How to get rid of panic attacks without drugs. Real experience Treatment of panic attacks, VSD, phobias and neuroses

A panic attack is the peak in the development of VSD. During this attack, all symptoms intensify, and fear and panic reach their peak. Once a panic attack has started, nothing can stop it.

Medicines for panic attacks.

It can be smoothed out and its duration reduced only with the help of medications. These can only be tranquilizers (gidazepam, phenazepam, sibazon, etc.), sedatives (Corvalol, validol) and adrenergic blockers (anaprilin).
Why exactly drugs from these groups? Because they begin to act very quickly, within 5-10 minutes. Also, they have practically no side effects with a single dose.
The first and second remove fear, the third reduces the body's sensitivity to adrenaline - the fear hormone.
You can also take Corvalol (30-40 drops), glycine and validol.

It is useless to take all medications based on medicinal herbs during a panic attack (they have a very weak calming effect, which begins 1-2 hours after administration). If we consider that an attack of PA lasts 30-90 minutes, then there is no reason to use tinctures of valerian, peony, motherwort, and hawthorn. They are effective in the complex treatment of VSD when taken regularly.

It is useless, and sometimes harmful, to take antidepressants during an attack of PA. It is useless because their beneficial effects begin after 2-3 weeks of regular use. It is harmful because when taken once, these medications can, on the contrary, cause a worsening of the condition.

Cause of panic attack.

Look carefully at the picture at the beginning of the article. On one of the fruits you will see an ant, which you did not see at a quick glance. So, only after understanding the situation and looking closely at it, you can see the main cause of a panic attack. This is the fear of death. It plays a major role in the development and course of an attack of PA. When the effect of the medications wears off, the fear and, accordingly, the attacks return.

The circle closes. You can overcome PA only by coming to terms with your fear of death.

How to overcome a panic attack.

To get rid of panic attacks, you can use an effective method, which one of the VSD specialists talks about.

One day I decided to break out of the vicious circle. Having stopped taking anti-anxiety medications, I waited for an attack of PA. Knowing that the panic attack did not pose any threat to my life, I remained completely calm.

She appeared on the fifth day. It's midsummer and hot outside. Relatives from the village invited me to a funeral dinner. We decided to stop by the market to buy some groceries. My wife went to the market, and I stayed in the car. It was either the heat or the crowded traffic, but I felt the first harbingers of the approaching PA. Heart pounding, causeless fear, panic.

There was validol, corvalol, and phenazepam in the car. But I was determined not to take any medicine. I began to mentally repeat the Lord’s Prayer, which I continued to repeat until the very end of the attack.

The condition gradually worsened. After leaving the market, I drove the car home. What if something happens? But after driving a couple of blocks, he turned around and went to the village to visit his relatives. If I went home, then the next step would be to call an ambulance.

We were on the road for about 20 minutes. Everything blurred and flickered in the eyes, trembling appeared throughout the body, the heart was pounding in the chest and temples. But I drove away the fear and panic by accepting them and accepting their inevitability. I tried to take what was happening very calmly.

Upon arrival at the place, we were met by relatives who created a storm of pity and offered their free help. I resolutely refused their help and asked to be left alone. Reluctantly they complied with my request. I tried to put a smile on my face. It seemed that my relatives were more worried about my condition than I was. About 30 minutes have passed since the onset of the PA attack. I was left alone on a rural street.

The condition continued to worsen. There was numbness in the fingers. There was a bottle of water in the car. I washed my face with water and rinsed my hands up to the elbows. I drank a glass of water with a spoon of sugar. He unfolded the seat and took a reclining position. There was nowhere to retreat; there was no ambulance in the village.

After a while, I rinsed my hands and face with water again.

An hour has passed since the attack began. Vision gradually recovered, heart rate began to decrease. An hour and a half after the attack began, I got out of the car and went to the table. I was still tossing around, my step was uncertain, my body felt weak.

But the understanding that I was able to withstand an attack of PA without drugs, fear and panic filled me with joy and faith in my strength. It was as if I had escaped from many years of fear of death. This feeling of the first victory is incomparable to anything.

Another hour later, when we went home, I felt completely normal. My next panic attack came four days later. Her strength was much less. And it lasted only 15 minutes. After that, I didn't have any more panic attacks.

Only humility with your fears and calmness helps to get rid of panic attacks.

If you believe in your illness, you will be sick and unhappy. If you believe in health, you will be healthy and happy.

To make it easier to cope with an attack of PA, I recommend some methods.

Panic attack is a sudden attack of anxiety and overwhelming fear, accompanied by unpleasant physiological symptoms. There is an increase in blood pressure to critical levels, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, increased sweating, and involuntary urination.

Important! Panic attacks are not a disease as such, but indicate a malfunction in the body as a whole. You need to know what medicine for panic attacks can relieve an attack.

How can you tell if you're having a panic attack?

Panic attacks can occur both in absolutely healthy people in a state of real threat to life, and as a result of some mental, somatic and psychophysiological abnormalities in human health.

Frequent attacks occur in persons suffering from various forms of neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other manifestations of neurocirculatory dysfunction, and pathological fears. Persons with cardiovascular pathology, endocrine diseases, injuries and brain tumors are also susceptible to attacks.

Attention! Seizures during attacks are often confused with a hypertensive crisis or heart attack. In order to clearly differentiate a panic attack from other diseases, you need to know how an attack begins and develops.

The first thing a person feels is a general state of discomfort and incomprehensible anxiety, a feeling that something is wrong. At the same time, the heartbeat increases, hands become clammy, blood pressure rises, dizziness and a feeling of impending fainting appear. The body is seized with a slight trembling, the hands go numb, the legs weaken and give way. It becomes impossible to breathe and fear sets in. As the attack progresses, fear develops into overwhelming horror and an almost physical sensation of death. Very often, when faced with an attack for the first time, patients say: “I’m dying.”

What happens in the body?

The mechanism of development of an attack is as follows: sudden anxiety activates the adrenal glands, increasing the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn causes a rapid heartbeat and has a vasoconstrictor effect. Constricted blood vessels increase the pressure of blood flow (increased blood pressure), spasms of smooth muscles begin, which explains sharp abdominal pain and involuntary urination. Tachycardia and increased muscle tone of the respiratory apparatus cause shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air.

First aid for a panic attack

If the attack happened alone, then the first and most important thing you can do is go out into the street, where there may be passers-by. When people are nearby, the patient’s well-being immediately improves, and hope appears in the mind that they will have time to save him, call an ambulance and give him medicine for a panic attack.

If there is no possibility of contact with people, for example, the attack happened late at night, you need to wash your face with cool water, take a sedative for panic attacks, open the window, walk around the room, trying to breathe deeply and evenly through cupped palms. Check if the phone is turned on and pick it up. Knowing that you can call for help at any time will help you calm down faster. And the main thing is to switch your thoughts to positive memories, turn on a funny movie and read a book, focusing on reading.

Loved ones, if they are nearby, can speed up the cessation of panic attacks. To do this, it is advisable to take the patient’s hand and tell him in a confident voice that everything will be fine. If you have sedative tablets on hand, use them as a medicine for a panic attack, drop 10 to 30 drops and give to the patient with a glass of water.

Who can help get rid of the disease?

Once faced with an attack of uncontrollable fear and anxiety, a person begins to fear repetition. After all, attacks can begin at any time, even in a completely calm environment: in transport, at a lecture, at work, at home in front of the TV and even in sleep. With external security, inexplicable anxiety suggests one’s own mental inadequacy. With frequent attacks, a person may feel like he is going crazy. The question naturally arises: where to go, how to get treatment, and is there a cure for panic attacks.

First of all, you should contact a neurologist. A specialist in this profile will be able to determine the causes (usually there are several) of the pathology, differentiate it from other diseases (the main criterion is spontaneity, unsystematic attacks) and, what is very important, prescribe medication for panic attacks. The fact is that, depending on the severity of the disease, you may need strong drugs, available in pharmacies only by prescription.

In addition to drug therapy, the neurologist will advise the patient to see a psychotherapist to find the root cause of the development of abnormalities.

Important! This direction should not be ignored, since often the source of panic attacks is strong psycho-emotional trauma suffered in distant childhood and almost forgotten by the patient. In this case, the best cure for panic attacks is properly selected psychotherapy.

Treatment of panic attack with pharmacological drugs

Drug treatment should be started only on the recommendation and under the supervision of the attending physician. But for your own peace of mind, it is better to know what medications your doctor can prescribe for panic attacks.

So, all medications for panic attacks that can improve the patient’s well-being are divided into 5 groups:

  • Sedatives;
  • Tranquilizers;
  • Neuroleptics;
  • Nootropics;
  • Antidepressants.

Each group of drugs for panic attacks has its own characteristics of impact on the nervous and vascular systems of the body. At the same time, antidepressants, tranquilizers and sedatives are designed to calm the weakened nervous system, antipsychotics and nootropics affect internal processes at the molecular level. The doctor will determine how to treat the disease.

Sedative medications

The most common type of medication for treating anxiety and fear attacks in the early stages. There are more than a hundred drugs in this group; they are (usually) of plant origin or semi-synthetic (bromine-based). The concentration of the active substance in each individual medicine for panic attacks is insignificant, so they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Medicine for panic attacks can be based on plant materials: valerian, St. John's wort, mint, motherwort, lily of the valley, passionflower. Peony tincture, motherwort extract and sedative herbs (a balanced combination of herbs for preparing infusions and decoctions) are very popular.

Attention! The use of sedative medications reduces anxiety and irritability, improves sleep quality, and has a moderate cardiostatic effect.

When choosing over-the-counter medications for panic attacks, you should remember one feature: all alcohol tinctures have a sedative effect for from 5 minutes to half an hour, and can quickly eliminate the onset of an attack.

Drugs in tablet form act more slowly, in a cumulative manner, that is, to achieve the effect you need to take a whole course.


Tranquilizers- drugs of synthetic origin, another name - anxiolytics, are designed to have a pronounced sedative effect in the fight against neuropsychic disorders.

Important to Know! The main disadvantage of tranquilizers is that the body quickly becomes addicted.

That is why such medications for panic attacks are used in short courses (no more than two weeks). Pharmacies dispense medications only with a prescription. You should not resort to even mild tranquilizers without a doctor’s recommendation, since in addition to the therapeutic effect, they have a lot of contraindications and side effects. They are usually prescribed for the treatment of advanced forms of neuroses and, as doctors say, blooming neurasthenia, as a cure for panic attacks.

All tranquilizers are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Benzodiazepine-based medications. These include Nozepam and Phenazepam, Seduxen and Lorafen;
  2. Medicines based on diphenylmethane. These include the popular “Atarax” and “Amizil”;
  3. Medicines based on derivatives of different chemical groups. This includes the famous “Afobazol”, “Proroksan”, “Spitomin”, “Buspirone”, “Spucinat” and others.

Each of these groups of medications for panic attacks has its own indications and contraindications. You should not risk your health by choosing a medication for panic attacks on your own; let a doctor do it.

Antipsychotic medications

Neuroleptics- these are psychotropic medications, the second name is antipsychotics, prescribed for the treatment of deeper mental disorders.

First generation antipsychotics (Amenazine, Galaperidol, etc.) are used mainly in addiction medicine and psychiatry, and second generation drugs (minor antipsychotics) are firmly established in practice for the treatment of neurotic disorders, including severe depression and as a cure for panic attacks. These include medications: Sonapax, Melleril, Thiodazine, Thioril, Truxal, Eglek, Neuleptil, Betamax and others.

Nootropic drugs

Nootropics– medications that regulate the activity of the central nervous system and improve brain functions in the field of higher mental activity.

Taking a nootropic medication increases the body's resistance to stress, helps cope with increasing mental and physical stress, improves memory and attention. In the medical treatment of panic attacks, it is used in combination with other methods of therapy. The most common nootropic drug with a calming effect is Glycine.


Antidepressant drugs act on the neural network of the brain, restoring its function. Based on the name, the drugs are designed to combat depressive conditions of varying severity and can be used as a cure for panic attacks. With the ability to improve mood, they also reduce the overall level of anxiety and prevent the onset of an attack. Today, fourth-generation antidepressants Cymbalta, Milnacipran, Remeron, Effexor, Zyban, Wellbutrin, Adepress, Plizil and others have appeared in pharmacies. But drugs of 1-2 generations are still most popular (Imipramine, Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Venlafaxine, etc.). This is due to the fact that proven drugs are cheaper, although they have a longer latent period of action (it takes time to achieve the effect). Fourth generation antidepressants are more expensive, but significantly improve in speed of action and in the number of side effects.

Top 5 most popular medications to prevent panic attacks

Attention! Medicines for panic attacks are prescribed either individually or in combination. The most commonly prescribed tranquilizers, which have a pronounced anxiolytic effect, i.e. those that reduce feelings of anxiety and fear and relieve nervous tension are Afobazol, Atarax, Grandaxin, Phenazepam and Gidazepam.

“has an anti-anxiety effect without depressing the nervous system, while relieving the somatic symptoms of attacks. The drug is prescribed to people of asthenic personality type (suspicious, insecure and vulnerable people prone to violent emotional reactions in situations of stress). The advantages of this medicine for panic attacks include the fact that it does not have a hypnotic effect, does not cause muscle weakness, and does not affect concentration and memory properties. With long-term use, drug dependence does not develop, and there is no withdrawal syndrome. Medicines for panic attacks have fewer contraindications and side effects than other representatives of this pharmacological group. Medicine for panic attacks is available in pharmacies without a prescription. The downside is the slow development of the therapeutic effect against panic attacks. Relief occurs a week after starting to take the medicine for panic attacks, the maximum effect is felt after a month, and ends after 2 weeks.

"- a medicine for panic attacks from a group of dimethylethane derivatives. It has a sympatholytic, antispasmodic, mild analgesic effect. This medicine for panic attacks eliminates symptoms of anxiety and nervous tension, reduces muscle tone, relieves psychomotor agitation and excessive irritability. Does not cause memory impairment, but develops drowsiness. It is better to take it at night, as the drug improves the duration and quality of sleep.

“Unlike Atarax, this medicine for panic attacks does not cause drowsiness and muscle lethargy. On the contrary, it gently activates the activity of the central nervous system, so it is allowed to be taken during the daytime, without interruption from work. The medicine for panic attacks does not affect the ability to drive and is not addictive. Moreover, the therapeutic effect of this medicine against panic attacks develops within 2 hours after administration, which is an incomparable advantage of the drug.

"has not only an anxiolytic, but also an anticonvulsant effect. It has mild muscle relaxant and sedative properties; with increasing dosage, it can be used as a sleeping pill. It has proven itself well as a cure for panic attacks for quick relief of an attack. Despite the fact that Phenazepam is a first-generation tranquilizer, its treatment of vegetative disorders, neurosis and psycho-like conditions (resistant to the action of other tranquilizers) is much more effective than analogues of later production.

"- a medicine for panic attacks with antidepressant properties. In terms of the main active ingredient, it is the closest relative of Phenazepam and Seduxen, but with fewer side effects and low toxicity. The drug for panic attacks can be used during the daytime, as it has an activating effect, and the therapeutic dose does not cause drowsiness. However, manufacturers strongly do not recommend driving vehicles or other machines that require increased concentration when treating with Gidazepam. Positive aspects: acts gently and quickly, negative: addictive, limits freedom of action during working hours. In Russia, dispensing from pharmacies without a prescription is prohibited.

When choosing appropriate medications for panic attacks, special attention must be paid to contraindications and side effects. Among the latter, these may be allergic reactions, nausea, drowsiness and decreased blood pressure. Depending on the main active ingredient, with relatively similar therapeutic effects, medications for panic attacks have various contraindications for use. However, all of the listed drugs from the group of tranquilizers have common contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding, infancy and childhood.

If you have high blood pressure, we suggest you consider the drug Indapamide by clicking on

Remember! It will not be possible to cope with panic attacks only with the help of pills; you need to seek the help of a psychotherapist for complete recovery from the disease.

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Stress and negative emotions are cumulative. The body's response is panic attacks (PA).

PA is sudden anxiety, internal unreasonable fear with a number of other disorders: weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. It can happen anywhere (at work, on the subway, even in a dream), and when you least expect it.

Instantly deprives you of the ability to think critically, react adequately and do something.

Difficult to neutralize quickly. But this is not a death sentence, but only an alarming signal that the body needs help.

The editors of Evrikak have collected the most effective methods for neutralizing PA. Choose yours!

How to quickly relieve an attack

If you know how to quickly help yourself, a person will not be afraid of future attacks, and treatment will be more effective.

First aid options for yourself:

  1. Drink water;
  2. If possible, wash your face;
  3. Sit comfortably and do breathing exercises;
  4. Try to pay attention to some object - a sign, a flower bed, a person, a TV;
  5. Apply a cold compress to the head and drink a sedative;
  6. Additionally - aromatherapy, music, meditation.

There is no need to be shy, there is nothing wrong with you, your body just requires external help.

Exercises to help calm yourself

    Switching attention

    For interesting memories, a movie, a call to a friend.


    Visualize your fear as a tangible image, and then design how you destroy it. Remember the feeling of lightness when it disappears and try to enjoy it.

    Help from the earth's elements

    Earth (sit or lie down) – a feeling of security;
    - Air (breathing exercise) – concentration;
    - Water (drink water) – peace and tranquility;
    - Fire - turn to what inside gives vitality.

    R. Wilson method

    Before the first symptoms start, you need to convince yourself to worry about it after, for example, 5 hours. When the time comes, “renegotiate” the contract. As the attack is delayed, its intensity weakens, and this gives the person an understanding of his own advantage.

    Cause the alarm yourself for a short time

    Pump it up and get out of this state. This technique will show that fear is manageable and short-lived.

Breathing exercises

Slow breathing

Used when there is a feeling of an attack approaching.

The number of breaths should be reduced to a minimum (10) per minute.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Concentrate on breathing;
  2. take breaths not with your stomach, but with your diaphragm;
  3. inhale – hold the air – count to 10 – exhale;
  4. pause (count to 3) – take a breath – repeat the steps again.

If you practice the exercise daily, it will become a habit and will help you concentrate in case of a sudden attack.

"Paper bag"

Remember foreign films where the stressed hero breathes into a bag and calms down. This is a clear guide to action.

How it works: oxygen levels drop and carbon dioxide levels rise, neutralizing the attack.

At the initial symptoms, you need to press the bag tightly to your nose and mouth to prevent air from entering, and begin to inhale slowly and deeply.

If your health deteriorates due to lack of oxygen, the method should not be used.

Treatment with medications

Medicines are selected individually by a specialist, based on the nature of the attacks and the physiological characteristics of the person.

All drugs for eliminating and relieving symptoms of PA can be divided into groups:

Sedatives Most often used in the initial stages. Mainly developed based on natural ingredients and herbs. Sold in the public domain. Reduce anxiety, irritation, calm excessive heartbeat and help sleep.
Tranquilizers Quickly neutralize the attack. Long-term use prevents the emergence of new ones. They cause dependence and addiction, can contribute to new disorders, have no therapeutic effect - they only remove symptoms.
Antidepressants They do not cause addiction, help get rid of depression, anxiety, and cure PA. Take for several months, gradually reducing the dose.
Neuroleptics Neutralizes the vegetative causes of attacks.

The main disadvantage of the drug method is instability (relapse is possible after some time) and addiction.

When addicted, people:

  • stop fighting fears and problems;
  • they do not train willpower and endurance;
  • do not know how to behave correctly in a critical situation;
  • they fall into a closed cycle of “attack-medication”, not wanting and not understanding how to connect the internal capabilities of the body.

Proper treatment should include a complex method: “drug + internal motivation.” If possible, it is better to start with non-drug methods.

Folk remedies at home


  • Warm tea with chamomile and mint, natural green tea;
  • soothing tinctures of lemon balm, rue, thyme, birch leaves, valerian roots and motherwort (can be taken in tablets or drops).


Taken alone or in combination with herbs.

Contrast shower

Pour over the entire body, alternating cold and hot water for 20 seconds. If you still can’t do it, start with your feet and gradually move on. This procedure will invigorate, strengthen blood vessels, relieve muscle and mental tension.

Warm bath

Add sea salt, a decoction of lemon balm, mint or chamomile, and aromatic oils that relieve stress (lavender, rose, tea tree).


Go for a walk with the dog, play with it; pick up a cat - purring helps.

It has been proven that caring and affection for four-legged friends will distract you from gloomy thoughts and fears.


Relieves muscle tension, brings peace and pleasure. Massage your fingers, neck, ears.

The following will also help you cope without pills:

Physical activity

When playing sports or yoga, the body produces the joy hormone endorphin in increased doses, which blocks negative thoughts and sensations.

The energy needed for an attack is wasted on physical activity.

Morning yoga classes give you energy, evening yoga classes give you calmness and relaxation.


You need to choose a quiet place (preferably not at home), lie down or sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax so much that you feel your whole body. Ideal help is the sounds of nature, pleasant music.

Hypnosis treatment

Hypnosis in the treatment of PA eliminates unpleasant symptoms, identifies and neutralizes the cause of the attack.

During therapy, the doctor helps you stop being afraid of the factor that activates panic attacks and worry about its recurrence.

The feasibility of using the method is due to the following:

  • the patient’s inability to remember or explain the cause of the first attack;
  • medical intervention is contraindicated for health;
  • critical mental state of the patient;
  • there are no contraindications to hypnotic intervention: a person is immune to hypnosis, there are incorrect attitudes of consciousness, there is no trust in the doctor or therapy in general, a hysterical personality type.

Hypnosis is an intervention in the natural functioning of the psyche.

The consequences cannot be predicted. It is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions and contact only certified, experienced specialists.

Before starting the session, the doctor must assess the patient’s condition.

How to cure PA during pregnancy and after

With medications, you can only take weak antipsychotics and only during the first trimester.

If a woman encounters this before pregnancy, she should undergo a course of treatment, and during pregnancy, maintain proper sleep patterns, nutritious nutrition, and limit herself from any stressful situations.

While waiting for the baby, they will help:

  • Relaxing massage, aromatherapy;
  • psychotherapist sessions;
  • breathing exercises (evens out breathing, calms a strong heartbeat, relaxes muscles that may pose a threat of miscarriage);
  • herbal medicine – taking soothing herbs (only under the supervision of a specialist).

Treatment in children

Panic and fear are a normal reaction of a child’s body to abnormal circumstances.

Reasons different:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • intoxication;
  • heredity;
  • character traits (suspiciousness, anxiety, thirst for attention);
  • social factors (family dysfunction, difficult living conditions or relationships).

Help for the child consists of drug treatment, which is individually selected by specialists, and psychotherapy. During the sessions they will teach breathing exercises, how to manage emotions and situations, how to relax in time and correctly.

In the family, it is important to surround the child with understanding and care, emotional comfort, intimacy and acceptance, but without focusing on the disease.

How to help someone with a panic attack

Such a case does not provide an exact algorithm of actions, because the situations are different. Psychologists advise the following:

  1. Take the victim out into the air (if this happened indoors) or into an open space where there are fewer people;
  2. Make him sit comfortably, give him a drink, take him by the hand;
  3. Stay calm so the person can see that you are in control of the situation;
  4. Speak in a quiet, relaxing voice and allow the victim to speak.
  5. Then gently make it clear that everything is fine and there is no danger around.

If you can at least partially get a person out of this state, it will be easier for him to cope with the situation in the future.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    How long does PA last?

    In the usual case, its duration varies from 10 minutes to 1 hour. Then the symptoms disappear, but quickly recur again.

    Can panic attacks be cured?

    Of course you can, the main thing is to want and make the effort.

    Can you die from a panic attack?

    You can die from many things, but not from a panic attack. Usually, with PA, a person is afraid of dying from a heart attack.

    What to do if you have a panic attack at night?

    You need to understand the reasons and act in two directions: stop the attack and not repeat it again. This can be done with medication and psychological exercises.

    What to do if you have a panic attack in the morning?

    Such attacks bring loss of strength in the morning, take away the desire to live, and aggravate illnesses. It is important to understand what kind of disorder you have and neutralize it in time, putting your nervous system in order.

    What to do if suffocation begins during PA?

    Which doctor should I go to?

    At the initial stage, there should be coordinated work of a psychiatrist, neurologist and psychotherapist. Further - depending on the consequences.

    Are valerian and other sedatives effective?

    Yes, if you need to relieve simple symptoms of an attack.

    What to do if you have a panic attack after drinking alcohol?

    First you need to understand the nature of panic, and only after that the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary medications. Next according to the plan - work with a psychologist, healthy eating and lifestyle, breathing exercises, finding a convenient way to relax (bath, aromatherapy, etc.).

    How to call PA?

    If a person is prone to excessive anxiety, he should constantly think about his fears in vivid detail and supposedly already happened. Methods achieved chemically are dangerous to life and health.

    How to overcome a lump in the throat with PA?

    A lump in the throat with neurosis is an indicator of muscle spasm. To remove it, you need to take sedatives or sedatives, and also consult a psychotherapist.

    What to do if long-term PA every day?

    In addition to contacting specialists who will prescribe corrective medications, you need to find the cause of the fear and overcome it yourself or with the help of a psychologist.

    How to stop nosebleeds with PA?

    Actions to stop nosebleeds during a panic attack are no different than in any other situations.

    What to do if PA lasts 2 hours?

    Usually the duration of PA is up to 1 hour, but if it is longer, it is already a symptom of a more serious problem. You need to try to pull yourself together with exercises or sedatives, and then visit a doctor.

    What to do if PA lasts for a day?

    If the methods described above do not help to overcome an attack, immediately seek help from a specialist.

    What to do if it shakes?

    It is better at this moment to relax, sit comfortably and perform calming procedures.

    Numbness of the tongue during PA: what to do?

    In this case, it is necessary to improve blood circulation, that is, take vitamins.

    Are antidepressants effective for PA?

    Antidepressants are included in the complex treatment of neurosis, as they effectively relieve symptoms and sometimes the causes of attacks, but they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

    What to do if you have severe PA at night during your sleep?

    Resort to the help of psychological and breathing training, as well as medications.

    How to relieve heaviness in the head with PA?

    You need to relax, take a comfortable position, drink water, massage your temples, apply ice. If this is not effective, take the medicine.

    Are panic attacks dangerous during pregnancy?

    A constant feeling of fear and stress can affect the development of the child and the health of his nervous system, and symptoms, in particular, sudden muscle contraction, can lead to miscarriage.

    What are the first aid methods for PA after drinking alcohol?

    In order to be able to move on to more serious treatment, it is necessary to remove toxins from the body as soon as possible. This can be done by drinking plenty of water - mineral water, green tea, sorbent.

    After giving up alcohol?

Panic attacks are an extremely common problem in the modern world. It is noteworthy that the peak of such disorders occurs in prosperous times, and during cataclysms, wars and catastrophes, a person does not even think about how not to be afraid of panic attacks, since his psyche faces other tasks.

Does this mean that mobilization of the nervous system has a positive effect on it, and in a prosperous life it will have to coexist with the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia? Of course not, but in order to find out how to cure panic attacks forever, you will have to find out all the reliable information about this issue, and understand that the cure for this “fearful” disease is very close, in our heads.

Many people have to deal with panic attacks.

Before considering the reasons why a modern person experiences a panic attack, it is important to understand that our nervous system is no different from the nervous system of a person who lived before our era. And if now our problems include caring about image, career, popularity, the beauty of one’s life and body, then the man of that time cared, roughly speaking, about two things - how to find something to dine on, and how not to become anyone’s dish. on the menu.

To do this, the nervous system was divided into two parts:

  • sympathetic;
  • parasympathetic.

When a person felt the need to hunt for food or escape from a threat, the sympathetic part of the nervous system came into action. The man’s muscles tensed so that he could escape, the pupils dilated, breathing became shallow and frequent, and the pressure increased.

If the nervous system did not know how to turn on the sympathetic department, a person would die instantly, unable to either get food or escape from the enemy.

But the parasympathetic system is completely responsible for relaxation. When tension is relieved from the muscular frame, heart rate and pressure decrease, the stomach can digest and assimilate food, and a person can deal with the nuances of procreation.

And if civilization had not intervened in the mechanism of wise nature, the body would independently regulate the activity of its nervous system. But civilization intervened and brought with it an amazing function to the human body - reason. And now a person is forced to look for an answer to the innermost question, how to avoid panic attacks?

A person must find out for himself how to cope with a panic attack

Woe from mind

The autonomic system must decide when to tense up and run away, and when to relax and indulge in pleasure., but his place of command was superseded by reason. Now a person does not need to run away from danger if his mind tells him that running away from an angry boss is, at a minimum, unreasonable. Also, if a person wants to rest and relax, but the unfinished quarterly report requires immediate work on it, the person has to obey the voice of reason.

Thus, a situation arises called “internal conflict.” And a conflict that occurs inside and does not find a way out in a short time turns into neurosis. Following neurosis comes an imbalance in the autonomic system and a question that I would like to ask any person who can shed light on the situation: how to get rid of VSD and panic attacks?

There are harmful but common tips and reviews on how to avoid panic attacks. The leader of such advice can be considered a recommendation to go to a traditional healer, who will read a magic spell, and at the same time reveal that the person has not just neurosis, but damage and the evil eye, not counting the broken biofield.

The second popular advice is to take the problem with the utmost seriousness and deal with it constantly, looking for information on forums, discussing with friends and colleagues. The only interlocutor in this situation is a good psychologist, and all other attempts to get rid of PA verbally are the path to hypochondria.

Make friends between mind and emotions

In order to permanently eliminate VSD on your own, you need to “reconcile” your mind and instincts. It is quite difficult to do this, because the best psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists have been working on this for decades.

But it is important to understand the need for this process, since there is no other safe way to recover from panic attacks.

A compromise between reason and emotion is necessary

In any situation where you need to choose between what you want and what is necessary, that is, when resolving the classic conflict “I want, but I can’t,” you need to learn to come to an internal compromise. Postponing the issue “for later” is a good method if, like Scarlett O’Hara, you actually sit down and think productively about the problem tomorrow. If a person constantly leaves situations unfinished, hides from problems, they will find it on their own in the form of panic attacks.

Thus, the best way to prevent panic attacks is to develop the will, learn to make decisions consciously, take responsibility for what is happening, but experience from this independence the pleasure of an adult, walking through life with a firm gait, and not the oppressive feeling of a child who is being forced lead by hand to kindergarten.

Safe but unpleasant

Most of the “sick people” with VSD instantly recover when they find out that their “terrible painful pathology” is not even a disease, but simply a weakened nervous system. It is absolutely harmless and does not pose any physical threat.

Therefore, doctors brush off patients who talk about their panicky feelings, not because of mental callousness, but from a clear understanding that a person’s neurosis should be treated by a psychologist or psychotherapist, and in line to see a therapist there are many people with serious organic pathologies who need diagnosis and much more treatment.

Fear is often greater than the problem itself

An interesting fact is that from the horror and fear that a person with VSD suffers chronically, his health can even improve: constant training for the heart during PA acts like jogging on a treadmill in the gym, promoting endurance and increasing life expectancy. True, the quality of life of a neurotic will be quite low.

How to deal with a panic attack?

If a psychological conflict has already occurred, you need to master the skill of how to stop a panic attack.

Understanding that it is safe and even slightly useful, you can stop it with a warm welcome. Each person feels the approach of a panic attack in their own way: some begin to sweat, some have weak legs, some feel a sudden palpitation.

In this case, the worst thing a person can do is be afraid of the impending attack. From fear and anticipation of a “painful end”, sweating will be even higher, your legs will become weak, and your heart will literally jump out of your chest.

Thus, the best advice on how to quickly calm down during a panic attack is to imitate the joy of the attack. You can begin to mentally list the symptoms that are about to begin, rejoicing that you have “seen through” the attack and are aware of all its solo performances in the mental arena.

Breathing techniques

The degree of influence that our breathing has on the human psyche is difficult to underestimate.. Experiments confirmed that if a person began to breathe shallowly and quickly, within a minute he experienced inexplicable anxiety.

Therefore, all tips on how to get rid of panic attacks include breathing techniques. It’s not difficult to learn: you just need to independently control the rhythm and depth of your breathing:

  • the inhalation should be as deep as possible through the nose so that the stomach inflates;
  • the exhalation should be drawn out and long, through the lips closed with a tube;
  • after this there should be a pause of 3-5 seconds, and you can start taking a deep breath again.

Breathing exercises help normalize the condition

Having learned to breathe like this, you can quickly calm down in any situation: before an exam, on an airplane, in a confined space. Moreover, over time, an already useful method becomes established and works doubly due to its actual effectiveness and the person’s confidence that it will work. In this way, the person feels safe, protected by his relaxation method.

Relaxation techniques

Psychotherapists advise their patients several simple but effective techniques on how to overcome panic attacks. It is not necessary to use the entire complex. But after trying each method, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Walking is a good way to relieve anxiety, no matter how fast you walk. The only important thing is that this walk is completely alone and on the street. That is, running around the shopping center with friends is not a method of combating VSD, but is a common way of leisure. A good illustration of this method is the film “Forrest Gump,” where the main character actually “ran away from stress,” that is, he removed all internal tension through physical activity. If your health allows, you can also use sophisticated methods of unloading the psyche: a gym or a swimming pool.

Contemplation- another good method to get rid of panic attacks. When a person has a panic attack, his attention is completely turned inside his body: he listens to every sensation, breathing rhythm, heart rate. An obedient organism, realizing that its activities are being observed, begins to work even harder: it has been scientifically proven that if you listen to the beat of your heart for 3-5 minutes, your pulse rate will certainly increase by 10-15 percent.
Therefore, it is important to shift attention from the inner world to the outer world. To do this, you need to try to feel the world with all your senses:

  • listen to all the sounds around you: the hum of a computer processor, the singing of birds outside the window, the horn of a tram, or even the rustle of your own clothes;
  • try to sense all the smells that surround you, recognize them, catch their sources;
  • understand all your kinetic sensations: is the touch of clothes on your skin pleasant, a strand of hair on your shoulder, the arms of a chair under your hand, as well as the air temperature, the blow of the wind.
  • take a closer look at all the surrounding objects, carefully examine their color and shape, size and relief;

Such relief from panic attacks will not only eliminate anxiety, but will also contribute to a better perception of the world, improve attention, and, possibly, affect the development of creative abilities.

The opposite of the “live here and now” method plunge into pleasant memories helps you relax and improve your mood. At the first signs of a panic attack, you need to remember a pleasant moment in your life, replay the plot of your favorite video in your head. Of course, this method does not make it possible to get rid of attacks on your own forever, but while a person learns to stabilize his psyche and adjust the functioning of his nervous system, such temporary methods can be quite effective.

Healthy lifestyle

If you go to a neurologist rather than a psychotherapist with the problem of a panic attack, most likely he will send the patient to get a subscription to the pool. Water procedures are a long-standing method of stabilizing your vegetative system.

After all, attacks of VSD and PA are nothing more than the inability of the nervous system to respond to sudden changes. When the sympathetic department of the autonomic system suddenly interferes with the parasympathetic system, discomfort appears, which we interpret as a panic attack.

Hardening with water, that is, getting the body used to sudden changes in high and low temperatures, has a beneficial effect on the psychological state. High temperatures, for example in a sauna, cause muscles to relax, blood vessels to dilate, and the heart to beat slowly, that is, the body works in parasympathetic system mode.

If you then douse yourself with cold water or dive into a plunge pool with cold water, the body will instantly mobilize, the pulse will increase, muscle tone will increase - just like when the sympathetic part of the nervous system works.

Water hardening is good for body and soul

Thus, by “turning on” and “turning off” different parts of the vegetative system on your own, you can teach your body to adapt to sudden changes in the internal and external environment. Gradually, the body will stop reacting to such an irritant, and PA will cease to occur.

Drug treatment

It is very difficult to cure VSD forever with the help of pills, because this is the elimination of symptoms, and not the root cause of the pathology.

However, properly prescribed medications will make it possible to relieve acute conditions.

  1. Herbal extracts based on valerian, motherwort, St. John's wort are effective with long-term use. The instant calming effect after a cup of tea with St. John's wort or even a valerian tablet is nothing more than a placebo. Additionally, it is important to remember that weed is not as safe as it seems. If pharmaceutical medications have instructions regarding exact dosages and rules of administration, then a person will have to deal with herbs himself. Therefore, in half of the cases, a person does not receive enough dosage for a therapeutic effect, and in the other case, he experiences intoxication from herbs.
  2. Sedatives– soft products, the effect of which appears no earlier than 3-4 weeks of use. They stabilize sleep and eliminate irritability. But, unfortunately, they only work for mild neuroses. Therefore, with frequent and severe PA, they are unlikely to help. But with weak VSD, drugs like Novo-Passit or Persen can have a good therapeutic effect.
  3. Tranquilizers– stronger sedatives. They can act instantly, like the prescription Phenazepan, or gradually, like Grandaxin, which works more than other tranquilizers to stabilize the nervous system.
  4. Antidepressants– drugs “to improve mood” are rarely used for panic attacks, but if other drugs are ineffective, then the doctor may suspect neurosis due to hidden depression. Then the only way to eliminate the root cause of the disease is to restore the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, that is, to start a course of taking antidepressants.

Thus, no external remedy for panic attacks and fear will permanently relieve. But with the help of competent work on yourself, the use of modern relaxation techniques and medications, you can strengthen your nervous system.

Panic is a condition familiar to many people living in a world of constant stress. Having experienced it at least once, a person is afraid of repetition. However, you should not panic, but carefully study ways to overcome panic attacks so that they go away forever, returning the fullness of life again. Getting rid of the nervous scourge of society is not so difficult, moreover, everyone can do it.

PA is the scourge of modern society. They lie in wait at every step, hit exactly the target, and make a person stop feeling like a full-fledged, adequate person. The world is drowned in the public availability of information, most often of a negative nature. Constantly expecting trouble, existing in conditions of oppressive stress, people experience uncontrollable surges of panic. They get scared and feel helpless. Unfortunately, few people know how to overcome panic attacks on their own, getting rid of attacks forever.

Before destroying the enemy, you need to understand its essence, know the reasons for what is happening. Panic attacks occur in different ways. Sometimes one thing, but bright and greatly exciting a person, provokes a negative state, sometimes - a complex of minor troubles. Such situations act as catalysts.

  • Strong conflicts, quarrels that knock a person out of the usual rhythm of life. They do not always immediately cause a panic attack, often remaining a heavy burden on the soul, which, under a combination of circumstances, provokes an attack.
  • Tension in interpersonal relationships. Often family or age-related crises, growing misunderstanding, alienation, lead a person to a destructive state.
  • Bright lights, flickering electricity, unexpected loud noises. External stimuli that provoke the development of irresistible horror.
  • Bad habits, excessive, frequent consumption of alcohol or drugs, smoking, especially in the hot season, disrupt the human psyche, leading to panic attacks.
  • State of health. Frightening symptoms, pain, and unplanned pregnancy are common causes of panic.
  • Being in a crowd. Often a person is frightened by a large crowd of people around. It is in such conditions that various terrorist attacks occur; a subconsciously perceived threat to life results in uncontrollable horror.

Often there is no reason for a panic attack to occur, but it does happen. This is why the condition is called uncontrollable, it is difficult to predict and guess what will serve as the starting point. But it is possible to prevent the development of an attack that has already begun.

Physiology and psychology of panic

First: PA has no effect on mental health. It causes problems with the physiological state, but minor. Fearing that you will go crazy, die of a heart attack, or never get rid of fear is groundless. The feeling of horror is illusory and occurs only after the release of certain hormones by the human brain.

Adrenaline is a constant companion of PA. As soon as it is in the blood, the nervous system gives the command: fight or hide, the body prepares to act. Activity causes increased heart rate and breathing, sweating, and that action that most panic sufferers suffer from - the desire to run forward.

By understanding the physiological and psychological mechanism of development of a negative state, the patient is able to cope with it. Self-calming at the first alarm signals, distraction, diligent breathing control are the first assistants in the fight. Doctors advise massaging the temples and closed eyes, focusing on positive emotions and productive thoughts. Do not develop a panic attack by telling everyone around you about the frightening symptoms. Remember: the condition can be stopped only in the initial stage; after that the task becomes impossible. Fear completely subjugates the personality, control disappears.

An important aspect that helps you understand how to stop panicking is a list of basic fears that cause increasing horror of a potential PA.

What scares you most about panic attacks?

PA rarely scares a person on its own. Much more problems are caused by accompanying fears, which aggravate the general condition and create fear of a recurrence of the attack. Most often, a person suffering from panic conditions is afraid of:

The fears listed above poison life more than the attacks themselves. It is often useless to say that they have no basis: the root of evil is hidden in the characteristics of the psyche of a particular person. This is why psychological help is effective in combating such conditions. However, there are working methods that teach how not to panic and help stabilize the subtle psyche.

Self-control methods

It is almost impossible to stop the onset of panic if you do not stop the attack at the outset - this is understandable. However, you can try to completely change your lifestyle, forever displacing from it the causes and factors that cause panic. The patient will definitely have to:

If you manage to master all the points listed, panic attacks will recede forever. They extremely dislike busy, cheerful people who take care of their own health.

Revision of the food system

There is no health without proper nutrition. Most often, it is immoderation in meals and the consumption of harmful, heavy foods that lead to overload not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of all functional systems of the body. Health is impaired, latently leading to panic attacks. The basic requirements for proper nutrition are given below.

Overeating and the habit of eating before bed disrupt the normal functioning of the nervous system: they cause insomnia, nightmares, and stomach discomfort. If a person stops sleeping well, stress increases, sooner or later resulting in a panic attack. Giving up snacks at night is a sure step towards victory.

Consuming a large amount of vegetables, fresh or stewed, nuts, light meat products, and fruits is the right decision. Milk and sour milk are also allowed, but in limited quantities. A proper nutrition system will relieve the body, give energy, and give a feeling of lightness and confidence, which is necessary in the fight against illness.

Rescue in active movement

The second step is to start moving. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity are constant companions of ill health. A person who trains strength and endurance overcomes himself, feeling the joy of new successes and records. Fatigue from physical exercise is pleasant and brings positive emotions. Sport is the best helper to repel panic attacks.

Even simple morning exercises will lift your spirits and energize you. A trip to the gym for a group lesson will give you the joy of communication and victory over fears; exercise with exercise equipment will give you the joy of developing muscle relief. Why were there practically no panic attacks before? Because our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers moved much more - and there was simply neither time nor mood for such ailments.

Down with stress

Stress is the first step to a panic attack. It is important to identify situations, objects or people that cause a negative state. This could be an inadequate boss, an annoying relative, a dull job, or being among strangers. Such factors often cannot be eliminated immediately, but you can take on a gradual solution, or learn not to get irritated.

Stressful situations require a mandatory way out; you cannot accumulate negativity in yourself without influencing what you don’t like. Otherwise, one day it will all end in the notorious panic attack. Try to change jobs, find a hobby that gives positive release, make peace with relatives and friends. Remember, a person gains inner strength when:

  • clears the surrounding space;
  • communicates with like-minded people;
  • engages in hobbies or creativity;
  • reads good books, watches positive movies;
  • travels to new countries;
  • walks a lot without any particular purpose;
  • overcomes personal fears or complexes;
  • takes the risk of trying something new.

All of the above actions remove stress. They form a positive mood and an individual’s pride in himself. A confident, full of plans, cheerful, satisfied with life person is never overtaken by panic attacks.

Stop being afraid of new PAs

Often the cause of a panic attack is the fear that the frightening state will definitely return. A person lives in anticipation of the uncontrollable horror that will again cover him, with the confidence that sooner or later the crisis will repeat itself. Overcoming such fear is not easy, but it is possible.

It is extremely difficult to cope with the frightening factor on your own. You will have to resort to the help of a friend or relative. Visit the place where you panicked constantly until the negative emotions associated with it pass. For example, many people are afraid of the subway. Task: to teach the subconscious that there is nothing scary in the subway. To do this, for the first time you can simply go downstairs, then quickly leave the lobby. And gradually move further and further.

When fighting your own fears, give an instruction: you are not a participant in the action, but an outside observer, controlling emotions at every stage. Don't let panic take over. Listen carefully to the body's reactions, noticing even the smallest manifestation of horror. Then you will gradually be able to cope with the fear of developing a new PA.

Creating your own mood

A positive attitude and optimistic attitude towards life are the main enemies of panic attacks. It is difficult for a person suffering from an illness to focus on the good; he lives in constant anxiety and anticipation of the negative. What will bring back the ability to enjoy life? First of all, the work of a good, understanding psychologist who knows how to get a patient out of prolonged stress. It is advisable to turn to the relevant literature that changes the attitude towards what is happening. Of the modern books, some good ones are from the pen of Dr. Kurpatov. Listening to audio files of moods (affirmations) by G.N. Sytin helps many people.

Today, there is a lot of literature on the shelves that can help you get out of depression and help you re-evaluate your way of life. Using the right books, you will independently learn to enjoy the new day, seeing only positive moments around you.

Now you understand and imagine how to overcome panic attacks without serious medication. Following advice, the ability to listen to your own body, the desire to win are prerequisites in order to forget about PA forever.



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