Stage 1 of obesity in adolescents. Main causes of childhood obesity

In this article we will discuss, what diet for obesity stage 1 or 2, as well as in more severe forms - stages 3 and 4, the most effective and aimed at long-term results. Childhood obesity– this is a condition when a child’s weight exceeds the age-height standard by 15 percent. Treatment of obesity in children- this is first of all the whole complex activities aimed at normalizing metabolism, increasing muscle tone and strengthening, choosing a diet and products. There are four degrees of obesity in total. The first degree of obesity is characterized by excess weight by approximately 15-20 percent, the second degree of obesity is an excess of body weight by 21-50 percent, the third is 50-100 percent, and finally, the very last, fourth stage, is characterized by excess weight by more than 100 percent.

Treatment of obesity in children– this is a very long and labor-intensive process.
The basis of obesity treatment is adherence to a dietary diet, which categorically excludes overeating and city eating. Doctors prescribe a diet combined with physical activity. No medications are used for children (with the exception of stage 4 obesity). There is cholesterol control.

It should be noted that childhood obesity has two forms– primary and secondary. Most often, primary obesity is directly related to errors in nutrition, that is, overfeeding, and secondary obesity is a consequence of congenital diseases. For example, due to insufficient function thyroid gland. I must say, such degrees of obesity as first and second only causes psychological discomfort, rather than physical. At these stages, the child has no special health complaints.

The point is that on early stages structural and functional changes have not yet entered into force. It seems that this just overweight and he can do no harm children's body, but now it’s worth thinking about it and taking yourself seriously. In the first and second stages of childhood obesity, weight increases slowly but surely, which is very dangerous in terms of complications. and, consequently, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted. Joint pain and limited mobility can be expected.

Weakness, irritation, loss of strength, Bad mood, swelling and nausea in a child are problems that are closely related to the third and fourth stages of obesity. At these stages, the body changes pathologically. The cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract are particularly affected.
IN modern conditions very difficult to overestimate influence of proper nutrition on the child's well-being. Until 8-10 years of age, no spices or seasonings are added when preparing lunch. It is best to avoid sugar. Instead, use glucose, fructose and honey. Margarine is a source of toxic trans fats. Replace margarine and butter with olive and sunflower oil. Also, you should avoid industrial mayonnaise. Do not buy semi-finished products, but rather cook your own food. Diet for obesity should be based on quality meat, fish and fermented milk products. Include vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals in your diet.

As emphasized above, treatment of obesity in children nd is rarely associated with the use of drugs - for effective treatment obesity of any degree, it is important to strictly observe proper nutrition regimen and adhere to a strict diet that includes healthy foods made from natural, raw ingredients. Below you will find useful tips on following a diet for obesity degrees 1,2,3 and 4 in children, recommendations for choosing products - first and foremost second courses, and also desserts and drinks for weight loss.

As you already understood, treatment of obesity in children- a constant process associated with strict adherence to the diet and the correct choice of high-quality, low-calorie foods included in the daily diet. Be sure to purchase an accurate floor scale to constantly monitor your child’s weight changes.
Nutrition for 1st and 2nd degree obesity, as a rule, is not associated with the exclusion of certain products (of course, high-quality ones) from the diet - it is only important to control the amount of food consumed. Diet for grade 3 and 4 obesity in children provides for the exclusion from the diet of flour and cereal dishes, sugar and many types of sweets, potatoes, confectionery and pasta.

Next article.

About 20% of children and adolescents are obese, although 30 years ago these figures did not reach 10%. This trend is truly frightening because obesity in childhood often lasts a lifetime and leads to health problems. The article will discuss how to identify, treat and prevent obesity in children and adolescents.

What are the signs and causes of obesity in infants, older children and adolescents?

Parents can suspect a child is obese by analyzing his lifestyle, physical activity, diet and body shape.

First alarm bells, indicating the presence of pathology in baby, are :

  • excess body weight;
  • constipation

On possible problem The pediatrician can indicate who needs to be visited monthly. If you are overweight, he will tell you how to adjust the baby’s diet.

The critical period is preschool age (5-7 years) when fat is actively accumulating. The following symptoms indicate obesity at this age:

  • excess body weight;
  • With heavy sweating;
  • shortness of breath not only during exercise physical culture, but also when walking;
  • figure defects (rounded belly, protruding forward, full hips, arms and shoulders);
  • high blood pressure.

The peak development of obesity in children occurs in adolescence (12-17 years) . All of the above symptoms become more pronounced. Other symptoms are added to these:

  • disorder of puberty;
  • dizziness;
  • constant swelling of the arms and legs;
  • being in a depressed state;
  • excessive sweating at minimal loads;
  • joint pain.

Causes of obesity in children under 2 years old, 2-12 years old, adolescents

Age Causes of obesity
0-2 years - overfeeding both natural and artificially fed infants;

- problems endocrine system;

- the child’s consumption of unnecessary foods: chips, sweets, excessive consumption of cookies;

- instead of water, drinking sweet juices and compotes, sweet tea;

- feeding the baby through force;

— incorrect introduction of complementary foods;

hereditary predisposition to fullness;

- maternal smoking during pregnancy;

- development of diabetes in the mother during pregnancy.

2-12 years - overfeeding;

- previously puberty;

- violation of the daily routine and eating at any time of the day;

- low physical activity, love of sitting in front of the TV (more than two hours a day) or at the computer;

- insufficient stay on fresh air;

- prolonged lack of sleep.

Adolescence - lack of nutritional culture (love of fast foods, chips, crackers, nuts, chocolate bars, sweet sodas: cola, pepsi), snacking on the go, refusal of normal home-cooked food;

- sedentary forms of leisure ( computer games, TV);

- the example of parents (children of overweight parents are more likely to be obese), since children adopt from them a sedentary lifestyle and attitude towards food;

- strict prohibitions when parents, fearing the appearance of excess weight, they forbid the child almost everything (sometimes they don’t even give them sweets or cookies, they forbid eating after six). A child, freed from parental control, begins to uncontrollably try all foods previously prohibited for him and begins to gain weight.

Types of obesity in children and adolescents

Classification of obesity in children these

Types of obesity in children Description
Nutritional obesity Related to in a sedentary manner life and poor nutrition, often overeating, as well as a genetic predisposition to obesity.

This type of obesity is characterized gradual increase body weight, subcutaneous adipose tissue accumulates most in the abdomen and thighs, endocrine glands not damaged.

Hypothalamic obesity It is quite rare in children. The causes of this type of obesity are head injuries, encephalitis, tumors of the brain or hypothalamus, and in newborns - fetal hypoxia and trauma received during childbirth.

Signs of hypothalamic obesity are: high consumption food without saturation, weight gain with high speed, fat deposition on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, other brain diseases (delayed speech development, dizziness, abnormalities in mental development), delayed puberty, enlarged mammary glands in teenage boys and painful periods in girls.

Endocrine obesity The development of this type of obesity is associated with the occurrence of chronic diseases in the child: dysfunction of hormones, the thyroid gland, diseases of the adrenal glands and the genitourinary system.

How to determine obesity in a child: signs of stages 1, 2, 3, 4 of obesity and diagnostic methods

Timely diagnosis and prescription proper treatment will help cope with this pathology in children. The reason for contacting a specialist is the initial observations of the parents. Next, the diagnosis is carried out by the doctor.

The degree of obesity is assessed based on:

  • collecting information from parents (history);
  • measuring body weight, height, hip volume, waist circumference and comparing the results with standards in;
  • calculating body mass index and measuring thickness skin fold relative to adipose tissue.

To diagnose obesity in children, consultations with the following specialists are necessary:

  • pediatrician;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • neurologist;
  • genetics;
  • nutritionist;
  • cardiologist;
  • physical therapy doctor;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • psychologist;
  • gynecologist.

Additional examinations when diagnosing obesity in children:

  • biochemical blood test;
  • hormonal profile;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • MRI of the pituitary gland.

Signs of obesity degrees 1, 2, 3, 4 in children

Obesity level in children Signs
1st degree The child’s body weight exceeds the norm by 15-25% . The child is well-fed, but parents may not notice this sign.
2nd degree Weight is 26-50% higher than normal . Health problems begin to appear. The child develops shortness of breath when he climbs the stairs, his arms and legs begin to swell, he periodically becomes dizzy, sweating increases, and a good mood is increasingly replaced by depression.
3rd degree Body weight is 51-100% higher than normal. The child suffers from joint pain and high blood pressure. Blood sugar levels increase, which is the first sign of diabetes development. Peer ridicule leads to a permanent state of depression.
4th degree Body weight is more than 2 times higher than normal , all the above symptoms worsen, and concomitant diseases appear.

Consequences and treatment of obesity in a child: diet, regimen, physical activity, physiotherapy

Consequences of obesity in children:

1. On the level gastrointestinal tract arise digestive problems, increases the risk of kidney and gallstones .
2. At the level of the cardiovascular system The level of cholesterol in the blood increases, headaches constantly arise due to increased blood pressure and changes in heart rate. With age, this can result in serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
3. In obese children, high risk of disease diabetes mellitus 2 types.
4. From the central side nervous system Sleep is disturbed, pain occurs in the arms and legs, headaches also occur, behavior changes, performance decreases, apathy and depression occur.
5. There is a dysfunction of the gonads: girls experience menstrual irregularities, and boys experience underdevelopment of the genital organs.
6. From the outside immune system observed
7. Obesity also causes changes in the musculoskeletal system: Problems with posture appear, gait changes, flat feet appear, and problems with joints arise.

And this is only part of the problems that obesity can lead to, therefore, without wasting precious time, you should begin treating the pathology.

Treatment methods for obesity in children


A pediatric nutritionist should develop a diet for a child so that the child does not gain weight, but at the same time the food is varied and includes all the necessary nutrients. The diet is prescribed to children only after 3 years.

Products that should be included in the diet of an obese child:

  • lean meat;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • fruits (exclude bananas and grapes);
  • vegetables;
  • freshly squeezed juices without sugar;
  • decoctions of fresh and dry fruits without sugar.

Products that should be limited in consumption if you are obese:

  • fatty meat and dairy products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast foods;
  • flour products;
  • sugar;
  • jam;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • canned compotes;
  • cocoa;
  • pasta;
  • semolina;
  • spicy and salty dishes;
  • dishes with spices and herbs;
  • fatty meat broths;
  • fried foods.

The diet for obesity includes fractional meals in small portions. Along with snacks, the child should consume food up to 7 times a day. For a snack, it is recommended to use fruits, excluding grapes and bananas.

Physical activity

  • To treat obesity, physical activity is required. First of all, the doctor prescribes exercise therapy complex , which will help the child not only get rid of excess weight, but will also prevent other serious diseases (for example, diabetes).
  • Sports sections . For the treatment of obesity, it is best to enroll children 4-5 years old in a sports section. The simplest physical activities are useful: jogging, cycling, running bike, scooter, swimming, skating, roller skating, skiing. Very helpful sports games with parents: football, badminton, hide and seek, simple games ball, hopscotch and others.
  • Hiking . For younger children it is better to organize hiking, the baby should move as much as possible, so you can also play simple outdoor games with him.
  • Drawing on the asphalt. Surprisingly, this simple activity is also a kind of physical activity. When drawing, the baby actively squats and moves while squatting.

Parents should set an example for their child in everything and not leave him alone with his problem.

Drug treatment

Doctors resort to this method only for stage 3 obesity. The problem also lies in the fact that drugs that affect weight loss are contraindicated in children under 15 years of age. The only exception is Orlistat, which is approved for children over 12 years of age. The doctor prescribes one drug that helps with weight loss, as well as vitamins A, E, B, calcium and tablets that help the child’s body adapt to the diet.


This is one of the most effective procedures in the treatment of obesity in children. Thanks to massage they decrease body fat in tissues in certain areas of the body, metabolism improves, lymph and blood circulation is stimulated, condition improves musculoskeletal system, the performance of muscle tissues increases, which in addition become more elastic, muscle tone is normalized. Massage is prescribed with caution to children with heart disease. It should only be carried out by a specialist.


Thanks to physiotherapy, a low-calorie diet is much better tolerated by children; in addition, they help normalize metabolism, stimulate the immune system, and serve for the prevention and treatment of diseases that are complicated or caused by obesity.

The following physiotherapy procedures are actively used to treat obesity:

  • climatotherapy;
  • aerotherapy;
  • heliotherapy;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • mud - and heat treatment;
  • mineral waters in the form of baths.

Measures to prevent obesity in children

Preventive measures similar to methods of treating obesity. The main measures are diet and exercise.

  1. Disease prevention should begin as early as infancy, try to avoid overfeeding babies, and older children from early childhood need to instill a culture of nutrition and healthy image life.
  2. You need to try to interest your child in any sport, actively support his desire to walk and be in the fresh air as much as possible, and not at home in front of the TV and computer.
  3. If the problem of obesity arises, you need to support your child, become his friend, and make him feel that he will be helped to overcome all difficulties. Then it will be much easier for the child to cope with the disease, even if treatment takes a long time.

The topic of the article is childhood obesity. We will talk about the causes of its occurrence, treatment and prevention of the disease.

When does childhood obesity occur?

Obesity is a chronic disease caused by an imbalance of metabolism, resulting in the accumulation of excess fat in the body.

Adipose tissue in human body does not always occur intensively. Her first education occurs from the day of birth and continues until 9 months. By the age of 5, fat growth returns to normal.

The next stage is the age from 5 to 7 years and the final stage is 12-17 years, when puberty and complete restructuring of the body occurs.

Experts distinguish 3 critical stages of the disease:

  • up to 3 years - early childhood;
  • 5-7 years - junior school age;
  • 12-17 years old - adolescence.

How is it classified?

There is no uniform taxonomy of this disease. Doctors use several types of classifications.

Most often the classification looks like this.


  • idiopathic - associated with genetic predisposition;
  • nutritional - arising due to poor nutrition.

Secondary, it is also symptomatic:

  • formed due to gene defects;
  • endocrine;
  • medicinal;
  • cerebral.

Mixed- consists of elements of groups 1 and 2.

Based on BMI relative to normal body weight, there are 3 degrees of obesity:

  • 1st degree - overweight is 10-29 percent more than the permissible norm;
  • - excess weight is 30-49 percent more than the permissible norm;
  • 3rd degree - excess weight is 50 percent more than the permissible norm.

Causes of childhood obesity

Many parents have encountered the problem of obesity in their child at least once in their lives. IN in rare cases This disease is congenital and most often occurs due to poor nutrition.

According to research, most often children who suffer from excess weight problems are children who have been bottle-fed since birth.

Children who are on breastfeeding, usually complementary foods are introduced much later than in artificial babies. This is why after 6 months, breastfed babies begin to gain less weight. But formula-fed babies are introduced to complementary foods from the age of 4 months, and from the age of 6 months, some children begin to be offered solid food.

All responsibility for the child's health lies on the shoulders of the parents. It is you who must take care to accustom your child to healthy and healthy food. Otherwise, in the near future you risk facing the problem of excess weight in your offspring.


Most often this happens when the baby is given fast food, chips, sweets and flour products. Carbonated drinks also contribute to weight gain.

Do not forget that a growing body needs large number calories to develop physically and mentally. But if a child eats a lot and moves little, then excess weight will become his constant companion.


Hereditary predisposition plays a role important role in the formation of the child’s facial features and physique. Children with thin parents are often thin and slender.

Families in which adults are overweight or overweight often have children with the same problems. In such a case, parents should initially take care of drawing up the child’s menu to prevent him from gaining excess weight.

There are several reasons for the appearance of excess weight in children arising from developmental pathologies:

  • congenital hypothyroidism - occurs due to a deficiency of thyroid hormones;
  • Down syndrome;
  • inflammatory diseases of the brain, head injury, neoplasms leading to malfunctions of the pituitary gland;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • adipose-genital dystrophy.

Hormonal changes

In most cases any hormonal changes in the body cause weight changes.

For some it decreases, for others it begins to increase more and more every day.

If the child’s weight begins to increase steadily, then urgently show the child to a specialist to check the proper functioning of the adrenal glands and pancreas.


A sedentary lifestyle contributes to excess weight. Pay attention to how it conducts free time your child. If he sits in front of a computer or TV, it is very difficult to lure him outside, and he avoids active games, which means that he will become overweight very soon.

Why is childhood obesity dangerous?

The occurrence of excess weight in children is fraught with the development of many serious diseases, which increase the risk of disability or premature death.

Obesity in childhood and adolescence can cause:

  • development of diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, stroke, cardiac ischemia);
  • formation of diseases of the endocrine system (malfunction of the pancreas, adrenal and thyroid glands);
  • decreased reproductive function in men, infertility in women;
  • the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases (hemorrhoids, constipation, inflammation of the duodenum);
  • the appearance of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (deformation of bones and joints, formation of flat feet, varicose veins veins);
  • formation of mental illnesses (sleep problems, psychosocial disorders).

Childhood obesity - photo

Treatment of childhood obesity

It is not uncommon for obese children to blame their parents for their weight problems.

The fight against childhood obesity must be achieved through pediatrician and a psychologist who can explain to the child that the parents are not to blame.

It will help to prevent the occurrence of this disease and completely eliminate it. special diet, drug therapy, physical therapy and surgical treatment.

Diet for obesity

Pick up proper nutrition If your child is overweight, a pediatric nutritionist will help. He will adjust the diet in such a way as to stop the formation of subcutaneous fat and activate the elimination of accumulated reserves.

Diet menus for obesity should be varied and balanced. Children under 3 years of age should not follow a restricted diet.

Eating for childhood obesity involves split meals of at least 7 small portions per day. The break between meals should be no longer than 3 hours.

It is better to offer high-calorie meals to your child in the first half of the day during the most activity. For breakfast and lunch, prepare dishes from lean meat and fish.

You can give your child fermented milk products with minimal fat content. Moreover, cottage cheese must be present in his diet every day.

Carbohydrates - main source fat deposits, so exclude your baby from food white bread, granulated sugar, packaged juices, sparkling water, sweets, jam and pasta.

Try not to fry food in oil, but boil, stew, steam or serve it fresh.

Nutritionist Pevzner has developed an effective diet for children suffering from obesity. This nutritional technique was called diet No. 8. There are several types of this diet that allow you to eat a balanced diet and at the same time lose weight.

Main products of diet No. 8 per day:

  • bread coarse or with bran - 0.1-0.17 kg;
  • fermented milk products minimal fat content- 0.18-0.2 kg;
  • lean varieties of meat, fish, poultry - 0.15-0.18 kg;
  • soups with a small amount of potatoes - up to 0.22 kg;
  • From cereals you can eat millet, buckwheat, barley - up to 0.2 kg;
  • any vegetables in unlimited quantities;
  • unsweetened fruits - up to 0.4 kg;
  • Uzvar, unsweetened juice, tea.

Diet menu for obesity

Below is sample menu diet No. 8:

  • first breakfast at 8 am - buckwheat porridge cooked in water, apple, unsweetened tea;
  • second breakfast at 11 noon - boiled egg, rose hip decoction, apple and cabbage salad;
  • lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon - vegetable soup or cabbage soup, stewed cabbage with fish or meat, compote made from dried fruits;
  • afternoon snack at 16.00 - kefir and cottage cheese;
  • dinner at 19.00 - boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil;
  • before bed - 220 ml of low-fat kefir.

These dishes should be prepared without the use of salt and the use of oil should be kept to a minimum. Your child should not be allowed to eat sweets while losing weight.

Sports exercises

An important part complex treatment excess weight are physical activities. The specialist will recommend a special exercise therapy complex that promotes weight loss.

Drug treatment

In most cases, doctors prescribe drug treatment only for third degree obesity. This is due to the fact that medications that dull the feeling of hunger and reduce weight are prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age.

Modern methods of treating childhood obesity are based on non-drug therapy. Usually in therapeutic complex include taking homeopathic medicines.

Surgical treatment

Surgical therapy for obesity is carried out in rare cases when all other treatment methods are ineffective or there is a threat to the child’s life.

Treatment of the disease surgically is still being improved. Currently, there are about 40 types of operations that help save a child from a dangerous disease.

Childhood obesity - treatment Komarovsky

Obesity prevention

  1. To reduce your child's weight, limit his intake of carbonated drinks, candy bars, hot dogs, chips, fatty foods. Get him used to eating healthy foods fresh fruit and vegetables. Prepare delicious and healthy dishes, cut out pictures from vegetables using special cutters.
  2. Be an example for your child, show him how to lose weight. If your baby's age allows you to take him to the gym with you, then visit the fitness center together. If the baby is more than 2 years old, teach him to dance and sports exercises to the music at home.
  3. Start moving more and walking in the fresh air as much as possible. Make it a rule to go outdoors with your whole family every weekend. It is possible that at first the child will not like such changes in in the usual way life, but over time he will get used to them.
  4. Children who are obese often have nervous disorders and lack of self-confidence. They avoid communicating with peers, tend to spend their evenings with their parents, watching TV, or are constantly on the Internet. Such children try to escape from reality into a virtual or imaginary world. In situations like these, you shouldn't leave things to chance. Try to distract your child from sad thoughts and show how wonderful life is outside the four walls of the apartment.
  5. If, while dealing with your child's illness, you begin to experience irritation or... nervous breakdowns, then try to calm down immediately. You must minimize the occurrence stressful situations, talk to the child in a calm tone, try to convey to him why it is necessary to adhere to a diet, how the disease may affect his future.
  6. Try to stay close to your child while he is on the diet. Most adults have a hard time sticking to diets. What can we say about a child who cannot understand why his parents deprived him of his usual and tasty food?

A child’s well-being largely depends on his weight, activity, and ability to communicate with other people.

Many parents take their child to special group children suffering from obesity. After all, it has been proven that collective weight loss is much more effective than individual weight loss. This is due to the fact that during group weight loss, the child will feel support from both parents and other people with similar illnesses and problems.

Plump children cause real tenderness in many adults. However, excess weight is not only a matter of aesthetic beauty. To maintain good health weight should be maintained within age norm. The problems of childhood obesity will be discussed in our article.

When do we talk about obesity?

A pathological condition in which weight changes upward and exceeds normal age indicators by more than 15% is called obesity. Many specialists use a parameter such as body mass index to make a diagnosis. This is the ratio of height in meters to twice the weight in kg. Body mass index is expressed in absolute numbers. If it exceeds 30, it indicates that the child is obese.

Obesity can develop at any age: both in newborns and adolescents. According to statistics, obesity is slightly more common in girls under 8 years of age than in boys. However, after puberty this ratio changes. Parents of newborn babies often confuse obesity with large body size.

If a child’s weight at birth exceeds the norm, then this does not provide grounds for making a diagnosis of obesity.

Obese children live in different countries. There are more of them in economically developed countries than in developing ones. This feature is largely due to excess nutrition, low physical activity, and abuse of fast food. In Asia, the number of overweight children is several times lower than in Europe and America. This is due to the historical food culture and the lack of an abundance of foods containing saturated fats on the Asian menu.

The incidence rates are increasing every year. This trend is quite unfavorable. Two out of ten children in Russia are obese. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the incidence rate is also increasing every year. Approximately 15% of children living in Belarus and Ukraine suffer from varying degrees of obesity.

IN rural areas slightly fewer children have problems with overweight. This feature is largely due to greater physical activity than in the city, as well as quality nutrition, which does not contain numerous chemical additives and preservatives. According to statistics, urban children are obese in 10% of cases. For rural small residents this figure is lower - about 6-7%.

The onset of the disease in childhood is extremely unfavorable. Many parents believe that excess weight only decorates the child and makes him look pretty, however, they are mistaken. It is with early years Babies begin to form eating habits. After all, you have probably noticed that already from the first months of life a child has his own taste preferences. Some children love porridge and chicken, while others cannot live without eating sweet fruit.

Little people with a sweet tooth can be identified right from the very beginning. early age. If parents at this time encourage each child’s achievement with candy or a sweet, high-calorie cookie, then the child will subsequently develop abnormal eating behavior. Throughout his later life, he will be pathologically drawn to sweets and chocolate. Moreover, an adult person will not be able to find any logical explanation for this.

Treatment and diagnosis various problems Pediatric endocrinologists deal with weight. The danger of obesity is that it can lead to persistent disruptions in the functioning of many vital functions. important organs. Subsequently, children develop cardiovascular, neurological disorders, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as severe metabolic disorders. Late diagnosis of the disease and non-compliance with diet contribute to the progression of the disease.


The development of obesity in children can be caused by exposure to the most various reasons. Most factors arise as a result of external influences. This action must be long-term and regular. This ultimately leads to the development of obesity.

TO causal factors problems with excess weight include:

  • Excessive nutrition. Daily caloric excess daily ration contributes to the oversaturation of the body with various nutrients. He begins to put all the excess in reserve. Ultimately, this leads to the child developing morbid obesity.

  • Excessive use sweets. Such fast carbohydrates are very dangerous. Once in the body, they begin to be absorbed already in oral cavity. The glucose (ordinary sugar) contained in such sweets quickly leads to hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels). In order to normalize blood sugar levels, the body secretes huge amount insulin and hyperinsulinemia occurs. This condition is fraught with the fact that all excess sweets are deposited in special fat depots - adipocytes, which contributes to the development of obesity.
  • Insufficient physical activity. Burning excess calories from food requires active movements. Kids who eat a lot of high-calorie or sugary foods, but do not attend sports clubs and spend most of their time at home with a tablet or phone, are at risk for possible development they are obese. The balance between incoming calories and their utilization ensures the maintenance of normal weight at any age.

  • Heredity. Scientists have found that 85% of parents who have problems with excess weight grow up with children who also have difficulties with excess weight. For a long time experts believed that there was an “obesity gene.” However, to date there is no scientific evidence for this. Most likely, in families where family members have developed obesity, poor eating habits have been formed. Calorie nutrition in this case, it leads to weight problems in both adults and children.
  • Chronic diseases. Various pathologies of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland lead to severe metabolic disorders. Typically, such diseases are accompanied by multiple adverse symptoms. Being overweight is just one of them clinical manifestations. To eliminate obesity in this case, it is impossible to do without treating the underlying disease.

  • High birth weight. If a newborn baby has a body weight of more than 4 kg, then this is a significant risk factor in his later life for the formation overweight bodies. In this case, obesity is not caused by high birth weight, but by further overfeeding of the child. Low physical activity only aggravates the development of the disease.
  • Severe emotional stress. More and more scientists are saying that various “eating” leads to the development of weight disorders. This condition occurs more often in adolescents. Excessive stress at school, first unrequited love, lack of friends causes strong desire“relieve” stress with chocolate or candy. In children aged 5-7 years, the development of this type of obesity is often caused by a painful divorce of parents or moving to a new place of residence.

In some cases, the disease is caused by a combination of several factors. Eating disorders with reduced physical activity always have the most important impact on the baby gaining extra pounds.

Parental intervention in this case should be as sensitive as possible. You need to show your child that you are on his side and are trying to help because you love and care about him very much.


There are several clinical forms diseases. This influenced the creation of several classifications, which highlight the main types of obesity, taking into account certain features. Doctors need these nosological groups to establish a diagnosis and choose the correct treatment tactics.

All normal weight indicators by age are usually collected in a special centile table. Using this document, you can determine the approximate norm of body weight for a child of different gender and age. All children's doctors resort to these tables to determine whether a particular baby has signs of obesity. The norm is compliance with the 25th, 50th and 75th centiles. If a child’s weight corresponds to the 90.97 centile and above, then this indicates that the baby is obese.

Doctors distinguish several clinical forms of the disease:

  • Primary. It can be exogenous-constitutional and nutritional. In case of eating disorders and problems with nutrition, they speak of nutritional (nutritional) obesity. If the baby has some constitutional features and hereditary traits, then this is an exogenous constitutional option. Obesity in this case is treated with the help of a prescription therapeutic nutrition and with the mandatory selection of optimal loads.
  • Secondary. Also called symptomatic. This type of obesity is characteristic of many chronic diseases that cause severe metabolic disorders. In girls, this condition occurs when various diseases ovaries, and in boys mainly due to pathology of the thyroid gland. Treatment of excess weight in these situations is impossible without eliminating the causes of the underlying disease. The correct treatment tactics necessarily include a complex of treatment for all chronic diseases that are the main cause of obesity.

Pediatric endocrinologists identify several dangerous periods during a child’s development, when the baby’s chance of becoming obese is highest. These include ages up to 3 years, 5-7 years, and puberty(12-16 years old). At this time, parents should monitor their child's appearance as closely as possible. If your baby shows signs of being overweight, you should definitely consult your pediatrician about this problem.

There is also a classification based on the severity of excess weight. It was proposed by A. A. Gaivoronskaya. Using this classification, obesity can be divided into several categories depending on the quantitative excess of weight above normal values.

According to this division, there are several degrees of the disease:

  • Obesity 1st degree. In this case, the weight exceeds 15-24% of the age norm.
  • Obesity 2 degrees. The excess of body weight over normal values ​​is 25-49%.
  • Obesity 3 degrees. The excess of body weight over normal values ​​is 50-99%.
  • Obesity 4 degrees. The excess of body weight over the norm is over 100%.


Excess weight significantly changes the appearance of a child. Excess fat accumulates in the subcutaneous fat. Normally, its layer is moderately expressed. For obesity fat cells(adipocytes) increase in size and volume, which leads to an increase in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. Its greatest accumulation is localized in the abdomen, on the outer surface of the arms and legs, in the buttocks and thighs.

During puberty, specific differences in the distribution of subcutaneous fat are observed. Yes, girls largest cluster excess kilograms are deposited mainly on the hips and buttocks, that is, in the lower half of the body. This type of obesity is also called " pear-shaped", since the volumes of mainly the lower half of the body increase.

Male obesity is also called "type" obesity. apple" In this case, the accumulation of extra pounds occurs mainly in the abdominal area. This type of disease causes the waist to disappear and the child’s body configuration to become overly rounded. Babies look uniformly plump, and in some cases even excessively plump.

Obesity of 2-3 degrees is accompanied by an increase in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer in the face and neck. This leads to a change in the baby's appearance. Not only does he have cute, chubby cheeks, but he also has a shorter-looking neck. With degree 4 obesity, the palpebral fissures narrow slightly. Appearance the child becomes sick and no longer evokes tenderness, but compassion.

Main symptoms

Obesity not only causes a change in the appearance of the child, but also leads to the appearance of various unfavorable symptoms in him. Thus, in sick children, blood pressure surges are observed, the pulse accelerates, resistance to physical activity decreases, headaches appear, and shortness of breath develops. With long-term obesity adolescence the child may have metabolic syndrome. This is a dangerous condition caused by persistent hyperinsulinemia. It is dangerous because it can lead to various cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.

With the development of obesity in school age multiple appear adverse symptoms. Thus, it becomes more difficult for children to concentrate on learning new things. educational material, they get tired quickly, they develop daytime sleepiness, slowness. Public opinion is very important for a teenager.

Children who are obese often have significant communication problems and have trouble making new friends. This leads to the teenager feeling useless and closed to communication, including with parents and people close to him.

If obesity is secondary, then, in addition to excess weight, the child also develops other, more dangerous symptoms. Thus, in teenage girls with pathologies in the ovaries the following appear: clinical signs: excessive hair growth all over the body occurs acne, appears severe loss hair, broken menstrual cycle, the skin becomes excessively oily and prone to any pustular inflammation. In adolescent boys with secondary obesity, which developed against the background of pathologies of the pituitary gland or reproductive system, disorders such as gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands), cryptorchidism, underdevelopment of the external genitalia and others appear.

Severe obesity leads to breathing problems. Excess subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area and chest leads to the fact that the diaphragm is significantly tightened. This condition causes apnea in the child. This pathological condition occurs during sleep. It is characterized by pauses in breathing, which contributes to the development of oxygen starvation of vital organs.

Excess kilograms have strong pressure on the musculoskeletal system. It becomes much more difficult for the baby to walk and move. On late stages illness, the child cannot even make normal active movements. While walking, the baby feels pain in the joints and muscle weakness. This leads to the child walking outside less and staying at home more.

Complications and consequences

The long course of the disease has negative long-term consequences. In obese children, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic diseases. Persistent violations in reproductive sphere lead to the fact that in adulthood they cannot conceive a child and experience significant difficulties with bearing a child.

Pathological fractures are also most common in people who are obese. In this case, bone fragility is caused by significant pressure on the musculoskeletal system due to excess weight. According to statistics, boys who are obese in childhood often develop various anatomical disorders in their feet. This can lead to the development of flat feet and valgus deformities.

Disturbed eating behavior leads to the child developing numerous chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often these are: chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, cholelithiasis with the development of calculous cholecystitis, enterocolitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Often these pathologies in children progress from acute to chronic. This leads to the child being prescribed medicines for continuous use throughout life.


Often, parents do not pay attention to the presence of obesity in their child. Especially if the child is of preschool age. They think it's cute. Many fathers and mothers believe that all symptoms will go away on their own by adolescence. In some cases this actually happens. However, they do the child a disservice.

Childhood is a very important period of life. It is at this time that the baby develops all the basic habits and behavior patterns that he will later transfer into the future. adult life. Eating behavior is also formed in childhood. All taste preferences then remain throughout life.

If a baby gets used to eating fast food or too fatty and fried foods, then this behavior is subsequently reinforced as a persistent eating habit. As an adult, it will be extremely difficult for him to give up such products. In order to avoid this, you should carefully monitor your diet from an early age.

If signs of obesity appear, you should definitely take your baby to see a doctor. The specialist will be able to identify the cause of the disease, prescribe a set of examinations to identify secondary obesity, and also recommend to parents what course of therapy is required.

Obesity is a disease that needs to be carefully monitored and treated.


According to clinical guidelines, obesity therapy is carried out taking into account the severity of excess weight. An integral part of treatment is the prescription of a diet. If a child has risk factors that provoke the development of obesity, then the diet should be followed throughout life.

Medical nutrition should be low-calorie. Fatty foods, especially saturated fat, are completely excluded from the children's diet. The diet of an obese child must contain a sufficient amount of coarse fiber. It is mainly present in fresh vegetables and fruits. Industrial sweets (cakes, pastries, candies, chocolate, etc.) are completely excluded.

In addition to therapeutic low-calorie nutrition, optimally selected physical activity is required. If you have a slight degree of excess weight, visiting sports sections is suitable. At significant surplus Exercising extra pounds without medical supervision is very dangerous. In this case, physical therapy classes are well suited.

The intensity and complex of physical exercises are agreed with the doctor sports medicine or a professional instructor with specialized education. Excessively active training in obese children is not permissible, as it can cause the child various complications from the musculoskeletal system. Physical exercises should be performed at a calm pace and with a certain frequency of repetitions.

To eliminate the symptoms of secondary obesity, treatment of the underlying disease is required. In this case, advanced diagnostics may be required. Typically, the treatment of secondary obesity is carried out by pediatric endocrinologists with active participation gynecologists, nephrologists and other specialists as needed. Obesity prevention plays a very important role in preventing children from becoming overweight.

Rational nutrition, active physical activity and a good psycho-emotional mood contribute to excellent health and maintenance of normal weight throughout life.

Should a child’s weight and height meet the norms? Dr. Komarovsky answers these and other questions regarding the problems of excess weight in children.



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