Blepharitis in children: symptoms and treatment Komarovsky. How to treat blepharitis in young children? Blepharitis of the eye in children

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the edge of the lower or upper eyelid. Such pathologies are usually easy to treat if you consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease. In an advanced state, blepharitis can become chronic and lead to the development of other complications.

What is it

Inflammatory processes of the eyelids that appear with blepharitis mainly spread on its front part, on the outer side. Some forms of the disease may also affect the inside of the eyelid., which is in contact with the eyeball.

The pathology does not have pronounced symptoms and is often invisible during its acute course. This leads to the fact that in many patients it is diagnosed in a chronic form.

Blepharitis does not affect the quality of vision and does not lead to irreversible consequences if treatment is started in a timely manner.

Why it appears, why it is dangerous

The causative agents of blepharitis are demodex and golden mites. Usually, during normal functioning of the immune system, such microorganisms do not show negative activity in the body - This is facilitated by certain factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • physical or emotional fatigue;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • avitaminosis;
  • contact with foreign bodies in the eyes.

In childhood, the main reason for the activation of pathogenic microorganisms is weak, unformed immunity, which cannot protect the body.

Classification, photo of eye disease

One way to classify blepharitis is by localization of inflammatory processes:

  • anterior and posterior marginal (extends to the outer ciliary edge or to the inner tissues of the eyelids);
  • affecting the eyelids in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes (angular blepharitis).

According to the etiology and symptoms, blepharitis in children is:

  • Meibomian. The meibomian glands are affected, secreting a sebaceous secretion, which in this form of the disease is not excreted actively enough.
  • Scaly. With scaly blepharitis in children, thickening of the edges of the eyelids and their swelling are observed. The peeling epithelium forms scales that accumulate at the base of the eyelashes.
  • Blepharitis rosacea. Red nodules appear on the eyelids. Sometimes a pink rash may appear.
  • Ulcerative. With this form, inflamed eyelash follicles begin to secrete pus, and ulcerations form on the edges of the eyelids.

Ulcerative blepharitis is most often diagnosed in children. This is the most severe form of the disease, in which the symptoms are most pronounced.

With improper treatment or its absence, individual eyelashes come off with purulent discharge, which subsequently may not grow in these areas.

See photos of the disease:

You will find important information on the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in children on our website. Read these articles:

Common symptoms across species

Different types of blepharitis have some common signs and symptoms by which it can be recognized:

If a child wears contact lenses, it is difficult to use such optics for blepharitis due to irritation and pain.

At the age of two to three years and in newborns with blepharitis, discharge from the eyes will be more abundant, and other symptoms will also be more pronounced.

It is important for parents not to miss such symptoms and to visit a pediatrician and ophthalmologist if at least two of the listed signs are observed.

First aid

Blepharitis cannot be treated on your own, and any folk remedies can only be used with the approval of the attending physician. The disease usually does not require emergency measures. Parents have enough time to show their child to a doctor, who will draw up an individual treatment regimen.

But if for some reason you cannot visit an ophthalmologist in the first few days after detecting signs, You can use the following recommendations to eliminate symptoms:

  • If blepharitis is accompanied by the formation of ulcers, they can be lubricated with a 10% solution of sodium sulfacyl.
  • The scales that form from the secretions can be lubricated with a 1% solution of brilliant green.
  • Apply gentamicin or tetracycline ointment to the affected eyelids at night.
  • To speed up the removal of secretions, the child can be massaged by squeezing the pus with fingers or a cotton swab towards the edge of the eyelid.

But you need to show the child to a pediatrician and ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose, determine the form and severity of the disease and prescribe treatment.


Diagnostics involves the following activities and procedures:

Sometimes the pathology develops as an allergic reaction to external irritants. This conclusion can be made in the absence of active pathogenic microflora and injuries, and if an allergy is suspected, the child is referred to an allergist for additional examination.

If the disease lasts for a long time in a severe form, there is a need to confirm or refute the fact of the development of oncological lesions of the sebaceous glands. To do this, a biopsy is performed followed by histological examination of the material.

Treatment methods

So how to treat blepharitis? In most cases, conservative treatment is used.

If foci of inflammation do not arise as a result of dental, gastroenterological or dermatological pathologies, in which pathogens enter the eye area from other organs, drugs are prescribed depending on the severity and type of disease:

  • Ulcerative form It is treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids; different combinations of drugs in the form of ointments are possible (Dexamethasone and Neomycin, Dexamethasone and Gentamicin).

    In case of complicated blepharitis or low effectiveness of such therapy, the same drugs can be additionally prescribed in the form of ophthalmic drops.

  • Allergic blepharitis involves excluding the patient’s contact with allergens, and antihistamines (sodium cromoglycate, Lodoxamide) are prescribed as therapy.
  • Meibomian blepharitis It is treated mainly with Doxycycline or Tetracycline. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can take from 14 days to one month.
  • Demadecosis blepharitis treated with Metronidazole or zinc-ichthyol ointment. When using such products to treat children, it is recommended to use ointments not according to the instructions for use, but according to the scheme drawn up by the attending physician.

In severe cases, physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, magnetic therapy) can be used in parallel with drug treatment. This allows you to achieve results in a shorter time.

In rare situations, surgical intervention may be necessary: ​​this is necessary for eyelid inversions, trichiasis, and blepharitis, which can develop against the background of blepharitis or be the primary diseases that provoke it.

Your baby is restless, nervous and constantly rubbing his eyes. You notice that there is something wrong with your eyes. Don't delay visiting the doctor. But to fully understand the situation, we will tell you what to do in case of such problems:

Predictions and prevention

Even with complications, the prognosis for treatment of blepharitis in children is almost always favorable if adequate treatment is prescribed. But in its absence, the patient may experience complications in the form of keratitis, deformation of the eyelid edge, decreased visual acuity, trichiasis and chalazion against the background of such pathology.

Effective measures in terms of prevention:

  • limiting contact with chemicals and harmful substances that cause inflammatory processes in the eye mucosa;
  • if you are predisposed to allergies, avoid contact with allergens (even potential ones);
  • timely treatment of infectious eye diseases and correction of visual impairments;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Blepharitis is not considered a dangerous disease, and even in an advanced stage, experts give a positive prognosis regarding treatment.

But this is not a reason to ignore the disease completely: it does not go away on its own and over time the symptoms may only disappear, but this is a temporary phenomenon. It does not mean that the disease has gone away on its own - it is an indicator of transition to a chronic form.

The term “blepharitis” in ophthalmology usually means inflammation of the eyelids. This disease can be caused by a number of reasons and have a different course. Blepharitis is often diagnosed in children, including newborns and infants.


According to the characteristic clinical picture and conditions for the occurrence of blepharitis, ophthalmologists There are several varieties of it:

  • scaly or simple. It manifests itself as hyperemia and increased swelling along the edges of the eyelids. A distinctive feature of this form of blepharitis is the formation of peculiar scales, which are particles of desquamated glandular epithelium;
  • ulcerative Here there is a purulent inflammatory process localized in the hair follicles of the eyelashes. The pathology is characterized by the formation of ulcers along the edge of the eyelid;

Etiology of the disease

The most common cause of inflammation in the thickness of the eyelids in children is the excessive production of secretions by the sebaceous glands located in the thickness of the eyelids. Drops of the secreted substance accumulate on the edges of the eyelids, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Seborrheic dermatitis is often associated with blepharitis. This condition manifests itself a kind of separation of dry areas of skin on the face and scalp. A number of signs of an allergic reaction may also occur.

In addition, the causes of inflammation of the eyelids in children are often simple non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, chapping of the eyes, illiterate treatment of functional visual disorders, chronic anemia of various etiologies, lack of vitamins, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, chronic inflammatory processes in one of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract. tract.

Blepharitis may also be one of the signs of the presence of a focus of infection or helminthic infestation in the child’s body.

Not only the symptoms, but also the tactics of further therapy depend on the type of causative agent of the pathological process.

Clinical course of blepharitis in children

One of the main symptoms of blepharitis is severe itching in the eyelid area. Parents may notice that the child constantly scratches his eyes, despite repeated requests from adults not to do so. Objectively, you can notice redness and swelling of the edges of the eyelids, as well as constant lacrimation. The child will constantly complain of severe itching or say that there is a speck in his eye.

With scaly blepharitis, small scales may appear in the eyelash growth area. The skin underneath will show signs of inflammation.

The ulcerative form of the disease is characterized by the formation of purulent crusts on the eyelids. If a child tries to scratch them, he will remove the scales along with the eyelashes, and in the place where the crust was, a small ulcer will appear that may bleed.

In addition to local symptoms, the child may have signs of general malaise. If he is not provided with qualified assistance in a timely manner, then in the future the disease may become chronic and have a negative impact on the baby’s vision. Also, the inflammatory process can spread to neighboring organic structures and provoke the occurrence of more serious ophthalmic pathologies.


The diagnosis is made by an ophthalmologist based on the child’s subjective complaints, an objective examination of the eyelids, taking an anamnesis and identifying concomitant diseases, as well as the results of laboratory tests. Conducted in parallel visometry and biomicroscopy of the eye. In addition, the attending physician may order a study of the refractive capabilities of the child’s eye to identify possible hidden forms of hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (myopia) and astigmatism.

If a specialist suspects that the baby has demodectic blepharitis, then the child’s eyelashes are subjected to detailed laboratory analysis.

To confirm blepharitis of an infectious nature, a bacteriological culture of a smear from the conjunctiva is performed. To refute or confirm helminthic infestation as a possible cause of the disease, a sample of the child’s feces is examined for worm eggs.

Sometimes a child suffering from this disease needs consultation with specialized specialists, for example, an immunologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist and others.

If there is a chronic course of blepharitis, which is accompanied by hypertrophy (pathological growth of tissue) of the edges of the eyelids, then the specialist must admit the possible presence of a malignant neoplasm in the patient’s body, for example, squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma, as well as cancer of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid. To confirm or refute this diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out biopsy followed by histological examination of the biopsy.

How to treat blepharitis in children?

Modern methods that are most effective are used to treat the disease. Treatment tactics are always determined only by an ophthalmologist. To do this, it is necessary to accurately establish the causes and form of the disease.

It must be remembered that Treatment of blepharitis should not be limited to the primary relief of symptoms. You cannot stop taking medications without permission without first consulting an ophthalmologist, so as not to provoke the development of relapses and the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

During therapy, the doctor may raise the question of the advisability of using not only local antibacterial agents, but also general antibiotic therapy. This is usually associated with the appearance of abscesses (fibrous capsule with purulent exudate). In this case, the following drugs may be prescribed: oxacillin, ampicillin, sulbactam, amoxicillin and others. It may also be necessary to surgically open the abscess.

Blepharitis is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelids. The risk group includes men and women from 30 to 50 years old, but the disease also manifests itself in children. This disease is one of the most common eye diseases and most often affects both eyes simultaneously.

There are several types of the disease (demodex, meibomian, etc.), among them scaly or seborrheic blepharitis.

Seborrheic blepharitis or seborrhea is the most severe form of the disease. It is especially dangerous due to the various complications that it causes if treatment is started. The main damage occurs on the eyelids. The disease often manifests itself in the form of graying or complete loss of eyelashes. In some cases, blepharitis spreads to the eye organ itself, hair or skin. A characteristic feature that gives this variety its name is the peeling of the epidermal scales at the base of the eyelashes. At the same time, the edge of the eyelid thickens and becomes hyperermic.


A characteristic symptom of the disease is the formation of scales on the eyelids. Externally, the particles resemble dandruff and have a gray tint. In terms of composition, scales are cells that have died from the epidermis. It is difficult to remove such particles, as they adhere tightly to the skin. If this is successful, you may notice severe redness underneath, which eventually spreads to the entire surface of the eyelids. As the disease progresses, they thicken quite noticeably. At the same time, general eye fatigue increases, and hypersensitivity to wind, light and dust is observed.

This disease also has common symptoms that appear in all subtypes of the disease. First of all, it is dry eyes and swelling of the eyelids. Patients constantly complain of foreign bodies in the eyes, although there are none. After waking up, the eyelashes stick together tightly, making it difficult to open the eyes. There is also such a characteristic symptom as a burning sensation.

Seborrheic blepharitis or seborrhea is the most severe form of the disease, dangerous due to various complications in the advanced form of the disease.


The cause of the disease may be the following:

  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • work involving exposure to dust;
  • decline in immunity;
  • infection with demodex and staphylococcus;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • diseases of the oral cavity of an infectious nature.


For seborrheic blepharitis, treatment must be complex and most often takes a long time. The goal of therapy is to cure dermatitis, strengthen general immunity, get rid of infection, as well as normalize nutrition and improve living conditions.

Gentamicin is prescribed for seborrheic blepharitis.

Drops and medicinal ointments are used as local treatments. To soften the affected edges of the eyelids, use a solution of Syntomycin or fish oil. The treatment also includes the application of an antiseptic, followed by a medicinal ointment.

Among the products recommended for use are: Gentamicin, Fucidin, tetracycline and hydrocortisone ointments, as well as a number of others. The main treatments include zinc sulfate, Prednisolone and Desonide. Solutions of agents are instilled into the conjunctival cavity. Such a remedy as a compress made from calendula infusion demonstrates good effectiveness. There are also highly specialized solutions, for example, blefarogel. It should be immediately noted that the process of treating seborrhea is long, patients will notice the first results in a few weeks, but in general, therapy can take a year.

Hygienic procedures should be carried out according to the following scheme: a gauze swab is moistened in a solution of the drug, and then applied to the eyelids for several minutes. This helps soften adhered particles. At the next stage, the second tampon is moistened with a solution of calendula and chamomile, after which it is used to carefully remove the dead epidermis with movements from side to side. In this case, wiping eyelashes vertically is strictly prohibited. After such treatment, all that remains is to irrigate the edges of the eyelids with medicinal and antiseptic preparations.

Blepharogel is one of the common medications for the treatment of blepharitis.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies are popular and help to quickly cure scaly blepharitis. Various remedies and decoctions based on thyme, calendula, dill, bay leaf, clover and chamomile have a significant anti-inflammatory effect and can help in the fight against this disease. Most often, tampons are impregnated with decoctions instead of classical medications. They are also used to wash the eyes.

An alternative homemade option is aloe juice. It is squeezed out and lubricated on the affected areas. The following folk recipe is also used for treatment: basil is ground into a paste, which is applied to the affected area. You can lubricate sore spots with olive and almond oils. It remains to be reminded: how exactly to treat squamous blepharitis is up to the doctor to decide; do not self-medicate.

Scaly blepharitis in children

Treatment of blepharitis in a child is carried out in the same way as in adults. At the slightest sign of illness, the child should be shown to a doctor; under no circumstances should the disease be allowed to progress. Moreover, scaly blepharitis can lead to deterioration of vision in children.

Scaly blepharitis is an extremely unpleasant disease that negatively affects a person’s appearance. It is important to remember that preventing this disease is much easier than treating it later. Prevention methods are as simple as they are effective: do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, a handkerchief or someone else’s towel. Protect your eyes from dirt, dust and external damage.

Jul 26, 2017 Anastasia Tabalina

Blepharitis in children is not uncommon. The pathology represents an inflammatory process of the eyelid margin, which can manifest itself in 3 main forms - simple, scaly and ulcerative. There are other forms of the disease, but they are less common.


Etiology of the disease

In the vast majority of cases, pathology occurs due to excess sebum, which accumulates on the edges of the eyelids. This phenomenon provokes bacteria to actively reproduce, resulting in inflammation.

Blepharitis may be accompanied by seborrheic dermatitis, in which case dry skin patches on the face or scalp begin to peel. An allergic reaction may occur, which is accompanied by redness of the skin.

Numerous microorganisms can cause blepharitis in a child - molluscum contagiosum, herpes virus, fungi, mites, staphylococcus and others. Sometimes the cause may be chronic anemia, vitamin deficiency, diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of the disease

With blepharitis, the baby suffers greatly from itching, sometimes it can be simply unbearable. The eyelid turns red, a burning sensation appears, there is a feeling that something has got into the eye, and the child suffers from severe lacrimation. Upon examination, you may find that the edges of the eyelids are thickened.

  1. With scaly blepharitis, there are small scales near the eyelashes, and the skin underneath is red and thin.
  2. In the ulcerative form of the disease, purulent crusts are characteristic; if you try to remove them yourself, they are removed along with the eyelashes, and in place of the crust a small ulcer appears, in most cases it bleeds.
  3. With demodectic blepharitis, the symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of scaly blepharitis. The eyelash bulbs enlarge, transparent muffs appear at their roots, pigmentation may change and a large number of papillomas may appear.
  4. When the symptoms are similar to other forms of the disease, a characteristic feature is small blisters on the upper part of the eyelid, they cause inflammation of the meibomian glands, these blisters break through over time and small scars form in their place. If blepharitis is not treated, it becomes chronic and can severely impair the child’s vision. At the same time, the child feels unwell, his activity decreases sharply.

Diagnosis and treatment

In order to find out what kind of infection provoked the occurrence of blepharitis, the doctor makes a scraping from the conjunctiva of the eyelashes and eyes. Laboratory testing will reveal the cause of the disease. If the pathology is the result of an allergy, then an additional test is prescribed to identify the provoking factor.

In order for the treatment of blepharitis in children to bring positive results and the prognosis of the disease to be favorable, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and carefully observe the rules of hygiene.

In the morning and evening, you need to moisten the tampon in an antiseptic and carefully remove the crusts from the eyelid. Chamomile decoction or calendula infusion can be used as an antiseptic.

To treat a child, ointments that have antibacterial properties are mainly used. It could be:

  • Sulfanilamide;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Hydrocortisone.
  • Myromistinaceae;
  • Sulfacyl sodium.

For any form of blepharitis, the child is advised to take vitamins; in addition, the diet must be reviewed and made balanced. Parents should boost their child’s immunity; this can be achieved through hardening procedures, sports and exercise in the fresh air.

If necessary, the doctor may add immunostimulating drugs to the treatment. Physiotherapy methods - darsonval, electrophoresis, UHF, manitotherapy - have a good effect.

If a child’s disease has become chronic, then one must prepare for long-term treatment. Even if the symptoms are eliminated and the disease remains untreated, relapses may occur very soon.

In treatment, the main thing is to eliminate the cause of the disease, that is, the infection, and if the child has good immunity, this is easier to do. If a child has vision problems, then it should be corrected. It is important to teach your child to use a handkerchief and not to rub his eyes with his hands.

In case of demodectic blepharitis, the child’s face should be washed with tar soap, the edges of the eyelid should be treated with antiseptics several times a day, and also lubricated with zinc-ichthyol ointment. The course of treatment is about a month. Several times a day, it is recommended to instill alkali-based drops into the conjunctival sac.

Meibomian blepharitis is treated in almost the same way as other forms; as an addition, eyelid massage can be recommended, which is done with a special glass rod, after which the eyelid should be lubricated with brilliant green.

As for preventive measures, they mainly relate to hygiene.

  1. The child must have his own scarf, his own towel, which must be thoroughly washed regularly.
  2. Parents should ensure that the child does not touch or rub his eyes with his hands.
  3. It is imperative to treat all infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, increase the child’s immunity, and ensure that the diet contains more vitamins.
  4. At the first sign of eye redness, you should consult a specialist.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of blepharitis

Despite the fact that traditional recipes are considered safe, they should not be used without consulting a doctor. Many medicinal herbs are poisonous and, if they get into the eye, can greatly aggravate the course of the disease.

They are quite suitable for enhancing the effectiveness of drug therapy.

  1. You can use eucalyptus leaves, sage, calendula or chamomile to wash your eyes. Both infusions and decoctions can be made from these herbs. It is recommended to do 3-5 washes per day.
  2. Rose oil will help get rid of scaly blepharitis. They lubricate the child's eyelids to make it easier to remove scales. You can also brew rose petals and wash your eyes with this infusion.
  3. Clover inflorescences are used to treat demodectic blepharitis; they relieve inflammation well. Collect, wash and chop the clover flowers, then squeeze the juice out of them. 3 drops should be instilled into each eye of the child once a day. It is recommended to make eyelid lotions from the remaining pulp.
  4. If it’s nature, then the first thing, of course, is to exclude the allergen that affects the child. If, after eliminating the allergen, there is still discomfort in the eyes, then they can be washed with a solution of boric acid; Lotions made from fresh cottage cheese help relieve inflammation from the eyes. To do this, you need to put a spoonful of cottage cheese in gauze and apply it to your eyelids.
  5. To cure meibomian blepharitis, traditional medicine recommends the following recipe: take a medium onion, boil it in half a liter of water, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix well. Rinse your eyes with this solution at least 5 times a day.
  6. To cope with chronic blepharitis, you will need thyme. You need to prepare a decoction from this plant and wash your eyes. For 1 tbsp. l. herbs you need to take a glass of boiling water.
  7. Burdock oil helps with seborrheic form. They need to remove crusts from their eyelids and lubricate them before going to bed.
  8. If you mix half a glass of black and green tea and add a dessert spoon of dry grape wine, you will get a solution that is very useful for washing your eyes with blepharitis.

Massage is also very useful for blepharitis. Buy a special stick at the pharmacy. There is a spatula at one end and a ball at the other. The end with the spatula massages the eyelid, and the side with the ball is convenient for applying ointment. You need to massage the eyelid from the outer edge to the inner.


Blepharitis symptoms and treatment

During childhood, many children suffer various eye diseases , which can lead to deterioration of vision (conjunctivitis, stye , blepharitis of the eye). Today we will tell you about what types of blepharitis most common in childhood, symptoms, characteristic of one or another type of blepharitis and treatment diseases using modern and folk remedies.
Blepharitis is called inflammatory process on the edges of the eyelids, which is often chronic and occurs quite often in children. In most cases
the appearance of the disease is provoked by Staphylococcus aureus. Cure such eye inflammation in a child difficult, but recently effective methods have been developed for treating and completely eliminating the infection that causes inflammation of the eyes ( drops , ointments, special compresses for the eyes).

Blepharitis in children Symptoms, which appear first.
Signs of blepharitis in children include swelling and swelling of the eyelids, excessive loss of eyelashes , redness of the eyes, which is accompanied by itching and burning. There is noticeable irritation under the lower eyelid, as if dirt had gotten there.

Seborrhea, or scaly blepharitis of the eye (photo below)- a disease that is characterized by narrowing of the palpebral fissure, burning in the eyes, the eyelids turn red and become thicker. However, the patient tolerates this type of illness much easier than ulcerative blepharitis. Schoolchildren are the main contingent that faces with ulcerative blepharitis. Crusts form near the eyelashes on the edges of the eyelids, ulcers appear under them, and they bleed from time to time. Angular blepharitis received this name due to the fact that it affects only the corners of the palpebral fissure. For meibomian blepharitis In the eyes, the meibomian glands become inflamed (they are located in the cartilage tissue of the eyelids). When you press on the eyelid, a white mass with a yellow tint begins to flow out.

Blepharitis in children Treatment and disease prevention.
If blepharitis occurs after an eye infection, the child is prescribed antibiotics. When the cause of the disease is an allergy , then you need to stop the access of the allergen to the eye, wash the baby’s eyelids with warm water and soap, and stop irritating the surface with ragweed (if there was a reaction to it).
In advanced situations, peeling of the skin around the eyes and eyebrows and on the head is observed. Then the doctor recommends using a specialized cream or shampoo.

Another type of disease is demodectic blepharitis, named after its pathogen - the Demodex mite. Demodex lives in the bulb of the eyelash, and gets there when a child comes into contact with birds, their down and feathers that fill pillows. Increased likelihood of contracting the disease in children with chronic gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, and various types of allergies , focal points of infection. When mite begins life activity in the follicles of the eyelashes, the epithelium peels off and these cells accumulate between the hairs. Cylindrical muffs form near the roots of the eyelashes; they become larger over time.

Treat demadecosis blepharitis problematic: the marginal edge, the skin of the eyelids and face have to be treated with alcohol solutions.

Often blepharitis in children (see photo below) develops due to weakened immunity, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, constant eye strain , diabetes mellitus or the presence of worms. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of blepharitis in a child, it is important to immediately seek professional help from a pediatrician to identify the causes and source of the disease and undergo the necessary examination and tests. If a child is diagnosed blepharitis, treatment will be aimed at strengthening the child’s immune system, adjusting the diet and regularly taking medications (as well as using ointments and special lotions, shampoos) until the infection is completely eliminated and eliminating the symptoms of blepharitis.

Now you know what symptoms indicates that the child is developing blepharitis eye. We looked at the types of blepharitis, treatment methods diseases and methods prevention of re-infection (development of chronic blepharitis). We also learned that demodectic blepharitis is caused by a mite that penetrates the eyelash bulbs and causes eye inflammation in a child.

Next article.



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