What to do in case of exacerbation of gastritis: signs, diet, medications. Signs and treatment of gastritis during exacerbation

Among diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis is in first place in terms of prevalence. Doctors attribute this to an unhealthy lifestyle: poor quality nutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking and constant stress, which is actually the norm for people of our time. But in most cases, exacerbation of chronic gastritis still occurs due to the food that a person eats.

Like any other chronic disease, gastritis is progressive, occurring with periods of remission and exacerbation.

More often this happens in spring and summer, when patients do not follow doctor’s recommendations and begin to uncontrollably consume fresh fruits or vegetables. And these products in large quantities definitely cause damage to sick stomachs.

Main causes of the disease

Chronic gastritis is a sluggish inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the stomach, provoking its degeneration: it atrophies, transforms into connective tissue, and the functioning of its glands is disrupted. As a result, the secretion of gastric juice and the motor function of the organ deteriorate, which cannot but affect well-being.

  • The pathology in question occurs in people of all ages. During the active phase, acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall occurs, which causes pain and other painful symptoms. This disease is caused by many factors, but among the main reasons doctors name the following:
  • Helicobacter pylori infection.
  • Strict or unbalanced diet.
  • Consumption of low quality products.
  • Stress, lack of sleep.
  • Hypothermia (hypothermia).
  • Frequent food poisoning.
  • Overeating, when a person gets up from the table with a heaviness in the stomach.
  • Suppression of the immune system.

Intestinal microorganisms.

These factors negatively affect health and cause serious gastrointestinal disorders.

First symptoms

  • In all people, signs of exacerbation manifest themselves differently, which is associated with the degree of damage to the mucous membrane. Some people are constantly tormented by unbearable pain in the epigastrium, for others it is moderate and occurs periodically. Common symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis include:
  • Feeling of heaviness, fullness in the upper abdomen on the left.
  • Pain in the stomach area that occurs after eating.
  • Regurgitation, belching and heartburn.
  • Nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  • Bitter taste in the mouth.
  • Blood in stool.
  • Dulling of the feeling of hunger.
  • Uncontrolled weight loss.

When the disease worsens, the patient may also experience asthenic syndrome. It is expressed in dizziness, fatigue, nervousness, mood instability and sleep disturbances. In any case, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe a comprehensive examination, and based on the results he will be able to select an individual course of treatment.

Gastritis with high acidity

With this type of pathology, inflammation of the gastric mucosa is accompanied by hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, which causes acidification. This process always comes with complications. Acute chronic gastritis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Pain and burning in the epigastric zone.
  • Heartburn, nausea, belching.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • The presence of blood clots in stool and vomit.
  • Weight reduction.
  • Dehydration (low urine output and extreme thirst).

Gastritis with low acidity

The condition is called atrophic and is characterized by limited secretion of hydrochloric acid. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain, heaviness in the stomach area.
  • Belching, bad breath.
  • Periodic diarrhea and constipation.
  • Flatulence, bloating with rumbling.
  • Increased sweating, drowsiness.

Accurate diagnosis

After detecting the first symptoms, the patient should contact a medical institution to establish the picture of the pathology. There is a series of laboratory tests and special instrumental tests that can be used to diagnose worsened chronic gastritis:

  • General analysis of urine and stool.
  • Blood tests (clinical, biochemistry).
  • (FGDS), fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
  • Tests to detect infections, including Helicobacter pylori.
  • Duodenal sounding.
  • Histology of gastric mucosa.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

When self-medication is dangerous

Therapy that is not agreed upon with a doctor carries a certain threat in case of exacerbation of gastritis. Even traditional medicine can aggravate the problem. Incompatibility with medications, non-compliance with dosage - all these conditions can provoke the development of complications.

In addition, in case of severe exacerbation, urgent hospitalization is required, since ulcers, erosions, and bleeding wounds form on the walls of the organ. And they carry a certain risk of transforming gastritis in the acute stage into stomach cancer. In this state, against the background of general weakness in a person:

  • More severe pain that lasts longer than usual.
  • Clearly visible bloody discharge in the vomit.
  • Change in color of stool due to blood entering the intestines.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, you should not take any medications. It is better to lie on your side, bending your knees and pulling them towards you. Take painkillers only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Treatment of exacerbation of gastritis

The main therapy for chronic forms of pathology is prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Only he can determine the need for medications and adjust nutrition taking into account the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, the first thing you should do when you see the initial manifestations of gastritis is to visit a medical facility as soon as possible.

Therapy in adults always begins with lavage of the digestive tract. The procedure is unpleasant, but necessary, since you need to cleanse the stomach of the remnants of undigested harmful mass. In the first three days you can only eat porridge with water and jelly. Next, the diet includes lean meat and steamed vegetables. After such preparatory measures, comprehensive treatment begins.

Drugs and dosage regimens

Medicines for gastritis are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the form of the disease and the level of acidity. Before starting medication, you must stop taking NSAIDs, as they irritate the gastric mucosa. Primary therapy includes the following groups of drugs:

  • Antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Omeprazole).
  • Means to reduce the amount of gas in the intestines (Espumizan).
  • Analgesics (No-Shpa, Baralgin, Nurofen, Papaverine).
  • Prokinetics (Motilium, Phosphalugel, Cerucal).
  • Anti-vomiting tablets (Betagistin, Dimenhydrinate, Vertigohel).
  • Antihistamines (Suprastin, Zyrtec).
  • Antacids (Almagel, Gaviscon, Smectite).
  • Motility medications to normalize the nervous system.

Treatment with drugs also involves taking proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Nolpaza, Peptazol). Such remedies cope with pain during periods of exacerbation of the disease. In combination with them, gastroprotectors are prescribed (De-Nol, Venter), which create a protective film in the stomach and prevent irritation of the mucous membrane.

In case of low acidity, or if hydrochloric acid is not secreted at all, the drug Acidin-pepsin is prescribed. And in the spring, during exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, the drug course of therapy is supplemented with natural gastric juice. Erosive lesions of the organ are often accompanied by the development of anemia, which requires taking iron-containing medications.

With antral gastritis, acidity increases. To reduce its concentration, antisecretory substances are prescribed that prevent corrosion of the mucous epithelium of the organ (Rennie, Maalox, Omeprazole). After pain is relieved, when the acute phase has safely passed, the patient is prescribed enzymes to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (Festal, Panzinorm, Creon).

All medications should be prescribed only by a gastroenterologist. The specialist sets a certain dose, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. During therapy, he may change the treatment regimen, so it is important to listen to his recommendations.

Folk remedies

Effective alternative therapies can be used in the treatment of exacerbation of gastritis as an auxiliary measure, but only with the permission of a doctor.

Potato (carrot) juice

  • Peel the vegetables and wash thoroughly.
  • Grind with a grater and squeeze the juice out of the pulp.
  • Drink 100 ml of the finished drink fresh 1 hour before meals three times a day.
  • The course of treatment is 1 week.

Elekempana decoction

  • Dried roots, 20 g, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Simmer the mixture on fire for 20 minutes.
  • Drink the resulting broth 15 ml three times a day before meals.

Banana "tea"

  • Dried fruit, 10 g pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Simmer for 10 minutes, then filter.
  • Drink 15 ml of the prepared decoction three times a day, on an empty stomach.


Proper nutrition will help cure exacerbation of gastritis. Drug therapy in combination with dietary adjustments is an important step on the path to recovery. However, when choosing products, it is necessary to take into account the level of acidity. In addition, any form of gastritis requires maintaining a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits (nicotine, alcohol). Such actions will help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of increased acidity in the stage of acute pain, it is necessary to exclude some foods from the diet:

  • Stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acid (cabbage, tomatoes, citrus fruits, grapes, fish and meat broths, coffee).
  • Irritating to the wall of the gastric mucosa (pork, fatty foods in vinegar, spices, smoked, cold and hot dishes, soft carbonated drinks).

The daily menu should contain products that reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid and help improve the patient’s condition:

  • Dairy products.
  • Variety of cereals.
  • Pasta and vermicelli.
  • Dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef).
  • Jelly, juices and compotes based on non-acidic fruits.

If hydrochloric acid levels are underestimated or it is not produced, this type of food is excluded from the diet:

  • Spicy dishes.
  • Smoked meats and fatty meats (pork).
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Biscuit, flour products.
  • Sweets, including chocolate.

To improve the condition of the digestive system, the following products are included in the diet:

  • Dairy products.
  • All grains except rice.
  • Lean varieties of meat and fish.
  • Durum wheat pasta.
  • White bread crackers.
  • Natural juices.

Treatment of exacerbation during pregnancy

Carrying a child is a complex process that can provoke complications of chronic diseases, including gastritis. Along with hormonal changes, provoking factors include:

  • Toxicosis, infections.
  • Severe stress for the body.
  • The need to take certain medications.
  • Following a diet for pregnant women.

Symptoms of the disease in women during gestation are the same as in ordinary people. But with hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, serious disorders often occur. With low acidity, there is a pronounced heaviness in the stomach.

Treatment methods for gastritis in pregnant women are very limited, which is due to the ban on many medications during this period. Nutritional correction will help improve the condition of a pregnant woman. You need to eat food up to 7 times a day in small portions. Fried, spicy, smoked, fatty foods, as well as spices and pickles should be removed from the daily menu. It is useful to limit the consumption of sweets, especially sugar and chocolate. The daily diet should include light meals, hot milk and soups.

Gastritis, like any chronic disease, has stages of exacerbation and remission. Some forms of this chronic disease are very dangerous and can cause stomach ulcers or cancer. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis is a common occurrence and causes a lot of problems, therefore, when symptoms of the disease occur, treatment is prescribed to alleviate the exacerbation stage.

Chronic gastritis in children and adults is a sluggish inflammation of the gastric mucosa and submucosa with a recurrent process. During the process of inflammation, the mucous membrane atrophies, transforming into connective tissue, and glands malfunction, which can involve various parts of the stomach. The severity of symptoms depends on the cause of the disease and the size of the lesion. Signs of exacerbation of chronic gastritis strongly resemble a stomach ulcer.

There are several types of chronic gastritis. They are determined by localization, when different parts of the organ are affected by inflammation:

  • antral (upper, superficial, distal) - type B gastritis, characterized by high acidity. ;
  • fundal (lower);
  • pangastritis (mixed type), when the antrum and fundus parts of the stomach are affected. In turn, this type of disease can be divided into focal and diffuse.

In addition, all parts of the organ can be affected, then we are talking about diffuse obstructive gastritis.

By origin they distinguish:

  • bacterial. The cause is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • medicinal (reactive), which occurs while taking various medications;
  • autoimmune - occurs when the walls of an organ are damaged by various substances produced by the body itself;
  • endogenous - manifests itself as a consequence of other diseases;
  • reflux gastritis - occurs when the contents of the duodenum are thrown into the stomach.

By degree of acidity:

  • with high acidity;
  • with low acidity;
  • with normal acidity (normacid).

According to the nature of damage to organ tissue:

  • hyperplastic (the stomach wall grows and becomes thicker).
  • atrophic - gastritis “A” type, in which the wall of the organ degenerates into another tissue and becomes thinner.

According to the degree of inflammation:

  • moderate;
  • expressed.

Causes and risk factors of chronic gastritis

The occurrence of a chronic type of disease can be caused by many reasons:

  • Helicobacter pylori infection in the human body is the main cause;
  • frequent food poisoning;
  • binge eating;
  • too strict or unbalanced diet;
  • hypothermia (hypothermia);
  • consumption of low quality products;
  • weak immunity;
  • intestinal microorganisms.

Exacerbation of the chronic type of disease often occurs against the background of changes in diet and alcohol consumption.

Also, factors that contribute to the occurrence of the acute phase of the disease include:

  • smoking;
  • influence of toxic substances;
  • unhealthy diet (eating too hot or cold foods, abuse of unhealthy types of food - fast food, fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods, long intervals between meals);
  • non-compliance with doctor's orders;
  • formation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis;
  • food allergies;
  • stressful situations;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • the use of toxic drugs, antibiotics, cytostatics that irritate the mucous membrane.

Remember! Exacerbations of chronic gastritis occur more often in spring and autumn due to changes in diet.


Symptoms of chronic gastritis vary depending on the reasons that led to its occurrence, the degree of damage to the mucous membrane and other factors.

Common symptoms are:

  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen (in the upper left part);
  • sudden weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • pain in the stomach area that occurs after eating;
  • heartburn, belching, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • irritability, weakness, fatigue.

Pain in the heart area may also sometimes occur, and blood pressure may drop.

With chronic gastritis with varying levels of acidity, the following symptoms may be present:

Gastritis with high acidity (pH)Gastritis with low acidity
Decreased appetiteFlatulence, rumbling in the stomach
Weight lossAlternating constipation and diarrhea
Pain and burning in the epigastric regionIncreased sweating
Heartburn, belching, nauseaDrowsiness
Presence of blood clots in stoolPain and heaviness in the stomach area
Dehydration (low urine output and extreme thirst)Belching and bad breath

How does the exacerbation phase proceed and what are its symptoms?

An exacerbation of a chronic type of disease is characterized by an increase in the main symptoms and pain with the following signs:

  • occurs on an empty stomach or several hours after eating;
  • its intensity decreases after the use of antacids and proton pump blockers;
  • comes in different intensities;
  • felt in the epigastric region.

When pain is felt on the right, this indicates damage to the pyloric region. With exacerbation of gastritis with erosions, bleeding may occur, loose stools of almost black color and vomiting like coffee grounds are possible.

In severe cases, shock may develop. During the exacerbation period, the development of an anemic syndrome is typical, manifested by pale skin, apathy, shortness of breath, heart pain, dry and brittle hair and nails, decreased performance and arterial hypotension.

If the disease often worsens, this leads to indigestion and hypovitaminosis. With an autoimmune etiology of the disease, neurological syndromes may occur: darkening of the eyes, numbness of the extremities, tinnitus, dizziness, changeable mood. When examined in the acute stage, a coating on the tongue is often observed.

Danger of exacerbation

Patients with frequent exacerbations (active phase) should be under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

IN Severe highly active gastritis is dangerous because without adequate treatment, complications such as:

  • ulcer;
  • ahilia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • nutritional dystrophy;
  • bleeding;
  • B12-iron deficiency anemia;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • hemorrhagic shock;
  • obstruction or deformation of the stomach.

The initial stage of the development of the disease, when the symptoms of gastritis are mild and inactive, are not always clearly recognized, but treatment at this stage is more successful than in advanced stages, in a precancerous state.

Remember! The most dangerous complication is malignancy, a condition where atypical cells appear. This situation requires surgical intervention.


Some symptoms of the disease are similar to those of ulcers, pancreatitis, enteritis or food poisoning. Therefore, differential diagnosis is carried out with gastric and duodenal ulcers, esophagitis, diaphragmatic hernia, and tumors.

Diagnosis of chronic gastritis is carried out using the following instrumental and laboratory methods:

  • analysis for the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • analysis of stool for occult blood;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • polymerase chain reaction;
  • manometry;
  • FGDS and taking biopsy samples for histology;
  • radiography with contrast.

How to treat the disease during an exacerbation period

Drug treatment consists of taking a set of medications, which are selected by the attending physician based on the form of the disease and acidity. For the hyperacid form, the following are prescribed:

  • proton pump and histamine receptor blockers;
  • somatostatin analogues;
  • antacids;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • gastroprotectors;
  • antibiotics.

If B12 iron deficiency anemia occurs, hormones (corticosteroids) may be prescribed.

First aid for exacerbation of the disease

To relieve pain and spasms, drugs in tablets are used: “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”, “Drotaverine”. The use of proton pump blockers is of great importance in treatment: “Sanpraz”, “Pariet”, “Omez”, “Nolpaza” and others. They help relieve pain during exacerbation. Medicines used are antacids that quickly neutralize hydrochloric acid: Gaviscon, Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox. Together with them, gastroprotectors are prescribed - “De-Nol” and others; they create a protective film on the mucous membrane.

If the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is present in the body, antibiotics from the group of macrolides, cephalosporins, and protected penicillins are used.

To improve the motor function of the stomach and intestines, the prokinetic agent Motilium is prescribed.

For hypoacid gastritis and the absolute absence of hydrochloric acid, Acidin-Pepsin is used.

If there is an exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, then the treatment includes the use of natural gastric juice.

If anemia occurs against the background of mucosal erosions, iron supplements are prescribed. To stabilize digestion, the enzymes Panzinorm, Creon, and Festal are prescribed, but they are contraindicated in the acute stage. They should be taken after pain relief.

Diet during exacerbation

When the disease worsens, an important component of the treatment regimen is a diet that can be followed at home. Patients are advised to exclude from the diet:

  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • coffee;
  • spicy, fatty, smoked foods;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • canned food, pickles;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • spicy ketchups, mustard, sauces, seasonings.

It is recommended to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is not recommended to eat dry food. Vegetables are allowed to be eaten boiled; bananas are allowed as fruit. All food should be at room temperature, pureed or semi-liquid. The diet should be followed during the period of exacerbation of the disease for a month; after the exacerbation subsides, lean meat, fish, milk, and cottage cheese can be introduced into the diet.

During exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, attention should be paid to increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid; for this, sweet and sour fruits and berries must be introduced into the diet.

For different types of disease, the diet is slightly different and lasts for different times:

  1. for gastritis with normal or increased secretion of gastric juice, diet No. 1a is prescribed (up to a week), after that - diet No. 16 (up to 2 weeks), and for 3 months - diet No. 1. With these diets, food is given to the patient in pureed or liquid form, and vitamins (ascorbic acid, riboflavin) are taken. Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, spicy and fatty foods, canned food, legumes (beans, peas) are prohibited.
  2. with insufficient gastric secretion, diet No. 2 is prescribed. Meals are fractional, food is well chopped and boiled, and the use of vegetable and meat broths, lean meat and fish, juices, coffee, tea stimulates secretory function when it is insufficient. Products rich in plant fiber are excluded from the diet: dough products, grapes, radishes, dates, spicy, smoked, very salty dishes, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, pickled vegetables, cold drinks. Whole milk, cream, buckwheat and pearl barley porridge, and legumes are not recommended.

During remission, the diet becomes less strict. Also in the remission stage, physiotherapy is carried out: phonophoresis, balneotherapy, electrophoresis. Spa treatment is recommended.

Prevention of exacerbations of gastritis

To prevent exacerbations of gastritis, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • do not drink alcohol, do not smoke;
  • do not drink carbonated drinks;
  • take medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • eat small meals, chew food thoroughly, dishes should be warm, eat porridge and soups every day;
  • avoid contact with various chemicals;
  • treat infectious diseases in a timely manner;
  • try to eliminate stressful situations;
  • exercise.

During the period of remission with increased or normal gastric secretion, you can drink mineral water “Borjomi”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Moskovskaya”.

The diagnosis of “exacerbation of gastritis” is well known to patients with a chronic form of the pathology. Relapse is manifested by characteristic painful symptoms and must be treated with specific drugs. Therapy in this case cannot be done without dietary nutrition and additional measures in the form of traditional methods.

If gastritis worsens, immediate treatment is required

Chronic gastritis is characterized by periodic exacerbation. But the duration of remission can be either short-term or quite impressive. If, after treatment of primary acute gastritis, a relapse is diagnosed with a deterioration in the patient’s condition, then they already speak of a chronic form of the pathology. Gastritis that has progressed to this stage is quite difficult to cure completely. Any mistake in nutrition or other provoking factors can give rise to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, the patient cannot do without specific treatment. And the duration and type of remission will depend on its success:

  1. With complete remission, the disease practically disappears, and treatment is said to be successful.
  2. With an incomplete form of remission, signs of exacerbation still persist, and with any violation of the diet, the acute form can become more active.

The period of remission for the disease can reach a couple of months or several years. But even after many years of pathology, it will be useful for the patient to know what to do during a painful attack and what medications to take during an exacerbation before going to the doctor.

The diagnosis of “chronic gastritis” is made when inflammation is detected after its initial treatment

Causes of exacerbation of gastritis

What triggers the exacerbation of inflammation of the gastric mucosa? There may be more reasons for the development of such a condition than the patient himself can imagine.

With fairly frequent exacerbations, there is a high probability that the disease is associated with the activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is this infection that provokes constant relapses, followed by short-term remissions. In this case, inflammation can worsen, even if treatment was carried out, but without the use of antibacterial agents. And if the vital activity of this insidious and aggressive bacterium is not taken under control in time, aggravated gastritis will become a chronic condition.

Patients with the chronic form are also familiar with seasonal exacerbations. With the arrival of autumn, the frequency of relapses of gastrointestinal diseases increases significantly. This pattern is explained by the onset of interseasonal cooling, against the background of which vasospasm occurs. Compression of blood vessels affects the nutrition of stomach tissue. In addition, it is in the fall that patients abuse fresh vegetables with coarse fiber; the season for consuming pickled and sour vegetables also opens. Taken together, these factors lead to exacerbations.

Gastritis can worsen due to alcohol abuse

In general, up to 80% of cases of non-infectious gastritis are associated with dietary errors. And this is connected both with the diet, when a person tortures himself with diets, does not eat enough, and with overeating, rare but plentiful meals. Food addictions also affect the condition of the gastric mucosa. And therefore, when patients ignore advice on eliminating fatty, fried and spicy foods from their diet, they can be guaranteed to expect an exacerbation of the disease.

The frequency of visits to doctors with gastric problems especially increases after major holidays, when the condition of the mucous membrane is affected not only by heavy foods, but also by alcohol. Alcohol-containing drinks are another global problem for patients with gastritis, since even a glass of wine can trigger a relapse, not to mention regular libations of stronger and, especially, low-quality alcoholic beverages.

Often there is an exacerbation of gastritis with the appearance of symptoms after treatment with non-steroidal drugs and antibiotics. Also possible:

  • poisoning with low-quality products;
  • exposure to alcohol;
  • work in hazardous conditions.

The cause of exacerbation is the use of certain medications

It affects the stomach and emotional state of the patient.

Diseases affecting exacerbations

Considering the close connection between the condition of the stomach and the work of other systems and organs of the body, it is not surprising that other diseases become the impetus for exacerbation. First of all, the presence of an infection in the body can serve as an impetus for a recurrence of stomach inflammation. Such consequences are observed with caries, tonsillitis, sinusitis, periodontitis, and bacterial bronchitis.

Problems with the endocrine system can result in stomach disease. Often, for patients with a history of diabetes mellitus or adrenal disease, the attending physician is forced to select a course of treatment taking into account periodic relapses of gastritis.

Patients with kidney failure also suffer from stomach pain, as nitrogen compounds involuntarily accumulate in their bodies. Any diseases of the digestive organs affect the condition of the stomach. Therefore, with hepatitis, enteritis, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, relapses of gastritis are not uncommon. Women often encounter this pathology during pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and eating habits.

Pathologies of the adrenal glands are one of the causes of exacerbation of gastritis

Important! Leaving an exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy without treatment is dangerous, since the pathology threatens the fetus with intoxication.

How does aggravated gastritis manifest?

The patient is simply unable to miss an exacerbation, since the asymptomatic phase of the disease is replaced by painful and pronounced symptoms. During the acute phase, patients note the manifestation of both local and general symptoms.

Local symptoms

Local symptoms are characterized by the presence of pain, as well as gastric dyspepsia. Soreness covers the epigastric region. Moreover, increased pain is observed on an empty stomach or immediately after eating any food. When the patient takes a horizontal position, the pain subsides, and during movements it intensifies. In their complaints, patients note both dull, pulling and sharp types of pain, as well as periodic attacks.

The disease manifests itself with unpleasant symptoms after eating

Symptoms of exacerbation include signs of dyspepsia, manifested by:

  • pressure in the abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating food;
  • disgusting taste in the mouth;
  • burning in the epigastrium;
  • belching and regurgitation;
  • heartburn and nausea.

If the diet is violated and smoked and spicy foods are included in the diet, an inadequate intestinal reaction is observed in the form of bloating, changes in stool, and rumbling.

Belching with an unpleasant odor is a characteristic symptom of the disease.

General signs

The presence of general symptoms is explained by intoxication. Against the background of such an impact, the following may be observed:

  1. Astheno-neurotic syndrome, in which irritability and weakness, sweating and pressure surges, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular abnormalities often appear.
  2. , that is, drowsiness and weakness, pallor immediately after eating. In this case, intestinal motility is suddenly activated and the patient feels the need to empty it.

Depending on the acidity levels, signs of acute gastritis can manifest themselves in different ways.

With exacerbation of gastritis, pressure can change sharply

Specific signs

With excess acidity, patients complain of:

  • stomach ache;
  • burning and sour belching;
  • nausea, less often vomiting;
  • loss of appetite.

Gastritis with insufficient acidity gives other characteristic symptoms. Thus, painful signs may not always be present at the time of relapse. The most commonly observed signs are:

  • alternating diarrhea and constipation, which is explained by poor digestion;
  • nauseating breath;
  • belching putrid;
  • bloating in the abdomen;
  • rapid fatigue and weakness;
  • flatulence.

Problems with stool appear when there is insufficient acidity in the stomach

Important! The symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis are not specific and without a more in-depth examination do not make it possible to make a definitive diagnosis.

What should a patient do during an exacerbation?

The answer will be clear: go to the doctor. This disease does not go away on its own, and without specific treatment it can cause serious complications or develop into life-threatening forms.

But quite often a relapse develops rapidly with an increase in pain in just a couple of hours. And a person does not always have the opportunity to immediately consult a doctor to choose the right treatment. This can often happen at night or on holidays. How to relieve terrible pain?

If sharp pain occurs, you can apply a heating pad with cold water to your stomach.

You can take antispasmodics that were previously prescribed by your doctor. No-shpa or Papaverine tablets will help. But the medicine may not be at hand. In this case, folk advice will help cope with the pain syndrome:

  1. You can lie on your side with your legs pulled up to your stomach. You need to completely relax, which will allow painful spasms to go away in approximately 15 to 30 minutes.
  2. Use a heating pad with ice water placed in the stomach area.
  3. Drink valerian or motherwort in the form of a tincture. This remedy helps eliminate disruption of processes associated with nervous regulation, which often provoke relapses of gastrointestinal pathologies.
  4. Drink chamomile tea - the drink helps relieve inflammation and reduce the burning sensation.
  5. Suck on a piece of ice to relieve nausea and cramps.

Valerian tincture will help get rid of acute symptoms of gastritis

In case of low acidity, to eliminate nausea, I advise you to dissolve a piece of fresh lemon.

Common treatment regimens

When choosing drug regimens, the presence of an infectious factor, the presence of concomitant diseases and the general condition of the patient are taken into account.

If the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori is detected during diagnosis, treatment of the disease begins with antibiotics. Standard therapy is also required, aimed at reducing acidity, in which the bacterium is especially active. Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are selected, such as Metronidazole or Amoxicillin. Clarithromycin may also be prescribed. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually and can be adjusted based on the results of an intermediate control test for the presence of bacteria. Antibacterial therapy is supplemented with medications that restore intestinal flora.

For bacterial gastritis, antibiotics are required

With high acidity, gastritis therapy necessarily includes:

  1. Taking antacids that coat the stomach. This effect of the drugs helps protect the mucous membrane from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid and irritating foods. Against this background, the regeneration process is accelerated and pain is reduced. Most often, Maalox or Almagel are prescribed to patients with gastritis.
  2. Bismuth preparations that can relieve inflammation and speed up recovery. Patients are familiar with the drug De-Nol and its analogues.
  3. Prescribing medications that block the production of hydrochloric acid. Taking Ranitidine, Omez, Omeprazole tablets can improve acidity levels and reduce the negative effect of juice on the irritated walls of the stomach.

If the patient has low acidity, medications that stimulate the production of gastric juice cannot be avoided. Also prescribed are drugs with enzymes that improve digestion such as Motilium, Cerucal.

In some cases, it is necessary to take enzyme agents

To eliminate painful symptoms, doctors recommend taking No-Shpu or other antispasmodics during attacks. But usually, within a couple of days after the start of treatment, acute painful symptoms cease to bother the patient.

Important! The absence of sharp pain during treatment of exacerbation of gastritis is not a reason to stop the prescribed course of therapy.

Many of the listed drugs help reduce pain, but this does not mean that the relapse is completely stopped.

If erosive changes in the stomach are detected during diagnosis, wound-healing medications in the form of Solcoseryl, as well as injections of Dalargin, as an analgesic and acid-reducing agent, can be added to treatment.

Dalargin can be used to eliminate erosive formations

Nutrition during exacerbation

During a relapse, the patient is transferred to a gentle diet, which fully corresponds to diet No. 1. Nutrition should be complete, but include mechanical sparing. Food is consumed boiled, preferably boiled and pureed. The power mode is fractional.

The basis of the diet during an exacerbation is pureed soups and viscous porridges. Doctors recommend cooking semolina, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. Later you can add rice and millet. All products with coarse fiber are excluded. Chemical sparing involves avoiding foods that enhance secretory function, that is, sour, fatty, spicy foods.

With the right approach to treatment, an exacerbation can be stopped in a couple of weeks. But a full course of treatment and a gentle diet are usually recommended for a period of about a month.

The prevention of gastritis will be discussed in the video:

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the stomach. As a rule, chronic gastritis worsens in spring and autumn, which entails not only pain, but also many associated symptoms. Sometimes a relapse can occur due to negative environmental influences, such as stress, overwork, bad habits and poor diet. These factors irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach wall, which leads to an inflammatory process. This article will talk in detail about what an exacerbation of gastritis is, what the symptoms of the pathology are and how to restore the functioning of the digestive organs.

The main reasons for the development of gastritis

Gastritis is a fairly common disease that occurs in people of all ages. During an exacerbation, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, which provokes pain and additional unpleasant symptoms. However, this pathology is provoked by many factors. Among the main root causes, doctors identify the following:

  • infection with special bacteria Helicobacter pylori;
  • strict diets;
  • consumption of low-quality products;
  • stressful situations;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • hypothermia;
  • frequent food poisoning;
  • regular overeating;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • reduced immunity;

All of the above root causes have a detrimental effect on health and provoke serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. An exacerbation may occur suddenly, or the pain will increase gradually. In any case, a person needs to visit a gastroenterologist. The specialist will prescribe a series of examinations and, based on the data obtained, select an individual treatment regimen.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis - main symptoms

As a rule, the patient can be diagnosed with one of the types of gastritis. Each of them has its own symptoms and requires specific therapy.

Gastritis with high acidity

When the mucous membrane of the wall becomes inflamed, the acidity of the gastric juice increases. This disorder is accompanied by symptoms that adversely affect the general condition of a person. Chronic gastritis in the acute stage provokes the following symptoms:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • burning sensation;
  • heartburn;
  • unpleasant belching;
  • nausea, often ending in vomiting;
  • stool is disturbed;
  • appetite worsens;
  • body weight decreases.

Treatment of this disease begins with a strict diet - this is the main condition that leads to a quick recovery. Experts agree that for the first 2 days, after an exacerbation, it is necessary to completely abstain from food. Only apples and fermented milk products should be included in the diet. Starting from day 3, the daily menu is supplemented with porridge and boiled meat. Along with the diet, it is necessary to take medications to normalize acidity.

Gastritis with low acidity

Gastritis with a low level of acidity is characterized by insufficient production of hydrochloric acid. This pathology is accompanied by the following clinical manifestations:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • the full process of digestion is disrupted;
  • diarrhea is constantly replaced by constipation;
  • bad breath;
  • belching;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • excessive sweating;
  • lethargy and drowsiness.

Therapy of the disease consists of stimulating the digestion of food and stimulating the production of the required amount of hydrochloric acid. As a rule, to improve your health you need to start eating right and taking certain medications prescribed by your doctor.

Exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy - symptoms and causes of the disease

The period of bearing a child is always a rather complex process. At this time, a woman’s chronic diseases may worsen; gastritis is no exception. However, this disease can also be caused by other reasons:

  • infections;
  • severe stress;
  • taking certain medications;
  • poor nutrition.

As a rule, the symptoms of pathology in pregnant women are no different from other people. However, with increased acidity, severe disorders often occur. With reduced production of hydrochloric acid, severe pain is felt in the stomach area.

Treatment for gastritis in women who are expecting a child is very limited. This is due to the fact that the use of most drugs by pregnant women is prohibited. The general condition of a pregnant woman can be improved by a diet approved by the gynecologist. You need to eat food 5-7 times a day, and little by little. Smoked, fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from your daily diet. It is important to reduce your intake of chocolate and sugar. The daily menu should include steamed dishes and milk soups.

Important! Exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy can adversely affect the full development of the unborn child. This is due to the fact that during this period the beneficial components that come with food are poorly absorbed by the body.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first signs of exacerbation of gastritis, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will examine the patient and prescribe a series of instrumental studies and laboratory tests. Based on the data obtained, an accurate diagnosis will be established and a treatment regimen will be selected. The gastroenterologist recommends undergoing an examination, which includes the following procedures:

  • general blood and urine examination;
  • blood chemistry;
  • stool analysis;
  • FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy);
  • tests for the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pilori;
  • histological analysis of gastric mucosa.

Important! You should not allow the disease to develop and seek medical help in a timely manner. A correct diagnosis and effective therapy will help avoid serious complications such as ulcers.

Drug treatment of gastritis

What to do in case of exacerbation? For the first 2 days of treatment, doctors recommend refusing to eat. It is allowed to drink purified water and eat apples. As a rule, complex treatment is always prescribed, which is aimed at solving many problems. What to take during an exacerbation? Basic therapy includes the following groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Omeprazole);
  • drugs to reduce gases in the intestines (Espumizan);
  • painkillers and antispasmodics (No-shpa, Baralgin, Nurofen, Nitroglycerin);
  • prokinetics (Motilium, Cerucal);
  • tablets to prevent vomiting (Betagistin, Dimenhydrinate, Vertigohel);
  • antihistamines (Suprastin, Zyrtec);
  • drugs to prevent diarrhea (Almagel, Smecta);
  • medications to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Treatment of gastritis is a rather long process, so it is important to be patient. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of specialists. During treatment, the doctor can make adjustments to the therapy regimen so that recovery occurs as quickly as possible. It is important to listen to the recommendations of the gastroenterologist and then exacerbations of gastritis will occur less and less often.

Important! Medicines for gastritis should only be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist sets certain dosages, as he takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Diet for gastritis in the acute stage

Drug treatment of gastritis must always be supplemented with diet - this is an important step on the path to recovery! However, when choosing the right diet, it is necessary to take into account the degree of acidity; this point should be given special attention. With low or high acidity, it is important to teach how to eat in small portions (up to 6 times a day). What can you eat during an exacerbation?

  1. Increased acidity. If the level of hydrochloric acid is elevated, it is important for a person to exclude from the diet:
  • foods that stimulate an increase in acidity (grapes, alcoholic drinks, mushrooms, coffee, cabbage, fish or meat based broths);
  • foods that irritate the mucous walls of the stomach (smoked meats, carbonated drinks, fatty and pickled foods, spices, cold or too hot dishes).

It is important to include the right foods in your daily diet that will reduce acidity levels. Such food will help improve a person’s general condition:

  • dairy products;
  • jelly, juice and compote based on non-acidic fruits;
  • various cereals;
  • durum pasta;
  • lean types of meat, steamed (rabbit, chicken, beef, turkey).
  1. Low acidity. If a person has low levels of hydrochloric acid, it is important to exclude the following foods from the diet:
  • peppery or spicy foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty meat (pork);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • baked goods;
  • flour products.

To improve the condition of the digestive system, you should include easily digestible dishes and foods in your daily diet. Good for this purpose:

  • dairy products;
  • all porridges except rice;
  • broths based on lean meats and fish;
  • durum pasta;
  • wheat bread crackers;
  • natural juices.

Treatment at home is important to supplement with proper nutrition! For any type of gastritis, alcoholic drinks and fatty foods should be excluded from everyday life. Following simple rules will help adjust the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with folk remedies

Drug treatment can and even should be supplemented with old “grandmother’s” methods. However, this must be done carefully and with the permission of the doctor.

Potato juice

To prepare medicinal fresh juice, you need to peel several potatoes. After which it is crushed and the juice is squeezed out. You should drink 100 ml three times a day, at least an hour before meals. Therapy lasts at least 7 days.

Carrot juice

For cooking, you need to take mature vegetables.

  1. Carrots are peeled and juice is made from it.
  2. 250 ml of fresh juice should be drunk on an empty stomach, at least an hour before meals.

The course of treatment lasts at least 10 days.

Elecampane decoction

To prepare an effective infusion, you need to take 20 g of dry roots and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. The mixture is boiled for 20 minutes. Drink 15 ml decoction three times a day on an empty stomach.

Plantain infusion

  1. 10 g of dry plantain is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for about 10 minutes.
  2. Drink 15 ml of the decoction 3 times a day, before meals.

At the first symptoms of gastritis, you should consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and proper therapy will not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also prevent relapse of gastritis.



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