Veterinary drug "Ligfol": instructions, dosage. Ligfol - a multifunctional drug for dogs Ligfol instructions for use

When their pets are seriously ill, owners look for miracle cures to alleviate the animals’ suffering. Ligfol is one of these drugs. According to the manufacturers of the drug, its use helps increase the immunity of pets, even in severe cases.

It is worth remembering that this article is for informational purposes only, as it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis over the Internet without examining your pet at a veterinary clinic.

Ligfol for dogs, what does it do?

The medicine is intended to strengthen the immunity of animals. It is used for prevention in stressful situations, to strengthen the body in various diseases.

The range of use of the medicine is very wide: surgical interventions, injuries, tumors, infections, growth retardation, etc.

Ligfol for dogs side effects, contraindications, storage, side effects

A side effect of the drug is pain during injections. After administration of the medicine, the animal may develop a fever.

Store the drug in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees for 2 years. After opening the bottle, the drug must be used within 24 hours.

There are no contraindications to the use of the medicine.

Ligfol for animals dogs and puppies instructions for use, where and how to inject, dosage

The drug is administered intramuscularly. The dosage and need for use is determined by the veterinarian individually.

The dose of the administered drug is calculated as 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Injections are given in courses of 4 injections: on the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th day. Courses can be repeated throughout the year. Depending on the severity of the animal’s condition, injections may be prescribed daily, a total course of up to 12 injections, one per day.

Before vaccination, the drug is administered once. In stressful situations, 1 injection is also given. In the treatment of burns and wounds, the medicine is used both in the form of injections and for irrigation of the affected area. For puppies, administering the medicine helps them grow faster and develop better.

Ligfol for dogs price, where to buy with delivery, reviews, analogues

The cost of 1 package of 4 bottles of 1 ml is 650 rubles.


on the use of Ligfol

as an adaptogen and stress corrector

agricultural, domestic animals, fur animals(manufacturer organization:, Russia, Moscow)


1. Ligfol.

2. Ligfol is a medicinal product intended to increase general resistance, reduce the negative effects of stress and adapt the body’s defenses to adverse effects (weaning, regrouping, transportation, infectious and invasive diseases) in agricultural, small domestic animals, as well as fur-bearing animals.

The medicine is an injection solution, consisting of humic acids obtained by processing hydrolytic lignin and auxiliary components - sodium diphosphate, sodium chloride and water for injection.

1 cm3 of Ligfol contains the active fraction of humic acids - from 5.6 mg to 6.9 mg, sodium diphosphate - 5.5 mg, sodium chloride - 3 mg.

3. In appearance, Ligfol is a solution, dark brown in color with a weak specific odor, without sediment..

4. The drug Ligfol is produced packaged in glass bottles of 1, 5, 10 cm3 - for small domestic animals and fur-bearing animals; 50, 100, 250, and 500 cm3 - for farm animals in the form of a sterile solution for injection.

Each bottle is labeled in Russian indicating: the name of the manufacturing organization, its address and trademark, the name of the drug, the purpose and method of use of the drug, the name and content of the active substance, the volume of the drug in the bottle, the batch number, the date of manufacture, the expiration date, storage conditions, designations of these specifications, the inscriptions “For animals” and “Sterile” and provide instructions for use of the drug.

5. Store the medicine with precautions (list B), in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature from -15°C to 25°C.

The shelf life of the medicinal product when stored at 15° to 25° C is 2 years from the date of manufacture; when stored from –15° to 5° C – 12 months.

The medicine should not be used after the expiration date.


6. The pharmacological properties of Ligfol are based on the ability of humic acids to stimulate immuno-antioxidant mechanisms, including anti-radical activity, mobilization of phagocytes, which increases the resistance of the animal body to adverse effects.

7. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Ligfol is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76).


8. Ligfol is used as an adaptogen and stress corrector for agricultural animals, small domestic animals and fur-bearing animals.

To prevent birth pathology and reduce postpartum complications in farm animals (retention of placenta, subinvolution of the uterus, mastitis, postpartum endometritis), the drug is administered intramuscularly twice in doses: cattle - 5.0 cm3, pigs -3.0 cm3, sheep -1, 0 cm3. The first injection is carried out 10-20 days before birth, the second - 2-3 hours after birth.

To increase the immunological resistance of young farm animals, Ligfol is administered intramuscularly: to calves - in a dose of 1.0 cm3, four times on days 5, 15, 20 and 25 of life; for piglets - at a dose of 0.5 cm3, twice: the first injection is carried out 3 days before weaning, the second - 10-15 days after weaning.

To stimulate the reproductive function of female farm animals, Ligfol is administered intramuscularly once: for cattle - at a dose of 5.0 cm3, for pigs -3.0 cm3 1-3 days before insemination.

To increase the gain in live body weight of fattening farm animals, Ligfol is administered intramuscularly once a month during the entire fattening period: for cattle - at a dose of 3.0-5.0 cm3, for pigs - 3.0 cm3.

To increase immunological resistance, improve reproductive capacity in fur-bearing animals , Ligfol is administered intramuscularly, twice at a dose of 0.1 cm3 per kg of live weight. The first injection is carried out 30 days before the rut, the second - 30 days before whelping.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver and pancreas (hepatitis of various etiologies, reduction of intoxication when using hepatotoxic drugs) for agricultural, small domestic animals and fur-bearing animals, treatment with Ligfol is carried out as part of complex therapy with specific treatment agents in accordance with the instructions for their use.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, six times, one injection once every three days: cattle and horses - 5.0 cm3, pigs - 3.0 cm3, sheep, calves, foals -1.0 cm3, piglets and lambs - 1, 0 cm3. For cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals from 1.0 to 10.0 kg - 0.1 cm3 per kg of live weight, and for cats and dogs over 10 kg -1.0 cm3 per animal.

To improve the tolerance of anesthesia and the animal’s adaptation to stress before surgery, Ligfol is administered intramuscularly, once, no later than 5 days before surgery: cattle and horses -5 cm3, pigs -3 cm3, sheep, calves, foals -1 cm3, piglets and lambs – 0.5 cm3. For cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals weighing from 1.0 to 10 kg – 0.1 cm3 per kg of live weight, and for cats and dogs over 10 kg – 1.0 cm3.

To speed up the process of tissue regeneration, reduce postoperative complications, and shorten the recovery period, Ligfol is used intramuscularly according to the following scheme: immediately after surgery, two injections are given with an interval of 24 and 48 hours, and then 5 injections with an interval of one injection every 7 days; cattle and horses -5.0 cm3, pigs -3.0 cm3, sheep, calves, foals -1.0 cm3, piglets and lambs -0.5 cm3. Cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals weighing from 1.0 to 10 kg -0.1 cm3 per kg of live weight, over 10 kg -1.0 cm3. At the same time, local irrigation of the surgical wound is carried out once a day until signs of sustainable tissue regeneration appear.

To increase the immunological resistance of animals during viral infections, Ligfol is used in combination with specific therapy in accordance with the instructions for their use. After signs of the disease appear, the drug is administered intramuscularly, twice, with an interval of 24 and 48 hours. If necessary, the course of use of Ligfol is extended to 20-30 days, with an administration interval of 5 days. Cattle and horses are administered -5.0 cm3, pigs -3.0 cm3, sheep, calves, foals -1.0 cm3, piglets and lambs -0.5 cm3. Cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals weighing from 1.0 to 10 kg – 0.1 cm3 per kg of live weight; cats, dogs and other small animals over 10 kg -1.0 cm3.

For the treatment of equine strongoloidiasis, Ligfol is used in combination with specific therapy agents in accordance with the instructions for their use. The drug is administered intramuscularly, twice at a dose of 5.0 cm3. The first injection is carried out 72-48 hours before helminthiasis, the second injection - on the day of deworming. If there are signs of intoxication, additional injections of Ligfol are performed on days 5, 15 and 45 after deworming;

For the treatment of acute obstructive bronchitis in horses in the early stages, Ligfol is administered intramuscularly, four times at a dose of 5.0 cm3. Injections are carried out on the 2nd, 5th, 10th and 20th day after the first signs of the disease are detected. Ligfol is effective only in the early stages of acute obstructive bronchitis of horses.

For the treatment of piroplasmosis (babesiosis), Ligfol is used in combination with specific therapy agents in accordance with the instructions for their use. The drug is administered intramuscularly repeatedly, in doses: horses -5.0 cm3, foals -1.0 cm3, dogs weighing from 1.0 to 10 kg -0.1 cm3 per kg of live weight, and dogs over 10 kg -1, 0 cm3. The first injection is carried out within 30 minutes. before the introduction of antiprotozoal drugs. Then - 4-6 injections with an interval of 1 time every 3 days.

To quickly and completely restore the physiological state of racehorses after exercise, Ligfol is administered intramuscularly, once in a dose of 5.0 cm3, 3 days before the race.

To stabilize and control the growth of immuno- and hormone-dependent tumors in dogs and cats, Ligfol is used as part of complex therapy. The drug is administered intramuscularly in doses: cats, dogs weighing from 1.0 to 10 kg -0.1 cm3 per kg of live weight, and cats and dogs over 10 kg -1.0 cm3.

Application scheme:

Stage 1: 5-7 injections with an interval of 3 days.

Stage 2: 5 injections with an interval of 7 days.

If necessary, the course is repeated after a month.

9. Ligfol in combination with other drugs of various pharmacological groups does not cause side effects.

10. Meat and milk of treated animals
Ligfol can be used for food purposes after 6 days.


11. When working with the drug, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicines.

12. If Ligfol accidentally comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

13.Ligfol should be stored out of the reach of children.

The instructions were developed by the All-Russian NIVI of pathology, pharmacology and therapy together with.

Organization - manufacturer: Moscow, Petrovsky Boulevard, 15, building 2.

Registration number

Instructions for using Ligfol for cats are of interest to many owners, since this immunomodulator is often prescribed to animals in a variety of cases. The product has already become firmly established in veterinary practice and has proven itself to be highly effective. The drug does not have toxic properties and is compatible even with strong drugs that significantly burden the body.

Cats almost always tolerate these injections very well. A veterinarian can prescribe Ligfol both in case of oncology in an animal and in stressful situations when the cat’s body requires maximum support.

The drug is produced in the form of an injection liquid, which has a dark brown color. The composition has a very weak specific smell. Ligfol is produced in bottles for use in veterinary clinics in packaging from 100 to 500 ml or in ampoules with a volume of 1 to 5 ml. When treating an animal at home, ampoules are used, since each is designed for 1 injection.

Composition of the drug

The main component of the drug is humic substances obtained from hydrolytic ligin. They are the strongest natural immunostimulant and powerful antioxidants. The remaining components in the drug are auxiliary, and the therapeutic effect is achieved due to the main active ingredient Ligfol.

Indications for use in cats Ligfola

The widespread use of the drug Ligfol for cats and dogs is associated with its high effectiveness. Most often, Ligfol is used in the treatment of cancer and conditions bordering on them when it is necessary to stop the tumor process and prevent the development of a cancerous tumor. The anticancer effect of the drug is especially strong, so it is necessary to give Ligfol to a cat with oncology. The drug is antitumor, as it stops the division of cancer cells, prevents the appearance of metastases and reduces the consequences of intoxication after chemotherapy.

In addition to oncology, indications for use of Ligfol in cats are:

  • extensive tissue damage, including burns and frostbite - the drug stimulates the regeneration process, reduces the risk of wound infection due to increased immunity and fights the effects of stress that occurred due to pain at the time of injury;
  • recovery period after operations, including castration and sterilization - the composition allows you to reduce the negative consequences of blood loss and the use of anesthesia, as well as speed up the animal’s recovery and prevent the appearance of severe postoperative pain;
  • complex therapy of viral infections - Ligfol increases immunity and reduces intoxication, allowing it to be used even in cases of severe illness and poor condition of the animal. The sooner therapy is started, the higher the likelihood that the cat will be able to make a full recovery.
  • strengthening the body before vaccination - the product allows the animal to develop stronger immunity.
  • severe stress - the composition acts as a powerful sedative that helps cats more easily adapt to new living conditions and survive stressful situations without harm to health. Because of this, if the animal is planned to be taken somewhere for a long time or transferred to a new owner, the use of Ligfol is necessary.

Self-treatment of a cat with Ligfol is not advisable. It is best if the medicine is prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the pet. When the dosage and duration of use are observed, the drug is completely safe and only benefits the cat.

Contraindications for the use of Ligfol

The drug has no contraindications. The only exception is its intolerance, which is extremely rare.

Side effects of Ligfol

In most cases, the composition is tolerated by cats very easily and does not cause unpleasant side effects. Rarely, a short-term increase in the animal’s body temperature is possible.

Due to the fact that the administration of Ligfol causes acute pain in many cats, it is often administered along with an anesthetic composition. Pain from the injection may last for a maximum of 15 minutes.

How to use Ligfol

The drug is prescribed as the main medicine or as a component of complex therapy. The method of using the drug for a cat, as well as for a dog, is determined by a veterinarian. In order to achieve a positive result, it is important to strictly follow all the veterinarian’s recommendations and adhere to the drug administration regimen, strictly observing the doses. In case of cancer, the treatment of a cat is completely determined by a specialist. According to the general instructions, Ligfol is used in such cases:

  • preparing the animal for mating;
  • pancreas problems;
  • liver pathologies.

The medicine is administered intramuscularly according to the calculation: 0.1 ml/1 kg of animal weight. Ligfol is also used in this dosage in cats that have precancerous diseases. Injections are given every 2 days on the third. The course consists of 6-8 injections of the drug, depending on the condition of the cat and the reason for using the medicinal composition.

If the cat has open wounds, then the method of using Ligfol is different. It is not used for injections, but for treating affected areas. For compresses, the drug is mixed 1:1 with distilled water or water for injection. The compress is applied to the affected tissues 4 times a day until they are completely healed.

When preparing a cat for surgery, Ligfol in a dosage determined by the veterinarian is administered 5 days before the intervention and immediately after it. The third injection is given 24 hours after the second. The purpose of this administration of the drug is to be able to avoid most complications after surgery.

When an animal suffers from cancer in which there are metastases, only supportive therapy is carried out. After an intensive course of treatment, developed by a specialist individually for a particular animal, Ligfol is used for life. It is administered 2 times a month at regular intervals.

If a cat notices the first symptoms of the development of infectious diseases, then 2 injections of Ligfol, which will be given at intervals of 24 hours, will be enough to stop them.

When preparing a cat for vaccination, or if a stressful situation is expected, Ligfol is administered once.

When using the product in the form of injections, if you are not sure that an intramuscular injection will help, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. Because the injection is painful, the cat does not always allow its owner to give it.

Drug compatibility

Ligfol can be combined well with other medications when treating cats. You should not combine the composition with other medications in one syringe, unless permitted by a veterinarian. When in doubt about whether one or another drug can be used at the same time, you should consult a veterinarian.

Ligfol is a unique medicine that allows you to prolong the life of seriously ill cats, as well as cure many pathologies and speed up the pet’s recovery.

Sometimes our pets get sick. The best and most comfortable living conditions do not exclude accidents or illnesses. But even if a furry family member is sick, you shouldn’t despair. Veterinary medicine does not stand still; many effective drugs have been created that will put your pet on its paws. One of the most effective is “Ligfol”.

Brief description and composition

Ligfolum, also known as hydrolytic oxidized lignin. It is obtained from natural components (wood). Also contains purified water, sodium pyrophosphate and sodium chloride.

Release form, packaging

Ligfol is a clear liquid of varying shades of brown. In veterinary pharmacies it can be found in ampoules in a dosage of 1 or 5 ml, or in volumes of 100, 250 and 500 ml (then available in bottles).

Pharmacological properties

The main directions of action of the drug are antitumor, regenerative and immunoresistant. It improves the body's resistance, accelerates recovery, and also has strengthening properties.

Indications for use

The drug is widely used in veterinary practice for and.

It is prescribed for:
  • tumors of various origins;
  • wounds, injuries, burns;
  • as maintenance therapy for viral diseases and liver diseases;
  • to improve the quality of life of an old animal;
  • as a tonic for planned stress (moving, exhibitions, matings).

Did you know?Initially« Ligfol» was created as an antitumor drug. It was developed at the Institute of Oncology named after. N.N. Petrov, starting in 1995.

Directions for use and doses

Treatment of cats and dogs with Ligfol is very similar, however, there are some nuances.

Important! The dosage depends on the weight of the animal and the specific diagnosis, so it is better not to engage in amateur activities. The amount must be calculated by a veterinarian.


There are no uniform instructions for the use of Ligfol for cats, since the treatment regimen is different, depending on the indications.

For oncology, the course starts from six injections. The dose is calculated as follows: 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. An injection (one) is given once every three days, with a frequency of about five times.

For wounds and burns, compresses are prepared from Ligfol, which must be applied four times a day.

As a maintenance therapy accompanying surgery, the drug is injected three times (a dose five days before the invasion, immediately after, and the last dose the next day).

The injection needs to be done intramuscularly, usually in the thigh.


If the drug is prescribed as therapy for tumors, the dose is calculated based on 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. Ligfol should be injected into a dog, like most solutions, intramuscularly (usually in the thigh), one dose per day, the course can last up to twelve days.

If any infectious disease is treated with Ligfol, then in most cases the scheme is as follows: one dose for two days, the next one after two days on the third and the last one after four days.

In some cases (transportation or other expected stress, vaccination, mating), the drug is injected once.

When treating burns or other injuries, injections may be accompanied by spraying of the damaged areas.

Important! « Ligfol» It is used not only for cats and dogs, but also for farm animals, as well as for fur-bearing animals.

Safety and personal hygiene measures

When giving injections to an animal, you must follow safety precautions so as not to harm the animal and yourself:

1. Wash your hands before the procedure.

2. Use only sterile disposable syringes.

3. Observe the storage conditions of the drug.

4. If Ligfol gets on human skin, rinse with plenty of water.

5. Properly hold the animal so that it does not bite or scratch. This requires two people - one holds the cat by the withers or the dog by the collar, the second stabs.

Did you know? Caring for animal health-the phenomenon is far from new. The famous Avicenna, for example, among other things, also wrote a treatise “On Animal Diseases”.

Contraindications and side properties

"Ligfol" is absolutely non-toxic and safe, as confirmed by clinical studies on more than twenty species of animals. This medicine is the embodiment of the principle of medicine “Do no harm!”; the absence of a positive effect occurs only in cases of late stages of the disease.

Its effectiveness has been very well studied, and veterinarians confidently say: the question of whether Ligfol can be used for pregnant dogs or cats should not concern owners. Moreover, “Ligfol” improves fertility and facilitates the process of childbirth; it can be injected even in late stages of pregnancy, and babies will be born absolutely healthy.

The only side effect is the animal's immediate reaction to the injection. It can be unpleasant and sometimes painful, causing your pet to predictably twitch and then become restless, nervous or fussy. The temperature may rise briefly. There is no need to worry about this, but you need to take precautions: hold your pet tightly during the injection (you can wrap the cat in a towel to protect it from bites and scratches), and then leave it alone, its condition will return to normal in a maximum of 30 minutes .

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug is safe to store for a standard period of two years from the date of manufacture of the batch. No special conditions are required; it is enough to protect the bottles from light and moisture and maintain temperatures from +10 °C to +25 °C. Do not pour from the original packaging, do not store near feed or other food products.

This drug has proven to be highly effective in combating animal diseases and improving both their general condition and quality of life in general. And the owners are required to have patience, care and follow instructions.

Let your pets be healthy!

Ligfol is modern immunomodulatory a drug that is used to treat cancer in cats and dogs. Ligfol has proven itself in the treatment of breast tumors, venereal sarcoma, ganglioma, and proliferative mastopathy.

The drug has a strong antitumor action, activates the animal’s immunity. Ligfol is non-toxic and can be used as part of complex therapy with other antitumor drugs.

Even one dose of the drug has prolonged action. Humic acids that enter the body gradually enter the general bloodstream and have a gradual therapeutic effect.

Preparation effective for the treatment of wounds, burns and injuries. It is used for healing postoperative sutures. The drug can be used both as an intramuscular injection and for irrigating the damaged surface.

Usage Ligfola, when treating diseases of infectious origin or before vaccination, helps strengthen the immune system and activate the body's response to other drugs. Ligfol helps shorten the treatment period and facilitate your pet’s recovery from illness.

Ligfol is known for its hepatoprotective properties. This makes it possible to use it for the treatment of hepatitis in cats and dogs, as well as diseases associated with lesions liver: infectious diseases, piroplasmosis, a number of chemotherapy drugs.

Composition and release form

The main active ingredient is humic acid, which is produced from wood lignin. It stimulates the animal's immune system and has an antioxidant effect. The medicine also contains excipients: sodium pyrophosphate, sodium chloride and demineralized water.

The drug is a dark brown injection liquid.

How does Ligfol work?

Ligfol is an antioxidant and immunostimulating agent. After entering the body, the drug stimulates phagocytes, that is, the immune system is activated at the cellular level. Cellular immunity allows pets to remain healthy and active in the face of negative environmental influences and resist the action of pathogenic microorganisms. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven when used in stressful situations.

The drug is active use for the treatment of cancer in animals. Ligfol slows down the growth and development of cancer cells, has antimetastatic properties, and improves the results of surgical treatment of cancer.

Indications for use

Ligfol is most often used as part of the complex treatment of cancer in cats. Since its use promotes slowing down the growth of tumors and metastases. Ligfol supports the animal’s body after chemotherapy.

The drug is used as a sedative and helps eliminate the effects of a stressful situation in a short time.

Indication to the use of Ligfol is:

For kittens and puppies, the drug is prescribed for promotion immunity. Ligfol promotes the active growth and development of young animals, this is especially important for the lagging puppies of their litter.

Ligfol can be used both as an independent drug and as a preventive and immunostimulating agent.

Ligfol can be used to stimulate the reproductive system of dogs and cats. Its use is indicated before mating.

Ligfol for dogs: instructions for use

The drug is used intramuscularly injections taking into account the body weight of the animal. TO treat burns and wounds, the medicine is used in the form of compresses.

Ligfol for dogs non-toxic and safe. A minor drawback can be considered the painful sensations that the dog experiences during the injection.

Side effects

The medicine has no side effects. Very rarely in animals there may be a slight increase temperature. The condition stabilizes on its own and does not require discontinuation of the drug.



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