Which people are susceptible to cancer? “Geography” of cancer: where do they get sick more often? The role of nutrition in the development of oncology

Oncological diseases are the second cause of death of modern people after cardiovascular diseases. But, unfortunately, medicine has not yet established the exact and comprehensive causes of cancer and methods of treating it. Oncologists persistently fight cancer using all possible methods, including chemotherapy that is successfully used for these purposes. There are many stories of people who have overcome cancer. But any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Many years of observation and research have allowed us to accumulate enough experience to identify a number of factors that directly affect the risk of developing cancer. To minimize the risks of developing cancer, let's take a closer look at these factors.


Cancer is generally a disease of age. A study of statistics in the United States found that the average age of people diagnosed with cancer was 66 years. Every second cancer patient was slightly older or younger than this age. A quarter of recent cancer cases have occurred in people aged 65 to 74 years. This pattern holds true for many types of cancer. Thus, the average age of patients diagnosed with breast cancer is 61 years, for colorectal cancer - 68 years, for lung cancer - 70 years, for prostate cancer - 66 years. But in general, people of all age groups are susceptible to different types of cancer. For example, bone cancer is more often diagnosed in people in their twenties, and blood cancer in children.


Alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx, liver, and breast. For women, the permissible daily intake of pure alcohol is no more than 14 grams, for men – 28 grams.

At the same time, some researchers have suggested that red wine has anti-cancer properties.


Cancer is caused by changes in certain genes that transform the way our cells divide. Some genetic changes occur naturally, and some are influenced by the environment, chemicals, and ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

A person can avoid certain carcinogenic exposures, such as tobacco smoke or sunlight. But it is more difficult to get rid of contaminants in air, water, food or substances contained in the materials we use.

The list of harmful substances that can cause cancer includes: aflatoxins, arsenic, asbestos, benzene, benzidine, beryllium, 1,3-butadiene, cadmium, coal dust, coke, crystalline silica, erionite, ethylene oxide, formaldehyde, hexavalent compounds chromium, household coal combustion products, mineral oils, nickel compounds, radon, second-hand tobacco smoke, soot, sulfuric acid vapor, thorium, vinyl chloride, wood dust and others.

Chronic inflammation

With chronic inflammation, the destructive process can develop into a deadly damage to the body - DNA damage and cancer. Infections and abnormal immune responses may be to blame for inflammation.


Quality nutrition is critical to the health of the body. Food can both provoke tumors and increase the body’s protective functions.

Thus, foods containing antioxidants can reduce the risk of cancer. Also, consuming calcium in large quantities reduces the risk of colon cancer.

At the same time, artificial sweeteners, including saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, neotame and cyclamate, according to many researchers, can provoke the development of pathogenic tumors. But the effect of these substances on the development of cancer has not been conclusively proven.

Some chemicals and carcinogens are formed when beef, pork, fish, and poultry are cooked.


The influence of estrogens and progesterone on the development of breast cancer in women has been proven.

Immune suppression

When receiving organ transplants, many people are forced to take immunosuppressive drugs, which prevents the body from fully resisting cancer and the infections that cause it. HIV infection also weakens the immune system and increases the risk of certain types of cancer.

Infectious diseases

Some infectious diseases cause a risk of cancer. Among them are human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis types B and C, T-cell leukemia, HIV, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Human Herpes 8 (HHV8), herpes virus (KSHV), polyomavirus, Helicobacter pylori and a number of other pathogenic agents.


Obese people are at risk. They may be at risk of cancer of the breast, rectum, uterus, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, and gall bladder.

Among other causes of cancer, one should mention radio radiation, the influence of radon, radium, exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Specialists from the Dobrobut medical clinic will help you understand the possible symptoms of cancer, potential risk factors and ways to avoid them.

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Cancer is a malignant tumor that affects the internal tissues of the body.

The disease received this name because in 90% of cases, malignant growths actually resemble a claw of cancer. World statistics indicate 15-25% mortality from cancer. Cancer cells reproduce in the same way as cells in any other organ of our body. Depending on the development of tumors, cancer is divided into 4 stages, where 4 is the most severe.

Cause of cancer

The main causes of cancer are usually divided into 4 categories:

1. Physical factors.
Such factors have their influence when the body’s immunity is reduced. This includes radiation, ultraviolet rays and much more.

2. Chemical factors.
Carcinogenic substances can enter the body in the form of food (overcooked and smoked food, chips, low-quality chocolate, fast food, carbonated sweet water, etc.). Chemical factors for the occurrence of cancer include exposure to chemical industry products and certain production processes on the body.

3. Psychological reasons.
The main psychological cause of cancer may be chronic, prolonged stress. A constant state of stress greatly increases the risk of cancer.

4. Hereditary predisposition.
If your parents or close relatives have had cases of cancer, the risk of occurrence increases significantly, so you need to carefully monitor your health and take appropriate precautions

Symptoms of cancer in the early stages

In the early stages, symptoms of cancer are usually not noticeable. But due to compression of any nerves or penetration into blood vessels, pain, bleeding and malfunctions in the functioning of individual organs may occur. You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

Prolonged non-healing of skin ulcers

Appearance of swelling or lumps

Unusual discharge and bleeding

Digestive disorders

Difficulty swallowing

Prolonged cough or hoarseness

Changes in the shape, size and color of moles and warts

Frequent headaches

Chronic bone pain

Unexplained and sudden loss of appetite and weight

Body temperature is slightly elevated


Unexplained deterioration in general condition

Self-breast examination can help detect cancer at an early stage

Frequent infectious diseases

Unreasonable dizziness, weakness and sweating

Ulcers and cracks on the tongue, gums, palate

Swelling of the lymph nodes

Feeling of heaviness in the stomach

Presence of bloody sputum when coughing

Chest pain or discomfort

A sharp decrease in visual acuity

Cancer Prevention

To minimize the risk of cancer, you should adhere to the following rules:

Watch your weight and avoid obesity

Avoid eating fats, smoked foods and foods containing nitrites

Add vitamins and fiber to your diet

Do not smoke or be near people who smoke

Do not expose your body to active ultraviolet radiation

Don't drink alcohol

Avoid places with poor ecology

Increase physical activity

Monitor your emotional and psychological state

Vaccination against common infectious diseases (in particular, hepatitis B and C, human papilloma, Epstein-Barr)

There are many methods to combat cancer, the main ones include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and gamma knife. Radiation therapy involves exposure to x-rays, which kill only cancer cells, without the participation of healthy ones. During chemotherapy, drugs are introduced into the body to suppress the activity of the tumor. Gamma Knife surgically removes the tumor. It is a radiosurgical unit that is used to treat a wide variety of malignant tumors in the cranial cavity.

The human body has its own antitumor systems that resist pathological tumors. But there is a cell loss factor, in which out of 10 cells in the tumor, 9 die. The majority of tumor cell loss is due to these body systems and also depends on their efficiency. However, those cells that remain viable can support the growth of cancer. In the future, it will begin to manifest itself with certain symptoms and can be diagnosed.

Thus, humanity has not yet been able to completely overcome cancer, but it has become quite possible to reduce the risk of its occurrence, as well as take measures to treat it. No one is immune from cancer, but everyone is obliged to take preventive measures.

The editors of the site hope that in our article you have found the information you need about cancer and methods of fighting it. Stay healthy.
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For every person, hearing this word from the lips of a doctor is tantamount to a death sentence. This is why many people avoid timely examination by specialists for fear of learning about a terrible diagnosis.

Scientists say that timely diagnosed cancer in the early stages can be successfully treated. The awareness of European residents in matters of their health is much higher than that of Russians.

But the main question that worries the minds of mankind is: “How do you get cancer?” Despite the incessant research of doctors, the mystery of the origin of this disease in the human body still remains unsolved. The universal has not yet been invented.

History of cancer research

Since ancient times, humanity has been concerned about an unknown disease that is destroying young and old people. The disease, whose symptoms resemble cancer, is mentioned in ancient Egyptian chronicles, which are 3000 years old. This suggests that the disease is as ancient as humanity. The term “cancer” itself was introduced by Hippocrates, who observed the pathological process of the mammary gland in patients. He named the disease “oncos,” which means “tumor.”

Until the mid-Middle Ages, there was a ban on autopsies after death, and cancer research ceased. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Age of Enlightenment began. Doctors were given permission to investigate the causes of death of people through autopsies. At this time, the scientific study of cancer made great strides forward. All types and stages of this disease were discovered, and humanity was horrified. The worst thing was that it was absolutely unclear how people get cancer?

Later, doctors learned to distinguish tumors based on the chances of survival of the sick person. They began to be divided into benign and malignant. The first ones were characterized by slow growth, did not metastasize and were safely removed through surgery. Malignant tumors were distinguished by the fact that they developed very quickly and killed a person through metastases. These are cells that separate from the mother’s tumor and, through the blood or lymph flow, spread throughout the human body or move inside body cavities. They release toxins and have a depressing effect on healthy cells. By consuming enormous amounts of glucose from the blood, they deprive other cells and organs of nutrition. Poisoned by cancer toxins, the body becomes exhausted and dies.

How does cancer begin?

No matter how big a tumor reaches, it originates from a single cell. Having once been the most common unit of the body, it performed a familiar function.

But suddenly something happened, and this very cell became foreign to the body and ceased to obey the laws of physiology. As long as she did not change in appearance, the immune agents did not touch her. But soon the cell began to multiply incessantly. Newly formed substances require a colossal amount of energy. They draw it from the blood stream. Therefore, it has a highly developed system of blood vessels. Sucking all the sugar from the blood, the neoplasm does not stop growing and weakening the host’s body. This is an approximate mechanism of how people get cancer. But why this happens still remains a mystery.

Scientists had high hopes for deciphering the human genome. They assumed that in this code they would be able to find the key to solving the problem. But many hopes were in vain. Even after revealing the fact that a person’s DNA has a predisposition to cancer, they cannot yet cure a terrible disease at the genetic level.

Risk factors

Scientists still have many secrets in researching the question of how they get cancer. But they clearly managed to determine what factors can trigger tumor formation. These reasons were called risk factors. These include:

  • Carcinogens. Back in the 18th century, the British scientist Pott made a discovery: chimney sweeps suffer from scrotal cancer much more often than other men. The reason for this is constant contact with soot. These substances also include asbestos, tobacco smoke, 3,4-benzopyrene and some others.
  • Radiation. The sad examples of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as Chernobyl, showed scientists that ionizing radiation serves as a powerful impetus for the development of cancerous tumors. The incidence of human illness after exposure to radiation has increased forty times.
  • Viral infection. Getting cancer through a virus is not a myth. It has been proven that the human papillomavirus can provoke the development of cervical cancer in women. This infection can be sexually transmitted, and women who frequently change partners have a greater risk of developing cancer.
  • Hereditary predisposition. In medicine, there is such a thing as “cancer families.” But how do you know what your child's chance of getting cancer is? Indeed, if there are several cancer patients in the family, then the likelihood of contracting this disease increases. But being born into such a family does not at all mean for a person that he will definitely get sick and die from cancer. We are talking about a predisposition that may not manifest itself in any way.
  • Human lifestyle. What a person eats, drinks and how he treats his own body directly affects his health. The influence of bad habits, especially smoking, on the occurrence of cancer has been proven by many years of research in this area.

Features of cancer treatment

All people know that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. This is especially true for cancer. A doctor will be able to cure advanced gastritis, but in the case of the last stage of oncology, he most likely will not give a good prognosis.

Specialists tend to do well in the early stages.

The technique is selected purely individually. Surgery, radiation or chemotherapy - all these methods are quite effective, but only for patients who seek help in a timely manner. After treatment, doctors judge the effectiveness of the measures taken based on the five-year survival rate. If during this rehabilitation period the cancer has not made itself felt in any way, then doctors conclude that the person is healthy.

Let's take a closer look at how you can get cancer.

Is it possible to get cancer?

Having learned that a person has cancer, those around him sometimes involuntarily try to stay away from him. Doctors often hear the question from their patients: “Can you get cancer?” Recent research by scientists in this field has shown that there are viruses that contribute to the development of cancer. These pathogens include:

  • Hepatitis B and C virus. In the vast majority of cases, they are transmitted sexually or through blood. Once in the body, they damage the liver. Active cell division is initiated, inflammation occurs, and there is a risk of healthy tissue transforming into cancer.
  • Human papillomavirus. It is sexually transmitted and can lead to cervical cancer. With increasing frequency of partner changes, a woman's risk of developing cancer increases. Vaccination against papillomavirus is not capable of 100% preventing the occurrence of cancer, and it also has a lot of contraindications.
  • Herpes viruses, including Epstein-Barr. It manifests itself as symptoms of a sore throat and increases the risk of leukemia.

Can you get stomach cancer?

There is an opinion that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori can cause this serious illness. How can you get stomach cancer? By kissing a patient or drinking from his glass? Don't panic. This bacterium itself is not the cause. If the stomach lining is damaged, this microorganism can lead to the formation of an ulcer. in turn, can provoke the development of cancer. But ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori can be successfully treated with antibiotics. The risk of cancer is increased by excess weight, excessive consumption of red meat, and other risk factors described earlier.

How to prevent cervical cancer?

Many women are interested in the question of how to avoid getting cervical cancer? Experts give a number of recommendations:

How does brain cancer occur?

Doctors cannot clearly answer the question of how they get brain cancer. It is not yet possible for science to determine the causes of oncology of this organ. However, doctors were able to thoroughly study a group of factors that can provoke the formation of a brain tumor. These include:

  • Genetic indicator. Some brain cancer can occur in people who have a family history of similar diseases. Also, a number of syndromes can provoke the appearance of cancer. These include neurofibromatosis of the first and second types, Gorlin and Turco syndromes.
  • Radiation, or ionizing radiation. This factor is relevant for nuclear industry workers. Patients who have undergone radiation therapy to the head as treatment are also at risk.
  • Carcinogenic chemical compounds. People working in the plastics and textile industries are also at risk due to close contact with hazardous chemicals.

The effects of mobile devices and trauma on the brain are controversial. A direct relationship between them and the occurrence of brain cancer has not been determined. Conversely, people diagnosed with oncology of this organ may never have been exposed to these very factors.

What can lead to blood cancer?

For many people, there is nothing worse than getting blood cancer. Today, this disease claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and the cause of its occurrence still remains a mystery to doctors. However, research in this area has provided clear information about several factors that can trigger leukemia. Among them are the following criteria:

  • Radiation. People exposed to this dangerous factor have a fairly high risk of developing various forms of leukemia: acute myeloblastic, chronic myelocytic or acute lymphoblastic.
  • Smoking tobacco increases the risk of acute myeloid leukemia.
  • Chemotherapy as a method of treating various forms of cancer can be a provocateur of leukemia.
  • Congenital chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome, increase the risk of leukemia.
  • Heredity rarely accompanies the development of blood cancer. If this happens, then we are talking about lymphocytic leukemia.

But even if a person has been exposed to one or more factors, this does not mean that he will definitely develop leukemia. The disease may not appear.

How does lung cancer occur?

Every person on the planet has heard about the dangers of smoking. However, this did not reduce the number of smokers. According to statistics, in 90% of cases this particular cause is the main provoking factor in the development of cancer of the human respiratory system. Heavy smokers themselves do not notice how they develop lung cancer.

Tobacco smoke contains a mass that, with prolonged exposure, disrupts the structure of the bronchial epithelium, columnar epithelium turns into stratified squamous epithelium, and lung cancer occurs. Passive smokers are also at risk.

Harmful factors that can cause lung cancer also include:

  • Polluted air of large cities.
  • Carcinogenic chemicals: chromium, arsenic, nickel, asbestos.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory system.
  • Previous tuberculosis.
  • Pneumosclerosis.

Any pathological changes are clearly visible on an x-ray of the lungs. Therefore, fluorography should be performed annually.

Live without cancer

As practice shows, no one is immune from cancer. However, by following some recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting this terrible disease. Doctors advise us how to live so as not to get cancer. Here are these simple recommendations:

  • Get rid of tobacco smoking and reduce the risk of cancer by 10 times.
  • Take a blood test for viral infections. If a person is a carrier of a dangerous pathogen, then you need to regularly monitor your health.
  • Strengthen the immune system. A healthy lifestyle, proper rest, vigorous sports, bath procedures, hardening - all this strengthens the immune system and leaves no chance for cancer.
  • Pay sufficient attention to preventive examination. It is necessary to regularly visit all the necessary specialists and take appropriate tests. Cancer diagnosed in time is almost always curable.
  • Avoid stress and negative thoughts. Optimists live longer and better lives.

Food against cancer

Experts also give us a number of recommendations on how to eat to avoid getting cancer. There is a direct relationship between the composition of the diet and the risk of developing cancer. According to WHO, 40% of cancer cases in men and 60% in women are associated with dietary errors.

It has two main directions: preventing the entry of food carcinogens into the body and the use of natural oncoprotectors. Doctors give the following nutritional recommendations:


The nature of the occurrence of cancerous tumors has not yet been solved by modern medical science. This disease can occur in a person from an absolutely healthy family, and, on the contrary, a person who is at risk in all respects can live happily to a ripe old age, not knowing about cancer. Until humanity has found the answer to the question of how people get cancer and has not invented a medicine for it, we have the power to minimize risk factors and live in harmony with our own body. Be healthy and don't get sick!

Every year, statistics on the spread of cancer become more and more frightening. Despite the invention of new drugs and improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, the number of people dying from tumors is progressively increasing. To answer the question: " Why do people get cancer?, you need to know the reason for its appearance.

Why do people get cancer?

Depending on the location of the malignant focus, the causes and predisposing factors vary.

Stomach cancer

All reasons can be divided into several groups according to their origin:

  1. Nutritional - characterized by the peculiarities of the diet that a person adheres to for many years. This group includes:
  • excessive consumption of fatty, fried, spicy foods and canned foods;
  • trans fats (chips, crackers, margarine);
  • vegetables, meat, for the growth of which chemical, hormonal or other carcinogenic substances are used.
  1. Harmful addictions (smoking, alcohol).
  2. Chronic gastric pathology, for example, erosion of the mucous membrane, long-term atrophic gastritis. Especially often with tumors, a bacterium is detected - Helicobacter pylori, the toxic waste products of which damage the protective layer of the stomach, as a result of which hydrochloric acid affects the mucous membrane.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. Metabolic disorders due to hormonal imbalance or poor diet.

At the initial stage of the disease, clinical symptoms may be absent, so a person consults a doctor with complaints at stages 3-4, when the prognosis is already unfavorable.

Lung cancer

There are predisposing factors that a person cannot fight, for example, genetics, age, when immune defense gradually decreases, concomitant chronic pathology (bronchitis, pneumonia) or hormonal disorders (menopause in women) appears.

The remaining reasons can be eliminated on your own, or at least their impact can be reduced:

  • smoking (tobacco smoke leads to the death of the protective epithelium of the bronchopulmonary system, and carcinogenic substances, being absorbed into the bloodstream, poison the entire body);
  • industrial hazards (working with asbestos, metal, pesticides, cotton spinning, mining, rubber industries).

In addition, we must not forget about air pollution with carcinogens emitted by factories or resulting from the combustion of automobile fuels that we breathe every day.

Bowel cancer

The first place can be attributed to background intestinal diseases of a hereditary or acquired nature. Among them are:

  • polyposis, which can develop into a malignant neoplasm;
  • inflammation, ulcerative defects, Crohn's disease;
  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

Of course, we must not forget about the negative impact of smoking and an improper nutritional diet (insufficient consumption of various types of cereals, vegetables, coarse fibers; a large number of products with dyes, flavoring additives, growth stimulants, etc.).

Breast cancer

Most often the cause is hormonal imbalance. It is observed:

  • at puberty or menopause;
  • when taking hormonal drugs for concomitant pathology;
  • late pregnancy, childbirth (after 28 years);
  • frequent abortions;
  • absence of a lactation period;
  • background pathology (mastitis, mastopathy, fibroadenoma, intraductal papillomatosis;
  • genetic predisposition.

It is also necessary to pay attention to radiation exposure to the mammary glands when undergoing radiation for a tumor of the lungs or lymph nodes.

Why do women get uterine cancer?

In the group of “oncology” of the female reproductive system we include the bodies of the uterus and ovaries. The causes listed below apply to the entire group:

  • age over 50 years;
  • metabolic disorders (obesity);
  • endocrine pathology, including polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • late first pregnancy (after 28 years);
  • menopause;
  • early sexual activity (12-13 years);
  • promiscuity (sexually transmitted infections, genital herpes, papilloma virus);
  • frequent abortions;
  • inflammatory diseases (endometritis, vulvovaginitis, adnexitis);
  • infertility;
  • taking hormonal medications, including oral contraceptives.

It should be noted that the listed factors are not 100% the cause, but increase the risk of its development.

Skin cancer

One of the most dangerous skin diseases is. There are several factors that increase the risk of its occurrence:

  • prolonged exposure to sunlight during the period of maximum activity (in summer from 11:00 to 16:00);
  • addiction to solariums, visiting which increases the likelihood of skin cancer by 75%;
  • (special attention should be paid to their traumatization, color change, appearance of blood droplets, intensive growth);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • low immunity due to concomitant inflammatory or infectious pathology.

Why do men get prostate cancer?

The question of the reasons remains debatable. It is not completely clear what leads to. We can only highlight a few predisposing factors:

  • the age when, after 50 years, changes occur in the tissues of the prostate gland;
  • hormonal disorders (decreased testosterone);
  • genetic failure;
  • influence of radiation, exposure;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, when there is stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs, due to which the cells do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol), unhealthy diet;
  • prolonged absence of sexual relations;
  • infections of the reproductive system.

Blood cancer

Rapidly dividing cells are most susceptible to mutations and malignant degeneration. These include blood cells (immature, young). Their growth is negatively affected by:

  • radiation;
  • hazardous production (working with pesticides, paint and varnish industry);
  • carcinogens consumed in foodstuffs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • treatment with chemotherapy for concomitant malignant pathology;
  • immunodeficiency states (HIV).

Thus, we can conclude that a lot depends on the person, especially on lifestyle and the level of the body’s immune defense. Now I know why do people get cancer, we hope that you will try to avoid provoking causes, and most importantly, undergo regular medical examinations and consult a doctor in a timely manner!

Oncological diseases in most cases cannot be treated. Cancer can affect absolutely any human organ. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save the patient. The last stage of the disease turns into real agony for him, and ultimately death is inevitable. Relatives who are close to a cancer patient should know what symptoms and signs characterize this period. In this way, they will be able to create the appropriate conditions for the dying person, support him and provide assistance.

All cancer diseases progress in stages. The disease develops in four stages. The last fourth stage is characterized by the occurrence of irreversible processes. At this stage, it is no longer possible to save the person.

The last stage of cancer is the process in which cancer cells begin to spread throughout the body and affect healthy organs. A fatal outcome at this stage cannot be avoided, but doctors will be able to alleviate the patient’s condition and slightly prolong his life. The fourth stage of cancer is characterized by the following signs:

  • the occurrence of malignant tumors throughout the body;
  • damage to the liver, lungs, brain, esophagus;
  • the occurrence of aggressive forms of cancer, such as myeloma, melanoma, etc.).

The fact that the patient cannot be saved at this stage does not mean that he will not need any therapy. On the contrary, properly selected treatment will allow a person to live longer and significantly alleviate his condition.

Symptoms that occur before death

Oncological diseases affect different organs, and therefore, signs of imminent death can be expressed in different ways. However, in addition to the symptoms characteristic of each type of disease, there are general signs that may occur in a patient before death:

  1. Weakness, drowsiness. The most characteristic sign of impending death is constant fatigue. This occurs because the patient's metabolism slows down. He constantly wants to sleep. Don't bother him, let his body rest. During sleep, the sick person rests from pain and suffering.
  2. Decreased appetite. The body does not need a lot of energy, so the patient does not feel the desire to eat or drink. There is no need to insist and force him to eat.
  3. Difficulty breathing. The patient may suffer from lack of air, wheezing and heavy breathing.
  4. Disorientation. Human organs lose the ability to function normally, so the patient becomes disoriented in reality, forgets basic things, and does not recognize his family and friends.
  5. Immediately before death, a person's limbs become cold, they may even acquire a bluish tint. This happens because blood begins to flow to vital organs.
  6. Before death, cancer patients begin to develop characteristic venous spots on their legs, the reason for this is poor blood circulation. The appearance of such spots on the feet signals imminent death.

Stages of death

In general, the process of death from cancer occurs sequentially in several stages.

  1. Predagonia. At this stage, significant disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system are observed. Physical and emotional functions decline sharply. The skin turns blue, blood pressure drops sharply.
  2. Agony. At this stage, oxygen starvation occurs, as a result of which breathing stops and the blood circulation process slows down. This period lasts no more than three hours.
  3. Clinical death. There is a critical decrease in the activity of metabolic processes, all body functions suspend their activity.
  4. Biological death. The vital activity of the brain stops, the body dies.

Such near-death symptoms are typical for all cancer patients. But these symptoms can be supplemented by other signs, which depend on which organs are affected by cancer.

Death from lung cancer

Lung cancer is the most common disease among all cancers. It is practically asymptomatic and is detected very late, when it is no longer possible to save the person.

Before dying from lung cancer, the patient experiences unbearable pain when breathing. The closer death is, the stronger and more painful the pain in the lungs becomes. The patient does not have enough air and feels dizzy. An epileptic attack may begin.

The main cause of liver cancer is liver cirrhosis. Viral hepatitis is another disease that leads to liver cancer.

Death from liver cancer is very painful. The disease progresses quite quickly. In addition, pain in the liver area is accompanied by nausea and general weakness. The temperature rises to critical levels. The patient experiences excruciating suffering before the onset of imminent death from liver cancer.

Esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer is a very dangerous disease. At the fourth stage of esophageal cancer, the tumor grows and affects all nearby organs. Therefore, pain symptoms can be felt not only in the esophagus, but even in the lungs. Death can occur from exhaustion of the body, since a patient suffering from esophageal cancer cannot take food in any form. Nutrition is provided only through a tube. Such patients will no longer be able to eat regular foods.

Before death, everyone suffering from liver cancer experiences great agony. They vomit violently, most often with blood. Sharp pain in the chest causes discomfort.

Last days of life

The care of loved ones is very important for a dying person. It is close people who create favorable conditions for the patient, which at least for a short time alleviate his suffering.

Patients with the fourth stage of cancer are usually not kept within the walls of the hospital. Such patients are sent home. Before death, patients take strong painkillers. And yet, despite this, they continue to experience unbearable pain. Death from cancer may be accompanied by intestinal obstruction, vomiting, hallucinations, headaches, epileptic seizures, and hemorrhages in the esophagus and lungs.

By the time the last stage occurs, almost the entire body is affected by metastases. The patient is entitled to sleep and rest, then the pain torments him to a lesser extent. The care of loved ones is very important for a dying person at this stage. It is close people who create favorable conditions for the patient, which at least for a short time alleviate his suffering.



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