A child’s ear hurts 5. How can you understand how a child’s ear hurts: symptoms, treatment


Dear readers, today we will talk about what to do when a child has ear pain. If this happens on an ordinary day, then, of course, any wise parent will go with the child to the clinic or call a doctor at home.

But what if the pain overtook you on a weekend, at night, or at this time you are far from home? An adult can endure it until the morning, but ear pain in a child is a special case! Prolonged suffering will cause trauma to the baby’s delicate psyche, and timely assistance not provided can cause the disease to worsen. Every parent should know how to provide first aid to their baby without causing harm.

Today on the blog I want to present you an article by otorhinolaryngologist Svetlana Ershova. You are already familiar with it from the article. Svetlana has to work with both adults and children, and today she will tell us how to provide first aid if a child’s ear pain takes you by surprise.

Good day, dear readers of Irina’s blog. If you or your loved ones have small children, then pay attention to the information presented in this article. At the first complaint of ear pain in a child, you need to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist. Only an ENT doctor (not a pediatrician!) using special instruments can examine the eardrum, make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

But there is no need to panic if you find yourself far from civilization and your child complains of ear pain. You yourself can help your baby if you know the basic rules of first aid.

In my opinion, the main commandment of a doctor is “Do no harm!” should become a commandment for every parent. You should know the main points when self-medication can harm your baby, and avoid them.

What should you not do if your child’s ear hurts?

  • Prescribe antibacterial drugs to your child on your own.
  • Clean the ear with tweezers or a cotton swab (cotton swabs are not intended for cleaning ears, but for removing makeup - read on the packaging).
  • Place alcohol-based drops into the ear if the eardrum is damaged.
  • Make a compress or warm the ear with dry heat without a doctor’s prescription.

Causes of ear pain in children

The structure of a child's ear is somewhat different from that of an adult. Due to the underdevelopment of the cartilage, the auditory (also known as Eustachian) tube in children exits directly into the nasopharynx. Therefore, as soon as the baby begins to have a runny nose, there is a high risk of mucus flowing into the auditory tube and, as a result, the development of otitis media.

To avoid this, you need to prevent the occurrence of colds whenever possible. And if a runny nose continues for more than three days, then be sure to show the child to an otolaryngologist.

Attention! Treat your child’s runny nose in a timely manner and then you will forget about otitis media forever.

To understand how to provide first aid to your baby, you need to know what caused this problem. Ear pain in a child can occur for the following reasons.

  • Getting a foreign body or insect into the ear;
  • Trauma (barotrauma, fall from a height, damage to the ear canal with a sharp object);
  • Water getting into the ear;
  • Otitis (inflammation of the ear canal and eardrum);
  • Eustacheitis (inflammation of the Eustachian tube);
  • Infectious diseases;
  • The first signs of a cold (ARVI);
  • Sulfur plugs;
  • Hypothermia.

How to provide first aid to a child with ear pain?

Parents often cannot determine why their baby has ear pain, so to provide first aid for ear pain, you need to use only those methods that will not harm the little body.

Nasal drops and painkillers

If you complain of pain in the ear, you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops into your nose and give any painkiller that is in your first aid kit. If your baby is allergic, you can give him an antiallergic drug prescribed by his attending allergist.

If an insect gets into your child's ear

If an insect gets into the ear, it does not pose any danger to a healthy ear, much less to the eardrum. But a fly or cockroach can move its legs and touch the eardrum, causing severe pain and dizziness. To alleviate the baby's suffering, you can drip warm oil or alcohol-based drops into the ear and immediately go to see a doctor to remove the insect.

Foreign body in a child's ear and ear injury

If a foreign body gets into the ear, as well as in case of injury or suspected injury, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. You need to immediately go to see a doctor, and if this is not possible, then call an ambulance.

In my practice, similar cases often occur; I have to remove various foreign bodies from the ear of children (balls, pieces of eraser, cotton wool). One day, parents brought a 5-6 year old boy with complaints of hearing loss. Upon examination, I found a pea in the ear canal that blocked the ear canal. The pea was removed, and the boy began to hear better.

What to do if you suspect otitis media in a child?

Few children are spared unbearable ear pain, which most often occurs with otitis media. It happens that a baby will be ill with an acute respiratory infection for several days, and then begin to complain of pain in the ear. Parents do not know what to do and how to help the baby.

It would be ideal to see a doctor. Otitis media can be complicated by meningitis, encephalitis, damage to the facial nerve and hearing loss. The most important thing is not to give in to emotions and not try to give your child “adult” or potentially dangerous drugs. There is no need to warm the ear or put anything in it - just offer your baby regular Nurofen to relieve pain and lower the temperature. This will make him feel better, and will give you several hours to call a doctor or transport your child to a medical facility.

Otipax - the first remedy for ear pain

Otipax is a modern analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug that is instilled into the ear for pain and inflammation. The product is used 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops. Treatment with Otipax drops lasts no more than 10 days and in no case replaces antibacterial drugs.

Do not be afraid of antibiotics: if they are prescribed according to indications and used in accordance with the instructions, there will be no complications. Otitis is a serious infectious disease that can cause serious complications. Antibiotics often literally save lives. If a doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, then there is a reason for this. Typically, for otitis, pediatric ENT doctors choose drops with antibiotics (norfloxacin, rifampicin), which are combined with Otipax and physiotherapy (UHF, UV).

You can put any drops into your ears only if you are sure of the integrity of the eardrum.

I worked in different regions of Russia and I know that huge distances between settlements often do not allow people to receive qualified medical care in a timely manner. For example, we had to hospitalize a child with otitis in one of the regions of the Leningrad region. The parents had to travel about 6 hours to the nearest ENT department, and they did everything possible to alleviate the baby’s condition during this period.

Dear readers, I hope my tips will help you avoid making mistakes when providing first aid to your children with ear pain and allow you to quickly deal with this problem. Remember that it can be difficult to assess the baby’s condition at home. It is better to show the child to a pediatrician or ENT doctor as soon as possible.

And finally, I want to invite you to watch a very short video from Dr. Komarovsky. What to do if your child has an earache. Let's briefly summarize our conversation.

With wishes of health to you and your children,
Svetlana Ershova, otorhinolaryngologist.

I experienced severe pain in my daughter’s ear when we first went on a trip with them, or rather flew. And during landing, my daughter just almost screamed and cried so much from pain in her ear. No amount of swallowing and breathing movements helped. And when we went through passport control after landing, the pain never went away.

I still remember this picture. And I didn’t have anything suitable in my first aid kit. As soon as we got to the pharmacy, we immediately bought boric alcohol, I gave it to her, and the pain immediately went away. Then they called the doctor, of course. She prescribed drops for us. And since then, it is precisely this ear that blows out a little, or a runny nose lingers, and immediately bothers her. We know the problem, it is very protective of the ear. Those. This moment of pressure change during landing had such an impact on the eardrum.

Dear readers, I wish everyone only health. Protect yourself, your children and grandchildren from colds, dress for the weather, and be wise. If ear pain bothers your baby, take the time and definitely show him to the doctor!

And for the soul we will listen today Vladimir Kabatov. Autumn Woman . So many feelings, harmony, tenderness...

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    21 Feb 2018 at 22:23





    In six-year-old children, otitis media occurs quite often. Painful sensations in the ears cause extreme discomfort. What are the causes of the disease and how to prevent its negative impact on the hearing organs in the future? Let's talk about this.

    Often acute otitis media appears against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold. The infection enters through the nasopharynx. Children with weak immune systems are most susceptible to the disease.
    Depending on which part of the ear the infection is in, the doctor makes an appropriate diagnosis: otitis media of the middle ear or external ear. There are also two forms of the disease: purulent and catarrhal. Persistent and untreated otitis develops into chronic ones.

    Otitis in a 6-year-old child, symptoms

    Otitis media activates inflammatory processes in the ears and has symptoms such as:

    • high body temperature (39° and above);
    • lack of appetite;
    • chills;
    • painful sensations in the ear;
    • swelling and redness of the ear;
    • restless sleep.

    It is not always possible to diagnose otitis using the above signs, especially when it occurs in a latent form. Therefore, pay attention to the child’s complaints at high temperatures. In any case, the main symptom of the disease is ear pain. If there is clear yellowish fluid discharge from the ear, consult a doctor immediately to avoid a purulent stage.

    Treatment of otitis in six-year-old children

    A child is 6 years old and has ear pain, what to do in such a situation? Of course, call a doctor. A timely fight against the disease will quickly relieve the baby from discomfort.
    Most often, pediatricians prescribe a course of antibiotics, nasal instillation of medications that have a vasoconstrictor effect, plus local treatment. During acute catarrhal otitis, thermal procedures are used (blue lamp and compresses: 50:50 warm water and alcohol on a cotton swab).
    For purulent otitis media, constant high-quality removal of pus with cotton swabs and disinfection of the ear canal are indicated (3% hydrogen peroxide can be used). Physiotherapeutic procedures in the clinic are prescribed in addition to the main therapy.
    Acute catarrhal form of the disease is usually treated for a week, purulent - more than two.

    Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of surgery. Before using medications for otitis media, consult a specialist.

    Ear drops play an important role in the fight against the disease. However, you need to be careful with them. You should not bury them directly into the ear canal until the pediatrician arrives. You risk harming your baby's health. Make a narrow cotton or gauze swab and drop the required dosage onto it (the drops should be warm), then carefully insert into the outer ear canal. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times daily. Now in pharmacies there is a large selection of pain-relieving anti-inflammatory drops for children 6 years old. For example, Otipax, Sofradex, Otinum.
    If your child does not have a fever and you are going for a walk while sick, be sure to put a hat on him.

    Almost every child experiences an ear infection at least once in their life. These infections are among the most common childhood diseases. The risky period is not only the cold season, but also summer. Children suffer pain, swelling and fever. The disease can occur in a child of different ages - 1 year, 2 years and older than 3 years. The problem is the situation when ear disease affects the youngest ages (up to 1-2 years), whose representatives cannot clearly explain their condition. What to do if your child succumbs to the disease? How to understand how a child’s ear hurts and check if there is an infection?

    Middle ear infections are one of the most common infectious diseases in children. About 75% of children under the age of 1-2 years experience an ear infection at least once or twice in their lives.

    Children who become ill before reaching 1-2 years of age are more likely to suffer from recurrent infections, often becoming chronic. Ear infections include various inflammatory processes, which according to symptoms, severity and duration can be divided into several categories:

    • spicy,
    • chronic,
    • recurrent,
    • inflammation accompanied by discharge.

    Otitis media, especially in children under 1 year of age, is not necessarily visible at first glance. The disease is sometimes not diagnosed even by a doctor, without suspicion regarding this diagnosis. This, in most cases, applies to children under 2 months of age. Such young children develop inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, etc. On the other hand, a considerable percentage of children do not show these symptoms, and even a blood test cannot detect inflammation.

    Sudden attacks of pain at night

    Almost every parent of a small child has experienced a situation where the baby had an earache.

    When child has ear pain, he rubs it with his hand and whimpers miserably, not understanding what is happening. Often the baby wakes up from pain at night and cannot sleep. He becomes restless, cries and does not allow his ear to be touched. This is a signal that the child has an infection, manifested by pain. Fever may, but should not, accompany inflammation. Sometimes vomiting or diarrhea occurs. Parents can give their child age-appropriate pain and fever medications and call an ambulance. The doctor will most likely refer the child to an otolaryngologist.

    Symptoms of otitis media and its complications include:

    For recurrent otitis media, vaccination, surgical incision of the eardrum and insertion of a sleeve (ventilator tube), adenoid removal, or temporal bone surgery may be considered.

    The information in the article will help to recognize and quickly treat otitis media in a child.

    Otitis is one of the most common ENT diseases in children of early and preschool age. The frequency of middle ear inflammation in children of these age categories is due to the immaturity of the immune system and the anatomical features of the hearing organs. The disease is acute and causes a lot of trouble for both the child and his parents. The task of mom and dad is to recognize the disease in time and take urgent measures to treat it.

    How to determine otitis media in a child? Signs of otitis media in children

    Acute otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear. Most often it is infectious in nature and is caused by bacteria (in most cases these are pneumococci or Haemophilus influenzae).

    IMPORTANT: It is with otitis media that 95% of ENT patients under the age of 1 year and 40% of ENT patients under the age of 6 years go to medical institutions

    In order to understand the mechanism of inflammation development, you need to have minimal knowledge about the structure of the human hearing organs. His ear consists of three sections (cavities):

    1. Outdoor. This is the visible part of the ear: the pinna and ear canal to the eardrum. Inflammation in this department usually occurs due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or improper hygiene procedures, for example, when a mother cleans her child’s ears too intensively
    2. Average. Its other name is the tympanic cavity, which is located behind the eardrum. Here are miniature sound bones with memorable names: hammer, anvil and stirrup. Inflammation of this particular section is diagnosed especially often in children.
    3. Internal. These are channels located in the thickness of the temporal bone. They are called snail. Directly in this department, the conversion of sound vibrations into nerve impulses occurs. Inflammation of the inner ear rarely occurs on its own. Usually, it passes there from the middle section or organs of the nasopharynx

    Depending on where exactly the inflammation is localized, acute otitis in children can be external, middle and internal, respectively.

    Before we move on to describing the symptoms of acute otitis media, it is necessary to understand why it develops and why it affects young children so often.

    1. The cause of inflammation of the middle ear is often an infection that enters the tympanic cavity from the outside or “migrates” from the organs of the nasopharynx. Otitis media is one of the most common complications of ARVI, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. Mucus containing the infection will travel through the Eustachian tubes into the middle ear
    2. Symptoms of the disease can also arise due to a sharp change in pressure in the tympanic cavity, which is normally atmospheric. This happens if small children fly on an airplane (altitude changes), dive
    3. The frequency of acute otitis in children is due to the age-related structure of the Eustachian tubes: in children they are short and wide, which facilitates the penetration of infection into them
    4. Children's immature immunity is not yet able to prevent the spread of infection localized in the organs of the nasopharynx throughout the body.
      When a baby burps, the remaining milk or formula can end up in the Eustachian tubes, where they begin to rot.
    5. Not all parents know how to properly “blow their nose” with young children and preschoolers. If both nostrils are closed when blowing your nose, mucus from the nose does not come out, but is thrown into the Eustachian tubes

    Despite the fact that the symptoms of otitis media are characteristic, mothers and fathers do not always recognize the disease in time. This happens because in almost half of the cases in the first couple of cases the disease occurs in a latent form. Immediately with the onset of inflammation, or when it already acquires a purulent form, the following signs may appear:

    • ear pain
    • discharge from the ear is mucous or purulent (greenish, brownish, with a characteristic odor)
    • hearing impairment
    • headache
    • temperature increase
    • general ailments
    • sleep and appetite disorders
    • lethargy
    • irritability

    The main symptom of acute otitis media in a child is intense pain in the ear.

    An infant and a toddler who cannot yet speak are unable to describe how they feel. You can suspect he has acute otitis media if:

    • the child is naughty for no apparent reason
    • child refuses to eat
    • baby crying in his sleep

    IMPORTANT: There is a method by which you can determine the presence of inflammation in the ear cavities of a young child. It is necessary to press on the tragus of the baby's ear. If the baby twitches and screams and instinctively reaches for his ear, it means he has a lumbago. You need to see a doctor urgently

    How many days does otitis media last in children?

    Subject to timely diagnosis of acute otitis and adequate treatment, the disease will last 7-14 days, another two weeks will be needed for recovery

    Video: Child's ear hurts. What to do at home?

    First aid for a child with otitis?

    Otitis media sometimes goes away on its own, but you shouldn’t rely on it! Firstly, the disease itself is very unpleasant, the child feels pain and discomfort. Secondly, catarrhal otitis media very quickly develops into purulent, and it will be more difficult to treat. Thirdly, complications of acute otitis are terrible, including:

    • mastoiditis (inflammation of the temporal bone)
    • meningeal syndrome (inflammation of the lining of the brain)
    • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)

    Therefore, at the first suspicion of otitis media in a child, you should consult a doctor. It's better to call him at home. But if you have to go to the clinic, the child needs to put dry cotton wool in the sore ear and put on a headdress that covers the ears.

    Acute otitis media in children treatment

    Treatment of acute inflammation of the middle ear in children is complex and, if you managed to contact a medical institution on time, conservative. It includes:

    • treatment of the underlying cause, if any
    • antibacterial therapy for 5-7 days
    • symptomatic therapy
    • physiotherapy
    • activities aimed at strengthening the immune system

    Usually, antibiotics for acute otitis media are prescribed to children in early childhood and preschoolers in the form of a suspension, and to schoolchildren - already in tablets. These are antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series (Ospamox, Augmentin) and macrolides (Sumamed, Azimed).

    Antibiotic Augmentin in suspension

    If the temperature rises to 38.5 °C, and it is almost always present in acute otitis media, the child is given antipyretics (Nurofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, Piaron).
    If otitis is accompanied by rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drugs (Pinosol, Nazo-spray Baby, others) are dripped or sprayed into the nose.
    Local treatment with ear drops (Otipax, Otinum) is practiced.

    Otipax drops should definitely be in your home medicine cabinet.

    Turundas with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs (hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol, furatsilin) ​​are also inserted into the child’s ears.
    Physiotherapeutic treatment includes dry heating: UFO (ultraviolet irradiation), UHF, laser.
    Particularly severe cases of acute inflammation of the middle ear require hospital treatment, including surgery.

    How to cure otitis media without antibiotics?

    Many parents are afraid to treat their children with antibiotics and believe that pediatricians, when prescribing such drugs, in most cases play it safe. Indeed, there is an opinion that it is not at all necessary to take them for otitis, at least until it turns into a purulent form.
    But relying on a child’s fragile immunity is reckless. Few children are able to overcome the disease on their own. For the majority, the lack of antibiotic therapy in terms of treatment is fraught with complications and chronic inflammation.

    IMPORTANT: It is still necessary to treat childhood otitis media with antibiotics. Modern drugs are almost completely safe. The harm from taking them is much less than that which an advanced disease can cause.

    Video: Otitis – School of Dr. Komarovsky

    Secretory otitis in a child, treatment

    Secretory otitis occurs in a child due to blockage of the Eustachian tubes and tympanic cavity with secretions (mucus) that enter them from the nasopharynx.
    Treatment of this type of otitis is carried out in parallel with the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity, throat or larynx, as a result of which hypersecretion of mucus occurs. Prescribed:

    • vasoconstrictor drops
    • nasal rinsing
    • gargling
    • inhalation
    • antihistamines

    All this will help relieve inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
    In rare cases, secretory otitis media requires surgery to remove secretions from the eustachian tubes and tympanic cavity.

    Catarrhal otitis in children, treatment

    Otitis in the catarrhal form occurs as soon as the disease starts. It is important to do everything so that it does not transform into purulent, and the eardrum does not perforate. That is, it is necessary to prevent pathogenic bacteria from multiplying on the inflamed mucous membrane of the middle ear. To do this:

    Chronic otitis in children, causes

    Chronication of the inflammatory process in the middle ear occurs:

    • in children with reduced immunity
    • diabetics
    • children who often suffer from ARVI
    • children with a deviated nasal septum

    Acute otitis media develops into chronic also due to untimely or improper treatment. In this case, the symptoms of the disease subside for a while, and then clearly appear again. There is a hole in the eardrum, which causes the baby's hearing to decrease.
    Along with the treatment of middle ear inflammation itself, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, measures are taken to strengthen the child’s immunity.

    Weakness of the immune system in a small child and improper treatment of acute otitis media are the main causes of chronic inflammation in the middle ear.

    Prevention of otitis in children

    Parents need to know measures to prevent middle ear inflammation in children. These include:

    • Timely and complete treatment of a runny nose
    • Teaching the correct technique of “blowing your nose” to babies and teaching it to preschoolers and schoolchildren
    • Preventing water from getting into children's ears when swimming in the bathtub and natural bodies of water

    • Keeping your ear canals clean
    • Removing wax plugs
    • Careful cleansing of the ears (you can remove wax yourself from the outside, but if it has accumulated inside in large quantities, you need to visit a doctor)

    • Feeding babies in an elevated (semi-upright) position
    • Carrying in a column as a prevention of regurgitation
    • General measures to strengthen the immune system
    • Wearing hats according to the season

    Even very attentive and responsible parents do not always manage to avoid otitis in their child. If it happens, do not panic: if detected in time, the disease can be treated quickly and does not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby. To speed up his recovery, traditional methods can be used along with traditional treatment. But before doing this, you need to consult with the doctor treating the child.

    Video: Ear pain in children Folk remedy - Our health

    “Mom, my ear hurts!...” This phrase will alarm every parent. Otitis is the most common and, unfortunately, the most painful childhood disease. A child can suffer from it both before 3 years of age and after 3 years of age. Children are susceptible to otitis media not only in the cold winter months - summer is also a risk period.

    You wonder why child has ear pain, is it possible to avoid this health problem?

    If a child has an earache without fever, what to do??

    Otitis is literally a disaster for the whole family. A small child suffers from pain, cannot sleep, sometimes has difficulty hearing, does not want to eat and has a high temperature. Not surprisingly, this will alarm every mother.

    What is the nightmare called “otitis media”? Unfortunately, this is a fairly common disease in children of a younger age group (about 3 years old), and often occurs as a complication of a prolonged cold. The infection penetrates through the auditory or Eustachian tube into the middle ear, where it causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. Mucus or pus accumulates, the eardrum expands, and it is this pressure that causes severe pain. In adults, this disease does not occur often because their auditory tube is sufficiently developed. A child about 3 years old has a shorter and wider ear, so the infection finds its way into the ear relatively easily, as a result, children can get sick more often.

    What to do?

    Is it really possible to treat otitis media at home? If it is at the very beginning of development, it is undoubtedly possible to help the child. Mom should consult a doctor for advice. Some popular advice is not advisable to apply, in addition, they can even cause complications! So, what can you do in a quiet home environment?

    1. From traditional medicine, onion compresses and onion drops can contribute to alleviating the symptoms of the disease.
    2. Cold compresses on the ankles can help reduce a high fever.
    3. Cold compresses can also help with ear pain. They counteract swelling of the ear and relieve pain.
    4. When cold doesn't work, try heat. A good effect is shown by warming the ear for a few minutes with a warm towel.
    5. Natural Treatment also recommends wrapping a clove of garlic in gauze and placing it in your ear. But doctors are unkind to this method. Although it works, if handled carelessly it can cause damage to the ear canal. So, when using the miraculous power of garlic, be as careful as possible!
    6. Do not give your child anything sweet; use honey instead of sugar in tea.

    In the case of sudden ear pain, for example, during an airplane flight, the most common cause is the closure of the external auditory canal and blockage of the eardrum, which is no longer exposed to pressure from outside air. In this case, little tricks will help:

    • close the child’s nose with two fingers and ask him to try to breathe through his nose against resistance,
    • chewing gum,
    • yawning and drinking liquids in small sips.

    The goal is to increase the air pressure that reaches the ear canal through the Eustachian tube, freeing it and the blocked eardrum.

    When should you go to the doctor?

    Of course, this should be done at the moment when the child develops a fever or pain so severe that he (and you, of course, along with him). Such cases are an undeniable reason to quickly seek the help of a doctor.

    First of all, you can contact your local pediatrician, who will refer you to an otolaryngologist for a special examination. In case pain and fever occur at night, go to the nearest hospital/clinic/emergency department where an ENT is available. There, a specialist will examine the ear and suggest treatment. Sometimes it is enough to use special drops and antibiotics appropriate to the baby’s age. In the case of severe otitis, unfortunately, a paracentesis procedure may be necessary, i.e. puncture of the affected eardrum. Although this intervention is quite painful, the child immediately feels better. After the pus drains out, the pain stops instantly.

    Pharmaceutical treatment

    Treatment depends on whether otitis media is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, or has another (non-infectious) cause. Only if there is confidence or a high probability that bacteria play the main role, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics - only they can quickly suppress inflammation in the middle ear and prevent the spread of bacteria further, which can result in meningitis.

    If the accumulation of pus threatens to rupture the eardrum, the doctor pierces it himself, in a place without subsequent complications leading to hearing loss.

    A hematoma in the middle ear that occurs due to viral infections does not require antibiotic therapy. However, the doctor may prescribe drops that counteract swelling of the mucous membranes, or medications to drain pus that accumulates in the ear canal.

    Paracetamol (for children aged three years or younger - in the form of syrup) can be prescribed against severe flu.

    Inflammation of the external auditory canal is treated with medications that prevent inflammation and relieve pain. To speed up treatment, the child should sleep on his side with his head on a hard pillow - this makes it easier for the discharge to leave the ear.

    Use nasal drops or aerosols as needed. It is necessary that the baby's nasal cavity is free. For a child aged about 3 years, the best option is drops or sprays with sea water.

    The child should blow his nose more often. If the baby does not succeed, which is quite normal for the age of 3 years or younger, you can use the help of an aspirator, preferably a mechanical one. Suction of the contents of the nasal cavity should not be carried out with great force.

    Prevention is not an empty word!

    You can try to prevent middle ear inflammation. sometimes it works in miraculous ways!

    • Cigarette smoke harms your child in every way, and his ears in particular. Protect him from being in a smoky room.
    • Even minimal allergies should not be underestimated; consistent treatment must be ensured.
    • If you have a runny nose, use nasal drops and teach your child to blow his nose as soon as possible. By keeping your nose clean, you reduce the possibility of ear infection.
    • Don't underestimate wearing the right clothes. Remember your mom's instructions about wearing hats in winter - don't let little ears get too cold. Don't go to extremes - excessive overheating won't do any good either.

    In case of complications, contact a specialist immediately!

    Complications of otitis media are not very common, but they are possible. Penetration of pus from the tympanic cavity to small cavities in the bone behind the ear leads to the development of mastoiditis. Inflammation can compromise the facial nerve, which provides mobility to the face. A complication is inflammation of the inner ear, manifested by severe dizziness and vomiting, and in extreme cases, permanent hearing loss. Therefore, if inflammation persists after three days of taking antibiotics, consult a doctor. Remember: it’s better to come to the clinic in vain than to gamble with your child’s health...



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