To prevent your armpits from sweating, folk remedies. Why armpits sweat a lot and what to do about it

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis and carefully choose your clothes so that wet marks are not noticeable on them, then you need to find out what to do to prevent your armpits from sweating. Traditional treatment methods that do not cause side effects (unlike Dysport or Botox injections) will help with this, are gentle and effective.

Comprehensive treatment of excessive sweating

To prevent armpits from sweating, it is necessary to resort to complex treatment of the problem.

To do this, be sure to follow these steps:

Treatment of underarm hyperhidrosis Explanation
Proper nutrition Eliminate spicy, salty, hot foods from your diet. Add more fresh vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, which contain vitamin C. It normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands
Daily shower You need to take a shower 2 times a day, wash your armpits with a well-soaped washcloth. Frequent water treatments help reduce sweat production and also calm the nervous system.
Timely depilation Hair is an ally of sweat; the more hair there is in the armpits, the more a person sweats. In addition, there may be an unpleasant odor. Therefore, people suffering from hyperhidrosis need to shave their armpits, then the sweat will be less likely to stand out
Clothes made from natural fabric Synthetic underwear and clothing do not allow air to pass through, as a result of which a person will begin to sweat even more

Getting rid of sweaty armpits is easy, even at home.

The main thing is to know which treatment methods to use. Folk, well-proven methods of therapy: decoctions, infusions, baths, lotions will help you feel confident and not sweat even in 30 degree heat.

Spa treatments for frequently weeping armpits

There is nothing easier, better and more relaxing than taking special baths at home for hyperhidrosis. You can add various aromatic oils, sea salt and even brewer's yeast to the water.

Beer bath for hyperhidrosis

It contains a large set of vitamins (in particular vitamin B), which have a strengthening and regenerating effect. The malt and hops contained in beer tone the skin. This spa treatment has a relaxing effect. The nervous system does not stimulate the sweat glands, resulting in decreased sweating.

Sea salt bath

You need to add 2 handfuls to a warm bath sea ​​salt, as well as 10 drops of relaxing essential oil(mint, lemon, orange).

Treatment of excessive sweating of the armpits should be comprehensive, with the mandatory use of both external and internal remedies.

Sea salt promotes skin cell renewal and has a calming effect. And essential oils provide an excellent spa effect. This bath should be taken every other day.

Products for external use

In addition to baths for hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to regularly treat the problem area with special medicinal formulations:

With these recipes you can quickly achieve temporary closure of the channels through which sweat flows.

Compresses, lotions, and rubbing should only be applied to clean skin of the axillary area.

Ready-made products should be used to treat the armpits several times a day. The more often and longer a person uses these methods of treating hyperhidrosis, the better the result will be.

In order to achieve a positive effect in the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to take medications orally in parallel with lotions and compresses. Often these are medicinal decoctions and teas:

Recently, special anti-sweating injections have gained popularity. But they have shortcomings. Firstly, the high cost. Secondly, the result is short-lived (maximum six months). Thirdly, if the injection is administered by a non-professional, then the person risks getting a lot of side effects: hematomas, bruises, inflammation, etc.

Alum deodorant- this is the name of a remedy that can save a person from hyperhidrosis. This deodorant reduces the amount of sweat produced and also eliminates the problem of unpleasant odor.

It’s not difficult to prepare this remedy:

Alum deodorant must be stored in the refrigerator. If you don’t want to make such a deodorant, then you can buy a ready-made one.

A contrast shower is an excellent way to cope with armpit hyperhidrosis.

Means Maxim, Odaban help cope with hyperhidrosis due to the 15% aluminum chloride they contain. This product should be applied to the armpits at night. Do not wash off the drug in the morning.

Increased sweating of the armpits occurs under the following conditions:
- overweight;
- disrupted metabolic processes;
- under stress;
- increased physical activity;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- overheating of the body;
- serious diseases of internal organs.

The determination influences the choice of method for getting rid of the unpleasant feeling of wet armpits with a characteristic smell of sweat.

Effective methods to combat excessive sweating

When exposed to high ambient temperatures, the body heats up. To restore the water-salt balance, the body secretes a certain amount of sweat. Sweat itself is colorless and odorless. These are transparent droplets of moisture that quickly evaporate from the surface of the skin. The smell is caused by harmful bacteria, which during the process of reproduction and vital activity release a specific substance. Plain water and soap will help get rid of the smell of sweat.

To prevent the smell from reappearing, use various deodorants in the form of sticks, gels, sprays, and creams. The bulk of the products are aimed at eliminating odor, but sweat continues to be released, leaving wet marks on clothes. Antiperspirants are designed to prevent sweat by forming a protective film. They are applied exclusively to clean and smooth surfaces.

Antiperspirants should not be used frequently, as they clog skin cells, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes.

The second condition for effectively combating sweat is a balanced diet. Some foods cause profuse sweating. These include energy drinks, coffee, spices, and alcohol. It is necessary to choose decoctions of medicinal herbs, green tea, and fortified fruit drinks as drinks.

Good results can be achieved if you regularly do the following procedures:
- wipe armpits, palms or other sweaty parts of the body with laundry soap soaked in water;
- take a bath with the addition of a decoction of oak bark, white willow bark, valerian, pine needles;
- rub the armpit area with a strong salt solution or place your hands in salt baths;
- wipe the problem area with a formaldehyde solution purchased at the pharmacy.

You can make homemade solid deodorant. To do this, you will need to take coconut oil, baking soda, and cornstarch in equal proportions. Add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil to the resulting mass. After this, pour into a small container. The ideal option is an empty container from used deodorant. After a few days, the mass will harden and can be used.

The process of thermoregulation of the body occurs through the release of sweat - the production of fluid saves our body from overheating. The armpits are the location of the largest and most developed sweat glands, the active work of which begins in the hot season. With the onset of summer, many people notice increased sweating, and often not knowing what to do with their sweaty armpits, they treat them with all kinds of antiperspirants, but such manipulations do not always help. So what should you do if your armpits sweat a lot? Initially, you should find out the cause of excessive sweating and only then begin treatment.

It’s clear that the sight and smell of a sweaty body repels others, but what can you do to prevent your armpits from sweating when regular hygiene procedures and the use of deodorizing products are powerless? First of all, you need to figure out what could cause the increased work of the sweat glands.

Heavy sweating under the arms can be caused by various factors:

  • imbalance of the hormonal system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • metabolic dysfunction;
  • poor eating behavior - abuse of alcohol, energy drinks, fatty or spicy foods;
  • constant stress;
  • increased body weight;
  • regular, intense physical activity;
  • clothing made of synthetic materials;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

Only a doctor can answer the question of why armpits sweat a lot after conducting the necessary research. The patient must submit:

  • general, biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • perform an electrocardiogram;
  • In addition, the doctor takes a blood sample to determine hormonal levels.

If these studies have not shown why the armpits sweat, then a more in-depth study of the problem is carried out (head tomogram, blood for tumor markers, etc.).

Most often, excessive sweating becomes the result of some disease; this pathology is called secondary hyperhidrosis of the armpits and only a specialist (endocrinologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist, narcologist, etc.) can help cope with it.

If a person requires specific treatment, it is prescribed by a doctor, but in some cases, armpit sweating can be eliminated using simple and affordable methods.

How to eliminate odor (simple methods)

You need to start the fight against excessive sweating and the accompanying odor with simple methods; perhaps in your case this will be quite enough.

  1. Taking a contrast shower - the procedure helps to narrow the pores, thereby reducing the production of sweat glands for some time. Also, alternating warm and cool water calms the nervous system.
  2. Antibacterial soap - wash your armpits regularly (at least morning and evening).
  3. How to prevent your armpits from sweating, just wipe them regularly with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice (the product will also help get rid of the odor).
  4. You can reduce sweating by treating the armpits with a concentrated soda solution (water + soda).
  5. In case of excessive sweat production, use 2% resorcinol alcohol - wipe your armpits with a cotton pad soaked in it twice a day.

You can save yourself from wet spots by using special pads; they are attached to clothing in the armpit area and absorb excess moisture.

But what to do if your armpits sweat a lot and simple methods no longer help? Turn to the wisdom of our ancestors - recipes from traditional healers will certainly improve the situation.

Folk recipes

Non-traditional treatment has its pros and cons. The positive side is that only natural ingredients are used that are accessible to every person. The disadvantage is that such therapy is lengthy, and the expected result does not always become reality.

Before getting rid of armpit sweat using folk knowledge, consult a doctor, or better yet, undergo a full examination to determine the cause of the pathology.

  1. Chamomile infusion. Prepare like this - 3 tbsp. l. dry inflorescences are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and left for an hour. The product is filtered, then 15 grams of baking soda are added to it and mixed. The resulting infusion should be used to wipe your armpits every 2 hours.
  2. Oak bark decoction. You will need 200 grams of dry raw materials. Boiling water is poured into it and put on fire, simmer for about half an hour. Next, strain, prepare a warm bath with the addition of the resulting decoction. Take the water procedure for 20 minutes daily.
  3. Alcohol infusion of horsetail. The preparation is simple - 300 grams of horsetail for 0.5 liters of vodka. The product is kept for 3 weeks, after which the armpits are wiped three times a day.
  4. Lotion at home will help cope with excessive sweating of the armpits. Mix 1:1 vinegar and 4% boric acid, you can add a little deodorant (perfume, eau de toilette). Use at night; after drying, problem areas are powdered with talcum powder.

If traditional treatment has not produced any results over the course of a month, it’s time to move on to products specifically designed to combat excessive sweating.

Special preparations

On pharmacy counters you can find many products that can treat excessive sweating, but they must be used in accordance with the included instructions.

How to avoid sweating under your arms - use Formidron solution. The product has a drying effect; in addition, after application, an invisible film forms on the skin, which prevents sweating. The drug contains formaldehyde, so it should not be abused.

Lassara paste containing zinc, starch, and petroleum jelly eliminates sweating and has an antiseptic effect. Use no longer than 30 days.

Galmanin powder containing salicylic acid, zinc, starch, and talc also helps. The effect of the drug is drying, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.

What to do if your armpits sweat a lot - use the most popular remedy - Teymurov's paste. The drug contains zinc, lead, talc, glycerin, formaldehyde (do not abuse it, use it according to the instructions). It is recommended to apply to clean, dry skin for no longer than 4 days.

Salicylic-zinc paste or powder - dries, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Apply the product locally to small areas of the skin.

Antiperspirant or gel Dry Dry (Dry Dry) - slows down the secretion of sweat, acts for a long time (the effect lasts up to 5 days). The product is applied to washed and dried skin and allowed to dry. It is better to carry out manipulation before bedtime. After depilation, do not use for at least 2 days.

Spray or roll-on antiperspirant Purax (Purax) - has the same characteristics as Dry Dry. Apply to dry, intact skin. You can also use pads from this series, which are attached not to clothing, but directly to the body (eliminate moisture and odor).

Salon and surgical procedures

Since getting rid of armpit sweating for a long time is the dream of every person, methods have been developed that will help eliminate the problem and forget about it for several years. Remember, it is better to resort to such procedures after first consulting with your doctor.

Infrared sauna is a thermal effect that normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Blood microcirculation improves, due to which tissues receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Along with the improvement of metabolic processes, sweating decreases - the glands begin to function correctly.

Botulinum toxin injections are an expensive and rather painful procedure. The essence of the method is that Botox is injected into the armpit area by injection. After one such injection for 1.5-2 years, you don’t have to worry about excessive sweating.

Curettage is a surgical procedure to remove sweat glands. This treatment gives the most lasting result - the armpits remain dry for up to 5 years. This is the most radical method, which has a number of contraindications.

Whatever method of combating sweating you choose, it is better to consult a doctor before using it.

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Ever wondered why the completely physiological process of sweating led to the formation of an entire industry of antiperspirants and deodorants? Why does the normal reaction to stress in the form of sweating itself cause stress, tears and nervous breakdowns?

At first glance, increased sweating is not a problem at all; it is a healthy physiological function of our body, like a kind of “body cooling system” during physical activity or elevated air temperatures. But, if a person sweats in a calm state and at a normal temperature, then this is already classified as a disease that “poisons” life. There is no other way to call this “byaka”. After all, axillary hyperhidrosis is often combined with palmar hyperhidrosis. Taken together, this brings many problems: from an unpleasant smell to endless comments from others about you, because, most likely, you will be considered an unscrupulous slob and will be advised to change your clothes and take a shower. It’s unlikely that anyone would think about a serious illness in which the smell of sweat is just a consequence...

Causes of increased sweating.

Since hyperhidrosis is just a consequence of the underlying disease, I will list the main ones:

1. Endocrine disorders (thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus).

2. Diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system: VSD, hypertension.

3. Infections: most often these are hepatitis and tuberculosis.

4. Overweight, obesity.

5. Stress. At the moment of excitement, the body releases adrenaline, which provokes sweating.

6. And finally, hyperhidrosis – as an independent disease.

To identify the underlying disease, it is enough to undergo a simple examination and take some tests, which will be prescribed by a doctor (general practitioner, endocrinologist, cardiologist).

Where does the bad smell come from?

Sweat consists of 90% water. It itself has no odor. It evaporates very slowly from the surface of the body. With sweat, salts and microelements are released, which are an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, which are the culprits of the smell.

Odor control products: deodorant or antiperspirant?

Having found out the cause of the unpleasant odor of sweat, the cosmetics industry began to look for effective means to combat it.

At the very beginning there were deodorants, which had “strong” odors that overwhelmed the smell. Then they began to add antibacterial components, which, in addition to unnecessary bacteria, also kill our protective microorganisms. They are suitable for people with oily skin, as the alcohol they contain dries out the skin. In addition, the effect of deodorants is designed for 3 hours, so they must be used often. On the plus side: they do not clog the sweat glands and do not interfere with the release of sweat.

Antiperspirants. Their main active ingredient is aluminum or zinc compounds. At low pH, the antiperspirant is liquid (in the bottle), but when it comes into contact with the skin, its pH increases and it hardens. At the same time, it almost completely clogs the outlets of the sweat glands. Some time ago, scientists discovered the negative effect of aluminum on the body. Penetrating inside, it forms compounds that can cause breast cancer. Therefore, doctors advise using antiperspirants that do not contain aluminum. If you haven’t found one, then at least you should use it as little as possible.

Try making your own antiperspirant using natural ingredients. Grandmothers will not give bad advice.

We will need: 60 grams of corn starch, 60 grams of baking soda, 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil (add to the normal consistency of our antiperspirant), 8-10 drops of tea tree (lavender) oil.

Mix everything. You can put it in a factory deodorant bottle. Keep at room temperature for 2 days until hardened.

So, the smell, as a consequence of the underlying disease, was dealt with. What to do if the cause is armpit hyperhidrosis as an independent disease?

Today there are many means of combating it. Let's consider the 5 most effective methods of treatment:

- The salons offer a number of procedures that reduce sweating: various peelings and wraps, sessions in an oxygen chamber. These methods help reduce sweating, but they are not cheap and their effectiveness varies from person to person.

Iontophoresis. Conducted in medical institutions under the supervision of doctors. The essence of this procedure is the introduction of substances dissolved in water into the body using galvanic current.

Botox injections. A relatively “young” method in Russia. Under local anesthesia, Botox is injected into the armpit area, thereby blocking the activity of the sweat glands.

Surgical transection of the sympathetic trunk. In Russian speaking, a bundle of nerves is crossed, which sends impulses to the sweat gland, which in turn secretes sweat. This method is used when all others have proven ineffective.

In case of emergency: flood, earthquake, when there is no deodorant at hand, wet wipes and a slice of lemon will always help you.

Dear friends, today we will discuss a very important topic. It bothers some people more, others less, but in any case, everyone has encountered it throughout their lives. So, today’s topic is my armpits sweating a lot, what to do. It is no coincidence that we decided to discuss this. After all, the often promised 100% protection from sweat and odor in the form of modern cosmetology products not only fails to cope with the task, but does not even partially fulfill it. Why this happens and how to solve this issue once and for all, you will learn from our article.

What is the cause of the unpleasant odor?

All people sweat, and this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to external irritants. On the contrary, the absence of sweat is abnormal, because the fluid entering the body must be eliminated. The main function and task of the glands that produce sweat is the body’s heat regulation and the removal of metabolic results through the skin. This happens in different parts of the body, but most of the work in this regard falls on the armpit area. That is why this part of the human body needs protection from sweat and odor. Wet stains on clothes will confuse anyone, but if they are also accompanied by an odor, then the problem becomes much more serious and requires an immediate solution.

Everyone needs to know this

Surprisingly, sweat itself has no odor. And how can he have it if 99% consists of ordinary water. Only 1% of the composition is a kind of solid sediment that does not evaporate, but remains on the skin. In order for sweat to begin to have a sharp, unpleasant odor, which we will talk about getting rid of today, it needs to come into contact with microorganisms. These microorganisms can appear at the site of sweating due to illness and uncleanliness. Thus, if a person suffers from the smell of sweating, he needs to either increase attention to the cleanliness of his body, or conduct a medical examination of the body in order to identify diseases.

Quite a dangerous symptom

The pungent odor of sweat is a rather dangerous symptom. Increased sweating, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which even hygiene products cannot help cope with, may indicate many very serious diseases, such as:

  • kidney disease;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A disease called hyperhidrosis worries many people. It is caused by a disruption of the endocrine system and manifests itself in increased sweating, accompanied by a constant unpleasant odor.

Proven ways to get rid of sweating and unpleasant odor

Baby talc or powder

An excellent remedy that has already been tested by many adults. It should be applied to clean and dry skin. Then this remedy helps block excessive sweating, but does not create a barrier to normal sweating, which the body simply needs. The light and pleasant aroma allows you to feel comfortable and confident for a long time.

Baby soap

In this case, baby soap will not be used for washing. Armpits should be clean and dry. Apply a small layer of slightly moistened soap to them. It is best to use fragrance-free soap. This option will provide the necessary protection for a long time and will help you feel comfortable even on a very hot day.

Contrast shower for problem areas

Don't be surprised. This remedy really works, but only if it is carried out regularly. The result will be not only visible, but also durable.


This product is suitable for those who are confident in their cleanliness, but suffer from sweating and unpleasant odor. If this is associated with the development of fungal diseases, this drug will help. It is enough to wipe the underarm area with the preparation at night, and rinse it with warm running water in the morning.


An excellent way to reduce sweating is Botox injections into the armpits. This will provide a solution to the problem for a long time, there is only one drawback - you will have to be patient a little. The procedure is quite painful and expensive. However, given the effect, which guarantees protection for 6-12 months, many are ready to go for it. The essence of the procedure is that the nerve endings are blocked, thereby eliminating the secretion of sweat in the armpit area.


This method only helps those who suffer from excessive sweating due to excess weight. Expensive surgical intervention returns a woman to her former shape and thereby reduces the load on the sweat glands. They begin to work as usual and produce sweat in a standard proportion of 99 to 1 (where 99 is water, and 1 is solid sediment, which ordinary deodorants and hygiene products can combat).

What does traditional medicine offer?

Fans of traditional medicine can permanently overcome the unpleasant smell with the help of chamomile or walnut peel.

To make chamomile infusion, you need to pick fresh flowers, cut them (about 6-7 tablespoons) and pour them into a three-liter jar. Pour boiling water over it and put it in a warm place for a day. You need to wipe the armpit area with the resulting infusion twice a day. Treatment time is 7-10 days. Then you can use it if necessary.

From the walnut peel, we are talking about the fresh version, when it is still green, you can also prepare an effective remedy.

To do this, fill a half-liter jar halfway with crushed peel (the smaller it is, the better) and fill it to the top with vodka or diluted alcohol. You need to leave it for 7-10 days, and then use it, diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

DIY deodorant

Modern consumers are increasingly expressing distrust of deodorants. Despite the promised result, expensive cosmetics sometimes not only fail to fulfill their purpose, but even cause serious harm to the human body. In this case, you can try making deodorant at home. It will be no worse, but much better than the store-bought version, and it will cost literally pennies.
To make antiperspirant at home you will need:

  • soda;
  • starch;
  • essential oil;
  • coconut oil (if you want a solid version)

The procedure for preparing deodorant is simple. You need to mix a quarter cup of soda and starch in any container, add a couple of drops of essential oil (tea tree is better, but you can use any other for aroma). That's all. If you want the deodorant to have a solid form, you need to add two tablespoons of coconut oil to the resulting mixture.



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