Which dead fruit is best to use for preparing medicine. What is bee death

The bodies of dead bees are called dead. The “age” of a worker bee in summer is short - from 35 to 40 days, and during wintering - about 9 months. Dead bees usually accumulate at the bottom of the hive or near it if you cover it with oilcloth or cardboard.

A good deadstock should be clean, without signs of mold or decomposition. Properly dried dead fruit has a specific smell. Some say that it is sweetish, slightly similar to the aroma of dried fish, others compare it with the smell of the fried crust of a pancake or fried seeds. And many people note that it is slightly similar to the smell of dry cat food or vitamins for them. So I adhere to the same opinion.

The most valuable deadstock is summer or autumn, because at this time a huge amount of useful substances accumulates in the bodies of bees. During the summer months, bees have the opportunity to feed on fresh pollen and nectar and are more energetic and healthier.

Beekeepers find the largest number of dead bees in the spring at the bottom of their hives, when they begin to clean them. But this winter (or spring) death is less valued, because it contains many impurities, and concretions accumulate in the bees’ bodies over many months. This kind of waste is used mainly for outdoor purposes.

And another trouble with such a death is that in the fall, many beekeepers use special preparations to protect bees from mites. It is advisable to dry dead meat in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. It should be stored in a tightly closed box, glass jar or linen bag. Another storage option is in the freezer of the refrigerator. You can buy dead meat from beekeepers; it is often sold at honey fairs.

Composition and medicinal properties

Properly dried bee bodies, crushed and ground into a powdery mass, turn into a storehouse of healing substances. The presence of components of honey, royal jelly, pollen, poison, wax was revealed - all this has a positive effect on organs and systems when it enters the human body. In the chitinous cover, scientists isolated a chitosan complex and gave it the name bee-san; it is close in composition to the tissues of the human body. Bee venom is resistant to high temperatures when dried and continues to retain its unique properties. Also found in the bee subsea:

  • 27 microelements, including calcium, chromium, aluminum, silver, iron, copper, molybdenum, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, zinc;
  • vitamins – E, K, D, P, C;
  • proteins, amino acids, dietary fiber, fat.

The chitosan complex contains: heparin, glucosamines, melanin, bee venom, acetic acid.

When using drugs from dead bees, the following effects appear:

  • antiviral and antibacterial - pathological microorganisms are inhibited, protection against viruses and bacteria occurs, which is important for carbuncles;
  • immunostimulating – improving the functioning of the immune system;
  • antitoxic – removal of various toxic substances from the digestive tract;
  • antioxidant – neutralization and subsequent removal from the body of peroxide compounds with toxic properties;
  • radioprotective - the ability to bind isotopes of radioactive elements is manifested, and then eliminate them from the body, indicated after radiation and chemotherapy;
  • regenerating – the healing processes of ulcerative surfaces and wounds are stimulated;
  • hepatoprotective – renewal of liver cells;
  • thanks to melanin, the skin is protected from the adverse effects of UV rays and bacteria;
  • hypolipidemic – liberation of the body from excess fat;
  • hypocholesterolemic – lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • thanks to the soluble components of chitosan, the level of glucose in the blood of those suffering is reduced;
  • normalization of acidity and amount of gastric juice, neutralization of its excess, healing of damaged gastric mucosa, therefore indicated for enterocolitis, peptic ulcer;
  • restoration of normal intestinal microflora.

Good results are observed with treatment:

  1. Nephritis, urolithiasis.
  2. , diabetes mellitus.
  3. Asthenic syndrome.
  4. , myositis.
  5. Panaritium, furunculosis, burns.
  6. Weakened sexual function.
  7. Poor, reduced vision or hearing.

How to use bee kill?

There are many ways to use this healing agent. It can be dried in the oven, fried, turned into a loose powdery mass, made into a tincture, alcohol extract, decoction, infusion, ointment, steam.

Correctly administered treatment can relieve high blood pressure, joint pain, improve and...

And now MirSovetov will tell readers several recipes for specific ailments.

Perhaps the most common form of use is a tincture (alcohol extract). It can be purchased at Orthodox exhibitions, where monasteries come with their products, from beekeepers, or prepared independently at home. To do this, take one tablespoon of dried, crushed dead fish per glass of vodka (I usually take two spoons). You can grind the dead fruit using a mortar and pestle; for a finer structure, I then rub the raw materials through a sieve. I leave the jar or bottle for 3 weeks in a dark cabinet, shaking it every day for the first 7 days. In the subsequent days of infusion, I shake it less often - after one or two days. After the specified period, I filter the tincture through two layers of thick bandage or gauze. Take three times a day, adding 20 drops to 100 ml of water. The taste is pleasant; to enhance the positive effect, you can add a small spoonful of honey or a few drops of propolis tincture to the glass. This is the dosage for middle-aged people. But older people need to drink as many drops a day as they are old, dividing the number of drops into two or three doses. If your weight is more than 60 kilograms, then the number of drops must be increased - for every 10 kilograms, add another 7 drops. Even two months of use will have a positive effect on your health. In general, it is recommended to repeat courses of taking the tincture several times throughout the year. It is indicated for weak immunity, heart disease, problems with blood vessels in the brain, eczema, ovarian cyst, etc. The miracle elixir improves and gradually normalizes weight.

For diseases of the thyroid gland, especially when cystic formations are detected and its growth, the tincture of Podmor is mixed with 10% propolis tincture, treatment lasts for three months.

The tincture can be rubbed in before bed for arthritis and radiculitis.

For parkinsonism or adenoma in men, treatment is carried out with a decoction. Take 0.5 liters of water for a large spoon of dead meat, boil everything over low heat for about an hour. Leave in the room for 2 hours. Strain the prepared product using several layers of gauze. Add a large spoonful of good honey (fireweed, linden or other) to the warm broth. Store the product in the refrigerator on a shelf. First you need to take ten drops in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Gradually increase the dose to two tablespoons over ten days. The course of treatment should not be less than three months.

For external use (rubbed in for thrombophlebitis, pain in muscles or joints), make the following liquid ointment: a tablespoon of very well crushed, mashed dead fruit is mixed with 200 ml of sunflower or olive oil (necessarily hot). This oily mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, a small portion is poured and heated.

For panaritium, varicose veins, steam is applied to the diseased areas. It is prepared like this: add hot water to the dead meat and leave it covered for 10 minutes. The hot mass is squeezed out, allowing the liquid to drain, and then wrapped in gauze, it is applied to the diseased surfaces. The top of the steam is covered with cellophane and then with an elastic bandage or scarf. The procedure continues until the healing mass cools.

Compresses with steam help relieve joint pain and restore cartilage tissue. At the same time, beekeepers advise taking a tincture or decoction of dead bee bread and bee bread. After a month of treatment, a break is taken for three weeks, after which the course is resumed.

To make death more effective, it is advisable to cleanse the body, especially the intestines, before treatment. In case of serious and long-term illnesses, it is advised to even reduce the consumption of meat products (especially fried, smoked), milk, and yeast baked goods. It is best to carry out treatment courses during fasting.

About contraindications and warnings

Those who are prone to allergies to honey and other bee products should be careful. It is not recommended to take drugs from the dead for children under three years of age and women expecting the birth of a baby. If you use bee dead tincture for the purpose of losing weight, then you should not fast during the course of treatment.

Dead bees are a rich storehouse of healing components that will help prevent many diseases, improve well-being, delay old age, prevent senile dementia, and the degeneration of cells into abnormal ones.

Good afternoon friends! Today I will tell you about another beekeeping product called dead bee. More precisely, the article will be not so much about the pestilence itself, but about the recipe for making an alcohol tincture based on it and the use of this very tincture for medicinal purposes.

This thing is worthwhile, time-tested and really good for health. The preparation of the tincture is also very simple, which makes it even more attractive in the eyes of connoisseurs of traditional medicine.

So, if you have never heard anything about podmore and have no idea what it is, then be sure to read these first few paragraphs before moving directly to the tincture recipes themselves and how to use them.

What is bee death

Still, bees are amazing creatures! As long as I live, I never cease to be amazed. Absolutely everything that their small body produces and processes is of great benefit to humans and has medicinal properties: propolis, ...

And even after their death, they continue to provide this benefit, because their tiny corpses are nothing more than dead bees, which will be discussed in this article.

Throughout its short life, a bee accumulates many useful substances in its body, which do not disappear after its death, and it would be simply stupid not to take advantage of this, which is what many do.

The body of each dead bee, in varying quantities, contains:

  • Flower pollen
  • Propolis
  • Bee venom
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins
  • Chitosan
  • Heparin
  • Special substances heparoids

Such an abundance of useful substances makes podomor simply a unique remedy that can help with many diseases.

Medicinal properties of dead bees

The medicinal properties of this product are based on the content of a whole complex of beneficial substances mentioned above, but substances such as heparoids and heparin play a separate role in them.

It is thanks to them that this beekeeping product has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, podmor helps normalize blood pressure and, with regular use, significantly reduces blood pressure.

So, in order not to go too deep into this topic, I will list all the main medicinal properties of dead bees:

  1. Anti-inflammatory
  2. Antihelminthic
  3. General strengthening
  4. Anti-radiation (it has been proven that dead bees remove radioactive isotopes from the body)

Tincture of dead bees with alcohol is the most popular option for use for medicinal purposes.

In general, the use of this product for medicinal purposes deserves a separate article. The topic is very broad, because this product is used not only in the form of an alcohol tincture, but also in the form of decoctions, steams, liniment, etc.

In this article I will touch on only 1 application option - specifically alcohol tincture. It is considered the most effective remedy for many diseases.

Bee tincture - recipes

There are several recipes for preparing such a tincture. Pharmacies even sell a ready-made version of it, but I always try to prepare such things myself. If you are also inclined towards this option, then here are several options for preparing an alcohol tincture in the dead. Details about the technology for preparing tinctures, infusions, decoctions and ointments -.

Option #1

  • We take 200 grams of dead meat and 200 grams of alcohol or vodka. Bee bodies need to be crushed to a powdery state and placed in a bottle or simply an enamel pan.
  • Pour 200 grams of alcohol and close the lid. After this, we put it in a dark place for exactly 30 days.
  • It is advisable to shake the tincture every 2–3 times so that the healing properties of the dead fruit are better distributed throughout the volume of alcohol.

Option No. 2

  • The required amount of dead meat is ground using a coffee grinder. You need to assume that for every 200 ml. alcohol or vodka you need to take 1 tablespoon of the finished powder.
  • Then you need to add ground eucalyptus leaves to the resulting mixture.
  • The ratio of deadwood to eucalyptus leaves is approximately 1/10 (where 1 part is eucalyptus).
  • The tincture is infused for exactly a month in a dark and cool place. The first week you need to shake it daily. In the following days, this can be done 2 times a week.

Option No. 3

For this option for preparing the tincture, you will need pure 70% alcohol. The recipe is as follows:

  • Take a 0.5 liter dark glass bottle (or jar) and fill it halfway with dead bees.
  • The alcohol is added so that it is higher than the bee bodies by about 3, maximum 4 cm.
  • We close the bottle or jar with a lid and put it in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks.
  • After 2 weeks, after filtering, you can begin treatment. Dosage: 10 drops 3 times a day, an hour before meals. The course of treatment is up to 2 months.

How to take tincture of dead bees with alcohol

To improve metabolism, cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste, for weight loss

  • 15 drops diluted with water half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month, then a 2-month break, after which the treatment is repeated if necessary.

Reception for the treatment of lyabliosis

  • 25 drops, diluted in a small amount of water, 3 times a day, after meals.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month.

To strengthen the immune system

  • 20 drops 2 times a day, morning and evening, diluted in a small amount of water.
  • The course of treatment is 2 months.

For diabetes

  • The tincture is diluted with water to 5% concentration.
  • Dosage: 15 drops after meals continuously, without breaks.

The use of bee tincture for oncology

  • The course of treatment is long, sometimes more than a year.
  • Dosage regimen: a month - 2 tablespoons, diluted in a small amount of water with honey 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  • Then you need a two-month break, after which the course is repeated again.

For diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, prostatitis

  • 20 drops in pure form or slightly diluted with water 2 times a day after meals.
  • The course of treatment is 1 – 2 months.
  • Usually, 1 course is given per year; in particularly advanced cases, 2–3 courses are possible, with breaks in between.

For infectious diseases of the intestines and stomach

  • 40 drops 3 times a day after meals.
  • You can use it pure, or you can dilute it a little with water.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month.

For diseases of the excretory system

  • Dosage regimen: 2 times a day after meals, 3/4 tablespoon.
  • The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

For diseases of the oral cavity

  • You need to rinse your mouth with the tincture diluting it with cooled boiled water 3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment is until complete recovery. This usually happens very quickly!

Contraindications, features of use

Contraindications for the use of bee tincture include:

  • Age up to 3 – 5 years
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period
  • Allergy to bee waste products
  • Ulcer or gastritis of the stomach during an exacerbation

Possible side effects from taking the tincture

Among the side effects during the entire use of this drug, the following were noticed:

  • Increased pressure
  • Blood thinning
  • The appearance of allergic dermatitis
  • The appearance of muscle spasms
  • Sleep disturbance (very rare)
  • Skin irritation when used externally

Important! Alcohol tincture of bees is not used during fasting, diets and hunger strikes! Violating this rule can lead to a slowdown in your body's metabolism!!!

To make the therapeutic effect more noticeable, it is recommended to cleanse your body of toxins before starting treatment. This can be done in different ways, for example, using special cleansing enemas, or resin ().

Also, during the course of treatment, it is advisable to slightly adjust your diet. It is advisable to remove from the diet:

  1. Everything is fat
  2. Roast
  3. Sweet
  4. Butter
  5. Dairy


Dead bees are cool! An alcohol tincture based on it is a unique and highly effective remedy in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. It’s not for nothing that they sell it even in pharmacies in a ready-made form.

In the absence of contraindications, its use is highly desirable and brings many benefits to the human body, as do all waste products of bees!

Dead bees are dead bees as a result of natural death. In recent years, treatment with bee death has become increasingly popular among various segments of the population. Many waste products of bees are included in medicines and are widely used in traditional and non-traditional folk medicine.

Recent scientific research has proven the indisputable healing effect of the use of the bee itself, even after its death. It turned out that bee pestilence contains many biologically active components that are beneficial to humans:

  • apitoxin (bee venom),
  • propolis (bee glue),
  • perga (bee pollen),
  • chitinous shell of the bee (from which chitosan is made),
  • minerals and vitamins,
  • heparin-like substances,
  • melanins.

In bee pods, these components are presented in minimal quantities, which makes it easy to vary the dosage depending on the desired treatment result.

Bee venom in small therapeutic doses is a well-known medicine. In domestic and foreign pharmacies there is an abundance of various drugs based on bee venom for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Numerous scientific studies have proven anti-inflammatory, painkiller, immunomodulating effect bee venom, proven by many years of practice in therapy for the treatment of pathologies of joints, ligaments, nervous system, and skin.

Scientists have proven the effectiveness of bee venom in small quantities as a medicine, which allows it to be widely used to increase the production of hemoglobin in the human body, improve immunity, reduce blood cholesterol levels, and normalize metabolic processes in various organs and tissues.

In this regard, the local and systemic therapeutic effect of bee venom is distinguished. It also helps improve sleep and appetite.

Propolis, bee glue, is a complex of sticky substances collected by bees from tree buds, along with bee enzymes. Official medicine has proven the diverse positive properties of propolis; they help with many diseases.

Therapeutic effects when using propolis:

  • immunomodulatory, that is, improving immunity,
  • antibacterial,
  • antifungal,
  • wound healing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • detoxification.

A huge number of medicines include as an additional or main component propolis. It is used to heal wounds and burns not only of the skin, but also of the eyes and mucous membranes. This makes it popular for treatment in ophthalmology, gastroenterology, dermatology, cosmetology, proctology, gynecology, and therefore is a fairly popular treatment method among women. In addition to the local effect, propolis also has a systemic effect in the form of improving the body’s immune forces, reducing the severity of various intoxications, increasing overall vitality, and improving the quality of life.

Perga The pollen collected by bees contains a large amount of useful vitamins, microelements, protein, enzymes, and amino acids. Unlike ordinary flower pollen, beebread is sterile, as it is preserved by bees using special components they produce.

Perga has many healing properties:

  • immunomodeling,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antitoxic,
  • reparative,
  • anabolic.

It also helps improve the cellular composition of the blood, increases the production of red blood cells, normalizes the leukocyte composition of the blood, increases hemoglobin levels, improves general metabolism and the functioning of various organs and systems. Its reparative, that is, healing, properties have been identified with faster healing of bone fractures and ligament ruptures. Bee bread is very popular among athletes for its anabolic properties. It is known to be good for building muscle mass.

Derivative of bee chitin (shell), chitosan, can reduce absorption and increase excretion of fats from the body. Its not only fat-binding properties have been proven, but also antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic, and reparative (wound-healing) abilities. It is used to restore skin and mucous membranes damaged due to injuries or burns.

Based on chitosan, dressings have been created to stop bleeding and have a wound healing effect, which are used in disaster medicine and in the armies of many countries.

Scientists have discovered another positive effect when using chitosan - this is the ability to remove radionuclides, as well as salts of heavy metals, which makes its use relevant for radiation and poisoning.

The abundance of minerals, vitamins in bees and other biologically active substances is known for its diversity and variability of components depending on the type of pollinated plants. Magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, iron, iodine, sulfur- are widely known for their healing effect on the human body. They can be contained in different proportions in bees and bee products, depending on the habitat of these insects.

Heparoids or heparin-like substances isolated from bee pestilence and, similar to heparin, reduce blood clotting and thin it. This makes it possible to use bee pestilence with an increased tendency to thrombosis, for the prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis.

Melanins synthesized in the body of bees, are powerful antioxidants that improve all metabolic processes. The effectiveness of melanins as substances that reduce the adverse effects of radiation has also been experimentally proven.

All of the above positive properties of the various components of dead bees make it indispensable as a main or additional component in medicines for the treatment of many diseases.

Contraindications to the use of bee pestilence

It is necessary to remember about the contraindications of bee death - this any allergic reactions, predisposition to them, hypersensitivity to bee components. All biological components of bee pestilence can become strong allergens in some cases. In this regard, it is necessary to remember the advisability of preliminary testing for allergic reactions before treatment with bee pestilence. It is advisable that such tests for possible allergic reactions be carried out by professional allergists.

Popular Recipes

What popular recipes from bee pestilence are used in folk alternative medicine?

Poor decoction

A decoction of dead bees for the treatment of various diseases is prepared by boiling 10–15 grams of dry crushed bees in half a liter of water for about 60 minutes. Then you need to infuse the resulting decoction for about 2 hours at normal room temperature, filter or strain through a clean cloth, gauze, and then you need to store it at a low temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius in a tightly sealed dark glass container.

You need to use the decoction 2 times a day as a medicine, half or a whole tablespoon before meals. Such courses of treatment are usually carried out twice a year.

Roasting the bee pestilence

Bee pest steaming for compresses is prepared in a water bath from 100–150 grams of dry bees. The water should completely cover the dead meat when cooking. Leave for 15–20 minutes, then drain the water, and lightly squeeze out the mass obtained by steaming and use it as a steam, placing it in a fabric bag and applying it to the affected area until the steam cools down. To enhance the beneficial effect, the bag of steam is sometimes covered with plastic film, covered with a layer of cotton wool on top and fixed as a compress.

Dead bee tincture

Bee dead tincture can be prepared with alcohol or regular vodka. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed dead meat and pour 1 glass of regular vodka or alcohol to infuse and extract useful substances in maximum quantities. In a tightly sealed, airtight, dark glass container, the tincture of alcohol or vodka should be infused at a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius for about 2-3 weeks. After this, the prepared tincture must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Take the tincture 2 times a day. You should drink 1 teaspoon before meals along with water, preferably drunk in large quantities.

Such courses can be repeated every 2–4 weeks without treatment with tincture. You can store the alcohol tincture of prepared dead bees in the refrigerator for up to 3 years in a tightly sealed, airtight, dark glass container.

Ointment based on bee pestilence

An ointment based on bee pestilence can be prepared from 10-15 grams of well-ground dry bees mixed with 1 cup of warm olive oil, then can be stored in a tightly sealed, airtight, dark glass container at a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius. It is recommended according to the prescription to rub this ointment into sore spots as needed, preheating it to body temperature before use. Using this recipe for preparing dead ointment, you can treat many diseases of the joints, skin, muscles, and ligaments.

Preparing these recipes is not complicated, and the effect of such treatment is undeniable.

Nevertheless, we must always remember that if any allergic reactions develop, treatment with podmor must be stopped and urgently consult a doctor. Possible complications can be very serious, including the development of allergic bronchospasm in the form of suffocation, as well as anaphylactic shock as a result of the development of acute cardiovascular failure.

When discovering the wealth of beneficial medicinal effects from the use of bee pestilence, you need to know a sense of proportion and be very careful in case of allergic hypersensitivity of the body to bees and their biologically active components.

Attention, TODAY only!

The benefits of bee products are beyond doubt. Many of them are valued not only for their healing properties, but also for their taste and aroma. Such a specific beekeeping product as dead bees does not meet the listed characteristics. These are the bodies of dead bees that did not survive the winter. Many people find it difficult to accept that dead insects can provide health benefits. But it is so. Even after death, bees remain natural healers.

Dead bees are collected in the spring. Its quality depends on the cleanliness of the beekeeper. If the owners were not lazy to clean the hives in winter, then after winter there is only fresh dead wood with a minimum content of garbage. If the hives have not been inspected, insect bodies that have lain for a long time may become moldy and acquire a musty smell. Such raw materials cannot be used for medical purposes.

Podmor can be used immediately after removal from the hives and cleaning of debris, but it can also be harvested. Sifted or washed insects are dried in the oven at minimum temperatures and then placed in dry, breathable containers.

The benefits of bee death

Doctors have long used death to cure many diseases. Scientists have confirmed the value of the product. The healing properties of dead bees lie in its composition. Bee bodies are unique in that they consist of substances that were produced during life - these are bee jelly, propolis, bee venom, fat and wax.

The chitinous layer covering insects also deserves attention. It contains a large number of valuable components that can bring enormous benefits to the human body.

Chitosan, which is included in the composition, is able to combine with fat molecules and interfere with its absorption. The body removes the fat bound in this way without changes. This substance absorbs toxins found in the intestines, promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and has an antimicrobial effect. Regular consumption improves cholesterol metabolism. When used externally, it will help in healing wounds and ulcers. Another remarkable property of chitosan is its anti-radiation effect.

Heparin, present in the chitin shell, is used in modern pharmacology to prepare agents that slow down blood clotting. The substance can improve coronary blood flow. It reduces the risk of thromboembolic diseases and myocardial infarction.

The substance does not lose quality during heat treatment, which makes it possible to prepare medicinal decoctions from dead meat. The products have the same properties as bee venom - improves sleep, general tone, appetite, dilates blood vessels, increases hemoglobin and reduces blood clotting.

Another valuable component contained in dead meat is bee fat. It is distinguished by a unique set of phytosterols and polyunsaturated acids. The component is involved in the synthesis of eicosanoids. It can be used to normalize blood pressure, improve immunity and regulate other functions.

For prostate adenoma, as well as in the presence of sexual dysfunction, it is recommended to use podmor in the form of an alcohol tincture. It should be consumed 2 times a day in the amount of 30 drops before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Next you need to stop for 1.5 weeks, then resume taking it. You need to conduct 3-4 courses.

The weight loss infusion is prepared as follows:

  1. 2 tbsp. Grind the dead meat to a powder. Place the powder and 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 12 hours.
  2. Drink the infusion every morning. You are allowed to have breakfast 1.5 half an hour after consumption.

To lose weight, you can take a tincture of dead bees. It is prepared as described above. It is recommended to take it 3 times a day on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. A decoction for weight loss is taken according to the same scheme.

The product cannot be called harmless. The harm of dead bees is that it is a strong allergen. It can cause allergic reactions not only in those who cannot tolerate bee products, but also in people suffering from allergies to dust and chitin.

It should be avoided in the presence of blood diseases, acute thrombosis, serious heart rhythm disturbances, cardiac aneurysm and acute mental illness.

Caution should be taken when using deadstock products during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

This strange healing potion is dead bees... How many people know what it is? After the bees overwinter, when the hives are taken outside, the beekeepers carry out a general cleaning of them. They shake out insects and their corpses from their homes - this is dead bees.

As such, there is winter and summer depression, the summer one is more difficult to collect, but it is more active, has a higher concentration of bee venom and some other components of dead bees. There is more winter death; it simply spills out of the hive after wintering. The downside is that it can be contaminated with feces or covered with mold in damp hives.

Composition of dead bees

It, like all bee products, has biologically active properties. This remedy includes almost all the ingredients of the life of bees (honey, poison).

But it also contains rare components.

  • Heparin: found in the outer layer of bees - this valuable beneficial substance suppresses inflammatory processes in the body, improves blood composition and vascular elasticity.
  • Bee venom also has a healing effect. Dried in the dead, it has a weaker effect on the body than fresh. It is used even by people with contraindications to apitoxin therapy (treatment with bee venom). This toxic substance helps with insomnia and increases the number of red blood cells (red blood platelets) in the blood.
  • Bee fat rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve cholesterol metabolism in the body.
  • Chitosan, which is part of the outer layer of bees, interferes with the absorption of fat in humans. This substance is also a sorbent. It has hemostatic, analgesic, wound healing, anti-radiation and regenerating properties.

Beneficial medicinal properties of dead bees

Dead bees have a wide range of medicinal properties on the human body. Just a few of them are listed here:

  • painkillers;
  • blood thinners;
  • antitoxic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antisclerotic;
  • lipotropic;
  • radioprotective;
  • diuretics;
  • choleretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • antitumor;
  • anticonvulsants.

But many do not accept this exotic method of treatment. It is difficult for people to understand that the dead bodies of bees are beneficial.

To prepare this medicinal raw material for future use, it is dried in the oven compartments of a gas stove or electric dryer at a low temperature. Only high-quality, non-moldy dead meat is suitable.

Courses of treatment usually last a month, then a two-week break. For cleansing, the tincture is drunk in drops, based on the number of years of the patient. For example, a patient is 40 years old, then in this case, drink 20 drops in the morning, 20 in the evening after meals, mixed in a couple of tablespoons of water.

  • Decoction: effective for prostate adenoma, low blood pressure, and sexual disorders.

Ten to fifteen gr. The dead meat is turned into powder, poured with half a liter of boiling water and cooked over low heat for about an hour. Cool and leave for two hours. The resulting solution is filtered. To improve the effect and taste, add a little honey and five milliliters of 20-30%.

Take fifteen milliliters on an empty stomach in the morning for a month. After six months, the course is repeated if necessary.

  • Compress: used for mastitis, panaritium.

One hundred gr. Podmora is steamed with boiling water. Leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. The resulting mixture is squeezed through cheesecloth or a sieve. It is then wrapped in linen cloth and placed on the painful area, secured if necessary and left for half an hour.

  • Ointment: used externally for aching joints, problems with veins.

Twenty grams of dry bees are crushed and mixed with 100 grams. Vaseline. It is recommended to warm this drug slightly before use.

Contraindications for treatment with bee death

We must not forget that death is a strong allergen, so it should not be used by people with related diseases.



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