The host of the program is special correspondent Andrei Medvedev biography. VGTRK journalist Andrei Medvedev “we will never repent for this great war of ours”

A post by VGTRK journalist Andrei Medvedev dedicated to . First, for distributing pornography—that’s what administrators called a black-and-white photograph of a child killed by the Nazis. And then - for inciting hatred towards certain groups. Andrei Medvedev’s post has already gone viral on social networks.

This post in its first edition was deleted for distributing pornography. All because of the attached photo. War photography: autumn of 1941, Moscow region. Tatyana Onishchenko holds her dying daughter in her arms. Bare children's legs - what a provocation. For the second time, Andrei Medvedev’s text was published without this image. And it was still blocked. Quote: "For inciting hatred towards certain groups."

“The post was about the fact that, unfortunately, historically, we have a very strong genetic memory of that pain, of the suffering that the Soviet people endured from 41 to 45. And that is why such a reaction of people to the speech is connected with this boy in the Bundestag. People saw this as disrespect for the sacrifices made by our people, our great Soviet people, not only the Russians,” said Andrei Medvedev, a political observer at VGTRK.

The text itself, in fact, is a response to that same Nikolai Desyatnichenko, a tenth-grader from Novy Urengoy. Who, speaking in Berlin, spoke about the “innocently killed German soldiers” who did not want to fight in the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron.” Andrei Medvedev’s post begins like this: “If I had to speak in the Bundestag.” No calls. Rather, it is a reminder of the cruelty of Wehrmacht and SS soldiers towards Soviet children and the civilian population in general. Historical facts. Nothing more.

“We are talking about once again consistently humiliating Russia through the humiliation of public figures who defend historical truth. Who are not afraid to call white white and black black. Who remember the feat that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers accomplished 70 years ago Of course, in an era of universal tolerance, in an era of absolute readiness to agree with any, even the most absurd point of view, in order to show their current absolutely liberal orientation, people agree to this,” says Armen Gasparyan, historian, publicist.

What exactly is in this text and whose indignation caused it is unknown. Technically, a user complaint is enough for a text to be blocked. After which some “specially trained team” will examine it. And he will give a verdict.

“Perhaps Facebook’s story worked here that the complaints came from Ukraine, for example, and Facebook does not share country-specific complaints. That is, most likely, those who complained had some kind of weight on Facebook. Due to either the length of their stay there , or the number and volume of subscribers. And Facebook considered their complaints to be partly justified,” explained German Klimenko, Internet Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation.

Facebook employees invariably state that the rules are as standardized as possible and are suitable for people of any nationality. However, this is in words. In reality it turns out completely differently.

“A post about the Great Patriotic War is suddenly recognized as inciting hatred, and photographs of a child killed during the Great Patriotic War suddenly turn out to be pornography, and at the same time, posts calling for bombing the Donbass, I don’t know, with a nuclear strike, or slaughtering all the “Colorados,” or joyful cries, like It’s good that in Odessa the “Russian world” was drowned in blood. All this is recognized as a completely acceptable and normal thing, but I, of course, have great doubts about the lack of bias of Facebook administrators,” added Andrei Medvedev, a political observer at VGTRK.

However, it seems that the dissatisfied in this story played against themselves. And the point is not only that Andrei Medvedev published the text on the same Facebook in a slightly edited version for the third time. The main thing is that thanks to the blocking and the fundamental disagreement of subscribers with them, the post was distributed on hundreds of pages and even outside resources. Where hundreds of people read and commented on it. Where he is just gaining popularity. And where to ban it from social network administrators - their hands are short.

It’s strange to see how the same people used to shout stupid things about how war is not the job of a conscript soldier, that professionals should fight, and now they are also shouting about how “what a horror, we have PMCs, a disgrace to this government.” ". Excuse me, but you seemed to want professionals to fight with us? The authorities, at your request, actually created the PMC. No?
- Why do they hide the presence of PMCs? Because they are actually created to hide their existence. This is a proxy warfare tool. Blackwater again. The first operation was in 2001 in Kabul. They have been in Iraq since 2003. So then even the American military did not know exactly who they were. The American military in Baghdad told me that these were special forces or CIA units. The US authorities have not even confirmed the death of Blackwater fighters in Fallujah. That is, they reported the death of military advisers. Only in 2007, after the massacre in Baghdad, when PMC fighters shot civilians, did the Americans learn about their existence. Although rumors about PMCs were circulating in America. During the second assault on Fallujah, Blackwater played a key role, essentially acting as a barrier detachment, and then as the main breakthrough force. But officially they didn’t exist. So the citizens who are now screaming that, they say, “a shame on our government, because it is silent about the death of our people in Syria” - simply do not understand what algorithm PMCs operate by and why they are created.
- Why did the Americans hit our soldiers? Because World War III is going on. This is, of course, a proxy war, but still. Syria is one of the fronts of the Third World War. I think Afghanistan and Central Asia will be next. Not only we and the Americans are participating in this Third World War. Are you aware, citizens, that French and English special forces are fighting in Syria? So sooner or later we had to face our “Western partners” in direct combat. The private CIA company Stratfor wrote in a report four years ago that US forces are quite limited, and Washington should consider the events in Syria and Ukraine as a single theater of military operations. This Black Sea theater of operations will put pressure on Russia from the south. Nothing new. So in Syria we are not fighting for Assad, but for our future, for the right of our country to exist. Don't be yourself. And just be. Exist in the world.
- Based on the above. The fighters of our PMCs in Syria are Russian heroes. These are the real heroes of the fight against terrorism and the war for the Russian future. They are the same heroes as Prokhorenko and Filipov, Durachenko and Mikhailova, like our pilots, sailors and MTR soldiers.
PMC fighters, unfortunately, are unknown and unsung heroes (as Erik Prince called his guys “unsung heroes”). But we must understand that through their struggle, through their daily feat, the soldiers of our PMCs give us the right to a peaceful life. We go to the cinema, raise children, go to work thanks to them - ordinary Russian men, whose profession is war, and who clean out this terrorist purulent phlegmon every day.
And when some “journalist” writes about “dead mercenaries,” you should know that this person is not much different from the propaganda scum from the ISIS media center Al-Furqan. This is the enemy who stabs our fighters in the back.
Once again, they are heroes. Their job is war, but their death is a tragedy. Moreover, apparently there was some idiocy and betrayal there.
I don’t know how the state is doing, whether they will forget them or not. But the Motherland should not forget them. And we are the Motherland. Don't forget the fighters of Russian PMCs.
Eternal memory to men and warriors.

Facebook moderators blocked the publication of VGTRK journalist Andrei Medvedev twice for far-fetched reasons. On the third try, the author finally managed to convey his opinion through the censorship barriers of a social network hailing from “the freest country.” Medvedev comments on the sensational performance of a young man from Novy Urengoy in the Bundestag.

“If I had to speak in the Bundestag, like the boy Kolya, then I would probably say the following words:

Dear deputies. Today I saw a miracle. And this miracle is called Germany. I walked towards you and looked at the beautiful Berlin streets, at the people, at the wonderful architectural monuments, and now I stand here and look at you. And I understand that this is all a miracle. That you were all born and live in Germany. Why do I think this?

Because considering what your soldiers did here, in the occupied territories, the soldiers of the Red Army could easily leave a scorched field, ruins in place of Germany, and only paragraphs of textbooks would remind us that such a country once existed. It's scary, but it could happen.

You probably don't remember all the details of the occupation, but you don't need to. I'll just remind you of what the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers did to Soviet children. They were shot. Often in front of their parents. Or vice versa, first they shot at mom and dad, and then at the children. Your soldiers raped children. Children were burned alive. They were sent to concentration camps. Where they took their blood to make serum for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were eaten to death by your shepherd dogs. Children were used as targets. Children were brutally tortured just for fun.

Here are two examples. The Wehrmacht officer was disturbed by a baby from sleeping; he took him by the leg and smashed his head against the corner of the stove. Your pilots at the Lychkovo station bombed the train on which they were trying to take the children to the rear, and then your aces chased after the frightened kids, shooting them in a bare field. Two thousand children were killed.

And just for what your soldiers did to the children, I repeat, the soldiers of the Red Army, who saw the endless bloody ashes from the Volga to the Western Bug, could break loose, turn into merciless avengers, and destroy Germany completely. Perhaps even with its inhabitants. After all, they spoke and wrote from the front, without fear of censorship, during the war that they wanted to take revenge on the Germans. Not the fascists. Not to the Nazis. Precisely to the Germans.

But they didn't. Do I regret this? Of course not. How can you regret that no blood was shed? How can you regret that our soldiers and officers showed incredible humanism and mercy? I bow to the highest spirit and steely will of my ancestors, who found some incredible strength in themselves so as not to become the same brutes that the Wehrmacht soldiers were. “God is with us” was written on the buckles of German soldiers. But they were the offspring of hell and brought hell to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Soviet people turned out to be much more Christian than the inhabitants of enlightened religious Europe. And they did not take revenge. We were able to feel and understand that hell cannot be defeated by hell.

You should not ask us for forgiveness, because you personally are not to blame for anything. You cannot be responsible for your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And then, only the Lord forgives. But I will tell you honestly - for me the Germans are forever a foreign, alien people. It's not because you personally are bad. It is the pain of the children burned by the Wehrmacht that screams within me. And you will have to accept that at least my generation - for whom the memory of the war is the grandfather’s awards, his scars, his front-line friends - will perceive you this way. What will happen next, I don’t know. Perhaps after us the Mankurts will come who will forget everything. And we have done a lot for this, we have screwed up a lot ourselves, but I hope that not everything is lost for Russia. Of course we need to cooperate. Russians and Germans. We need to solve problems together. Fight ISIS and build gas pipelines. But you will have to accept one fact: we will never repent for this Great War of ours. And even more so for Victory. And especially in front of you. In any case, I repeat, my generation. Because then we saved not only ourselves. We saved you from yourself. And I don't even know what's more important."

Andrei Medvedev (VGTRK): “If I had to speak in the Bundestag, like the boy Kolya, then I would probably say the following words: - Dear deputies. Today I saw a miracle. And this miracle is called Germany. I walked to you and looked at the beautiful Berlin streets, at the people, at the wonderful architectural monuments, and now I’m standing here and looking at you. And I understand that all this is a miracle, that you were all born and live in Germany. Because why do I think so? what your soldiers did here, in the occupied territories, the soldiers of the Red Army had every moral right to destroy the entire German people. Leave a scorched field in place of Germany, ruins and only paragraphs of textbooks would remind us that such a country once existed. You probably don’t remember all the details of the occupation, but that’s not necessary. I’ll just remind you of what the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers did to Soviet children. They were often shot in front of their parents. and then into children. Your soldiers raped children. Children were burned alive. They were sent to concentration camps. Where they took their blood to make serum for your soldiers. The children were starved. Children were eaten to death by your shepherd dogs. Children were used as targets. Children were brutally tortured just for fun. Or here are two examples. The Wehrmacht officer was disturbed by a baby from sleeping; he took him by the leg and smashed his head against the corner of the stove. Your pilots at the Lychkovo station bombed the train on which they were trying to take the children to the rear, and then your aces chased after the frightened kids, shooting them in a bare field. Two thousand children were killed. Just for what you did to the children, I repeat, the Red Army could have completely destroyed Germany and its inhabitants. She had every moral right. But she didn't. Do I regret this? Of course not. I bow to the steely will of my ancestors, who found some incredible strength within themselves so as not to become the same brutes that the Wehrmacht soldiers were. “God is with us” was written on the buckles of German soldiers. But they were the offspring of hell and brought hell to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Soviet people turned out to be much more Christian than the inhabitants of enlightened religious Europe. And they did not take revenge. We were able to understand that hell cannot be defeated by hell. You should not ask us for forgiveness, because you personally are not to blame for anything. You cannot be responsible for your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And then, only the Lord forgives."

06.12.2017 12:10

VGTRK journalist Andrei Medvedev: going to the Olympics under a neutral flag is a betrayal

We are genetically determined to defend our flag, said Russian journalist Andrei Medvedev, commenting on the IOC’s decision to ban Russian athletes from competing at the Olympics in Pyeongchang under the Russian flag.

VGTRK journalist Andrei Medvedev shared on Facebook his opinion on whether Russian athletes should compete at the Olympics in Pyeongchang under a neutral flag, as the IOC decision made last Tuesday in Lausanne allows them to do.

A. Medvedev:

“If I had a chance to speak in Lausanne, like sports official Zhukov, I would probably say the following words:

- Ladies and Gentlemen. I see your triumphant faces and understand that you are expecting words of apology and repentance from me. There will be neither one nor the other. We will not ask for forgiveness for doping, the existence of which we could not really prove. And, which was looked for in the samples of only the Russian team.

We will not thank you for your permission to send our athletes to the Olympics under a neutral flag. In any case, I won't. It’s not up to me to decide whether the athletes will go or not. And perhaps not even the president. It seems to me that each of them should decide individually. But I would like them to say - no, we won't go. Because there are things that cannot, cannot be transgressed, betrayed. There is something that makes people a people, and the land a homeland. These are genetic codes, the memory of the people, their traditions. My people have this attitude towards the flag and the ability to sacrifice themselves in the name of the country. And both of these things are deeply connected. In Old Russian, the word flag sounds like a banner. From the word “tighten”, and this is not accidental. The army pulled together to the princely staff and stood shoulder to shoulder during the battle. In Russian chronicles, the entries are usually stingy and laconic, but it was always mentioned that the enemy in the battle “cut down the banner”, and “killed” the warrior who defended the banner.

So we are genetically wired to defend our flag. We genetically cannot compete anywhere under a neutral flag. In any case, I think so, I believe so.

You will say - but think about the athletes, because they have been preparing for the Olympics all their lives. I think about them. And even more I think about my Motherland, which you are trying to break and humiliate. And we, I hope, continue to be able to put the collective above the private.

In ancient times, my country seemed to many to be an easy and necessary prey. And the enemy often came to us. And to stop it, on the southern outskirts, in the Zadonsk forest-steppes, our ancestors created notch lines. Outposts and long, many-kilometer ramparts made of earth and felled trees. At these outposts there were ordinary Russian people. And professional wars, and militias, yesterday's peasants. Their task was simple - to warn their comrades, light signal fires when the enemy appeared, and die in battle. Stand near the banner and fight. Hold back as much as possible the army of the next enemy, and disappear into obscurity, without even leaving a name. To die so that your country, your family, your clan can live. This is from those times our saying “Alone in the field is not a warrior.” All the former southern borders of my country are one huge grave of an unknown Russian war. But they might not have fought. Let the enemy through, sit out in the forest. There were probably some. But there were, of course, more of those who took the last stand around the banner.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t speak, I wouldn’t think, I wouldn’t feel Russian right now. And my country would not exist, and you would have no one to blame for your troubles, if my distant ancestors had thought about themselves, and not about their Motherland. This is why I personally would not go to the Olympics under a neutral flag. For me, this would mean betraying everything that connects me to my land. Including, betraying those distant signal fires in the Zadonsk steppe, and the last battle of an unknown squad under the Russian banner. But, I repeat, it’s not for me to decide.

And I will repeat again. We will not repent or apologize for doping. Yes, our guys have problems. We don't hide them. Do you want to be honest? Let's check everyone then. Let's start with Norwegian skiers. And let their minister stand here, next to me.

I know what you want. So that today we repent for the Olympics in Sochi, tomorrow for the victory over ISIS, then for the murder of Hitler. And in a few years you will invoice us for the stay of Soviet citizens in Buchenwald and Auschwitz. Did you even feed them something there? How did you dress? And then tell us that we need to pay for Cyclone-B. So this won't happen.

Finally, I will tell you one more Russian proverb. “Don’t make a fuss while it’s quiet.” Apparently you didn't hear her. We would have thought otherwise."



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