicates the presence of anemia, which can be caused by intense bleeding, blood diseases, iron deficiency, or folic acid. Excessively high hemoglobin levels may be a symptom birth defect hearts, cardiopulmonary failure, intestinal constipation, erythrocytosis or be a consequence of intense physical activity.
  • ESR. This indicator is based on the tendency of red blood cells to adhere, as a result of which the formed complexes settle to the bottom of the tube. During inflammatory processes, adhesion increases significantly, which is why red blood cells settle in the blood plasma faster. In this case they talk about increased value subsidence rate. A high ESR may also be a symptom infectious diseases, intoxication of the body, autoimmune disorders, appearance malignant neoplasms, myocardial infarction. Normally, the ESR value for women is higher than for men. A low ESR value is very rare. It can be observed in patients with muscular dystrophy, overhydration of the body, blood diseases, as well as in people on a diet or vegetarianism, and in women in the first trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Red blood cells. The number of red blood cells in the blood of men is usually higher than that of women. Reduced quantity Red blood cell loss can be caused by blood loss, anemia, iron deficiency, or vitamin B12 deficiency. Increased content(erythrocytosis) indicates dehydration due to high temperature, diarrhea or increased sweating, which is typical for intestinal infections. It can also be a symptom of kidney and liver disease, disorders of the hematopoietic system.
  • Leukocytes. White blood cells are responsible for the mechanisms immune defense. Their number decreases in autoimmune diseases, influenza, viral hepatitis, appearance malignant tumors affecting the bone marrow. An increased level of leukocytes indicates the presence inflammatory process, the development of pneumonia or bronchitis, meningitis, peritonitis or pancreatitis and other serious diseases.
  • Platelets. These microparticles of blood are the main indicator of its clotting. During the activation of platelets, processes are formed that are much larger than the size of the particle itself, which help to block the damaged vessel and stop blood loss. During pregnancy and menstruation, the level of platelets in a woman's blood can be two times lower than normal, and this is a natural condition. Large number platelets may indicate lymphogranulomatosis, rheumatoid arthritis, leukemia, osteomyelitis, liver or kidney cancer, tuberculosis, enteritis, the presence of acute infections, stem cell dysfunction bone marrow and other diseases. Their number increases sharply during times of stress and large blood losses. Platelet deficiency accompanies some genetic diseases, tumor diseases, cirrhosis.

Biochemical analysis

Through biochemical research you can determine the level of glucose, urea, bilirubin, liver enzymes and other indicators. Let's look at some of them.

  • Level total protein contained in the blood plasma indicates diseases of the internal organs and problems with the blood. Increased performance characteristic of rheumatism, infectious diseases, oncology. Low levels of protein are observed in diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, and acute bleeding.
  • Glucose is the main marker carbohydrate metabolism. Reduced concentration characteristic of pancreatic hyperplasia, as well as cancer of the adrenal glands or stomach, can occur with the development of adenoma. Excessive glucose levels are observed in diabetes mellitus, kidney, pancreas and liver diseases, as well as dysfunction endocrine system, myocardial infarction.
  • Bilirubin is a breakdown product of hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells. It has a red-yellow color and is responsible for the correct functioning of the liver and bile ducts. An increased pigment content indicates hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer, toxic poisoning, cholelithiasis.
  • Uric acid is a breakdown product of individual proteins. Normally, it is excreted by the kidneys, and the remaining amount is excreted in feces. But in case renal failure, with leukemia, an overdose of alcohol or diuretics, its level may increase.
  • Urea is a compound produced by the liver that characterizes the filtration capacity of the kidneys. High level urea indicates kidney disease, impaired urine outflow, large blood loss, cardiovascular failure. Reduced level observed during pregnancy or indulging in diets and vegetarianism, poisoning toxic substances, liver diseases.

An extensive biochemical analysis contains more than 40 different indicators, however, in practice, fewer studies are sufficient to diagnose a patient.

Some of the patients undergoing examination and treatment at our GMS Clinic, they ask doctors why they are prescribed so many blood tests - clinical, biochemical, hormones, sugar. Perhaps someone is really interested in the differences between these tests; these people want to understand the logic of the diagnosticians and “trace” the progress of the diagnosis. But the majority, alas, are concerned about something else: they are wondering whether it is possible to avoid the costs of what they consider “unnecessary” tests.

We hasten to reassure you: GMS Clinic doctors never prescribe “unnecessary” examinations - our laboratory is already working more than hard. All blood tests prescribed by our specialists have only one goal: to eliminate all doubts and determine correct diagnosis. In mathematical terms, we do everything “necessary and sufficient” for this.

General clinical blood test

This analysis is prescribed most often. When performing it, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of blood composition is performed, that is, an assessment of the following parameters:

  • Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
  • Leukocytes (white blood cells)
  • Leukocyte formula
  • Color index
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
  • Hemoglobin.

Human blood consists of cells suspended in plasma: red blood cells and white blood cells. There are also some normal indicators, which must correspond to the quantitative and high-quality composition human blood, depending on his gender and age (the number of certain cells in a unit volume of blood, hemoglobin content in erythrocytes, the state of erythrocytes, which determines their sedimentation rate, etc.). Deviations from this norm may indicate abnormal functioning of the body, the onset of an inflammatory process, or the development of a disease. These deviations from the norm are recorded by a general clinical blood test.

Sugar analysis

Blood sugar test performed to confirm or refute the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Since normal blood sugar levels depend on what a person ate and how long ago the person ate before taking the sample, a blood sugar test must be taken on an empty stomach (at least twelve hours must pass after the last meal).

A blood sugar test determines the level of sugar (glucose) in a blood sample and compares the results with normal levels. Determination of the level of glucose in the blood is also carried out during its biochemical analysis.

Biochemical blood test

Biochemical analysis blood determines the content of substances in the blood (glucose, urea, residual nitrogen blood, creatinine, bilirubin, cholesterol, proteins, etc.), enzymes and antibodies. The results of the analysis allow us to judge the development in the body pathological changes, acute diseases. Of course, the results of any analysis must be compared with the big picture diseases, that is, the diagnosis must be made by a qualified and experienced specialist.

Hormone tests

Our body regulates the processes occurring in it with the help of hormones - special substances that are produced by glands internal secretion. All changes occurring in the body associated with growth, maturation, the occurrence and development of pregnancy are accompanied by changes in hormonal levels, that is, with changes in the content of certain hormones in the human blood. Any disruption of the functioning of the endocrine glands leads to excessive or, conversely, insufficient formation, which immediately leads to developmental deviations or pathology. It is designed to control the level of hormones in the blood blood test for hormones.

Maximum attention and care to each patient - this principle guides all GMS Clinic employees, from the Chief Physician to the laboratory assistant. We are focused on effective cure people who contacted us in as soon as possible, and we do everything necessary for this. We try to save time for both doctors and patients, because sometimes time matters crucial for the success of treatment, therefore we prescribe only those tests that our diagnosticians cannot do without.

Becoming market economy, the emergence of money markets, the value of monetary resources impartially contributed to the development of such a fundamental direction of analytical work as diagnostics of the monetary state. Regardless of the meaning monetary diagnostics V modern criteria this concept has not actually been created. It is often identified with the concept monetary analysis. AND analysis, And diagnostics are tools for understanding the world in basic and applied research.

Analysis primary as a tool for knowledge of the world, universal for all branches of knowledge, successfully solves the main problems where society is not developed enough for critical assessment and decision-making. Analysis is a function of mental, and often real, division of an object or phenomenon into parts. Depending on the nature of the object under study, the complexity of its structure, the level of abstraction of the cognitive procedures used and the methods of their implementation, analysis appears in different forms, being often synonymous with research in both natural and public sciences (chemical analysis, mathematical analysis, monetary analysis etc.). Diagnostics It is the process of determining a condition, making a diagnosis and making decisions on how to maintain the body in working order.

Financial diagnostics, being a first approximation monetary analysis(as is often found even in highly specialized literature), nevertheless, it is very different from it. Diagnostics solves the main problem: it establishes the necessary and sufficient high-quality and quantitative field of comparisons and quantitative standards for the characteristics of the object of study, taking into account the patterns of development of an economic entity, industry, society, tradition for the purpose of the following comparison (assessment) current state characteristics of the research object that are generally recognized at that moment as good or dominant.

Eat different points the views of economists regarding the concepts of monetary analysis and monetary diagnostics.

Yes, namely Prof. P.P. Taburchak believes that monetary analysis- an in-depth, scientifically based study of monetary relations and the movement of monetary resources in a single production and trading process.

Recognizable financial analyst I.A. The form also accurately defines the essence monetary analysis as a process of studying the financial status and main results of the financial activity of an enterprise in order to identify reserves for increasing its market price and ensuring its effective development.

According to Prof. L.V. Prykina monetary analysis is a process based on research of data about financial condition enterprise and the results of its activities.

Prof. A.A. Kanke interprets this concept as follows: monetary analysis is a research process main goal which is the development of more informed guesses and forecasts for the configuration of monetary criteria for the functioning of a business entity.

Russian scientists M.I. Bakanov M.I. and A.D. Sheremet believe that in the process monetary analysis there is an opportunity to get small number the most important (more informative) characteristics that give an impartial and accurate picture of the financial state of the enterprise, on the basis of which virtually all users of financial statements make decisions to optimize their own interests.

Based on the beliefs of Western financiers, for example, L.A. Bernstein, monetary analysis- this is a process that has as its own goal the assessment of the current and past financial position and performance of the enterprise, with all this the primary goal is to determine estimates and prophecies regarding the future criteria and activities of the enterprise.

One cannot but agree with the above views on the essence of monetary analysis as a process, the main purpose of which is to develop forecasts and guesses. Prof. E. Helfert believes that monetary analysis is both a study and a process that helps answer questions posed in the management process.

As for the concept of diagnostics in general and monetary diagnostics in particular, almost a few researchers raise this issue. Thus, the French scientist B. Colasse covered the concept of monetary diagnostics more extensively in his own work “Managing the monetary activities of an enterprise.” In his opinion, “...for a responsible financier to engage diagnostics- this means examining the financial situation of the enterprise in such a way as to identify in dynamics the symptoms of phenomena that can delay the achievement of targeted goals and the solution of problems, threatening planned activities. This involves making corrective decisions and/revising goals and forecasts.”

So, with all the imperfections of modern terminology and the difficulties of delimiting the field of research, it is possible to believe that there is a pattern of emergence of a clearer distinction between the concepts of monetary analysis and monetary diagnostics.

Hence, financial diagnostics- this is the process of assessing the state of an economic entity relative to the criteria established as good at the moment.

Financial diagnostics includes 5 main steps.

  • Selecting a monetary odds system. To assess the financial condition of an enterprise and its stability, it is used the whole system characteristics. The number of monetary coefficients is very large, therefore it is purposeful to select only the main, more informative and significant coefficients, reflecting the subsequent main nuances of the monetary status: property status; financial stability; solvency; business activity; profitability. The recommended number of monetary ratios is less than three to seven for each nuance of the financial situation. A certain set of characteristics may vary depending on the specificity of the industry, business goals and other reasons. Next comes the preparation of the basis for assessing the characteristics of the enterprise. As a basis, it is possible to use industry average values ​​of coefficients for the region where the enterprise is located. It is better that the base values ​​are determined on the same date as the estimated coefficient values.
  • Express analysis. The purpose of the express analysis is a pleasant and simple assessment monetary well-being and dynamics of development of an economic entity. During the analysis process, it is possible to offer a calculation different characteristics and supplement it with methods based on the experience and qualifications of the specialist. Express analysis is intended to be done in three steps: preliminary step, preparatory review of financial statements, economic reading and analysis of statements. The purpose of the first step is to decide on the need to analyze financial statements and make sure they are ready for reading.
    The first problem is solved by reading the audit report. Checking the readiness of reports for reading is the least responsible and, to a certain extent, technical nature. Here a visual and simple counting check of reporting is carried out on formal grounds and in essence: the presence of all required forms and applications, details, signatures; the correctness and clarity of filling out reporting forms is checked; the balance sheet currency and all intermediate totals are checked; the mutual correlation of the characteristics of the reporting forms and the main control relationships between them, etc. are checked.
    The purpose of the second step is to familiarize yourself with the explanatory note to the balance sheet. This is necessary in order to assess operating conditions in the reporting period, find patterns in the main characteristics of activity, as well as high-quality changes in the property and financial position of the business entity. When drawing up a first idea of ​​the dynamics of the data presented in the reporting and explanatory note, you need to pay attention to the methods for calculating the main characteristics.
    The 3rd step is the main one in express analysis; its purpose is a generalized assessment of results economic activity and the monetary condition of the object. This analysis is carried out with varying degrees of detail in the interests of different users.
  • Detailed analysis of monetary status. Its purpose is a more detailed description of the property and monetary position of an economic entity, the results of its activities in the past reporting period, as well as the development capabilities of the entity for the future. It specifies, complements and expands individual express analysis procedures. With all this, the degree of detail depends on the desire of the analyst.
  • Determining the diagnosis. The results of the analysis make it possible to accurately assess the current financial position and activities of the enterprise in previous years, to identify vulnerabilities that require special attention, make a correct diagnosis for the purpose of the upcoming improvement of the enterprise’s activities (in which case this will be necessary).
  • Development of project management decisions. Depending on the comprehensive assessments of the monetary situation and trends in its configuration, on the basis of the monetary diagnostics carried out, it is necessary not only to draw conclusions about the current situation, but also to develop draft management decisions for the purpose of the future development of the enterprise. Similar work at enterprises is carried out using different ways monetary planning.
  • Hence, financial diagnostics implies:

  • conclusions about the current financial situation of the diagnostic object;
  • investigation of the circumstances of its configuration;
  • analysis of the prospects for the development of the object of diagnosis, namely, based on the conviction of the creditworthiness of the enterprise or organization.
  • Financial diagnostics allows you to answer a whole series questions: about the degree of creditworthiness and the ability of the enterprise (organization) to maintain its creditworthiness, about the “development trajectory” of the enterprise (organization) throughout the entire lending period, taking into account its monetary position, about the availability of monetary potential to maintain creditworthiness, etc.


    Financial diagnostics as a basis for making management decisions

    Features of the implementation of monetary analysis methods in the theory of the actual cycle of an organization's potential

    Indicator Men Women Children 7-12 years old
    Hemoglobin 130 - 160 g⁄l 120 - 140 g⁄l 110 - 145 g⁄l
    Red blood cells 4.0 - 5.1×1012 3.7 - 4.7×1012 3.5 - 4.7×1012
    Color index 0,85 - 1,15 0,85 - 1,15 0,85 - 1,15
    Reticulocytes: 0,2 - 1,2% 0,2 - 1,2% 3,0 - 12,0%
    Platelets 180 - 320×109 180 - 320×109 160 - 380×109
    ESR 1 - 10 mm⁄h 2 - 15 mm⁄h 4 - 12 mm⁄h
    Leukocytes 4.0 - 9.0×109 4.0 - 9.0×109 4.5 - 10.0×109
    Rod 1 - 6% 1 - 6% 0,5 - 5%
    Segmented 47 - 72% 47 - 72% 35 - 65%
    Eosinophils 0 - 5% 0 - 5% 0,5 - 7%
    Basophils 0 - 1% 0 - 1% 0 - 1%
    Lymphocytes 18 - 40% 18 - 40% 24 - 54%
    Monocytes 2 - 9% 2 - 9% 2 - 9%

    IN modern medicine no diagnosis can be made without taking blood from a sick person for analysis. Analysis occupies one of the main places in identifying any disease among all laboratory diagnostic procedures. It helps to distinguish the presence of a pathology in a patient from an inflammatory process, identify abnormalities in hematopoiesis and generally assess physical condition potential patient.

    The most common test in any clinic and medical center A general blood test is considered to be considered. It includes the definition:

    • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
    • Blood hemoglobin concentrations.
    • Number of red blood cells, platelets.
    • Calculation of leukocyte formula.
    • Other other important medical indicators.

    Thanks to a general analysis, the doctor can formulate a complete picture of the disease; he will have information about inflammatory, infectious, viral processes occurring in human body. Such an analysis can even detect the presence of helminths and allergic reactions.

    Analysis transcript

    The study of a general blood test begins with a comparison of the indicators available on the patient’s form with generally accepted ones. medical standards. Deviations in indicators up or down will indicate medical worker on the patient’s existing pathology or other development of the disease.

    Modern medicine, which has made great strides forward today, allows you to find out most of the analysis indicators using an automatic machine. A device of this type, used in hematology analyzers, allows you to determine up to 24 parameters in one approach. These include:

    1. Hemoglobin.
    2. Red blood cells.
    3. Leukocytes.
    4. Platelets.
    5. Color index, etc.

    At the same time, it is customary to carry out a leukogram. Also, specialists can refer the patient for some additional and clarifying tests, for example, this is what they do if a person has heavy bleeding or problems with blood clots.


    A general blood test is characterized by simplicity and information content. To this day, nothing more universal has been invented, much less operational method definitions of the disease. The doctor makes a diagnosis based on reading the main number of factors; a single indicator and its full consideration are not effective method research.

    But still, a general blood test is not considered to be the most universal way to determine the disease. To avoid exclusion of the accomplishment medical error the specialist, being unsure of his conclusions about the disease, refers the sick person to undergo repeated tests. It is also common for a patient to undergo several other tests at the same time.

    Every person at least once in his life donated blood, which was used to determine a clinical analysis. This kind of research is considered to be the main one of the entire diagnostic program. The importance of the analysis is associated with high information content and at the same time ease of implementation. There is no need to use expensive equipment to carry it out; it is carried out free of charge for people.

    Assessing the basic blood parameters leads to determining the presence of any pathology in the body of a sick person and the course of its course. IN medical practice There are many diseases that can only be diagnosed by a clinical blood test.


    This analysis is based on a comprehensive study of not only the main blood parameters, but also cellular composition. This technique gives real opportunity conduct a performance assessment blood cells in accordance with accepted standards of the norm, characteristic of all ages. Correctly determined results help to diagnose many diseases in a timely manner. This is due to the fact that the blood is forced to react to the stimulus in the form of pathology.

    A clinical blood test allows you to determine basic level indicators:

    • Leukocytes.
    • Platelets.
    • Red blood cells.
    • Hemoglobin and so on.


    Blood sampling, which is done by pricking a finger, removes a small amount of material in the form of a few drops of blood from the capillaries. These drops are then examined in laboratory conditions under a microscope, this is carried out by a laboratory assistant. In the automated version, samples are placed under a machine that examines the blood at lightning speed.

    Common between analyzes

    1. Both tests can determine the presence of any disease in a person.
    2. Donation is by drawing blood by pricking a finger.


    1. Clinical analysis is the most effective method of blood testing.
    2. Clinical analysis consists of a huge range of studies.
    3. Through clinical analysis it is determined hormonal levels in the human body.
    4. The general analysis does not consider the full set of blood parameters.
    5. A general analysis may be part of a clinical one.
    6. A general blood test is the most commonly prescribed research method by doctors.
    7. IN clinical analysis The laboratory assistant makes a complete leukocyte formula in expanded form.



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