What is lung tissue infiltration? Main causes of lung infiltration

Sometimes a lump may appear in the tissue area, and in some cases it may also appear in an organ, such as the lung. The seal appears due to the accumulation of blood or cells in a separate area. This disease and will be called infiltration. There are several types of the disease.

The tumor infiltrate of the lung consists of cells that characterize various tumor diseases. The syndrome of this disease will be infiltrative changes in the lungs.

When a cluster appears, an increase in the size of the tissue can be observed, and the color shade may also change. Appear painful sensations, tissue density increases. During surgical infiltration of the lungs, compaction occurs due to saturation of an artificial nature, that is, due to medications or alcohol.

Pulmonary infiltrates can occur due to various reasons. In a third of patients the cause was mechanical impact, in another third, lung infiltration occurred as a result of odontogenic infection. In other patients, the cause was some other infection. With age, the risk of infiltration syndrome does not increase or decrease in any way.

The causative agents of infiltration syndrome are considered to be agents in the oral microflora. Another cause of the disease is the resistance of microorganisms, which is expressed in protective functions human body. Infiltration may manifest itself during infection contact type, as well as the lymphogenous nature of its spread.

The cause of pulmonary infiltrate syndrome may be acute appendicitis. As many people know, this appendicitis, or rather its exacerbation, is a tumor inflammatory in nature. The cause of infiltration syndrome can also be poor quality medical treatment or violation sanitary standards. Focal changes in the lungs may appear as a result intramuscular injection. That is, soaking the medication will cause drug accumulation.

Symptoms of the disease

Infiltration of lung tissue occurs over several days. During this time, the following symptoms may appear.

It is not possible to determine whether there is liquid inside the seal. The skin in the area where the lump occurs is slightly tense.

How can the disease be detected?

First of all, the medical specialist must be sure that the patient really has pulmonary infiltration. This is done using X-ray data. Depending on the nature of the disease, productive or exudative, noticeable various changes in the lung or lungs.

The changes are most noticeable in pulmonary infiltrate inflammatory type, especially with common pneumonia. In this case, there will be a trembling in the voice, a dull sound and crepitation are also possible.

When the disease is productive, in particular when tumors occur, the above symptoms do not appear. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to detect the disease.

Radiography plays the most important role in diagnosing this disease. On it, the seal is shown as a darkening with a radius of more than 10 millimeters.

In the case of lobar infiltration, darkening of a fairly large area of ​​the lungs will be observed. The contours of the spots depend on the substrate of the process, as well as on the place of its origin.

What to do when diagnosing a disease?

In this case, it is worth determining what type of infiltration the patient has. Lobar-type inflammation in most cases occurs either with tuberculosis or pneumonia. With the tumor nature of the disease, the entire lobe is not captured. Inflammatory infiltrates of the lobar type are also characteristic of a malignant lung tumor.

In the case when a patient develops a non-lobar type compaction, they should be differentiated, first of all, from peripheral malignant lung tumor. In this case, the initial stages of the development of the disease will pass unnoticed. There will be no manifestation of any symptoms.

However, on radiography, the infiltrate will differ from a malignant tumor. This is due to the fact that in the picture such seals will be irregular shape. Cancer diseases, in this case, will almost always have a standard form. This is one of the most important distinctive features these two diseases.

Another method for diagnosing the disease is bronchoscopy with further examination of the bronchus. After establishing the nature of the disease, the medical specialist delineates the infiltrates.

Lobar pneumonia is very similar to tuberculous pneumonia; it is characterized by the following symptoms.

  1. Acute course of the disease at the initial stage.
  2. Increased body and body temperature.
  3. Dry cough.
  4. In some cases, hemoptysis is possible.
  5. Painful sensations in the chest area.

On X-ray examination, tuberculosis will have darker densities in comparison with lobar pneumonia. A tomogram shows this especially well. There are known cases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis being detected in a patient when the time frame for treating pneumonia has already passed and the required outcome has not been achieved.

In general, the occurrence of infiltration in the lungs is typical for a large number of diseases:

Treatment of the disease

It is worth starting treatment as early as possible; the course of treatment consists of a set of procedures:

  • sleep and eating patterns;
  • physical culture;
  • pharmacotherapy.

For infiltrative compactions, medical specialists are recommended to remain in bed throughout the entire infiltration. The diet for the entire course of treatment should include foods that are quickly digestible. It should also contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and vitamins.

When planning a course of treatment for inflammatory infiltrate treatment plays the biggest role antibacterial drugs. Monotherapy with antibiotics is most often used.

However, you should not take bacteriostatic antibiotics together with bactericidal antibiotics. The consequences can be dire, in some cases even irreversible. After all, in this case it will begin toxic effects on various groups organs.

When infiltrative changes are no longer observed in the lungs, you should immediately stop taking antibiotics. Also, do not forget that the drug can be used for a period of no more than 10 days. Further, to continue the course of treatment, other drugs should be used.

The total duration of the course is determined individually. Choice medical product depends on the characteristics of the causative agent of the disease, as well as depending on its type.

In addition, do not forget about such a factor as the sensitivity of the pathogen to the antibiotic in question.

For the treatment of infiltrative seals, various antivirals together with diuretic drugs. This helps reduce swelling of the lung tissue that is affected by the pathogen. To resolve the compaction, the functioning of the bronchi must be restored. In order to treat nonspecific compactions, it is customary to use various expectorants and mucolytic drugs.

Also, do not forget about physical exercise. Before embarking on this treatment method, you should consult with your medical specialist. The course of treatment includes exercises that are performed on the affected side. The depth of inspiration should be limited. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to maximize the activation of respiratory processes in healthy lung. This creates peripheral circulation.

Every patient with pneumonia should know about infiltration in the lungs and what it is. If you do not have the opportunity to consult with a medical specialist and purchase medicine, it is worth trying treatment with folk remedies. These include garlic, which perfectly fights almost all types of bacteria.

You can also make a homemade garlic inhaler. To do this, you will need to take any plastic container and make holes in it. The garlic should be finely chopped and placed on the bottom of a plastic container. After this, breathe in the garlic fumes through your nose or mouth for a few minutes.

Such inhalation should be carried out as often as possible. This method is an excellent prevention of many diseases, including colds. Folk remedies will be especially relevant in winter time years when the risk of getting sick is extremely high.

Infiltration lung tissue is a thickening in the lungs that is caused by the accumulation of fluid, cells or certain chemicals in the tissues. At the same time, the size of the fabric increases and takes on a different shade. Soreness appears in the diseased lung, the density of the lung tissue increases. The tumor infiltrate consists of cancer cells, the main sign of cancer will be infiltration. With infiltration of a chemical nature, a compaction is formed due to the saturation of tissues with drugs or medical alcohol.

Causes of pathology

Infiltrative changes in the lungs are pathological condition which can develop at any age. The main causes of the disease are:

  • pathogens;
  • lung injuries;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • surgical intervention;
  • purulent appendicitis;
  • incorrectly performed injections of medications.

The causative agents of the disease are microorganisms that every person has in oral cavity . The infection can enter the lungs through contact and lymphogenous routes. In the latter case, the cause of the disease can be any infection that is in the body.

Older people and smokers are more prone to the formation of infiltrates.


Infiltration in the lungs is an inflammatory process that occurs with compaction of the lung tissue. This pathological process develops over several days.. The disease manifests itself with specific symptoms:

  • The body temperature is slightly elevated, but this condition continues for a long time.
  • In some cases, a small tumor is found in the infiltrate area.
  • Pain appears in the area of ​​the affected lung.
  • Compared to pneumonia, infiltration of the lungs occurs with less pronounced symptoms and more smoothly.
  • The main symptom of the disease is the release of blood when coughing, although coughing occurs very rarely. The presence of blood in the sputum indicates that the infiltrate has begun to decompose.
  • With this disease, the patient's skin is very pale. This sign most often indicates infiltrative tuberculosis.

Eosinophilic infiltrates most often occur in upper lobes lungs. It is impossible to immediately determine whether there is liquid in the seal; for this, a series of examinations must be carried out.

Infiltration most often appears with tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Types of infiltration

There are several types of infiltrative changes in the lungs, each of them has its own characteristics of course and treatment:

  1. Inflammatory form. In this case, the seal consists of different cells– leukocytes, erythrocytes, lymphoid cells and others. During treatment, such infiltrates resolve or melt, although they can also undergo sclerosis, with further education connective tissue.
  2. Tumor form. This lump is made up of cancer cells of different nature. This phenomenon happens when malignant tumors, while the infiltrate quickly increases in size.
  3. Chemical form. This condition is typical after lung surgery. Compaction occurs due to the introduction of drugs into the tissue.

During infiltration of lung tissue, part of the lungs is excluded from the respiratory process. If the tissues are compacted over a large area of ​​the lung, then this creates a great threat to human life.

When examining a patient, the doctor may note rapid breathing and a slight lag in the respiratory process of the part of the sternum where the tissue lesion is located.


The disease is diagnosed based on X-ray data. In the photograph, the seal appears as a darkened area larger than 1 cm in size.. With lobar infiltration, a large area of ​​affected tissue can be seen in the image. The contours of the darkening depend on the form of the disease, as well as the location of the compaction.

With the inflammatory form of infiltration, you can see uneven outlines and a completely irregular shape of the dark part in the picture. A similar infiltrate in the lungs occurs with pneumonia. IN acute phase The disease's outlines are not sharp and gradually transform into the tissues that surround the lungs.

At chronic form diseases of the edge of the infiltrate are jagged, but are visible much more clearly. With the pneumonic form of infiltration, two light stripes are often found on the image; these are visible bronchi filled with air.

If the disease is caused pathogenic microorganisms, tissue necrosis is often observed varying degrees gravity. This aggravates the course of the disease.

The main task in diagnosing the disease is to determine the nature of the infiltration in the patient. Lobar inflammation is most often observed with tuberculosis or pneumonia. If the nature of the compaction is tumor, then the entire lobe is not captured by the inflammatory process.

When a patient’s image shows a compaction of a non-lobar nature, this condition is differentiated from a malignant tumor. At the same time initial stage The disease is completely asymptomatic, and the person has absolutely no complaints.

On an x-ray, the inflammatory infiltrate differs from a malignant tumor. Seals of an inflammatory nature are always irregular in shape, while oncological diseases always manifest themselves with standard outlines. If the inflammation has spread to the outer layer of bronchial tissue, then peribronchial infiltration of the lungs is diagnosed.

In addition to X-rays, bronchoscopy is used for diagnosis. This method allows you to detect changes in respiratory organs and exclude some diseases.

What pathologies can cause infiltrates in the lungs?

Infiltrates in the lungs of various types can occur in a number of diseases, both inflammatory and infectious:

Besides this, infiltrates can be due to a cyst or gangrene of the lungs. Areas of compaction may remain for some time after treatment for tuberculosis.

Only a correct diagnosis can be made experienced doctor. Therefore, if you have any suspicious symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Features of treatment

Before starting treatment of infiltrate in the lung, it is necessary to properly organize the patient’s daily routine and eliminate excessive physical activity. Doctors recommend that patients with this pathology follow bed rest to full recovery . Throughout the illness, the patient should eat healthy and easily digestible food. Products must contain sufficient quantity vitamins, microelements and carbohydrates.

Antibiotics must be prescribed during treatment different groups. Antibiotic monotherapy is very effective, but caution must be exercised.

You cannot take bacteriostatic and bactericidal drugs at the same time. In this case there may be serious consequences, sometimes already irreversible. When drugs from these two groups interact, the body is exposed to severe toxic effects.

Assign medicines taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. This is determined by culture of sputum or taking samples of biomaterial during bronchoscopy. Antibiotics are most often prescribed wide range actions, many doctors prefer drugs penicillin group. The patient takes antibiotics until the infiltrate completely resolves.

Antibiotics of the same drug group can be taken for no more than 10 days. After this time, if necessary, the drugs are changed to another drug group. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician; this indicator can vary significantly depending on the course of the disease.

At long-term use Using the same antibiotics can cause a superinfection that is difficult to treat.

For the treatment of infiltrates in the lungs, the following medications can be prescribed:

  • antiviral;
  • diuretics;
  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic.

Antiviral drugs can be prescribed together with antibiotics if it is proven that the disease was caused by viruses, but then complicated by bacteria.

Diuretics are prescribed to eliminate swelling of inflamed tissues. Together with mucolytics, these drugs help restore bronchial function and improve sputum discharge.

Physical exercise plays an important role in the treatment of pulmonary infiltrates. The course of exercises is indicated by the attending physician; they must be carried out several times a day, while the patient should lie on the side of the infiltrate. The depth of inspiration when performing a set of exercises should be limited. Due to this, respiratory processes in the undamaged lung are activated and peripheral blood circulation improves.

When treating infiltrates in the lungs, it is very important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. For malignant tumors, surgery is often indicated.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can supplement the treatment prescribed by the doctor by folk recipes. One of the most preferred methods of treatment is inhalation of garlic vapors.. Garlic contains special components that have a detrimental effect on many pathogens.

To prepare, take several large cloves of garlic, peel them and grate them. The resulting pulp is poured into a small jar and inhaled in pairs for 5-10 minutes. In this case, you need to alternately breathe through your nose and mouth. This procedure must be carried out several times a day.

To strengthen general immunity, the patient can take a mixture of aloe leaves, lemon and honey. To prepare the medicine, take 5 large aloe leaves, keep them in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, then twist them together with one lemon and add 1 glass of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Before using any traditional methods treatment, consultation with a doctor is necessary!

With timely treatment, the prognosis is good, especially if there is inflammatory form diseases. Oncological diseases lung diseases are asymptomatic at first, so the diagnosis may be made late. To exclude late diagnosis, you need to make it a rule to undergo fluorography once a year.

– secondary tuberculosis infection, characterized by widespread lung damage with an exudative type inflammatory reaction and the formation of foci of caseous decay. IN clinical picture intoxication syndrome, hyperthermia predominates, productive cough, pain in the side, hemoptysis. In the diagnosis of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, physical, radiological, laboratory examination, results of tuberculin tests. Treatment is inpatient, with specific chemotherapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs.


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General information

At the next stage, the infiltration areas undergo caseous melting. Treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis can promote complete resorption of the infiltrate, scarring of areas, encapsulation of the infiltrate zone with the formation pulmonary tuberculomas. In case of further progression of infiltrative tuberculosis, two development options are possible: transition to caseous pneumonia (outdated - “fleeting consumption”) or collapse of lung tissue with the formation of caverns (cavernous tuberculosis).


In modern phthisiology, it is customary to distinguish five clinical and radiological variants of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis:

  • Cloud-like infiltrate– radiologically determined in the form of a low-intensity homogeneous shadow with blurry contours. Has a tendency to rapidly disintegrate and form new cavities.
  • Round infiltration– on radiographs it looks like a rounded homogeneous focus (sometimes with a disintegration area in the form of clearing) with clearly defined boundaries; most often localized in the subclavian region.
  • Lobular (lobular) infiltrate- at X-ray examination an inhomogeneous darkening of irregular shape is revealed, formed by the fusion of several foci, often with decay in the center.
  • Regional infiltrate (periscissuritis)– extensive cloud-like infiltration, limited below by the interlobar groove. It has a triangular shape with an angle facing the root of the lung, and the base outward. Often there is damage to the interlobar pleura, sometimes with the development of tuberculous pleurisy.
  • Lobit- extensive infiltration in the lung, occupying an entire lobe. X-ray is characterized by an inhomogeneous focus with the presence of decay cavities in it.

Based on size, infiltrates are classified into small (1-2 cm), medium (2-4 cm), large (4-6 cm) and widespread (more than 6 cm). Separately, caseous pneumonia is distinguished, characterized by an infiltrative reaction with a predominance of necrotic processes. Caseous-pneumonic foci affect a lobe or the entire lung. Caseous pneumonia often develops against the background diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, pulmonary hemorrhages, accompanied by aspiration of blood contaminated with mycobacteria.

Symptoms of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis

Option clinical course depends on the type of infiltrate. An acute onset is typical for lobita, periscissuritis, and some cases of cloud-like infiltration. An asymptomatic and low-symptomatic course is observed in the presence of round, lobular and cloud-like infiltrates. In general, acute manifestation is observed in 15-20% of patients, gradual - in 52-60%, asymptomatic - in 25% of cases.

In most observations, the first nonspecific symptom Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by a rise in body temperature to 38-38.5°C, which lasts for 2-3 weeks. Hyperthermia is accompanied by sweating, muscle soreness, weakness, and cough with sputum production. In general, the clinic resembles influenza, bronchitis or acute pneumonia. Sometimes the disease manifests itself with hemoptysis or pulmonary hemorrhage. Among the most common complaints are chest pain on the affected side, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, general weakness, heartbeat. Asymptomatic and low-symptomatic forms of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis are usually identified during clinical examination or preventive medical examination based on the results of fluorography.

Among the complications of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis one can find caseous pneumonia, pulmonary atelectasis, pneumothorax, pleurisy, pulmonary hemorrhage, tuberculous meningitis, reactive myocarditis, heart failure. The onset of caseous pneumonia is always acute: fever reaches 40-41°C, differences between daytime and evening temperatures are typical, and tuberculosis intoxication is pronounced. Patients are concerned about shortness of breath, cough with purulent sputum, chest pain, progressive weight loss.


Since clinical signs infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis are of little specificity or are absent altogether; objective, instrumental and laboratory data are of primary importance in diagnosis. The auscultatory picture is characterized by the presence of sonorous wheezing; percussion reveals dullness of sound over the area of ​​infiltration. These changes are especially pronounced in lobitis and the presence of disintegration of the infiltrate with the formation of a cavity. Inflammatory changes in the blood (shifts in the leukocyte formula, acceleration of ESR) are insignificant.

Differentiate infiltrative tuberculosis lungs are associated with focal tuberculosis, ARVI, nonspecific pneumonia, lung cancer, actinomycosis, echinococcosis and lung cysts, lymphogranulomatosis.

Treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis

Patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis are immediately hospitalized in an anti-tuberculosis institution, where they are under the supervision of a phthisiatrician. Patients are prescribed pathogenetic therapy specific chemotherapy drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampicin, ethambutol). Treatment continues for several months; the criterion for stopping therapy is complete resorption of infiltrative changes according to radiological data; in the future in outpatient setting Anti-relapse courses of anti-tuberculosis therapy are carried out.

At the same time, immunomodulators, antioxidants, and corticosteroids are prescribed. In conditions rational treatment clinical symptoms disappear on average after 3-4 weeks; bacterial excretion stops within 1 to 4 months; reduction and resorption of infiltration, closure of cavities occurs by 3-4 months. With infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in the decay phase, the question may be raised about surgical treatment– surgical collapse therapy.


An option for the prognosis of infiltrative tuberculosis may be favorable outcome- resorption of infiltrate with residual fibrofocal changes in the lungs; less often – complete resorption of the infiltrative focus. Unfavorable outcomes include the formation of pulmonary tuberculoma, transition to caseous pneumonia or fibrous cavernous tuberculosis, death from increasing tuberculosis intoxication or other complications. IN modern conditions, when carrying out anti-tuberculosis therapy, unfavorable outcomes are rare.

Prevention of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis does not differ from measures to prevent the incidence of other forms of tuberculosis infection. Since patients with the infiltrative form are bacilli excretors, it is necessary to identify, isolate and treat them as early as possible.


For some diseases respiratory system pulmonary infiltration occurs. This medical concept characterizes the saturation of lung tissue with cellular elements, fluid and other substances. The phenomenon differs from edema in that in the latter case an accumulation of only biological fluid. Let's take a closer look at infiltration in the lungs: what it is, in what pathologies it occurs and how to treat it.

What is infiltration

This diagnosis is made based on clinical symptoms, results x-ray examination and by morphological characteristics. In the latter case, they can be obtained after a biopsy, which is prescribed by a specialist if diagnosis is difficult.

Most often in clinical practice There is infiltration that occurs at the site of the inflammatory process - leukocyte, lymphocytic, eosinophilic, hemorrhagic. If it occurs as a result of the germination of neoplasm cells, then infiltration is caused tumor process. Inflammation is also absent when pulmonary infarction and leukemia.

On x-ray, in the presence of this pathology, a slight increase in volume is visualized lung tissue and increasing its density. It looks like dissemination, one or more rounded shadows, a limited focus with various types edges. Sometimes there is only an increase in the pulmonary pattern.

Reasons for infiltration

The following diseases can be identified as the cause of infiltration:

Less commonly, pulmonary infiltration accompanies pulmonary tissue infarction after thromboembolism, hemosiderosis, hemosiderosis, echinococcosis, sarcoidosis.


Pulmonary infiltrate usually does not have any specific manifestations. Most often the patient experiences:

  • dyspnea;
  • cough - with or without phlegm;
  • pain during breathing (with damage to the pleura).

At objective research the lag of one of the halves becomes noticeable chest in breathing, the appearance of moist rales and crepitus during auscultation.

Manifestations are directly dependent on the size of the infiltrate, the cause of its appearance and location pathological process. In case of a tumor or disruption of the bronchial drainage system, only a slight weakening of breathing is noted, and all other clinical symptoms are missing.

Peculiarities of manifestation in various diseases

If there is a formation such as infiltration in the lungs, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with many diseases. One should take into account the anamnesis, features of the course of the disease, the patient’s age, the results of clinical and additional methods research.


This infectious disease, which can be caused by a wide variety of pathogenic flora - pneumococci, staphylococci, mycoplasma, legionella, viruses, fungi.

After viral disease the patient suddenly develops high temperature, shortness of breath, cough with varying amounts sputum.

Treatment of pneumonia involves treating etiological factor: taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal drugs. To improve drainage function lungs, mucolytics and expectorants are used. In case of intoxication, the patient is given intravenous drips with solutions, the temperature is reduced with the help of NSAIDs or antipyretics.

The correctness of treatment is determined by a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process - a decrease in temperature, shortness of breath, and some improvement in general condition.


An infiltrative form of pulmonary tissue damage is observed in tuberculosis. It is exudative in nature, while destructive changes doesn't happen. This type the disease is secondary, and is noted in 2/3 of cases of diagnosing respiratory pathology in tuberculosis patients. Since this pathology is dangerous, then treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis should be started immediately after its detection.

Clinical manifestations are very similar to pneumonia. The patient develops a cough and high fever. There is often pain when breathing. Unlike pneumonia, in some patients the disease can manifest itself in the form of pulmonary hemorrhage or hemoptysis.

An accurate diagnosis can be made only after examining sputum for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. With the infiltrative variant of the pathology, massive release of the pathogen is usually observed.

On at the moment There are several types of infiltrative forms of tuberculosis, depending on the results of X-ray diagnostics:

  1. Cloud-like infiltrate. Slight shading is revealed with fuzzy outlines. Later, cavities may form against its background.
  2. Round infiltrate. It has a spherical shape and clear boundaries. Sometimes a center of clearing is visualized in the middle, which means tissue disintegration. It is located mainly in the subclavian zone.
  3. Lobular infiltrate. A focus of pathological shading, most often formed from several more small lesions, there are often signs of decay in the center.
  4. Regional infiltration. Occupies large area, has the shape of a triangle, which faces at an angle lung root. With this process, the pleura is often damaged and tuberculous pleurisy develops.
  5. Lobit. A very large infiltrate, spreading throughout lung lobe. On x-ray it is noted as shading of an inhomogeneous appearance, often with one or more cavities of decay.

When infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis is detected, its treatment is carried out exclusively in a specialized hospital:

  1. Assistance is provided by taking special anti-tuberculosis drugs.
  2. At the same time, the use of glucocorticoids and immunomodulators is recommended.
  3. Antioxidant therapy is carried out.

Correct treatment leads to the disappearance of the main symptoms after a month, and after 30-120 days the release of bacteria is eliminated. The patient is constantly registered with a TB specialist and undergoes preventive anti-relapse treatment for some time.

Malignant tumor

The first symptoms of lung cancer often go unnoticed. But when central cancer The patient also has early stages process, a slight increase in temperature, chest pain, cough with sputum, which may be streaked with blood. At an advanced stage, the sputum may have the appearance of raspberry jelly, as tissue breakdown occurs.

If a growing tumor displaces the mediastinum, then increased heart rate and shortness of breath often occur. From common symptoms weakness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, dizziness, and gradually increasing cachexia should be noted. Confirmation of the diagnosis becomes possible after a biopsy.

With this process, treatment is possible only by removing the tumor, which is performed by a thoracic surgeon. Depending on the prevalence of the process, partial or complete removal lung, sometimes it is necessary to remove nearby lymph nodes as well. After surgery or instead of it if there are contraindications, radiation and chemotherapy are performed.

Traditional methods

It should be noted that to treat infiltrate in the lung with natural remedies possible only after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Such techniques can only help in mild cases of some diseases. But before preparing the product and using it, you should consult your doctor.

With certain ailments of the respiratory system, an infiltrate appears in the lungs. In this case, the tissues of the organ are saturated with cell elements, liquid, and various substances. Lung infiltration does not resemble edema. With swelling, only fluid accumulates in the intercellular space.

The pathology is confirmed after studying the symptoms and diagnostic examination. The disease is detected using radiography and due to the manifested morphological signs, which are identified based on the results of a biopsy.

Infiltrate in the lungs forms in inflamed eyes. Distinguish following forms pathologies:

  • leukocyte;
  • lymphocytic;
  • eosinophilic;
  • hemorrhagic.

If an infiltrate forms during germination cancerous tumors, its formation is provoked by malignant, not inflammatory processes, flowing in the body. Inflammation is not observed in 2 other pathologies - pulmonary infarction and leukemia.

The x-ray shows that the lung tissue is increased in volume and its density is increased. The doctor determines infiltration by rounded shadows, localized foci with different outlines, and an enhanced pattern on the lungs.


Factors causing infiltration include:

Pulmonary infarction rarely leads to infiltration. It occurs against the background of: thromboembolism, hemosiderosis, hemosiderosis, echinococcosis, sarcoidosis. In this case, patients exhibit the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • cough (wet or dry);
  • pain that appears when breathing (the symptom occurs if the pleura is damaged).

The doctor conducting the examination notices that one half of the chest lags behind during breathing. The patient hears moist rales and characteristic crunching sounds.

The strength of symptoms depends on the size of the infiltrate, the reasons for its development and the location of the lesions. In case of tumor formations or impaired bronchial drainage system respiratory process slightly weakened, other signs are not detected.

Symptoms and therapy for various pathologies

When an infiltrate is detected lung doctor makes differentiation. He takes into account the patient’s medical history, the course of the disease, and the results of diagnostic tests.


Pneumonia is caused by various pathogens. Infection occurs under the influence of the following pathogens:

  • pneumococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • fungi;
  • mycoplasma;
  • viruses;
  • legionella.

At viral infection a person’s temperature suddenly rises, shortness of breath develops, and a cough with sputum develops. The patient is prescribed:

  • Antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal medications - depending on the pathogen detected.
  • Mucolytics are medications with an expectorant effect. They thin mucus and restore lung drainage.
  • Detoxification drugs.
  • The temperature is brought down with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The main goal of treatment is to stop inflammation: reduce fever, eliminate shortness of breath, improve the patient’s condition.


With tuberculosis, an exudative infiltrate occurs in the lungs. The tissues are not subject to destructive deformations. This is a secondary pathology. It occurs in 60-70% of people with tuberculosis. This disease is contagious and is classified as a dangerous disease.

The infiltrative form of tuberculosis must be treated immediately. Refusal of therapy ends with the onset of severe consequences which can be fatal.

The symptoms are similar to those that appear with pneumonia:

  • cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • painful breathing.

Distinctive signs of infiltrative tuberculosis: pulmonary hemorrhage and hemoptysis. Pathology is diagnosed by examining sputum for mycobacterium tuberculosis. If the infiltrative form of the disease develops, the pathogen is detected en masse.

Infiltrative tuberculosis is classified into several types:

  1. Cloud-shaped. Images show blurry shading with blurred outlines. Later, cavities (cavity formations) form on the spot.
  2. Round infiltrate. A spherical spot with distinct edges is visible. Clearing that appears in the center of the lesion indicates tissue necrosis. This change is usually localized in the subclavian region.
  3. Lobular form. Several small spots merge into large shading. Traces of disintegrating tissues are visible in the central part.
  4. Regional infiltration. The image shows extensive damage in the form of a triangle. It indicates a violation of the pleura and the occurrence of tuberculous pleurisy.
  5. Lobit. A huge hearth that captured a decent part of the lung. The image shows an inhomogeneous spot, often with areas of necrosis.

Treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis is carried out only in inpatient conditions . Open tuberculosis is dangerous for others, it is transmitted by airborne droplets. The patient is hospitalized in the tuberculosis department. The patient is prescribed:

  • anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antioxidants.

With adequate therapy, symptoms disappear after 30 days. Pathogenic bacteria cease to be released after 1-4 months. The phthisiatrician registers the patient, prescribes anti-relapse treatment, and monitors the condition. At closed form patients are treated on an outpatient basis.


Early signs of malignant neoplasms poorly expressed. At central shape illness on initial stages the temperature rises, there is pain in the chest, a cough with sputum and blood inclusions opens.

In severe cases, raspberry, jelly-like sputum appears. Disintegrating tissue comes out with it. A growing tumor leads to palpitations, shortness of breath.

Common signs include:

  • weakness;
  • paleness skin and mucous membranes;
  • dizziness;
  • progressive exhaustion.

The diagnosis is made based on the results of a biopsy. You can only get rid of the disease surgically. The lung is excised completely (sometimes with adjacent lymph nodes) or partially. In the postoperative period, the patient is irradiated and prescribed a course of chemotherapy. TO similar treatment resorted to if the patient cannot undergo surgery.

Treatment with traditional methods

Folk remedies are prescribed in addition to drug therapy with pulmonary infiltration. They are unable to completely replace medications. Home remedies strengthen the immune system, relieve intoxication, and resolve the infiltrate.

Folk remedies for tuberculosis and pneumonia

Traditional methods help with mild flow diseases. They are used after consultation with your doctor.

Lung infiltration is a severe pathology. It requires accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment. Only under such conditions do patients have a chance of recovery.



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