When to feed Scottish kittens. How to choose a diet for a Scottish Fold kitten

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones were found belonging to domestic animals of the ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile soil for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations in chronicles and legends we meet are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in large numbers after the Crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless for practical purposes in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A prime example of this is that rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, the hair of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

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The feeding of Scottish kittens differs from the diet of their outbred counterparts, since the breed appeared as a result of a gene mutation, and this implies some peculiarities in the animal’s nutrition. The range of cat food is varied, so it’s easy to get confused. Only high-quality, balanced nutrition can provide a purebred kitten with everything necessary for normal growth and development.

The fold-eared kitten that you acquired at the age of 2 months (you should not separate him from his mother earlier) should be switched from mother's milk to a more varied diet. To avoid possible digestive problems, it is advisable at first to feed your pet the same food that he was given at his previous place of residence. This can be either specialized food for kittens, canned food, or oatmeal with lean parts of boiled chicken.

Feeding a Scottish kitten with natural food

This food option is quite labor-intensive, since it will require some time to prepare. The diet of Scottish Fold kittens should consist of the following products:

  1. Boiled poultry meat. It is advisable to use chicken breast for cooking food for a small pet.
  2. Frozen beef. This product should be given raw to kittens every other day, 30-40 g.
  3. Lean fish. It should be in your pet’s diet in boiled form no more than once a week.
  4. Boiled liver. This product should also be given to your pet no more than once a week, since eating the liver more often will lead to upset of the little Scotsman’s digestive system.
  5. Chicken egg yolk. Can be added to main food (boiled) or served alone 2 times a week.
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese. This product is necessary for the normal development of the kitten, so cottage cheese should be given at least 2-3 times a week. If your pet is reluctant to eat cottage cheese, it can be replaced with sour cream, fermented baked milk or low-fat kefir.
  7. It is recommended to give boiled milk and milk porridge to kittens up to 5 months.
  8. Porridge. Several times a week, a small Scottish Fold should eat a small portion of oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridge mixed with boiled fish or meat.
  9. Vegetables. Grated boiled carrots and cauliflower with the addition of boiled meat or boneless fish must be included in the diet of a purebred pet.

When feeding kittens with natural food, it is necessary to ensure that the pet’s body receives minerals and vitamins, and for this it is necessary to give appropriate supplements.

Ready-made feed

The advantages of this type of food are ease of feeding and excellent taste. Pets happily eat the contents of bags and jars. But ready-made food also has its downsides, and first of all, there is a large number of fakes that do not always correspond to the declared quality; moreover, not all sellers comply with the storage conditions of food, which can affect the health of the pet. Of all the existing ready-made foods for kittens, veterinarians and experienced breeders advise:

  1. Royal Canin. Straight kittens up to 6 months old should be given Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive in the form of canned mousse and gradually introduced to dry food Royal Canin Kitten Instinctive 12. When the kitten is 6 months old, it can be given Royal Canin Kitten 34 - these are small pieces in gravy that the pet absorbs with pleasure, and dry food Royal Canin Kitten 36. These foods must be given to your pet up to 1 year. Dry food for Scottish fold kittens after opening the package should be stored in hermetically sealed bags, and canned food after opening a jar or bag must be transferred to a glass container and then stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Innova EVO. These ready-made foods contain a small amount of carbohydrates, so your Scottish kitten will not gain excess weight, even if he overeats this brand of food. Innova EVO dry food is enriched with calcium and contains only natural ingredients: chicken or turkey meat, fruits and vegetables.
  3. ORIJEN CAT and KITTEN. The finished food of this brand also does not contain preservatives, but contains the amino acids necessary for the pet, so this type of food is excellent for feeding Scottish straight and fold kittens.
  4. Purina Pro Plan Dental Plus. The food is designed for Scottish kittens and helps keep your pet's oral cavity in good condition. The manufacturers of this dry food claim that after switching your pet to this brand of food, you can reduce dental plaque in cats by almost 50%.
  5. Hills. Ready-made food from this manufacturer contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so if your pet has gained excess weight, you should not give it. But it is perfect for feeding animals that are in good shape, since Hills feed has a balanced content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Combined feeding is a type of nutrition in which the kitten is given not only ready-made food, but also some natural food. Typically, dry food is used as the pet’s main diet, and natural products are used as bait several times a day.

Rules for feeding Scottish kittens:

Scottish kittens aged 2 to 5 months need to be fed 3 times a day, and after 6 months, the animal can be switched to two meals a day. Eliminate the possibility of feeding your pet from your table. If for an ordinary yard cat such food will be perceived as a delicacy, then for a Scottish kitten, eating food from a person’s table can have negative consequences.

Prohibited Products

Never give your pet bones, smoked meats, fatty, salty or spicy foods, as they are harmful to the animal. You should not give your kitten food that has slightly spoiled or expired dry food. Be wary of milk in your lop-eared kitten's diet. The body of a small pet does not absorb milk well, and in some cases it may not be digested, so the benefits of this product for the Scottish breed remain in doubt. Lactose contained in dairy products can provoke a fermentation process in the kitten’s body, which will lead to an upset stomach in the pet. Therefore, it is best to exclude milk from your pet’s diet or give it, but as rarely as possible. There is no need to feed your kitten raw meat. Not in all cases you can be sure of the good quality of this product. If an adult cat willingly eats a small piece of meat, it can lead to indigestion in a kitten, and meat products are the main cause of toxoplasmosis in an animal.

Feeding secrets

How healthy and beautiful your pet will grow up depends on the quality of feeding. The first solid food is best fed by hand rather than from a bowl. This will bring the kitten and its new owner closer, help establish contact between them, and establish a positive character in the pet. Before feeding your Scottish kitten, give him the command “come here,” and when the animal sits opposite you, put a bowl for your pet, giving permission to eat. Such training will help a grown-up kitten protect itself from eating low-quality and possibly spoiled food from someone else’s bowl and trying to steal food from your table. You can start training your pet from the age of two months. You should not feed your pet more than the established norm or feed it from your table. Despite the fact that the “Scots” are unpretentious, this breed has a tendency to obesity, heart and genitourinary pathologies. Therefore, a pet’s diet at any age must be clearly balanced, and the kitten’s nutrition and adherence to food intake must be treated with special care.

Before you decide to welcome a furry baby into your home and under your care, you should think about what to feed your Scottish Fold, who is only one month old.

For a Scottish Fold baby, an extremely thorough calculation of the menu is required, an assessment of what the owner is able to provide him: packaged food or food from natural products.

Usually, when selling kittens, the owner who breeds kittens advises the new owner of the baby on the issue of nutrition for a month-old Scottish Fold. However, there are also owners who want to independently think through the diet for their Scots, so they become concerned about how to feed a month-old representative of this breed.

Here is a diagram of actions that will allow owners of kittens to organize the process of their feeding correctly, if they follow it strictly:

  • Your fur baby should always be provided with food and drink in an easily accessible place. Cats, unlike dogs, eat less, but more often than not.
  • A one-month-old baby sometimes comes to his bowl several dozen times a day, and this is normal. Those owners who prefer to make up their pet’s diet from only natural products need to be aware that such food should be replaced at least four times a day, as it gets stale. Those who choose packaged food do not have such difficulties, since they do not spoil in a bowl for a long time.
  • With a natural diet, the Scottish Fold must be given meat products.
  • The most preferred is beef meat. To prevent the cat from picking up worms after eating a raw product, it should first be deep-frozen for several days. Afterwards, it will be safe for the baby to eat this meat raw, only heated to ambient temperature, or slightly cooked.

  • For kittens that are not yet four months old, the meat needs to be cranked. Poultry meat, such as chicken or turkey, must be cooked for a long time before serving, otherwise the animal may get salmonellosis.
  • Once every two days you can give your Scottish Fold offal, such as hearts, liver and other innards. They should be cooked thoroughly before serving. It is better not to overuse liver, even boiled, and serve it only once a week.
  • Fish is given only caught in the sea and with a low fat content. Before you treat your pet to it, you need to cook it thoroughly and select all the bones, especially the thin ones. This product should not be eaten often, no more than a couple of times a week. It is strictly forbidden to feed cats river and uncooked fish.
  • Scottish Folds get kidney stones if they regularly feast on fish, mainly uncooked fish.

  • It is recommended to feed kittens only up to three months with milk. After this age, the cat's digestive system stops accepting it. In any case, before serving milk to the cat, it is boiled. It is best to feed your kitten fermented milk treats, such as yogurt, instead of milk.
  • Cream should not be given, no matter what proportion of fat it contains. They seriously damage the liver of Scottish Folds. Kittens are also not allowed yoghurt, as they are usually sweetened.

About every other day, you should treat your Scottish Fold to all sorts of boiled cereals, such as wheat, rolled oats and rice. You can boil it in milk or plain water.

If the porridge has a water base, then it will be great to mix meat and boiled vegetables into it, ground to a pulp, you can pour in a little broth from the meat. The yolk of a chicken egg wouldn't hurt either.

It is advisable to pre-boil the eggs if there is any doubt about the quality.

With a diet of natural products, nutritional imbalance is possible, so vitamin complexes are needed. However, before stuffing your Scottish Fold with vitamins, you should definitely consult a specialist on this issue.

An excellent vitamin support that does not require veterinarian approval is the common sprouted herb. It is intended for cats, sold in pet stores, and you can grow it yourself.

Those who feed young Scottish Folds with specialized bagged food should choose those of an elite level.

They usually contain almost no meat, it is replaced by all kinds of offal and leather. And you can completely forget about the harmony of mineral and vitamin composition in them.

If the cat's menu consists of good packaged food, then additional vitamins are not required. Food must be selected according to age.

Food for the Scottish breed

This breed of cat is similar to the Scottish one, but has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account when organizing the diet for your pet.

In addition, we should not forget that each individual individual has its own special features and habits. Only by taking into account all the factors together can you create a harmonized menu for your pet that will strengthen its immunity.

  • First of all, you must categorically refuse to give the kitten treats from your palm, as well as snacks at inopportune times. The pet must establish a meal routine that is supported by all members of the household. This task is perhaps one of the most difficult, since it is not at all easy to persuade loved ones so that they do not follow the lead of a pet, melting from his pleading face. The correct routine for adult animals consists of three meals per day.
  • The daily schedule should be planned so that people sit down to eat approximately at the same time that the pet receives food. Then it will be much easier for both the household and the cat, who will no longer have to beg for food from those sitting at the table, and it will be easier for people to eat without being accompanied by a pitying look.
  • A harmonized menu is the basis for correct feeding of the cat, so you should devote a lot of time to it. In order for your Scottish pet to acquire all the most necessary components in full, you need to keep in mind that 70% of what you consume should be liquid, 15% should be protein, 12% should be fat, the rest should be carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

According to this scheme, oil, cereals, fish, meat and offal are introduced into the menu. It must be emphasized that compliance with the indicated percentages is very important, since a shortage or excess of some components can cause illnesses or other negative phenomena.

For example, if a cat eats too much fish products, it may develop kidney stones in the future; this disease is very common in cats. Fermented milk products, such as yogurt or cottage cheese, are good.

  • The quality of food must always be checked. It should be higher in temperature than the surrounding air. When the animal has finished its meal, the scraps must be carefully picked up and removed, and the bowl must be thoroughly washed.
  • You need to regularly add a specially selected vitamin complex to your pet’s food or, which is preferable, grow a special grass for cats, which it will eat in food or directly from a pot.
  • When organizing the diet of Scots, you need to remember that additional vitamins are especially important for cats of this breed, the most important is vitamin group B. In order to find out how many vitamins a particular animal needs, you should, first of all, weigh your pet.
  • You should not give foods that contain salt. In addition, you need to know that Scottish cats need phosphorus and calcium in equal proportions in their diet.

Before bringing a kitten into your home, you should decide what to feed it. If the choice falls on packaged food, then you need to adapt the cat to the following routine, when one day he eats only dry food, and the next day he receives natural products. And you need to remember that it is not advisable to give your cat only bagged food.

Those who want their cat to gain weight should give him more clean meat, preferably beef. Packaged food is not suitable in this case.

Those who responsibly undertake to personally calculate the optimal diet for their pets live long and bring joy to their owners.

Scotland gave the world wonderful whiskey, the novel Ivanhoe and a cat that proudly bears the name of this country. The Scottish Fold cat as a breed was formed less than a hundred years ago, but has already become loved all over the world.

However, since the charming Scots are a young breed, not everyone is familiar with the feeding habits of representatives of this breed.

These cats, of course, will not disdain the national haggis, but the Scottish dish of lamb offal is not the best food for the Scottish beauty.

In this article we will tell you how to properly feed your Scottish Fold cat.

Since representatives of this breed have always been famous for their size, cat nutritionists warn the owners of Scots - watch their diet so that your pet does not get fat on well-fed grub. If, when touching the back, you cannot feel the cat’s spine and ribs without pressing, then it’s time to sound the alarm - your pet is obese. Your veterinarian will tell you how to deal with it, but you can prevent the disease if you initially create the correct diet for your Scottish cat.

We create a natural diet

When feeding a Scottish fold cat, start with mathematical calculations - the fact is that the energy requirement of a young Scot (7-12 weeks of age) per day is 838 kJ. Scots adults already consume 335.2 kJ. Based on this and armed with special tables, you need to create a menu.

The first thing the lop-eared Scot has is meat!

30 grams of meat for a kitten, 150 grams for an adult animal per day. Raw frozen beef and boiled chicken are excellent sources of protein.

As for offal, a Scottish cat can cook lungs and kidneys without restrictions. Offer boiled heart to the pussy only once a week, and give boiled liver in very measured doses, because this product can change the color of the coat of light-colored Scots. Regular feeding of liver may cause the exquisite color to turn brown or yellow.

You can give fish. But rarely. It’s better not to give it at all if you are thinking about preventing urolithiasis and sexual diseases. The fact is that fish contributes to a higher concentration of urea, and this is what provokes urolithiasis.

What to feed your Scottish Fold cat besides meat?

Of course, dairy products! Since milk is contraindicated for adult Scots, they will take the necessary bouquet of benefits from medium-fat kefir, organic yogurt and cheese. The latter, by the way, is good to give as a treat or encouragement. The cat will also like low-fat cottage cheese, especially if a loving owner mixes it with sour cream or a raw chicken egg.

Please note that protein cannot be given to a Scottish Fold cat - only boiled or raw yolk!

For the second course the Scots have porridge!

Steam your pet oatmeal in the morning, cook rice or buckwheat for dinner and be sure to mix grains in a 1:2 ratio with meat!

To ensure that your cat’s diet is properly balanced, alternate cereal side dishes with vegetables. Mix boiled carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin with meat and feed the Scotsman this dish 2-3 times a week.

Remember that you cannot salt, pepper or sweeten cat dishes.

Does the Scot have compote for dessert?

No, exclusively purified water! Cats are not given boiled water. The cat always has water in its saucer, but food only twice a day.

With proper nutrition, Scottish Fold cats grow up to be strong and beautiful animals!

What to feed a Scottish Fold kitten? This question should be a top priority for those in whose home this charming creature has appeared. After all, his health and well-being depend on proper nutrition, especially in the first months of life.

Before you go to the nursery to pick up a kitten, decide exactly how you will feed your pet. There are 3 options:

  1. Feeding with prepared food.
  2. Feeding with natural food.
  3. A mixed method, including both and conventional products.

Most breeders explain how to properly feed a Scottish Fold kitten and list in detail the foods that the furry baby eats. It is best to stick to the diet that the animal has been accustomed to since childhood. If you decide to switch your kitten to another food, this should be done gradually, adding a few new foods to the usual food every day.

Scottish Fold kittens are usually sold at least two months old. By this age, they are already free to eat solid food and do not depend on mother's milk.

Basic feeding requirements

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to feed a Scottish Fold kitten milk:

  • On the one hand, the basis of the diet of a 1-2 month old baby is milk.
  • On the other hand, cow's milk has too high a fat content and can cause indigestion in the baby.

It is best to replace it with fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat sour cream. If your baby is very small, then the milk for him can be diluted by half with water and given this mixture.

Water must be freely available. Small kittens drink little, receiving the required amount of liquid along with dairy products. In the first months they play with the water more, turning the bowl often. However, their bodies need water. At first, it must be added to food at each feeding, diluting the food to the state of a liquid pulp.

The temperature of the food should be approximately 30 - 35 degrees. Under no circumstances should you give your kitten cold or, conversely, hot food.

What can you feed a kitten?

Most owners are interested in what they can feed Scottish Fold kittens when choosing natural food? In general, the diet of a small kitten is not much different in composition from the diet of an adult cat. However, he needs much more vitamin supplements and microelements, and a significant proportion of the food should be fermented milk products.

High-quality ready-made bagged food already contains all the necessary substances, and you only need to give additional vitamin supplements if you are accustoming your pet to natural food.

  • Sprinkle a small amount of fish oil on your pet's food. For a 2-3 month old baby, a few drops are enough; from 5 months of age, the amount of this useful supplement should be increased to 1 teaspoon per day.
  • Place several shallow bowls with “natural dietary supplements” near the feeding area: dry brewer’s yeast and school chalk crushed into dust.
  • Natural food does not provide the small Scottish Fold with the required amount of calcium. To compensate for the lack of this microelement, you can give vitamin complexes for kittens or add eggshells ground in a mixer or coffee grinder to the kitten’s food.
  • Give your pet cottage cheese 3 times a week. You can use baby curd mixtures, for example, “Agushu”.

What should you not feed your kitten?

The list of what you should not feed Scottish Fold kittens is also quite impressive. This includes all fatty meats, salt and seasonings, sausage, sour foods, sweets, chocolate and river fish.

You should not give your pet yogurt - it contains too much sugar. Raw meat is contraindicated. It must be boiled or, if time is short, thoroughly doused with boiling water. Bones should also not be given in any form.

How many times a day should you feed your kitten?

Unlike adult animals, who only need two meals a day, a kitten must receive food several times a day.

  • A baby several weeks old needs to be fed every one and a half to two hours in tiny portions.
  • Upon reaching 1.5 months, the number of feedings can be reduced to 6 - 8 times a day, gradually increasing the periods between meals to 3 hours.
  • By the 3rd month, the volume of a single serving becomes larger, but the frequency of food intake decreases: 5 times a day is quite enough for an older kitten.
  • At 4 and 5 months this number is even less: 4 times a day.
  • By the age of six months, three feedings per day are enough.
  • And only after 1 year can you switch your pet to two meals a day.

A growing body uses up the energy it receives very quickly. The kitten's high activity and rapid growth require that the baby receive food as soon as it begins to feel hungry. Depending on what food you feed your Scottish Fold kitten, food can be kept freely available all the time or added every time the animal begins to show interest in the bowl.

It is better to remove regular foods or soft pates after each feeding. But dry food can be left in the bowl all day. A kitten can feed food up to 20 times per day.

Where can you buy original food for a Scottish fold kitten at the best price?

You can buy the best food for kittens at the best price in the following online pet stores:

Read also:

How to feed a 1 month old fold-eared kitten?

It is rare, but it still happens that newborn kittens are separated from their mother, and the task of feeding them falls on the shoulders of people.

In the first month of life, cat babies receive all the necessary nutrients through their mother's milk. During this period, they do not need additional food, and their body is not yet able to digest it. It is best to feed a one-month-old Scottish Fold kitten with special suspensions sold in a pet store. But if necessary, the milk mixture can be prepared from goat or cow milk. At this age, animals do not yet know how to chew, and they will have to be fed using a pipette or syringe.

When the kitten begins to actively play, you can begin to accustom him to the bowl. Most babies quickly begin to lap up milk, after which hand feeding can be stopped, gradually transferring the pet to soft food.

Nutrition at 2 - 3 months of age

From the 8th week you can start adding solid foods to your Scottish Fold's food. This should be done carefully, gradually reducing the proportion of milk in the daily diet.

A Scottish Fold kitten at this age should be fed semi-liquid food that does not require thorough chewing. Cut the meat as finely as possible, boiled vegetables can be mashed to a pulp. Be sure to dilute your food with low-fat broth or water. If the animal is reluctant to eat regular food, try adding kefir or sour cream to it. Although it is better to give fermented milk products separately, without mixing them with the rest of the food.

If you decide to feed your kitten branded products, choose specialized food for kittens. Under no circumstances should you feed adult cats food. Acana and GO foods are ideal for this breed! (original).

You shouldn't skimp on food for your pet. at any age needs a lot of protein and vitamin supplements. Premium and Super Premium food contains enough of these substances, but cheap food is made mainly from fiber and by-products. Meat in them, as a rule, is replaced by bone meal and offal, and its content does not exceed 30%. Such food can cost a lop-eared baby's health.

Food for kittens 3, 4 and 5 months old

By the 13th week of life, milk should be completely removed from the Scottish Fold's menu. Most kittens older than 3 months do not digest this product. The amount of fermented milk products can be reduced to 20 - 30%, and in return the share of meat can be increased.

3/5 of all foods at this age should be solid food. Porridge should be cooked as before, with a semi-liquid consistency, but add vegetables cut into pieces and finely chopped meat. By 4–5 months, the size of the pieces can be increased to 1 cm. From this age, a kitten’s food differs from food for an adult Scottish Fold cat only in the size of the portions and the number of feedings per day.



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