What saline solutions are used for chronic kidney disease in people. Prevention of kidney diseases

  • Different types of disease
  • Kidneys and their role for the body
  • Basic principles of treating the disease
  • Before using medications, let's look at nutrition
  • Medicinal treatments
  • Are antibiotics needed?

Many people go to the clinic for help with a very unpleasant disease - kidney failure. Nowadays this is a fairly common disease. But the disease cannot be neglected, and you need to take care of your health.

Different types of disease

There are two types of this disease:

  • (OPN);
  • chronic renal failure (CRF).

In the first case, pain appears and homeostasis is disrupted. In this case it can be recorded anaphylactic shock. The examination reveals bacteria. Such symptoms increase over time, and the patient loses his appetite. Nausea and vomiting, convulsions and muscle spasms, drowsy and weak state. In the advanced stage, lethargy, shortness of breath, anemia, and tachycardia occur.

In the second case, the symptoms become more pronounced, as does the disease itself. The patient experiences rapid fatigue, which results in decreased performance, headaches and loss of appetite. These symptoms cause nausea and vomiting. The taste in the mouth becomes unpleasant, the skin gradually turns pale.

Over time, muscle tone decreases. Joints and bones begin to ache. Anemia becomes more pronounced, and bleeding may even occur.

The patient develops unstable emotional state. The apathetic state can suddenly give way to an excited one. Sleep disturbances and inhibition of reactions occur. Appearance deteriorates: skin and hair become dull, itching may occur.

This condition may be a sign of the development of the following ailments:

  • pericarditis;
  • pleurisy;
  • ascites;
  • uremic coma.

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Kidneys and their role for the body

To find out why these diseases occur, you must first understand the role the kidneys play in the body.

Kidneys are important organs that perform following functions: through them metabolic products are removed and water and acid balances are maintained. These functions work due to renal blood flow.

Kidney failure develops due to severe debilitation vital functions body. Such a disorder can lead to disruption of water and acid balance body. And the consequences of this may be irreversible. For any unpleasant and painful condition should be paid attention.

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Basic principles of treating the disease

Causes of occurrence renal failure there are many. It can be called:

  • poisoning;
  • medicines;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • urinary tract obstruction;
  • hemodynamic disturbance;
  • urological pathology and much more.

Treatment of this disease– this is a very complex process. This procedure should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

The specialist first discovers the cause of the disease and then eliminates it. If the condition is already advanced and conventional medications do not help, then hemodialysis is performed - it is used to cleanse the blood.

With this procedure, blockage of the kidney arteries may occur. In this case, bypass surgery, prosthetics, and additional procedure– balloon angioplasty.

If blood circulation is poor, it should also be restored. Metabolic substances are removed from the blood and then prescribed antibacterial drugs.

For preventive purposes, the patient is prescribed a certain diet: necessary diet, in which there is a restriction on the consumption of proteins and excess liquid.

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Before using medications, let's look at nutrition

Only certain potassium-containing foods are excluded from the diet:

  • milk;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • dried fruits;
  • bananas;
  • potato.

Limit consumption of foods with high content phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, it is important to observe a gentle work regime, avoid great physical stress and rest often.

During treatment, the specialist may prescribe combination drug– cardonate. It can be classified as a drug with an anabolic effect. It is synthesized in the nervous system, liver and kidneys. In the blood plasma it is found in the free sphere and as an acylcarnitine ester.

Over time, performance begins to improve, increases muscle mass and fat cells are reduced. The basal metabolism in hyperthyroidism is completely normalized.

In addition, the drug contains lysine. This is one of the most important acids, which takes part in all processes of assimilation and growth. At the same time, the body also receives essential vitamins: B12, B1, B6.

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Medicinal treatments

There are many medications for kidney failure, but a specialist always prescribes only what is effective in a particular case. The most common medications for treating the disease are:

  • epovitan;
  • furosemide;
  • mannitol;
  • Renagel and others.

Epovitan contains 165 beneficial amino acids, which are formed in the kidneys and stimulate erythroid growth in bone marrow. The drug is prescribed by injection. In its production, the technology of obtaining recombinant DNA is used. This tool produced by mammalian cells, then the human erythropoietin gene is introduced into it.

The drug should not be used by patients with hypertension, hypersensitivity, myocardial infarction, pulmonary infarction, cerebral infarction and other ailments. The entire list can be read in the attached instructions.

During treatment, you should definitely monitor your hemoglobin level. The medicine itself is very strong and should be taken after a complete examination.

Besides all this, there are a number of other conditions that should be monitored. These conditions are:

  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • thrombotic complications, etc.

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients. It should be used under strict medical supervision.

Very effective medication is furosemide. It performs its main functions throughout the entire treatment.

The only drawback is that it cannot be taken constantly. Treatment with this drug is carried out in courses with certain breaks. Otherwise, the patient will weaken, feel tired, blood pressure will decrease, and cardiac output may appear. The timing of your appointment should always be discussed with your doctor.

One of the most effective drugs is mannitol. It is used intravenously. After administration, the drug causes water movement into the vascular bed. Increases blood circulation for a while. May minimize hemolytic effect. Admitted to systemic blood flow hemolyzed blood reduces hemoglobinemia.

Mannitol is always found in the extracellular fluid. If large concentrations of the drug are created in the blood plasma or acidosis is noted, the drug may cause an increase in intracranial pressure.

The use of this medicine is prescribed only in inpatient conditions. At the same time, blood osmolality, ion and water balance are monitored. Before prescribing it, a test dose is first administered, after which diuresis must be monitored.

Renagel is always prescribed for preventive purposes. When taking medications and drugs containing antibiotics, calcium is removed from the body. As a result, bone tissue is damaged, which can provoke a number of other diseases.

To prevent such problems from arising, a drug is prescribed that replenishes calcium in the body. After a certain time of administration, the medicine remains in the body for another year and delays the excretion of calcium.

When treated with additional drugs such as antibiotics, there is a whole series penicillin accumulation in the liver. Large doses should always be avoided. Side effects may include coma or seizures.

Due to their positive spectrum of action and normal tolerability, these drugs are often used.

Today there are many deficiencies. Specific drugs are prescribed by a specialist based on the cause that caused the pathology and complications. In addition, medications must have a targeted effect and compensate for lost kidney function. Medicines are selected for a specific case, so taking them independently can pose a danger not only to health, but also to life.

Causes of kidney failure

Occurs in various diseases and is characterized by impaired functioning of the kidneys, namely to produce and excrete urine, and with it remove unnecessary substances from the body.

The development of this condition is possible with bilateral damage to both kidneys, since one kidney can easily compensate for the lost functions of the second.

There are acute and chronic forms. In acute cases, there is a sudden deterioration in kidney function under the influence of various diseases, injuries, surgical intervention, toxic effects on the body. The chronic form is characterized by prolonged gradual process kidney damage.

Acute form of renal failure, depending on the causes, can be:

  • Prerenal. Characterized by a decrease in blood flow to the kidneys and a decrease in the rate glomerular filtration. Because of this, the process of urine formation is disrupted. Such pathological changes are associated with a decrease in blood throughout the body, which occurs with a decrease in cardiac output, a sharp drop in blood pressure, dehydration (after vomiting, diarrhea, taking diuretics), liver disease, in particular cirrhosis.
  • Renal. Blood circulation in the kidneys is normal, but the parenchyma of the organ is damaged, which is why the kidneys are unable to produce urine. This condition can be caused by intoxication with various chemical elements, snake venoms, heavy metals, organ injuries, some inflammatory processes, as well as pathologies that affect the renal vessels.

  • Postrenal. Occurs through disturbances in the outflow of urine due to obstruction in urethra(tumors of the bladder, ureters, prostate gland, blockage of the duct with stones, inflammatory diseases urinary organs, trauma).

Can be attributed:

Kidney failure: risk factors

Factors that may lead to the development of renal failure Among close relatives there are people

suffering from the syndrome;

Reduction of kidneys in size and volume;

When the baby is born ahead of schedule or low body weight;

Constant malnutrition;

Low social level.

Factors that provoke the development of renal failure Diabetes mellitus of two types;

Autoimmune diseases;

Infectious diseases of the urinary organs;

Urinary tract obstruction;


Long-term use of certain medications.

Factors that influence the progression of renal failure High protein content in urine;

Persistent high blood pressure;

Poor control of blood glucose levels;

Smoking and drug use.

Factors that put you at risk for developing end-stage renal failure Anemia;

Renal replacement therapy was not started in a timely manner;

Low dialysis dose;

Low blood albumin levels.


Signs of kidney failure in acute and chronic forms differ in the time of their onset. At acute form the disease develops rapidly. But the plus is that it can be treated well and after some time, kidney function is completely restored. The chronic form is complicated by the fact that the disease develops over many years; signs appear only when they have occurred. destructive changes in the kidneys and it is extremely rare to completely restore their functions.

You should definitely consult a doctor if the following signs appear:

  • Despite the usual fluid intake, less urine was produced;
  • Swelling appears, the person suddenly gains weight;
  • The patient loses his appetite and feels constant nausea, there may be vomiting;
  • Abdominal pain and itching throughout the body may appear;
  • Observed chronic fatigue and a feeling of apathy;
  • Shortness of breath occurs due to fluid accumulating in the lungs;
  • The urine becomes dark in color, sometimes with blood.

The general condition of the patient can be described as drowsy; in critical situations, loss of consciousness occurs.

Drug treatment

The acute form is initially aimed at eliminating the causes that provoked the syndrome. At chronic course The main goal of therapy is to slow the progression of the disease.

At the same time, based on the severity pathological process And individual characteristics body, in the treatment of renal failure such drugs are used as diuretics, antibiotics, plasma substitutes, sorbents, drugs for parenteral nutrition, drugs for plant based, vitamin complexes and others.

Diuretics (diuretics)

The first sign of kidney failure is the appearance of edema. This is due to the fact that salts and liquid cannot be completely eliminated from the body. Therefore, the patient is prescribed diuretics to compensate the body’s excretory abilities. The choice of diuretic will depend on the severity of edema, the patient's age and general condition his body. The most popular and effective drugs include:

  • Furosemide. It is a powerful loop diuretic that is prescribed for various stages of kidney failure. The drug is presented in the form of tablets and injections. After taking the tablet, the diuretic effect occurs after 60 minutes, with intramuscular administration - 5 minutes. Each dose of the drug lasts from 3 to 6 hours. The disadvantage is that when urinating, the body loses useful elements - calcium and magnesium, which is fraught with a number of side effects. Therefore, treatment with Furosemide is mainly carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of medical workers. Contraindications include prerenal renal failure, in which urine is not produced, pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance to the drug.

  • Uregit. Is a diuretic fast action against edema of various origins, available in tablets. The diuretic effect occurs after 30 minutes and lasts 6-8 hours. Contraindicated for children, pregnant women, and patients with renal coma.

  • Hypothiazide. Promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid along with sodium salts and chlorine, without affecting the level of calcium and other useful elements. The product quickly relieves swelling and lowers blood pressure. It should not be taken by patients with an allergic reaction to any component of the drug, in conditions with a complete absence of urine, diabetes mellitus and gout.

  • Trigrim. The diuretic is excellent for renal failure and edema syndrome. Initially, the drug is taken in an amount of 20 mg once a day. If there is no diuretic effect, the dose is doubled. Contraindications include childhood, pregnancy and lactation, anuria, renal coma, increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Plasma replacement drugs

Plasma replacement drugs are presented in the form of solutions that replenish the deficiency of blood plasma or its individual components. Among the plasma-substituting solutions, the following can be distinguished:

  • Reogluman. Representations as a plasma-substituting, hypertonic, colloidal solution. It thins the blood and restores blood flow in small capillaries. Dextran, which is contained in the medicine, promotes the absorption of 20-25 ml of fluid from tissues into the bloodstream. The medicine is administered intravenously by drip. There are practically no side effects. The exception is patients who have allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

  • Sorbilact. Improves blood microcirculation, has anti-shock, detoxification, diuretic, and energetic effects. The drug is presented in the form of a solution, the active ingredients of which are sorbitol and sodium lactate. It is administered intravenously by stream or drip, at a rate of 60-80 drops per minute. Contraindications are conditions that limit fluid administration (stroke, thromboembolism, heart failure).

Medicines for parenteral nutrition

Solutions for parenteral nutrition include all substances necessary for the body in quantities appropriate to the needs and the right ratio with each other. The dosage of medications is determined based on the patient’s age, daily needs and level of energy consumption. In case of renal failure, it is necessary to use specialized solutions prepared for the needs of the individual organism. However, the following widely used means are also used:

  • Aminosteril KE Nefro. Is complex means, which is administered by infusion. The preparation contains replaceable and essential amino acids and ions of basic electrolytes (potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine). The dosage of the drug and the period of its administration are determined by the doctor. The recommended dose is 1.3 ml/kg body weight.

  • Nephrotect. The drug is a solution of amino acids necessary for protein synthesis during parenteral nutrition during renal failure. The recommended rate of administration is 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight per hour. The medication has no side effects.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial drugs for renal failure are prescribed if the cause of the syndrome is infectious pathology, or she joined after the development of renal failure. Before choosing an antibiotic, the doctor should weigh everything carefully. In patients with renal failure, the elimination rate of some drugs may be reduced. That is, a person can take the next dose, while the previous one still circulates through the vessels. In this case, intoxication of the body may develop.

Also, some antibacterial agents negatively affect the renal parenchyma, and if there are diseases of this organ, the risk increases significantly.

Antibiotics are the safest in this case. penicillin series and cephalosporins. However, the dose of the drug should be slightly less than that of a healthy person.

Aminoglocoside antibacterial drugs (Gentamicin, Amikacin) are highly not recommended for renal failure. Since they are excreted by the kidneys in pure form and have a nephrotic effect. Can also be taken at a reduced dosage modern drugs macrolides and fluorolinolone series.

Such widespread antibiotics as biseptol, tetracycline, and doxycycline are strictly contraindicated in patients with renal failure.

Sorbents for renal failure

Thanks to the kidneys, all toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body.

For acute or chronic failure, the organ is unable to function fully, which is why all the harmful elements accumulate in the body.

Sorbents absorb them and promote further excretion.

  • Filtrum-STI. The active ingredients of the medicine bind and remove bacteria, poisons, heavy metals, drugs, allergens, and alcohol from the body. The drug is presented in the form of tablets, which need to be crushed and washed down with plenty of water. Among the contraindications are digestive diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

  • Enterodesis. Has strong sorbent properties. It is sold in powder form, which is diluted with water and taken orally. Contraindications include individual intolerance individual components of the drug.

  • Enterosgel. It can be sold in the form of a paste or gel, which is diluted with water and drunk. The drug relieves intoxication of any nature. Appointed from the age of 1 year. During gestation and breastfeeding Take the child only under the supervision of a doctor and with extreme caution.

Herbal preparations

Upon appointment herbal remedies, doctors are guided by the fact that there are practically no restrictions on their use, and they also do not cause side effects. The most commonly used means are:

  • Polyphepan. This is a drug plant origin, Where active substance acts as hydrolytic lignin. It has an antidote, detoxification and enterosorbent effect. The drug is available in the form of granules and paste intended for making a suspension.

  • Hofitol. The main active ingredient of the drug is dry aqueous extract from field artichoke. It has diuretic, choleretic and hepatoprotective properties. Hofitol comes in the form of tablets, syrup, intravenous or intramuscular injections. The drug should be taken under the supervision of a physician.

  • Lespefril. The composition of the herbal preparation includes biologically active substance shoots of Lespedeza bicolor. Thanks to the properties of the plant, the product regulates metabolism at the cellular level and helps cleanse the body of toxins. The drug is available in the form of solutions for oral administration. When taking the medicine, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's instructions, since it has many contraindications.

Except drug treatment prescribed by a doctor for kidney failure, the patient must follow a certain diet. It is necessary to increase products that have a diuretic effect, as well as those containing as many useful elements as possible.

Kidney failure in humans is a pathology of the kidneys, in which they completely stop producing urine or partially lose this ability.

Without treatment, the disease progresses and leads to fatal outcome. Unfortunately, on initial stages the disease manifests itself weakly, so many people turn to the doctor when it is no longer possible to restore the functioning of the organ.

What is kidney failure: symptoms, treatment with traditional and traditional methods– the article will tell you about all this.

There are 2 degrees of renal failure: chronic and acute.

In the acute form, the function of the organ is disrupted suddenly, but this condition is reversible if treatment is started in time.

Statistics say that the incidence of this type of deficiency reaches 200 cases per 1 million population.

Half of them need . Since the 1990s, there has been a steady trend towards an increase in the number of patients with renal pathology. The acute form becomes not a single-organ disease, but part of the multiple organ failure syndrome.

No treatment sharp look insufficiency flows into chronic stage. In this case, over the course of several years, the patient experiences an alternation of exacerbations and remissions. Chronic appearance characterized by the gradual ability to form urine and excrete it. Develops as a result of the slow death of nephrons. According to statistics, the prevalence of this disease is 450 cases per 1 million population.

Depending on the pathogenesis, renal failure is divided into the following types:


Kidney failure has various causes.

The acute form most often develops as a result of:

  • acute poisoning household chemicals, lead compounds, products food industry, medications. Bites from poisonous insects and snakes can also lead to serious illness;
  • injury:
  • a sharp decrease in blood circulation in the vessels of the kidneys during collapse, thrombosis, shock, embolism of the renal artery, pathological heart function. Renal heart failure may develop;
  • sudden blockage of the urinary tract by a tumor or stone.
  • acute inflammatory process in the kidneys. For example, with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • infectious diseases that occur with renal syndrome.

Chronic deficiency is caused by the following reasons:

  • vascular disorders that are accompanied by abnormal renal blood flow. For example, group hemorrhagic vasculitis, rheumatism and lupus erythematosus;
  • long-term course of hypertension;
  • long-term inflammatory processes in the kidneys, which lead to the destruction of tubules and glomeruli. Typically, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis lead to organ failure;
  • metabolic disorders that occur with gout, amyloidosis and diabetes;
  • conditions in which the flow of urine is disrupted. For example, tumors of the pelvis;
  • congenital abnormalities of the structure and function of the kidneys, which lead to the fact that the renal structures do not function fully. This is underdevelopment, polycystic disease, narrowing of the arteries of the kidneys;
  • late diagnosis of acute insufficiency.

Kidney failure in diabetes mellitus occurs due to overweight, so obese people often try to lose a couple of kilograms with the help of the hypoglycemic drug Metformin. If you take this drug incorrectly, kidney problems may develop as a side effect.

It is best to use glucose-lowering medications after consulting a doctor.


When an organ is affected, signs appear indicating failure of either complete absence its functions.

The main symptom of the development of the acute form is a sharp reduction in the volume of urine per day.

With oliguria, less than 400 milliliters of urine comes out. When anuria occurs, the daily volume of urine does not exceed 50 milliliters.

There is also a decrease in appetite, nausea and vomiting appear, which does not bring relief. The patient becomes drowsy and lethargic, and is constantly suffering from shortness of breath.

As a result of changes in water-salt metabolism, pathological disorders from the heart and blood vessels. The skin turns pale, sagging, and becomes dry. The muscles also weaken and quickly lose tone. The face swells, the hair splits and breaks. From oral cavity felt bad smell ammonia. Excess fluid begins to be eliminated through the intestines and stomach. The stool is liquid, dark in color, and foul-smelling. Swelling appears and grows rapidly.

Patients often experience disturbances of consciousness

The kidneys remove substances neutralized by the liver from the blood. At acute failure all metabolites are not released, but continue to circulate throughout the body, including in the brain. Therefore, the patient often experiences disturbances of consciousness: clouding, stupor, coma. The mood changes: it arises depressive state, euphoria.

Organ failure chronic manifests itself not only as a disorder of diuresis, but also as a violation of all kidney functions.

Signs of chronic kidney failure are as follows:

  • persistent increase blood pressure;
  • the skin turns pale as a result of decreased hemoglobin;
  • osteoporosis;
  • heart rhythm is disturbed: arrhythmia, tachycardia.

The disease in children usually progresses more rapidly than in adults. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the young organism.

You need to carefully monitor your child and, at the slightest suspicion, go to the doctor.


Patients with kidney failure can experience serious complications if not treated correctly.

Afer Dima

Kidney failure: how to treat, what diet and nutrition

Kidney failure is pathological condition kidneys, in which they do not fully perform their work to the required extent as a result of any disease. This process leads to a change in the constancy of the body’s self-regulation, and as a result, the functioning of its tissues and organs is disrupted.
Renal failure can occur in acute (ARI) and chronic (CRF) forms.

The causes of kidney failure vary depending on the form of the disease. There are several reasons that cause acute renal failure:

  • Prerenal, that is, the disease is caused by heart failure, collapse, shock, severe arrhythmias, a significant reduction in circulating blood volume (possibly in case of blood loss).
  • Renal, in which the death of the renal tubules is caused by the action heavy metals, poisons, alcohol, drugs or due to insufficient blood supply to the kidney; sometimes the reason is acute glomerulonephritis or tubulointerstitial nephritis.
  • Postrenal, that is, as a result of acute bilateral blockage of the ureters due to urolithiasis.

The causes of chronic renal failure are considered chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, systemic diseases, urolithiasis, neoplasms in the urinary system, diseases with impaired metabolism, vascular changes (high blood pressure, atherosclerosis) and genetic diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of renal failure depend on the severity of changes in renal function, the duration of the disease and the general condition of the body.

There are four degrees of acute renal failure:

  1. Signs of renal failure in the initial phase: decreased amount of urine, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate.
  2. The second phase (oliguric) consists of reducing the amount of urine or until its production stops. The patient’s condition becomes severe, as almost all body systems are affected and complete violation metabolism, life-threatening.
  3. The third phase (restorative or polyuric) is characterized by an increase in the amount of urine to normal level, but it almost does not remove any substances from the body except salts and water, so in this phase there remains a danger to the patient’s life.
  4. Renal failure of the 4th degree consists in the normalization of urine output, kidney function returns to normal after 1.5-3.5 months.

Signs of kidney failure in people who have a chronic form include a significant decrease in the amount of working kidney tissue, which leads to azotemia (increased levels of nitrogenous substances in the blood). Since the kidneys can no longer cope with their work, these substances are eliminated in other ways, mainly through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, which are not designed to perform such functions.

Renal failure syndrome quickly leads to the development of uremia, when self-poisoning of the body occurs. Rejection arises meat food, attacks of nausea and vomiting, regular feeling of thirst, sensation of muscle cramps and bone pain. A jaundiced tint appears on the face, and the smell of ammonia is felt when breathing. The amount of urine excreted and its density are greatly reduced. Kidney failure in children follows the same principles as in adults.

Complications of the disease

End-stage renal failure is caused by a complete loss of kidney function, which causes toxic products to accumulate in the patient's body. Terminal renal failure provokes complications such as gastroenterocolitis, myocardial dystrophy, hepatorenal syndrome, and pericarditis.

Hepatorenal failure means progressive oliguric renal failure secondary to liver disease. With hepatorenal syndrome, vasoconstriction occurs in the cortical region of the kidneys. This syndrome in cirrhosis, it is considered the last stage of development of the disease, which leads to the retention of water and sodium ions.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of kidney failure includes determining the amount of creatinine, potassium and urea in the blood, as well as constant monitoring of the amount of urine excreted. Ultrasound, radiography and radionuclide methods can be used.

To diagnose chronic renal failure, a complex of advanced biochemical research blood and urine, filtration rate analysis, urography.

Treatment with medications

Treatment of renal failure is carried out in the intensive care unit or intensive care wards of a hospital. In case of the slightest complications, you should immediately contact medical care. Today it is possible to cure patients with acute renal failure using the device artificial kidney, while renal function is restored.

If treatment is started promptly and carried out in full, the prognosis is usually favorable.
During therapy, impaired metabolic processes are treated, diseases that aggravate chronic renal failure are identified and treated. On late stage require constant hemodialysis and kidney transplantation.

Medicines for renal failure are used to reduce metabolic processes: anabolic hormones - testosterone propionate solution, methylandrostenediol. To improve renal microcirculation, you need long time use trental, chimes, troxevasin and complamin. To stimulate urine output, a glucose solution with insulin or diuretics from the furosemide group is prescribed. If there is a high concentration of nitrogen in the blood, then rinsing is used gastrointestinal tract sodium bicarbonate solution, due to which nitrogenous waste is removed. This procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, before meals, once a day.

Antibiotics for renal failure are used in reduced doses, since their rate of elimination is significantly reduced. The degree of chronic renal failure is taken into account and the dose of antibiotics is reduced to 2 or 4 times.

Treatment of the disease with traditional methods

How to treat kidney failure without the use of antibiotics and other medications is described in the recipes below.

  1. Take lingonberry leaves, chamomile, motherwort herb, string flowers, dandelion and violet, half a teaspoon each. This fee pour a glass of boiled water, leave for about 1 hour and take a third of a glass 5 times a day.
  2. Second recipe: mix mint, St. John's wort, lemon balm, calendula 1 tbsp. l. Pour into a saucepan herbal mixture Add 2 cups boiled water and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared infusion into a thermos and leave overnight. Take 100 ml per day.
  3. Treatment with folk remedies for kidney failure includes the use of watermelon rinds having a diuretic effect. Take 5 tbsp. l. chopped watermelon rinds per liter of water. You need to fill the crusts with water, leave for an hour and take several times throughout the day.
  4. Pomegranate peel and rose hips also have a mild diuretic effect. Take them in equal parts and pour two glasses of boiled water. Leave in a warm place for half an hour and take up to 2 glasses per day.

Principles of diet therapy for renal failure

Diet for kidney failure plays an important role - it is necessary to adhere to a diet with low content proteins and table salt, exclude drugs that have a toxic and damaging effect on the kidneys. Nutrition for kidney failure depends on several general principles:

  • It is necessary to limit protein intake to 65 g per day, depending on the phase of kidney disease.
  • The energy value of food increases due to increased consumption of fats and carbohydrates.
  • The diet for kidney failure boils down to eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the content of proteins, vitamins and salts in them.
  • Proper culinary processing of products is carried out to improve appetite.
  • The amount of sodium chloride and water entering the body is regulated, the amount of which affects the presence of swelling and blood pressure indicators.

Sample diet menu for kidney failure:

First breakfast: boiled potatoes – 220g, one egg, sweet tea, honey (jam) – 45g.

Lunch: sweet tea, sour cream – 200g.

Dinner: rice soup - 300g ( butter– 5-10g, sour cream - 10g, potatoes - 90g, carrots - 20g, rice - 20g, onions - 5g and tomato juice– 10g). For the second course, serve 200g vegetable stew (from carrots, beets and rutabaga) and a glass of apple jelly.

Dinner: milk porridge from rice - 200g, sweet tea, jam (honey) - 40g.

Prognosis for the disease

With timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis for acute renal failure is quite favorable.

In the chronic version of the disease, the prognosis depends on the stage of the process and the degree of renal dysfunction. If renal function is compensated, the prognosis for the patient’s life is favorable. But in the terminal stage, the only options to maintain life are continuous hemodialysis or transplantation of a donor kidney.

It has been established that human kidney nephrons have a unique ability to survive. Even in the event of the death of one part, the other compensates for their lost function until restoration. Therefore, treatment must be carried out at any stage.

The developed treatment methods include an emergency scheme necessary measures in the acute form of the disease and the effect on pathogenetic mechanisms impaired kidney function. The choice of how to treat renal failure is based on the results of an examination of the patient, determining the degree of loss of function, reserve paired organ when only one kidney is affected.

The doctor is obliged to think about the nephrotoxicity of each drug he prescribes. medicine, special sensitivity of the body, participation of other organs in big picture diseases. Let us consider approaches and methods of treating acute and chronic forms of insufficiency separately.

Treatment for shock

Acute kidney failure in 90% of cases is a consequence sharp fall blood pressure in shock states. Therefore, targeted protective therapy of the kidneys is necessarily involved in the scheme for removing the patient from shock.

To replenish the volume of blood loss, use:

  • plasma;
  • protein solutions.

Reopolyglucin is a large molecular dextran

The patient's central venous pressure is simultaneously measured. It is important not to “overfill” the amount of liquid; you cannot exceed +10 cm of water. Art. This may cause pulmonary edema.

During heart surgery and large vessels To prevent kidney damage, the following is administered:

  • Mannitol solution - is able to maintain blood circulation in the kidneys and prevent the formation of cylinders in the tubules;
  • loop diuretics (Furosemide) have a similar effect.

Recent studies suggest that anesthesiologists and resuscitators prescribe Dopamine and Norepinephrine with great caution. They are administered to increase blood pressure. It has been proven that even small doses can cause myocardial ischemia and vasospasm of the intestines and kidneys. In this case, bacteria from the intestinal cavity pass into the general bloodstream.

Even in emergency situations the administration of these drugs should be stopped if it is not possible to achieve an increase in urine output and the concentration of creatinine in the blood serum increases.

What is the treatment for acute kidney failure that has already developed?

In the presence of acute renal failure, medications must ensure resistance to all threatened consequences of damage to the body:

  • water retention in cells (hyperhydration);
  • hyperkalemia (increased potassium concentration in the blood);
  • uremia (accumulation of nitrogenous waste, determined by the level of urea and creatinine);
  • anemia (drop of red blood cells);
  • disturbed electrolyte balance;
  • acidosis (deviation acid-base balance on the sour side);
  • addition of infection.

For moderately severe deficiency, conservative treatment is used.

Water regime - the total volume of fluid administered should replenish losses through urine, vomiting, diarrhea + have a reserve of 400 ml. Control is carried out by weighing the patient daily. It is better if the liquid comes with drinking water.

The following rules should be followed:

  • an increase in the patient's temperature for each degree above 37 requires 500 ml more fluid;
  • for shortness of breath with a respiratory rate of 10 more than 20 per minute, another 400 ml of water is added.

Intravenous solutions help provide the required volume. In the presence of reduced plasma sodium concentrations, overhydration will require fluid restriction.

A good indicator of therapy is a weight loss of 250–500 g daily

To avoid hyperkalemia in a patient with an operated kidney, timely treatment of the wound, removal of necrotic tissue, and drainage of cavities is necessary. Foods containing potassium are limited in the diet.

You can learn more about nutritional problems in kidney failure.

To reduce the breakdown of protein compounds, it is prescribed anabolic steroid, carry out prevention infectious infection. The patient's diet should be protein-free, but the calorie content of food should be within the range of 1500–2000 kcal/day. In cases of persistent vomiting, parenteral intravenous nutrition is provided with glucose solutions, amino acid mixtures, and Intralipid.

It should be taken into account that antibiotics in conditions of cessation of kidney function and increased vascular permeability become more toxic. It has been shown that even relatively low-toxic drugs of the penicillin series and cephalosporins cause hemorrhagic complications (bleeding) in patients due to increased influence on platelet aggregation and prothrombin levels. Therefore, the prescription of these drugs for renal failure should be strictly dosed in accordance with the severity of the renal pathology.

How does therapy depend on the level of kidney damage?

The attending physician must clearly understand the cause of renal failure. As you know, 3 types of acute disorders are possible:

  • prerenal;
  • postrenal;
  • renal

Prerenal insufficiency is regarded as a secondary phenomenon and is associated with circulatory disorders. Treatment requires restoration of renal blood flow. If there is a significant loss of fluid, compensation and therapy for hypovolemia will be required.

Prescribing standard medications without taking into account the root cause can worsen the severity of the patient’s condition:

  • diuretics such as saluretics, with hypovolemia lead to a vicious circle during insufficiency;
  • in the case of small output syndrome in the presence of heart failure, copious administration of solutions is contraindicated.

Diuretics are not always useful for kidney damage

For postrenal oliguria intensive care carried out against the background of instrumental or surgical intervention in surgical hospitals with a urological profile. Through catheterization and puncture of the pelvis, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of urine through the urinary tract.

Uremia creates high risk development of the infectious process in renal tissue. A common infection is immediate cause mortality in 1/3 of patients with postrenal insufficiency in postoperative period. More often infectious process develops in the trachea and bronchi, affecting the urinary tract.

For antibacterial therapy it is advisable to use:

  • combinations of Metronidazole and third-generation cephalosporin antibiotics (Claforan, Ceftriaxone, Fortum, Longacef);
  • in severe sepsis with state of shock therapy with Thienam (Meronem) is indicated.

When is hemodialysis performed?

The question of the need for dialysis therapy is decided if there is no effect from conservative treatment acute kidney failure, an increase in the content of nitrogenous compounds in the blood.

Hemodialysis is indicated for:

  • exceeding the potassium threshold concentration of 7 mmol/l;
  • state of oligoanuria for five days or more;
  • developing pulmonary edema or brain;
  • pronounced uremia and acidosis.

The procedures are carried out daily or once every 2 days, while the amount of protein consumed from food and the volume of liquid drunk increases. In treatment practice, methods of slow but constant blood purification using hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration are used.

If the cause of deficiency is acute poisoning or sepsis, hemodialysis is combined with hemosorption, which helps remove toxins and microorganisms from the blood.

The use of "" is contraindicated if there are:

  • decompensation of hypovolemia;
  • presence of internal bleeding;
  • cerebral hemorrhage.

Hemofiltration equipment provides for significant replacement of the liquid part of the patient’s blood

Using detoxification methods

Hemofiltration is a technique for removing intoxication, which involves removing more than 20 liters of water while simultaneously replacing it with polyionic solutions containing the necessary set of electrolytes. It is believed that this method is more physiological, since filtration membranes and pressure close to the renal glomeruli are used. Effectively removes substances with medium molecular sizes from the body, better improves gas exchange in the lungs.

Plasmapheresis is used as one of the components of dialysis. In the treatment of acute renal failure the following is manifested:

  • direct removal toxic substances from plasma;
  • removal of excess fluid from the vascular bed.

It is considered especially effective in the phase of relieving oligoanuria (before hemodialysis) for an additional opportunity to increase the amount of fluid administered and remove nephrotoxic and hemolytic poisons. Plasmapheresis is especially indicated:

  • patients with myeloma, thrombocytopenic purpura, complicated by acute renal failure;
  • with DIC syndrome;
  • patients with rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis.

Enterosorption method - involves the use of tablets, powder, which, when they enter the intestines, collect toxic substances, metabolic products, and nitrogenous wastes. An example of a drug from the group of sorbents is Enterosgel. It has practically no contraindications. Used by the course to enhance other techniques during the period of oligoanuria.

A teaspoon of Enterosgel is dissolved in water before taking

How is renal insufficiency treated?

Renal (intrarenal) damage involves the use of any method of reducing the degree of destruction of the renal epithelium in countermeasures. At the beginning of treatment it is necessary:

  • restore blood circulation in the arterial system and microcirculation in the tissue; for this, a combination of Reopoliglucin with Pentoxifylline is recommended;
  • stop administering nephrotoxic drugs to the patient;
  • establish control over the content of nitrogenous waste and electrolytes in the blood, the specific gravity and acidity of urine.

To use the reserve capabilities of the kidneys, it is necessary to stimulate the function of working nephrons with the help of:

  • antispasmodics (Eufillin, Papaverine are administered 6–12 times a day, combination with a small dose of Dopamine is allowed);
  • alkalizing agents (sodium bicarbonate solution intravenously);
  • loop diuretics (diuretics) - Lasix, Furosemide.

To combat hyperkalemia, the following are used:

  • Amburge mixture intravenously (composed of 40% glucose solution, insulin, calcium chloride);
  • repeated administration of calcium gluconate 2-3 times with a break of 5 minutes while monitoring the ECG;
  • administration of sodium bicarbonate;
  • taking ion exchange resins;
  • stimulation of diuresis.

Therapy is carried out for six hours in anticipation of the transition of potassium into the cellular space.

If you suspect high concentration sodium 4% solution is diluted by half

Basic principles of treatment of chronic kidney failure

Consider therapy based on participation various factors defeats.

Features of treatment of the underlying disease

In the pathogenesis of the chronic form, the main role is played by long-term diseases, ultimately leading to kidney failure. Therefore, in treatment it is necessary to achieve improvement or stable remission of diseases such as:

  • urolithiasis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • hypertension.

A feature of their therapy is the desire to avoid toxic effect medications for already reduced kidney function. This should be taken into account when choosing:

  • cytostatics for glomerulonephritis;
  • antibiotics for urinary infections;
  • diuretics for hypertension.

At chronic glomerulonephritis it is necessary to resolve the question of whether exacerbation of the disease or nephrosclerosis led to uremia. In case of exacerbation, cytostatics and corticosteroid drugs are indicated. But in case of nephrosclerosis, they are inappropriate or contraindicated.

Ensuring protection of renal reserve

In order to prevent irreversible progressive changes in the kidneys, it is necessary to pay attention to counteracting:

  • intraglomerular hypertension;
  • hyperfiltration;
  • development of systemic arterial hypertension.

For this purpose:

  • angiotensin-2 receptor blockers;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • low protein diet;
  • antihypertensive drugs.

The role of ACE inhibitors is:

  • providing hypotensive effect through inhibition of the synthesis of angiotensin-2 as a powerful vasoconstrictor;
  • reducing hypertension inside the glomeruli, eliminating hyperfiltration by dilating arterioles;
  • inhibition of parenchyma sclerosis by influencing the processes of cell proliferation and collagen synthesis;
  • reducing protein loss in urine.

The treatment regimen, medications and dosage are selected by the attending physician

The effect of the drugs increases in case of restriction of salt in food and combined action with diuretics. Angiotensin-2 receptor blockers have similar properties.

The dose of drugs is selected individually based on the results of systematic monitoring of the level of creatinine and potassium in the blood. ACE inhibitors not shown:

  • in the terminal stage of the disease;
  • with hyperkalemia;
  • in cases of bilateral narrowing of the renal arteries;
  • pregnant women.

A low-protein diet slows down the rate of development of renal failure by reducing the formation of internal toxic substances from breakdown products and restoring intraglomerular hemodynamics.

Treatment of high blood pressure of renal origin

The use of medications for impaired renal function is reduced to life-saving measures. important drugs. Hypertension must be treated. High blood pressure promotes the development of nephrosclerosis.

It should be remembered that patients with kidney damage are contraindicated:

  • thiazide diuretics (Hypothiazide);
  • a group of potassium-sparing diuretics (Veroshpiron, Triampur).

It is less often recommended to use Clonidine, Dopegit.

The most acceptable combinations:

  • ACE inhibitor + Furosemide + blocker;
  • calcium antagonist + β-blocker + sympatholytic, taking into account the mandatory restriction of salt in food.

There is ongoing debate among nephrologists and cardiologists regarding the required level of reduction in blood pressure numbers:

  • some argue for the need to bring it to a normal level;
  • others point to known cases of failure compensatory mechanisms kidneys with a significant decrease in pressure.

Conclusion: the pressure cannot be reduced sharply; selection of the dose of drugs requires the skill of the doctor and the patience of the patient.

Symptomatic treatment

Symptoms do not manifest themselves in the same way, so the means of correction have an individual choice.

  1. To eliminate anemia, drugs containing erythropoietin are prescribed.
  2. For the purpose of detoxification, courses of enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polyphepan) are indicated.
  3. As acidosis increases, a soda solution is administered intravenously.
  4. If the patient is bothered by painful cramps in the muscles of the legs, this indicates a decrease in calcium in the blood. Calcium forte and calcium carbonate are used for compensation.
  5. Chronic patients often develop hyperfunction parathyroid glands, therefore requiring the use of vitamin D or surgical removal of the glands.

In the treatment of renal failure, drugs with nephrotoxic effects and aggravating metabolic disorders are contraindicated. These include:

  • antibiotics - aminoglycosides, tetracyclines;
  • X-ray contrast agents;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • potassium preparations;
  • thiazide and potassium-sparing diuretics;
  • ACE inhibitors in inappropriately large doses;
  • protein preparations (except for special nephrological and emergency indications).

For a patient with chronic renal failure, the plasma creatinine level is about 1.0 mmol/L and the filtration rate is reduced to 10 ml/min. are indications for regular replacement hemodialysis and kidney transplantation. At the pre-dialysis stage, it is advisable to vaccinate the patient against viral hepatitis IN.

What plants can be used for folk remedies?

Treatment of renal failure with folk remedies does not have an evidence base for effectiveness. In practice, information exists at the advertising level. We can confidently say that there is no grass with healing properties, restoring dead kidney tissue.

Usage folk remedies effective only in the recovery stage

Urologists recommend herbal decoctions and preparations during the recovery stage after acute kidney failure. They are also suitable for chronic patients to prevent kidney infections. Doctors offer plants with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects on urinary tract. These include herbal teas from:

  • sequences;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • dandelion and calendula;
  • lemon balm;
  • coltsfoot;
  • chamomile and violet flowers;
  • dill seeds;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • bay leaf;
  • bearberry;
  • rose hips and hawthorn fruits;
  • parsley root.

It must be taken in the form of a decoction. Count the liquid you drink in the total volume. The patient may have diseases that have contraindications to herbal treatment. Therefore, you should consult your doctor.

Every year new drugs and methods for the treatment of renal failure appear. Effectiveness depends on the severity of the underlying disease. Any renal pathology requires careful attention to therapy and compliance with preventive measures.



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