Child development week by week. Intrauterine development of a child by week of pregnancy

During this period, an organism with primitive anlages emerges from a fertilized egg. various systems and organs. Intrauterine development divided into pre-fetal and fetal stages. The boundary between them is the end of the second month of the embryo’s life, when it turns into a fetus.

The beginning began

Fetal development doesn't start with embryonic period, and even earlier, because the embryo develops from a fertilized egg, and fertilization of the egg is preceded by the long development of germ cells.

The little one looks like a miniature child, but the eye color pigment is not yet present. The baby's ears are better developed, and your dwarf is a big mango. Your dwarf's skin is thin and translucent. The baby's skin begins to fill with oil and hair begins to appear.

The little one inhales amniotic fluid, which helps her in lung development. A child is the size of several green onions. The baby sleeps on a regular schedule and his brain is very active. The lungs are not fully formed and the small one is the size of a cauliflower.

The vision develops, it can blink, and the genes grow. The small one is the size of an eggplant. The baby's muscles and lungs are ready to function outside the belly, and the head grows so the brain develops. The small one is surrounded by amniotic fluid and is the size of the large version.

The pre-embryonic period includes the maturation of germ cells and fertilization.

If in the testes of men constant renewal of germ cells occurs on average every 2 months, then in the ovaries of women there is no renewal. After the birth of a girl, there are only about 400 thousand cells in her ovaries - the precursors of eggs, which are given to her for life. In every menstrual cycle One or less often two eggs are released from the ovary. This process is called ovulation. After leaving the ovary, the egg enters the fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs - the fusion of the female and male reproductive cells.

The little one can turn his head from one side to the other, and a protective layer accumulates under the skin, at which point the baby is the size of a coconut. The small one grows in weight and is the size of a yoke. The baby's bones are not fully welded yet, and the little one is a pineapple.

The central nervous system matures, as well as the lungs. The little one looks like a melon. The young kidneys are fully developed and the liver begins to work. Your penis is the size of a roman lettuce. Although the little one looks like a newborn, the lungs and brain still need to develop. A child is like a Swiss beet.

This fusion leads to quality education new cell- zygotes. The zygote moves through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity (this period lasts 7-8 days). When the zygote reaches the uterus, implantation begins - the implantation of the zygote into the wall of the uterus. The implantation process lasts 3 days.

In the prefetal period, intensive anatomical formation of the rudiments of organs that arose during the formation of the embryo occurs, and new anlages appear: the stomach and other parts are distinguished digestive tract, the intestinal anlage is divided into sections, the muscles are divided, and the skeleton is formed. In the second half before fetal period the facial parts are formed, the neck is developing circulatory system and sensory organs, the structure of the brain becomes more complex, large digestive glands are distinguished - the liver and pancreas. By the end of the second month, the rudiments of all organs are formed and occupy their permanent position.

Now, at 26 weeks, your baby is already 6 months old. Your child uses all of his senses to explore and learn about the world around him. That's why you have to be careful not to have any dangerous object around you because it introduces its habits of touching, mouthing and manipulating everything around. He would like to "torture" a soft rubber ball, eat a piece of artificial wool, lay out a ring of cold dental gel, or discover the sound of a bell that comes from inside the animal plus.

During the fetal period, growth and functional maturation of fetal organs and tissues occur, i.e. starting from this period, the fetal organs acquire the ability to function.

Second month. In the embryo (its length is 4 - 5 mm), the anlage of the limbs becomes noticeable. By the end of the second month, the length of the embryo increases from 5 mm (at the 5th week) to 25 - 30 mm. The hands and feet have fingers that are already capable of movement; but these movements are not yet felt by the mother. The rather long tail gradually turns into a small tubercle. The neck is being formed. The brain stops showing through the skin. The rudiments of the sensory organs are formed from the protrusions and depressions of the brain, while the eyes are already almost completely formed. The size of the head is very large (it is about half the length of the entire embryo). Constant relationships between the main structures of the face are established, with the exception of ears, which are located very low. The fetal body begins to function: the brain sends impulses that coordinate the functions of other organs, the heart beats, the stomach secretes gastric juice, the liver produces blood cells. Started at 6-7 weeks rapid growth intestines leads to the fact that part of the intestinal loops no longer fit into a small abdominal cavity embryo and goes beyond its limits. The so-called physiological umbilical hernia, which reaches full development by the end of the second month, and completely disappears by the 10th week. At the end of the second month (8 weeks), the fetal body is formed, the rudiments of the limbs are present, the rudiments of the eyes, nose, and mouth are visible on the head, and the formation of the genital organs begins.

Here good idea for a little experiment: add more pieces of fabric, different forms, colors and textures and place them in front of your little one. Then watch and see what it will do. Looking at storybook photos can be a great way to help your child develop their language skills and also introduce them to the wonderful world of books where they will likely stay for life.

Finally, the book or object is not important. But at his age, your little one needs hardcover cards with cardboard pages and as many bright pictures as possible. Obviously, your baby won't have the dexterity to open the book on his own or return the pages until at least 9 or 12 months, but don't be discouraged. No matter your child's age, reading provides a great opportunity for shared time and bonding.

Third month. Total length the fetus, including legs, is 7 cm, weight - 20 g. During the third month, the fetus grows rapidly and almost doubles its length. The head still remains relatively large and by the end of the month is about l/3 of the parietal-coccygeal length. The front part is very small compared to brain part skulls There is rapid growth of the eyelids, the edges of which are at 9-10 weeks embryonic development grow together. The eyes open only in the seventh month of pregnancy. The first rudiments of hair appear (on the eyebrows, upper and lower lips, on the forehead). The limbs move, fingers and toes are visible, and the first points of ossification appear in the cartilaginous rudiment of the skeleton. Nail rudiments form on the fingers and toes. The fetus already knows how to grimace. Special studies it was found that fetal facial expressions reflect changes in his mother's face when laughing or crying. The hands grow so much that the fetus can touch its head with its fingers and can clench its fists. At the beginning of the third month, genitourinary and anal hole. Based on the structure of the external genitalia, the sex of the fetus can be determined. By the end of the third month, the skin begins to lose the transparency characteristic of it in the first two months of intrauterine life.

More recently, your child will begin to discover new culinary valences. Will be curious about what you are eating and perhaps if you have the opportunity to take a few items off your plate. Although it has an enviable appetite, your little one doesn't yet necessary teeth to get rid of all the good things. That's why it's a good idea to start giving her soft, chewy foods that dissolve easily, but as she grows you can give her even stronger foods.

Don't forget that for your baby color and smell are two things. important elements his educational process, so try to offer him a variety of foods: grains, banana slices, fruits, peeled mangoes or even melons, raspberries or seafood. In addition, in your diet you can place tofu dishes, well-cooked perfume and cut into pieces, thin slices of cheese and small pieces of vegetables : carrots, peas, potatoes, etc.

Fourth month. The total length of the fetus, including legs, is 15-18 cm, weight - 120 g. The head begins to lag somewhat behind in growth. Vellus hair appears on the body. The arms and legs are approximately the same length. The face is formed, the skull ossifies, and the formation is basically completed muscular system, movements of the limbs become more active, but are not yet perceived by the mother, the sex of the fetus is clearly distinguished. The fetus moves a lot and can suck its own finger. The skin has several layers. The functions of various body systems become more complex. Using electron microscopy, it was found that the structure nerve cells the brain of a fetus of this age is almost the same as that of newborns. You can already listen well through abdominal wall a pregnant woman has a fetal heartbeat, the frequency of which reaches 120-150 beats per minute. By the end of the fourth month, an increase in the pregnant woman’s abdomen becomes noticeable.

What are the reasons why my child needs to go to the security room?

Although there is a chance that this will never happen, visiting the branch emergency care in the hospital is something that cannot be ignored. Among other reasons, a child may end up in the emergency room if there is a serious allergic reaction, bowel blockage or asthma attack.

In addition, children are very curious creatures who interact with everything that surrounds them, with all their senses, sometimes even more than indicated, so it is possible that the child swallows or inhales an object that is potentially dangerous to his health. If your child has trouble breathing or experiences anaphylaxis, or you have a seizure, you should call immediately. For most cases emergency situations with children you may want to call yours first family doctor, who will know where to send you next if you don't, or if the situation looks serious, feel free to go with your little guy to the security room.

Fifth month.(The total length of the fetus, including legs, is 22 cm, weight - 300 g). The body grows more rapidly, and by the end of the fifth month of intrauterine development the head is no more than l/3 of the total body length. The skin is dark red in color. A subcutaneous fat layer begins to form. The skin is covered vellus hair. Sebaceous glands begin to emit fatty substance, which mixes with the scales of the epidermis and forms a cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant protects the fetus from constant exposure amniotic fluid, and then facilitates its passage through birth canal. Meconium forms in the intestines. The lower limbs are noticeably lengthened. The fetus can be born alive, does breathing movements, but at this stage of pregnancy it is usually not viable.

How to prepare for visiting the guardhouse?

Before the actual visit, you need to know where to go and how to get there in the most in a fast way. Above all, keep your calm and show that you have everything under control. It's also good to have him and hold him, but you don't need to exaggerate because you might make him even more anxious.

When you leave the house you get a diaper bag, a change of clothes, some books or toys that I think I like, and food for one or two feeds. When in the waiting room, check if there is any reason why you should not feed your baby while waiting.

IN amniotic sac he is no longer so free, and his motor activity increases. In the 3rd week of the fifth month, a woman who is pregnant for the first time begins to feel these movements. Repeatedly pregnant women notice them 10 days earlier. At first, the movements are very weak - women may confuse them with intestinal contractions. Later, the fetal movements become more and more intense, and they can no longer be confused with anything. The mother's first registration of fetal movements - important sign, allowing you to calculate the date of the upcoming birth.

Your life: more time for you

For most mothers, their personality is the top priority on the list. Childcare, maintenance, and home care tend to occupy their full time. But you also need to find time for yourself, because otherwise, by analogy, it's like trying to drive a car that no longer has gas.

And from the day you can't do it for more than 24 hours, it's better to start making your actions more efficient so that you can get a few more things done for you. For example, cook less often and in large quantities, and if there are any usable leftovers, put them in the freezer for a day. Sometimes you can even buy ready-made meals from the supermarket.

Sixth month. The total length of the fetus, including legs, is 30 cm, weight - 800 g. The skin of the fetus becomes wrinkled, apparently due to the discrepancy between the growth rate of the fetus itself and its skin. Eyebrows and eyelashes become noticeable. Skin patterns form on the fingertips. Each of them has their own design - unique and inimitable. During this period, the formation of cells in the cerebral cortex is largely completed. Their loss under the influence of any damaging factors is not compensated. A person lives all his life with the number of cells that have formed the cerebral cortex by that time. Fetal movements become more differentiated. Observing the fetus with ultrasound examination, German scientists have learned to determine by the position of their hands whether the fetus is in a state of wakefulness or sleep. The organs and systems of the fetus continue to develop, master new functions, but are not yet perfect enough and are not able to support the life of the fetus outside the womb.

In other words, lower the home's maintenance standards so that it doesn't hold it in a continuous stain, and if so, ask others for help. And because that's it, talk to your partner and set up a way sharing tasks. Plan an event for yourself, an hour of study, or lunch with a friend. It's also helpful to make a list of things you haven't done in a long time that you would like to do, and when you will free time, do it.

All children are unique and develop at their own pace.

Another great solution is to talk to other parents and see how they have found a solution to the personal time problem. An assessment of how a child should develop at a certain time in their life is only a guideline, emphasizing the maximum potential that a child can achieve at a certain age.

Seventh and eighth months. The total length of the fetus, including legs, is 35-40 cm, weight - 1200-1700 g. The subcutaneous fat layer increases, and the skin becomes denser and smoother. In the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus's eyelids open. He can open and close his eyes. By this time, his entire body is covered with delicate vellus hairs. IN last weeks Weight gain occurs mainly due to subcutaneous fat, which ensures the maintenance of a stable body temperature after childbirth. All critical systems organisms are quite developed and can, although with great difficulty, special care, support the baby’s life outside the mother’s body.

If your baby was born premature, don't forget that it takes a little longer to develop. However, whatever the situation, any misconduct or suspicion you have, you should discuss it with your family doctor.

Your little man discovered his hands over the course of a few weeks and is now truly fascinated by them. Look at him as he examines them, puts his fingers in his mouth and tries to suck them. Don't worry if your child is a little obsessed with their recent open fingers. This form of self-indulgence can be very reassuring for your child and may also offer you a little break.

At around seven and a half months, the fetus can be born and survive. Babies born during the third trimester (from the seventh month until the end of pregnancy) are usually able to survive, although as the due date approaches, both the chance of survival and the ease of transition to independent existence increase significantly. Towards the end of pregnancy, antibodies from the mother cross the placenta to the fetus, creating short-term resistance to diseases to which you are immune. Premature babies receive less of this protection than full-term babies and are therefore more susceptible to infections.

This week you may discover new achievements that your child has begun to make. Now your baby, sitting on his back, has begun to raise his head a few steps or even for a long time. On the other hand, when he stands behind, he can already hold his head straight.

On the belly it's even better, your baby excels not only in doing a head lift, but also in lifting the chest about 45 degrees, as if doing some mini floatation. And if he makes such an effort, you can stand next to him and encourage him. For fun and also for learning, you can try putting your baby on his back with a right but soft surface and lightly grab him to lift him up until he reaches the posture position and then lower him. In this way, your baby will exercise his neck muscles and you will see that he will succeed even if he is not the first to keep his head aligned with his body.

Ninth month. The total length of the fetus, including legs, is 45 cm. Due to the strong deposition of fat in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the shape of its body becomes more rounded. The fingernails reach to the fingertips. The hair on the head becomes thicker and longer. The fetus born at this time is viable, screams loudly, opens its eyes, and the sucking reflex is expressed.

Don't think that if you start reading stories, it's too early. When you read, the little one listens to the voice and gets used to the language. And if you change your voice, you use accents, and you act a little, the story becomes even more exciting.

Sometimes you may find that your child has lost interest in the story you were reading. Follow his reactions and see if he's bored or just tired and needs a break. In terms of books, if you don't have one at home, run a run at your local bookstore and you'll find that there is a very wide range of age-appropriate books. Choose one with covers and boxes full of large, beautifully painted pictures. However, if you don't have anything at your fingertips and across various reasons you can't go and buy a children's book, don't worry, often even a newspaper or a book can be more than enough, it's important to read something that you and you like because the little one will hear you and hear the rhythm of your voice.

In the eighth - tenth months the growth rate of the fetus decreases. He is already so big that he feels cramped in the amniotic sac. In this situation, the most advantageous position, providing maximum mobility in the funnel-shaped uterus, is the head down position. Fine developing fetus accepts it. Head presentation is most favorable during obstetrics. By the end of the ninth month, the fetal body is so perfect that it is finally ready for extrauterine life. Delicate hairs remain only on the forearms. Their severity and distribution throughout the body may indirectly indicate insufficient fetal maturity.

It's more than likely that your baby will be cured at least once in the first year of life - the numerous cold-causing viruses are almost impossible to avoid. In fact, it is estimated that babies get colds as many as eight times a year in the first years of life. Viruses are usually spread through the air or through contact with contaminated surfaces. And don't forget that your child cannot cope with them as easily as you, because your immune system not so well tuned.

And above all, your baby can't keep his fingers out of his mouth, giving germs on his fingers direct access to his body. The likelihood that a child will cool down increases even more if he has older brothers, or if he is enrolled in a day center where he comes into contact with other children.

Tenth month. The total length of the fetus, including legs, is 50 cm, weight - 3000 g. By the end of the tenth month of pregnancy (38-40 weeks), signs of prematurity disappear, and the fetus is born mature. A discrepancy between term and fetal maturity is relatively rarely observed. Under unfavorable developmental conditions (maternal illness, insufficient or poor nutrition etc.) a full-term baby may have signs of immaturity. Sometimes the opposite phenomenon is observed: the child is born a little ahead of schedule, but mature.

IN last month there is faster growth lower limbs, and the difference in length compared to upper limbs smoothed out. However, it is only after birth that the legs become longer than the arms.

Let us remind you that the correct intrauterine development of a baby largely depends on its mother. During the examination, follow all the recommendations and the doctor’s appointment - and the child will be born healthy.

An enchanting period of hopes, expectations, excitement. From the very first day you will listen sensitively to yourself, to your feelings. You have a long, but very important stage life.

And so that all the weeks pass with greater benefit for yourself and the unborn baby, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the pregnancy calendar, which describes each week in detail.

Pregnancy calendar by week with photo and description

After 20 hours from the moment of fertilization, a lucky sperm with a set of genes enters the nucleus of a tiny egg, and within 12 hours its first division will occur. Such divisions will occur every 13-14 hours, until the fertilized egg moves from fallopian tube towards the uterus.

On the eighth day of the journey, the egg will approach the uterus, hormones actively working these days will prepare the uterus to meet the future embryo. Contact is established between the fertilized cell and the maternal organism due to intense chemical exchange. And on the eleventh day, the cell is strengthened in the uterus under its reliable protection. During this period, the umbilical cord, amniotic sac and placenta are formed by division.

Three weeks from the moment of conception, the fertilized egg forms internal layers, at first there are two of them, a little later a third will appear. Each of these layers will develop into different parts of the body. Having formed in nervous system, bones and muscles. The tiny embryo is 2-3 millimeters long. But it already has a rudimentary brain and heart, as well as gill arches, which will eventually become a face and throat.

At this stage, the embryo is about 6 millimeters long. The formation of the brain and spine is in full force. The heart begins to pump blood to the liver, and a rib cage begins to form around the vestigial lungs.

At this time, modern ultrasound machines can examine the future little man. The fetus is in a fully formed amniotic sac with fluid. With every minute taking shape into a person. It has a bulge containing the heart and a bulge in which the brain is actively developing.

By this time, the vertebrae of the ridge are visible through the resulting thin skin; the length of the embryo is a little more than 15 millimeters. The arms and legs are still short, however, the feet and hands are already forming. During this period, using an ultrasound examination, you can hear the heartbeat. The rudimentary circulatory system begins to function in the fetus, and the spinal column is already correctly formed.

The heart contracts with sufficient force to drive red blood cells through the vessels. The little man has a formed liver and kidneys. They are still very small and unable to function. The eyes and ears are already beginning to take shape, while they are still completely covered with skin. And between the placenta and the embryo, a connecting link appears, the umbilical cord. This is one blood vessel that delivers oxygen and nutrition to the placenta.

At this stage of pregnancy, you can see a fully formed baby. He already has everything internal organs, the same as in an adult. It weighs about 30 grams and has grown to 4 centimeters. The dimples on the sides of the head have formed into ears, and there are tiny fingers on the hands and feet. A growing child develops and grows very actively.

Fingernails and toenails form, and feet grow. The umbilical cord grows and lengthens, laying a second vessel through which waste products of the fetus will be excreted. The stage of formation of the adrenal glands and cerebellum is completed. The head is still quite large in relation to the body, but you can already see the neck. The shoulders and forearms also appear.

During this period, you can see the eyes are fully formed inner part ear. Facial features become distinct. little child is already trying to swallow and making the first attempts to urinate. The head is still large in proportion to the body. The baby is gaining muscles, his bones are getting stronger every day. The genital organs begin to form.

At this stage of development the fetus is easily identifiable as small human child, despite the still short limbs and disproportionate big head. It already weighs up to 50 grams and has grown to 10 centimeters. Inside the body, the testicles or ovaries are fully formed, and outside the active formation of the genitals is underway. The eyes are fully formed, but the enlarged limbs are not yet fully formed, and upon examination you can see the fingers joined together.

It is at this time that they can be noticeable congenital disorders, if there was a factor that could have an adverse effect on development certain body at some critical moment of formation. From this moment, with correctly formed organs, the fetus is practically not in danger. It is held quite firmly in the uterus, thereby eliminating the possibility of miscarriage. The placenta begins to produce all the hormones necessary for the development of the child. She is responsible for the supply of all nutrients to the child.

The child's range of motion increases significantly. He may hiccup and jump. Significantly grown hands can grab the umbilical cord and try to suck a finger. During this period, he may change facial expressions. And also learn to breathe, absorbing amniotic fluid. The tiny sacs in the lungs are not expanded and that's it nutrients together with oxygen they come from the bloodstream.

The child's digestive and excretory system When a baby swallows amniotic fluid, he will be able to pass it through bladder. During this period, he floats in 180 ml of amniotic fluid. The baby can observe the formation of tiny eyebrows and eyelashes. It can detect taste when swallowing amniotic fluid. The more pleasant it is for him, the more actively he makes swallowing movements. At this stage, it is impossible to find out the sex of the child, but the blood type and Rh factor are quite possible.

Quite quiet week, during which the baby grows stronger and prepares to give you a sign of its existence with light pushes. His body is covered with vernix, under which the first fluff appears. Small hairs also grow on the head. The legs outstrip the arms in growth, and the genitals are already formed. Just a little more and you will be able to find out what gender your baby will be.

The fruit gained about 280 grams and grew to 17.5 centimeters. The child's rapid growth is gradually slowing down. It continues to grow, but mainly the “finishing” of the fetal organs occurs. At this stage, the baby continues to actively swallow amniotic fluid, thereby preparing for breathing after birth. The baby at this stage is very funny and active. He grabs the umbilical cord, holds hands, plays with his legs.

The child has grown to the size of an average banana, he is already strong enough to signal his presence to you. Every day the baby takes up more and more space inside you. It can distinguish between music and be dependent on your mood. The mechanisms of the adrenal glands are gradually launched. The heart is working at full capacity. Around week 17, the baby’s immune system is formed.

The baby is very active and mobile. He tumbles with pleasure, developing his muscle tissue. Can see bright light through mommy's tummy. During this period, his hearing has already fully developed, and he hears loud sounds well. Try to create a calm environment, because the baby is perfectly aware of everything that is happening around him.

This period is considered the most optimal for examining a child for all kinds of anomalies. You can measure the chest circumference and head diameter, this will determine exact date childbirth And also determine the position of the placenta. During this period, the rudiments of future teeth are formed in the baby. There is also a significant step in intellectual development, thanks to the active development of brain neurons.

The child grows very quickly, the head and torso become proportional. A protective fat layer continues to accumulate under the baby's skin, which is now less transparent, but still very wrinkled.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly visible. The skin covering the child forms two layers - the superficial, epidermis, and the deeper, dermis, which will become the skin. Muscles and bones grow and strengthen rapidly. A wake-sleep cycle begins to establish itself. A child in this period can weigh about 570 grams. Very important changes also occur in the brain, the cells on which consciousness depends reach maturity.

All the child’s organs are formed and begin to grow and strengthen to meet the outside world. He is active and mobile, sometimes, in addition to the usual movements, at this stage you can feel slight trembling spasms in the uterus, don’t worry, this is how your baby hiccups. Expectant mother During this period she will feel relief, after hormonal storms and possible toxicosis, she will enter a phase of harmony and joyful anticipation.

The child’s weight is around 500 grams; the hormone insulin begins to be produced in his blood, which helps him break down sugar. The baby doesn't look so big-headed. He has already formed his own daily routine, he can remain motionless for several hours, he has learned to sleep.

The formed epidermis begins to be responsible for the formation of patterns on the skin and fingerprints. Under the epidermis there are small blood vessels And nerve endings. Your uterus is already two fingers higher than your navel, and pregnancy is visible to the naked eye.

The baby is very active, he learns to feel his dad's presence and respond to touches on his stomach. His world is filled with vibrations, sounds and light. The need for oxygen increases. The child has grown to 600 grams.

The baby's world is completely filled with sounds; he can hear the sound of blood moving through the mother's vessels. Loud sounds capable of scaring him, and making his heart beat faster, and it is possible that he will not begin to tremble. His phases of wakefulness and rest change. He is not at all bored; he entertains himself with somersaults and movements of his arms and legs.

The amniotic sac in which the baby is located contains 750 ml of fluid, which allows the baby to actively move. The eyes have already acquired a dark blue color, which may change a couple of weeks after birth. The ears are already quite noticeable and protruding.

During this period, the baby has grown to 36 cm and weighs about 900 grams. Since the nerve endings responsible for hearing are connected by this time, instead of the usual sound vibrations, he can distinguish sounds.

The child's body is covered with fine hair, his skin is moist and shiny. The heartbeat is clearly audible, which is 120/140 beats per minute. This rhythm is twice the heart rate of an adult.

The baby is still head up, he has enough space to develop and play with his own arms and umbilical cord. The mother's heart begins to work even harder, about a quarter more intensely than before pregnancy. And blood volume increases by 2-2.5 liters.

Major changes occur in the mother's body, they begin to relax and stretch pelvic bones. Sometimes the uterus begins to actively tense, thus preparing for upcoming birth. The baby is ready to turn over with his head down and take the most comfortable position.

By this time, the pear-shaped uterus will tell the child that it is time to lie head down, as there will be very little space in the uterus. He can entertain himself with a newly acquired skill, thumb sucking. The skin turns from red to pink. He has mastered almost every skill except crying.

The fetus learned to see bright and colorful dreams. Under tightly closed eyelids, pupil movements are visible. The child weighs approximately 1.9 kg, and if he were to be born, then with sufficient care and keeping him in a box with a certain temperature, he would have every chance of surviving.

The child has grown to 45 cm. The baby’s feet touch the tips of his fingers. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. Starts to run actively endocrine system(glands internal secretion). During this period, you can examine the facial features of the future person.

The lungs actively secrete surfactant, a special fatty substance that will enable optimal lung function. Fat gradually accumulates under the skin, providing the baby with thermoregulation after birth. He continues to develop reflexes and train muscles.

The baby may be less active at this stage; he is gaining strength before giving birth. The nails are fully formed, and the liver begins to produce iron, necessary for normal hematopoiesis after birth. The expectant mother feels that labor is approaching and may be worried nagging pain lower abdomen and lower back. Shortness of breath appears, heartburn worsens. All these signs directly depend on the enlarged uterus.

The child is fully formed and leading life normal newborn, sleeps almost all the time, during periods of wakefulness he sucks his fingers and toes. The lubricant covering his body becomes thinner, and the subcutaneous fat has gained strength so that the child can withstand hypothermia.

If you are expecting a girl, then she may well be born this week. There are no special changes in the child. He has already gained the weight he will be born with. Nails are actively growing, and at birth they may be long enough for the child to scratch himself.

Slight weight gain continues. It is very difficult for him to move; he can no longer make the same movements as before. At this stage, the baby has a whole set of reflexes that allow him to raise and lower his head in search of milk. He can blink, close and open his eyes.

The aging placenta does not deliver to the baby sufficient quantity oxygen, and therefore it can be born at any moment. All his internal organs are fully formed, only his nails and hair are growing. Surfactant (lung lubricant, much like soap bubbles) is ready to reliably protect the lungs.

41 weeks
By this stage, the placenta, which supplies the baby with everything necessary, practically does not function. A baby born this week has drier, cracked and flaky skin and gorgeous hair. There is less vernix on his body and there is a slight decrease in subcutaneous fat.

In medicine there is an interesting term “puerperium”, literally postpartum period. This period will last several weeks and begins from the moment of birth. At the end of this period, your body will almost recover. Your uterus and vagina will return to the size you had before giving birth. Likewise emotional state will begin to return to normal.

Have an easy birth and a quick puerperia!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs