Effective pharmaceutical preparations for muscle growth. Courses of pharmaceutical drugs for gaining muscle mass

Date of: 2015-11-12 Views: 47 126 Grade: 5.0

Important! The “Your Trainer” website does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who decide to take them do so as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

Without disputing the obvious, namely the fact that if you follow all aspects of success in bodybuilding (nutrition/training/following a daily routine), (not all) really work, I am still a supporter of pharmacology. It's cheaper, easier and, most importantly, more effective. In any case, no one forbids you to combine the recommendations received from here with sports nutrition. Then the results will only improve. In this article, I will share my personal experience of sporadic (from time to time) use of certain substances of synthetic origin, using which athletes will significantly make their sports life easier. Let's just clarify right away. Such experiments are designed to help advanced athletes who use AAS. As for those who are just joining the wonderful world of androgens and anabolic steroids, it is better for them to hold off on such mischief. The less farm you get by with at the initial stage, the better you will be hooked in the future. This is an axiom.

Before training

1. A drug like Piracetam will help you get ready for hard training. Injections of vitamin B 12 can also be used for these purposes. Piracetam needs somewhere between 400 - 800 mg, B 12 - 3 mcg (one ampoule). It is accepted that the first and second, 60 - 45 minutes before the start of the training. The same B 12 can act as an excellent energy drink (before aerobic exercise, especially). 2. Another good source of energy can be a drug such as ATP. It is present in two forms. Tablets and solution for injection. So here it is. Forget the pills. The injections are much more effective. Dosage - one or two ampoules (10 - 20 mg), an hour to an hour and a half before the start of training. And remember, to avoid pain at the injection site, administer the drug very slowly. 3. Caffeine sodium benzoate. There is no doubt, in terms of activation of the central nervous system and energy charge, few will argue with him. There are only two but. First, this medicine can significantly increase your blood pressure. Second, caffeine slows down the synthesis of glycogen, which means it will be somewhat delayed. Dosage 200 – 300 mg one hour before starting work in the gym. 4. VERY well increases endurance, including strength peptide TV - 500. Dosage 2 mg (one bottle) in the morning after breakfast, on the day of training, if the latter is planned for lunch. If you train in the evening, use the same protocol, but do it after lunch. 5. If you use amino acids during training (especially a lot), then Metformin will be of great help. This drug will ensure that most of the amino acids taken will not become a source of energy, but will go straight to the muscle fibers. Naturally, if your goal of taking BCAAs (although such a desire can be directly called waste) is strictly energy for training, then you do not need to swallow Metformin. Dosage 1000 – 1500 mg an hour to an hour and a half before training. 6. , at a dosage of 0.5 mg (1 tablet), taken 40 – 60 minutes before training, is designed to reduce the release of Cortisol during training. 7. Actovegin and will significantly increase the filling of muscles with blood during training. It is quite possible to use them as a duet. The dosage of the first is 2 – 3 ml (purchase strictly the injectable version, tablets are garbage). The second is one tablet (40 mcg). Both are taken 40–60 minutes before the start of the training. 8. And finally, one of my favorite non-hormonal medications. . In addition to a large number of useful qualities (and it really has a lot of them), it helps to endure physical activity more easily and has a tonic effect on the central nervous system. Dosage in the range of 500 – 1000 mg (usually 1 – 2 capsules), taken one and a half to two hours before the start of the training. In the case of Mildronate, capsules are more effective. With the exception of TV-500 and Clenbuterol, all other drugs can be easily purchased at the pharmacy chain. I think everyone already knows where to buy the first two.

After training

1. The main goal after training is to prevent an increase in catabolic processes, trigger anabolism, and also achieve a speedy recovery. For these purposes, immediately after training you should take a second tablet of Dexamethasone (0.5 mg). 2. Those athletes who are familiar with first-hand can take 8-10 IU of short straight after a shower. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE INJECTION, drink the following post-workout cocktail. 50 – 60 grams of whey protein and 10 grams of fast carbohydrates (dextrose or fructose) for each unit of insulin administered (that is, if you put 8 IU of insulin, you should consume 80 grams of coals). But I warn you, this recipe is extremely unsafe, since Ince immediately after training is a particularly dangerous thing. 3. But an injection (50 mg) immediately after finishing work in the gym, which is much safer and will launch the anabolic/anti-catabolic/restorative processes very quickly. 4. It is advisable, immediately after training, to take 2–3 grams of vitamin C. It copes well with free radicals (a kind of waste formed during intense training). Everything that I have listed in this article does not mean that you are obliged to leave your workplace in the middle of the workday and rush headlong to the pharmacy or contact your dealer on the Internet. Try, combine, experiment. Find the tools that suit you best, and you WILL find them. The main thing is not to be afraid of challenges. This whole sport consists of trial and error. This is what makes him interesting. That's all. Be healthy.

Every athlete sooner or later reaches a certain “ceiling” in his training process and begins to look for ways to overcome it. First, these may be attempts to introduce changes to the training program or the ratio of nutrients in the diet, and then sports supplements and anabolic steroids, of which there are countless, are used.

Who needs weight-bearing drugs?

First of all, I would like to talk a little about who generally needs to include sports supplements and pharmaceuticals in their daily diet. If you are a beginner, don’t even think about protein, much less the use of pharmacological drugs. You need to grow to this point in the sense that for the first few months you should first adjust your diet, study all the principles and methods of building muscle mass, analyze the technique of each exercise, understand, etc.

In general, there are a large number of concepts and principles that need to be mastered both theoretically and practically. Only after you become more or less aware of nutrition, diets, train correctly, and follow the regime perfectly, only then can you start using SPORTS NUTRITION(not pharma) in your diet. To get started, just try to train properly and follow a diet.. If you really like it and achieve some results, then you can move on. That is, with increasing weight, the need for nutrients increases significantly. Many cannot or do not have time (due to life circumstances: work, study) to consume enough BJU, which is necessary for growth and recovery. Therefore, you can include supplements in your diet that contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Why am I saying all this? It’s very simple, drugs to increase muscle mass are not “magic pills” that will make muscles appear out of nowhere. With their help, you will not be able to gain weight without proper nutrition and thorough and hard training.

As for pharmacological drugs, things are somewhat different. Potent androgenic drugs are designed for use exclusively by professional athletes who have everything necessary to properly carry out the course and post-cycle therapy (PCT). This is a rather serious step that must be approached consciously, weighing all the pros and cons. Despite such a loud name - “Anabolic steroids” (for those who don’t understand, anabolic means substances that accelerate the formation of new cells, fibers, etc., that is, promoting muscle growth), they also do not guarantee a person a colossal weight gain. In order for pharmacological drugs to work, it is necessary not just to train, but to “plow”, while consuming a huge amount of nutritional components to ensure the growth of muscle fibers. Many people simply think that because of pharma, muscles appear out of nowhere, inflate, and so on. In fact, this is a fundamentally wrong opinion and a stupid stereotype.

Sports supplements and non-steroidal drugs for weight gain

  • Protein, which is a concentrated protein that includes PROTEIN(the most important building block for muscle building) and a small concentration of amino acids. It is not mandatory for use, since the required amount of protein can be obtained from ordinary foods. A clear advantage of protein is the ability to receive large amounts of protein without loading the gastrointestinal tract with huge volumes of solid food. There are a large number of types of protein: whey, casein, egg, soy, etc. Also, protein is produced with different protein concentrations and many other differences that are necessary for one purpose - to promote (prevent) the growth of muscle tissue. Useful article – “?”.
  • Creatine– a supplement that affects energy metabolism and muscle contractility due to an increase in the amount of creatine phosphate in them. Creatine also retains water to some extent, causing weight gain in the first weeks. Most often, athletes like this substance because of its ability to provide significant increases in strength, and therefore muscle mass. The supplement increases the recovery abilities of the human body and gives greater endurance during training. Learn more about how to take creatine and what it even is.
  • Gainer- a mixture that combines protein and carbohydrates. The latter, as a rule, largely dominate the amount of protein. This supplement is designed to promote rapid and intense weight gain (when used correctly), some of which will understandably not be pure muscle mass. The gainer is also used as an additional source of energy before training. To understand whether you need a mass gainer, read.
  • Amino acids- substances that prevent the destructive effects of the stress hormone cortisol, whose influence occurs in the midst of intense strength training and the period after it. Popular supplements based on leucine, valine and isoleucine help speed up both recovery between sets and between workouts. Thanks to easy absorption, they can be used even during classes. Simply put, it is broken down protein in a ready-to-eat form. You can purchase amino acids both at a sports nutrition store and at. Read about the need to purchase bcaa amino acids.
  • Pre-workout supplements– supplements based on psychostimulants like caffeine. They also often contain creatine, fast carbohydrates, vitamins and electrolytes. Pre-workout complexes help to achieve a state of increased activity during training, and thanks to the strength gained, overcome the threshold beyond which further progress lies. You can learn more about the pre-workouts.
  • Testosterone Boosting Supplements – testosterone boosters. As a rule, they are produced on a plant basis, for example with the addition. But unfortunately, they are not always effective, since the levels of testosterone that are achieved with these drugs are still insufficient to trigger intense muscle growth.
  • – a sports supplement made from natural ingredients that helps increase appetite and gain muscle mass with appropriate training and proper nutrition.
  • A growth hormone And peptides. These drugs are popular mainly among experienced and professional athletes, and are usually used in combination with anabolic steroids. However, when used “solo” they can cause significant muscle gains, especially in those athletes whose bodies are not familiar with steroids. These drugs cause an increase in growth hormone, thereby stimulating the growth of muscle tissue. Of course, the results will not be as good as when taking steroids, since growth hormone acts on muscle growth rather indirectly. For example, you can familiarize yourself with a fairly popular peptide -.
  • Pharmacy medicines, like potassium orotate, riboxin and folic acid. They do not have a pronounced effect on muscle growth, but can contribute to it in cases where the athlete’s body is too tired due to heavy training, dieting or a busy work schedule. In any case, due to their beneficial properties, the use of these funds will not be superfluous.

To begin with, it should be recalled that the use of steroids makes sense only when other methods no longer provide any benefit, or if the athlete is serious about creating a sports career. Otherwise, the use of steroids is not justified and poses a potential danger to the athlete’s health. But still, since we are talking about the “dark side of the force,” it is definitely worth considering the most common options. It is not recommended to take AC without proper supervision by your doctor.

  • Of course, known to everyone methandienone, or popularly – “ methane" This drug has been tested by hundreds of thousands of athletes, and methandienone was probably the first steroid in the lives of most of them. Its high prevalence is explained by its low price, relatively small number of side effects, and, of course, its ability to provide enormous gains in muscle and strength. One of the most popular variations of methane is .
  • Testosterone- in fact, is the father of all existing steroids, they are precisely its derivative. The drug is notable for its low cost and flexibility in use. That is, you cannot expect any unexpected or unpleasant effects from testosterone. This drug acts exactly as the athlete wants it, when he calculates the dosage and selects the accompanying pharmaceutical support. Another obvious advantage of testosterone is its low toxicity and overall safety.
  • Nandrolone– best known as “deca” (a slang abbreviation for nandrolone decanoate). It is most common among powerlifters, as it has the property of strongly “flooding”, and therefore protects muscles and ligaments from injury. It is imperative to use testosterone in combination with nandrolone, since the drug in “solo” mode can significantly affect the reproductive system. Nandrolone’s ability to influence mood is also known, causing either tearfulness or excessive aggression, which is caused by strong surges in prolactin.
  • Stanazolol is a well-known drug most often used for fat burning and maintaining muscle mass in the process. But in fact, it can also be used for the purpose of gaining muscle. To achieve this goal, testosterone is used together, which not only enhances the effect of stanazolol, but also reduces the likelihood of injury, which is always greatly increased during a course of stanazolol due to its ability to “expel” water.
  • Insulin– an extremely dangerous drug if used incorrectly, which can lead to death if the dosage is incorrectly calculated. It is a kind of transport system that tens of times enhances not only the absorption of food, but also of anabolic steroids. Its use can only be justified in very experienced athletes who understand the principle of action of insulin. Otherwise, irreparable damage to the pancreas is possible, expressed by the development of diabetes mellitus. With excessive dosages and a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, death is possible.

Anabolic effects:

  • One of the effects (actually for which most pharmacology is taken) is the growth of muscle mass - from 5 to 10 kilograms;
  • Naturally, an increase in strength endurance, an increase in working weights, etc.;
  • Fat burning effect;
  • Helps strengthen bones;
  • Also, when taking medications that retain water in the body and do not dry out the joints, the rotators of the shoulder are strengthened (with proper nutrition). In the future, this will help increase bench strength.

Side effects:

  • Problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Decreased production of your own hormone testosterone;
  • Virilization;
  • Prostate hypertrophy;
  • Testicular atrophy;
  • Hair loss alopecia;
  • Acne or acne;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.

When using steroids, it is always necessary to remember that during the course there must be appropriate supporting drugs, as well as agents that contribute to the general support of the body. You should not ignore the period after the course ( PCT), during which the use of antiestrogenic drugs is required to promote the speedy restoration of the reproductive system suppressed by steroids. By the way, before taking any potent substances, you must undergo all tests for hormones, cholesterol levels, etc. You should not simply, spontaneously buy drugs and use them without the supervision of your doctor. If you use pharmacological drugs wisely, most side effects can be avoided.

Attention!!! This article is for informational purposes only. The site does not sell anabolic steroids. The site does not condone the use of potent substances without proper supervision by specialists.


So, in this article we looked at both safe drugs (sports nutrition) and unsafe substances that can greatly harm human health. What can be concluded? If you are unable to build muscle mass, first of all you should reconsider your diet and training program, maybe this is the problem. You should not rely on various drugs. They do not have any magical properties.


People for whom sport is a career take intensive training and proper nutrition as the basis for their lifestyle. But in order to maintain the results, as well as recover after exercise, they resort to pharmaceutical drugs in bodybuilding.

In order to gain muscle mass, you need to use drugs containing anabolic substances. They can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. Some of these products include:

  1. Glutamic acid

In bodybuilding, it stands out among pharmaceutical products in that with its help the athlete easily recovers after hard training. This acid is involved in protein synthesis, which leads to muscle growth.

The active substance increases brain activity. Its immunological properties are also known.

The drug should be taken after meals three times a day. The daily norm is 2-3 g. The course lasts three weeks. The price of one package of glutamic acid is 30-40 rubles.

  1. Potassium orotate

In bodybuilding, it refers to pharmaceutical drugs that normalize heart function. The active substance, orotic acid, helps to establish protein metabolism. The product will help you recover after strength training.

The drug is available in tablet form. The maximum daily dose is 1.5 g per day. It is divided into 3 doses and consumed before meals. The course lasts 20 days. The cost of the drug reaches 200 rubles.

  1. Methionine

The active ingredient of the drug, methionine, promotes normal metabolism in the body. It participates in nitrogen metabolism. Methionine is known for its hepatoprotective properties.

The drug must be taken for 20 days. Single dose – 500 mg up to 3 times a day. Product price – 65-75 rubles.

  1. Ecdysterone

This drug is created on the basis of a plant component - Leuzea safflower, B vitamins and folic acid. Ecdisten has tonic properties, and its intake does not affect the human hormonal system. It is recommended for use during periods of intense exercise.

In bodybuilding, this pharmaceutical drug should be used before meals in the amount of 3 tablets 3 times a day. Women can take up to 25 mg per day.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Vitamins and minerals contain beneficial micronutrients that promote protein synthesis and muscle growth. The most effective drugs are:

  1. Complivit

It is a vitamin-mineral complex that replenishes the deficiency of microelements necessary for the training body.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • 12 vitamins;
  • ascorbic, folic and lipoic acids;
  • 8 minerals.

It is enough to drink 2 tablets a day. The drug does not contain high doses of substances, so it is suitable for regular use. The cost of Complivit reaches 140 rubles.

  1. Dynamisan

It is a vitamin complex suitable for restoring resources after exhausting exercise. Ginseng extract, which is an integral part of the drug, has a tonic property and has an immunological effect on the body. In addition to the most important vitamins and minerals, the drug contains the amino acids Arginine and Glutamine.

Dynamisin should be taken with food. 1 tablet per day is enough. The cost of the drug is 350 rubles.

  1. Vitrum Performance

It is a drug produced in America. It contains 12 vitamins, 18 minerals and American ginseng extract. Thanks to this complex, the body recovers faster after long workouts, copes with overexertion and better adapts to stressful situations.

The drug is suitable for regular use. It is recommended to take 1 tablet with meals. The price of the drug is 900 rubles.

Means that improve blood supply to organs and tissues

Pharmacy drugs in bodybuilding, aimed at improving blood transport to organs and tissues, help achieve greater performance in sports. The group of such drugs includes:

  1. Pentoxifylline

The active substance of the drug is a vasodilator. Blood flows to the muscles, saturating them with oxygen. The product is very effective for pumping and intense training.

The drug is taken for 3 weeks after meals. The initial dose should be small - 400 mg, and it is divided into two doses. The drug can cost from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

  1. Vinpocetine

This drug is a vasodilator. It also regulates cerebral blood flow. The use of Vinpocetine leads to a decrease in blood pressure. The drug must be taken an hour before meals in the amount of 1-2 tablets. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 30 mg. Vinpocetine can be purchased in pharmacies for 140 rubles.

Preparations for weight loss, drying

If the goal of the exercise is to reduce subcutaneous fat, as well as increase muscle definition, then weight loss and cutting medications should be included in the nutrition program. Diet and exercise accompany the intake of such products. The drugs include:

  1. Asparkam

The drug contains potassium and magnesium aspartate. Thanks to it, the metabolism in the body accelerates, which contributes to a surge of strength. Excess fluid is removed from the body, and this leads to a decrease in subcutaneous fat and weight.

Asparkam is taken three times a day after meals. One-time dose – 1-2 tablets. The price of the drug is from 50 rubles.

  1. Thyroxine

It is a drug that is recognized as an effective means for losing weight. Thyroxine is a thermogenic, increasing body temperature to activate the fat burning process. The basic component of the drug is Tetraiodothyronine, a thyroid hormone.

Thanks to taking Thyroxine, metabolism accelerates. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, which gives strength to cope with increased physical activity.

The course of taking Thyroxine lasts up to 1.5 months. You need to start with small doses - 50 mcg. Then the daily dose can be increased to 200 mcg. The drug must be taken in three doses.

  1. Tamoxifen

The drug is an anti-estrogen. The active substance can activate the production of testosterone. In bodybuilding, Tamoxifen is often used for cutting. Thanks to it, subcutaneous fat is burned, and the muscles look more prominent. It is also used to prevent heart disease.

Energy drugs

Pharmacy drugs in bodybuilding, leading to the acceleration of energy processes in the body, are used by athletes to activate the body's enzyme system and replenish strength. The most used products are:

  1. Inosine

The drug accelerates metabolism and stimulates the rapid flow of biochemical processes in the body. It is used to prevent heart rhythm disturbances.

Pharmaceutical preparations Riboxin are complete analogues of inosine, used in bodybuilding

Inosine can be taken for up to 3 months three times a day. You need to start with small doses: 0.2 g for a single dose. The daily dose, if the drug is well tolerated, can reach 2.5 g.

  1. Lecithin

It promotes the absorption of vitamins A, E, D and the body's energy production. The drug is recommended during periods of heavy physical activity. Trainers recommend taking 1 capsule after meals twice a day. The price of the drug is 965 rubles. Asparkam, potassium orotate and methionine are also included in this group of drugs.


Enzymes promote good absorption of beneficial components from the food consumed, which is why this class of drugs is especially popular among athletes. Calories enter the body in sufficient volume, since the substances are completely broken down and absorbed into the blood. Among these drugs are the following:

  1. Panzinorm forte

This drug is suitable for athletes whose work is aimed at building muscle mass. In this case, the body receives a lot of solid protein food, and enzymes contribute to its rapid digestion. The components of the drug are extract of the stomach mucosa of cattle, pancreatin and bile extract.

The drug should be taken while eating food, 1 tablet. three times a day. The price is 110 rubles.

  1. Festal

This enzyme preparation promotes thorough digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It consists of pancreatin, bile extract and hemicellulase enzyme, promoting the absorption of heavy and plant foods. The drug is taken three times a day in the amount of 1 tablet after meals. The price of a package of 20 tablets can reach 145 rubles.


Hepatoprotectors can increase the protective function of the liver. This is especially important if the drugs used by the athlete include anabolic steroids. These drugs inhibit liver function.

The most effective hepatoprotectors are:

  1. Ademetionine

The drug stimulates the production of ademetionine in the brain and liver. It is also classified as an antidepressant. Ademetionine normalizes bile flow and promotes the removal of waste products from the body. The daily dose of the drug is 4 tablets. The drug is taken an hour after meals. The price of the product is 1600 rubles.

  1. Karsil

This drug is used to cleanse the liver after steroid therapy. It contains a plant component – ​​milk thistle extract. It is the equivalent of silymarin. Thanks to Karsil, depressed liver cells recover faster.

Protein synthesis in the body is more active. The drug helps increase appetite. Due to the greater number of calories ingested, body weight increases. An effective course is considered to be the use of 2 tablets 3 times a day. The cost of the drug is 350 rubles.

Drugs that lower blood sugar

To stabilize blood sugar levels, especially in athletes with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, such drugs are needed.

Diabeton MB promotes the production of your own insulin. It is often used in a cycle to increase muscle mass. The drug should be taken with caution so as not to disrupt pancreatic function. You need to start the course with low doses – 15 mg. Next, the drug is taken at 30 mg per day. The course can last 1 month. The price of the drug is 300 rubles.

Drugs with anabolic and restorative properties

These drugs must be combined with a properly selected diet. They do not increase the amount of nutrients entering the body, but control the process of their absorption by the body. Among the most effective drugs are:

  1. Riboxin

The active ingredient is inosine. The drug accelerates metabolism, participates in glucose metabolism, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. The strength of heart contractions increases. The drug is taken for a month, starting with small doses: 200 mg 3 times a day. After 3 days, the daily dose is increased to 1200 mg. The cost of the drug is 45 rubles.

  1. Calcium glycerophosphate

This drug has restorative properties, helping with fatigue and lack of appetite.
It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, providing a tonic effect. Acceptable intake rates: 1 tablet three times a day. The price of the drug is 90 rubles.

Adaptogens and agents that increase the body’s immunological abilities

Such drugs exist to help the body overcome fatigue. It adapts to intense physical activity. The components of the drugs have a tonic effect and also help accelerate metabolic processes in the body. These include:

  1. Ginseng root

The drug is made from ginseng roots. It is recognized as one of the effective fat burners and adaptogens. The plant contains beneficial oils, acids and minerals.

Ginseng tincture helps maintain blood sugar levels and releases the body's energy resources. He adapts to unfavorable external conditions and quickly gets into shape after physically difficult, exhausting workouts.

Ginseng tincture should be consumed 3 times a day. To take it, you should avoid the evening time of day. The dose for a single dose is 30 drops. The price of the drug is 40 rubles.

  1. Pantocrine

The drug has established itself as a reliable adaptogen with tonic properties. This effect helps to achieve high performance in training.

Pantocrine contains more than 20 types of beneficial amino acids, lipids and minerals. Taking the drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. The body's protective functions increase. The drug is taken one hour before meals up to 3 times a day. For a single dose, take 20 drops of the drug and wash it down with water. The price of Pantocrine is 290 rubles.

Drugs affecting the central nervous system

This class of drugs helps maintain concentration during exercise and relieves mental and emotional stress. The substances they contain intensively nourish the brain and control the processes occurring in it.

Among these drugs, Nootropil is considered the most effective.

The active substance in the drug is piracetam. It stimulates the functioning of the nervous system and also helps accelerate energy metabolism in brain cells. The drug increases the resistance of brain cells during hypoxia.

Thanks to Nootropil, the body overcomes fatigue. Motivation for training increases. When doing exercises, concentration increases. The drug must be taken for 20 days 3 times a day. Take 2 capsules at one time. The price of the drug is 260 rubles.

Working schemes and courses for taking pharmaceutical drugs in bodybuilding:

Ready-made drug regimens help achieve quick results in body shaping.

For weight gain

To increase muscle mass, the use of Trimetabol and Glutamic acid in combination with B vitamins is suitable. During the period of using the drugs, you need to eat frequently (6 meals a day).

The two-week course is structured as follows:

  1. Trimetabol: 30 mg before meals, up to 6 times a day.
  2. Glutamic acid: between meals, 10 g three times a day.
  3. Vitamin B complex: 1 time in the morning after meals.

For weight loss

Weight loss can be achieved using the following 2-month course:

  1. L-Carnitine: 2 g in 2 doses.
  2. Fat burner Yohimbine: 1000 mg twice a day.
  3. Asparkam: twice a day, 0.1 g.
  4. Vitamin complex: 1 tablet. in a day.

For drying the body

A course of Clenbuterol is suitable for drying.

The drug is taken for 14 days according to the following scheme:

  1. On day 1: 0.02 mg. The dose of each subsequent day increases by 0.02 g, reaching 0.1 g by the 5th day.
  2. Days 6-12: 0.12 mg.
  3. From the 13th day the dose is reduced: 0.08 mg.
  4. Day 14: 0.04 mg.

The drug should be taken in the morning after meals. When the dose becomes high, it is divided into 2 doses: in the morning and in the afternoon.

Intense physical activity depletes the athlete's body's resources. To restore strength in bodybuilding, pharmaceutical drugs are used. They are suitable for both female and male bodies, being reliable helpers on the path to success in sports.

Video about pharmaceutical preparations for bodybuilding

Pharmaceutical preparations for muscle growth:

Pharmaceutical drugs used in bodybuilding:

Every athlete strives to gain a beautiful and powerful muscular body with a minimum of fat deposits. A well-planned training program and recovery periods, a balanced diet, the products of which are selected according to the goal, can achieve this result. Another technique for building muscle mass that most athletes resort to is the use of various sports supplements.

There are many sports drugs, but the safest are:


It is a mixture of carbohydrate and protein, rich in many nutrients, activating the growth of muscle cells. It is especially useful for ectomorphs who have problems gaining weight due to a high metabolic rate. This supplement is very high in calories and is not suitable for those who are prone to rapid weight gain, that is, endomorphs. Such athletes are better off taking other supplements.


It consists of protein - a building material for muscle tissue, which makes this drug the best for muscle growth. This supplement can be taken by people with different body types, used together with amino acids or creatine.

Amino acids

These are substances that form proteins necessary for the body to normally maintain the functions of growth and recovery, the synthesis of antibodies and hormones. Amino acid complexes are drugs for regulating catabolism, the recovery process, and mental activity. In bodybuilding, amino acids are taken in the form of a supplement consisting of isoleucine, valine, leucine. The complex contains 35 percent of the total number of amino acids present in muscle tissue, which have a direct effect on anabolic and recovery processes.


This harmless sports supplement increases muscle mass, anaerobic endurance, and strength. The drug plays an important role for human life, which is comparable to the function of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Creatine, present in muscle fibers, is a direct participant in energy metabolism.

Anabolic steroid

AS () are considered the most effective drugs that provide high muscle growth. They imitate the mechanism of action of testosterone, the main male sex hormone. Steroids are used exclusively by professional bodybuilders. This is because drugs in this class have side effects.

The anabolic effect of taking steroids is manifested in the following indicators:

  • increase in muscle mass up to 10 kilograms per month;
  • increasing endurance and strength indicators;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • reduction of body fat.

Taking steroids can lead to the following side effects:

  • masculinization;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • virilization;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • hair loss.


The choice of a drug for muscle growth directly depends on the final goal. Amateurs who do not plan to take part in competitions should limit themselves to taking the BCAA complex, supplements such as, or. Bodybuilders who intend to engage in bodybuilding at a professional level need to pay attention to anabolic steroids. The main thing is to follow the dosage and regimen of AC recommended by a specialist. In addition, you need to remember that steroids are not recommended for use before the age of 25. This applies to both men and women.

Video review

There are many situations when it is needed.

Let's talk about safe and inexpensive pharmaceutical products that help improve results when playing sports, cope with stress more easily, and will be useful in life in general. I use many of them in my own practice, so I’ll be happy to share my personal experience.

In general, basic “pharmacy” knowledge is very, very useful for ordinary citizens. They allow you to both improve your quality of life and save money.

You don’t have to look far for examples - take the same one Activated carbon. Few people know that the effective dosage is 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. That is, a 100-kilogram man with mild poisoning (including alcohol) needs to eat 10 tablets of coal at once, and then there will be a positive result. If we are talking about more serious poisoning, then in such an impressive dosage charcoal is drunk several times a day. And people take only 2-3 tablets at a time, after which they are surprised at the lack of any effect.

It’s even funnier when, in pursuit of “magic” and supposedly super-effective means, citizens overpay by an order of magnitude, or even more. Let’s take as an example the advertised “ White coal" And " Sorbex", standing like an airplane against the backdrop of good old activated carbon. The first has nothing to do with “coal” at all and is built on the basis silicon dioxide- a new generation sorbent, which, in words, actually absorbs toxins better than black coal. Like, he took a couple of pills and he’s handsome. In reality, you will have to take 10–15 tablets in 3–4 doses to achieve the desired effect in case of alcohol poisoning. Even if you take 30–40 tablets of activated carbon to get the same effect, the money savings will be noticeable. Although, judging by the information that I found on the Internet, “White coal” allows you to avoid headaches with a hangover more often than black coal. But there are other factors here. We'll talk about them at the end of the article in the bonus part.

As for Sorbex, this is, in principle, the simplest dietary supplement based on ordinary black activated carbon. Draw your own conclusions.

The third example is antiviral drugs such as “Arbidol”, “Viferon”, “Anaferon”, “Aflubin” and the like, which cost a significant amount of money, but do not have any evidence base regarding their effectiveness. This is already one of the series when, with active treatment with all the above-mentioned remedies, a cold goes away in 7 days, and without their use - in a week.

But, talking about how knowledge is power, I digressed from the main topic of conversation. Let's go to it and gain information useful for life.


I’ll start with things that will be useful not only for comrades actively training with weights, but also for any other citizens.

Each of us has times in our lives when we need to give 100% and still remain effective under high pressure, be it physical or mental. In such cases, the so-called adaptogens, which have a mild stimulating effect on the body and nervous system.

In my practice, I most often used the link succinic acid(Ukrainian name - “burshtinic acid”) and ginseng tinctures. Although I assume that it was ginseng that had the greatest stimulating effect. At least, this is what a therapist I know with extensive experience assures me. The last most striking example of the work of this team is, within the framework of which I was able to not only work effectively (several articles were published and written), but also (training and practice for three days for independent diving to a depth of 18 m), visit a number of interesting places and prepare the basis for the report. During the week I slept 3-4 hours a day, but I managed to do everything and at the same time I felt not like a bag of meat and bones, but quite cheerful and cheerful.

succinic acid

It has many positive effects and minimal potentially negative ones.. On the negative side, the drug is not recommended for stomach diseases and high blood pressure. On the positive side:

  • Light tonic effect and overall improvement of well-being.
  • Has a beneficial effect on tissues, cells, organs and systems of the body.
  • Improves blood circulation and flushes out accumulated salts in the body (that is, it is recommended to take it in case of inflammatory processes in the joints).
  • Destroys and removes stones.
  • It is effective as an antidote for poisoning the body with certain toxic substances, including mercury, arsenic, and lead.
  • Regular use helps strengthen the nervous system, reduces susceptibility to stress, reduces irritability and negative emotions.
  • Helps get rid of hangover faster (take one tablet every hour for five hours).

According to the description, it is a magical drug, but it is worth understanding that it is still closer to a dietary supplement than to medicines. From time to time, I myself take succinic acid in courses for 4–6 weeks, 6 tablets per day (two tablets after meals, the last dose no later than 4–6 hours before bedtime).

Tincture (root) of ginseng

A stronger stimulant than succinic acid, and works great in combination with it. Among the known properties of ginseng root, I will highlight the following:

  • tones;
  • stimulates the nervous system;
  • increases appetite, performance, resistance to physical activity;
  • stimulates the cardiovascular system;
  • increases potency;
  • increases immunity.

I also drink from time to time in courses of 4-6 weeks, using 20-30 drops of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals. Sometimes in combination with succinic acid, sometimes separately.

Eleutherococcus senticosus

  • tones;
  • improves blood supply to the brain, resulting in increased mental performance;
  • increases physical performance;
  • improves vision;
  • improves liver function;
  • has a positive effect on the immune system.

Schisandra chinensis

Has a similar effect to Eleutherococcus, plus increases the conductivity of nerve impulses And sensitivity of nerve cells. In theory, it should have a positive effect on training results and improve neuromuscular communication. I don’t know yet how it will work in practice. Schisandra is also a candidate for personal testing.


First of all, you should understand that glycine is not some kind of “chemistry” with a tricky formula, but an ordinary amino acid, one of many. That is, during the day, along with protein foods, we receive it in some quantity. It’s just that the portions are very small compared to the pharmaceutical drug.

Glycine is credited with simply magical properties as a drug that increases brain activity, improves memory and concentration, while at the same time calming. It is often recommended to students during a session, or to employees in responsible and stressful jobs.

Well, partly everything written above is true, although debates about glycine are still ongoing. I myself I actively use it to improve sleep quality. The fact is that glycine slightly lowers blood pressure, which really relaxes and improves sleep. And when using this amino acid, I often see vivid, colorful dreams and, what’s most interesting, I partially remember them. That is, when I wake up, I can remember what I dreamed about. After 30–40 minutes I usually forget all this, but without glycine, in principle, I don’t remember dreams and I can’t say for sure whether I dreamed at least something.

By the way, if you have low blood pressure, then you should be careful with this drug so as not to get a headache and weakness. Although, 100 mg that are present in a tablet is too small a dosage to have a serious effect on blood pressure, but everyone’s body is different. For example, even one pill makes my wife feel uneasy (she has had low blood pressure throughout her life). And I used even a dozen at a time and, as they say, “not in one eye.”

For myself, I came up with the following formula:

  • 4-5 tablets under the tongue before bed to improve sleep quality;
  • 1-2 tablets in the morning and afternoon to improve concentration (weak, but still have an effect).

Conclusion: Adaptogens work, but don't use them all at once. Any of them can be combined with succinic acid. The average course length is a month. Glycine can be consumed on an ongoing basis.


Enzyme preparations improve the digestion process, so they will be useful both for comrades who actively train with weights, and for those who are not physically straining and sometimes overeat during the holidays.

There are many such drugs, their prices are different, but in fact the composition is approximately the same - this digestive enzymes(protease, amylase, lipase). The only difference is their number and ratio.

For myself, I chose the drug “Pancreatin 8000” (8000 units of lipase, 5600 units of amylase, 370 units of protease per tablet) and use it in rare moments of severe gluttony (2-3 tablets with meals). For example, when there is a festive feast and there are so many delicious things in front of your nose that you simply need to try it all.

In addition, enzymes will be useful during the period of so-called “mass gain” in those training with weights. You need to eat a lot, and in order for the food to be digested efficiently and quickly, such drugs are used. At one time I also practiced this (2 tablets of Pancreatin 8000 during large daily meals).

Among the analogues of the mentioned drug, one can recall those similar in composition “ Creon 8000" And " Panzinorm 10000", advertised " Mezim"(about half as many enzymes, and the price is significantly higher than regular pancreatin) and "Festal" (about 20-30% less active ingredient, but the ratio of individual enzymes is different).

Conclusion: in case of overeating, keep a plate of pancreatin or any other drug based on it in your medicine cabinet, but do not exceed the recommended dosages. This is also a good thing for “mass gain” if it’s hard to push the required amount of food into yourself.

Anabolic non-steroidal drugs

Here we’ll talk about mild non-steroidal anabolic steroids (by the way, food is also an anabolic steroid), which do not interfere much with the functioning of the hormonal system. For those who don’t know, an anabolic steroid is a substance that has a positive effect on the processes of anabolism, that is, on the synthesis of new cells and tissues of the body. In this case - muscle tissue.

Potassium orotate

I’m sure many weight trainers over 30 remember the saying: “ If you want to be like an elephant and with a wasp waist, eat methandrostenolone with potassium orotate" Let's leave Soviet methandienone alone - it is a serious anabolic steroid and it is better not to touch it unless absolutely necessary (everyone determines the degree of this need for himself). But potassium orotate is a very useful and safe enough thing to recommend it to every person who trains with weights.

It has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body due to its participation in the synthesis of new protein molecules at the DNA and RNA level. In particular, its use with steroid drugs is recommended, since, roughly speaking, it further improves their effectiveness. Hence the proverb mentioned above. If you use the drug alone, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart (potassium is also called the “vitamin for the heart”). Often solves problems with hypertension caused by physical activity and high heart rate. Just measure your heart rate several times during your workout - if it “lives” in the region of 150–160 beats per minute and does not drop much even during rest between sets, potassium orotate should help.

Take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day an hour before meals. Course - 3–4 weeks.

Glutamic acid

It is both an antioxidant (neutralizes and removes ammonia) and an anabolic steroid, as it participates in protein synthesis. In addition, it stimulates the oxidative processes of the brain, that is, it serves as a kind of fuel for it. Even in clinical trials, the effect of increasing intelligence was noted. But specifically for myself, I noticed the effect of strengthening the immune system - I get sick much less often, I use glutamine on an almost constant basis in the form of a sports supplement (5-10 g per day). I wrote about this in detail in the article “”.

There is also a pharmacy version, available in the form of tablets of 0.5 g each. You can use it, but it is much more expensive than using a sports supplement.


Under this name it is sold in pharmacies, and in sports supplements it is more often found as Tribulus. It is obtained from the aerial part of the plant Tribulus Terrestris L. The drug has become famous as a stimulator of the production of testosterone, a very important hormone for any man.

Thus, the effects of the drug include improved erection, increased libido and increased muscle mass. Although the dosage is important here, or more precisely, the amount of saponins of Tribulus Terrestris L. For example, in pharmaceutical Tribestan there are at least 112.5 mg of them (although the tablet contains 250 mg of dry matter). It is recommended to take from 3 to 6 tablets per day (337.5–675 mg of active substance), but the working dosage for weight training is considered to be from 1500 mg of Tribulus Terrestris L saponins.

I think that the maximum pharmaceutical dosage will be enough for ordinary citizens to feel a positive effect (including an increase in overall tone). This is if we are talking about men. For women, Tribulus Terrestris L is also good (stimulates the production of estrogen, increases libido, has a positive therapeutic effect on the endocrine system), but in a minimal dosage. Course - 4–6 weeks.

For guys training with iron, higher dosages should be used. At least, I felt the effect on myself when I took 4 capsules of Tribusteron 90 from Olimp every day (2 capsules twice a day). Considered one of the best sports supplements based on Tribulus Terrestris L, each capsule contains 450 mg of saponins.


A naturally occurring phytoecdysteroid that is similar in action to anabolic steroids. That is, it binds to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells and is transferred with cytoplasmic receptors to the cell nucleus, where it regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, which in turn control protein biosynthesis. At one time, it was even promoted as a safe replacement for those same anabolic steroids, but devoid of side effects in the form of disturbances in the content of the body’s main hormones. But miracles don't happen. The drug has a positive effect, although in terms of muscle growth it is much inferior to “heavy sports pharmacology”. But it doesn't harm.

In particular, it has a pronounced tonic and anabolic effect. To achieve the latter, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein in the diet to 2–2.5 g per kilogram of body weight. That is, if you want muscle growth, eat more protein foods and train hard.

I haven’t tested the drug myself, but I’ve seen a lot of positive responses on the Internet. Although there are plenty of negative ones, like “it doesn’t work.” Well, everyone's body is different. The recommended dosage is 1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day after meals for three weeks.

Other personally tested and useful drugs

Below I’ll tell you a little about what I’ve tested on myself more than once, but these drugs don’t fit into the categories described above, so I’ve separated them into a general one.

Bundle “Asparkam + Riboxin”

Asparkam contains potassium And magnesium in a form that allows them to be easily absorbed by the body. The mentioned substances contribute to the effective regulation of metabolic processes. Remember what I said about potassium being considered the “heart vitamin”? In addition, in synergy, the substances are important for nerve conduction and muscle contractions. That is, if from time to time you suffer from cramps, then asparkam will help. In the past, sometimes my abdominal muscles began to cramp - this drug solved the problem.

I usually use asparkam in conjunction with riboxin, which is known abroad as inosine. It is a stimulator of biochemical processes and has a positive effect on the heart. In fact, it enhances the effect of potassium and magnesium, plus increases the strength of heart contractions, improves blood supply to tissues and energy metabolism. There is also an improvement in muscle tissue regeneration.

Now I’m just starting another course of taking Riboxin along with asparkam, and I traditionally notice an increase in endurance during training. This is especially noticeable during heavy training of the legs and back.

The course lasts on average up to one and a half months. I take two tablets of Riboxin and Asparkam three times a day. The first drug is before meals, the second is after meals.

P.S. There is also a drug similar in action to Riboxin mildronate, but it is much more expensive. I don't see the point in spending extra money.

Vitamin C and B vitamins

Vitamin C is an excellent stimulant and has a positive effect on the immune system, but in fairly large dosages. For example, I use 1-2 grams per day. Although the scientific community has not yet come to a common denominator regarding the benefits or harms of this substance in such dosages, and doctors usually prescribe it to people in therapeutic quantities, such as 0.025–0.05 mg 3 times a day. In addition, some people are allergic to ascorbic acid.

Fortunately, I don't have one. In my Soviet childhood, when there were problems with candy in the store, I often took vitamin C instead. Sold for 45 kopecks in bottles of 100 tablets. I could grind through a couple of these bottles in a day. As a child, I was also fond of Revit and Undevit. I’m still surprised that I didn’t get hypervitaminosis from this practice.

Naturally, I take vitamin C in courses for a month or a month and a half, plus I use it in hyperdoses (up to 5–6 g per day) if I feel like I’m getting a cold. Several times this allowed me to avoid a full-blown illness with snot wrapping around my fist and fever.

At the same time, I take B vitamins (sports supplement B-50 from NOW). I take one capsule with horse dosages an hour before training along with 1 g of vitamin C. They have many positive effects, most of them are described in the link above. In principle, you don’t have to bother with them if you use multivitamin complexes, which are discussed below.


I have been using them on a regular basis for several years now. During difficult periods in spring and autumn, when the body is weakened due to the peculiarities of our climate, these are powerful sports complexes like ON OptiMen or Universal Animal Pak. The rest of the time something supportive like 21st Century Health Care Sentry or any of our pharmacy multivitamins in the style Complivita And Supradina. Although in the last couple of years I still give preference to foreign multivitamins - they are much cheaper than ours in local pharmacies.

I think there is no point in talking about the benefits of vitamins. Everyone needs them. Moreover, due to a rather meager diet, the majority of the population experiences vitamin deficiency in one form or another. For example, in the past, before I started using multivitamins periodically, the skin on my fingers often peeled off in the spring and fall. It happened very strongly.


A good herbal based sedative. At least it works great for me. I use it rarely, but accurately.

The main component is valerian in elephant dosage, plus several other substances. I tried to use its tablet version separately in a similar dose - I did not observe an effect similar to Persen. If your nerves are naughty or you have a busy business trip ahead, I recommend taking a 2-week course of 4 capsules per day.


This is the best for me personally a painkiller for headaches and the only one that really helped with the onset of a migraine. In the Russian Federation it is sold in any pharmacy, but in Ukraine it is not, but you can make it yourself. The composition is simple: 325 mg paracetamol + 400 mg ibuprofen. As in other multicomponent painkillers (for example, “citramon”), the components included in the composition enhance the effect of each other.


And for starters, a couple more useful pharmacological recipes, tested from personal experience.

Minimizing the negative effect of “drunkenness”

I mainly use this recipe for friends, family and acquaintances, since I myself drink rarely and little. It is working, tested by time and experience.

If the day or evening went well, a lot of alcohol and food were consumed, then before going to bed (even if you are unsteady and really want to fall face first into the bed), use the following drugs:

  1. 2–3 tablets of Pancreatin/Festal;
  2. activated carbon at the rate of “1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight” (for example, 8 tablets per 80-kg man);
  3. 1–2 tablets of citramone (you can just use aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid 200–400 mg)
  4. wash it all down with a significant amount of water - 0.5 liters or more.

Homemade pre-workout supplement

In the past, during my experiments with different sports nutrition, I tested many pre-workout complexes. They should increase the effectiveness of training - such as “rushing”, pumping and all that. Or, if you are not in the mood to exercise, for example, you are tired during the day, but you still need to go to train. Plus, they are often used during drying sessions, when the nervous system is at its limit and it is really difficult to train. But almost always the “pre-workout” only gave me headaches during training.

However, since I train mostly in the evening after a busy day at work, I still wanted to find some kind of mood and energy booster. As a result, I came up with the following formula for myself, which works well for other people who have experienced it:

  1. 5 g arginine+ 1 g vitamin C+ complex tablet NOW B-50 an hour before training.
  2. Cup natural coffee(or 200 mg tableted caffeine) + 15–25 g dark chocolate(from 72% cocoa and higher at ) 30 minutes before training.
  3. 3 g beta-alanine immediately before training.

There is no headache (arginine dilates blood vessels and actually acts like aspirin in combination with coffee, but the amino acid is harmless, unlike acetylsalicylic acid), the energy is rushing - the workout is vigorous. Budget option - arginine an hour + coffee 30 minutes before training.

Here is a short excursion into pharmacy pharmacology, which really works. Of course, many things are individual, and everyone has their own experience, plus organisms are different. In addition, there are many more different types of legal, working and interesting substances, but everything cannot be covered in one article. No need to. However, if you want to add something or discuss it, comments are open.

P.S. I mentioned above that I order vitamins abroad. If you are interested in where exactly, it is mainly iHerb. Use the code SJW536 and you'll get $10 off your first order over $40, or $5 off your first order under $40. The code is a referral one, so if anyone uses it, in addition to receiving a discount, they will also give something nice to the author of this impressive article.



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