How to determine a ligament rupture. How to determine damage to the ankle joint - sprain or sprain

Ligaments are parts of joints that help connect bones to each other and allow a person to move. But at the same time they are quite defenseless and therefore wrong approach to physical activity there is a risk of ligament injury.

There are three types of injuries: sprain, dislocation and ligament rupture. But in every case medical care provided to the victim is different. Therefore, you need to know how to recognize a sprain so as not to harm a person when providing first aid.

How to recognize a sprain

When a sprain occurs, a partial rupture of the connective tissue of the ligaments occurs. There are several symptoms to know that you have a torn ligament:

  1. Formation of bruising and swelling at the site of sprain;
  2. Pain when moving the damaged joint;
  3. Heating of the skin at the site of injury.

But at the same time, a person can move the injured limb, despite the fact that movements are limited due to the pain that occurs.

Ligaments never actually stretch - this is a myth, they remain unchanged in shape. A sprain is a partial tear, so it passes more easily and is less dangerous for a person. But it is quite difficult to distinguish between rupture and stretching without additional examinations. Therefore, in case of any damage to the ligaments, you should go to a hospital or emergency room to determine the extent of the damage and the necessary treatment.

What is the difference between a sprain and a torn ligament?

Ligament rupture is a more serious stage of sprain, and there is severe damage connective tissue of the joint. A person with such an injury cannot move the injured limb, and bruising and swelling may also appear.

The main difference between a ligament rupture and a sprain is the amount of damaged tissue; when a rupture occurs, all the connective tissues of the joint are damaged.

A sprain can occur with minor physical exertion if you do it incorrectly or do not warm up the muscles first. And the breakup accompanies incorrect execution complex physical exercise and occurs mainly in professional athletes.

For example, 70% of football players had ruptures of various ligaments lower limbs. This is the main difference between a torn ligament and a sprain. First aid for both injuries is the same - you need to immobilize the injured limb, numb it and call qualified medical professionals. Only during a full examination can you correctly assess the extent of damage and the necessary treatment.

How to distinguish a sprain from a dislocation

A dislocation is a serious injury that is accompanied by displacement of parts of the joint relative to each other. However, depending on the severity of the injury, a dislocation may be accompanied by a rupture or sprain of the ligaments.

The dislocation itself occurs when, due to an impact or strong muscle tension, the two ends of the joint are displaced into an unnatural position. In this case, the ability to freely move this limb is lost and sharp and severe pain appears.

When two parts of a joint are displaced, the connective tissues that connect them are stretched and can become damaged, causing sprain or rupture of the ligaments.

There is no need to provide first aid for such damage; it is enough to immobilize the injured limb and take the person to the hospital emergency room or emergency room as quickly as possible. There they will examine the victim, take an x-ray if necessary and set the dislocation under local anesthesia, if it is not complicated by anything. Complicated dislocations are reduced during surgery.

There are many bones in the human body that can be connected immobile, semi-movable and movable. Most of our body's movements are achieved through our joints. These formations are both strong and - thanks to the ligaments - very mobile.

Quite often, an unsuccessful movement or a fall can lead to injury. Let's figure out what sprains and dislocations are. Let's discuss what first aid should be provided for such injuries.

What is stretching?

For people who lead active image life, such trauma is not uncommon. All it takes is one wrong move and the stretching limits your mobility. Human ligaments, despite their strength, are still capable of stretching and being damaged under load.

A sprain is an injury in which the connective tissue fibers that make up the ligaments are torn. Because it goes through them large number nerve endings And blood vessels, then signs of sprain will almost immediately appear in the form of pain and swelling. Ligament damage may be varying degrees, the most serious is their complete rupture.

The severity also depends on the number of fibers affected. Any sudden movements or heavy load can lead to signs of a joint sprain. Such injuries are not uncommon in children, athletes and those who prefer to lead an active lifestyle.

What can cause a sprain?

Ligaments are connective tissue, which is responsible in joints for their strength and attaches muscles to bones. The structure of the fibers is quite strong and can withstand heavy loads, thereby ensuring mobility. If there is inadequate physical impact, then signs of stretching appear right there. Most often such injuries occur:

  • If it happens mechanical damage joint
  • There is excessive physical activity.
  • For a long time, joints and ligaments are subjected to the same type of load.
  • Sudden movements in the joint that exceed the normal amplitude.

Factors that increase the risk of sprains

Athletes are always at risk. Despite intense and regular training, the ligaments do not always withstand excessive loads. In children ligamentous apparatus has not yet been fully formed, so they can also be classified in this group. There are some other factors that increase the risk of getting a sprain:

  1. If a person leads an inactive lifestyle, then any increased physical activity may result in the signs of a sprain not taking long to appear.
  2. Many, going to gym or when practicing on their own, they incorrectly distribute the load when running or jumping, which can lead to injury.
  3. The risk of spraining will be significantly reduced if you do at least a short warm-up before performing the main group of exercises.
  4. You should not continue exercising if you feel extreme fatigue. In such situations, coordination can fail, and any awkward movement will lead to a sprain.
  5. With age, the elasticity of the ligaments decreases significantly, so the frequency of such injuries increases.
  6. In the second half of pregnancy, the ligamentous apparatus is already preparing for upcoming birth and becomes overly elastic, which increases the risk of stretching during awkward movements.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that almost anyone can get such an injury. It is now important to recognize the signs of a sprain in time and provide first aid to the victim.

Types of sprains

A sprain can occur in almost any joint, hence the distinction the following types similar injuries:

  1. Sprain in the acromioclavicular joint. This injury often occurs when a person falls or is struck at the top of the joint. Pain is immediately felt above the outer end of the collarbone when moving the arm across the body.
  2. A sprain in the sternoclavicular joint can occur if you fall on your outstretched arm.
  3. occurs if the hand is sharply straightened.
  4. Injury knee joint is also diagnosed quite often. This can be due to a direct blow or twisting.
  5. Injury to the cruciate ligament can occur when the hip is severely twisted while the shin is locked. At the moment of injury, it feels as if the knee is “falling apart.”
  6. joint It often happens when you twist your ankle or accidentally land on the foot of a person standing next to you.

Signs of stretching different types injuries are almost the same, and we’ll get to know them further.

Degrees of stretch

The severity of the sprain can vary, and there are several degrees:

1st degree- the easiest. There is damage to a small area of ​​the ligament. The victim feels pain, but this does not affect movements. There may be no swelling at all.

2nd degree- moderate. As a rule, this is a partial rupture of the ligaments. Severe pain is felt in the injured area, swelling appears and hemorrhage appears under the skin.

The most severe degree is 3rd. Happening complete break ligaments, a strong sharp pain, large swelling, bruises. If observed, the victim cannot even step on his foot.

Signs of stretching

When sprained, almost all victims report pain. This is explained a large number nerve endings in ligaments and blood vessels, which is why swelling also appears.

Pain and swelling are the first signs of a sprain, but there are other symptoms:

  • Formation of a bruise, hemorrhage in the tissue.
  • The damaged area swells.
  • Redness skin.
  • Motor activity is limited.
  • If you touch the injured area, you feel pain.
  • Increase in temperature (not always).
  • Hyperthermia at the site of injury.

The signs of a bruise and sprain are quite similar. In both cases, it sometimes happens that the victim does not feel pain in the first moments, so he continues to move on. But this is dangerous because the stretching only increases, since the mobility of the joint injures the tissue.

In addition to spraining, ligament rupture is possible, and this will require completely different help and treatment. In addition, sprains are also quite similar, so it is necessary to be able to distinguish them.

Manifestations of dislocation

When a dislocation occurs, the following phenomena occur:

  • Ligament rupture.
  • Displacement of bones.
  • The surfaces of the articular bones stop touching or do so partially.
  • The joint changes its external shape.
  • Motor function is impaired.

Of course, dislocation and fracture are more serious injuries, but the first manifestations may resemble a sprain, so it is necessary to diagnose as quickly as possible and begin effective therapy.

Signs of a muscle strain

In addition to sprains, you can observe the same injury, but affecting muscle fibers. If you tighten or shorten them excessively, then there will already be signs of muscle strain:

  • Painful sensations in the muscle when moving and palpating.
  • The muscle swells and becomes swollen.
  • Possible formation of hematomas.
  • A painful lump appears at the site of injury.
  • The functioning of the muscle is completely or partially impaired.

If the injury has mild degree, then after a few days it will stop bothering you. More serious damage require doctor's intervention.

You can distinguish a muscle strain from a ligament sprain by the following signs:

  1. If there is a ligament injury, pain appears almost immediately or after short period time.
  2. When a muscle is strained, pain usually appears the next day.

How to help the victim?

So, we already know what signs indicate a sprain. And first aid can be provided to the victim in a timely manner, which will significantly reduce the risk of complications. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. The injured limb must be immobilized as quickly as possible. This will help relieve pain and reduce the risk of developing negative reactions.
  2. You can apply cold to the site of injury - this will relieve swelling and reduce pain. In such situations, any available means can be used, from snow from the street to a piece of frozen meat from the freezer.
  3. Give the joint a natural position and apply a tight bandage.
  4. You can give the victim an anesthetic to relieve pain.
  5. If bruising appears, the limb should be elevated, which will prevent the growth of swelling.
  6. Visit a doctor to rule out dislocation and ligament rupture.

If there is a slight sprain (signs), and first aid is provided, then after about 5 days the symptoms will begin to subside, and the ability to work will be fully restored.

Taboo for sprains

Everyone should also know what not to do when stretching:

  • It is forbidden to rub the injured area or heat it. Thermal procedures can be used only a few days after injury to improve blood circulation and speedy resolution of hematomas.
  • You should not take alcohol as a painkiller - this can increase bleeding, if any, and slow down the process of tissue repair.
  • Only complete rest will help the ligaments recover faster, but if you continue to train or work through pain, this can lead to the development of complications.

See a doctor urgently!

If the healing process is delayed and the following symptoms are observed, you should consult a doctor:

  • Severe pain, the injured limb cannot be moved.
  • Numbness is felt in the injured joint or below.
  • The site of injury was very red.
  • There have been cases of joint damage in the past.
  • Mobility in the joint is impaired, a “crackling” sensation is felt.
  • There is no improvement for several days.
  • Body temperature has increased.

If one or more of these signs occur, you will have to call a doctor.

Sprain Treatment

Therapeutic measures include the following:

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Injections of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Therapeutic exercise.
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the sprain does not rupture the ligaments, then good effect provide physiotherapeutic procedures. But it is not always possible to visit such offices, so for minor sprains, a pressure bandage is quite suitable. IN lately Orthopedic devices for immobilization, made from natural or synthetic materials, are becoming increasingly popular.

In the first couple of days, you can use cooling compresses, and then move on to warm ones. A good help in treating sprains is the use of ointments and gels, for example Voltaren, Diclofenac. They not only help reduce swelling, but also relieve pain.

Once the swelling subsides and the pain disappears, you can begin doing some exercises that will help restore normal motor activity joint

Strong stretching sometimes requires application steroid hormones, for example ointments with prednisolone and hydrocortisone. Such drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain and swelling of tissues.

If a serious injury occurs, it may be necessary surgery for stitching torn ligaments.

Therapy at home

If the victim does not want to see a doctor, then, as a rule, they proceed to home methods of therapy. The first step is to apply a bandage to the leg and give an anesthetic injection. You can use Diclofenac and Ketanov for these purposes.

Treatment at home comes down to the use of ointments and compresses that help relieve swelling and get rid of pain. We can recommend this home remedy recipe:

  1. Grate one potato and onion.
  2. Chop the cabbage leaf.
  3. Dilute a tablespoon of clay with curdled milk.
  4. Combine all ingredients and make a compress overnight.

You can use another recipe:

  1. Chop 10 cloves of garlic and pour 0.5 l apple cider vinegar or 100 ml of vodka.
  2. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  3. After 14 days, filter and add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  4. The composition can be used as a compress.

If the injury is minor, then most likely, such methods will have an effective effect, and the symptoms of sprain will soon cease to bother you.

Even minor injuries should not be ignored: without appropriate treatment, complications may develop, and this will require more serious therapy.

Not everyone fully understands the difference between various types limb injuries. Among other things, misunderstanding raises the question of how to distinguish a joint dislocation from a fracture, as well as from a sprain and bruise. Differentiation of the signs of each of these disorders is important both from the point of view of choice of treatment and from the point of view of a general understanding of the situation. If the question of identifying a fracture against the general background is resolved relatively simply, then with other injuries there is much less clarity. However, even without professional medical education, it is possible and necessary to understand the issue.

In order to understand what kind of injury occurred, and to recognize a specific injury by external signs, it is important to have an understanding of the features of each concept. First, let's look at ways to recognize a fracture. This case is the only one considered when the integrity of bone tissue. Bone fracture may be a consequence external influence or the result of internal pathology.

The situation is less clear with other concepts. A certain clarity comes if you place the following accents. A dislocation involves joint injuries, while a sprain affects ligaments, muscles, and tendons. The bruise is more general concept, reflecting any consequence closed injury internal tissues and/or organs. Symptoms of injury, analysis of the conditions under which the injury occurred, and anamnesis will help to more accurately understand the difference.


This injury occurs as a result of pathological eversion of the limb in the joint, when parts of the bones that were previously nearby are displaced (subluxation) or diverge. This often occurs in the ankle and wrist joint. At work, during leisure, while playing sports, as well as in the context of a number of other conditions, it is not difficult to get this type of injury.

It is difficult to determine whether a dislocation or sprain is taking place, since they have a number of common features. This is pain, swelling, and the appearance of a hematoma at the site of injury. The main difference between any dislocation and sprain is the localization of the indicated manifestations strictly in the area of ​​the joint. At the same time, the joint itself increases noticeably. His normal movement becomes impossible, has pathological character or limited. Shortening of injured limbs and their position at rest, distorted from the norm, are common.

Dislocation is caused various factors mechanical impact. When a person suffers a sprain, they may also strain a ligament or muscle.


How difficult it is to identify such an injury depends on the type of fracture. Its open appearance is easy to recognize by the presence of a wound and bone fragments visible from it. Also evidence is incessant pain, unnaturally displaced parts of the bone under the skin, and the possibility of bending the limb outside the articular area. These signs make it possible not to confuse a fracture with a bruise.

If the damage occurred inside the joint, then determine by appearance dislocation or fracture is problematic. The second is always supported by crepitus (crunching of bone fragments against each other) and severe pain when tapping on the axial part of the bone or when trying to rotate the limb along the axis. Another difference between a dislocated limb and a fracture comes down to the concentration of swelling and redness in the joint area already in the first minutes after the injury. Fractures cause corresponding signs first along the bone split line, and then in the area of ​​​​the nearest joints. Intra-articular bone fractures are identified by the gradual spread of swelling from the joint throughout the limb.


The force of mechanical impact (impact or pressure), the height of the fall determine the depth of the injury. Only superficial tissues or deep ones may be affected. Sometimes internal organs are also affected. Pain syndrome almost always occurs; when blood vessels are damaged, a hematoma occurs; when nerve endings are injured, sensitivity is impaired; the effect on the skin leads to wounds and local increase body temperature.

It is important to distinguish between bruises in the joint area and dislocations. The difference is that the bruise does not lead to blocking joint mobility or the appearance of visible defective injuries (non-anatomical position of the limb, shortening). Unlike a fracture, a bruise causes severe pain at the time of injury, and over time the pain gradually goes away. Strengthening occurs upon palpation of the bruise site and after severe tissue swelling. Pathological displacements no bones are observed in bruises.

More information about that.


With such an injury, tissue rupture does not occur. Muscles, ligaments or tendons are pathologically stretched, causing pain, swelling and bruising in the victim.

It is difficult to distinguish between dislocations and sprains if we're talking about about damage in the joint area. The nature of the pain will help you determine: when stretched, it spreads to the entire injured muscle (tendon, ligament), and noticeably intensifies only when you try to repeat the movement that caused the injury. There is a limitation in the activity of the limb, but there is no distortion of position bone elements in the articular area. Pathological activity of the damaged area is possible with rupture, but not with stretching.

Sprains and dislocations also differ in that the former do not change the contours of the joint and do not lead to a forced change in the position of the victim’s body.

The described symptoms relate mainly to injuries of the extremities. Similar injuries to the head, abdomen, back or chest acquire a special, atypical specificity.

Correctly determines sprains, as well as dislocations, bruises and fractures, only medical worker. It is better to entrust the formation of a final conclusion about the type of injury received to a traumatologist or surgeon. IN medical institution To avoid errors in diagnosis, they will inspect the site of damage and additionally carry out diagnostics - radiography, MRI, ultrasound, computed tomography.

First aid for all types of injuries described comes down to a standard set of actions:

  1. pain relief by giving the victim analgesics and applying cold to the site of injury;
  2. immobilization of the injury site (retaining bandages and splints are used); if a limb is affected, it is recommended to elevate it;
  3. ensuring rest until receiving qualified medical care.


A sprain can occur from careless walking or turning, running, jumping, improper load on the muscle, and from a fall. When muscles are stretched, pain occurs, which is usually felt not in one place, but along the entire length of the muscle, as well as muscle spasms and weakness, swelling and discoloration of the skin at the site of injury (perhaps not immediately, but on the second or third day after the injury). But the severity of these symptoms depends on the intensity of the injury. Traumatologists distinguish three degrees of sprain severity.

So, if the damage to a muscle or ligament is minor, then the person experiences quite tolerable pain, which intensifies with pressure or. The ligaments are only torn or a small number of them are torn. In this case, the victim, for example, may walk with a severe limp.

With the second degree of sprain, the victim feels more pain and, in addition, first swelling and then swelling occurs in the affected area, as a result of which the person can hardly move the limb. Unfortunately, the pain can get worse over time.

If a ligament rupture occurs, a strong, sharp or burning pain, the joint is unstable, the ability of the limb to move is generally lost.

Availability dislocation recognized by these basic characteristics. A change in the contour of the joint, this is especially noticeable when compared with the same joint on the other arm or leg. Articular head from its usual place, and you can feel the empty glenoid cavity. The bone is displaced and the muscles contract so that the person is forced to hold the injured limb in an unusual way. For example, he bends his arm at the elbow and moves it to the side, and should tilt his head towards the sore shoulder. If lower, mouth. When dislocated, the leg may turn with its toe inward.

The victim experiences very strong unbearable pain, which intensifies not only when he tries any movements, but also if it strangers(for example, when providing first aid or when placing him on a stretcher). The pain can even cause loss of consciousness.

Please note

Although external signs sprains and dislocations are different, but only a traumatologist can make an accurate diagnosis. Moreover, in most cases, he also refers the patient to x-ray examination, to confirm their conclusions and exclude a fracture, which can complicate any serious injury.


  • dislocation or sprain

Sprains joint ligaments occur when movements are excessively strong and unusual for a given joint. When a joint dislocates, it happens traumatic injury joint, the result of which articular surfaces shift and lose contact, there is a rupture joint capsule. The first aid is to reduce the dislocation, which is done according to a certain method for each joint, after which a fixing plaster splint is applied. For relief pain syndrome apply means traditional medicine.

You will need

  • - raw potatoes;
  • - fresh or salted cabbage;
  • - onions;
  • - pottery clay;
  • - granulated sugar;
  • - curdled milk;
  • - interior lard;
  • - garlic;
  • - leaves walnut;
  • - apple cider vinegar;
  • - vodka;
  • - eucalyptus oil;
  • - fir oil.


In case of dislocation, prepare the following application. Grate raw potatoes, grind fresh or salted ones in a blender, onions. Take all components in equal quantities, add 1/10 of the prepared mass. Dilute the clay with curdled milk until you obtain a creamy mass, which you combine with chopped vegetables. Apply the prepared mixture to the damaged joints above and below the applied plaster splint. Leave the application overnight; in the morning, after removing the old mixture, apply a fresh mixture.

Melt 150 grams over low heat lard After cooling the fat slightly, add 20 grams of garlic minced through a meat grinder and 10 grams of chopped walnut leaves. Place in a warm place for a day, then heat slightly and strain. Rub into skin to eliminate 2-3 times a day.

Take 10 large cloves of seed garlic, chop them, pour in 500 ml of apple cider vinegar, then add 100 ml of vodka and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. After straining, add 20 drops to the resulting filtrate eucalyptus oil and stir. Soak a cotton napkin in the prepared mixture and apply it to the sore joint, securing it with a bandage.

Video on the topic

Please note

If there is significant swelling of the damaged ligament, even if the joint has not dislocated, it is recommended to apply a plaster splint. Dislocation of a joint is dangerous for the development of arthrosis of this joint in the near future.

Useful advice

Rub damaged ligaments fir oil 3-5 times a day, formic alcohol, tincture of calendula, wormwood, propolis tincture, etc. It is useful to take food gelatin, as in pure form, and in the form of berry or fish jellies.


  • treatment of dislocation and sprain in 2019

Limb injuries often occur dislocations and fractures that require mandatory consultation doctor and timely treatment. And when fractures bones of the limb, and with joint dislocations, the main complaints of patients are sharp pain at the site of injury and dysfunction of the limb.


A fracture is characterized by pain throughout the entire segment of the limb and the appearance of pathological mobility in those places where there should be a solid bone. It is often possible to palpate two or more fragments that may move with an offset. Hematoma and edema develop, first of all, just above the fracture site and only then spread in both directions, towards the two nearest joints delimiting the limb segment. When tapping in the direction of the axis of the damaged limb, the patient complains of pain, which is most pronounced precisely at the site of the fracture.

It is characterized by pain in the injured joint, a sharp change in its shape, pain and swelling appear first above the injured joint, and only then spread to both sides of the joint. When feeling the joint area greatest pain will be just above the joint, and under the skin you can often feel the articular surfaces, which are at some distance from each other.

In case of a fracture, the direction of the traumatic force can be directed at any angle relative to the axis of the limb, while in case of dislocations the direction of the traumatic force is often directed at a right angle to the axis of the damaged limb.

With dislocations, the shape of the injured limb almost never changes, but the degree of its shortening, when compared with a healthy limb, depends on the degree of dislocation and displacement of the articular ends that make up the injured joint. When a fracture occurs, both the shape of the limb and its length often change, which can be explained by the divergence of articular fragments during fractures with offset.


  • how to recognize a fracture

One of the most common injuries shoulder is a partial rupture of tendons or stretching ligaments This can happen with significant mechanical overload, as well as during any heavy exercise. As a rule, stretching shoulder starts with pain, there may be swelling around shoulder.

Absolutely any injury that ends in limited mobility, bruising, or pain is at least unpleasant. However, a banal bruise can hide much more serious consequences: fracture, sprain, dislocation. Yes, the bruise itself in some cases can lead to serious health complications. Therefore, it is important for each person to have the skills to distinguish between such conditions and, based on such self-diagnosis, to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner.


Closed damage to organs or tissues as a result of mechanical impact is called a bruise. Depending on the depth, volume and location of the damaged tissue, as well as the strength of the blow received, the manifestations of bruises may vary. For example, hemorrhage due to damage to blood vessels is a well-known bruise. Other signs are also quite well known.

Signs of injury:

    restriction of the functions of a part of the body or a specific organ;

    redness of the damaged area and increased local temperature;

    hematomas - hemorrhages into damaged tissues;

    swelling (from hemorrhage and edema);

    pain after mechanical impact.

Pain occurs at the moment of direct injury and dulls over time. However, with tissue swelling and hematoma growth, pain may reappear with a vengeance. Most discomfort observed in places that are devoid of fat, for example, the front surface of the lower leg. In some cases, swelling and pain are such strong character that a bruise is difficult to distinguish from a fracture.

First aid:

    Overlay pressure bandage.

    Elevated position of the affected part of the body and its complete rest.

    Applying cold on the first day to prevent the development of hematomas. The towel with ice must be removed periodically to avoid injury to blood vessels from the impact. low temperatures. It is best to apply an ice compress over a pressure bandage for 25-30 minutes, and then apply for 10-15 minutes every 2-3 hours.

    In the presence of large hematomas, edema, severe pain It's better to consult a doctor. Also, specialist supervision may be required for bruises. internal organs, head, other dangerous areas.

    Under no circumstances should you warm or rub the bruised area during the first 2 days; after 48 hours you can warm it.

    You need to know that first aid for sprains, dislocations, bruises and fractures is completely identical: pain relief, cold, rest.

Medical assistance:

    The hospital may prescribe novocaine blockades for the purpose of pain relief and physiotherapy.

    For severe injuries it may be necessary surgical treatment: puncturing the skin and pumping out blood from extensive hematomas, cleansing the joint of fluid, injections of antibiotics.


Damage that is caused by traction and is accompanied by a violation of tissue integrity is usually called sprain. Elastic parts of the body - muscles, ligaments, tendons - are subject to stretching. In most cases, tissue damage occurs in the joint area.

Signs of stretching:

    dysfunction of the damaged area of ​​the body;

    slight hemorrhage - sometimes;


    pain in the damaged area (especially when repeating movements of the injury mechanism).

First aid:

    cold to the damaged area of ​​the body;

    elevated position of the limb and rest;

    fixing bandage on the damaged joint (elastic bandage);

    It is forbidden to heat or rub the damaged area for 48 hours;

    when the general condition worsens, severe swelling and pain - see a doctor. The point is that similar symptoms accompanied by ligament rupture, which may require surgical intervention. In addition, similar dynamics can be caused by a fracture tubular bones limbs.

Medical assistance:

    physiotherapy after pain relief;

    pain relief if necessary;

    gentle treatment for the damaged part of the body;

    restoration of working capacity occurs in approximately 1-4 weeks.


Dislocation is a persistent separation of adjacent joints. in good condition joints. Occurs in most cases in middle-aged men as a result of mechanical impact. When the joints do not diverge completely, the injury is called a subluxation. The signs of this type of injury are similar to a full-fledged dislocation.

Signs of dislocation:

    relative shortening of the limb, external deformation of the joint - often;

    forced (least painful) position of the limb;

    inability to carry out active movement in the damaged joint;

    severe pain syndrome.

Treatment of dislocations

Treating sprains at home with compresses, lotions and poultices is too risky. A fresh dislocation can be adjusted by a doctor much easier than an old one (after three days), so you should consult a doctor as quickly as possible. Self-reduction of a dislocation can result in torn muscles and ligaments, as well as a broken bone. That's why the only way To help an injured person, apply cold to the injured joint. After this, it is necessary to take the victim to the emergency room or call an ambulance.

Medical assistance:

    pain relief (quite often with the help of narcotics);

    direct reduction of the dislocation using a suitable technique;

    applying a restrictive bandage to the reduced joint;

    during the rehabilitation period: therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy;

    surgical treatment for chronic dislocations, when the slightest injury leads to dislocation of the joint.


A fracture is a break in the integrity of a bone caused by mechanical impact or pathological process in the body. Given the wide variety of bones in human body, there are many types of fractures.

Types of fractures:

Signs of a fracture:

    unnatural position of the limb;

    abnormal mobility (the limb may bend in a place where there are no joints);

    symptom of axial load (increased pain symptom when turning a limb along an axis);

    hemorrhage and hematoma;

    swelling in the area of ​​injury;

    crunching (crepitation) of small fragments if you press on the area of ​​injury (this symptom differentiates a fracture from a bruise and sprain);

    visual identification of bone fragments in case of an open fracture.

Treatment of fractures

A bone fracture usually entails other injuries, bleeding, and skin wounds. Therefore, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim as quickly as possible before the ambulance arrives. The pain for a fracture and dislocation is the same, as are first aid measures, so you should not waste time determining the nature of the injury; it is better to immediately begin providing first aid.

First aid:

    If there is bleeding, you must first stop it using the following methods:

    • apply a tourniquet in case heavy bleeding(fix the time of application of the tourniquet and leave it for one and a half hours);

      apply a pressure bandage;

      press the vessel visible in the wound;

    bandage the wound using sterile materials;

    give the victim pain relief;

    fix (immobilize) the broken part of the body, using splints to fix the joints near the fracture area;

    apply cold to the injury site;

    if the fracture is closed, first aid should begin with the administration of painkillers.

Medical assistance:

    comparison of bone fragments and their fixation:

    • surgically - external or internal osteosynthesis, comparison using special devices or manually;

      Conservative skeletal traction, plaster casts;

    pain relief (most often using novocaine blockades);

    antibiotic therapy (after surgery or for an open fracture);

    physiotherapy during the rehabilitation period;

    physical therapy.

Childhood trauma

In children musculoskeletal system is in an incompletely formed state, and given their mobility, this leads to frequent bruises, sprained ligaments, and in especially serious cases, fractures. It is much more difficult to determine the nature of an injury at home in a child than in an adult. Since it is difficult for children to describe the nature of the pain, in most cases they are also frightened by the prospect of going to the hospital. There are a number characteristic injuries, which are quite easy to suspect at home, but to clarify the diagnosis it is recommended to consult a traumatologist.

Subluxation of the radius

This injury is typical for young children, especially girls aged 3-4 years. In most cases, the injury occurs when a child is pulled by the arms. For example, a parent or nanny sharply pulls the baby by the arms, thereby protecting him from falling, hence the popular name for the injury - “nanny's elbow.” A characteristic click appears ( main feature), after which a sharp pain develops in the elbow when trying to perform any movements with the arm. The child stops using the injured hand, because with rest the pain decreases significantly. It is not difficult for a traumatologist to determine the type of injury, since the hand is in a typical position for the injury. After bone reduction additional treatment there is no need and the child is sent home the same day.

Subperiosteal fractures

The bone in young children has some structural features, so often a fracture in a child is subperiosteal, when the periosteum is intact, but the bone is broken. This type of injury is similar to trying to break a green branch. These fractures are very difficult to diagnose not only at the appointment, but also during x-ray examination. Only a specialist can distinguish a fracture from a bruise. However, it is worth remembering that bones in children tend to heal faster, so recovery time after injury is significantly reduced.

How to distinguish one injury from another

There are times when the diagnosis is very easy to establish. For example, if after hitting a corner with your foot you feel a slight pain and a bruise appears, without a doubt, this is a bruise, and if from laceration bone fragments peek out - these are open fracture. There are other signs by which a presumptive diagnosis can be made.


Immediately at the time of injury, it gradually weakens. Swelling may increase with severe swelling

At the time of injury, intense, acute, may intensify over time

Intense pain at the time of injury, intensifies when trying to move

Severe pain that gets worse when touched or attempted to move.

Strong, often

Change in limb length

Atypical mobility outside the joint

Crunch of bone fragments

Deformities of the injured body part

Increased pain when pressing on the damaged area

Axial load symptom

Joint deformity

Yes (if the fracture is intra-articular)

Hemorrhage into a joint

Sometimes, when blood enters from a hematoma

In case of intra-articular fracture

Changing the limb axis

Independent (active) movements

Are saved

Have pain limitation


Extremely painful or impossible

Passive movements



Accompanied by increased pain (nominally limited)

Limited and extremely painful

Receipt final diagnosis possible only after examination by a traumatologist. For fractures and dislocations, first aid is only a way to alleviate the patient’s condition before arrival emergency care. Therefore, if you have any injury that creates discomfort or limits your ability to work, it is best to consult a doctor. In some cases, a specialist only needs visual inspection and several diagnostic questions to ask accurate diagnosis. But most often, to diagnose the type of injury, it is necessary to use CT, MRI and X-ray examination.

The above signs are more typical for injuries to the extremities, but damage to other parts of the body may be accompanied by completely different symptoms. For example, with a head injury, the nature of the injury may be completely inconsistent with the symptoms. A brain contusion may not be visible on an x-ray, but you may feel weak or lose consciousness. With a fracture of the skull bones, the patient can only have mild pain or, conversely, a very serious hemorrhage. Therefore, with such injuries, even in the case wellness you need to visit a doctor.

You should consult a doctor if:

    Injury to the abdomen, spine, chest, head.

    Injury received when a child falls from a height (especially when hitting the head).

    Cod at the time of injury.

    Bleeding, serious wound in the damaged area.

    Increased swelling.

    The local temperature rises, and the hematoma does not change its color after some time and turns red.

    Passive and active movements There are no injured limbs.

    Loss of sensitivity in a limb or its partial decrease.

    Deterioration general condition(urinary retention, shortness of breath, pressure surges, loss of consciousness).



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