Diathesis in a one-month-old baby: what to do. Causes of diathesis in infants: photos of the main symptoms, forms and effective methods of treatment

Most mothers, even with very careful care, are faced with the appearance of bright red spots on the baby’s skin, which later become covered with crusts. These crusts are quite painful and are accompanied by constant itching. Such crusts are called milk crusts or milk scabs; they are one of the signs of abnormal metabolism - exudative diathesis in children. This diathesis is also called allergic.

What is allergic diathesis (exudative-catarrhal diathesis)?
Allergic diathesis is a kind of constitutional anomaly, which is expressed in the body’s predisposition to long-term allergic reactions and processes, inflammatory diseases. Diathesis is usually called initial stages skin diseases such as: atonic and seborrheic dermatitis, childhood eczema. It often occurs in infants 3-6 months old and persists for up to 1-2 years. Diathesis is not a disease, but if it is not treated, with age there is a high probability of this condition turning into bronchial asthma or chronic skin diseases (psoriasis and neurodermatitis).

It is not uncommon for such children to have one of their close relatives or parents suffering from allergic diseases(bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, etc.). Metabolic features tend to be inherited, as a result of which the little person’s body begins to react inadequately to various external influences. TO external influences This could include food, diapers, diapers, cream, powder, even room dust, etc. Therefore, if diathesis appears in a baby, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Manifestation of exudative-catarrhal diathesis.
Exudative-catarrhal diathesis begins to manifest itself in a child from the first months of life. Often such children are born with increased body weight, have a pale, puffy face, and the surface of the child’s tongue is uneven. Often these children have a delay in physical development, decreased tissue turgor. Symptoms of diathesis are quite varied, but, as a rule, diathesis manifests itself on the skin in the form of diaper rash, which, despite care, does not go away, in the form of the appearance of golden crusts or scales on the scalp, the reduction of which is not observed with age. Around three months, the baby first begins to develop skin rashes, which can be dry or weeping, or periodically combined with each other on separate areas of the skin.

Most often, children experience a dry form of allergic diathesis. With “dry” diathesis, the child’s skin is markedly dry, areas of redness and swelling periodically appear on it, which are accompanied by unbearable itching. Naturally, the child scratches the skin, as a result of which ulcers appear, which subsequently become covered with crusts. This condition can easily develop into eczema and then into neurodermatitis.

With the weeping form of exudative-catarrhal diathesis, redness and swelling of the skin occur, followed by blisters with clear liquid. After the blisters burst, weeping areas are formed, accompanied by itching, covered with crusts. Rashes with weeping “diathesis” quickly spread over the face, buttocks, arms and legs. In addition, often when entering bacterial infection rashes on the skin become purulent. Diathesis can also affect the mucous membrane and manifest itself, for example, in the form of bloating, unstable stools, conjunctivitis, laryngitis, and appetite disturbances.

Causes of diathesis.
The appearance of diathesis is not a fully studied phenomenon, but there are factors that, one way or another, influence its appearance. These include: genetic predisposition, severe toxicosis observed in a woman during the first and second half of pregnancy, environmental influences, consumption medicines during pregnancy, disruptions in the diet of a pregnant and lactating woman, as well as some foods that the pregnant woman consumed during large quantities(honey, milk, caviar, eggs, marinades, berries).

In addition to allergic diathesis, there is also a neuro-arthritic diathesis, which consists of a genetically determined deterioration in the functions of enzymes that are involved in purine metabolism and synthesis uric acid. There is instability of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, a tendency to ketoacidosis, which is caused by a decrease in the activity of acetylation processes in the liver. This kind of diathesis is a rare occurrence, observed in only three percent of children. As a rule, such children are more capricious, easily excitable, and also have poor appetite. In addition, these children are prone to obesity, seizures, increased blood pressure, night terrors. Neuro-arthritic also requires mandatory treatment, since otherwise it can lead to cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, arthrosis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Children with neuro-arthritic diathesis need a strict diet with limited foods that contain purine bases (chocolate, cocoa, poultry, herring, sardines, offal). The use of Vitamin B6 is also indicated.

Treatment of diathesis in infants.
Treatment of diathesis in infants is a very individual process, requiring strict control and a professional approach. When a child develops allergic diathesis, most importantly, you should not self-medicate and use various ointments without a doctor’s prescription. Such actions can negatively affect the baby’s health, since diathesis is the beginning of a disease that only a doctor can determine. Main components effective treatment diathesis are proper nutrition, taking the necessary enzymes, and using ointment. For treatment, medications are prescribed to reduce itching, sedatives and vitamins. In addition, lotions and ointment therapy are prescribed. Baths with oak bark, celandine, string, and possibly potassium permanganate are effective in treating diathesis.

Breastfeeding is very important for children with allergic diathesis, since it contains all the vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary for the baby's health. Besides, breast milk does not cause an allergic reaction in the child. There is no diet for all mothers, but you will have to exclude from your diet all foods that are highly allergenic and provoke inflammatory processes in the skin. These products include: honey, sugar, chocolate, strong tea, coffee, baked goods, animal fats, fried, spicy, smoked foods, nuts, vegetables and red-orange fruits. Fresh milk must be replaced with fermented milk products. In such cases, mothers should keep a diary of the child’s food, where they write down which foods the child’s rashes worsen.

If a woman is unable to breastfeed, she should consult a doctor to choose the most appropriate baby food based on the baby’s characteristics.

If diathesis appears in a child who is no longer an infant, then it is necessary to remove some foods from his diet - pork, jelly, eggs, fish. Include more buckwheat porridge in the menu, fresh salads, vegetable casseroles.

It is important to know that children with allergic diathesis should be introduced to complementary foods no earlier than six months. It is best to start complementary feeding with vegetable puree. Don't forget about fermented milk products; kefir can be given to children from seven months, yogurt - from eight months. When introducing complementary foods, it is necessary to remember that any complementary foods are introduced in the form of one product. Only after introducing one complementary food in full can you begin to introduce another.

Since exudative-catarrhal diathesis often manifests itself on the mucous membranes, it is important to treat dysbiosis in such children. For such children, probiotics are prescribed for treatment, which contain beneficial microorganisms identical to the natural ones that live in our intestines, and prebiotics, which include nutrients necessary for the development of beneficial microflora.

If there is a child in the house who has allergic diathesis, it is necessary to do wet cleaning in his room every day. In addition, there should be no things in his room that contain bird fluff (for example, a pillow). It is worth approaching the choice with great responsibility washing powder for baby things, diapers.

Since the body is twelve one month old baby He is still very weak and susceptible to any influence. Even food that is familiar to a child in cases of overeating can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, you should not overfeed your baby. It is better to feed him more often, but in small portions.

If a child has left infancy and eats at a common table, it is necessary to exclude salt, sugar, and hot seasonings from the diet.

The main allergens for a child from one to 3 years old are citrus fruits, red and orange fruits, cereals; for children over 3 years old - cocoa, chocolate, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, peanuts, fish, pickles, marinades and seasonings.

Folk remedies for the treatment of diathesis.
This remedy is very effective for the treatment of diathesis. traditional medicine: you need to take 2 tbsp. herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 12 hours and strain. The resulting decoction should be given to the child three times a day, 100 g each, in addition, this herbal decoction can be used for medicinal baths.

Prevention of diathesis.
Nutrition expectant mother is important factor, affecting the future health of the baby. Most importantly, while pregnant, women should not transmit, and also need to reduce their use food allergens, for example, citrus fruits. Of course, it is not forbidden to put a slice of lemon in your tea or eat a few slices of orange, but you should not eat such foods at will, as they tend to accumulate in the body. As a result, after birth, the baby’s body reacts with diathesis. A pregnant woman's diet should consist mainly of healthy food(salads 2 times a day), fermented milk products, protein, less carbohydrates. If the child’s diathesis has been successfully cured, it is also necessary to observe prevention, namely, new foods should not be introduced into the diet. Any products must be carefully processed and consumed by the child in moderation.

Redness and peeling of the skin infants, multi-layered scaly crust on the scalp of a baby, persistent diaper rash - all this is colloquially called diathesis. IN medical literature This term refers to the body type and associated metabolic features of a child.

At improper treatment manifestations of diathesis in more late age it can develop into neurodermatitis, endogenous or atopic eczema. In the article we will analyze in detail what causes diathesis in infants with breastfeeding, what to do when signs of the disease appear in newborns and how to treat it.

Causes in an infant: what causes the disease

According to many experts, the main cause of pathological reactions is hereditary predisposition. Manifestations of allergic reactions are known even during the period of intrauterine development.

In addition to the hereditary factor, manifestations of diathesis on the body provoke:

  • complications of pregnancy, long-term toxicosis;
  • unbalanced diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, consumption of highly allergenic foods;
  • chronic infectious diseases mothers;
  • some drugs used during pregnancy;
  • unfavorable environmental situation in the region of residence;
  • artificial feeding.

The development of clinical symptoms of diathesis can be provoked by:

  • funds household chemicals;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • wool and synthetic fabrics;
  • dry skin;
  • overheat;
  • food and household allergens;
  • violation of the microflora composition;
  • vaccinations.

Manifestations of diathesis in infants are partly due to immaturity of the immune, endocrine and other physiological systems child.

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Symptoms and signs on the cheeks, face and body

Over 20 types of pathology have been described, differing in causes of occurrence, mechanisms of development, and clinical manifestations.

I have all types of illnesst general symptoms:

  • increased susceptibility to infectious pathologies;
  • tendency to diseases with peripheral hypertrophy lymph nodes;
  • seborrheic crusts on the scalp;
  • tendency to diaper rash;
  • developmental delay;
  • persistent stool disorders;
  • exudative rash;
  • overweight or underweight, bordering on dystrophy;
  • plaque, cracks in the mucous membrane of the tongue.

Due to the variety of forms and variants of the course of the disease, diagnosis and treatment of diathesis in newborns is difficult even for a doctor. Therefore, in addition to an external examination, you will need to undergo some clinical examinations. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the setting accurate diagnosis.


The most common type of disease. Appears for the first time at the age of 3-6 months.

By 1 -1.5 years may disappear or develop into chronic allergies . There are several forms of allergic diathesis, most often the atopic form is diagnosed in children.

Atopic diathesis in a child with breastfeeding develops as a reaction to food or household contact allergens of non-infectious origin. The main reason for the development is immaturity of enzyme systems child's body .

In newborns it appears as exudative rash, eczema, weeping spots. Lymph nodes enlarge. The lesions are usually located symmetrically, first on the cheeks, then on the neck, arms, forehead, and chest.

When overheated, the baby develops or persistent diaper rash, and seborrheic crusts appear on the head. Possible sleep disorders, dysbacteriosis, the child is capricious and does not eat well.

The main treatment for atopic diathesis is to suppress contact with possible allergens and diet. Fruits and vegetables of orange or red color, cow's milk or other products that are known to cause an allergic reaction are excluded from the diet.

For bathing and care of linen, only hypoallergenic children's cosmetics and household chemicals are used.


In infants, this form of the disease develops as complication of infectious diseases. Accompanied by persistent slight increase body temperature.


Characteristic manifestations:

  • violations of the skin structure (looseness, excessive moisture);
  • excess body weight;
  • thymus enlargement;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • hypertrophy of adenoids and lymph nodes.

The baby is prone to infections respiratory diseases, occurring with complications, prolonged bronchitis, food allergies.


Rare hereditary constitutional abnormality related to violations purine metabolism. Usually appears at an older age.

These children often have sleep disturbances, increased nervous excitability, possible acetonemia, joint pain.

With this type of constitution, there are prerequisites for the development of other metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, gout.

How to recognize the disease

It is very difficult to make an accurate diagnosis on your own. To suspect a possible problem and consult a doctor in time, it is enough to be attentive to the child.

Let us remind you how diathesis begins in infants. First classic symptom developing diathesis – redness, peeling of the skin on the cheeks, later a small one appears. The affected areas of the body itch, the baby tries to scratch them.

Red spots appear on the buttocks, elbows, legs, later the edges of the stains may become wet. When scratching elements of the rash, secondary infection is possible. Weeping spots appear on the body, the baby suffers from persistent diaper rash and sweats a lot.

Clinical manifestations occur after contact with the allergen. Clinical symptoms different forms pathologies are similar to the symptoms of chickenpox, scabies, erythroderma, psoriasis, prurigo, lymphogranulomatosis or can develop against their background.

A characteristic feature of a skin reaction of an allergic nature is symmetrical arrangement of lesions. If you suspect any skin disease, you should consult a doctor immediately to establish an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment.

The photo below clearly shows what diathesis looks like in newborns in the most common places of manifestation - on the body:

Which doctor should I contact?

Many parents are haunted by the question of what to do when signs of diathesis are detected in newborns, where to start treatment? It is extremely undesirable to treat diathesis in infants at home without consulting a doctor.

The correct reaction of parents to the slightest signs if the baby is unwell – visit the pediatrician. Further appointments will depend on the characteristics of the proposed diagnosis.

Additional consultations will be required:

  • dermatologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • allergist.

In some cases, the patient may be referred to other specialists: a neurologist, rheumatologist, nephrologist.

Diagnosis in newborns

Diathesis is a manifestation of constitutional characteristics and indicates increased risk development pathological changes from the outside different organs and systems. The set of diagnostic measures is selected individually.

General and . Additionally, the level of cholesterol, uric acid, phospholipids, catecholamines, immunoglobulin content, and lymphocytes of different groups are determined.

At lymphatic-hypoplastic type of constitution It may be necessary to conduct an x-ray examination of organs chest, Ultrasound of the adrenal glands, liver, spleen, thymus and other organs depending on clinical manifestations diseases.

Is it possible to remove diathesis in a baby on the cheeks and other areas, how to properly treat the baby?

How and what to treat at home

How to get rid of diathesis in a baby, what to do when diagnosing the disease? In the treatment of various forms of the disease they are used general principles. This includes correcting the diet of a nursing mother, maintaining breastfeeding, carefully choosing foods for complementary feeding, and maintaining a daily routine and care.

Substances and household items that provoke allergic reactions are removed from the child’s environment.

Seborrheic crusts on the head Lubricate with baby oil and carefully comb off without damaging the skin. The procedure for removing crusts from the scalp is carried out after bathing. Repeat daily until results are achieved.

Marigold Infants' hair should be cut short so that the baby does not scratch the lesions on the cheeks. The smallest ones wear cotton mittens.

How to treat diathesis in infant, what means are suitable for these purposes? Universal drug no against diathesis and it cannot be in principle. For each form, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the root cause of the disease and associated lesions.

Against skin manifestations diathesis, the doctor can prescribe drugs that have the following properties:

  • healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • eliminating itching.

In case of severe diathesis in an infant, in advanced and severe cases, in case of secondary infection, hormone-containing drugs or ointments with antibiotics may be prescribed.

For any form of constitutional pathology, special baby food is selected for complementary feeding, which does not contain causally significant components.

The patient may be prescribed antihistamines, sedatives, multivitamin preparations, in particular, B vitamins, calcium supplements. When dysbiosis manifests itself, the use of probiotics has a good effect.

The affected areas of the skin are treated local means prescribed by a doctor. The child is bathed in a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, bay leaf or string.

Hyposensitization with small doses of antigens under the supervision of an allergist and physiotherapeutic treatment may be prescribed.

At lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis The course of treatment includes vitamin and adaptogenic preparations.

At neuro-arthritic form of pathology are excluded from the diet fatty foods and foods rich in purines.

The child is prescribed B vitamins, choleretic and sedatives. When acetonemia develops, a set of measures is prescribed to normalize metabolic processes.

How long does diathesis last for an infant, when can treatment be completed? Depends on the degree of the disease and the parents’ compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician.


Effective measures to prevent primary skin reactions No. During pregnancy, the expectant mother is advised to limit the consumption of allergenic foods or completely avoid them.

The diathesis prevention complex includes all measures to prevent and eliminate pregnancy complications: toxicosis, gestosis, fetal hypoxia, oligohydramnios.

IN postnatal period prevention includes hypoallergenic nutrition for the nursing mother and complementary feeding of the child, hardening, massage and gymnastics appropriate for the baby’s age.

All infectious diseases must be treated promptly, preventing them from becoming chronic.

In case of confirmed diathesis, vaccination is carried out according to an individual schedule, in some cases – after preliminary preparation.

Special instructions for parents

No one is immune from diathesis. The causes and mechanisms of allergization have not been studied. However, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of your baby developing allergies.

During pregnancy and in the first months of life, mothers should choose for themselves hypoallergenic cosmetics with light fragrances.

No matter how great the temptation may be to pamper your baby with an unfamiliar delicacy, don’t rush.

Many products are contraindicated for children not only in the first year of life, but also in preschool age.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky says what to do

We got acquainted with the symptoms of diathesis in infants with the help of visual photos, learned about the forms of the disease and the features of treatment. Dr. Komarovsky will introduce us to other subtleties in the video below:

Diathesis on the face of a baby is not a disease. This is the body's reaction to the negative impact of the environment. The child’s immune system is not fully developed, which is why such malfunctions occur. How to treat diathesis in a baby? The article will discuss the features of the development of pathology and its correct therapy.

What is diathesis?

The condition is not serious illness. Diathesis is a condition characterized by a child’s body being predisposed to allergic reactions, colds or inflammatory processes.

The main reason for the development of diathesis on the cheeks of infants is considered to be the penetration of irritants into the body. An adult no longer reacts to them. This could be: food, household chemicals, baby clothing fabric, etc.

Diathesis is not a diagnosis, but a condition that indicates the occurrence similar pathology. Therefore, it is not it that is treated, but the disease that arises against its background. These include: dermatitis, ARVI and convulsive syndrome.

Most often, diathesis affects the skin of infants. The mucous membranes of the eyes, throat or perineum are also susceptible to inflammation.

Why does diathesis affect newborns?

A newly born baby is forced to adapt to the outside world. The body is still weak, the immune system is not fully formed, so it is difficult for a baby to fight negative factors. The risk of diathesis includes:

  • the newborn suffered hypoxia or asphyxia during pregnancy or childbirth;
  • the woman abused alcohol, smoking or uncontrolled use of medications during pregnancy;
  • the course of pregnancy is unfavorable.

The main causes of diathesis:

  1. Newborns with high or low birth weight.
  2. With a burdened heredity. If one of the parents is susceptible to allergies, then the baby will also have a similar tendency.
  3. With dysbacteriosis. If the digestive processes or intestinal microflora are disrupted, a small amount of beneficial bacteria may be present in the baby’s body, so any product is perceived as hostile.
  4. Poor nutrition. Early introduction of complementary foods or overfeeding with poorly chosen foods can lead to diathesis on the baby’s cheeks.
  5. Bad environment. In this case, children are born with low immunity and poor health.
  6. Improper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. Abuse of sweets, citrus fruits and foods with artificial colors and additives.

All these factors together can lead to pathology. Therefore, parents should know how to treat diathesis in infants. Pathology has its own treatment characteristics.

What does diathesis look like on the face?

The disease can occur on different areas the body of a newborn. Diathesis initially appears in infants on the cheeks and chin. It is characterized by peeling, redness and rash.

The main thing is not to confuse diathesis with prickly heat, which occurs due to overheating of the child’s body and manifests itself in the form of small red bubbles.

Types of disease

Diathesis in newborns is classified into 3 types:

  • Exudative-catarrhal. It is considered one of the most common types of diathesis. It manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction and low resistance to infections. Diathesis affects the face, hairline, mucous membranes and respiratory tract baby.
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic. Diathesis occurs against the background of insufficiency of the thymus gland, which leads to enlarged lymph nodes, disruption of the adrenal glands and the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Infants constantly suffer from ARVI and other infectious diseases.
  • Neuro-arthritic. Occurs as a result of metabolism and an excited nervous system. It is quite difficult to diagnose, because the disease is characterized by joint disease and increased nervous excitability.

How to treat diathesis in a baby? The appearance of signs of one of the types of disease requires immediate treatment to avoid complications in the future.

Symptoms of diathesis

Usually, before one year of age, newborns experience exudative form a disease that goes away by 2-3 years with nutritional correction. To his typical symptoms include:

  1. Swelling, itching, redness, peeling of the skin on the cheeks.
  2. Seborrheic dermatitis, which appears as crusts on the scalp. Occurs in infants in the first month of life. When complicated, it turns into weeping diathesis or eczema.
  3. Low weight gain.
  4. Constant diaper rash in the folds of the skin, which may be accompanied by infectious lesions skin.
  5. Regularly occurring pneumonia, rhinitis, bronchitis and atopic dermatitis.
  6. Abdominal pain, colic and increased gas formation.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis is diagnosed in 12% of newborns. It is observed up to 2-3 years and goes away with timely treatment in adolescence. In some children, its main symptoms persist for life:

  • disproportionate body build, expressed in a short torso and long limbs;
  • enlarged spleen, liver and lymph nodes;
  • increased fatigue and apathy;
  • pale skin with decreased turgor.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis is diagnosed in 3-4% of infants. It has the following symptoms:

  1. Sleep disturbance and nervous excitability.
  2. Eczema, urticaria and Quincke's edema.
  3. Renal and intestinal colic, constipation, heart pain.

In addition to weeping surfaces and crusts on the head, other symptoms arise that must be taken into account when treating it.

How to treat diathesis on the face of infants? Correct therapy takes into account all signs of the disease, and not just those that appear on the skin. This includes various pathologies gastrointestinal organs. Inflammatory processes may occur in the throat, nose and lymph nodes.

TO common features diathesis may include:

  • baby's anxiety without visible reasons;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of appetite;
  • frequent regurgitation.

When similar symptoms the child must be urgently shown to the pediatrician. After all, timely treatment can restore his health and avoid complications.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diathesis is not an independent pathology, so its types can be treated by different specialists. These are a pediatrician, dermatologist, neurologist and others. This treatment promotes choice various methods diagnostics

They include:

  1. General analysis blood and urine.
  2. Blood test for cholesterol and glucose levels.
  3. Immunoglobulin study.
  4. Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis.

How to treat diathesis on the cheeks of a baby? If a lymphatic-hypoplastic form of the disease is suspected, an ultrasound scan is performed internal organs(liver, spleen, adrenal glands) and lymph nodes. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe an x-ray of the respiratory organs.

Treatment of diathesis

The disease must be treated correctly. How to treat diathesis on a baby's face? Initially, they start with the mother's nutrition. After all, various allergens most often enter the baby’s body along with her milk.

A nursing woman should follow special diet which excludes: citrus fruits and exotic fruits, smoked meats, products containing flavors and dyes.

The dishes that mother eats must be prepared accordingly. They should not be too fatty or salty, without large quantity seasoning

You can get rid of diathesis with the help proper feeding child and care for him. The main recommendations include:

  • early breastfeeding and duration of feeding for at least 6 months;
  • for artificially fed infants, it is necessary to select the right mixtures, preferably hypoallergenic;
  • Start complementary feeding with broccoli, zucchini or potatoes, which are thoroughly soaked before cooking;
  • new product introduce gradually, no more than 1 teaspoon at a time;
  • You should keep a food diary for both mother and child, which will allow you to identify and eliminate them from the diet in time. allergenic products.

How to treat a baby at home? Therapy consists of careful care of the newborn using special hygiene products (hypoallergenic powders and baby bathing products). Mom should wet clean the room daily to remove dust and pet hair.


How to treat diathesis on the legs of a baby? For effective therapy illness, proper care and nutrition of the infant may not be enough. Depending on the severity of the diathesis, the following are prescribed: medicines:

  1. Antihistamines. They are prescribed for allergies and belong to the 1st and 2nd generation. The former are prescribed as sedatives for restless infant behavior. The latter are allowed to be taken for up to 5 weeks because they are not addictive.
  2. Sedatives. Used for children who sleep poorly and are constantly naughty.
  3. Probiotics. Prescribed for dysbacteriosis caused by diathesis. The drugs restore normal microflora intestines.
  4. Immunomodulators. Their use for infants is considered a controversial issue, so this can only be decided by a specialist. In general, they help improve immunity, which increases the body’s resistance to various negative factors.
  5. Non-hormonal ointments. They are used to relieve inflammation and redness on the face and other parts of the body. It is recommended to use "Guzhienko's Paste" in such cases. If an infection occurs, use Vishnevsky Ointment and Levomekol.

All medications for the treatment of diathesis must be prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of the disease at home

Substances and objects that can cause an allergic reaction are completely removed from the child’s environment. How to treat diathesis in infants at home step by step, a photo of the procedure is presented later in the article.

Initially, seborrheic crusts on the head are lubricated with baby oil and carefully removed without injuring the scalp. Remove from the scalp after bathing. The procedure is carried out daily until a positive result is achieved.

The baby's nails should be trimmed to prevent him from scratching the rashes on his cheeks. The affected areas are treated with ointments prescribed by a specialist.

To treat diathesis, the child is given medications. These may be antihistamines, sedatives or multivitamins. For dysbiosis - probiotics.

To strengthen the immune system, massage, gymnastics and hardening procedures are used.

The duration of the treatment process largely depends on the degree of the disease and the parents’ compliance with the specialist’s recommendations.

Folk remedies for diathesis

Not only medications, but also decoctions and ointments based on medicinal herbs. We treat pedunculated diathesis in infants with folk remedies. These include:

  1. Tincture of burdock and dandelion roots. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed raw materials into a glass of boiling water. Infuse and strain. Give the child 50 ml three times before meals.
  2. Fir oil is combined with baby cream in a ratio of 1:3. Lubricate the affected areas in the morning and evening.
  3. Baths with the addition of medicinal herbs. Decoctions of string, chamomile or sage will help relieve itching, redness and irritation. 3 tbsp. Pour spoons of raw materials into a liter of boiling water and leave. Add to baby's bath water.
  4. To get rid of signs of diathesis, use a starch bath. 2 tbsp. spoons are diluted with a glass cold water. After a while, add 2 tbsp. hot. The resulting jelly is poured into a bathtub.

How to treat diathesis on the cheeks of a baby? Folk remedies are used in combination with medications and ointments, which allows you to quickly achieve positive effect.

The famous doctor believes that diathesis is not a disease, but a predisposition to something. Therefore, it should not be treated, because addictions cannot be cured. You can reduce the influence of irritating factors.

How to treat diathesis in infants? Komarovsky believes that parents use the word diathesis inappropriately. If a child eats chocolate and his cheeks turn red, then this is allergic dermatitis. The allergen enters the baby’s body in 3 ways:

  • with food - food allergy;
  • with air - respiratory (respiratory) irritation;
  • upon contact with the skin - contact allergy.

When contacting a doctor, it is important for parents to describe the situation when rashes appear on the skin. What caused this reaction? Each of the three types of allergies has its own pathogen that must be identified.


There are no effective methods to prevent skin diseases. Expectant mothers are advised to limit their intake of allergenic foods or completely abandon them during pregnancy.

The complex of prevention during pregnancy includes the prevention of diseases such as toxicosis, gestosis or fetal hypoxia.

After the birth of a child, a woman should eat hypoallergenic foods during breastfeeding.

It is necessary to treat all infectious diseases of the baby in a timely manner, preventing them from developing into chronic stage.


Diathesis is a disease from which no child is immune. Hypoallergenic nutrition for mother and child, proper care will not help prevent the disease, but reduce its symptoms.

Diathesis in newborns is considered a rather complex condition. It is important to note that this is not a disease, but a special condition little man, which determines the development of other complex problems with health. In this article we will talk in more detail about this dysfunction of the body and its main symptoms.

General information

Today, you can often see babies with reddish cheeks while walking in the park or at the clinic. In some cases, rashes with dried crusts are possible. In fact, this is exactly how diathesis manifests itself in a newborn. This condition, according to experts, is explained by improper nutrition of the fetus while still inside the mother’s womb. Doctors strongly recommend that future mothers pay attention to their own diet literally from the first months of pregnancy, because the basic systems of the baby’s internal organs and his future health in general are already being laid. If a woman neglects proper nutrition, then some changes will occur in the child’s body that entail this problem.

Diathesis in a newborn, as noted above, implies a state of the body in which it responds in a special way to factors irritating it from the environment.


Unfortunately, modern medicine has not fully studied this issue. However, experts have established a number of factors that directly lead to this kind of dysfunction of the body, namely:

  • toxicosis in a expectant mother, which continues throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy;
  • consumption of foods that contribute to the development of an allergic reaction (citrus fruits, honey, red caviar, etc.);
  • deficiency of vitamins and some nutrients in the mother’s body during gestation;
  • drug abuse;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad environment.


This special condition among young children in modern medicine conditionally divided into several types.

  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in newborns. Symptoms: enlarged lymph nodes, malfunction endocrine system, allergic reactions, constant colds. According to experts, most often this type diagnosed after infectious diseases with complications that occurred during pregnancy.
  • Neuro-arthritic. Symptoms: obesity, diabetes mellitus, gout. These complications occur due to improper metabolism of uric acid. Experts have found that this type of diathesis is hereditary in nature.
  • Exudative-catarrhal. Symptoms: decrease immune defense organism, as a result - susceptibility various ailments infectious nature, long-term inflammatory processes, increased sensitivity skin, which is very difficult to treat. Exudative-catarrhal diathesis is diagnosed among young patients most often.

Regardless of the type of body dysfunction, treatment is recommended to begin immediately. In this way, the development of complications can be avoided later.

What does diathesis look like in a newborn?

Depending on the type of dysfunction in the body, experts identify characteristic symptoms. Exudative-catarrhal diathesis manifests itself in the form skin rashes, which are localized mainly in the area of ​​the cheeks or buttocks. Most often they have a dry crust. In addition, the baby is constantly bothered by itching in the areas of the rash, he sleeps poorly at night and is capricious.

With lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in a small patient, frequent colds, accompanied high temperature and malaise, as well as enlarged lymph nodes.

The neuro-arthritic type practically does not manifest itself at all. In some cases, obesity or even diabetes may occur.

It is important to note that diathesis in a newborn can be diagnosed not only through external clinical manifestations (reddish spots on the skin). Another sign is loose, greenish stool.

Some people get confused this problem with prickly heat, but the latter most often goes away on its own within a few days, which cannot be said about diathesis. This requires special treatment.

What should the therapy be like?

If during the next examination the doctor diagnoses diathesis in the newborn, treatment should begin immediately and under constant supervision by a specialist. Therapy is usually individual character depending on the current acute condition and external clinical signs.

Treatment of diathesis in newborns involves several components, namely:

  • balanced nutrition for mother and baby;
  • taking medications to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the use of special ointments that reduce peeling of the skin and relieve itching;
  • bathing with medicinal herbs.

Nutrition plays a key role in therapy. If the child is breastfed, the mother should mandatory follow a fairly simple diet. It is recommended to exclude all those foods that can provoke the development of an allergic reaction (citrus fruits, chocolate, red fruits, fast food, ketchup and mayonnaise).

If the baby eats formula, then diathesis may appear due to cow protein. As a rule, in this case, the doctor prescribes special hypoallergenic mixtures. It is very important to switch to them gradually, from about 30 ml per day.

All medical supplies should be prescribed by a pediatrician or allergist. During an exacerbation, antihistamines are most often prescribed. To maintain the strength of a not yet strong body, multivitamin complexes are recommended.

To eliminate existing diaper rash, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin daily with special ointments that contain zinc oxide. For these purposes, Bepanten cream has proven itself to be excellent. For diathesis in newborns, it is an indispensable remedy that relieves redness and soothes the skin. If diaper rash is small, it is enough to treat the affected areas with the most common baby cream.

Help from traditional medicine

You can get rid of crusts on your head using the most ordinary vegetable oil. A small amount of it must be applied to the hair, then covered with gauze and a cap placed on the head. In just a few hours you can give your child a bath. Softened crusts will peel off very easily.

An excellent option in the fight against rashes are baths with herbal decoctions. For example, you can take a tablespoon of dry string and pour a cup of water over it and boil. After this, add the resulting broth to the bathtub. Decoctions of chamomile or oak bark also have disinfecting properties.

These simple tips can help you cope with such a problem as diathesis in newborns. In any case, the pediatrician should tell you how to treat such dysfunction of the body. It is not recommended to resort to traditional medicine without prior consultation.

During diathesis, it is recommended to pay special attention to what most often comes into contact with the child’s skin (clothing, bedding). It is better to choose clothes from natural fabrics, and woolen items should not come into contact with the skin, as they provoke itching.

The temperature in the room where the baby is constantly located should be moderate. The whole point is that cool air has a calming effect on skin, helps reduce itching.

Possible complications

Infants with a predisposition to diathesis are more likely to suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and organs respiratory system. In addition, they are prone to mucosal lesions oral cavity and urinary tract.

Against the background of diathesis, illnesses of a viral and infectious nature often worsen. Their course is usually complicated by intoxication, electrolyte imbalance, and septic phenomena.


If you bathe your baby every day in chlorinated water, and this is the kind that flows from any tap, it is useful to rinse the baby with boiled water as a preventive measure for diathesis. It is equally important to rinse your baby’s clothes additionally after each wash.

How else to prevent diathesis in newborns? There are no symptoms on the face, but there are rashes on the buttocks? Most likely, in this case it makes sense to change the brand of diaper or baby cosmetics.

Do not allow your child to overheat. Optimal temperature in the room - +18-22 degrees.

In conclusion, it should be noted that diathesis in newborns is diagnosed very often today. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, everyone can cope with this dysfunction of the body.

The body of a newborn baby gradually adapts to its new environment, so it often reacts violently to various stimuli. Quite often, a child’s cheeks turn red and peel, which is a sign of diathesis, the occurrence of which is due to the fact that the baby’s immune system is not yet well formed. The appearance of diathesis on the face in newborns requires treatment, which can only be prescribed by a pediatrician.

Diathesis is a disease common among children, characterized by the predisposition of the child’s body to the appearance of allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, and respiratory diseases.

Diathesis occurs due to the appearance of various irritants in the baby’s body., to which an adult no longer reacts. Most often, certain products that are not digestible by the child, materials from which clothing is made, and household chemicals act as irritants.

Diathesis in an infant is not independent disease, but a symptom of one or another illness

Diathesis is not a diagnosis, it is a specific condition that indicates the onset of a disease. That's why It is not the diathesis itself that is treated, but the illness that arose against its background: allergic dermatitis, ARVI, convulsive syndrome.

Most often, diathesis affects the baby's skin on the face, and inflammation can also occur in the throat, perineum, and mucous membranes of the eyes.

It's important to remember that If a newborn shows signs of diathesis, he must be shown to a doctor, who will determine the type of disease and prescribe proper treatment.

Why are young children susceptible to diathesis?

A newborn baby is forced to adapt to an external world that is unfamiliar to him; his body is not yet strong enough, so he is easily exposed to various negative factors that provoke the occurrence of diathesis. Considered the disease occurs due to the following reasons:

  • mother's nutrition overuse during pregnancy and lactation, allergic foods: sweets, citrus fruits, foods containing artificial flavors, dyes;
  • heredity - if one of the parents is susceptible to allergies, then the child will most likely be prone to this disease;

The immature digestive system of a newborn is one of the reasons why infants are most susceptible to diathesis
  • digestive disorders or intestinal microflora – there may be a small amount of good bacteria in the baby’s body, so almost any product is perceived as hostile;
  • early or incorrect introduction of complementary foods - poorly chosen foods or overfeeding can cause diathesis;
  • poor ecology - children are born with low immunity, the body is weak, and is easily exposed to negative influences.

What does diathesis look like on the face?

Diathesis in newborns on the face, the treatment of which will be discussed below, manifests itself as a rash with redness and peeling of the cheeks and chin. The rash often causes itching, which causes some anxiety for the baby.

It is necessary to distinguish diathesis from prickly heat, the latter arises due to incorrect temperature regime, appears in the form of small red bubbles filled with liquid.

Read another popular article in this section: Normal bilirubin level in a newborn

Types of diathesis in children under one year old

The disease in question in newborn babies is divided into 3 main types:

Diathesis most often manifests itself as skin irritation on the baby’s face
  1. Exudative-catarrhal – the most common type of diathesis, manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction and low resistance to infections. It occurs as a result of an increase in immunoglobulin E, histamine, and serotonin. Affects the skin on the baby's face, hairline heads, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
  2. Lymphatic-hypoplastic - occurs against the background of insufficiency of the thymus gland, leading to enlargement of the lymph nodes, disruption of the adrenal glands, and the appearance of allergic reactions. Children are prone to frequent ARVI and other infectious diseases.
  3. Neuro-arthritic - occurs due to metabolic disorders against the background of excitement nervous system. This type of diathesis is quite difficult to diagnose in newborns; it can manifest itself as joint diseases and high nervous excitability.

The appearance of signs of at least one of these types of diathesis in newborns on the face or body requires immediate treatment to avoid various complications in the future.

Symptoms of diathesis

Diathesis in children manifests itself characteristic symptoms. The first sign of the disease is redness of the cheeks and chin, often covered with scales that may have a brown or gray tint. Yellow crusts appear on the newborn's head, which continue to appear even with proper and daily care of the child.

Another sign is dry or weeping diaper rash on various areas bodies.

Diathesis can also manifest itself as disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract

In order for the treatment to be correct, it is necessary to take into account other symptoms, not just those that occur on the child’s skin. Signs may manifest themselves in the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, with disturbances in stool occurring; it may be irregular or, conversely, prone to diarrhea.

The mucous membranes become prominent and whitish, the so-called “geographic tongue” appears, in addition, the development of allergic conjunctivitis is possible.

Please note that diathesis in complex cases may be accompanied by inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the throat, nose, lymph nodes.

Among common symptoms This disease can be called the following:

  • the baby constantly cries for no apparent reason;
  • sleeps poorly and worries;
  • burps more often than expected;
  • eats poorly.

One of the signs of diathesis in a baby is constant crying.

Diagnosis of the disease

Due to the fact that diathesis is not an independent disease, its various types can be observed by various specialists: pediatrician, dermatologist, neurologist and other doctors. Therefore, diagnostic methods will be quite diverse.

Usually diathesis is diagnosed using the following laboratory methods:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood test for cholesterol, uric acid, glucose levels;
  • biochemical study of urine;
  • immunoglobulin study;
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis.

Diagnosis of lymphatic-hypoplastic type of diathesis involves ultrasound various organs, thymus gland, lymph nodes.

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Treatment of diathesis in newborns

Elimination of diathesis in newborn babies on the face, the treatment of which must be comprehensive, must begin with the organization of the mother's nutrition, since the root cause of diathesis is allergenic foods that enter the newborn's body through the breast.

The first measure in the treatment of diathesis in an infant is the regulation of the mother’s nutrition.

Mom is recommended to follow a special diet that excludes citrus and exotic fruits, canned and smoked foods, fermented milk products containing dyes and flavors, and all types of sweets.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare food correctly; it should not be too fatty, salty, or seasoned.

There are special techniques to reduce the allergenicity of products:

  • It is recommended to boil, bake or steam meat and fish;
  • Soak cereals and vegetables in cold water for 24 hours before cooking;
  • It is better to first boil the meat for about 20 minutes, then only stew or fry;
  • carefully study the composition of finished products; the more natural it is, the better.

Proper feeding and caring for the newborn will also help get rid of diathesis. Proper feeding is based on the following points:

Complementary feeding of an infant should begin with hypoallergenic products- zucchini, broccoli, etc.
  • early attachment of the baby to the breast, feeding with mother's milk for at least six months;
  • for artificial babies, it is necessary to carefully select the mixture, it is better to choose a special one - hypoallergenic;
  • the introduction of complementary foods should begin with vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, broccoli), which are recommended to be soaked before cooking;
  • careful introduction of complementary foods, start trying any food with 1 tsp, it is strictly forbidden to introduce 2 products at once;
  • conducting food diary mother and child, for the timely detection and exclusion of allergenic products that cause diathesis on the face of newborns.

Treatment allergic manifestations should also be carried out through careful care of the baby, using special children's products for washing clothes and bathing the child. The apartment must be dusted and floored daily, especially if there are pets.

Drug treatment

In order for the treatment of diathesis to be the fastest and most effective, proper nutrition of the mother and child and care for him may not be enough, then the pediatrician prescribes special drugs. Depending on the severity of the disease and the personal characteristics of the infant, the following medications are prescribed:

Probiotics, often prescribed for the treatment of diathesis, help normalize the baby’s intestinal microflora
  1. Antihistamines - used for allergies, are divided into 1st and 2nd generation medications. The first ones provide relief sedative effect, are prescribed for infant anxiety, the latter do not cause drowsiness, and are allowed for use for up to 5 weeks.
  2. Sedatives - used as additional medications in cases where the child is very worried, cries, or has trouble sleeping at night.
  3. Probiotics – used for dysbiosis caused by diathesis, restore normal work Gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins from the body.
  4. Immunomodulators - their use is controversial, so only the pediatrician decides about the need to prescribe such a drug. In general, such drugs increase immunity, therefore, improve the body’s resistance to various negative factors.
  5. Non-hormonal ointments - to treat diathesis on the face in newborns, relieve inflammation and redness of the skin, it is recommended to use “Guzhienko’s Paste”, which is prepared in pharmacies based on diphenhydramine and zinc. If an infection caused by bacteria occurs, you can use Vishnevsky Ointment, Levomekol.

It is important to remember that you cannot self-medicate, Before using any product, you must obtain the approval of your pediatrician.

Treatment of diathesis with folk remedies

Various folk remedies cope quite effectively with diathesis. based on decoctions or tinctures from medicinal plants, preparing ointments and dry powders:

  • Powder from eggshells– prepared from pre-dried eggshells, crushed in a coffee grinder. You need to take the resulting powder 1 tsp. twice a day with food.
  • Tincture of burdock or dandelion roots - crushed roots of the plant are poured with hot water in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, filter. The recommended dose for a child is 50 ml of infusion three times a day before meals.
  • Fir ointment - fir oil is combined with cream for children in a ratio of 1:3, and the resulting product is applied to problem areas in the morning and evening.

Baths with medicinal herbs- very effective remedy against diathesis
  • Baths with medicinal herbs - decoctions of herbs such as string, chamomile, and sage will help relieve irritation, redness and itching. The dry plant is poured with boiling water and left to infuse until full readiness, filter and add to the bath.
  • Starch bath – 2 tbsp. l. starch is diluted with a glass of cold water, then another 2 tbsp is added. hot water, the resulting jelly is added to the baby bath water.
  • Lotions with soda - relieve itching and inflammation, the solution is prepared by dissolving 1 tsp. soda in 1 tbsp. warm boiled water. Cotton pads are moistened with the solution and applied to the affected areas of the skin.

By the way, there is an article on the site about: Vapor tube for newborns: how to use

Consequences of the disease and prognosis

Diathesis in newborn babies on the face, which can be treated in various ways, has certain consequences for the child’s future health.

In infancy and early childhood, the disease in question can provoke frequent respiratory inflammation, be the cause of poor weight gain. However, diathesis in newborns poses the greatest danger in adulthood, when various allergic diseases can develop: bronchial asthma, seasonal rhinitis, dermatitis, allergies to dust, wool, food.

Therefore, it is so important to treat diathesis in a timely manner so as not to get a whole set of unwanted ailments in the future. The disease, once under control, will go away on its own by the age of 4, and the child will become resistant to food products, household chemicals, etc.

Children whose diathesis is pronounced and does not show noticeable improvements can lead to all the diseases that were listed above.

Prevention of diathesis

Prevention of diathesis should be carried out not only in the child, but also in the mother.

In order to prevent diathesis in a newborn, the expectant mother should not abuse allergenic foods

Preventive measures must be started during pregnancy, this is especially true for those women who themselves suffer allergic reactions, or their immediate relatives. During this time, you should not abuse allergenic products; it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic drinks and smoking, the latter further aggravates the allergic mood of the body.

During the postpartum period, it is also necessary to adhere to a diet and try allergenic foods with caution.

Preventive measures for a child consist of the following:

  • early breastfeeding, careful selection of formula for artificial babies;
  • proper nutrition after the introduction of complementary foods;
  • daily and professional massage;
  • hardening procedures;
  • physical exercise.

Advice from pediatricians: How to treat jaundice in newborns. What are the causes of the disease and possible consequences.

Scheduled vaccinations

It is important to know that in newborns suffering from diathesis, which manifests itself on the face or other symptoms, vaccination should take place according to an individual schedule, after preliminary treatment.

A child suffering from diathesis can be vaccinated only a month after recovery from this disease.

Vaccinations can be given only during remission or a month after an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, 3 days before vaccination and for 5–7 days after it, the child is prescribed antihistamines to avoid developing an allergy to the vaccine.

Thus, newborn children are quite often exposed to diathesis, which is associated with their unformed immune system, environment, maternal nutrition. This disease must be treated promptly and correctly to avoid various allergic reactions in the future.

Diathesis is treated through the mother's diet, medications or folk remedies, but you cannot self-medicate; you must always consult with your treating pediatrician.

Famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about diathesis in children:

Video about the causes and treatment of diathesis in infants:

Simple and yet effective methods You will learn about the treatment of diathesis in children from this video:



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