Chronic hypoxia of a newborn blue child. How to avoid serious consequences of hypoxia in newborns. Treatment of hypoxia in newborns

Pregnancy is such a long-awaited and happy event in a woman’s life. At the same time, this is a very responsible period. The health and well-being of both the mother and the unborn baby depends on how these 9 months go.

In some cases, there is a possibility of unpleasant circumstances arising that can darken the bright feelings and first joys of motherhood. Mostly such situations are associated with child health problems.

If hypoxia has progressed to permanent brain injury, with cognitive deficits, cerebral palsy, or other results, then treatment focuses on a combination of medicine and long-term therapy. There is no cure for permanent traumatic brain injury caused by extended hypoxia, so treatment is mandatory for life. Lifelong costs of biological and psychological therapies are often prohibitive. Families may also need some form of psychological therapy to help cope with the emotional and financial burdens they face.

What is hypoxia

Hypoxia is one of the most common pathologies that parents of a baby can learn about before his birth or within the walls of the maternity hospital. This condition is characterized lack of oxygen during gestation or directly during childbirth.

Fabrics, internal organs, the central nervous system and brain, due to poor oxygen supply, are damaged and cannot function fully; irreversible processes occur in some cells. This situation represents serious threat For normal development fetus Severe cases can lead to disability and even a threat to the child’s life.

Medical negligence and legal remedies. In cases of hypoxia, injury is rapid but preventable, meaning that when correct actions permanent disabilities are often avoidable. Given the advances made in identifying and treating hypoxia over the past fifteen years, hypoxia that progresses as a result of persistent trauma may be the result of medical negligence on the part of physicians or other healthcare professionals. In accordance with this, medical workers must adhere to established standards to ensure that any distress is identified and promptly addressed.

Causes of hypoxia

Hypoxia can occur as a consequence of pathology of intrauterine and postpartum period, as well as directly during the birth process.

Depending on the root cause of this condition, a distinction is made between chronic and acute form hypoxia. Chronic form develops throughout pregnancy. The main reasons for its occurrence are considered:

Causes of hypoxia in newborns

If a doctor fails to meet these standards and a child is permanently injured as a result, the doctor may be liable for medical malpractice. Get a free legal evaluation of your birth injury claim. After a child's injury, all parents want to think about how to get help for their child. After receiving the information, treatment and support you need from your doctor, the next step may be to get the legal help you need. If you believe your child's injury may have been caused by a provider's negligence medical services, you can start by getting a lawyer.

Various severe pathologies and diseases of the mother in labor. Such as:

  • Leukemia.
  • Disruption of the heart muscle.
  • Intoxication.
  • Asthma.
  • Anemia.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

A serious risk of impaired child development occurs in women who smoke, abuse alcohol and narcotic drugs. Expectant mothers under 18 and over 27 years of age are also at risk.

Treatment of hypoxia in newborns

Hypoxia is a condition where oxygen cannot reach tissue and perinatal relief occurs immediately before and after birth. While the direct translation of perinatal hypoxia means a deficiency of oxygen in the tissue before and after birth, it is a little more than that.

How does perinatal hypoxia occur?

Perinatal hypoxia is a lack of oxygen for the baby, and there may be a number of reasons why the baby is not receiving required quantity oxygen. The most common reasons why infants experience perinatal hypoxia include.

Pathologies of pregnancy:

  • in cases of serious trophic disorders in the placenta (abruption, presentation, premature aging and thinning),
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios.
  • Rhesus conflict.
  • Pathologies and genetic diseases fetus
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Infection of intrauterine waters.

An acute form of hypoxia develops in the case of:

Maternal smoking Traumatic injuries brain Magnesium anemia Hearing about asphyxia Inadequate fetal monitoring. Perinatal hypoxia can also occur when there is a problem with the umbilical cord or. All of these conditions should be diagnosed by a doctor during pregnancy, as they can lead to complications at birth, caesarean section emergency care etc.

What can lead to perinatal hypoxia?

Perinatal hypoxia can lead to a number of serious medical conditions, such as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and brain injuries associated with birth asphyxia. All three of these injuries are serious brain injuries that can lead to paralysis and severe brain damage. Typically, these three injuries develop within 48 hours of perinatal hypoxia, so if the baby is treated immediately, some of the serious consequences thereafter can be significantly reduced.

  • Rapid birth.
  • Prolonged labor.
  • Premature birth.
  • When entwined with the umbilical cord.
  • When removing the fetus by applying forceps.

Hypoxia in the postpartum period can occur due to:

  1. Anemia of the newborn.
  2. Congenital malformation of the lungs or heart.
  3. As a result of extensive blood loss.
  4. In case of overdose of anesthesia or drugs.
  5. In case of birth trauma.

Signs and symptoms

Most often, there are no difficulties in determining the presence or absence of hypoxia in a newborn, since this state has clear and pronounced symptoms.

What treatment should follow for perinatal hypoxia?

Other medical conditions associated with perinatal hypoxia include. Cerebral palsy Severe attacks Cognitive impairment Behavioral disorders. Hypothermia is medical term, which essentially means freezing to death, but is a form of treatment that has been used effectively following perinatal hypoxia. When hypothermic treatment is started within 6 hours of birth, results show that mortality and long-term neurological disorders can be cut in half.

The main signs of hypoxia include: tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, heart murmurs, hypovolemia, blood clots, tissue hemorrhages, the presence of meconium in the analysis of amniotic fluid.

Depending on how fully the child’s body functions, using the Apgar scale, experts distinguish 4 degrees of severity oxygen starvation:

Controlled clinical neonatal therapeutic hypothermia works because during labor the body goes into emergency mode, sometimes starting a chain of events that leads to seizures, which in turn leads to brain damage. When you cool your baby with ice blankets or a special ice cap, cellular reactions slow down, allowing more time for doctors to concentrate more oxygen on the child. Oxygen levels are then restored to natural levels.

  • 8-10 points – a state without signs of impaired body functions.
  • 7-6 points – 1st degree of hypoxia, light form. In this case, recovery normal life the body occurs without outside intervention within a few minutes after birth.
  • 5-4 points – 2nd degree, medium shape(moderate). For full recovery it will take from several days to several weeks.
  • 3-0 points – 3rd degree, severe form (). To improve the child's condition, it is necessary to resuscitate him. Subsequently, the restoration of such a baby requires full treatment and serious care.

Caring parents can determine that chronic intrauterine oxygen starvation has led to the development of a disease such as encephalopathy without the naked eye.

While just before or during labor and delivery, deprivation of oxygen to the fetus is called fetal hypoxia or intraoral hyperaxia. All three terms refer to a condition in which the baby's tissues receive insufficient oxygen, leading to possible serious complications, including hypoxic brain damage. Neonatal asphyxia is used to describe a baby immediately after birth who does not begin to breathe or whose breathing does not provide enough oxygen to the body.

Symptoms Before birth, fetal hypoxia may be suspected if there are fetal signs. Information from these monitors is reported on a fetal monitor strip that can be used by the obstetrician, middle wife nurse, or obstetric nurses to see how the baby is responding to each contraction and to the performance in general. Low frequency fetal heart rate or unusual decelerations heart rate baby may be a sign of the fetus. Additionally, an unusual pattern of fetal heart rate variability may be a sign of traumatic brain injury or impending injury to the infant's brain or central nervous system.

In this case, the baby may experience a violation of thermoregulation. He behaves restlessly, often (his chin trembles while crying, it is difficult to calm him down). Arises constant weakness and drowsiness. The child shudders during sleep (). With any sound or tactile influence, the baby shudders and gets scared.

Hypoxia can lead to the development of such serious illnesses, such as: delayed psychomotor development, hyperactivity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, epilepsy, damage to cranial nerves, disorders mental development, hydroencephalopathy.

If there are fetal signs and labor is sufficiently advanced, the middle wife's doctor or nurse may take a pH sample from the baby's head to see if there is oxygen deprivation. A baby deprived of oxygen before birth may have difficulty breathing after birth, have too much acid in bodily fluids, be present with brain damage or disorders, or have damaged organs. If oxygen deprivation occurs during the entire delivery process, the baby may be blue at birth, not breathing, not crying, poor muscle tone or low heart rate.

Treatment and recovery methods for hypoxia

In case of acute hypoxia, first of all the child's airways are cleared of mucus and meconium. Then, using mask breathing or artificial ventilation lungs ensures the proper level of oxygen entering the body. After which it is necessary to stabilize body temperature and blood pressure baby.

After birth, the baby may develop respiratory distress syndrome. Immediately after birth, the baby may be pink, with a good cry, good muscle tone and normal rhythm hearts. In premature newborns, this may occur because the fetal lungs have not yet matured. If this occurs, the baby may need supplemental oxygen by mask or may need to be intubated with an endotracheal tube for mechanical ventilation to help the baby breathe. Restoring oxygen delivery is called “resuscitating” the baby.

In case of blood loss, a blood or plasma transfusion procedure is performed. After all necessary procedures the child is under constant monitoring(pulse, pressure, body temperature, heart rate are monitored). If necessary, medications are administered to improve the condition of the newborn.

This respiratory acidosis increases the risk that the baby will develop a brain bleed, also known as intraventricular hemorrhage. If resuscitation does not provide enough oxygen to the baby, the baby may also develop metabolic acidosis, as indicated by low pH levels in the baby's blood. Low level oxygen can cause anoxic or hypoxic damage to the child's brain, leading to periventricular leukomalacia and cerebral palsy.

Symptoms of hypoxia in newborns

Whether there are signs of oxygen deprivation in utero or after birth, it requires timely intervention and resuscitation procedures to ensure the baby has sufficient oxygen supply to prevent hypoxia, brain damage, or death.

In case serious violations appointed drug therapy, which may include drugs that improve blood supply to the brain, removing from it excess liquid, vasoconstrictors, and corrective concomitant conditions.

Do not forget that a child whose body has suffered to one degree or another from oxygen deprivation requires increased attention . To improve his condition, first of all, it is necessary to provide care. Good nutrition plays an important role.

Some gestational risk factors for fetal hypoxia include. Babies are exposed greater risk asphyxia during labor and delivery when the mother is under the influence of any drug, especially anesthetics or sedatives, because before the baby is born, the mother shares with the fetus whatever substances are in her bloodstream. For example, narcotic pain medications given to a woman during labor may have respiratory effects on the baby at birth.

Therefore, health care providers should be aware that such a medication can cause respiratory depression in the child and a lack of oxygen if not corrected. Babies born prematurely may not have a fully developed respiratory system that can provide their body with sufficient quantity oxygen. Thus, if premature birth imminent, health care providers should be aware of the need to provide steroids for fetal maturity. Besides, medical staff should be aware of the possible need for surfactants in premature infants.

Positive results come from training with specialists rehabilitation centers, regular massages and developmental physical exercises.

All procedures must be performed strictly in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The sooner the rehabilitation process begins and the more regularly the classes take place, the greater the chances of full recovery and the child's recovery.

What is hypoxia in newborns?

Labor and delivery that is prolonged or problematic can put the fetus at risk for conditions such as a prolapsed or compromised umbilical cord, which deprive the fetus of an adequate supply of oxygen. Prolonged labor may also use up the baby's oxygen stores, leaving the baby more susceptible to hypoxia for final stage childbirth

Supplies in which they are used obstetric instruments, such as a vacuum extractor or forceps, have more high risk injury to the infant and can lead to conditions that limit the flow of oxygen to the brain and other organs. Post-gestation fetuses are more likely to pass meconium before birth and are at risk of aspiration of the sticky substance, which can block the airway. Any other condition that causes a child to be born with a "severe respiratory distress", can lead to hypoxia if breathing is not restored quickly enough.

Hypoxia in newborns is, unfortunately, a fairly common condition, which is accompanied by a deficiency of oxygen in the baby’s body. This dangerous violation, which, in the absence medical care, can lead to the development of a number of complications or fatal outcome.

Hypoxia in newborns: causes of development and types.

Today, there are many factors that result in a lack of oxygen, which is simply necessary for normal operation human body.

This condition can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital disorders develop during pregnancy, in the womb. The reason may be the condition of the mother's body. For example, it has been observed that women suffering from diabetes have problems with endocrine system, as well as prolonged anemia, chronic diseases respiratory tract It is much more common for babies to be born in this condition.

In addition, the deficiency of this gas in the fetal body may be due to a Rh conflict between the maternal and child organisms. Very important has the lifestyle of a pregnant woman, since poor nutrition, flaw fresh air And sedentary lifestyle life can lead to this kind of consequences.

Acquired hypoxia in infants develops immediately during childbirth. The cause may be trauma during passage through the birth canal, as well as the baby’s neck wrapped in the umbilical cord. In addition, size mismatch can lead to the same result. female body and a child. Hypoxia is also quite often diagnosed among, or vice versa, when the fetus is gestated for too long.

Hypoxia in newborns: symptoms.

In fact, it is quite simple to determine this condition - the skin acquires a bluish tint, and the child does not make any sounds at birth. In this case, he desperately needs medical assistance- This is the only way to save his life.

Hypoxia in newborns: consequences.

It is worth noting that oxygen is very important for normal functioning human body. And when insufficient quantities This gas in the blood primarily affects the brain, which regulates all other functions child's body. The longer the fetal brain, the more severe and irreversible the consequences.

As a rule, such children are regularly monitored by a pediatrician. Possible cardiac dysfunction and vascular system, as well as developmental delays, muscle weakness and trembling, and in more severe cases, convulsions.

And even if the baby’s development is normal, deviations from development in the future are very likely - this could be, for example, speech delay, lethargy, or, conversely, excessive activity.

Hypoxia in newborns: treatment methods.

Subsequently, after a thorough examination, doctors prescribe certain drugs, with which you can normalize activities nervous system, as well as eliminate other violations. The treatment package also includes massage sessions, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy methods.

Hypoxia in newborns: how to avoid it?

In fact, all prevention methods should be carried out by the woman during pregnancy. Expectant mothers need to remember proper nutrition, taking vitamins, regularly visiting the doctor, and getting tests that help identify the presence of certain diseases. Don't neglect walks in the fresh air.



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