Vegetarian menu for the week. Vegetarian or meat-free diet for weight loss: all the pros and cons Meat-free diet menu

A meat-free diet is an ideal solution for those people who are obese and dream of being slim. Moreover, such nutrition will help overweight people not only gain ideal shape, but also improve their health. The fact is that the absence of harmful foods and cholesterol not only contributes to the loss of a large amount of excess weight, but also helps to normalize many systems of our body. It is not for nothing that vegetarians who adhere to a similar diet all their lives are distinguished by good health and immunity. It is also important to take into account the fact that many nutritionists recommend a meat-free diet for obesity, so there is no need to doubt its effectiveness. In today's publication we will introduce you to the features of a meat-free diet, share the menu and consider all its advantages and disadvantages. Well, let's talk?

Diet features

Let's start with the fact that this type of diet has several options, which differ in the degree of restriction of the consumption of protein foods of animal origin. Depending on the degree of obesity and health status, a meat-free diet can be prescribed in the following options:

  • strict vegetarian, which is most often prescribed for diabetics and people with high cholesterol;
  • fish diet, in which it is recommended to eat only fish and seafood. Most often prescribed to patients whose excess weight is caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • not a strict vegetarian diet, on which, in addition to vegetables, you can eat fish, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. The exceptions are fatty and fried foods, alcoholic drinks and sweets.

We recommend that you start with a non-strict option in order, so to speak, to prepare your body for a new diet. And after the first results appear, you can switch to a more strict version of the diet and enjoy even more effective results. The main thing is to start and firmly move towards your goal.

It is also important to take into account the fact that eating a strictly plant-based diet does not lead to protein deficiency, since plant protein is found in soy, asparagus, nuts, legumes and many other foods. Calcium is found in green vegetables. Well, berries, fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and fats.

Sample menu for a meat-free diet

A meat-free diet lasts three weeks or more. At the same time, you can develop your diet yourself, guided by the recommendations that we will provide below. The main thing is to exclude fried foods, flour products, baked goods and sweets from your diet. Also avoid alcoholic beverages, mayonnaise and sugar. It is recommended to keep food to a minimum.

Strict vegetarian menu option

  • For breakfast, it is recommended to eat porridge with water, vegetable salad, fruits, and cocoa. For example, cook oatmeal with berries or banana, drink a glass of juice or coffee without sugar.
  • For lunch, it is preferable to eat vegetable salads dressed with olive oil, buckwheat, cabbage cutlets or carrot pancakes, boiled green beans, and vegetable stew. You can also treat yourself to whole grain bread or lean vegetable soup.
  • For dinner you can eat stewed cabbage, vegetable salad or boiled vegetables.
  • Before bed, eat an apple or pear and drink green tea.

Sample fish diet menu

If you are following a fish diet, it is recommended to drink a glass of still water before breakfast, about 15 minutes before breakfast. For breakfast, you can drink a cup of low-fat yogurt or 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. You can also make carrot or zucchini pancakes. Drink a cup of green tea or a glass of orange juice.

After two hours, eat boiled rice with fish or vegetables, or drink black coffee and snack on an apple.

Before lunch, drink a glass of cold still water again and have lunch with a vegetable salad and fish baked in foil. Fish can be replaced with a portion of curd mass. After an hour, drink a cup of green tea or coffee.

For dinner, eat a portion of fish soup or boiled fish with green beans, a glass of kefir or a glass of berries. Before bed: a cup of ginger tea.

Sample menu for a non-strict vegetarian diet

When creating a diet that is not a strict vegetarian diet without meat, there is room to “take a walk.” The fact is that the menu in this case is quite varied, so you can choose products based on your preferences.

So, for breakfast you can choose from:

  • two-egg omelette and tea;
  • oatmeal and coffee;
  • buckwheat with milk and cocoa;
  • scrambled eggs and vegetable salad, a glass of juice.

For lunch, prepare the following dishes to choose from:

  • durum wheat spaghetti with grated cheese, vegetable salad, tea;
  • fish soup, boiled rice or beans, compote;
  • sorrel or mushroom soup, bread and a glass of kefir.

For dinner, treat yourself to the following dishes to choose from:

  • vegetable salad and cottage cheese, baked apple;
  • vegetable stew, boiled egg, orange or grapefruit;
  • sandwich made from grain bread with lettuce and cheese, one kiwi.

Before going to bed, you can drink herbal, ginger or green tea. You can also eat half a grapefruit or a little pineapple.

As you can see, in all three options the menu is quite varied and accessible to everyone. At the same time, the results of a meat-free diet are simply amazing. If you adhere to a strict vegetarian menu, then in a week you can get rid of 10 kg of excess weight. With a non-strict option, weight loss will average from two to five kilograms. The fish option will help you lose from one to four kilograms in a week. Well, if you consider that the diet is designed for three weeks, then the results will undoubtedly please you.

Pros and cons of a meat-free diet

The advantages of a diet without meat include the fact that it allows you to relieve the digestive organs, since meat is still a heavy food. According to research results, many diseases originate precisely because of excessive consumption of meat products. These products, being digested for a long time in the intestines, contribute to the formation of waste and toxins. Therefore, a short-term refusal of meat is not only effective weight loss, but also benefits for the body (it’s not for nothing that people also give up meat during Lent).

As for the disadvantages, not all people can decide on this diet, so out of habit this diet may seem quite harsh. Moreover, contraindications to its implementation include chronic diseases in the acute stage, childhood and poor health. Therefore, before following this diet, get examined by a doctor.

It is also important to note that this diet is designed for obese people, so if you want to lose 2-3 kg, then choose a different nutrition system. For slender girls weighing 60 kg, losing 10 kg can lead to serious problems in the body, so take care of yourself and approach weight loss wisely.

In conclusion, we note that no matter which version of the meat-free diet you choose, it is very important to listen to your feelings during the diet. If you begin to feel weak, dizzy, or have apathy, stop the diet immediately and choose a more gentle option for losing weight.

And don’t forget that you can organize proper nutrition by contacting a nutritionist who will help you develop a nutrition plan on an individual basis.

Good luck and great weight loss results.

For any person suffering from obesity, a meat-free diet for weight loss is the optimal way out of the excess weight situation. Its attractiveness also lies in the fact that it helps to improve the functioning of almost all body systems. Why is this happening? Therefore, avoiding foods containing the most dangerous substance - cholesterol - has a beneficial effect on health.

What are its features?

The main thing is that there are several variations of the diet. Each of them is characterized by a certain degree of restriction of the amount of protein (animal) consumption. Please note: you should not experiment with the body; it is better to ask the opinion of a qualified nutritionist. Based on the situation, this specialist is assigned:

  • non-strict vegetarian diet;
  • fish diet;
  • veganism.

In the first case, the main emphasis is on vegetables in various variations, which can be supplemented with eggs, fruits, dairy products, fish, and cereals.

In the second case, meat is completely replaced with fish and seafood. Typically, this method of losing weight is applicable in situations where you are getting rid of weight gained due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Finally, the most stringent option for losing weight is for people with high cholesterol levels, as well as diabetics.

If there are no health problems other than excess weight, give preference to the option of non-strict vegetarianism. This will help you adapt to the diet. As soon as there is some result, you can move on to a tougher version.

There are both pros and cons

The main advantage of completely giving up meat is unloading the gastrointestinal tract. As you know, this product is quite difficult to digest. A number of medical studies show that its excessive consumption is the main cause of some diseases. Since meat is present in the intestines for quite a long time, the toxins and wastes that are part of it enter the body and harm it. Accordingly, even a short-term refusal of meat products in the diet is a sure way to cleansing and healing the body.

Having studied the menu, which will have to be followed for almost three weeks, many are scared because they are not confident in their abilities. Apparent asceticism after proper nutrition is what causes fear. And this is the main drawback of the diet. However, you need to understand that strictly limiting your meat consumption will bring great results.

The second point, which is classified as a disadvantage, is the inability to eat properly if you have chronic diseases. If they worsen, there is no need to talk about diet. Can you imagine how disappointing it will be if you have to give up proper nutrition at the “finish line”? A visit not only to a nutritionist, but also to your attending physician will help you to be on the safe side. Only with the permission of both can you begin to fight extra pounds!

And one last thing. Giving up meat allows you to get rid of a lot of weight: 10 kilograms or more. Therefore, if you are interested in getting in shape by losing 2-5 kilos, choose another, more gentle option!

To your ideal weight in 18 days

Below is a version of a meat-free diet for weight loss, which must be followed for 18 days. Meals from 1st to 9th are described in detail. Then everything should be repeated from the very beginning (from the 10th to the 18th):

1st day

In the morning on an empty stomach: glass of warm water

Breakfast: 150-200 g low-fat cottage cheese (you can add a teaspoon of honey) + tea or coffee (preferably tea, of course)


Dinner: 50 g (dry) buckwheat + fresh vegetable salad (cabbage, cucumber, lettuce, etc.), seasoned with a small amount of olive oil (no more than a tablespoon) + tea (optional)

Dinner: carrot salad, seasoned with lemon juice and a small amount of sour cream

Before bed (if you want to eat, of course): a glass of 1% kefir (just a glass, not a carafe or a bucket)

2nd day

In the morning on an empty stomach: glass of warm water

Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs (you can add a little sour cream) + tea or coffee (again, tea is preferable)

Lunch: 4-6 pcs. dried apricots or prunes

Dinner: 50 g (dry) rice + 150-200 g seaweed salad (without any additives, with vegetable oil) + tea (if desired)

Dinner: salad of tomatoes and sweet bell peppers, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil

Before bed (you can): a small green apple or a glass of 1% kefir

3rd day

In the morning on an empty stomach: glass of warm water

Breakfast: 40-50 g of Adyghe cheese + tea or coffee (I think you remember which is better to choose)

Lunch: any fruit (except bananas) of medium size

Dinner: 50 g (dry) barley (helps burn fat, by the way) + raw or boiled carrots, grated and seasoned with lemon juice + tea

Dinner: fresh green vegetable salad with olive oil

Before bed: a glass of 1% kefir

4th day

In the morning on an empty stomach: glass of warm water

Breakfast: 50 g oatmeal, boiled in water or simply poured boiling water (you can add a teaspoon of honey) + tea or coffee

Lunch: 80-100 g low-fat cottage cheese

Dinner: 100-150 g of boiled fish (except fatty varieties) + 250-300 g (depending on the number of fish) boiled vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, etc.) + tea

Dinner: 300-400 g of any fruit (except bananas and grapes, as you probably already guessed).

Before going to bed (if a beastly appetite suddenly wakes up): a glass of 1% kefir (already quite boring)

5th day

In the morning on an empty stomach: a glass of warm water (which doesn’t seem so disgusting anymore)

Breakfast: 40-50 g of buckwheat (sorry, there will be no honey today, but you can add a pinch of salt) + tea or coffee (which it’s time to give up)

Lunch: natural yogurt (i.e. without additives)

Dinner: 100 g fatty fish (preferably mackerel) + 300 g boiled vegetables + tea

Dinner: salad from 300-400g. any fruit (except the above), seasoned with lemon juice or low-fat (10%) sour cream or natural yogurt (but it’s better not to mix fruit with anything)

Before bed: a glass of (already your favorite) 1% kefir

6th day

In the morning on an empty stomach: glass of warm water

Breakfast: 40-50 g of rice with 1-2 pcs. dried apricots + tea or coffee

Lunch: 30-40 g Adyghe cheese

Dinner: 100-150 g fish (lean) + 250-300 g boiled vegetables (except carrots) + tea

Dinner: 300-400 g apples (unsweetened) or oranges

Before bed: (yes, yes!) a glass of 1% kefir

7th day

In the morning on an empty stomach: glass of warm water

Breakfast: 300-400 g of fruit (grapes and bananas are not prohibited, but it is better to avoid them) + tea (you should not drink coffee, because in combination with fruit, especially apples, it can lead to unpleasant consequences)

Lunch: 100 g sprouted wheat

Dinner: thick vegetable soup (theoretically the quantity is not limited, but try to keep it in moderation) + a piece of black bread (no more than 40 g)

Dinner: 180-200 g low-fat cottage cheese (you can add a little low-fat sour cream)

Before bed: a glass of 1% kefir (you can do without it)

8th day

In the morning on an empty stomach: a glass of warm water (drank from the machine)

Breakfast: 2 small pears (ripe and sweet - only these will benefit) + tea

Lunch: 30-40 g rye bread (you can nibble a cucumber)

Dinner: vegetable soup + 100 g of boiled potatoes (option: add them to the soup) + tea

Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs (with sour cream if you like)

Before bed: kefir (unspecified)

9th day

In the morning on an empty stomach: glass of warm water

Breakfast: salad from 300-400g. any fruit, seasoned with lemon juice + tea

Lunch: 30-40 g wheat (or corn) flakes (unglazed)

Dinner: vegetable soup with the addition of a small amount of rice (or with a piece of bread, as on day 7)

Dinner: 180-200 g. cottage cheese

Before bed(in principle, you should no longer feel hungry, but still): kefir

Today, a diet without dairy products and meat is very popular. Its varieties are veganism and raw food diet. Some people adhere to such a diet for the purpose of losing weight and getting healthier, while others are driven by deeper motives. One way or another, before switching to a new regime, it is important to study all the features of the diet. Only in this case can you count on weight loss, improvement and the absence of unpleasant consequences.

Diet features

Experts' opinions

Diets based on plant products have their own characteristics that must be taken into account. In addition, expert opinions about such a diet differ. Some nutritionists argue that without eating dairy products and meat, it is impossible to get all the vital elements from food. However, there is another opinion. Thus, some experts believe that with the help of nuts and legumes you can easily replace both meat and dairy products.

Who is the diet suitable for?

Since these contradictions exist, the transition to such a diet should be deliberate. It is best to consult a nutritionist to develop a diet tailored to your individual needs. You should also listen not only to the opinion of a specialist, but also to your own body. Each person has their own unique characteristics. Some people cannot imagine their daily menu without meat and milk, while others can easily do without these products. Depending on this, it will be much easier for some to endure the diet.

Varied menu

If you decide to switch to a diet without dairy products and meat, then you need to first take care of creating a varied menu. It should include not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, grains, legumes, mushrooms, as well as seafood and fish. Such a rich diet will help your body receive the maximum amount of nutrients from food.

The benefits of a diet without meat and dairy

Such a diet should be based on certain principles. First of all, fried foods and canned food should be excluded. You should reduce your consumption of sugar and pastry desserts. This is the only way you can lose weight faster with health benefits. If you follow all the rules, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health. In addition, a diet without meat and milk gives energy and energy, which are necessary for sports. As a result, you will have vitality, and you will perform physical exercises easily and with pleasure. Naturally, this will only benefit your figure.

By giving up meat and dairy products, you will begin to consume more fresh salads, fruits, nuts and other natural foods rich in healthy elements. As a result, you will improve your immunity and be able to avoid vitamin deficiency.

Diet without milk and meat: should include a number of substitute products and imply a balanced diet that fully saturates the body with all the substances necessary for normal functioning

Rules for rational nutrition

Preparing for the diet

With a diet without meat and dairy products, you can easily lose 5 - 7 kg in a month. At the same time, you do not have to deny yourself everything and limit the amount of food you eat. As a result, you will not only be able to lose weight, but also feel light and energized. However, if under normal circumstances it is difficult for you to give up meat dishes, then you need to prepare for the diet in advance. This will help protect your body from sudden changes in diet and stress. Ultimately, this will not only improve your comfort, but will also provide more lasting results. If you gradually begin to reduce the amount of dairy and meat dishes you consume, and then completely give them up for a while, then the weight loss process will go easily and smoothly. There will be no quick results here, but new eating habits will appear and, as a result, a long-term effect.

Diet options

Diets based primarily on plant-based foods have several options. By and large, they can be divided into long-term and short-term. The first of them are best suited for those who are significantly overweight. In this case, you should exclude meat and dairy products from your diet for 1 to 2 months. Don't forget that it's best to do this gradually. If you choose this option, you don’t have to change your habits much, but only adjust them. So, you should cook mushroom, fish and vegetable soups instead of meat ones. Replace fried dishes with steamed ones, and prepare desserts based on fresh fruits. With all this, give preference only to natural and fresh products.

If you need to lose a small amount of extra pounds or you just want to maintain normal weight, then you can limit yourself to only a few fasting days (from 1 to 7). During this period, it is advisable to switch completely to a raw food diet. In other words, you need to eat only fresh foods without heat treatment. Naturally, seafood, fish and mushrooms would no longer be appropriate here.

How to make your menu balanced?

Whatever diet option you choose, you need to develop a rational menu for every day. The ideal option here would be to contact a nutritionist who will help you create a balanced nutrition system taking into account your individual characteristics. If you decide to do this yourself, then the main thing to consider is variety. And it should concern not only the products themselves, but also the chemical elements they contain. Aim for a balance of vitamins and minerals, and also remember that plant foods are low in protein. To compensate for its deficiency, it is important to consume legumes and nuts daily. However, you need to know moderation in everything, especially if you want to lose weight.

A diet without dairy products and meat is a fairly democratic way to lose weight. There are no firm boundaries or restrictions, but attitude and self-discipline are important. By developing a balanced daily menu for yourself, you can lose weight with health benefits, especially if you combine your diet with exercise.

A meat-free diet is a topic that is constantly controversial. Some people believe that a person absolutely needs meat in their daily diet, while others, in particular vegetarians, are against any animal products. But, in any case, a week-long fasting of the body without meat will not harm anyone. Such nutrition will only help you get rid of a couple of extra pounds and cleanse your body of accumulated toxins.

Pros and cons of the diet

Of course, it is animal protein that contributes to rapid and long-term saturation of the body. But people who are more than 15 kg overweight will not be able to lose weight by cutting only carbohydrates in their diet. That is why a meat-free diet is more effective for those who are significantly overweight.

You can adhere to this weight loss technique for 7 to 18 days, but no more. Since a diet that excludes the consumption of animal protein can rebuild the functioning of the digestive system. And then, when leaving the diet, problems may arise with the absorption of previously familiar food.

If the desired result has not yet been achieved, you can repeat the diet course, but not earlier than after a couple of months. It is also worth noting that when leaving the diet, a sudden reliance on meat is not recommended. You need to gradually switch to your usual diet, introducing boiled chicken meat into the menu.

So, the advantages of the diet are cleansing the body, losing weight, and also the fact that it is quite effective in combating a large amount of excess weight. Among the disadvantages, one can note the possible appearance of gastrointestinal disorders, as well as the fact that a long-term diet excluding meat can change the functioning of the digestive system. The diet is contraindicated for people with acute gastrointestinal diseases, pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Before starting to lose weight using this technique, it is better to consult a doctor or nutritionist.

When following a diet, you should take into account some nuances for maximum effective weight loss, namely:

  • in order to prevent fluid retention in the body, it is better to completely or at least partially give up salt;
  • although the diet does not limit the consumption of tea or coffee, you should give preference to ordinary clean water;
  • Although this diet involves a diet that reduces the consumption of animal protein from meat, it is necessary to replace it in sufficient quantities with vegetable protein. In addition, animal protein can be obtained from eggs and dairy products;
  • You should not limit your diet to vegetables and fruits only, because the body will not be fully saturated. This can lead to a breakdown and eating food in large quantities, which will not only return the lost kilograms, but also add new ones.

Sample menu

There are two types of meat-free diet: with the consumption of dairy products and excluding its consumption. Eating according to any of these schemes is effective and suitable for weight loss. Which one to choose depends on personal preferences and desires.

Sample diet menu with dairy products:

  • breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) and the same amount of berries;
  • second breakfast: apple, pear or orange;
  • lunch: 100 g legumes with fresh vegetables (150-200 g)
  • afternoon snack: a handful of nuts (about 30 g);
  • dinner: 100 g of soy meat or tofu with porridge (buckwheat porridge, brown rice, millet) and fresh vegetables;
  • late snack: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Sample diet menu excluding dairy products:

  • breakfast: 100 g of porridge with 50 g of legumes and freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • second breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal with a glass of soy milk;
  • lunch: 100 g of legumes with fresh vegetables (150-200 g) and porridge;
  • afternoon snack: a handful of nuts and berries;
  • dinner: 100 g of tofu or soy meat with vegetables and mushrooms.

The main source of protein according to this diet are legumes, which contain it in sufficient quantities to replenish protein reserves in the body. At the same time, the total calorie intake is quite low, which is a necessary and main condition for effective and rapid weight loss.

One of the most effective diets for losing weight is a meat-free diet. Many experts, nutritionists and doctors have long confirmed the fact that you can lose weight not only by reducing food portions, but also by eliminating products such as meat. After all, this is a huge source of proteins and saturated fats, which are deposited in the body in the form of various lipids, including cholesterol. Thus, by giving up meat, you can not only reduce your weight, but also reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The risks of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart attack directly depend on the level of total cholesterol and “bad” lipoproteins in the blood. And the more we use them, the more and faster they settle on our vessels. After all, we are what we eat.

The benefits and harms of meat. Why should you try to give up?

  • Meat contains a large amount of protein, which is the building material of our body. But if you give up meat, you can eat other foods rich in it. These are dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, milk), legumes, nuts and whole grains. They will saturate the body with enough protein.
  • Meat, especially red meat, is a source of iron, phosphorus, vitamin B12, A, E, D. But a large amount of them is also found in plant products, especially oils. Because meat is not the only source of these vitamins and minerals, its role is exaggerated.
  • Meat can be harmful if in the modern world hormones and antibiotics are added to improve taste, quality and appearance. In addition, improperly cooked meat (fried, fatty) is “heavy” for the gastrointestinal tract and causes exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It promotes the proliferation of putrefactive intestinal microflora and slagging. Meat is also harmful to the cardiovascular system.
  • Cooked meat is bad energy. This is the opinion of vegetarians and many people who still cannot refuse it.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, we can only say that meat is not an essential product, without which a person will develop a deficiency of proteins, vitamins and other nutrients. It can absolutely be replaced with other products, even healthier ones. But if you decide to lose weight and give up meat completely, then you need to do this gradually so that your body has time to get used to the change in diet. A meat-free diet for weight loss does not mean getting rid of the fats and proteins that it contains. But just reduce their number and replace them with the same ones, only with other, lighter dishes. They are found in huge quantities in dairy products, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, and vegetable oils. Gradually, all meat should be replaced with boiled meat, then its amount in the diet should be reduced. Eat more vegetables - broccoli, celery, carrots, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, avocado.

Main types of diets you can use to lose weight

  1. Diet number 5 according to Pevzner. This diet is therapeutic and preventive, which doctors prescribe for diseases of the digestive system. It is prescribed as a preventive measure in sanatoriums. Its essence is to remove foods rich in cholesterol, essential oils and fats, and also reduce salt intake. Add foods containing pectins and fiber to your diet. Food should be baked or stewed, and drink enough water. Although this diet allows you to eat a little boiled meat (poultry, beef) and dairy products (milk, kefir up to 200 ml per day), why is diet number 5 not ideal for losing weight? In addition to the fact that it will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rid the body of toxins, it will also help you lose weight to your normal weight. In addition, it can become a transitional stage for you if you decide to completely give up meat.
  2. Diet without meat and dairy products. It is more strict, as it completely eliminates animal proteins and fats. Of course, by following such a diet, you will definitely lose extra pounds, but creating a plan and diet will not be easy. It will be even more difficult to stick to such a diet. Meat and dairy products should be eliminated gradually. You can leave fish in your diet.

Approximate menu:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat, rice, millet porridge seasoned with olive oil with fresh vegetables and bread. Granola with dried fruits, nuts, honey, sesame or flaxseed. Tea or warm compote and an avocado sandwich.
  • Lunches. Vegetable, mushroom, pea, bean soup. Cauliflower, spinach, zucchini, potato puree. Baked mackerel, cod, dorado with lemon. Vegetable salads, vinaigrette. It is better to season salads with wheat germ oil (a huge source of vitamin E), sesame, olive, and walnut oil. You can also make pasta from durum wheat.
  • Snacks. Eat fresh fruits and berries, fresh or in the form of juice, fruit drink, or casserole. Nuts, dried fruits (70-100 g). You can grate an apple, carrots, season with butter or honey.
  • Dinners. Baked or stewed vegetables, side dish of boiled beans, lentils, chickpeas. Jacket potatoes, stewed cabbage. Fish can be prepared in the form of a cutlet, casserole with tomato and cauliflower.
  1. Diet without meat and fish. This diet involves consuming dairy products as protein foods. For breakfast you can eat omelet with vegetables, cottage cheese with berries, kefir. For lunch or dinner, add milk, a salad dressed with yogurt, a boiled egg or an egg casserole. It is allowed to use low-fat sour cream, cream, and butter for sandwiches.

Basic rules of a meat-free diet for weight loss

  • Each diet should be accompanied by dosed physical exercise. Let it start with morning or evening walks in the fresh air.
  • Diet - regime. Violating the rules of the regime will not lead you to the desired result, and every sandwich or missed exercise will slowly incapacitate you. It is believed that following the regime for exactly 21 days becomes a habit.
  • The diet should be based on three main meals and several snacks.
  • When cooking, try to add less salt and spices.
  • Every morning, drink a glass of warm water, adding a teaspoon of honey.
  • A meat-free diet involves cleansing and unloading the body, rather than starvation and exhaustion. The diet must be composed correctly so as not to harm the body. According to experts, such a diet must include the consumption of fish and dairy products in minimal quantities (kefir, yogurt, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese).
  • Make sure that your diet is not biased towards foods containing simple carbohydrates (bread, flour products).
  • In the first half of the day, eat porridge and bread. For dinner, it is better to prepare a dish rich in proteins (legumes, cottage cheese, eggs).
  • To improve intestinal motor function and cleanse it of waste and toxins, eat fiber, which is found in vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, and nuts.

Menu for the week:

Monday, Wednesday:

Breakfast: rice porridge, boiled egg, fresh cucumber, warm tea with bread.

Lunch: vegetable soup, lentils with mushrooms, baked beet salad with olive oil. Dessert: cottage cheese with honey and dried cranberries, compote.

Dinner: mashed potatoes and spinach, fish cake, avocado.

Snacks: walnuts, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries.

Tuesday, Thursday:

Breakfast: kefir, whole grain bread (100 grams)

Lunch: fish soup, vinaigrette. Dessert: berry jelly.

Dinner: pumpkin soup with mushrooms, baked fish with lemon, fresh vegetable salad.

Snacks: apples, pears, peaches.

Friday, Sunday:

Breakfast: oatmeal with nuts and honey, compote.

Lunch: bean and herb soup, zucchini pancakes, boiled egg, olives. Dessert: cottage cheese casserole with raisins and apple.

Dinner: stewed fish (mackerel), green pea and cauliflower puree, vegetable salad.

Snacks: figs, dates, dried apricots.


Breakfast: omelet with onion, tomato and cheese, fresh cucumber

Lunch: buckwheat with vegetables, cabbage, corn and egg salad, dressed with unsweetened yogurt. Fresh berry juice.

Dinner: boiled beans, stewed cabbage with mushrooms, salad of bell pepper, onion, tomato.

Snacks: orange, pineapple, pomelo, persimmon



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