Julia Rutberg after plastic surgery. Famous actress Yulia Rutberg is unrecognizable after plastic surgery

N Recently a new season opened at the Vakhtangov Theater. One of the stars discussed at the event was Yulia Rutberg. It was difficult to recognize her. Her face completely changed. Rumor has it that this was the work of a plastic surgeon.

Julia is a famous actress, you know her from her roles in many TV series, for example, “Don't Be Born Beautiful,” “Heiress,” and so on. The artist has an extensive filmography and vast experience in acting in the theater.

Over the years, Rutberg has earned universal recognition and audience love. But after the recent appearance of photographs from the theater on the Internet, a wave of excitement washed over fans. They are outraged by the star's new appearance!

“Tear off the hands of the one who did this!” - eyewitnesses are indignant. The warmest reviews were collected about Julia, but no one liked her new appearance.

It’s impossible to say exactly how much her transformation cost Rutberg, but one thing is certain: the audience liked the old Julia more. Now fans are discussing the woman’s unsuccessful operation and hope that in the future she will not experiment with her appearance like that.

Yulia Rutberg is a wonderful actress, whom many remember for her work in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”, “Heiress” and others. You can also admire her performance at the Vakhtangov Theater and beyond.

Recently, a new season was opened at the Vakhtangov Theater. It was there that Julia appeared in a new image. The appearance of the actress caused a storm of indignation among her fans. They say that there were plastic surgeries, and not the most successful ones at that...

One of Julia's fans wrote: “Tear off the hands of the one who did this!”

At the same time, reviews about the actress herself are mostly positive. Everyone blames careless surgeons...

Nothing is known about the cost of the actress’s transformation. But it’s safe to say that fans didn’t like Julia’s new image. Knowledgeable people write that there was probably no surgical intervention. Made do with beauty injections.

Everyone who spoke about how the actress looks now unanimously agreed that in the future Yulia should no longer experiment with her appearance. Otherwise, everything could end worse...

Vera Alentova

Unfortunately, everyone's favorite actress has long been at the top of the list of stars with unsuccessful plastic surgery. The actress had her first operation back in the late 90s, and then again and again. After surgical intervention in 2009, the actress’s facial expressions were disrupted, and asymmetry appeared in her face. It is not for nothing that plastic surgeons warn clients that each new operation is more and more difficult to perform, and the consequences can be unpredictable.

Lyubov Uspenskaya

64-year-old Lyubov takes great care of her appearance. The singer even has a separate massage room in her house. And everything would be fine if Uspenskaya were not so keen on injections and fillers; because of them, the singer even finds it difficult to smile.

Natalia Andreichenko

Natalya underwent several plastic surgeries at once, as a result of which she changed beyond recognition, but never caught up with her youth.

Anastasia Vertinskaya

In the mid-2000s, the actress had an unsuccessful facelift, and years later the consequences became even more noticeable.

Tatyana Vedeneeva

In 2015, fans of TV presenter Tatyana Vedeneyeva were unpleasantly surprised by the changes that had occurred to her appearance. In her desire to overcome age, Tatyana often turns to the help of plastic surgeons and beauty injections, but each time the results get worse. Instead of the expected rejuvenation, it seemed that several more years had been added to the actress’s age.

Eva Polna

The once fragile and pretty girl gained a lot of weight after giving birth to children. But everything would have been fine if the singer had not become interested in enlarging her already full lips, which have recently begun to look completely unnatural.

Ekaterina Semenova

Many TV viewers did not recognize actress Semenova after plastic surgery and began to compare her with Vera Alentova. The actress has never hidden the fact that she uses “beauty injections” to look younger, but perhaps she should have stopped in time: noticeable swelling appeared on her face and her cheekbones were too prominent.

Julia Rutberg

And the popular Russian actress Yulia Rutberg changed so much after plastic surgery that fans stopped recognizing her: the bridge of her nose became wider and her eyes narrower.

Zhanna Aguzarova

Another star who shocked viewers with her new face. She turned into a completely different person. Thin lips became plump, and the face became unnaturally youthful.

Lada Dance

The actress, jazz and pop singer also unpleasantly surprised fans. Internet users had difficulty recognizing the star of the nineties in the picture, leaving unflattering comments: “Just too much fillers and Botox, victims of “beauty,” “Why did you do this to your face?! Cheekbones, lips, horror.”

Yulia Volkova

The ex-soloist of the Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, also enlarged her lips to huge sizes and injects fillers into her cheekbones, which, according to fans, does not make her more attractive.

Elena Letuchaya

Fans of Elena Letuchaya also believe that plastic surgery has ruined her face. “Too much plastic surgery,” “And yet her face changed... she was nicer before plastic surgery.” (spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved. - Ed.)

Svetlana Loboda

Svetlana Loboda's lips look unnaturally large. Although the singer claims that she has never resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, her before and after photos cast doubt on this.

The talented Honored Theater and Film Actress Yulia Rutberg was born on July 8, 1965 in the capital, where she remained and remains almost all her life.

Literally from childhood, Yulia’s future was determined, because her family, consisting of exceptionally creative people, had a great influence on the girl.

In addition to mastering theatrical skills (Yulia graduated from the Shchukin Theater School), Rutberg developed talents in the musical direction; she graduated from the music school at the Gnesin Academy.

The actress's serious career began at the Vakhtangov Theater. So far, Yulia has 17 successful performances, but the list of films with her participation has exceeded the seventh decade. The following films are considered the best in his career: “The food is served!”, “Private Pioneer”, “Primorsky Boulevard”.

Unfortunately, not everything is so smooth in the actress’s personal life. Julia was married three times and divorced three times, but her second and third marriages gave her two children.

For a long time, Yulia Rutberg did not resort to the services of plastic surgeons. The actress's appearance remained original and natural. However, recently, photographs of Yulia after plastic surgery have begun to appear on the Internet quite often. The first opinion of the actress’s fans was not flattering; many believe that plastic surgery only spoiled Yulia and added years to her.

It's all due to an unsuccessful lift and subsequent beauty injections. So the actress’s always ascetic, thin face literally swam. Perhaps this effect will pass with time, but now Rutberg can only be recognized with difficulty.

Yulia Rutberg did not attend social events for two years. And after her recent publication, she became the object of discussion for her fans, colleagues, acquaintances and critics. The reason for such close attention was changes in appearance. Participants in the event immediately noted that the oval of the face had changed, it became more rounded, although previously the face was narrow with pronounced cheekbones. This may have been due to anti-aging injections. Some are convinced that the shape of the nose has become completely different. Is it true that the 52-year-old actress resorted to the help of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists? How does Yulia Rutberg herself comment on the changes in her appearance?


Yulia Rutberg was born on July 8, 1965 in Moscow. Everyone in her family were artists. The love for theater was instilled in her from early childhood. Studying at school was difficult for the future actress; it was much more interesting for her to spend time on the theater stage. Already in the 5th grade, Julia clearly decided what she wanted to become in the future.

After graduating from secondary school and music school at the Academy. Gnesins, Yulia decided to enter GITIS, where she studied for 2 whole years. She did this because she did not get into the Shchukin School right away. In the end, Rutberg entered the Theater School. Shchukina and successfully graduated from it. After graduating from college in 1988, Yulia began working at the Vakhtangov Theater. In 1997, Yulia received the Seagull Award.

Career as a theater and film actress

Rutberg began her career as an actress with episodes. Soon she began to be invited to more serious roles. She began playing wives, future brides and daughters. In such famous films as: “Stalin’s Funeral” and “Let’s part while we’re good.” Julia became a sought-after theater actress after participating in several performances: “The Seagull”, “Sunset”, “Two Hours in Paris” and “The Lady Without Camellias”. Rutberg also played in a one-woman show of her own production, called “All that Jazz.”

She was quickly noticed by famous directors. Rutberg began to be invited to many productions. And Julia was happy to reveal her talent to the audience.

Correction of appearance: if there was, then what?

Recently, the actress appeared at her friend's anniversary. Many people saw her at this event and noticed a change. And when photos from the celebration appeared online, they began to compare them with earlier photographs of the actress. Participants in the event immediately noted that the oval of the face had changed, it became more rounded, although previously the face was narrow with pronounced cheekbones. Instead, the bridge of the nose seemed to become wider, and the eyes were much narrower. When she was a young actress, her big eyes were the decoration of her face.

Fans of the actress are sure that in this way Yulia Rutberg has lost her zest and that such experiments should not be repeated. Perhaps the actress did not resort to plastic surgery. The results she achieved could have been achieved with “beauty” injections. But these injections, on the contrary, spoiled the appearance rather than improved it. Probably, the cosmetologist whom Rutberg turned to does not have sufficient qualifications, or an untested injection drug was used, which gave an unpredictable result.

Yulia Rutberg refuses to comment on her changes in any way. Previously, the actress claimed that she had a negative attitude towards plastic surgery and any improvements in appearance with its help. Julia argued that the artist’s face is his calling card, so any metamorphoses with him are inappropriate. According to the actress, the face should not look like ironed linen; it should have the artistic imprint of the life lived. The question of the actress’s changes remains open: either she changed her mind radically, or she did not undergo contouring.



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