Business style: speech, clothing, appearance. Image of a business person

“You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind” - this is what the popular saying tells us. And this is true. Success in business or career depends on a business person's qualifications, professionalism, ethical qualities, ability to work and many other components. All this directly affects success. But there are also secondary success factors that sometimes come to the fore. It's about things like the overall impression you make on others. This includes your manner of speaking, your posture and, of course, your appearance and the image that you want to live up to.

How does a person's appearance affect their success?

It cannot be said that a person’s appearance and image can provide him with a direct path to success. For example, the world-famous Steve Jobs preferred practical clothes: jeans and a turtleneck.

I know a lot of people who have achieved success, but they dress like ordinary guys. But there are people among my circle of acquaintances who dress in good suits and always look brand new. According to them, good clothes and a neat appearance can open a lot of doors.

Good appearance of a business person begins with physical health

There is no point in putting on an expensive suit if you already have one foot in an ambulance and feel unwell. If you want to start looking good, then you need to start from the very essence.

This means that moderate physical activity, a rational diet, adequate long-term sleep, abstinence from smoking, alcohol and communication with hysterical women - this is what a successful business person needs. You can get away with neglecting one of these rules at a young age, but later all this will definitely make itself felt. And the sooner you take care of your health, the better it will be for you.

A fit figure and good posture will always give you self-confidence and make a good impression on new partners. But these are all external attributes. The main thing is that in a healthy body you will be able to work and nothing will overshadow your workdays. It’s not for nothing that they say that “a healthy mind in a healthy body.” And this is indeed true. No matter what anyone says, “pregnant men” and those with crooked posture do not make a good impression. Rather, all this raises questions like this: “How could you let yourself go like that?”

I don't have enough time for sports

The phrase “I don’t have enough time” is a convenient excuse for not changing anything in your life. It’s so convenient to be led by your habits day after day. In fact, all people have approximately the same amount of time. At the same time, some find time to stay in shape and follow a diet, others eat at McDonald's. At the same time, they clearly consume more calories than is really necessary.

In fact, due to the lack of adequate physical activity, the performance of any of us will be far from the maximum value. Scientific research shows that moderate physical activity improves performance and also affects intelligence. In addition, sports can partially reduce stress levels. And no one is forcing you to start running marathons right away. You can start small. Go to the pool once a week, start running once a week on Sundays. Even the busiest person can afford all this.

Ability to dress beautifully

The clothing style of a business person is also of great importance. Business style experts say the look of your outfit should suit your purpose. If you want to be the mayor of a large city or the head of the local tax office, you will have to forget about ripped jeans and a nose piercing. On the other hand, some organizations have a relaxed clothing style and appearing there in a shirt, jacket and tie is bad manners. It depends on the head of the company (what tone he sets), as well as on the corporate culture in general.

As stylists say, the appearance of a business person speaks for itself. For example, yours can become the decisive argument whether to hire you or not. A person receives 80% of information (or even more) through the eyes. They say that we form the first impression in a matter of seconds when we first approach a person. And it is the appearance of a person in these seconds that forms the image in such a way that later changing the impression of oneself will be problematic or almost impossible.

Numerous studies show that beautiful people, on average, earn 5-10% more than their less attractive colleagues.

Dress well- this is one of the, because This way you stand out greatly among colleagues who are used to dressing haphazardly. Numerous success stories testify: those who started out dressing like a leader, but worked like everyone else, became leaders in a matter of years. The reason lies in the fact that by dressing like a director, you unwittingly reinforce your own self-confidence. Self-confidence, in turn, can affect real success at work. Not to mention the fact that colleagues begin to take such a person more seriously even before he actually becomes a leader.

Appearance of a business man is formed not only with the help of clothes, but also with other important things. Hairstyle, smile, cosmetics, accessories. I don’t know about you, but I always walk around with a thick silver chain on my arm. It’s not a fact that this accessory is perceived by other people as a stylish attribute, but it shows, to some extent, my individuality.

All you have to understand is that appearance is really important both in personal life and in business or at work.

Success in business depends on the competence of a business person, his professionalism, hard work and many, many other factors. Some of them influence the achievement of the desired result directly and directly - knowledge of the matter, experience, but we are not talking about them now. Indirect factors also influence success, and it is precisely the factor that determines the effectiveness of business relations, success in business contacts, contributes to the creation of the necessary working atmosphere and influences a person’s image.

Appearance- This is a person’s calling card. Every self-respecting person considers it his duty to take care of his appearance and certainly cares about the impression he makes on everyone around him. This state of affairs seems absolutely true and correct, because there are certain criteria by which appearance is assessed. And for successful career advancement, it is simply necessary to create a certain image that corresponds to the position that a person occupies in society. Otherwise, no matter how qualified and experienced the employee is, he will not be able to advance highly in his career.

Why? Because a person in a society must accept the laws adopted in that particular society. And taking care of your image is one of the rules, compliance with which is a guarantee of success.

Dress like who you want to be, not who you are. Everything, including the way you dress, should have a purpose. Since you must wear clothes, make sure they ensure your superiority. Clothes not only tell people who you are, but also reflect your aspirations.

Clothing as a means to success has always been a part of business life. Business is largely built on visual images. Your appearance is your Brand.

Most people seeking to make a dizzying career are guided by the opinions and actions of others, those who have already managed to achieve success in the business field. Of course, this is the most reasonable approach, since this is how you can choose the right model of behavior. For a long time, numerous studies have been conducted on how clothes and the appearance of the interlocutor influence people. It is no coincidence that since ancient times there has been a proverb: “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their mind.”

And all the results of studies conducted on the basis of surveys of various people show that a sloppy appearance, clothing that is not suitable for a strictly defined occasion, causes others to dislike this or that person. Subconsciously, when assessing such an interlocutor or employee, people have the opinion that his mental and business abilities are at the same low level as his appearance.

In addition, the negative impression is aggravated by the fact that others do not understand how a sane, self-respecting person can pay such little attention to his own appearance. In this case, it seems that the person himself treats himself with disdain, and if so, then, of course, others will treat him the same way.

Obviously, in addition to clothing, the manner of deporting oneself, which includes even seemingly insignificant little things, such as gestures, movements, and voice, is of no small importance for creating the necessary image. Every gesture and movement can be interpreted by the interlocutor as a manifestation of weakness, uncertainty, or, what is much worse, as a manifestation of disrespect for others. The image of a business and successful person is, first of all, self-confidence, one’s best qualities and virtues.

Increasingly, we come to the conclusion that the formation of our own image is an integral part of successful self-realization. Within five seconds, you present yourself either the way you want, or the way your interlocutor sees you. If you are interested in creating the impression of a high-status professional who can be trusted and is worth a lot, then you must learn how to create an appropriate image.

How to “make” your image work for yourself?

The path to business success is a strict correspondence between your business image and your profession. Sometimes it is more difficult for a woman to form the image of a business person than for a man. The color scheme of a woman’s business style should not exceed 4 colors. 2-3 colors are considered the best, and with 4, two of them should be close in tone. The business style is based on multifunctional colors: black, dark blue, white, gray, beige. Then restrained, little emotional: brown, burgundy, gray-blue, sea green, bottle, emerald, mustard, sand, dark purple. Pastel colors predominate in light shades: all shades of beige, purple, blue, gold, etc.

The main task of the color scheme in business style clothing is to create a neutral or inviting background for successful negotiations.

Thus, the predominance of dark tones in the combination of clothes adds solidity to you.

The predominance of light shades sets the mood for positivity, the conversation can move in a more friendly direction.

A contrasting combination of dark and light creates a neutral background for conversation.

Man's appearance is of paramount importance for achieving a positive business image.

When determining the nature of clothing, one must be guided by basic principles:

  • accuracy
  • neatness
  • conservatism
  • restraint
  • formality
  • traditionalism

If your image doesn't have the best impact on your career, instead of being sarcastic, make it work for you. Find your style that reflects your personality, matches your status, business environment and conveys a sense of professionalism, polish and reliability.

Therefore, if you are not serious about how you look and what you wear, it is time to reconsider your views on this significant point and change your appearance.

« Only the most undiscerning people do not judge by appearance." Wilde O

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education



Department of Taxation and Accounting


discipline: Ethics of business relations

Topic: Appearance of a business person.

Novosibirsk 2013


1. Appearance of a business person

2. Business man's suit

2.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

2.2 Men's shoes

3. Business woman suit

4. Accessories

List of used literature


A person's culture is emphasized by his clothing. It is, in a way, a person’s calling card. Clothes convey information to communication partners about a person, his tastes, and his membership in a particular social or professional class.

Tastefully selected clothes, accessories, and a neat appearance make him confident, collected, and energetic. “The ability to dress is more important than the ability to enter a room or the ability to bow. Nothing catches the eye like a person’s clothes,” they taught in the old days. Looking at an entrepreneur for the first time, one immediately gets an impression of him and his well-being. The color of clothing is of great importance. The influence of color is a powerful psychological irritant: it can calm down, put partners in a “businesslike mood”, and in a certain situation can cause hostility or, on the contrary, positive emotions. Color signals are perceived by partners on a subconscious level. Clothing must correspond to the place, time, and nature of the event. You need to know how to wear it correctly. The lighter the suit, the better quality it should be.

Purpose: to study the appearance of a business person.

Study a business man's suit;

Business woman suit;

Business man accessories.

1 . Appearance of a business man

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

Only those who are well dressed and well-combed, who have a sense of taste and proportion, inspire trust. We can say that in business, too, people are “met by their clothes,” and only then other qualities are assessed—punctuality, clarity, qualifications, faithfulness to one’s word, etc. That is why many requirements are placed on the appearance of a business person, his everyday suit (not to mention special occasions).

At the same time, there is no need to try to suppress your partners with the richness of your appearance, which indicates your powerful creditworthiness. In most industrialized countries, heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets, a conspicuous watch or an excessively colorful tie can only raise doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from a businessman to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. Such “signs of success” include platinum lighters with monograms, watches with diamonds, cufflinks with precious stones, and super-expensive cars.

2 . Business man suit

A business suit is like a businessman's business card. No business suit - no for the community of business people and the businessman himself.

Both for the first contact and for subsequent business meetings with important domestic and foreign partners, it is worth wearing a thoroughly cleaned and ironed suit with a light-colored shirt and tie to match.

You should not appear at business meetings in jackets, sweatpants, jeans, or leather jackets, which self-respecting businessmen wear at best for country walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as a kind of trademark and a sign of belonging to the workshop. For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a heavy metal concert may sport an earring in his ear and have a hairstyle in the form of a ribbon ponytail. And for an art dealer, colorful jackets and silk scarves are quite befitting of a bohemian style.

Businessmen who strive for success pay careful attention to details and meticulously incorporate them into their conclusions. For example, a monstrous impression is made by short, folded socks that reveal the white calves of a businessman when he sits with his legs crossed. Clean, hole-free socks are especially necessary in Japan, where you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant.

A stale handkerchief, a half-torn button, or the habit of wiping your glasses with the end of your tie spoil the impression.

We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can spoil the impression of even a quite decent suit. We must discard the simple-minded domestic habit of complementing a jacket and tie with sandals from which thread socks peek out, and avoid overly odorous colognes and aftershave lotions. And in general, the main thing you should strive for is a general impression of neatness, neatness, and even some pedantry in clothing.

2 .1 Jacket, shirt, tie

business suit color accessory

Outwardly, the businessman is easy to distinguish from all other men: he looks confident, stable, and is dressed quite conservatively. If a rich slacker chooses expensive and sophisticated clothes with a pretense of chic, people of liberal professions - non-standard, workers - simple and reliable, young people - sports, then a business man is unthinkable without a men's suit, which in its entirety consists of a “three piece” (jacket, trousers) , vest), and in the standard - the same without the vest.

Clothes shape the appearance of a business person. It attracts the attention of people concerned with interpersonal relationships. The main thing in men's clothing is a suit. The most common styles of men's suits are: English; European; modified European; American "bag"

A mandatory accessory for a classic men's suit is a jacket. It must be worn during any visit.

The bottom button of the jacket is never fastened. The rest must be buttoned up in an official setting - on the podium, when entering any room, etc. You should also dance only in a buttoned jacket. You can unfasten it only if you are sitting at a table or in the auditorium. You can take off your jacket at official events only after the host, the guest of honor - in a word, the first person at the reception - has done so. And if this very first person, despite the sweltering heat, sits in his jacket as if nothing had happened, those of lower rank can only mentally send curses at this blockhead, immune to high temperatures and other people’s problems. Only when visiting close friends can you take off your jacket without waiting for the owner to do so. But first you should ask the owner for permission to do this. In late autumn, winter, early spring, and in the evening, it is better to wear a dark jacket. In the daytime and in summer, a light suit is preferable; in hot weather, a cotton one is preferable. The suit can be plain, small striped or checkered, but without sharp contrasts. For business negotiations, it is recommended to wear plain suits in grey, dark grey, dark blue or black. The most common suit in the business world is a two-piece suit, but a three-piece suit is also acceptable. A black suit is intended for the most formal occasions. All other clothing details are selected to match the suit.

The cut of the jacket - double-breasted or single-breasted, with wide or narrow lapels - depends not only on fashion. A single-breasted jacket with two buttons shows the mobility of a businessman, his reaction speed, and dynamism. A double-breasted jacket speaks of the ability to retain achievements, reasonable distribution of funds or investments, reliability and resilience in the face of any disasters. Double-breasted suits are contraindicated for all overweight people, even normal or relatively tall people. They make their owners real fatties.

In addition to the width of the wrap, jackets are also distinguished by the presence of slits, of which there may be two, one, or none at all. A jacket without vents is called European. It looks attractive only on slender men. For fat men and even men of normal build, but with a tummy or wide hips, the European type of jacket is contraindicated. It fits perfectly only on tall and thin people. And only if they are worth it. You can sit in such a jacket without discomfort, only by unbuttoning it completely.

An American jacket with one vent is more comfortable when walking and is less dependent on a person’s build. But it is also not very comfortable: in order to sit down, it needs to be unfastened. The most reliable in this regard is an English jacket with two vents. It is quite easy to sit in it, since the jacket immediately diverges to the sides at the back and does not interfere with the fit. You don't have to unfasten it completely. The fact is that it is customary to never put the bottom button through a loop, so as not to interfere with free movement.

The jacket with two vents allows you to get up and sit down easily and freely.

A business man for various events must have at least three suits and 12 cotton shirts of various colors, mostly pastel. They should match the suits in tone. You definitely need to have white shirts, but in an icy white color. Thin stripes or checkered patterns are allowed. A colorful shirt does not go with a patterned suit. The darker the suit, the lighter the shirt should be. The ideal shirt, suitable for visits of any level, is white. But the most harmonious combination and the best shirt do not make a good impression if the shirt is dirty. The freshness of a shirt is its most important characteristic. The sleeve is long. The shirt collar is classic. However, the choice of collar is important for men with non-standard necks and face shapes. For slender men with long, thin necks, tapered collars (with close corners) or long, sharp collars emphasize features that need to be subdued. Wide collars suit them better. They seem to widen the neck. Men with full faces and short necks look more impressive in shirts with narrow collars. Loop collars with a high neckline are good for men with medium necks.

On a shirt, as well as on a jacket, elements of a sports or military style are also not allowed - shoulder straps, patch pockets with folds or yokes. Let's say one patch pocket. Usually the pocket has a logo (word trademark) of the manufacturer. A short sleeve is a symbol of the lower social stratum of the middle class and therefore cannot purely psychologically evoke feelings of respect and power. Elegant shirts should have no pockets, but if they do, it is not customary to put anything in them. When a tie is tied, the corners of the collar should not lag behind, as in cheap shirts. Shirts have simple cuffs, fastened with a button, and double (French) cuffs, fastened with cufflinks. Double - add gloss to the image. Due to the width and details of these cuffs, the arms do not seem long.

Particular attention is paid to the tie. A tie is a must-have addition to a plain shirt. With a suit with stripes, checks, etc. A plain tie goes well. And with a plain suit - a tie with a pattern, motley. If the shirt is a light-colored one-color shirt, you need to make sure that the tie matches its color. Only a plain tie will go with a bright patterned shirt. In all cases, the tie should be darker than the shirt. The color of a business partner’s tie can help determine his character, mood, and position in these negotiations. Bright red ties express expressiveness and some inconsistency. The combination of bright red and yellow is a sign of relaxedness and persistence in defending your own point of view. A red pattern on a dark background may indicate self-confidence and determination. Blue, dark brown colors with the addition of red and a little emerald communicate goodwill and willingness to take into account the opponent’s opinion. Gray-pearl colors emphasize the ability to control feelings. Poisonous greens combined with yellows may indicate some wariness. Blue ties exude calm. A black woven leather tie indicates a desire to be elegant and attractive. For business negotiations, it is better to choose gray-pearl, blue-red, maroon ties. Ties with graphic patterns are recommended. But a bright tie with an avant-garde pattern will create a feeling of emotional pressure among business partners, will irritate and distract them. It is also recommended to use a set of a tie and a handkerchief of the same color (the tip of which peeks out from the breast pocket). A silk tie goes best with a dark evening suit. A synthetic tie is worn only with a leather jacket. They only appear in bow ties at official events. A black cloth tie is only appropriate for funerals and memorial ceremonies. It is not customary to combine a tie with a sports shirt, a woolen shirt, or with any shirt that is worn untucked. The width of the tie should be directly proportional to the size of the jacket, i.e. The wider a person's shoulders, the wider the tie should be. The tie should not be allowed to hang below the waist. But too short is also unacceptable. It should just barely reach the trouser belt buckle. And, of course, the tie must be tied neatly and correctly. Ties made of thick fabric should be re-tied each time.

2 .2 Men's shoes

Not only a tie, but also shoes indicate a man’s social status and luck. Shoes should be expensive, conservative in appearance, with thin soles, black or dark (for a dark suit) and the appropriate shade for a light suit. But, above all, shoes should be comfortable.

The suit is elegantly complemented by light lace-up shoes made of genuine leather (top, bottom, insoles). With outerwear they wear: black lace-up boots, classic black leather low shoes with laces. Moccasins are possible as long as they are made from premium quality leather and are simple in style. Do not wear high-heeled or patent leather shoes. A business man does not wear velor leather shoes. They are not acceptable in business. Patent leather shoes only match tailcoats and tuxedos.

For cold seasons you will have to choose winter and autumn shoes, for summer - summer ones. But in all cases, shoes should look expensive and prestigious. This does not mean that she needs an extravagant style, although today in the world of men's shoe fashion there are very bold solutions. Men's business shoes are simple, that is, they should not have various inserts of a different color, additional straps, buckles, emblems and other details that are good for youth fashion, but do not correspond to business style. Shoes should always be immaculately clean, both inside and out. The leg produces 200 ml of sweat per day. A business man wears thin woolen socks. By absorbing sweat, these socks remain dry to the touch. Socks should be long. In this case, crossing your legs, your naked body (erogenous zones) is not visible from under your trousers. It is unacceptable for the bare part of the leg to be visible. Long socks add elegance to the foot. Socks with patterns are not recommended. The color of the socks creates a transition from the color of the suit to the color of the shoes and matches them. Dark plain socks are preferred. White socks are not acceptable. They are worn mainly by athletes. The basic principle of choosing a business suit is simple: men's clothing should fit well and the person in it should feel comfortable. So, when choosing a business suit, it is recommended not just to put it on and stand in front of the mirror, but also to walk around, sit, even bend over, appreciating the suit not in static conditions, but in movement. At the same time, empty pockets should not bulge or bulge.

3 . Business woman suit

A woman’s desire to be noticeable is her deepest need. The color of a suit can increase or decrease a woman’s aura of power and charm. The requirements for the clothing of a business woman are not much different from the requirements for the clothing of a business man. However, business etiquette allows a woman to deviate from rigid male standards. For a businesswoman who wants to succeed, it is very important to remember her appearance.

Business clothes are distinguished by classic cut, discreet colors, and versatility. Evening dresses made of sexy chiffon and luxurious trouser suits with patterns reminiscent of Impressionist paintings are quite suitable for parties and cocktails, but appearing in such outfits at work means ruining your career. A women's business suit can be of traditional colors (red, yellow, brown, green, blue, white, black), almost any color, except bright shades and sharp contrasting combinations. The best colors for a business dress are dark blue, tan, beige, dark brown, gray, medium blue, light blue, etc.

The black business suit has recently been pushed out. It is suitable for conferences, board meetings and other events that are more formal in nature than regular work activities. All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. You can only afford a dress in hot weather and only in a plain color.

A business woman's wardrobe should have two or three skirts, jackets, and two or three blouses. It is advisable to change clothes frequently, because the same thing, worn every day, gets boring and “quenches” your mood.

You cannot shorten your skirt excessively, blindly obeying fashion. Also, you should not wear things that emphasize your attractiveness (tight sweaters, jeans). It may happen that men, instead of listening in business meetings, will consider your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are primarily asking to be convinced of the beauty of your figure, and not of your business qualities.

A woman’s clothing should correspond to the place, time, and nature of the event. You need to know how to wear it correctly. For example, it is not customary to receive guests or go to a party in evening dresses during the daytime. For this occasion, an elegant dress or dress-suit is suitable, but not a jacket and skirt. Good taste requires the ability to combine existing clothes. The set can be supplemented with a new skirt, jumper, scarf, shawl.

The skirt is worn with a leather belt, matching the color of the suit. If a woman has a high waist, then the color of the belt is matched to the color of the blouse; if it is low, the color of the skirt is matched. A businesswoman should not wear a cheap or ill-fitting jacket. Sloping, shapeless shoulders at work look sluggish and helpless. Therefore, small hangers are used. But at the same time remember that the shoulders narrow the sides. A buttoned jacket should be comfortable and fit properly. Its optimal length is not below the hips. For women with a high waist, long jackets are recommended, and for women with a low waist, short ones.

Blouses should be simple, elegant and look expensive. A complex blouse design does not harmonize with a business jacket. Ruffles and lace add femininity. Transparent or tight-fitting blouses are only suitable under a jacket. Summer clothing should be made from natural materials or with a small amount of synthetic or acetate fibers.

Knitted jumpers, vests, etc. are excluded from business clothing. A plump person looks even plumper in a suit or dress made of cross-striped fabric, with a large pattern, very light. A-shape skirts will flatter any figure. Tall women do not look businesslike in wide, fluffy skirts. It is better to wear a long skirt cut along an oblique line. For women, shoes are the most important part of the toilet. The most elegant are pumps with closed toes and heels. In business, white shoes are unacceptable. They look cheap and are not a symbol of success. Ivory, beige, beige-gray, etc. shoes are desirable. Dark shoes go with dark dresses. Shoes with colored details, “metallic colors,” or decorations are unacceptable in business. Shoes with flared heels, as well as closed shoes, are worn only with trousers. Patent leather shoes are preferable in the evening. In summer, sandals with an open heel but a closed toe are acceptable. As a rule, stockings and tights are combined with the color of shoes. They should not have a pattern. Shoes and dark-colored stockings visually make the feet smaller.

Hairstyle, makeup, and jewelry should organically complement your business suit. The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time elegant. There should be as little decoration as possible, but at the same time one should not refuse them altogether. It is better to wear expensive jewelry. Cosmetics should only be noticeable at close range. Experts recommend buying more preventive cosmetics than decorative ones. Perfume should be used in such quantity that its smell is barely noticeable. And, of course, it must be a good perfume.

4 . Accessories

A business person always has the highest quality accessories that he can afford.

A woman’s handbag or case should be made of the best grades of genuine leather, just like a man’s briefcase, folder, purse (wallet). A portfolio is necessary for every successful person. Folders are used only for internal use (meetings, sessions, etc.).

In business, a woman must wear a watch, otherwise she makes it clear to others that she does not value time. She prefers watches with a clear dial and a classic design. They are selected according to the fullness of the wrist. Small watches are small, large ones are heavy and inconvenient. Electronic watches, as well as those with a pointer, are inelegant.

A watch is the most important, expensive and prestigious accessory of a business man. In the classic business style, preference is given to elegant mechanical watches with hands. Quartz watches are more practical and easy to use, but mechanical watches are more prestigious. Watches made of plastic, rubber, with various decorations, ringing, squeaking, and with an unclear dial distort the image of a man. Watches with glass on the same level as the case are convenient. The convex glass is subject to the greatest friction, darkening the dial. A strap made of calfskin or imitation crocodile leather is recommended, as well as a metal bracelet. A pocket watch is worn with a tailcoat. In the business world, it is customary to wear jewelry made of gold, silver, pearls, or combinations thereof. Jewelry with precious stones is worn only in the evening. The rings should be in harmony with the owner’s toilet and appearance. They are usually worn on the ring finger. It is undesirable to wear small rings, as they cut into the finger, leaving a deep mark that remains for a long time, even if such rings are no longer worn. A ring worn on the little finger shortens and widens the hand. Small, elegant rings significantly emphasize the width of the hand. A ring on the index finger is a sign of bad taste. The grace of the hand is emphasized by a small stone in a thin frame, while a large one always emphasizes only its own beauty. Any rings look good on a narrow hand with long fingers. On such a hand, a ring with a stone in a convex setting looks beautiful even on the middle finger. Rings with stones of rich colors are suitable for all hands, and dim, transparent ones are suitable for dark-skinned hands. Jewelry on men has a deterrent effect on clients. You are allowed to wear two rings: a wedding ring and a signet ring. Preference is given to jewelry made from the most “masculine” precious metal - platinum. Cufflinks in a men's suit should be gold, silver, mother-of-pearl, perhaps with natural stones of a delicate color such as "Onyx". Artificial materials are not acceptable. It is advisable that the cufflinks be combined with a tie clip. The frame of glasses should not exactly copy the shape of the face, but only maintain its line. The top of the frame should be in line with the eyebrows, and the eyes should be located in the middle of the glasses. The frame should not be wider than the face and below the middle of the cheeks, that is, below the level of the nostrils, so as not to distort the shape of the face. It’s good when the frames of your glasses are in harmony with the color of your hair, eyebrows, and clothes. Choose a dark frame for dark hair and dark eyebrows. But remember that heavy dark frames make the nose appear larger. Metal or softly tinted plastic frames suit light hair. Business men and women pay no less attention to the pen than to other accessories. Along with Swiss watches and elegant glasses, a good pen belongs to the category of things that can reveal the true social status of its owner. Among the prestigious companies that produce expensive fountain pens, the most popular in Russia are Parker, Sheatter, Mont Blanc and Cross.

List of used literature

1. Bazhenova E. “Business etiquette: why you need to behave this way and not otherwise.”

2. Kuznetsov I.N., Business communication. Business etiquette: Textbook. manual for university students - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.

3. Revyako T.I. 30 main rules of business etiquette. M.:AST.; Mn.: Harvest; 2005. -96 p.

4. Solonitsyna A.A., Professional ethics and etiquette. Textbook. - Vladivostok. - Publishing house Dalnevost. University, 2005.- 200 p.

5. Chernoskutov V.E., Parfenova I.Yu., Stupak I.M., Ethics of business relations, 2009

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    General characteristics of the image of a business man. Basic requirements and rules for choosing a business suit, tie, shirt, shoes, colors of clothing and accessories. Specifics of the image of a business woman: types of clothing, fabrics and their colors, shoes, hairstyle and makeup.

    practical work, added 11/30/2010

    The essence and main features of the image, the history of its origin and development, its place in modern society. Rules of business etiquette for women, acceptable colors and structure of fabrics, method of selecting accessories. The art of combining details in a man’s business image.

    abstract, added 05/10/2009

    A study of the requirements for a suit and manners of a business person, the rules of wearing clothes and the selection of accessories, perfumes, bags, shoes. Analysis of the features of the appearance of a business woman, the comparability of colors in the color scheme, the compatibility of the texture of the material.

    abstract, added 07/12/2011

    Basics of the business dress code, rules for combining a men's business suit, shirt and tie. The color scheme of a woman’s business suit, the practice of wearing jewelry and accessories. Principles of business ethics. Etiquette for greetings and introductions.

    course work, added 11/03/2011

    Appearance as the first step to success, behavior and clothing of a manager and entrepreneur. Features of a wardrobe for a business trip, reception. The appearance of a female businesswoman: criteria for business clothing, jewelry, makeup and hairstyle. Rules of conduct at the reception.

    test, added 04/03/2011

    Principles of building a business image. Forms of expression of business image. Appearance of a business person. Appearance. Business man's clothing culture. Business woman's clothing culture. Clothes and techniques. Business image and first impression of a person.

    abstract, added 02/23/2009

    Etiquette in the culture of appearance: the appearance of a business person and its internal content, the meaning of the choice of clothing, its style, color. Suit for a business man, recommendations for choosing a shirt, tie, shoes. Business woman's suit: requirements, deviations, accessories.

    abstract, added 12/03/2010

    Basic concepts of business style. Elements of a professional image for men: requirements for a suit, shoes, shirt and tie. The importance of accessories. Business image in a non-formal setting. Cosmetics for men VIP. Hairstyles for business men.

    abstract, added 05/21/2009

    The concept of etiquette as a combination of formal rules of behavior, its types and practical significance. Clothing, accessories and jewelry in our lives. Business card as an attribute of a business person. Rules for choosing and presenting a gift according to ethical standards.

    test, added 12/20/2010

    Basic principles and directions for the formation of business style for women and men, distinctive features of these processes and approaches to them. The procedure for selecting accessories and jewelry for a woman’s business suit, acceptable jewelry for men. Selection of shoes.

21. Appearance of a business person

In the modern business world, great importance is attached to a person’s ability and ability to make a good impression. For a business person, it is important how he looks in the eyes of others, what impression he makes on his colleagues and partners, since the efficiency and effectiveness of his activities depends on this, so he strives to create (form) a certain “attractive” image.

Image is a purposefully formed image with the help of which a person presents himself to the world, a kind of form of self-presentation that helps influence others. This is the art of managing the impression that a person makes on others. On the one hand, we try to give information to others, on the other, we pursue some goals.

The concept of image includes not only natural personality traits, but also specially created ones. Many people have an attractive appearance, but, as a rule, people's sympathy is acquired through the ability to present themselves. It is not enough just to have attractive external data, they should also be skillfully managed, and their absence does not block the road to creating a favorable personal image. To do this, you just need the desire and ability to best express your strongest personal qualities.

One of the conditions for creating a positive image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Possessing good communication manners helps a person achieve his or her goals. Manners recreate the image of a person; those qualities that are assessed by people as positive or negative are visually manifested. A person with good manners is universally respected by both men and women.

The style of thinking and behavior, as well as the ability to communicate with people, are important. Communication tactics are very important for the image of a business person. It is necessary to have several options for behavior in the same type of situation and be able to quickly use them. In any communication, especially business, one should not allow any confrontation, much less conflict. Of course, heated debates and differences of opinion are possible, the main thing is that this does not develop into personal hostility. It is very important to understand the motives of your behavior, to determine exactly why you need it, what you want to get as a result.

To create an image, it is necessary to take into account that when forming a first impression, the first thing people pay attention to is your appearance and your manners. To create the desired image, it is very important to be able to master and control your non-verbal language: facial expressions, gaze, gestures, posture, posture, gait, etc. It is necessary to accustom yourself to restraint in expressing emotions through facial expressions and gestures. Remember to smile, because a smiling face always inspires affection. Your posture largely reflects how you feel in a particular situation, and the gestures and postures you take speak about your attitude towards that situation or people. You can be tastefully dressed in expensive things and have a great build, but if you don’t know how to stay calm, your habitual posture represents a readiness to defend yourself, and your face is gloomy, then your partner will be uncomfortable in your company.

A person’s appearance and the harmony of all components of his wardrobe (color, silhouette, fabric and various accessories) are the main component of the image of a business person. Clothing is one of the most important conditions for how an opinion will be formed about you; it carries certain information about a person, and in accordance with it, we are correlated with one or another category, determine social status, economic opportunities and membership in the professional field. Very often, clothing is a kind of calling card; it can have a psychological impact on communication partners, often predetermining their attitude towards each other.

Business style - clothes for work, important meetings and business negotiations. This is a strict, conservative, seasoned style that belongs to the category of international standards. In a business suit, preference is given to classic models of good quality clothing, restrained color combinations, and classic shoes. It is better to refrain from using bright, eye-catching color combinations in your business suit, but at the same time, the clothes should not be completely black or white.

When choosing a color, you should take into account the time and place of your stay, and your type of occupation. You should not wear too bright things if you have a business meeting.

The colors are mostly monochromatic, but there may also be options for soft stripes in a blue-gray, blue-brown palette, the checkered pattern is only medium-sized, non-contrasting. Wearing brightly colored clothes can be overwhelming, especially if the person has a pale skin tone. It is possible that, paying attention to your loud colors, people will not look at you yourself.

When choosing business attire, stick to neutral colors that suit your color scheme.

Dark neutral colors (navy, charcoal, brown, black, blue-green) will make your look more significant, while warm neutrals (beige, brown-yellow, light gray) are inviting and create a feeling of peace.

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties should be in shades that suit the complexion and highlight it. Usually the color of clothes is selected with the following calculation:

1) shades of blue suit blondes best;

2) brunettes – shades of yellow;

3) white color suits people with a pink complexion on their face.

When choosing clothes, a woman must adhere to certain rules:

1) long jackets/jackets in contrasting colors go with short skirts, and short ones with long ones. If you are short, the skirt should be the same color, to the middle of the knee or slightly higher;

2) skirts, slightly flared, trapezoidal or straight, made of soft, colored or thick fabric;

3) straight-cut trousers, without cuffs. Vertical or horizontal lines are possible depending on height;

4) blouses with elegant sleeves made of flowing, light, plain fabrics or with small elegant patterns;

5) if the budget is limited, have in your business wardrobe only one or two, but of excellent quality and impeccable cut, suits that can be combined with each other;

6) a business woman’s clothing should include two, maximum three items in a leading tone. If you are wearing a black suit, it is advisable to wear black shoes with it and there should be some other black detail, for example a bag;

7) simple stockings (thin, transparent, without patterns), harmonizing in color with the skirt. A common mistake is that our business ladies wear sleeveless clothes in the summer. Sleeves should always cover the shoulders, but they should not be puffy or too short. If you have chosen a skirt or dress, then an indispensable rule of business etiquette is the presence of tights (5-12 DEN). The biggest and most common mistake is their absence in the summer;

8) jewelry: classic style earrings, wedding ring, chain with pendant, watch - this is the acceptable minimum in a business suit. It is necessary to refrain from bright, large and shiny jewelry. In Europe, it is generally not customary to wear jewelry to work, especially expensive ones.

Of course, you shouldn’t completely abandon everything feminine. Your colleague or partner should perceive you as a woman (since communication with a man follows one set of rules, and with a woman follows another, and this does not mean that you are viewed as a sexual object), and for this he needs some then external landmarks. You just need to remember that the business style of communication requires minimal use of elements of sexual provocation in clothing;

9) tight-fitting knitwear, maxi skirts, items made of shiny fabric, and transparent materials are excluded from the business wardrobe. No exposure is allowed: neckline, miniskirt, bold cut, slit in the skirt, bare shoulders, belly;

10) the best choice of shoes for a business woman is shoes of classic colors, i.e. black or dark brown, without frilly decorations, with medium heels in a fashionable configuration. Shoes must match the color of the suit. If the suit is light, then you can wear light (not white) shoes that are in harmony with the color of the suit, and the same color and texture as the handbag.

According to the rules of etiquette, summer shoes with an open heel are allowed, but not with open toes, no matter how flawless the pedicure is.

Too provocative makeup is not recommended, but a complete absence of makeup on the face is also undesirable. It is better to use paints for makeup that are close to natural. Makeup, especially during the day, should not be conspicuous.

The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. When choosing perfume, it is preferable to have a scent that suits you personally, even if it is not the most fashionable.

It is very important to be able to correctly determine the style of clothing for different occasions, so that, firstly, you do not feel insecure, and secondly, you do not attract unnecessary attention from others to your appearance. You can have fashionable clothes, but not make a decent impression.

Men can wear any suits of soft colors:

1) a classic “English” jacket (with two vents at the back) is preferable. Unlike the “European” (without slots) and “American” (with one slot), it allows its owner not only to stand elegantly, but also to sit elegantly;

2) the trousers should be of such length that they fall slightly onto the shoes in front and reach the beginning of the heel in the back;

3) a shirt under a jacket is allowed only with long sleeves. Avoid wearing nylon or knitted shirts.

The collar should be a centimeter and a half higher than the jacket collar;

4) the vest should not be too short, neither the shirt nor the belt should be visible;

5) a belt naturally excludes suspenders, and vice versa;

6) socks for business and festive suits are matched, in no case white and long enough.

A man’s clothing style influences his success in business contacts, and a properly issued suit helps create the right working atmosphere.

The art of combining clothing items should always take into account color and line. A line is not so much the general silhouette of clothing as the general direction of the lines on a jacket, shirt, tie; on a suit they are located either in vertical stripes or in checkered patterns. Ties come without a pattern, with an abstract pattern, or with a clear direction of the stripes: horizontal, vertical, diagonal.

The main thing is that the lines of clothing elements do not sharply intersect with each other and do not merge.

Ties with polka dots, diamonds, triangles, etc. are more suitable for a striped suit with a plain shirt.

The easiest way to achieve unity of style is by choosing plain clothing items. A solid-color suit should be the staple of a business man's attire. This suit has the ability to go well with solid colors and patterns of other clothing items, which simplifies the choice of the right combination: suit - shirt - tie.

The suit can be blue, gray, beige, brown. Any shirt pattern can be combined with it. If you add a plain tie here, you get a wonderful trio: plain – pattern – monochromatic. We must remember that the same patterns are never combined, they should always be separated by a monochromatic element; if the combination of a suit and shirt is pale, then it can be enlivened with a brighter tie, for example: a gray suit, a blue shirt and a dark red tie.

You can have a couple of good suits and a couple of jackets with trousers, and this will be enough to always look impressive, provided that you have at least a dozen different shirts and ties in your wardrobe. The combination of a shirt and tie changes the overall look of any suit. White and plain shirts go with any suit and tie. The shirt should always be lighter than the suit, and the tie should always be darker than the shirt.

A tie is the main decoration of a man. By looking at a tie, you can unmistakably assess the taste of its owner. An elegant suit may go unnoticed, but a beautiful tie never will. The choice of color and pattern of a tie allows you to demonstrate individuality, and sometimes the mood in which its owner is. Ties of any design, color, or size look elegant when they are not conspicuous. Each season dictates its own color fashion. It should be remembered that the dominant color of the tie should match the color of the suit. The desired effect is achieved not by patterns, but by the correct selection of a tie for a suit. A plain tie goes with any shirt and any suit, you just need to pay attention to the harmony of color. Avoid black, violet, magenta colors, intersecting or overlapping patterns, very short or chunky ties. The length of the tie should be such that when tied it reaches the belt buckle. A tie with images of symbols, emblems, newspaper text, etc. is not allowed with a business suit.

Choose a hairstyle that suits your environment and circumstances. The hairstyle does wonders for the human face; it can hide protruding ears and an irregular skull shape. Men with dark hair look more authoritative and can increase this impression if they wear a suit that matches their hair color, and their hair is slightly longer than usual. Blonde and redheads should not wear clothes that match their hair color.

Your overall appearance can be greatly affected by glasses. If glasses don't suit you, wear contact lenses.

The basic rule that should be followed when choosing clothes is to match the time and situation. When developing a clothing style, you must take into account your data: age, build, position in society.

Skillfully selected clothes and well-practiced manners of wearing them literally transform a person, making him more attractive and interesting.

Since clothing carries the main flow of information about us, the way you look gives your partners or clients an impression about your company, which is very difficult to change in the future. It is difficult to conduct serious negotiations with a company representative who is dressed casually or comes to the office in worn out shoes. And although his clothes may be very expensive, his sloppiness is subconsciously questionable. Clothes must be neat, cleaned and ironed.

It is important to take care not only of your clothes, but also of yourself. Dirty nails or hair ruin the overall impression, even with very good clothes. A face that is made up too brightly will reduce the good effect of a well-chosen dress. Even a cloud of perfume can ruin the spell if it drags on like a trail of fog. If you take care of yourself, not only will others treat you well, but most of all, you yourself will feel better and more confident.

Bad taste, excessive extravagance, non-compliance with seasonality and simply carelessness - all this is detrimental to the image. Inability to dress negates many excellent qualities and creates a false impression of them.

Sometimes flashy clothing style is perceived by people as a desire to attract attention in the absence of other ways to achieve this. You need to dress in such a way as to look original and not cause negative feelings in others. You can create your unique appearance through the clothes that suit you.

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Topic 10. Image of a business person

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22. National characteristics of business communication International business communication requires understanding and taking into account the character traits and distinctive behavioral features of peoples and representatives of different countries. In recent years, many enterprises and organizations

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Chapter Twenty How to create your own style, or image, of a business person “Whoever does not know where he is going will be very surprised that he has ended up in the wrong place.” (Mark Twain) Every person on earth dreams of something. Some people dream of traveling around the world, others dream of big and beautiful things.

In the modern business world, great importance is attached to a person’s ability and ability to make a good impression. For a business person, it is important how he looks in the eyes of others, what impression he makes on his colleagues and partners, since the efficiency and effectiveness of his activities depends on this, so he strives to create (form) a certain “attractive” image.

Image is a purposefully formed image with the help of which a person presents himself to the world, a kind of form of self-presentation that helps influence others. This is the art of managing the impression that a person makes on others. On the one hand, we try to give information to others, on the other, we pursue some goals.

The concept of image includes not only natural personality traits, but also specially created ones. Many people have an attractive appearance, but, as a rule, people's sympathy is acquired through the ability to present themselves. It is not enough just to have attractive external data, they should also be skillfully managed, and their absence does not block the road to creating a favorable personal image. To do this, you just need the desire and ability to best express your strongest personal qualities.

One of the conditions for creating a positive image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Possessing good communication manners helps a person achieve his or her goals. Manners recreate the image of a person; those qualities that are assessed by people as positive or negative are visually manifested. A person with good manners is universally respected by both men and women.

The style of thinking and behavior, as well as the ability to communicate with people, are important. Communication tactics are very important for the image of a business person. It is necessary to have several options for behavior in the same type of situation and be able to quickly use them. In any communication, especially business, one should not allow any confrontation, much less conflict. Of course, heated debates and differences of opinion are possible, the main thing is that this does not develop into personal hostility. It is very important to understand the motives of your behavior, to determine exactly why you need it, what you want to get as a result.

To create an image, it is necessary to take into account that when forming a first impression, the first thing people pay attention to is your appearance and your manners. To create the desired image, it is very important to be able to master and control your non-verbal language: facial expressions, gaze, gestures, posture, posture, gait, etc. It is necessary to accustom yourself to restraint in expressing emotions through facial expressions and gestures. Remember to smile, because a smiling face always inspires affection. Your posture largely reflects how you feel in a particular situation, and the gestures and postures you take speak about your attitude towards that situation or people. You can be tastefully dressed in expensive things and have a great build, but if you don’t know how to stay calm, your habitual posture represents a readiness to defend yourself, and your face is gloomy, then your partner will be uncomfortable in your company.

A person’s appearance and the harmony of all components of his wardrobe (color, silhouette, fabric and various accessories) are the main component of the image of a business person. Clothing is one of the most important conditions for how an opinion will be formed about you; it carries certain information about a person, and in accordance with it, we are correlated with one or another category, determine social status, economic opportunities and membership in the professional field. Very often, clothing is a kind of calling card; it can have a psychological impact on communication partners, often predetermining their attitude towards each other.

Business style - clothes for work, important meetings and business negotiations. This is a strict, conservative, seasoned style that belongs to the category of international standards. In a business suit, preference is given to classic models of good quality clothing, restrained color combinations, and classic shoes. It is better to refrain from using bright, eye-catching color combinations in your business suit, but at the same time, the clothes should not be completely black or white.

When choosing a color, you should take into account the time and place of your stay, and your type of occupation. You should not wear too bright things if you have a business meeting.

The colors are mostly monochromatic, but there may also be options for soft stripes in a blue-gray, blue-brown palette, the checkered pattern is only medium-sized, non-contrasting. Wearing brightly colored clothes can be overwhelming, especially if the person has a pale skin tone. It is possible that, paying attention to your loud colors, people will not look at you yourself.

When choosing business attire, stick to neutral colors that suit your color scheme.

Dark neutral colors (dark blue, dark gray, brown, black, blue-green) will make your appearance more significant, and warm neutrals (beige, brown-yellow, light gray) are inviting and create a feeling of peace.

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties should be in shades that suit the complexion and highlight it. Usually the color of clothes is selected with the following calculation:

1) shades of blue suit blondes best;

2) brunettes – shades of yellow;

3) white color suits people with a pink complexion on their face.

When choosing clothes, a woman must adhere to certain rules:

1) long jackets/jackets in contrasting colors go with short skirts, and short ones with long ones. If you are short, the skirt should be the same color, to the middle of the knee or slightly higher;

2) skirts, slightly flared, trapezoidal or straight, made of soft, colored or thick fabric;

3) straight-cut trousers, without cuffs. Vertical or horizontal lines are possible depending on height;

4) blouses with elegant sleeves made of flowing, light, plain fabrics or with small elegant patterns;

5) if your budget is limited, have in your business wardrobe only one or two, but of excellent quality and impeccable cut, suits that can be combined with each other;

6) a business woman’s clothing should include two, maximum three items in a leading tone. If you are wearing a black suit, it is advisable to wear black shoes with it and there should be some other black detail, for example a bag;

7) simple stockings (thin, transparent, without patterns), harmonizing in color with the skirt. A common mistake is that our business ladies wear sleeveless clothes in the summer. Sleeves should always cover the shoulders, but they should not be puffy or too short. If you have chosen a skirt or dress, then an indispensable rule of business etiquette is the presence of tights (5‑12 DEN). The biggest and most common mistake is their absence in the summer;

8) jewelry: classic style earrings, wedding ring, chain with pendant, watch - this is the acceptable minimum in a business suit. It is necessary to refrain from bright, large and shiny jewelry. In Europe, it is generally not customary to wear jewelry to work, especially expensive ones.

Of course, you shouldn’t completely abandon everything feminine. Your colleague or partner should perceive you as a woman (since communication with a man follows one set of rules, and with a woman follows another, and this does not mean that you are viewed as a sexual object), and for this he needs some then external landmarks. You just need to remember that the business style of communication requires minimal use of elements of sexual provocation in clothing;

9) tight-fitting knitwear, maxi skirts, items made of shiny fabric, and transparent materials are excluded from the business wardrobe. No exposure is allowed: neckline, miniskirt, bold cut, slit in the skirt, bare shoulders, belly;

10) the best choice of shoes for a business woman is shoes of classic colors, i.e. black or dark brown, without frilly decorations, with medium heels in a fashionable configuration. Shoes must match the color of the suit. If the suit is light, then you can wear light (not white) shoes that are in harmony with the color of the suit, and the same color and texture as the handbag.

According to the rules of etiquette, summer shoes with an open heel are allowed, but not with open toes, no matter how flawless the pedicure is.

Too provocative makeup is not recommended, but a complete absence of makeup on the face is also undesirable. It is better to use paints for makeup that are close to natural. Makeup, especially during the day, should not be conspicuous.

The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. When choosing perfume, it is preferable to have a scent that suits you personally, even if it is not the most fashionable.

It is very important to be able to correctly determine the style of clothing for different occasions, so that, firstly, you do not feel insecure, and secondly, you do not attract unnecessary attention from others to your appearance. You can have fashionable clothes, but not make a decent impression.

Men can wear any suits of soft colors:

1) a classic “English” jacket (with two vents at the back) is preferable. Unlike the “European” (without slots) and “American” (with one slot), it allows its owner not only to stand elegantly, but also to sit elegantly;

2) the trousers should be of such length that they fall slightly onto the shoes in front and reach the beginning of the heel in the back;

3) a shirt under a jacket is allowed only with long sleeves. Avoid wearing nylon or knitted shirts.

The collar should be a centimeter and a half higher than the collar of the jacket;

4) the vest should not be too short, neither the shirt nor the belt should be visible;

5) a belt naturally excludes suspenders, and vice versa;

6) socks for business and festive suits are matched, in no case white and long enough.

A man’s clothing style influences his success in business contacts, and a properly issued suit helps create the right working atmosphere.

The art of combining clothing items should always take into account color and line. A line is not so much the general silhouette of clothing as the general direction of the lines on a jacket, shirt, tie; on a suit they are located either in vertical stripes or in checkered patterns. Ties come without a pattern, with an abstract pattern, or with a clear direction of the stripes: horizontal, vertical, diagonal.

The main thing is that the lines of clothing elements do not sharply intersect with each other and do not merge.

Ties with polka dots, diamonds, triangles, etc. are more suitable for a striped suit with a plain shirt.

The easiest way to achieve unity of style is by choosing plain clothing items. A solid-color suit should be the staple of a business man's attire. This suit has the ability to go well with solid colors and patterns of other clothing items, which simplifies the choice of the right combination: suit - shirt - tie.

The suit can be blue, gray, beige, brown. Any shirt pattern can be combined with it. If you add a plain tie here, you get a wonderful trio: plain – pattern – monochromatic. We must remember that the same patterns are never combined, they should always be separated by a monochromatic element; if the combination of a suit and shirt is pale, then it can be enlivened with a brighter tie, for example: a gray suit, a blue shirt and a dark red tie.

You can have a couple of good suits and a couple of jackets with trousers, and this will be enough to always look impressive, provided that you have at least a dozen different shirts and ties in your wardrobe. The combination of a shirt and tie changes the overall look of any suit. White and plain shirts go with any suit and tie. The shirt should always be lighter than the suit, and the tie should always be darker than the shirt.

A tie is the main decoration of a man. By looking at a tie, you can unmistakably assess the taste of its owner. An elegant suit may go unnoticed, but a beautiful tie never will. The choice of color and pattern of a tie allows you to demonstrate individuality, and sometimes the mood in which its owner is. Ties of any design, color, or size look elegant when they are not conspicuous. Each season dictates its own color fashion. It should be remembered that the dominant color of the tie should match the color of the suit. The desired effect is achieved not by patterns, but by the correct selection of a tie for a suit. A plain tie goes with any shirt and any suit, you just need to pay attention to the harmony of color. Avoid black, violet, magenta colors, intersecting or overlapping patterns, very short or chunky ties. The length of the tie should be such that when tied it reaches the belt buckle. A tie with images of symbols, emblems, newspaper text, etc. is not allowed with a business suit.

Choose a hairstyle that suits your environment and circumstances. The hairstyle does wonders for the human face; it can hide protruding ears and an irregular skull shape. Men with dark hair look more authoritative and can increase this impression if they wear a suit that matches their hair color, and their hair is slightly longer than usual. Blonde and redheads should not wear clothes that match their hair color.

Your overall appearance can be greatly affected by glasses. If glasses don't suit you, wear contact lenses.

The basic rule that should be followed when choosing clothes is to match the time and situation. When developing a clothing style, you must take into account your data: age, build, position in society.

Skillfully selected clothes and well-practiced manners of wearing them literally transform a person, making him more attractive and interesting.

Since clothing carries the main flow of information about us, the way you look gives your partners or clients an impression about your company, which is very difficult to change in the future. It is difficult to conduct serious negotiations with a company representative who is dressed casually or comes to the office in worn out shoes. And although his clothes may be very expensive, his sloppiness is subconsciously questionable. Clothes must be neat, cleaned and ironed.

It is important to take care not only of your clothes, but also of yourself. Dirty nails or hair ruin the overall impression, even with very good clothes. A face that is made up too brightly will reduce the good effect of a well-chosen dress. Even a cloud of perfume can ruin the spell if it drags on like a trail of fog. If you take care of yourself, not only will others treat you well, but most of all, you yourself will feel better and more confident.

Bad taste, excessive extravagance, non-compliance with seasonality and simply carelessness - all this is detrimental to the image. Inability to dress negates many excellent qualities and creates a false impression of them.

Sometimes flashy clothing style is perceived by people as a desire to attract attention in the absence of other ways to achieve this. You need to dress in such a way as to look original and not cause negative feelings in others. You can create your unique appearance through the clothes that suit you.

Today, with a huge selection, everyone can find something that defines their individuality and strengthens their self-confidence. You must choose what suits you. The clothes you choose should match your personality.

Business style is when everything in a person corresponds to one idea: clothes, hairstyle, demeanor.

A correctly chosen and formed image of you is the key to solving many life and business problems.



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