Massage has long been considered an effective form of therapy. The science of reflexology has developed, aimed at restoring the body and the functioning of its organs by influencing vital points. It is believed that this technique regulates the flow of internal energy, allowing one to restore and maintain human health. The best massage schemes are chosen by a person independently or by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the patient’s physiological condition.

The location of active points on the legs does not depend on the physiological parameters of the foot - size, shape. The location of active points is determined in accordance with the location of two conditional lines, the first of which forms a smooth curve, located under the ball of the foot. This line separates the areas responsible for the diaphragm, dividing the thoracic and abdominal regions.

The second line lies at a right angle to the first, located in the middle of the foot. The origin comes from the bottom of the outside of the foot, ending on the opposite side. The line is called the waist line.

When identifying important areas and points, massage therapists use a special map displaying known ones. Often on such maps they show which organ a certain point is responsible for.

Various diseases can be diagnosed by detecting sensitive points in a specified area. Proper massage can help you get rid of various diseases. Acupressure is an excellent addition to the complex therapy of diseases of internal organs.

The advantage of foot massage is that you can do it yourself at home. The massage will relieve stress, remove waste products from the body, and provide healing and toning.

Features of foot massage

First of all, a person is instructed to wash the skin of the feet and wipe dry. It is useful to make a warm foot bath. Place a small bolster pillow or a thick rolled towel under your knee. Required to prevent discomfort in the leg bones caused by resting the limbs on the hard surface of the couch. It is acceptable for a person to sit during a massage; you will have to take an extremely comfortable position that allows you to relax.

So that a person can relax and enjoy the massage procedure, comfortable conditions are created in the room, including a temperature that is pleasant to the body. It is recommended to turn on calm, relaxing music indoors. In oriental salons they practice the use of scented candles; it is recommended to remember that an abundance of odors can, on the contrary, cause discomfort and irritation to a person.

Foot massage is carried out at any time of the day. It is recommended to use a special oil or lotion - ensuring good gliding of the hands over the skin, promoting a deep effect on the points. You can make massage oil yourself by mixing aromatic oils (for example, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2-3 drops of lavender oil). The benefits of oils include toning and softening the skin of the feet. Inhaling the scent of oils provides an additional therapeutic effect. After completing the massage, socks are put on your feet.

The massage therapist's hands should not be cold; the palms should be warmed in any possible way. If your hands get tired during the massage, you need to shake your hands five times, relieving tension, and continue working. The massage therapist's movements take the direction upward, towards the heart.

People with hypertension, pregnant women, those suffering from metabolic disorders, and varicose veins should have a massage with caution. Remember, massage should not be done if:

  • Fever;
  • Purulent diseases;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Presence of tumors;
  • Osteomyelitis.

Classic way of foot massage

A classic foot massage is performed step by step as described:

During the massage, it is worth influencing the points on the feet, applying pressure to the corresponding zones, influencing the internal organs.

If massage is performed to eliminate flat feet, the procedure is recommended in childhood. In adulthood, the system will help relieve muscle hypertonicity, pain, and improve general condition.

The massage process begins from the lower back, moving to the lower levels - ankle, and later massaging the feet. Attention is paid to active rubbing.

Thai massage

This type of massage is considered popular. It can be done without age restrictions, regardless of gender. The main effect of massage is the method of pressure, with a stick or fingers. It must be done carefully, gradually increasing the load. This effect is often combined with stretching, allowing for greater tissue flexibility.

To stimulate the flow of energy into a certain area of ​​the human body, finger steps are used. Place your thumbs close to each other, moving in a similar way: move your finger 2 cm to the left, apply pressure, then pull the next finger towards the finger, which needs to press on the area being massaged. Then the actions are performed in the opposite direction.

The foot massage begins with the arch of the foot, fixed as in the previous description with one hand, and rubbed with the other. The fingers are massaged, the massage therapist moves from the nails to the base, then covers the foot. Often, a Thai type of massage is done with a pedicure at the same time. This method allows you to achieve maximum relaxation.

Using the thumb, light strokes are made from above from the fingertips towards the ankle. The steps must be repeated several times, moving to the bottom of the foot.

Using a cupped hand, grab the heel from behind to support the person’s entire foot and leg. The fingertips are clasped with the other hand, the massage therapist performs rotational movements of the foot in several directions, helping to achieve relaxation of the foot muscles and relieve pain for people suffering from arthritis.

Foot massage is carried out at least three times a week, this will achieve a positive therapeutic effect. Massage allows you to activate a person’s immune forces, organs begin to work better, without interruptions. Any massage scheme can be used to achieve an effect.

Self-massage of feet

You can do a foot massage on your own feet. A number of ways:

  1. Walking barefoot on stones, pebbles, grass, branches will significantly improve blood circulation. It will be possible to influence some active points, comprehensively improving the condition of the body. An alternative option is a board on which peas and small pebbles are poured.
  2. It is permissible to massage one leg with the other; it is useful to do this while taking a bath.
  3. You can use modern massagers - the market offers an abundance of devices with which you can perform self-massage of your feet without inconvenience.

Many centuries ago, ancient healers noticed one interesting fact: people who walk a lot without shoes, that is, barefoot on various natural surfaces, feel much better and have better health than those who constantly wear shoes. The thing is that on a person’s feet there are a lot (about 70 thousand) of nerve endings that form reflexogenic zones. Each of these projection zones or acupuncture points has clear boundaries and is associated with a specific organ or physiological system, therefore, its correct and regular stimulation can improve the functioning of this organ. How exactly are these points located and how should they be influenced correctly?

The location of all active points on the feet has its own logic; they are all combined into blocks relative to the localization of organs in the body. These points are located as follows:

  • on the toes and adjacent areas - there are projections of the organs that are located in the head. The centers responsible for the work of the frontal part of the head are concentrated at the very tips of the fingers, the thumb for the work of the brain, the next two fingers (index and middle) for the work of the eyes, the ring finger and little finger for the ears. Below the fingers is the thyroid gland area;
  • forefoot - in this area there are centers that regulate the functioning of the organs of the upper body, namely the heart, bronchi and lungs;
  • the central zone of the foot is the zone of responsibility for the abdominal region, or rather for all the digestive organs;
  • precalcaneal zone - points that control the functioning of the genitourinary system, legs and pelvic area are concentrated here;
  • heel zone - responsible for the functioning of the genital organs.

As can be seen from the location of acupuncture points, with proper influence on them, you can stimulate or improve the functioning of all organs of the human body and maintain normal health.


There are several methods of influencing the soles of the feet, and all these methods can be divided into two large groups: professional and amateur. Modern medical institutions use methods of activating points on the feet from both groups. These methods are called like this:

  • acupressure – a group of points is affected using a general massage;
  • acupuncture - influencing active points using special needles;
  • Guasha massage - a special effect on a group of points that are located in the same meridian, the movements should be scraping;
  • Moxotherapy is the heating of points on the feet with the smoke of a cigar, which is made from medicinal plants.

Also, acupuncture effects include the placement of leeches applied to the feet, but the most accessible to most people and the most popular method is acupressure, that is, massage, which anyone can master.


Even if a person does not have a specialized education and does not have massage skills, but really wants to maintain or improve his health, he will be able to master basic methods of influencing the points of the sole that are responsible for certain internal organs.

The easiest way to influence these points is to independently massage certain areas of the sole using your hands. It should not be confused with acupressure, since it cannot be performed by a non-professional, but regular massaging of the desired areas of the foot will still have the necessary stimulating effect on the internal organs. The main therapeutic principle of such a massage is to identify pain points that “leave” like a thread from the point of impact into the body. The presence of such a reaction is a signal of trouble in one or another organ, and such points require mandatory massaging in the first place.

However, you should not forget about the neighboring zones, even if they do not send pain signals. It is best to alternate massage between painful and non-painful points. The duration of this procedure, which should be carried out before bedtime, should be at least five minutes. You should expect the onset of the therapeutic effect soon after the pain in the massaged area disappears.

Also, a very simple way to activate acupuncture points located on the feet is to randomly apply pressure to the soles of the feet. This could be walking barefoot on small pebbles, sand or grass. The main difference between this method is that there is no goal to massage a specific point or center. The procedure has a general strengthening effect, improves well-being and improves mood.

An excellent option for stimulating points on the feet is thermal impact on the entire sole or a specific part of it. In the first case, these can be warming foot baths, which are designed not only to warm up the body, but also to speed up recovery through thermal stimulation of places where energy centers are concentrated. Foot baths can be replaced with compresses with mustard or pepper, left for 2-3 hours. In addition, the thermal effect can be targeted, which requires a stone heated to a tolerable temperature. It should be applied to the acupuncture center and kept there until it cools down.


Of course, the most effective procedure will be one performed by a specialist, however, if you wish, you can stimulate all the necessary points on your feet yourself. For everything to go well, you need to relieve tension from your feet before the massage. You can do this as follows:

  • walking in socks on the floor for 3-5 minutes;
  • taking a warm bath with aromatic salts;
  • taking a comfortable position that eliminates stress on the feet for 10 minutes.

You need to start the massage with your fingers, each of which should be kneaded separately. After this, the upper part of the foot is massaged from the inside and outside, then the effect moves to the ankle and heel area. The impact on the points should be done in a circular motion.

When independently stimulating acupuncture points located on the soles of the feet, you need to remember that too intense and frequent exposure to them can give a completely different result. In order to minimize the likelihood of any negative consequences of massage, it should be carried out in courses of 7 days with a break of 1-2 weeks.

What organs are in the human legs? Acupuncture points on the feet that are responsible for organ function

Chinese medicine believes that the basis of longevity is the impact on biologically active points on the human body. They are everywhere: on the arms, head, back, stomach. More than 70 thousand nerve endings are concentrated in the feet. They form reflexogenic zones associated with the work of various systems and organs. For this reason, a person who regularly massages his feet and walks barefoot receives a boost of energy for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Projection of internal organs onto the feet

Biologically active points of the foot are located along its entire surface. The Chinese believe that the foot is a map of internal organs, which can be used to diagnose health conditions. And by influencing active points, you can promote rapid recovery. To imagine how massage points are located on the foot, you need to visualize a person in the fetal position.

The inner part of the foot is responsible for the functioning of the spine. The fingers are behind the head, with the thumb being the brain (at the edge of the finger is the pineal gland, in the center is the pituitary gland), the other four fingers are the paranasal sinuses. Points on the foot for massage, responsible for the eyes, are located at the base of the index and middle fingers and partially cover the area of ​​the ring finger.

The points on the left foot that are responsible for the organs correspond to the anatomy of the left side of the body. The location of biological active zones for the right foot is similar. At the root of the little finger and ring finger there is a zone that corresponds to the ears. The points responsible for the lungs are located a centimeter below the eye area.

On the left foot, closer to the outer side, there is a zone corresponding to the work of the heart. In a similar area, but on the right foot, there are areas of the liver and gall bladder. The pancreas is located on the inside of the feet, just below the lung area. Right there, but even lower, is the stomach area.

Along the spine there are the thyroid and pancreas glands, the stomach, and the colon originates transversely. The heels are responsible for the buttocks, the central lower zone of the heel corresponds to the reproductive system.

What are the points?

In the following diagram, all zones responsible for organs are indicated more clearly.

According to Chinese healers, all points on the soles of the feet are located on 14 meridians, each of which is classified as one of the types: Master of the Heart, Greater Heart or Three-Degree Warmer (Governor Meridian). There are 3 types of points on each meridian:

  • excitation point. It is alone on each meridian and when exposed to it, the work of the organ for which it is responsible is activated;
  • calm point. It is one on each meridian and when it is activated in the corresponding organ, a feeling of peace arises, the body relaxes, pressure and nervous tension go away;
  • harmonization point. It is always located at the beginning or end of the meridian, exposure to it normalizes the condition of the organs located on this meridian, leading to general relaxation of the body.

To find the necessary points, you should palpate the foot: when you find the active spot, the body will react painfully to touch. If there are health problems, dryness and sweating may appear in the area of ​​the foot where the organ in need of treatment is located.

Basic rules of self-massage

To get the maximum benefit from the procedure, it is better to contact acupressure and acupuncture specialists, but you can also do self-massage, pressing on points on the sole of the foot as a preventive measure. Stimulation of reflexogenic points activates the functioning of organs, improving lymphatic drainage and blood circulation.

First, you should relieve tension from your feet, stretch them: walk on your toes, take a salt bath, sit in a comfortable position and feel your foot, listen to the sensations.

The massage should begin with the fingers. Each needs to be developed separately. After this, using strong pressure, you can begin massaging the top of the foot. Then smoothly move to the inside and outside, and then move to the ankle and heel.

Pain points are kneaded with circular movements. If there is a specific health problem, you need to stimulate not just one point, but also neighboring ones. Just 5 minutes every day is enough to feel better, get rid of tension, and strengthen your immune system.

To reduce the likelihood of colds and other illnesses, it is important to keep your feet warm and wear comfortable shoes.


Before starting treatment, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Acupuncture should not be performed in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • acute infections and pathologies during exacerbation;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • pathologies on the skin in the place where the biologically active point is located;
  • embolism in the acute stage.

Acupuncture, tested and approved by many clinics, is a popular treatment method. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs and other invasive methods, side effects from acupuncture are virtually eliminated. Activation of the points can be achieved through various means. The needles are inserted into the area and maintained for 5-7 minutes. Electronic and laser stimulation also gives good results.

The number of acupuncture points, areas of energy accumulation, initially corresponded to the number of days in a year - 365. They were mapped onto 14 main meridians. Over time, the number of points identified by acupuncturists has expanded. Today, there are additional channels with their own set of points, special areas along the ears, nose, head, hands, feet, wrists and ankles.

Despite the growing number of acupuncture treatment areas, most practitioners have traditionally used and identified points on the 14 main channels. Each area is associated with a list of disorders and diseases, so influencing them will help in comprehensive treatment.

Atlas of acupuncture points

The atlas is an indispensable tool for quickly and accurately determining the location of acupuncture points. It features full-color photographs indicating the anatomy of the body in close proximity to frequently used and potentially dangerous points. They are accompanied by brief notes, a description of the insertion depth and clinical indications. The manual can be purchased through online stores or downloaded from file hosting services.

Meridian acupuncture points

The effectiveness of acupuncture therapy depends on the correctness of the selected meridian (channel). Traditional Chinese Medicine divided the body into 14 main anatomical regions, each corresponding to 12 internal organs, one located along the spine and the other along the midline of the abdomen. Simply put, the canal is made up of a grouping of certain vessels, nerves and muscles. Each of these sites includes associated acupuncture points.

For visual simplicity, below is a graph of the body's main acupuncture meridians.

Chinese techniques for massaging acupuncture points

Acupuncture first appeared in China over 2,500 years ago. The paths or meridians that create the flow of energy called Qi (“qi”) are interconnected. Stimulating these areas maintains energy flow and improves energy levels. Practitioners believe it helps reduce pain and improve health. The Chinese love and attention to nature have made acupuncture an integral part of their lives, because everything in the world interacts with each other. This philosophy distinguishes Chinese medicine from Western medicine.

What does massage of acupuncture points treat?

Acupressure helps stimulate the entire body through specific areas. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and fights fatigue. During the procedure, needles are not used, and pressure on the points is carried out with hands, elbows or other instruments, helping to precisely reduce energy clots.

How to find acupuncture points on your body?

Accessible information on the entire spectrum of acupuncture points and major channels can be found in a systematic and clear manner in the Acupuncture Atlas. The manual, with an overview of the most important areas, is suitable not only for novice users, but also for experienced practitioners. Identification of possible acupuncture points can also be obtained from many Internet resources. Some of these include common names, but in most cases, each point is identified with a letter that indicates the meridian and a number for its position. The areas are numbered in a specific sequence, starting with the most distal (farthest) point and the most proximal (closest) point to the center of the body.

For example, the numbering system for the stomach meridian begins near the eye and extends down through the chest and abdomen. The section of the colon begins on the index finger, goes around the hand and around the nose.

Acupuncture points on the hand

The human hand is very sensitive. The nerve endings in the fingers sense subtle changes in texture, pressure and temperature. Acupuncture points in the hand are easy to find and manipulate if you know where to look.

  • Point LI 4 is located on the upper side of the hand between the thumb and index finger. To find it, squeeze the thumb to the base of the index finger. The site is located at the highest point of the muscle convexity. Press the point for 30 seconds to calm and initiate digestive detoxification. This method is contraindicated during pregnancy.

  • Pericardial point (P 6) is useful for relieving nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness, pregnancy, surgery and chemotherapy. It relieves indigestion, headaches and chest anxiety. The point is located between two large tendons on the inside of the wrist, about three fingers below the base of the palm.

  • To relieve stress anxiety and tension, resort to a point that is located in the upper central part of the forearm under the fold of the elbow. Press it several times and release it.

Acupuncture points on the foot

  • The important area is the line between the big, second and third toes on the top of the foot. Moving your index finger counterclockwise over this point can induce relaxation, remove anger and depression.

  • To treat fatigue and lethargy, as well as detoxify the body through the kidneys, apply a place on the sole of the foot under the second and third toes. Press and release several times.

  • The ST 36 acupuncture point is used to improve digestion, including indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Bend your leg and then place your fingers slightly below the kneecap.

  • Point LV 3 improves memory and concentration, gives clarity of thought and attention. It also helps relieve headaches, soothe tired eyes, reduce hangovers and prevent allergies. The area can be found on the top of the foot where the bones of the first and second toes meet.

  • The point that increases metabolism is located on the top of the foot between the middle toes. Use your fingers to press on bones and ligaments.

  • The immune boosting point is located on the inside of the ankle above the foot between the Achilles tendon and the ankle bone.

Acupuncture points on the ear

The graph of ear acupuncture points can be compared to an inverted fetus, with areas of the head, brain, eyes, ears, nose and tongue located on the surface of the earlobe.

  • The ear point SI19 works as a food intake controller. To find it, place your hand on the jaw and move it slightly upward to the tragus.

  • You can control your appetite and reduce the feeling of hunger by pressing the point under the earlobe, where the skin of the ear is connected to the jaw. Massaging the area for a few minutes before eating can reduce your appetite and eliminate the feeling of hunger.

Acupuncture points on the face

  • Third Eye Acupuncture Point (GV 24) is suitable for calming the mind, improving memory, relieving stress, chronic fatigue and insomnia. Close your eyes and find the area on the bridge of your nose between your eyebrows. Using your middle finger, gently press it for a few seconds and then release.

  • You can control your appetite using a point located between your upper lip and nose. Place your thumb under your lip and your index finger on the outside and massage the area for a couple of minutes.

  • Massaging the BL1 point, which is located near the inner corners of the eyes, affects the health of the eyes, brain and pituitary gland.

  • Ear pain is relieved by applying pressure to an area near the outer corner of the eye.

  • A point just below the cheekbones will help relieve toothache.

Acupuncture points for weight loss

Some people are skeptical about acupuncture after hearing about its weight loss benefits. However, there are hundreds of people who have witnessed amazing transformations in their bodies and minds through acupuncture. An important rule when carrying out procedures is regularity and a state of calm. Let's consider the main combinations of placement of points for weight loss:

  • Upper trapezius muscle. This point is located on the back, at the intersection of the neck and shoulder. Manipulations in this area are done for a minute, and then move to the opposite side of the body.

  • The area between the eye and the bridge of the nose stimulates weight loss.

  • People instinctively put pressure on the area between the eyes when tired, and these are biologically active points of the body.

  • The area above the solar plexus, located on the chest, is another point for restoring energy and losing weight.

  • Traditional acupuncture theory argues that the outer ear represents the entire body. Stimulating key points with needles significantly reduces appetite and stimulates metabolism.

  • The abdomen has many areas that activate a rapid flow of energy. One of them is located 2 fingers down from the navel.

  • Pressure on two points on the chest has a positive effect on metabolism and stomach function.

  • The inner part is on the bend of the elbow.

  • Daily pressure on the area just below the knee on one side and the other is effective.

  • The area just above the upper lip.

  • After finishing acupuncture on the head and torso, they move on to the limbs. Massage the area between the outer part of the hand and the thumb.

  • Legs are used not only for walking, but also to improve metabolism and health in general. Massaging each area shown in the figure has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of nasal disease

Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system and has a homeopathic effect on the body, reducing inflammation and helping relieve congestion. Nasal acupuncture sites are located in different places on the face.

  • Pressing the area near the eye sockets on both sides of the nose will relieve congestion, relieve cold symptoms and help with eye fatigue.

  • Acuncture in the lower part of the cheekbones, parallel to the wings of the nose, is considered effective. This point will help with burning eyes and “heaviness” of the eyelids.

  • Pressing the point at the side of the nose will help open the nasal passages and sinuses, and also improve the functional capacity of the lungs.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of eye diseases

Acupuncture is believed to effectively treat nearsightedness, cataracts, farsightedness, color blindness and astigmatism.

  • 5-minute acupuncture sessions on the bridge of the nose will relieve redness and eye strain.

  • To increase blood circulation throughout the body and strengthen vision, work with the tips of the toes.

  • Massaging the middle finger around the eyes daily, starting at the bridge of the nose, moving to the outer edge and ending just below the center, is helpful for eye problems.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of heart disease

Acupuncture is considered the newest weapon in the fight against high blood pressure.

  • Stimulation of the heart point (just below the wrist of the palm) will eliminate emotional shock, relieve anxiety, insomnia and rapid heartbeat.

  • The cardiac reflex point is located in the palm of the left hand between the ring finger and the base of the little finger. They work with it from 30 seconds to a minute.

  • Another area that is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart is the point above the wrist parallel to the little finger and ring finger.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of knee disease

In many cases, knee soreness causes chronic pain and immobility. Such symptoms are relieved with the help of acupuncture, which replaces medication.

  • Point No. 1 is located on the palm between the thumb and index finger.
  • Point No. 2 is located just below the kneecap on the outside of the leg.

  • Point No. 3 is located in the middle region of the upper border of the kneecap.
  • Between the 2nd and 3rd toes there is point No. 4.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of potency diseases

Certain habits and stressful situations can affect male potency. This problem can also be solved with the help of acupuncture. The points presented will help balance the flow of energy through the kidney and revitalize the reproductive organs.

  • Acupuncture on the bladder meridian (lower back) will treat infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation and even lower back pain.

  • The point located below the navel and above the pubic bone is indicated for sexual dysfunction and urinary disorders.
  • Pressing the areas between the joints of the legs and torso will relieve sexual problems. These are vital acupuncture points for sperm production.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of osteochondrosis

  • The area between the thumb and index finger of the palm is responsible for the spinal cord. Acupuncture points from the tip of the middle finger in a straight line towards the palm help relieve pain in the neck, shoulder and back.
  • To reduce muscle tension in osteochondrosis, acupuncture is performed in the pelvic area (middle of the base of the buttocks, upper part of the pelvic bone, sacrum).
  • For pain and stiffness in the back, radiculitis and arthritis, apply pressure to points located on the back of the leg just below the kneecap.

Acupuncture points for treating diseases for sleep

Chronic stress, anxiety and tension can cause insomnia. Acupuncture therapy is best performed an hour before expected sleep. To relieve psycho-emotional disorders, massage the points:

  • GV 20, which is located on the uppermost part of the head.
  • The area on the back between the shoulder blades and the spine.
  • H 5 on the heart meridian, which runs at the wrist opposite the little finger. Most often it is used for anxiety, nervousness and depression, which interfere with healthy sleep.

Acupuncture points for treating headaches

The problem of headaches can be solved using acupuncture. The main areas that are responsible for head health are:

  • LI 4 between the thumb and index finger.
  • “Third eye” on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
  • LI 10 3 fingers below the elbow on the outer part of either arm.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of pressure diseases

Traditional oriental medicine is used only as an additional therapy for high blood pressure. Acupuncture almost always includes areas that are responsible for imbalances in the kidneys and liver.

  • Point ST 44, which is located on both legs between the 2nd and 3rd toes, is used for headaches and high blood pressure.
  • GB 21 is known as the “shoulder spring” because it is located in the upper region of the shoulder.
  • Point GV 20 effectively controls pressure surges. It can be found at the top of the head, in the center of an imaginary line drawn from ear to ear.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of gallbladder canal disease

The gallbladder meridian runs through the shoulders, back of the neck, around the top of the head and forehead, but areas on the legs are more effective for treatment.

  • Area SP 6 can be found on the back of the tibia. It is used in combination with the ST 36 point.

  • On the palm below the edge of the kneecap, on the outer side, in a small depression between the tibia and the leg muscles, there is a section ST 36.
  • Between the first and second toes on the upper surface of the foot, press point LIV 3.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of thyroid disease

In acupuncture therapy, hypothyroidism is described as a deficiency of Yin and Yang forces. To restore their imbalance, the following points are used.

  • The most effective area for hypothyroidism in men and women is considered to be GV 7. It is located exactly in the middle part of the back, halfway between the end of the neck and the beginning of the pelvic region.
  • KD 7 is often called the "recovery flow". Its area is the medial side of the lower leg at the border with the Achilles tendon.
  • Points LI 10 and LI 11 are located just below the elbow. The first area is located on the radial side of the forearm approximately 3 cm below the transverse elbow fold, and the second is on the lateral edge of the elbow fold.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of liver disease

Liver detoxification is often done through acupuncture.

  • The top point just below the center of the sternum is responsible for the immune system and cleansing the body of toxins.
  • Stimulation of the lower area about three fingers below the navel reduces fatigue and stimulates the digestive system.
  • The inner gate is located three fingers above the wrist, on the palm side of the left hand.

Acupuncture points for treating cough disease

Acupuncture effectively fights infection in the lungs by gradually reducing the cough reflex. Bend your right arm at the elbow and find point LU 5 on the outside of the tendon in the middle of the fold. Or they resort to the REN 22 area on the chest, which is located at the same level as the collarbone and shoulder, in the center of the sternum. These points are used to calm breathing, redirect lung energy downward, and stop coughing.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of sore throat

There are two important reflexology points that are most often used to relieve sore throats.

  • The first is located between the big and second toes.
  • The second area is located on the top of the big toe just below the nail.
  • In addition to the listed areas, points CV 22, Li 4, St 36, K 27 and LU 11 are used for treatment.

Acupuncture is applied on the less painful side first and then moved to the opposite part of the body.

Acupuncture points for treating nausea

Point 4 colon acupuncture is the first and most effective way to eliminate nausea and vomiting. It is found between the thumb and index finger. Point stimulation to areas inside the elbow and on the wrist (3 cm above the palm) will also bring welcome relief.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of pancreatic disease

By applying pressure to specific areas on the arms and legs, acupuncture stimulates the pancreas. How to find the main point responsible for the function of the main organ of the digestive system? With your thumbs, grab the bottom of the patient’s palm and press below the little finger and index finger. This is the area of ​​the pancreas. For best results, stimulate the lower part of the arm closer to the wrist. The procedure is repeated on the other hand.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of sciatic nerve disease

Typically, sciatic pain is treated by inserting needles along the inside of the calf/ankle and wrist/forearm. To increase blood flow and cause muscle relaxation, work around the lumbar spine.

Acupuncture points for the treatment of intestinal disease

Intestinal problems are removed by reflexology of the following points:

  • Many serious problems such as constipation, abdominal cramps, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome are treated using the CV 6 point. It is located two fingers below the navel.

  • The CV 12 area will relieve the indirect symptoms of irritable bowel along with acid reflux, gastritis, flatulence and constipation. It is located in the midline of the junction of the sternum and abdomen.

    Acupuncture points for treating diseases caused by smoking

    Smoking is a complex addiction that is difficult to overcome on your own. In addition to enormous willpower, a person needs friendly support and a harmless method of treatment. Acupuncture will help control the mechanism of harmful addiction. Each patient is treated individually depending on the specific diagnosis. Typically, reflexology combines points on the ear. The second way you can curb your bad habit is to use points on your wrists.

    Remember, acupuncture works best when combined with other alternative methods such as homeopathy and hypnotherapy.

Centuries ago, people noticed an interesting fact: those who walk barefoot a lot usually feel good and are noticeably healthier than others.
There are more than 70,000 nerve endings on the human feet, forming reflexogenic zones that connect areas of the foot with certain internal organs and physiological systems. On the soles, the projection zones of the internal organs are located very close to each other and have clear boundaries. Reflexologists view the sole of the foot as a map of the human body.

Each zone of the surface of the foot corresponds to a specific organ. The right foot corresponds to the right side of the body, and the left foot corresponds to the left side. The pads of the four nail phalanges of the toes (except the pads of the big toes) are connected to the frontal and maxillary sinuses. That's why wet feet are the most common cause of a cold, which is accompanied by a runny nose and headache. The eye zones are located in the fold of the second and third toes. It is enough to walk barefoot a little, and a person’s visual acuity will improve and intraocular pressure will normalize. The forefoot and lateral surface of the feet on the plantar surface are the locations of the inner ear, throat and bronchi areas. The heart zone is located in the front of the arch of the left foot. In older people, a day or two before the development of a heart attack, a slight left-sided lameness often appears, which the people themselves often notice (“Something has entered the leg...”). If you feel the left foot, then if there is a problem, the heart area usually responds with pain. In the depths of the arch of the feet there are zones of the kidneys, adrenal glands, stomach and solar plexus - organs whose activity should not greatly depend on the physical activity of a person. There, nearby and only on the right foot, is the liver zone. A sedentary lifestyle has a relaxing effect on the kidney and liver areas, which generally contributes to the development of diseases of these organs. At the same time, moderate physical activity keeps these areas toned. Almost in the center of each of the woman’s heels there is a large, rounded one of the ovarian zones, connected with the ovary on the same side of the body: the left - with the left, the right - with the right. It has been noticed that long before the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms, many women find it painful to step on the heel of the leg on the side of which odnexitis begins. The fallopian tube area extends along the Achilles tendon on the outside of each leg and also reflects the condition of the tube.

Foot massage is very important for improving health and preventing various diseases. Each point of the foot is “responsible” for its own organ and “reflects” its condition. For example, coughing attacks can be mitigated by massaging the tracheal point. Points in the stomach, intestines, and small intestines directly “send” signals to the area of ​​the entire digestive tract. Pressure on the eye point helps relieve fatigue and strain from the eyes. A narrow strip of the inner surface of the sole is connected to the spine and its ligamentous apparatus. By systematically massaging the area of ​​these points, you can cure osteochondrosis, radiculitis, lumbago, and myositis. By pressing on the point responsible for the heart, you can relieve palpitations, rapid breathing and restore vigor. Daily rubbing of the area of ​​the points responsible for the genitourinary system relieves cystitis, even those that have already become chronic.

Acupressure of the feet is more effective as a preventative measure.
To improve the health of the whole body as a whole, to achieve a preventive and healing effect, a full massage of both feet is necessary. It is advisable to do it every evening, before a night's rest. Before the massage, walk barefoot for a few minutes, stretching your feet: rise on your toes, stomp, alternately transferring the weight of the body from the inner ribs of the feet to the outer ones. Then take a warm foot bath. An important point of self-massage is the convenience of the posture, which ensures relaxation of the foot:
- sitting, with a bent leg, when the foot lies on the thigh of the other leg;
- sitting, with the leg on a support, when the foot is located on the seat of the chair;
- half-lying, half-sitting on a chair, when the leg rests lightly on the edge of the chair;
- lying on your back with a bent leg raised.
It is better to perform a massage with warm heated hands. Initially, it is necessary to act on the entire space of the foot. You need to massage the foot with the fingers of both hands, using your fists and knuckles to work. Direction of movement: from toes to heel. During a general massage, the plantar part should be massaged most deeply. Do not press on the toes, but gently knead them: from the nail to the base. Each finger is massaged separately. The ankle and ankle are massaged using circular movements. All movements should be soft and not forceful. The massage technique alternates rubbing, intermittent touches, stroking, light strokes and pinching. During the general massage you can find pain points. These are risk zones that show which organs you have are weakened and which should be treated with special attention. It is not enough to press only on the painful points. It is necessary to influence “neighboring organs” with massage, even if they do not give pain point signals. Pain points need to be massaged especially carefully. Pressure on the painful point and pauses should alternate. The result of correct pressure on the point is the disappearance of pain.

A general massage of each foot should be performed for at least three minutes, and each pain point should be kneaded for at least a minute.

What does foot temperature mean?
Wet and cold feet indicate a lack of energy in the stomach and small intestine, as well as dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Dry and cold feet indicate insufficiency of the cardiovascular system and changes in the brain. Wet and hot feet are an indicator of elevated temperature due to inflammatory processes and pulmonary infections. Dry and hot feet - most often in people suffering from excess thyroid function and high acidity. If the right foot is warm and the left foot is cold, then you should pay attention to the work of the heart.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs