What types of discharge are there for thrush (candidiasis): curdled, liquid, copious, watery, mucous, transparent. How to deal with discharge after thrush treatment

Patients often ask the question: what is the discharge like with thrush? ? During thrush, discharge may vary, depending on the form of the disease. Usually, candidiasis becomes a factor in the development of symptoms, but sometimes their presence signals the formation of concomitant diseases of infectious etiology.

Types and features

Of particular importance is the color of the fluid released from the vagina. Typically, in men and women of any age, the following is observed: white or yellowish discharge due to thrush. They have a cheesy consistency and smell similar to a fermented milk product. The shade and thickness may vary depending on the form and stage of the disease.

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, there is a meager amount of discharge during candidiasis, but due to the progression of the disease they become more abundant.

If fluid of a different color is observed from the genital tract, then this sign can be perceived as a signal: about the neglect of the disease, the formation of other ailments. It is especially dangerous when the presence of blood discharge due to thrush is recorded.


The presence of yellow discharge is not a cause for concern. If the product has a liquid consistency and does not have any foreign odor, then no additional treatment is required. When the appearance of yellow fluid from the genital tract is accompanied by other signs, treatment should not be delayed:

  • burning sensation in the labia area;
  • thick yellow fluid coming from the vagina;
  • pain during: sexual intercourse, emptying the bladder;
  • pungent odor from the secreted liquid.

When such symptoms are diagnosed, a visit to a medical facility cannot be delayed. Typically, such symptoms signal the development of dangerous ailments:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • spread of the inflammatory process in the woman’s reproductive organs;
  • cervical erosion.

There is no need to panic ahead of time; first of all, you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo a range of tests, after which the doctor will make a diagnosis and then prescribe treatment.


When, with thrush in women, pink fluid appears from the genital tract, you should be concerned, since the presence of bloody discharge is considered the first symptom of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Doctors identify several factors that provoke the development of the disease:

  • abuse: douching, taking antibacterial drugs;
  • overwork caused by: lack of sleep, difficult working conditions;
  • diabetes mellitus, accompanied by an increase in glucose levels in the body;
  • hormonal imbalance caused by taking hormonal contraceptives or pregnancy.

There are cases when several factors simultaneously contribute to the development of vulvovaginal candidiasis. The presence of the disease can be determined by certain signs:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge due to thrush (they are usually light pink in color, but may have a darker shade);
  • severe itching, peeling of tissue (the intensity of symptoms may increase during movement);
  • pain during sex;
  • hyperemia of genital tissues.

When a patient exhibits such signs, it is impossible to delay treatment, since there is a huge risk of developing visceral candidiasis, which affects all human organs.


The presence of brown discharge due to thrush is usually diagnosed before the onset of menstruation. This factor is considered absolutely normal, but if they begin to stand out in the middle of the cycle, then you should worry. This is usually a sign of an advanced form of candidiasis, but doctors also identify other causes for the appearance of this symptom.

  1. Mechanical damage to the mucosa. Due to the appearance of candidiasis, the tissues of the genital organs become very fragile and are easily injured. This can happen during an examination with a gynecologist. In addition, candidiasis is usually accompanied by itching, which can cause a person to scratch and damage the mucous membrane.
  2. Concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system, one of which is cystitis. If the simultaneous occurrence of these ailments is recorded, a visit to a specialist is mandatory.
  3. Consequences of taking medications. To treat candidiasis, a woman is prescribed the use of vaginal suppositories, when used, the presence of brown liquid from the genital tract is often diagnosed. This is usually due to incorrect placement of the suppositories, but sometimes a symptom can occur due to individual intolerance to the components of the product or the principle of action of the drug.
  4. Hormonal imbalance caused by: taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy. Sometimes diagnosed in girls during puberty.

When the appearance of fluid from the vagina is not accompanied by other signs, the disease will go away quickly; if this is not the case, then the girl will face long-term treatment.


The greenish tint of discharge during thrush is considered the most dangerous. Their appearance may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor similar to rotten fish. If a patient experiences the appearance of greenish fluid from the genital tract, then an urgent need to go to the doctor, since the symptom may signal the development of: infectious, sexually transmitted diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • bacterial vaginosis.

If such a symptom is diagnosed, self-medication is prohibited. You must not delay seeking medical help, otherwise the patient’s quality of life will decrease.

Types depending on the age and gender of the patient

Any person has encountered such a problem as having discharge from thrush . Cases have been recorded in which young girls who are not sexually active have had varying amounts of fluid appear from the genital tract; consistency, shade.

  1. In the standard course of the disease in women, it is diagnosed by the appearance of white grains on the genitals, in addition to the color of the fluid released from the vagina, which may have a yellowish tint. One thing is clear - they should not be thick. If during thrush the discharge has a different color or consistency, then we are talking about the development of related ailments.
  2. In men, candidiasis manifests itself in the form of a white coating on the head of the penis, which is accompanied by the appearance of fluid from the urethra. There is hyperemia and swelling of the tissues of the genital organ. There is itching and burning of the tissues of the genital organs. Some men experience discomfort while visiting the sanitary room.
  3. Candidiasis can occur even in newborns. This is usually due to infection of the disease from a sick mother. In children, candidiasis is usually observed on the external genitalia or in the mouth. The color of the secreted product is white; if a different color is observed, then we are talking about the development of an infection or an advanced stage of thrush.

Regardless of the age and gender of the patient, the color of the released product should be light in color with no unpleasant odor. If a change in the shade or concentration of the secreted liquid is observed, then this is the first reason to visit a specialist.

What kind of discharge is diagnosed in pregnant women?

With the standard course of candidiasis, the color of the secreted product should have a light shade. The smell of the released product should not be pungent, much less fetid, otherwise we can talk about the development of related ailments.

Pregnant women are most susceptible to developing candidiasis, this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

  1. Pink - signals the appearance of endometriosis or cervical erosion. Sometimes, this symptom signals an ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Yellow-green or green is the first sign of the development of an infection or sexually transmitted disease. In addition, it signals the spread of pathogenic microorganisms of a different type or class. In some cases, this may be an alarming signal about the development of trichomoniasis.
  3. Brown - observed when the vaginal walls are damaged during an examination by a gynecologist or during rough sex. Sometimes the symptom is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy.

Regardless of the color or consistency of the released product, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Even if there are no concomitant diseases, this does not guarantee that a dangerous illness will not develop due to improper use of medications. It is better not to experiment with your health, but to consult a doctor immediately after the first signs of the disease appear.

Candidiasis is a disease that is accompanied by the following symptoms: burning, and various types of discharge. Their character and color most often depend on the specifics of the disease. At the initial stage, thrush appears as a small amount of thick white discharge, but as the disease progresses, the amount increases and the color can vary from greenish-yellow to or brown (bloody). Yellow discharge due to thrush in women is a cause for concern and a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

In order to exclude the presence of other urinary tract infections and erosion.

For candidiasis, which occurs without secondary infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, the discharge is characterized by a white color. But it changes when exposed to various factors, which helps in the diagnosis and treatment of thrush. Yellow discharge often accompanies.

What does this indicate: reasons

The reason for the yellowish color of the discharge during thrush is mostly due to the ingress of leukocytes into it, which, in turn, indicates an inflammatory process. Yellow discharge can be caused by vaginal dysbiosis or a number of chronic diseases, such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis or chlamydia. In addition, any pathological discharge can be caused by external irritants (for example, uncomfortable underwear or hypothermia).

In pregnant women

Yellow discharge due to thrush during pregnancy is not normal. At this time, a woman’s body is most susceptible to yeast-like fungi and other gynecological diseases, due to hormonal changes and a decrease in the body’s immune activity.

As a result, the acidity of the vagina increases, and the environment becomes favorable for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. If candidiasis occurs without complications and concomitant infections, the cause of the yellow color is the predominance of an acidic environment and chemical reactions in it.

However, you should consult a specialist to conduct a full examination and identify the causes of pathological discharge, since the treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy has a number of features that should not be neglected.

Before your period

The appearance of discharge characteristic of candidiasis before the onset of menstruation indicates a sluggish inflammatory process. In other words, the infection is in a chronic stage and has not been fully treated. The activation of pathogenic fungi during this period is associated with changes in the vaginal microflora before. Its defenses are reduced, which allows the disease to progress.

IMPORTANT: the yellow color of the discharge may also indicate that, in addition to chronic thrush, there are infectious diseases in the genitourinary tract.

How to get rid of yellow discharge during candidiasis?

To get rid of discharge during candidiasis, a comprehensive treatment is needed, aimed at eliminating the disease in acute or chronic form. It includes the use of general and local action, as well as some to eliminate symptoms. In addition, it is necessary to seriously reconsider the way of life and.

Repeated appearances of thrush and the addition of secondary sexually transmitted infections indicate a malfunction of the immune system. For candidiasis, a low-carbohydrate diet, limiting the intake of alcohol, coffee, and dairy products is indicated. You should follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

Drug elimination

There are many antifungal agents. For local treatment, the preferred choice is, and. They can be used for the primary treatment of thrush or as part of complex therapy for chronic candidiasis. Systemic drugs are antifungal tablets for oral administration.

When choosing a treatment regimen, it is necessary to be guided by the results of bacteriological culture from the vagina, which reveals the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to a specific drug. Most often, in chronic cases of thrush, fungal colonies that are resistant to antimycotic agents are identified by culture. In this case, therapy must be comprehensive.

After the course of treatment has been completed, bacteriological culture should be repeated to ensure that no fungus remains. To restore normal microflora after illness, vaginal suppositories with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are used. This will help quickly return local immunity to normal and reduce the risk of complications. By the way, pink discharge may remain even after treatment for thrush, this suggests that the cause was not candidiasis.

Traditional therapy

Alternative medicine is widely used in cases of chronic recurrent thrush. used both for prevention and treatment of the disease. Mostly locally!

  • are used to prevent relapses of the disease and as general therapy. Before each use of antifungal suppositories, it is necessary to douche. This helps reduce the amount of pathogenic microflora in the vagina and thereby enhance the effect. To prepare the solution you need to: dilute 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of hot water. Let cool to room temperature. This concentration is suitable for both douching and washing. The effect can be enhanced by adding a few drops of iodine.
  • and washing with collections help eliminate the symptoms of thrush and significantly reduce the amount of vaginal discharge. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture (you can use calendula, sage) and 0.5 liters. boiled water. Let the mixture sit for a while, then strain the contents. With this product you can douche up to 3 times a day, for a period of no more than a month.

Continue after treatment: what to do?

There are cases when, in the absence of other symptoms, the discharge does not go away. It should be remembered that the cause of this may be infectious diseases that are not related to the fungus. It is important to get specialist advice in a timely manner. Reasons for increased vaginal discharge not related to thrush:

  • Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, such as: gonococcal, herpetic infections, trichomoniasis;
  • Taking hormonal medications;
  • Failure to comply with nutritional recommendations during treatment of the disease;
  • Hypothermia;

Protracted pathological discharge is a sign of a severe inflammatory process. To identify its causes, additional examination and laboratory diagnostics should be performed.

In order to eliminate candidiasis in a timely manner, you need to understand what discharge from thrush looks like. More often, discharge from thrush in women looks like cottage cheese with a sour smell. The color of the discharge is of great importance for diagnosing the disease.

Vaginal candidiasis is a common disease, especially among women. Candida fungus is present in every body, but with a decrease in immunity and disruption of the vaginal microflora, the infection begins to multiply. The disease brings irritation and frustration in sexual relationships.

The main reason for the proliferation of Candida fungus is weakened immunity. Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system are observed with long-term use of antibiotics and other medications, which kill not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria.

Hormonal imbalances in the body occur due to improper use of contraception.

Injury to the mucous membrane by a coil during a poor-quality abortion can cause pathological changes in the microflora, which leads to the growth of fungus.

Often thrush in women appears after prolonged stress or wearing synthetic underwear, which compresses the genitals. A greenhouse effect is created, moisture begins to be released, which promotes the proliferation of bacteria.

Patients with diabetes and people who abuse sweet foods and baked goods are at risk.

A common way of contracting candidiasis is through sexual contact. This is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it is transmitted through intimate intimacy. More often than not, a man is unaware of the presence of the disease and acts as a carrier of the disease. To prevent infection, you should use condoms during sexual intercourse and avoid promiscuity.

The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and redness of the genitals, burning and itching;
  • white cheesy discharge appears, a specific smell is observed if treatment of the disease is ignored;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane causes pain, which intensifies during sexual intercourse or urination;

But experts say that the color of discharge from thrush can be not only white.

A change in the color of the discharge may indicate the presence of other more serious abnormalities in the body. The doctor will be able to establish the correct diagnosis after examining and additionally examining the woman.

Discharge during thrush can be confused with symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Therefore, it is important to correctly distinguish the symptoms of the disease in order to promptly treat the problem.

The cause of the disease can be various factors that negatively affect the body's immune system. Timely treatment will allow you to get rid of the pathology and avoid serious consequences.

In the first stages of thrush, women experience itching, burning and cheesy discharge from the vagina. The smell of the discharge is neutral, but if the disease progresses, the nature of the symptoms worsens greatly.

There is copious discharge that smells unpleasant and changes color. The doctor determines the stage of the disease by color; brown, pink, greenish, yellow discharge may be observed.

Such deviations are more often observed if other infectious diseases are associated with vaginal candidiasis:

  1. Yellow discharge is observed with bacterial vaginosis, when the balance of the vaginal microflora is disturbed. They have a specific smell, which intensifies after sexual contact or water procedures.
  2. Brown discharge with thrush indicates erosion of the cervix. This phenomenon during pregnancy can cause miscarriage. After all, the deviation indicates detachment of the ovum; the situation requires consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist in order to prevent premature birth.
  3. The most dangerous are green discharges; they are caused by pathological abnormalities in the body and pose a threat to the patient’s health. Such problems are often associated not only with candidiasis, but also with sexually transmitted diseases. Green mucus indicates a pathogenic change in the fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina.
  4. With thrush, pink discharge occurs before menstruation.

The color of the discharge is of great importance for treatment. To establish the cause of the pathology and prescribe effective therapy, doctors prescribe additional examinations.

Pathological discharge has various manifestations:

  • change in color, increase in abundance at different stages of the menstrual cycle;
  • different colors at different points in the cycle, which is accompanied by itching, sour odor, pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • the amount of discharge changes during menstruation, it increases or decreases significantly;
  • there is pink discharge before or after menstruation, possibly heavy bleeding during menstruation;

Such deviations require immediate contact with a doctor to determine the cause of the pathology.

There are many antifungal drugs on the pharmacological market. But it is forbidden to self-medicate to prevent serious complications. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is important to consult a gynecologist. Laboratory tests will help to correctly establish the diagnosis and determine the type of fungal infection. To avoid relapses, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations. Do not interrupt the prescribed treatment after the symptoms of the disease disappear. Both partners need to undergo therapy to completely get rid of the fungus. After a thrush, you need to take a second vaginal smear to confirm the effectiveness of treatment.

The main methods of influencing fungal infection:

  • systematic therapy of candidiasis;
  • local administration when the disease manifests itself;
  • boosting immunity.

Treatment of thrush in women requires a comprehensive prescription of medications:

  • antibiotics with the active substance nystatin, levorin, which affect pathogenic microbes and block the proliferation of fungus;
  • antifungal agents based on clortimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole;
  • combination medications;
  • drugs to boost immunity, strengthen the body.

If the first symptoms similar to thrush appear, doctors recommend topical remedies. Cream or ointments are applied to the affected mucous membrane. Women are also recommended to use suppositories that are inserted into the vagina. This treatment is systematic, used two to three times a day, and lasts about two weeks.

If, with thrush, the discharge changes in color and has a sour smell, you need to take antibiotics, but after consulting a doctor.

For therapy to be effective, the functionality of the immune system must be restored. Probiotics restore microflora, and you also need to follow a special diet.

If a woman is bothered by yellow discharge due to thrush, this is not a reason to panic. Although, of course, the color of vaginal discharge can be considered a reliable sign for diagnosing the disease, you should not rush and self-medicate.

Yellow discharge

The subtlety in diagnosing thrush is that it is caused by a fungal infection. In medical terms, it is caused by yeast fungi belonging to the genus Candida. The nuance is that these microorganisms also live in the body of healthy women and men. They live in the microflora of the mouth, vagina and large intestine. In small quantities, Candida mushrooms are a natural state of a healthy body. However, in some conditions they begin to multiply significantly, and in this case we can talk about the appearance of thrush or candidiasis.
Moreover, discharge from the female genital tract itself is also a natural process, but only if it is not abundant and has a transparent color. For example, during ovulation (egg maturation), a woman’s discharge increases, and this is normal. But only if they are colorless or odorless can they be compared to egg white.

What are the warning signs?

A woman is obliged to pay attention to her health if she notices at least one of the following signs:
Burning, irritation in the genital area.
Heavy vaginal discharge (yellow or white, but not clear).
Pain during sexual intercourse.
Pain when urinating.
A sharp, nasty odor from the genital tract or from secretions that remain on the underwear.

What can yellow discharge indicate?

This type of vaginal discharge can be both a normal variant and an alarming symptom, which should definitely consult a doctor as soon as possible. This is especially true for those who have yellow discharge when thrush develops, i.e. accompanied by itching, pain, and a pungent odor.

If you notice yellow discharge, this may be a sign of:
Acute sexually transmitted infections (there can be many of them, an example is gonorrhea).
Inflammation in the uterine appendages or ovaries.
Cervical erosions.

What steps to take if a woman discovers yellow discharge?

There is definitely no need to panic, since only a qualified, experienced gynecologist can determine an accurate diagnosis, and only after a series of tests. You cannot draw a conclusion based on the color of the discharge alone. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and undergo basic tests, which will be prescribed by a gynecologist. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly carry out personal intimate hygiene.
In addition, science knows that Candida fungi feed on yeast products and sweets. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to exclude chocolate, cookies, cakes and other confectionery products from your diet. This must be done at least before the diagnosis is clarified and test results are received.
It is also known that in some cases, active reproduction of Candida during thrush can be caused by decreased immunity. With thrush, immunity drops sharply and yeast fungi can multiply unhindered. Therefore, you should try to improve your immunity, but use only classic “folk” remedies until you receive an accurate diagnosis. This means active consumption of vitamins, adequate sleep, and physical activity.
However, if the cause of the detected discharge is an acute infection, treatment must be started immediately, and in particularly acute cases, hospitalization may also be recommended.
If thrush has already been confirmed, you should pay close attention not only to the color, but also to the consistency of the discharge. The denser they are, the higher the likelihood that the pathogen is an infection.

Prevention of thrush: is it possible to get rid of it once and for all?

As we already know, the causative agent of thrush lives in the body of every person. However, not everyone begins to multiply to alarming numbers. Therefore, preventive measures include an active lifestyle, a varied and healthy diet with a small amount of yeast and sweet foods. In addition, having one sexual partner or protected sexual intercourse plays an important role.
For prevention, you can use a wash with chamomile or sage infusion. The healing properties of these herbs help maintain the microflora of the female internal genital organs at a healthy pH level and kill harmful microorganisms. When dealing with thrush, it is very effective to regularly carry out the above-described preventive procedures, only when you can forget about it for a long time.

In the age of high technology and advanced medicine, it seemed that humanity had to cope with all diseases. But... It’s not that simple; a living organism, regardless of its shape and size, always strives to survive, adapting to changing conditions.

Fungi of the genus Candida, the causative agents of the well-known thrush, are no exception to this rule. Pharmacologists are tirelessly developing new drugs to combat candidiasis, and the pathogen also carefully adapts to them.

Almost every woman knows about thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis; there is hardly a representative of the fair sex who cannot tell the main manifestations (what kind of discharge occurs with thrush, when symptoms worsen, etc.).

Moreover, they talk about it on TV screens and write about it in print media. And many are convinced that they can not only correctly diagnose themselves, but also prescribe treatment for themselves.

The causative agent of candidiasis can enter the body of a girl (woman) at any period of her life. Fortunately, it is rare, but it happens that Candida gets to the child in utero from the mother. Much more often, the pathogen enters the body during childbirth or in the first few days after birth.

The source of infection is the mother, medical personnel, father or other relatives who are in close contact with the child. Candida is found in soil, water, and on surrounding objects; it lives mainly in warm, humid conditions.

In some sources you can read about the sexual transmission of candida. Of course, there is a possibility of transmitting the infection to a sexual partner, but this route is not the main one. This is evidenced by the fact that half of the sexual partners of women suffering from acute and chronic candidiasis have a completely different type of pathogen.

In most cases, the body's defenses are sufficient for the opportunistic pathogen to behave quietly and not cause problems to the owner. Candida, together with other similar flora, exists peacefully on the skin and mucous membranes of humans in an inactive form.

The fungus begins to multiply if a “breakdown” occurs in the body.

In this case, a breakdown should be understood as any process that disrupts the balance of the internal environment of the body - stress, illness, injury, hypothermia, unprotected sexual intercourse, etc.

All of the above leads to the creation of conditions in the body that are not comfortable for the life of normal beneficial flora, but are very favorable for the reproduction and activation of opportunistic flora.

Most often, candidiasis is diagnosed in women. This is explained by their greater emotional lability, constant blood loss during menstruation (anemia is one of the factors activating the fungus), hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, abuse of the benefits of civilization (synthetic underwear, panty liners, tampons, thongs, intimate hygiene products, etc.).

In men, candidiasis is less common, which, however, does not exclude it from the list of men's problems. If the process is left to chance, local inflammation from the glans penis spreads to the foreskin, scrotal skin, and groin skin, which is fraught with various complications, for example, phimosis.

In young children, oral candidiasis is more common; the genitals are rarely affected, as a rule, or hormonal drugs. A tendency to oral candidiasis in children is noted due to the immaturity of the immune system and the barrier properties of the oral mucosa.

Types of candidiasis

Like any other disease, has its own classification:

  1. Candida carrier– a condition in which a pathogen is detected in smears, but there are no complaints at all. No treatment is required, observed in 20% of women. Diagnosed in 50% of pregnant women.
  2. Acute form of candidiasis– it is characterized by all the classic manifestations of candidiasis. The process lasts no more than 2 months.
  3. Chronic (recurrent) candidiasis– an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane caused by fungi of the genus Candida and lasting more than 2 months or returning 4 or more times during the year.

Blooming thrush manifests itself typically in most women, which makes it possible to establish a diagnosis with a 90% probability based on the type of discharge from the genital tract. And yet, what does thrush discharge look like, what makes it such a recognizable infection?

Abundant cheesy, flaky discharge with a sour odor, which is accompanied by discomfort in the genital area. When washed, copious masses are washed out of the vagina, the consistency of which resembles curdled milk; the same discharge is found on the underwear.

The color of discharge from thrush depends on the severity of the process, the duration of the disease and the addition of other pathogenic flora. If the process is acute, and other pathogens do not take part in it, the color of the discharge fits into the description - “milky”.

If the inflammatory process is not treated and/or other flora is present on the mucous membranes of the genital tract, thrush becomes green. The inflamed mucous membrane is swollen, congested, and easily injured, which is why brown discharge (blood) can be detected with candidiasis.

In little girls, genital candidiasis primarily affects the vulva and hymen; the process rarely spreads to the vagina.

In the absence of timely treatment, the skin of the labia, pubis, and groin area is involved in inflammation. Discharge from thrush in girls accumulates in the form of sticky greenish deposits in the folds between the labia.

Classic cheesy discharge in women with thrush may be absent, especially if we are talking about the chronic form.

The chronic form of candidiasis may occur without any visible discharge at all, or it may be liquid, interspersed with white grains.

There may be yellow, foamy, mucous discharge with thrush. It all depends on the state of the immune system and the aggressiveness of the vaginal microflora. We will not dwell separately on the question of what kind of discharge during thrush in pregnant women, because they are no different.

Is it just worth noting that brown discharge in expectant mothers should be alarming, because... their cause may be not only injury to the inflamed mucous membrane, but also the threat of miscarriage, therefore, if blood is detected in the discharge, an in-person consultation with a gynecologist is required.

What besides discharge?

Discharge from thrush in women is not the only problem. In addition to them, there are symptoms such as itching, burning, swelling of the mucous membrane, pain when urinating, pain during sexual intercourse.

Itching and burning are present throughout the day, intensifying in the evening, after a long walk, after sexual intercourse. Pain and discomfort during intimacy become the reason for refusal of sexual activity and disruption of partner relationships.

When to ask for help?

As soon as the first signs of candidiasis appear, you should immediately seek help. This is important because late treatment can lead to the transition of an acute episode to a chronic one, the treatment of which will not only require more time, but will also significantly affect the woman’s wallet.

During the examination, the specialist will definitely take tests and, based on the results, select an individual treatment regimen.

It is necessary to answer all the doctor’s questions accurately and completely, because... Taking an anamnesis will help establish the form of candidiasis, which is important for prescribing anti-relapse therapy.

The specificity of discharge from thrush allows a diagnosis to be made in most patients by visual examination.

However, swab collection is a mandatory requirement. Only after receiving the analysis is the diagnosis considered reliable.

In addition, even a simple smear allows you to determine the severity of the process. The detection of threads of pseudomycelium indicates chronic candidiasis; the accumulation of cellular forms indicates acute candidiasis.

Also, other pathogens may be detected in the smear (Trichomonas, key cells, etc.), to combat which standard antifungal treatment will not be enough.

Cultures for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics are performed if the diagnosis is in doubt or treatment is not effective. The information content of the study is high, but there are certain disadvantages - a special laboratory is required and it is necessary to wait a long time for the result.

Principles of treatment

The main principle of treating candidiasis is a step-by-step approach. The first stage is eliminating the pathogen.

Sometimes specialists strive to simultaneously influence all links and causes of the inflammatory process, which is fundamentally wrong, because not only makes the treatment regimen more complicated (it is not convenient to take many drugs at once) and makes the treatment regimen more expensive, but also often pushes into the background the fight against the fungus itself.

It turns out that while we are fighting somatic diseases, stabilizing them, restoring the immune system and switching to proper nutrition, thrush continues to bloom, moving from an acute form to a chronic one.

Initially, antifungal drugs are prescribed, and after the symptoms disappear, regimens can be prescribed to restore microflora, immunity, stabilize chronic diseases and prevent relapses.

After thrush, it is advisable to monitor the cure by visiting your local gynecologist a week after the end of treatment.



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