Morning exercises in the 2nd junior group. Complex of morning exercises in the second junior group

Tatyana Andreeva
Complex of morning exercises in the second junior group

Complex No. 1. (Exercises without objects)

1. Introductory part:

Formation in a column, walking in place, walking around the hall behind the teacher in a column, on tiptoes, on heels, formation in a circle, accelerated walking, running.

1. Walking around the hall behind the teacher.

2. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, arms along the body. Bring your arms forward, clap your hands in front of you, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. I. p. - legs hip-width apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, return to the starting position (5 times).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs alternating with a short pause (2-3 times).

6. Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher.

Complex No. 2. (Hoop exercises)

1. Introductory part:

Forming in a column, walking around the hall behind the teacher, on tiptoes, on heels, accelerated walking, running, formation in a circle.

2. I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, hoop in bent arms on shoulders, like a collar. Raise the hoop up, arms straight, look into the hoop, lower the hoop, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, take the hoop with both hands (grip from the sides, straighten up, raise the hoop to waist level, sit down, put the hoop on the floor, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hoop in both hands to the chest. Lean forward, touch the rim of the hoop to the floor (arms straight, straighten, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing in a hoop, arms freely, jumping on two legs in a hoop.

Complex No. 3. (Exercises with flags)

1. Introductory part:

Formation in a column, walking in a column one at a time, walking with high knees, "jumps", "gallop", fast walking, running.

2. I. p. - standing with your feet foot-width apart, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up, wave them (Fig. 4), lower the flags, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. Sit down, bring the flags forward (Fig. 5). Get up and return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. Lean forward, touch the floor with the flag sticks, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - kneeling, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up and wave them to the right (left, lower, return to the starting position.

6. Walk at a moderate pace.

Complex No. 4. (Exercises with handkerchiefs)

1. Introductory part:

Forming in a column, walking around the hall, on tiptoes, on heels, walking with a change in direction of movement at the teacher’s signal, accelerated walking, running, formation in a circle.

2. I. p. - standing with feet width apart, handkerchief in both hands near the chest. Straighten your arms forward - they showed you a handkerchief, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a handkerchief in both hands below. Bend over and wave the handkerchief to the right (to the left, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - standing with your feet hip-width apart, holding a handkerchief in both hands below. Sit down, bring the handkerchief forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, handkerchief in the right hand. Jumping on two legs, waving a handkerchief over your head, alternating with a short pause.

6. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex No. 5. (Exercises with the ball)

1. Introductory part:

Formation in a column, walking in a column one at a time, walking with high knees, accelerated walking, running, formation in a circle.

2. I. p. - feet width apart, ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, arms straight, lower the ball, return to the starting position.

Z.I.p. - feet hip-width apart, ball in bent arms near the chest. Sit down and roll the ball from palm to palm, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, ball in bent arms near the chest. Lean forward, touch the ball to the floor between your legs (away from yourself, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms at random, ball on the floor. Jumping around the ball in both directions, with a short pause between a series of jumps.

6. walking at a moderate pace in a column one at a time.

Complex No. 6. (Exercises without objects)

3. Introductory part:

Forming in a column, walking in place, walking around the hall in a column behind the teacher, on tiptoes, walking on the inside of the foot, on heels, accelerated walking, running, formation in a circle.

2. I. p. - legs hip-width apart, arms in front of the chest bent at the elbows, fingers clenched into fists. Circular movements of the arms in front of the chest, one arm rotating around the other (Fig. 6).

3. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, rise, put your hands behind your back, return to the starting position. (Fig. 7)

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands on the belt. Bend over, touch your toes with your hands, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind. Raise right (left) leg, lower, return to starting position.

6. Walking in a column one at a time.

Publications on the topic:

Complex of morning exercises (January-May) 2nd half of January Complex “Winter exercises”. I. Walking and running in a column, “light snowflakes” - walking on toes, hands on the belt; “on the ice.

A set of exercises for morning exercises Morning exercises promote an active transition from sleep to wakefulness. It allows you to maintain vigor and performance throughout.

Morning exercise complex Complex No. 1. 1. Form in a column one at a time. Walk, stop at the “sparrows” signal and say: “Chick-chirp.” (2-3 times). 2. On the signal.

Complex of morning exercises “Barbariki” Goal: To promote interest in classes. Teach children to coordinate their movements with music, the ability to perform movements in.

Complex of morning exercises for the younger group Complex of morning exercises on an obstacle course. I. Form a column one at a time, walking normally, on toes. II. Obstacle course.





Complex ORU "Friendly Family"

1. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back; clap in front of the face 8 times to the words:

“Dad, mom, brother and I together are a friendly family!”

Return to IP. Repeat 3 times.

2. “We all bend over together and do physical exercise!”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, palms on knees, look forward. Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

3. “Daddy is big, and I am small. I may be small, but I’m remote.”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Sit down, hands down. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “We jump together, This is very necessary! Who will jump higher - Mom or Misha?

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Perform 6-8 jumps; short walk (5-6 seconds). Repeat 2 times.

5. “We inhale air through our nose, and exhale air through our mouth. We are not afraid of colds, We don’t need to see doctors!”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game with speech accompaniment “Who lives in our apartment?”

Before the game starts, children form a circle. The teacher is in the center of the circle, he pronounces the text and shows the movements that the children repeat.

Who lives in our apartment? They walk in place.

Mom, dad, brother, sister - I can hardly count them all!

The most important thing is me, Place your hands on your chest.

That's my whole family! Raise your arms up, then slowly lower them down.



Outdoor switchgear complex "Funny Rattles"

There are funny toys

Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom! Their name is rattles,

Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom! Children love to play in them

Jump and jump with them!

1. “Play in front of yourself”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, rattles behind the back. Rattles forward, rattle and calmly lower behind your back. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Show and play”

I. p.: legs apart, rattles at the shoulders. Turn right, show, play, say “here.” Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 3 times.

3. “Rattles for the knees”

I. p.: legs apart, rattles to the sides. Bend forward, rattles to the knees - exhale. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times. Draw children's attention to the fact that when bending forward, they try not to bend their knees.

4. "Jump-jump"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, rattles lowered; 6-8 bounces; 6-8 steps with a swing of the rattles. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. “It’s time for rattles to sleep”

I. p.: legs apart, rattles down. Rattles to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

For the last repetition of the exercise, squat down and place the rattle under your cheek.

Low mobility game “Find the rattle”

Inventory: one rattle.

The rattle is hidden on the playground by the teacher before class. Children form a circle and hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. Holding hands, the children and the teacher walk in a circle. The teacher says the text:

We'll go for a walk with you,

We'll find the rattle.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will all look for her.

We walk quietly

We are looking carefully

We will definitely find the rattle!

Go, children, look for a rattle!

The children disperse around the playground, looking for a rattle. When one of the children finds a toy, he must bring it to the teacher. The game repeats itself.



ORU complex “Multi-colored balls”

Inventory: rubber balls - in accordance with the number of children in the group.

All the guys love to play with balls,

Do exercises with colorful balls!

The balls are different - green and red,

Strong, new, ringing, cheerful.

1. “Higher the ball”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball lowered. Ball up, look, lower, say “down.” Repeat 4-5 times.

2. "Here he is"

I. p.: legs apart, ball in front of the chest. Lean forward, ball forward, say “here it is.” Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times. Do not bend your knees.

3. "Funny Ball"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball in front of feet, hands behind back. Sit down, roll the ball from hand to hand, stop and quickly straighten up. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Bouncing"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball on the ground, near the legs, hands on the waist. Bouncing around the ball - a circle and 8-10 steps with a wave of the arms. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “Up and down”

I. p.: the same, the ball is lowered. Ball towards you, nose - inhale. Lower the ball, and as you exhale say “in-and-out.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game with speech accompaniment “My funny ringing ball”

Children form a circle. There is a teacher in the middle of the circle with a ball in his hands. The teacher shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, then puts the ball on the ground near your feet and invites the children to do the exercises, repeating them after him.

The teacher slowly reads the text and performs the following movements together with the children.

My cheerful ringing ball, Perform a “spring”, hands on the belt.

Where did you go jump? Tilts left and right, arms stacked one on top of the other at chest level

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you! Bend forward, arms forward to the sides.

S. Marshak

Then the teacher invites the children to jump with the ball, while repeating the text of the poem again. Children jump on two legs, the position of their arms is arbitrary. Having finished reading the text, the teacher says: “I’ll catch up now!” Children stop jumping and run away from the teacher to a pre-specified landmark (tree, bush, gazebo, etc.). The teacher pretends to catch the children.



ORU complex “You need to wash your face clean in the mornings and evenings!”

To be healthy

Clean and beautiful

Need to wash

White gentle soap!

Rub yourself with a towel,

Comb your hair

Wear clean clothes

And then go to kindergarten!

1. "Clean" palms"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. One hand forward, palm facing up. Return to i. n. Same with the other hand. Repeat 3 times.

2. “Let’s shake off the water”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Hands up; circular movements with the brush - “shake off the water”; hands on the belt. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. “Let’s wash your feet”

I. p.: legs apart, hands behind the back. Lean forward, slap your knees twice, say “clean.” Hands behind your back. Do not bend your knees. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “We are great!”

5. “To always be clean,

People all need... (water)!”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Rise on your toes; arms to the sides, inhale through the nose. Lower yourself onto your entire foot, hands on your waist, and as you exhale, say “water-ah.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game "Bubble"

The children and the teacher join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:

Inflate, bubble, inflate up and out.

Blow up, bubble, soapy and colorful bubble,

Blow up big, stay that way, and don’t burst.

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children lower their hands and squat down, saying “Clap!” Option. After the words “the bubble burst,” move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and while pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh” - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again and move back, forming a large circle.



Outdoor switchgear complex "Scarfs"

Inventory: handkerchiefs according to the number of children.

Mom bought us handkerchiefs -

For both son and daughter.

We need to wear scarves, -

Your throat won't hurt!

First we play with them,

Then we put it on the neck!

1. I. p.: legs slightly apart, handkerchief in both hands near the chest. Straighten your arms forward - show the handkerchief. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Bend over and wave your handkerchief left and right, straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. I. p.: legs slightly apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Sit down and bring the handkerchief forward. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist; 8-10 jumps in place. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-3 times, alternating with walking in place.

“Let’s blow on handkerchiefs”

I. p.: legs apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Rise on your toes, take a deep breath through your nose; Bring the handkerchief forward and blow on the handkerchief. Return to i. p. Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game “Find the handkerchief”

Inventory: handkerchief.

Children stand scattered next to the teacher. The teacher has a handkerchief in his hands. At the teacher’s command, the children close their eyes, while the teacher hides a handkerchief within the playground. The teacher invites the children to go and find a handkerchief:

Handkerchief, children, you will find

And bring me a handkerchief!

Children walk around the playground, looking for a handkerchief. Whichever child finds the handkerchief first brings it to the teacher.

Note. Before starting the game, remind the children that when they are looking for a handkerchief, they should walk, not run.



ORU complex “Nice Boots”

Our legs walk together,

They are wearing beautiful boots!

Boots are walking along the path,

You can go through puddles in them too!

Boots won't get wet in the rain,

Our feet will be dry!

1. “Our legs walk together”

I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Raise your arms up to your sides and clap your hands. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. “Nice boots”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend over, touch the toes of your boots with your fingers (if possible), straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4 times.

3. “Strong boots”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, tap the toes of your boots with your fingertips, stand up, straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “Legs are jumping, boots are jumping”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping in place with a turn around yourself (2 times in any direction) alternating with walking. Repeat 2-3 times.

“The legs are jumping, the boots are tired”

I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “tired.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game “In an even circle”

Children form a circle and hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. Simultaneously with the teacher starting to read the text, the children begin to dance in a circle to the left or right.

In an even circle in beautiful boots

Let's go one after another on a flat path.

We walk together, step by step.

Stay where you are, let's do this together!

After the teacher says “stay still,” everyone stops and turns to face the center of the circle.

At the end of the text, the teacher shows some movement or figure (squatting, bending, jumping, “spring”, etc.).

Note. After a few lessons, you can invite one of the children to show a movement or figure.



ORU complex “On a bench with friends”

Inventory: 2 benches.

On a bench with friends

We do the exercises:

We bend down, we rise -

We do physical education.

1. "Higher" up"

I. p.: sitting on a bench astride, hands point-blank behind. Hands out to the sides, look up. Return to i. p., say “down.” Repeat 5 times.

I. p.: the same, hands on the belt. Turn right and back. Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

2. “Stand up and sit down”

I. p.: the same, hands behind your back. Stand up, look up. Return to i. n. Do not move your legs. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Caution"

I. p.: stand close to the bench, hands down. Stand on the bench, maintain a stable position and get off. Repeat 5 times.

4. “Breathe freely”

I. p.: legs apart, facing the bench, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “breathe.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game “At the benches”

The children and the teacher form a circle. As the teacher reads the text of the poem, everyone moves together in a round dance to the left or right.

At the benches with friends

We walked and walked.

Squatted and stood up

Together we raised our hands,

Bent over and stood up

And a little tired.

Let's sit on the benches together.

Of course, we need rest.

After the teacher’s words, “Of course, we need rest,” the children slowly approach the benches and quietly sit down on them.



Outdoor switchgear complex "Yolka-Yolochka"

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Green needles,

Golden balls,

Bright lanterns.

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

He will bring us gifts.

Let's go to the Christmas tree together,

We'll find our gifts.

1. “Prickly needles”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Hands forward, wiggle your fingers, say “prickly.” Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

2. “The Christmas tree greets us and waves its paws with needles.”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Swings: one hand forward, the other back. After 4-6 movements, rest. Accustom to a large range of movements. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. “We love the Christmas tree very much”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, arms forward in a semicircle. Return to i. n. Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “Let’s hide under the Christmas tree”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, lower your head, clasp your knees with your hands, say “hid.” Return and. p., it’s good to straighten up. Perform the exercise at a moderate pace. Repeat 5 times.

5. “The Christmas tree smells like resin”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return and. p., while exhaling, say “a-a-ah!” Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game “Let’s find the Snow Maiden”

Inventory: doll, (Snow Maiden) (doll height 20-25 cm).

The teacher hides the Snow Maiden on the playground before class. Children are invited to find the Snow Maiden, and the teacher can help do this using certain signs. The child who finds the doll brings it to the teacher.

The game repeats itself.



Complex outdoor recreational unit "Fun physical education"

It's not boring for you and me.

Let's be strong and brave

Dexterous and skillful,

Healthy, beautiful,

Smart and strong.

1. “Palms to shoulders”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to shoulders, fingers touching shoulders; arms forward, palms up, head raised, arms down. Return to i. p., say “down.” Repeat 5 times.

2. “Bend over and stand up”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, move your arms straight back - top; straighten up, look up, stretch. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Birds"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, use your fingers to imitate a bird pecking, and say “peck-peck-peck.” Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Balls"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. 8-10 jumps and 8-10 steps. Jumping is easy, soft. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. “We have fun!”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “ve-se-lo.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Don’t be late!”

Inventory: multi-colored plastic cubes - in accordance with the number of children.

The teacher lays out the cubes in a circle and invites the children to stand next to any cube they like:

Children, run up to me and choose a cube for yourself.

Get up for him quickly and remember him!

After the children choose the cubes and stand behind them, the teacher says:

Run around the site,

Like birds, fly away.

Children run all over the playground, imitating the flapping of birds' wings with their hands. After 30-40 seconds, the teacher gives the signal “Don’t be late!” After the signal, the children run to the cubes, trying to find their cube.



ORU complex “We are strong”

One day our Masha

I cooked porridge at home.

I cooked porridge,

I put butter in the porridge.

I poured some milk,

I washed down the porridge with butter.

Eat porridge in the morning, children,

You will be like our Masha: Healthy, strong, strong, beautiful!

1. “Strong hands”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows, pressed to the sides, fists at the shoulders. Stretch your arms upward with force, do not unclench your fists. Return to i. n. Maintain a stable position. Repeat 5 times.

2. “We are strong”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, arms down. Return to i. n. Tilt - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. “Strong legs”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Slightly bend and straighten your legs (“spring”). From the third lesson, offer to rise on your toes. After 3-4 movements, rest. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. "Let's rest"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Stomp your right foot 3-4 times, then your left foot; do 6-8 jumps. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking.

5. “We are great”

Low mobility game “The cat came to the stove”

Children form a circle and hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. The teacher reads the text of the poem, shows the movements, and then the children repeat the movements and words.

The cat came to the stove, They walk in a circle, holding hands.

The cat approached the stove.

He found a pot of porridge They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.

I found a pot of porridge there,

And there are rolls on the stove, They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap

Oh, delicious and hot! clap. Bend forward, arms forward, palms up.

Pies are baked in the oven,

They are not given into your hands.



Complex ORU "Little Cooks"

Inventory: spoons.

The cooks, cooks, are very friendly guys.

Together they cooked the soup, and together they laid out the spoons.

And then the guests were invited, the soup was poured into plates.

The guests praised the cooks and thanked them.

1. “Spoons here and there”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands with spoons down. Hands up, knock the spoons together, say “knock-knock.” Return to i. n. Watch your hand movements. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Show and play"

I. p.: legs apart, spoons at the shoulders. Turn the torso, arms forward; show spoons, say “here,” hide your hands behind your back. Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Watch your hand movements. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

3. “Lean over”

I. p.: legs apart, spoons at the chest, arms bent at the elbows. Lean forward and at the same time swing the spoons back, exhale, look forward. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Right, left"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, spoons to the sides (vertically). Squat down, touch the ground on the right (left). Return to i. n. Watch the spoons. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “Spoons to the sides and down"

I. p.: legs apart, hands with spoons down. Spoons to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “in-out.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game "Samovar"

Children form a circle, hold hands, the teacher stands in a circle with the children. The teacher reads the text of the poem and performs the movements together with the children.

The samovar puffs in the kitchen, They walk in a circle to the right, holding hands.

Chug-chug, chug-chug.

And steam billows above it, They go in a circle in the opposite direction.

Chug-chug, chug-chug.

Let's go to the samovar, They walk in small steps towards the center of the circle. We'll pour ourselves some tea. Let's all sit down at the table together, They move back, forming a wide circle. Let's have tea and cake. And then we'll stand in a circle They clap their hands. The music is calling They dance. Alternately place the right heel forward and All my little friends left leg, hands on the belt. In a friendly round dance.



ORU complex “We are fluffballs”

We are fluffy balls, mother's sons and daughters, Yellow chickens - Cheerful children.

We love to play and dig for worms.

As soon as we return home from the street, our mother chicken will hug us.

1. "Chicks"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Hands to the sides; wave them - the wings flap; put your hands down. Return to i. p. Lower your hands slowly and say “pi, pi, pi.” Repeat 4-5 times.

2. “Chickens drink water”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Lean forward, move your arms back, say “drink.” Return to i. n. Raise your head. Repeat 5 times.

3. “We are furballs”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Naughty"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. 2-3 - “springs”; 6-8 bounces; 8-10 steps with arm swings. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “It’s time for the chickens to go to bed.”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “spa-a-at.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Hen and Chicks”

On the playground, a home for chickens and hens is indicated by a line, colored water or a cord. The children pretend to be chickens, and the teacher portrays a mother hen. Before the start of the game, the chickens and the hen are located outside the line - in the house. The hen is the first to leave the house, she goes to look for food. After 5-10 seconds, she turns to the chickens and invites them to also look for food, worms, crumbs:

Dear kids, Ko-ko-ko! Yellow chickens, Ko-ko-ko! You go out for a walk, crumbs, look for worms.

After the teacher’s words, the children run to the “mother hen”, walk around the playground with her, peck grains, look for worms. The teacher says:

Oh, the fox is running, trouble! Run away in all directions!

The “chickens” run to their house and stand outside the line. The game repeats itself.



ORU complex “I love my mother very much”

I love my mother very much

I'll give her flowers


Blue and red.

Today is a holiday - mother's day,

We are not too lazy to congratulate mom!

Be, mommy, beautiful, healthy and happy!

1. “We have fun on holiday”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Hands up, clap, say “clap”, hands behind your back. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

2. “I love my mother very much”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms to the sides. Grasp your shoulders with both hands and say “I love you.” Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

3. “I’ll give flowers to my mother”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, arms forward, palms up, say “I give.” Return to i. p., straighten up, stretch. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “Sunny bunnies”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. 8-10 jumping ups with clapping. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-3 times, alternating with walking. When finishing the exercise, continue walking.

5. “Spring Breeze”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose, return to i. p., while exhaling, say “oooh!” Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game “Spring Flowers”

Children form a circle, hold hands, the teacher stands with the children. At the teacher’s command, the children begin to dance in a circle while the teacher reads a poem:

The spring breeze blew,

He opened the delicate flowers.

Flowers woke up from sleep

And they reached straight towards the sun.

(Stop and spin around)

And they spun in a light dance,

Then the leaves dropped.

(Sit down, hands down, head to knees)

It's time for the flowers to sleep. Our game is over.



Outdoor switchgear complex "Kittens"

Our Murka has kittens -

Fluffy, cheerful guys.

Jumping and playing

And they lap up the milk.

Children love kittens very much -

Fluffy, cheerful, playful children.

1. “Soft paws”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back, clench into fists. Hands forward - “soft paws”; unclench your fists, move your fingers - “and there are scratches in your paws.” Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Kittens roll balls”

AND. p.: legs apart, arms down. Forward lean; perform 3-4 swings of your arms back and forth, slightly springing your knees. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4 times.

3. “Where are the ponytails?”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Perform tilts to the right and left. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

4. “Bouncing kittens”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. 2-3 “springs”, b- 8 jumps, 8-10 steps. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “Noses breathe”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “dy-y-shat.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game "Vaska the Cat"

A line 3.5-4 m long is marked on the playground. Children stand behind it. The child, chosen by the teacher to play the role of a cat, wears a mask, walks in front of the children on his toes, looks left and right, and meows. The teacher at this time says:

Like our cat, the fur coat is very good.

Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty,

Bold eyes, white teeth.

Vaska walks sideways in a warm fur coat.

(The “cat” child runs to the side, squats, “falls asleep.”) The teacher says:

Hush, children, Vaska is sleeping, Even his tail is not shaking.

Let's quietly approach Vaska (Children tiptoe to the cat)

Let's sing him a song: La-la-la, la-la-la!

The “cat” wakes up, gets up, and stretches. The teacher says: Vaska opens his eyes and catches up with the kids!(The driver catches up with the children, they run away from him beyond the line, into their house.)



Outdoor switchgear complex "Guli - Gulenki"

The Gulenki flew to the children, The Gulenki sang a song to the children: - Little children, don’t be naughty, Little children, come. Stand in a circle around us, take a place in the circle. We will fly around you, we will play with you.

1. “Gulenki warm their wings in the sun”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Hands forward; turn your palms up and down, say “hot.” Return to i. n. Maintain a stable position. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Ghouls are flying”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Swings: one hand forward, the other back, slightly springing the knees; after 3-4 hand movements - rest. Return to i. n. Accustom to large amplitude. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. “Gulenki peck crumbs”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Lean forward, look down; move your arms back and up, straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

4. “The little girls are jumping and dancing”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Light bouncing and shaking of the hands. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking after 6-8 movements. Breathing is voluntary.

5. “The Little Gules Flew Away”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “a-a-ah.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game "Gulenki"

Children form a circle with the teacher and hold hands. As the teacher reads the text of the poem, they dance in a circle to the right:

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki! Gulenki flew to us,

The little ones have arrived. They sat down near the cradle.(Everyone walks together in a circle in the opposite direction)

They started cooing, not letting Vanya sleep.

Oh, you ghouls, don’t coo, Let Vanechka sleep.(Children stop)

The first ghoul says: “We need to feed him some porridge.”(Children imitate eating with a spoon)

And the second one says: “Vanya must be told to sleep.”(Children squat down, hands under cheeks)

And the third ghoul says: “We need to go for a walk.”

(Children scatter around the playground, walk next to the teacher)



Complex outdoor switchgear "Bunnies and squirrels"

Bunnies and squirrels,

Boys and girls

Line up together in order,

We're starting to charge!

Spout up - this is it,

Ponytail down - that's two,

The paws are wider - three, four.

Let's jump higher - that's five.

We can do everything!

1. “One paw, the other”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. One hand forward, palm facing up. Return to i. n. Same with the other hand. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

2. “Strong paws”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Forward lean; palms on knees, say “strong”, look forward; hands on the belt. Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

3. “Cheerful squirrels”

I. p.: legs apart, arms in front of the chest. Perform two tilts to the right and left. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

4. “Naughty Bunnies”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. 8-10 jumps and 8-10 steps. Jumping is easy, soft. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. "We - Well done!”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. n. As you exhale, say “well done.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Low mobility game “Little Bunnies”

Children form a circle, hold hands, the teacher stands in a circle with the children. As the teacher reads a poem, the children dance in a circle:

One day, little bunnies were walking along the lawn during the day. Suddenly someone's shadow flashed, the bunnies hid behind a stump.

Children dance in a circle in the other direction:

Maybe it's a gray wolf? He clicks and clicks his teeth!

What if he sits behind a bush, a gray wolf with a big tail?

The wolf bunnies got scared, jumped and galloped out of the forest.

After the last phrase, children put their hands on their belts, jump on two legs to the center of the circle, stop there, squat down, show their ears (put their palms perpendicular to the top of the head), move them back and forth.



Complex outdoor switchgear "Airplanes"

The paper light plane is about to take flight.

The stars shine on the wings,

The lights are on in the cabin.

We made it ourselves from white paper.

We launch it into the sky. The plane flies high!

1. “Strong airplane wings”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to the sides; do some lifting and lowering; omitting, say “strong.” Return to i. n. Repeat 4 times.

2. “Start the airplane engine”

I. p.: legs apart, fists at shoulders. Turn right; hands forward, show fists; rotate both fists in arbitrary directions, say “here.” Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 3 times.

3.“The plane flies high”

I.p.: spread your legs slightly, clasp your knees with your hands, tilt your head towards your knees. Stand up, straighten up; rise on your toes; hands up, say “high.” Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

4. “We jump, we play, we fly like airplanes”

AND. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Hands to the sides; wave. Return to i. p. 4-6 jumps, 4-6 steps. Repeat 3 times. Breathing is voluntary.

5. “Planes landing”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game "Train"

Children line up in a column. The first child standing in the column is a locomotive, the rest of the children are carriages. The teacher is in the center of the playground, he says:

The locomotive is moving quietly. He took us far.

We hear the sound of wheels and rails from all sides.

Children begin to move forward at a step (without clutch, without holding onto the belt of the player standing in front). The words of the teacher sound:

The train goes faster, the kids will have more fun!

Children begin to walk quickly. The words of the teacher sound:

The train is moving, the train is rushing, its wheels are knocking.

Chukh-chukh-chukh, chuk-chukh-chukh, the train is rushing at full speed.

The children start running, running along the edge of the playground one after another.

“The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. All players gradually slow down and stop. After stopping, it is recommended to do a breathing exercise (i.p.: legs apart, arms down; arms to the sides, rise on toes, inhale through the nose; return to i.p., exhale through the mouth).



Outdoor switchgear complex "Multi-colored meadow"

Along a clearing on a hot day

In the summer we are not too lazy to go for walks;

Breathe fresh air

And collect flowers.

The flowers are all different -

Blue, red.

Let's collect a big bouquet,

And then we'll go home.

1. “Flowers sway in the breeze”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Swing your arms back and forth - the breeze blows; after 4-6 movements, rest - “the breeze sleeps.” Repeat 3-4 times. Breathing is voluntary.

2. “Flowers are reaching for the sun”

I. p.: legs apart, hands to shoulders. Hands up; move your fingers. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

3. “Flowers are growing”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Sit down, hands down - “little flowers”; stand up Return to i. p., straighten up, raise your head - “flowers are growing.” Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

4. “Rain on flowers drip-drip-drip”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. 8-10 bounces - “heavy rain”; 8-10 steps - “the rain ends.” Jumping is easy, soft. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-

5. “Let’s collect a big bouquet”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, rise on your toes, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “big.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Find your flower”

Inventory: 3 hoops of different colors. The teacher places one hoop in different places - these are flowers. An adult divides the children into 3 teams, the teams stand at the flower hoop indicated by the teacher and join hands. The words of the teacher sound:

Here's a clearing! What a wonder!

It's wonderful and beautiful here!

There are many different flowers here,

Multi-colored petals!

Let's have fun with them

Run, jump and spin.

Children move away from the flower hoops, run, jump, and spin in place on the playground. At the teacher's command “One-two-three - Find your flower!” children run to their flowers, stand around hoops, and hold hands. The game repeats itself.

Designations: I.p. - starting position
in IP - return to starting position
B - 1- execution on count
P - _ times - number of repetitions
Here you can download these outdoor switchgear complexes with exercise diagrams
Looks like this:

Or download all complexes without diagrams

Complex No. 1 with cubes
(each child will need two cubes to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - 1-3 raise your hands up, knock the cube on the cube; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - 1-3, stretch your arms forward, spreading your arms to the sides, knock the cube against the cube; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left; 2- - lean to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without moving.
4. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - 1-3 sit down, knock the cubes on the floor; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, legs together, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - jumping in place. P - 6-8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 2 with stuffed bag
(to complete the exercises, each child will need one bag weighing 200g)

1. I.p. kneeling, bag in two hands, arms down. B - 1 - arms forward - up; 2 - in i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. kneeling, bag in two hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2- tilt to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
3. I.p. sitting, legs spread, bag held with both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1- lean forward, put the bag at your feet; 2- straighten up, hide your hands behind your back; 3- lean forward, take the bag; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
4. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs and arms extended, holding the bag with both hands. B - 1-3 raise your arms and chest up; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, bag on the floor. Jumping around the bag. P - 2 times in one direction, 2 times in the other.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 3 with a gymnastic stick
(each child will need a gymnastic stick to perform the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, stick in both hands, arms down. B - 1 - arms forward - up; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1-2 tilt to the left; 3-4 in ip the same in the other direction. P - 3 times in each direction.
3. I.p. kneeling, stick in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1 - turn the body to the left; 2- turn the body to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
4. I.p. lying on your back, a stick in both hands, legs extended, arms straight behind your head. B - 1-3 sit down, lean forward, stretch your arms forward; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, legs together, hands on the belt, stick lying on the floor. B - 1-4 jumps near your stick. P - 6-8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 4 with flags
(each child will need 2 flags to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, a flag in each hand, one hand raised up, the other down. B - 1-2 change the position of the hands. - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, a flag in each hand, arms extended forward, B - 1 - spread your arms to the sides back; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, a flag in each hand, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2- tilt to the right; P - 3-4 times in each direction without stopping.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, a flag in each hand, arms to the sides. B - 1- lean forward, move your arms back; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, 8 jumps in place performing cross movements with arms above your head

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 5 with a pigtail
(to perform the exercises, each child will need 1 braid, a rope of 50 cm.)

1. I.p. standing, sitting on your heels, braid in both hands, taut, arms down. B - 1- extend your arms forward, up; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing on your knees, the pigtail is taut in both hands, your arms are raised up. B - 1 - tilt of the body to the left; 2- body tilt to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
3. I.p. sitting, legs extended forward, pigtail in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1-2 lean forward, stretching your arms to your toes; 3-4 in i.p.; P - 6 times.
4. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, together, a pigtail in both hands, arms straight behind your head. B - 1-2 raise your arms and legs up; 3-4 in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, legs together, braid lying on the floor. B - jumping near your pigtail. P - 8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 6 with a plume
(to complete the exercises, each child will need 2 plumes: a ring with ribbons)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart. plumes in both hands, hands hidden behind the back. B - 1-2 hands forward through the sides, show the plumes; 3 - arms to the sides; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, crowns in both hands, hands hidden behind the back. B - 1-2 raise your arms up, wave your plumes above your head; 3-4 in i.p. P - 5 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2- tilt to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
4. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, crowns in both hands, arms down. B - 1-3 sit down slightly, lean forward, tap your knees with your knees; 4- in and. p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, legs together, feathers in both hands, arms raised up. perform 8 jumps in place, waving the plumes above your head.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 7 with hoop
(each child will need 1 hoop to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, holding the hoop with both hands, arms down B - 1 - raise your arms up, 2 - in the i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms extended forward, holding the hoop like a steering wheel. B - twisting movements of the arms in one direction and the other. P - 5 times in each direction.
3. I.p. sitting, legs spread, hoop held with both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1- lean forward, put the hoop between your legs; 2- straighten up, put your hands behind your back; 3- lean forward, take the hoop; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
4. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, holding the hoop with both hands, arms down. B - 1-2 sit down, look out the window; 3-4 in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. in a hoop, feet together, hands on the belt. B - jumping around on two legs. P - 6-8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 8 on a gymnastic bench
(to perform the exercises you will need 1 gymnastic bench 2 m long for 4-5 children)

1. I.p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs together, hands on knees. B - 1-2 raise your arms forward, up; 3-4 in i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, arms raised up. B - 1- lean forward, extend your arms along your legs; 2- in i.p.; P - 5 times.
3. I.p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, hands resting on the bench behind. B - 1- raise your legs up; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times.
4. I.p. standing in front of a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - 1- sit on the bench; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing behind a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - jumping on two legs near the bench. P - 8 jumps.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 9 without items “Clapperboards”

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. B - 1-2 raise your arms up; 2- in i.p. P - 6 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. B - 1-2 raise your arms forward through your sides, clap your hands; 3-4 hands through the sides back, clap your hands. P - 3 times in front and behind.
3. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs slightly apart, arms raised up. B - 1-2 lean forward, clap your palms on your knees; 3-4 i.p. P - 5 times.
4. I.p. lying on your back, legs together, arms extended along the body. B - 1-2 bend your knees, raise your legs up, slap your hands on your thighs; 3-4 in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, feet together. P - 8-10 jumping claps.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 10 without objects in motion
(children walk around the hall doing counting exercises)

1. Hand position: one up, the other down. B - 1- change the position of the hands; 2 - the same. P - 4 swings with each hand.
2. Hand position: arms to the sides. B - 1- hug yourself with a wide movement; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times.
3. Hand position: hands on the belt. B - 1 - turn the body to the right; 2- turn the body to the left without stopping. P - 3 turns in each direction.
4. Hand position: hands on knees; the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is tilted forward. B - goose step. P - 8 steps.
5. Perform jumps, combining with active arm swings. P - 8-10 jumps. hall

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 11 with the ball
(each child will need 1 ball to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, ball in both hands, arms down. B - 1-2 bring your arms forward up; 3-4 hands forward, down. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. kneeling, ball in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2 in i.p.; 3- tilt to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 3 times in each direction.
3. I.p. sitting between the heels, the ball in both hands, arms down. B - 1- kneel down, stretch your arms forward; 2 in i.p. P - 5 times.
4. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, ball in both hands, hands behind your head. B - 1-2 bend your knees, lift them up, pull your arms to your legs 5-8 in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, ball on the floor. B - 1-4 jumps around the ball. P - 2 times to the left, 2 times to the right.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 12 with rattles
(each child will need 2 rattles to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. kneeling, rattles in both hands, hands behind the back. B - 1-3 raise your hands up, shake the rattles three times; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. sitting, legs apart, rattles in both hands, hidden behind the back. B - 1-3 lean forward, knock the rattles on the toes; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
3. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, rattles in both hands, arms along the body. B - 1-3 raise your legs and arms up, rattle with rattles, dangle your legs; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
4. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, rattles in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1-3 raise your chest and arms up, rattle with rattles; 4- in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, perform 10 jumps in place while rattling rattles.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 13 with handkerchiefs
(to complete the exercises, each child will need 1 handkerchief 40x40 cm)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, holding the scarf by the ends with both hands, arms down. B - 1-2 hands forward; 3-4 in i.p. P - 5 times. “here’s a handkerchief”
2. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the scarf by the ends with both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1-2 turn left; 3-4 in i.p. Same to the right. P - 4 times in each direction. “We’ll show everyone”
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the scarf by the ends with both hands, arms down. B - 1-2 bend forward, swing your arms from side to side; 3-4 raise your arms up, stretch on your toes. P - 5 times. “wash, dry”
4. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, holding the handkerchief by the ends with both hands, arms down. B - 1- sit down, bend your arms at the elbows to “hide”; 2 - in i.p. P - 5 times.
5. I.p. standing, feet together, handkerchief in one hand, perform 8 jumps in place waving the handkerchief. "funny"

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old, junior group II
Complex No. 14 without objects “Herringbone”

1. I.p. squat slightly “small Christmas tree”, hands down. B - 1-2 straighten up with a springy movement “the Christmas tree is growing”; 3-4 raise your hands up “that’s how much you’ve grown.” P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms down, slightly to the sides “fluffy herringbone”. B- 1-2 turn left; 3-4 turn to the right “what a beautiful Christmas tree.” P - 3 times in each direction.
3. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms raised up. B - 1-2 tilt to the left; 3-4 tilt to the right. “The wind shakes the Christmas tree.” P - 3 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. B - 1-4 jumps in place. “The bunny came to jump at the Christmas tree.” P - 6-8 times.
5. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. B - 1-2 sit down; 3-4 straighten up. “The bunny hid under the Christmas tree.” B - 5 times.

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1 Complexes of morning exercises in the second junior group. September Complex 1 Introductory part: children stand up randomly, walking one after another (in a flock) on their toes, heels, with a high knee lift; running after the instructor. Formation in a circle. I without objects 1. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back; B.1) hands forward, clap 8 times to the words of the teacher: Dad, mom, brother and me Together, a friendly family! 2) Put your hands behind your back We all bend over together and do physical exercise! I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. B.1) lean forward, palms on knees, look forward. 2) return to i. r Dad is big, and I am small. I may be small, but I am remote. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. B.1) sit down, hands down. 2) return to i. p. Repeat 3 -. Medium Do not shuffle your feet, do not lower your head, walk while maintaining cross-coordination of the movements of your arms and legs. 3 times. 3 times slow 1 - exhale 2 - inhale 1 - exhale 2 - inhale 4. We jump together, This is very necessary! Who will jump higher, Mom or Misha? I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Perform 5 6 jumps; short walk (5-6 seconds). 5. We inhale air through our nose, and exhale air through our mouth. We are not afraid of colds, We don’t need to see doctors! I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3. 2 times medium medium Inhale through the nose Exhale through the mouth

2 Complex 2 “Funny rattles”. Inventory: rattles, 2 pieces per child. There are funny toys, Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom! Their name is a rattle, Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom! Children love to play with them, jump and jump with them! Run after the instructor. 30 sec Do not shuffle your feet, do not lower your head, maintaining cross-coordination of the movements of your arms and legs. I 1. “Play in front of you” I. p.: legs slightly apart, rattles behind your back. B1) rattles forward, rattle 2) calmly lower behind the back “Show and play” I. p.: legs apart, rattles at the shoulders. B1) turn right, show, play, say “here.” 2) Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. 2 times. arms straight 2. 3. “Rattles to the knees” I. p.: legs apart, rattles to the sides. B1) bend forward, rattle to the knees, exhale. 2) return to i. p. Draw the children’s attention to the fact that when bending forward, they try not to bend their knees “Jump-jump” I. p.: legs slightly apart, rattles lowered; B. jumping on two legs 5. “It’s time for the rattles to sleep” I. p.: legs apart, rattles down. B1) rattles to the sides; 2) return to i. n. 2 times B4 6 jumps; 4-6 steps with rattle swing 3 times slow 1- inhale through the nose 2- exhale through the mouth

4 October Complex 1 “Colorful balls”. All the kids love to play with balls and do exercises with colorful balls! Different balls: Green and red, Strong, new, Loud, cheerful. on toes, on heels, with small and wide steps. Running in a column for 30 sec. Moderate formation. I “Higher the ball” I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball lowered. B1) the ball up, look at it, 2) lower it, say “down.” We reach up for the ball, arms straight. 2. "2. “Here he is” I. p.: legs apart, ball in front of the chest. B1) lean forward, ball forward, say “here it is.” 2) i. p. Do not bend your knees “Funny ball” I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball in front of your feet, hands behind your back. B 1) sit down, roll the ball from hand to hand, 2) stop and quickly straighten up. 4. “Bouncing” I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball on the ground, near the legs, hands on the waist. B. jumping around the ball in a circle and 6 8 steps with a wave of the arms. Repeat 2 times. 5. “Towards you and down” I. p.: the same, the ball is lowered. B.1) ball towards you, inhale through your nose. Lower the ball, and as you exhale, say: “Vnii-iz.” fast Roll the ball carefully so as not to roll away 2 times fast 3 times slow 1- inhale 2- exhale

5 Complex 2 “You need to wash your face clean in the mornings and evenings!” To be healthy, clean and beautiful, you need to wash your face with white gentle soap! Rub yourself with a towel, comb your hair, put on clean clothes, and then go to kindergarten on your toes, on your heels, with small and wide steps. Run like a snake after the instructor. I “Clean palms” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. B1) one hand forward, turn your palm up. 2) return to i. p. Same with the other hand for 60 seconds, 2 times with each hand. building. Arms straight “Let’s shake off the water” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. B1) hands up; circular movements with a brush “shake off the water”; 2) hands on the belt. Repeat with each leg 3. 3. “Let’s wash your legs” I. p.: legs apart, hands behind your back. B1) lean forward, slap your knees twice, say “clean.” 2) hands behind your not bend your knees. 4. “We’re great!” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. 6-8 jumps and 6 8 steps. Jumping is easy, soft. 2 times 5. “To always be clean, People all need... (water)!” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. B 1) rise on your toes; arms to the sides, inhale through the nose. 2) lower yourself onto your entire foot, hands on your waist, and as you exhale, say “water-a-a.” Repeat 3 times. 1- inhale 2- exhale

6 November Complex 1 “Handkerchiefs”. Inventory: handkerchiefs (25x25 cm) in accordance with the number of children. Mom bought us some handkerchiefs. It won't hurt our necks! For both son and daughter. First we play with them, We need to put scarves on them, Then we put them on their necks! Introductory part: Formation in a column Normal running in a column I. p.: legs slightly apart, handkerchief in both hands near the chest. B.1) straighten your arms forward and show the handkerchief. 2) return to i. p. 30 sec. building. “Watch the movement of the knee” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in both hands below. B.1) bend over and wave your handkerchief left and right, straighten up. 2) return to i. r I. p.: legs slightly apart, handkerchief in both hands below. B.1) sit down, bring the handkerchief forward. 2) return to i. p. 4. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist; In 6 8 jumps in place. Repeat 2 times, alternating with walking in place. 5. “Let’s blow on handkerchiefs” I. p.: legs apart, handkerchief in both hands below. B1) rise on your toes, take a deep breath through your nose; 2) i.p. 3 times slow 1- inhale 2- exhale

7 Our feet walk together, They are wearing beautiful boots! Boots are walking along the path, Complex 2 “Nice boots”. You can jump through puddles in them too! Our boots won't get wet in the rain, our feet will be dry! I. Introductory part: Formation in a column Normal running in a column 1. “Our legs walk together” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. B.1) raise your arms up to your sides, clap your hands; 2) return to i. p. 30 sec 3 times. Do not shuffle your feet, do not lower your head, maintaining cross-coordination of the movements of your arms and legs. Arms straight. 2. “Beautiful boots” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. B.1) bend over, touch the toes of your boots with your fingers (if possible), 2) straighten up, return to i. p. 3 times Moderate. “3.“Strong boots” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. B. 1) sit down, tap the toes of your boots with your fingertips, 2) stand up, straighten up, return to i. p. 4. “Legs are jumping, boots are jumping” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. B. Jumping in place with a turn around (2 times in any direction) alternating with walking. 5. “The legs are jumping, the boots are tired.” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. B.1) arms to the sides, take a deep breath through the nose, 2) return to i. step 3. Repeat 2 times. 3 times slow 1- deep breath in through the nose 2- exhale, say “tired”

8 December Complex 1 “On a bench with friends.” On a bench with friends we do exercises: bend over, get up, do physical exercise. Run like a snake after the instructor. I on bench 1. 1. “Higher up” I. p.: sitting astride the bench, hands point-blank behind. B.1) arms through the sides up, look up. 2) return to i. p., say “down.” 30 sec 3 times. Do not shuffle your feet, do not lower your head, maintaining cross-coordination of the movements of your arms and legs.. 1- inhale 2- exhale “Stand up and sit down” I. p.: the same, hands behind your back. B.1) stand up and look up. 2) i. n “cautiously” I. p.: stand close to the bench, hands down. B.1) stand on the bench, maintain a stable position, 2) get off. Don't move your legs. 3 times. maintain a stable position \ 4. I. p.: sitting astride a bench, hands on the belt. B.1) turn right and back. 2) return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times. Repeat 2 times.. 5. “Breathe freely” I. p.: legs apart, facing the bench, arms down. B 1) arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) return to i. p., 3 times slowly 1- inhale 2- exhale

9 Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Green needles, Golden balls, Bright lanterns. Complex 2 “Christmas tree”. Santa Claus will bring us gifts on New Year's Eve. Let's go to the Christmas tree together and find our gifts. I Normal running in column 1. “Prickly needles” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. B.1) hands forward, move your fingers, say “prickly.” 2) return to i. p. 2. “The Christmas tree greets us, waving its paws with needles.” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B.1) swings: one hand forward, the other back. "3. “We love the Christmas tree very much” - I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. B 1) bend forward, arms forward in a semicircle. 2) return to i. p. 4. “Let's hide under the Christmas tree” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. B1) sit down, lower your head, clasp your knees with your hands, say “hid.” 2) go back and. p., it’s good to straighten up. 5. “The Christmas tree smells like resin” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. B1) arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) go back and. p., while exhaling, say “a-a-ah!” 3 times greater range of motion. After 3-4 movements, rest. Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending over. 3 times 1- exhale 2- inhale 3 times slow 1- inhale 2- exhale

10 You and I are not bored. Let us be strong and courageous, dexterous and skillful, I January Complex 1 “Fun physical education”. Healthy, beautiful, Smart and strong. Introductory part: Formation in a column Running like a snake behind the instructor. 1. “Palms to shoulders” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. B.1) hands to the shoulders, fingers touching the shoulders; 2) arms forward, palms up, 3) raise your head, lower your arms. 4) return to i. p., say “down.” 2. “Bend over and straighten up.” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. B.1) bend forward, move your arms straight back; 2) straighten up, look up, stretch. Return to i. p. 3 times. do not fail. "3. “Birds” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. B. 1) sit down, depict with your fingers how a bird is pecking, say “peck-peck-peck.” 2) return to i. p. 4. “Balls” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. B. 6-8 jumps and 6-8 steps. Jumping is easy, soft. 5. "We're having fun!" I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B.1) Arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) return to i. p., while exhaling, say “ve-se-lo.” 1- exhale 2- inhale 2 times 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

11 Complex 2 “I can sleep sweetly.” I Normal running in column 1. “Ribbons” I.P.: o.s. B.1) raise your arms to the sides, stand on your toes, wave the ribbons. 2) i.p. 2.. “Look” I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ribbons below. B.1) turn right, wave the ribbons, 2) I.P. 5 times 5 times. building. large range of movements. "3. Squat” I.P.: legs slightly apart, arms lowered. 1-sit down, put the ribbons on the floor. 2-I.P. 4.. “Show the ribbon” I.P.: sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands with ribbons in front of you. B.1) turn to the right, touch the tapes to the floor behind you.2) I.P. 3) turn left, 4) i.p. 5. Jumping" On two legs, alternating with walking. 3 times 3 times

12 February Complex 1 “Little cooks”. Cooks, cooks, very friendly guys. Together they cooked the soup, Together they laid out the spoons. I Run as usual in column 1. “Spoons knock-knock” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands with spoons down. B.1) hands up from the sides, knock the spoons against each other, say “knock-knock.” 2) return to i. p. 2. “Show and play” I. p.: legs apart, spoons at the shoulders. B.1) turn the body, arms forward; show spoons, say “here”, 2) hide your hands behind your back. 3) return to i. n. The same in the other direction. "3. ““Bend over” I. p.: legs apart, spoons at the chest, arms bent at the elbows. B1) bend forward and at the same time swing the spoons back, exhale, look forward. 2) return to i. p. 2 times in each direction. building. Watch your hand movements. Large range of motion. Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending over. 1-exhale 2-inhale 4. “Right, left” I. p.: legs slightly apart, spoons to the sides (vertically). B1) squat down, touch the ground on the right (left). 2) Return to i. n. Watch the spoons. Repeat 2 times. 5. “Spoons to the sides and down” I. p.: legs apart, hands with spoons down. B. 1) spoon to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) return to i. p., while exhaling, say “in-out.” Repeat 3 times. 2 times 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

13 Complex 2 “We are fluffy balls” We are fluffy balls, Mother’s sons and daughters, Yellow chickens, Cheerful children. I Running like a snake after the instructor. 1. “Chickens” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. B.1) arms to the sides; flap their wings; 2) Return to i. p. Lower your hands slowly and say “pi, pi, pi.” 2. “Chickens drink water” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. B 1) lean forward, move your arms back, say “drink.” 2) return to i. n. Raise your head. Repeat 4 times. 5 times. building, lower your arms slowly and say “pi, pi, pi” (exhale). Raise your head. "3. “We are fluffy balls” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. B.1) sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, 2) return to i. p. 4. “Naughty” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. B.2 3 “springs”; 4-6 bounces; 6-8 steps with arm swings. 5. It’s time for the chickens to sleep.” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B. 1) Arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) return to i. p., while exhaling, say “spa-a-at.” 3 times 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

March 14 Complex 1 “I love my mother very much.” I love my mother very much, I will give her different flowers, blue and red. I Running like a snake after the instructor. 1. “We have fun on holiday” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. B1) hands up, clap, say “clap”, 2) return to i. p.. building, 2. “I love my mother very much” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms to the sides. B.1) clasp your shoulders with both hands and say “I love you.” 2) return to i. p. “3. “I’ll give flowers to my mother” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. B.1) bend forward, arms forward, palms up, say “I give.” 2) return to i. p., straighten up. 4. “Sunny Bunnies” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on waist B. 6-8 jumping ups with clapping. 5. “Spring breeze” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B1) arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose, 2) return to i. p., while exhaling, say “oooh!” Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending over. 2 times, alternating with walking 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

15 Complex 2 “Kittens”. Our Murka has kittens, Fluffy, cheerful guys. They jump, play and lap up milk. Children love kittens very much. Fluffy, cheerful, playful children. I Introductory part: Formation in a column Running like a snake behind the instructor. 1. “Soft paws” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back, clench into fists. B1) hands forward “soft paws”; 2) unclench your fists, move your fingers “and there are scratches in your paws.” Return to i. p. 2. “Kittens are rolling balls” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B 1) forward bend; perform 2-3 swings of your arms back and forth, slightly springing your knees. 2) return to i. p. “3. “Where are the ponytails?” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. B1) tilt to the right and left. Repeat 2-3 times in each direction. building,. 3 times Repeat 2-3 times in each direction. large range of movements. Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending over. 4. “Bouncing kittens” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. B. 2 3 “springs”, 4-8 jumps, 6-8 steps. 5. “Noses are breathing” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B1) arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) return to i. p., while exhaling, say “breathe-ishat.” 3 times 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

16 April Complex 1 “Guli-gulenki”. The Gulenki flew to the children, The Gulenki sang a song to the children: Little children, don’t be naughty, Little children, come over. Stand in a circle around us, take a place in the circle. We will fly around you, we will play with you. I Run as usual in a column, one at a time, performing tasks at the signal. 1. “Gulenki warm their wings in the sun” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. B.1) hands forward; turn your palms up and down, say “hot.” 2) return to i. p. 2. “Ghouls are flying” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B. 1) swings: one hand forward, the other back, slightly springing the knees; after 2-3 hand movements, rest. 2) return to i. p. “3. “Little girls peck at the crumbs” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. B.1) lean forward, look down; move your arms back and up, straighten up. 2) return to i. p. 4. Little girls are jumping and dancing” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. B. slight bouncing and shaking of the hands. 5. “The little walkers flew away” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B1) arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) return to i. p., while exhaling, say “a-a-ah.” 3 times. building, large range of movements. Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending over. Repeat 2 times, alternating with walking after 4-6 movements. 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

17 Complex 2 “Bunnies and squirrels”. Bunnies and squirrels, Boys and girls, line up together in order, We are starting to exercise! I Normal running in a column, one at a time, performing tasks at the signal. 1 “One paw, the other” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. B1) one hand forward, turn your palm up. 2) return to i. p. Same with the other hand.. building, 2. “.”Strong paws” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. B 1) forward bend; palms on knees, say “strong”, look forward; hands on the belt. 2) return to i. p. “3. “Cheerful squirrels” I. p.: legs apart, arms in front of the chest. B.1) Perform two tilts to the right and left. 2) return to i. p. 4. “Playful bunnies” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. B. 6-8 jumps and 6-8 steps. 5. “We’re great!” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. B1) arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. 2) return to i. n. As you exhale, say “well done.” 2 times Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending. 2 times Jump easily, softly. 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

18 May Complex 1 “Airplanes”. Paper light plane Now it will take flight. The stars shine on the wings, the lights are on in the cockpit. We made it ourselves from white paper. We launch it into the sky. The plane flies high! I Run as usual in a column, one at a time, performing tasks at the signal. 1. “Strong airplane wings” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to the sides; do some lifting and lowering; omitting, say “strong”. Return to i. p.. building, 2. “Start the airplane engine” I. p.: legs apart, fists at shoulders. Turn right; hands forward, show fists; rotate both fists in arbitrary directions, say “here.” Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. 3. “The plane takes off high” I. p.: spread your legs slightly, clasp your knees with your hands, tilt your head towards your knees. Stand up, straighten up; rise on your toes; hands up, say “high.” Return to i. p. 4. “We jump, play, like airplanes we fly.” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Hands to the sides; wave. Return to i. p. 4 6 jumps, 4 6 steps. 5. “Planes landing” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth. 2 times Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending. 2 times Jump easily, softly. We run without bumping into each other 3 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale

19 Complex 2 “Multi-colored meadow” Along the meadow on a hot day In the summer, we are not too lazy to walk; Breathe fresh air and collect flowers. I Running like a snake after the instructor. 1 “The flowers sway in the breeze” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Swinging your arms back and forth the breeze blows; after 4-6 movements, rest “the breeze sleeps.” 2. “Flowers are reaching for the sun” I. p.: legs apart, hands to shoulders. Hands up; move your fingers. Return to i. p. 3. “Flowers are growing” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Sit down, hands down “little flowers”; stand up Return to i. etc., straighten up, raise your head, “flowers are growing.” 4. “Rain on the flowers drip-drip-drip” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. 6-8 bounces “heavy rain”; 6-8 steps “the rain is ending.” Jumping is easy, soft. 5 times. formation, 2 times Jump easily, softly. 5. “Let’s collect a big bouquet” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, rise on your toes, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “big.” 4 times slow 1-inhale 2-exhale


Morning exercise complex 1 (Without objects) 1. “Let's warm our hands in the sun.” IP: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back (on your waist). Hands forward, turn palms up and down, say “hot”, hide

I Junior group Morning exercise complex 1 (Without objects) 1. “Ball” (“bubble”). IP: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Bend your arms, hand into a fist, closer to your mouth and inflate the balloon, spread your arms

The material was prepared by Butko M.A. Instructor for FC MBDOU "Kindergarten 160" Krasnodar CARD INDEX "GYMNASTICS OF AWAKENING" Complex 1 "We woke up" 1. "Hands wake up" - I. p.: lying on your back. lift

Complexes of morning exercises Educator: Bedenko N.A. (Without objects) 1. “Propeller”. IP: legs slightly apart, arms down. 1 arms to the sides; 2 in front of the chest, rotate one around the other, talk

Morning exercises “Birds” Walking in a flock; Corrective bridge exercises; Running; Walking. Breathing exercise “pi-i-i-ip”. II. Part. A set of general developmental exercises without objects. 1. "Birds"

Appendix 1 to the Work Program for 2017-2018 APPROVED by Deputy Head E.V. Strelchik Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 “Snegirek” of general developmental type Istrinsky

Open switchgear with cubes 1. “Cube on cube” I.p. legs in a “narrow path”, cubes behind the back. 1 - pull the cubes forward; 2.3 hit the cube against the cube; 4 return to 2. “Cube on the knees” I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, cubes

Appendix: Approximate gymnastics complexes before classes Morning gymnastics complex 1 9-11 grades 1. Walking in place or moving with sweeping arm movements, squeezing and unclenching your fingers. Duration:

Card index of morning exercises. Junior group. 1. Chickens Walk and run briefly one after another. Formation in a circle. 1. "Chickens flap their wings." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise

September 1-15 Gymnastics after nap. Cockerel Card 1 3-4 years. 1. “The cockerel is sleeping” I.p. lying on your back, arms extended behind your head, legs together. 1 - raise straight legs up, arms up, stretch,

CARD INDEX OF MORNING GYMNASTICS COMPLEXES MIDDLE GROUP COMPLEX OF GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL EXERCISES 1 (without objects) 1 “SQUIRREL” I.P.: o.s., hands on the belt. 1-turn the head to the right (left). 2-I.P. (straight) 4-6 times

Complex 1. Junior group. Walk in place for 10-15 seconds. 1. “Cockerel”. I. p. standing, hands on the belt. Execution: walking with high knees. 2. “Stretched up and down.” I. p. - standing, feet wide

Complexes of morning exercises in middle groups for children (4-5 years old) for the 2017-2018 school year. September 1.2 weeks. 1 Complex of morning exercises (without objects). Contents Walking Walking in a column Walking

September Where are our hands? Walking in a flock behind the teacher. At the signal to stop, turn to the teacher. General developmental exercises. 1. Show your hands. I. n.: legs slightly apart, hands down.


Complexes of morning exercises in the preparatory group without objects 1 hall in a column one at a time (10 m), walking on toes, hands behind the head (10 m), running at a slow pace (120 sec), walking with high lifting

Morning exercises Sets of exercises for children of middle preschool age. September Complex 1. 1. Walking and running in a column, one at a time, at the teacher’s signal (the signal is musical accompaniment

Complexes of morning exercises for children in senior and preparatory school groups Complex 1 (Monday) 1. Head turns -6 times I. p.: o.s.; turn your head to the right (left); i.p. lift up; lower

Complex 1 “Jolly Guys” (without objects) Game “Find Yourself a Mate” One group of children receives blue handkerchiefs, the other red. At the teacher’s signal, the children scatter throughout the playground. On signal

Morning hygienic gymnastics Sets of exercises for children of the school preparatory group September Complex 1. 1. Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall (area) alternating with running; walking


1st complex 1. IP: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to the standing position. 2. I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent

September from 1 to 15 “About good habits and behavior” Walking in a column one at a time (20 seconds) Walking on toes and heels (5 meters each). Walking with high knees (20 seconds). Running in all directions

Card index of morning exercises for the preparatory group for school (according to Penzulaeva) September 1 Complex 1 1. Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall (area) alternating with running; walking and running in all directions.

Gymnastics complexes for children 2-3 years old morning Complex 1 INTRODUCTION PART Walking in any direction; on the spot; turn to an adult. 1. “P O T I N U L I S” I. p.: legs slightly apart,

Complexes of morning exercises senior group September I. Formation in a line, column, checking posture; walking in a column one at a time on toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, easy running, walking.

Complex 1 Let's play together! Walking and running in a column one at a time at a signal from the teacher (the signal is musical accompaniment or beating a tambourine). Exercises without objects 1. I. p. - stand with legs parallel,

Complexes of morning exercises for preschoolers in verse Let's raise our legs, One-two-three-four-five. Raise your knees higher, Don't be lazy at recess. (Children raise their legs bent at the knees, trying to touch

Municipal entity of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Yugra municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center kindergarten 20 "Fairy Tale" (MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten

Complex of corrective gymnastics. Hey, funny people! (marching step in a column, one at a time, going around the hall to the left) Let's go on a hike! The bridge swayed to the sides (walking on toes, arms to the sides) And under it

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center kindergarten 5 “Teremok” Novoaltaysk Complexes of morning exercises on outdoor games (middle group) Author’s development:

Sets of exercises for carrying out physical education and recreational activities during the school day at GBOU Gymnasium 1526 PRIMARY SCHOOL 1. I.p. o.s. - 1- spread your arms to the sides - up, raise your left thigh

Morning exercises for all ages at the preschool educational institution “Sparrow exercises” 2nd junior group Goal: To promote the preservation and strengthening of children’s health Objectives 1. Awaken the child’s body, create a joyful emotional

Complex 1. Senior group 1. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions; walking in a column one at a time. 2. I. p. - standing, heels together, toes apart,

A complex of gymnastics after a nap A complex of gymnastics after a nap. 1 “Cheerful kitten” 1.I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands,

Sets of exercises for schoolchildren. Primary classes Strekalova Yu.B. 1 A set of morning exercises for schoolchildren: 1. Walking in place at a calm pace, without disturbing breathing. Perform for 1 minute.

Complex 1 A healthy mind in a healthy body! Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions; walking in a column one at a time. Exercises without objects 1.

Municipal state preschool educational institution of the Kostroma municipal district of the Kostroma region “Kindergarten “Bell” of the village of Koryakovo” Abstract of continuous direct educational

Department of Education of the City Administration of Nizhny Novgorod Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 24 "Joy" (MBDOU "Kindergarten 24 "Joy") Lesson notes


PLANNING AWAKENING GYMNASTICS in the preschool education group of the MBOU "Razyezzhenskaya Secondary School" for 2015-2016 SEPTEMBER Kablukova O.V., teacher of the preschool education group Complex 1 “We woke up”

GKOU "Special (correctional) general education boarding school 2 VIII type" Methodological development on rhythm for the section "Rhythmic-gymnastic exercises" "General developmental rhythmic-gymnastic

Collection of general developmental exercises. Complex 1 outdoor switchgear on site: 1. I.p O.s. 1- arms to the sides, 2- arms up, 3- arms to the sides, 4- I.p. 2. I.p. - stand, legs together, arms locked in front of the chest. 1- straighten

Complexes of morning exercises (junior group) Complex 1 “We are big” Complex 2 “Balls” Complex 3 “We know how to be friends” Complex 4 “Fun physical education” Complex 5 “We are strong” Complex 6 “My family”

Card index of invigorating gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group Educator: Marina Dmitrievna Bulatovich Complex 1 “We woke up” 1. “Happy Hands” - and. p.: lying on your back. Raise your arms to the sides

September from_1 to 15 1. Walking in a column one by one, changing into a column of two (pairs); walking and running in all directions. 2. I. p. basic stance, arms along the body. 1-2 steps to the right, arms up through the sides;

Sets of exercises after a nap September 1-15 Airplanes 1. “Motor” I. p. standing on his knees, arms down. 1- rotate your arms bent at the elbows (one arm around the other) in front of your chest, start the engine;

Set of exercises 2.1. Perform 1-2 times a day at home. The number of repetitions is from 2 to 6 times. 1. IP lying on your back, arms along the body. Relax all muscles, check the correct position of the torso Completely

Step aerobics complexes for classes to develop coordination abilities Complex 1 (senior group) In a well-ventilated room, step steps are laid out on the floor in a checkerboard pattern. To cheerful, rhythmic music

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a general development type in the urban district of the city of Volgorechensk, Kostroma region “Kindergarten 4 “Krepysh” For parents about the rules of morning exercises

“GET UP ON CHARGES!” a set of exercises for children from 3 to 7 years old and their parents Physical education instructor: Dedova Anna Viktorovna Tomsk - 2016 “GET UP FOR EXERCISES!” * Everyone knows the words perky

FUNNY PHYSICAL MINUTE. Preschoolers quickly get tired during physical and mental stress. They get distracted and their attention wanders. Physical exercises will help relieve tension. Carrying out physical training breaks during

Appendix 1 Complex 1 I.p. basic stance: 1 hands forward; 2 hands up, bend over; 3 arms to the sides; 4 i.p. I.p. main stance: 1 4 circles with arms forward; 5 8 circles with arms back. I.p. main stand:

“Morning exercises in the family” (consultation for parents) Every parent wants to see their baby healthy, cheerful, and well physically developed. Along with a completely natural concern for its cleanliness

MORNING GYMNASTICS COMPLEXES IN THE 2nd JUNIOR GROUP. COMPLEX OF EXERCISES AND GAMES 1 Complex of outdoor educational institution “Friendly Family” 1. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back; slap in front of the face 8 times while the teacher says:

Technological map of physical education classes Compiled by: Lozhkina Daria Gennadievna, physical education instructor of the municipal preschool educational institution, kindergarten 20 “Kolosok”

Physical education instructor SP 6 GBOU School 283 Filatova Tatyana Valerievna Gymnastic complex for the prevention and relief of muscle tension “Let's keep the teacher healthy” 1. Sitting, straighten your shoulders,

CARD INDEX OF WAKE-UPS AFTER A DAY SLEEP IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP Complex 1 EXERCISES IN THE LYING POSITION “Snake”. I.p. hands up, head with forehead touching the floor. Stretch your arms up as much as possible

Industrial gymnastics for workers in a sitting or standing position N. L. Batsukova, Head of the Department of General Hygiene, Belarusian State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Primary

Card index of morning exercises in the first junior group >>> Card index of morning exercises in the first junior group Card index of morning exercises in the first junior group Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking.

AWAKENING AFTER DAY SLEEP middle group 1st complex “Cheerful Kitten” 1. I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to the standing position.

First motor mode. Complex 1 1 Lying on your back Deep inhalation, elongated, lips pursed 2 Sitting on a chair, hands on your belt Rolling feet from heel to toe and back Breathing 3 Sitting on a chair, hands

Health-improving gymnastics for children 5-6 years old Penzulaeva L.I. Autumn period SEPTEMBER Complex 1 1. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions;

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 9 “Little Red Riding Hood” Complex of morning exercises for children of the middle group using non-traditional methods

Why do you need morning exercises? With the help of morning exercises, a child, and an adult too, will quickly shake off the remnants of sleep and join the daily rhythm. It aims to make the transition between sleep and wakefulness

Gymnastic complex “Wake up and smile!” (for children 3-4 years old) Complex 1 “Cheerful kitten” 1. I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp

“ACCEPTED” By the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the municipal government educational institution Lyceum 2 of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory Pr 4 dated 12/14/12 “APPROVED” Director of the municipal

1. Chickens
Walking and short running one after another. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "Chickens flap their wings." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms to the sides, wave them, say “Ko-ko”, lower them. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Chickens drink water." IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Lean forward, move your arms back, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Chickens peck the grains." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Sit down, tap your fingers on your knees, stand up, repeat 4 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running and walking one after another.

2. We're having fun

General developmental exercises
1. "Happy hands." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms forward, rotate your palms, lower them. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Happy legs." I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs to the sides, arms below. Lean forward, touch your toes, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Jumping in place." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Perform 8 jumping jacks in place.

Walking one after another.

3. Musical guys
Walking one after another. Running, forming in a circle. Walking in a circle holding hands.

General developmental exercises
1. "Rattles". I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Clench your hands into fists, raise them up, shake them, and lower them behind your back. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Drum". I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below behind the back. Bend over, tap your index fingers on your knees, say “boom-boom,” and straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Pipe". I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Rise on your toes, bring your hands to your mouth, say “doo-doo-doo”, stand on your full foot, lower your hands. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running. Walking on toes. Formation in a circle.

4. Winter
Walking one after another. Running. Walking on toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "Let's warm our hands." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your bent arms, clap in front of your chest, say “clap-clap”, lower down. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Let's warm our feet." I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs to the sides, arms below. Bend over, pat your knees, say “clap-clap”, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Let's jump." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Perform 6 jumps on two legs in place, walking in place, repeat the jumps again.

5. Playing with dice
Children take two cubes, one in each hand. Walking one after another. Running. Walking on toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises with a cube
1. "Swing your arms." I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms with cubes below. Swing your arms back and forth. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Let's knock the cubes." IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms with six-packs below. Lean forward, tap the cubes on your knees, straighten up. Repeat 3 times.
3. "Let's put the cubes down." I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms with cubes below. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor, straighten up, squat down, take the cubes, straighten up. Repeat 3 times.

6. Bunnies
Walking one after another. Running. Walking in pairs in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "The bunnies are listening." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms bent at the elbows, put your index fingers to your head - “ears”, lower your arms down. Repeat 5 times.
2. "The bunnies have their paws tucked in." IP: sitting. feet together, hands down. Pull your legs towards you, hug them with your arms, straighten your legs, lower your arms. Repeat 5 times.
3. "The bunnies are jumping." I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms - “paws” - bent at the chest. perform 6 jumps in place on two legs, walking in place. Repeat 2 times.

Walking one after another while changing formations in a circle. Calm walking.

7. Airplanes
The chairs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Walking one after another. Running around chairs. Walking between chairs. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises on chairs
1. "Airplanes". I.p.: sitting on a chair, without leaning on the back, legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms to the sides, palms down, lower. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Planes are flying." IP: sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, hands holding the sides of the seat. Lean forward, move your arms back, straighten up, lower your arms. repeat 5 times.
3. "Let's go up." IP: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the back of the chair. Stand up on your toes, lower yourself. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running around chairs. Walking one after another.

8. Geese
Walking one after another. Running. Walking in a circle behind the first and behind the last. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "Geese flap their wings." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms to the sides, wave them, say “ha-ha-ha,” lower them. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Geese hiss." IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Lean forward, move your arms back, say “sh-sh-sh”, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. “The geese are pecking at the grain.” I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, lower your head, stand up. Repeat 5 times.
4. "The geese have flown." IP: the same. Raise your hands up, lower them. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running. Walking one after another.

9. Games with a rattle

General developmental exercises with a rattle
1. "Let's rattle the rattle." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands with a rattle below. Swinging your arms back and forth. Repeat 3 times. Transfer the rattle to your left hand and perform the same movements.
2. "Let's knock with the rattle." IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a rattle below. Bend over, tap the rattle on your knees, say “knock-knock”, straighten up. Repeat 3 times.
Transfer the rattle to the other hand and perform the same movements.
3. “Put down the rattle.” I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands with a rattle below. Sit down, put down the rattle, straighten up. Sit down, take the rattle, stand up. Repeat the exercise, transferring the rattle to the other hand.
4. "Let's look at the rattle." IP: the same. Raise your hands up, look at the rattle, lower it. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running. Walking one after another.

10. Spring
Walking one after another. Running. Walking on toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "The trees are swaying." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms up, move them a little to the left, then to the right, say “sh-sh-sh”, and lower them. Repeat 6 times.
2. "The bushes are swaying." I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean to the left (right), straighten up. repeat 6 times.
3. "Wind". I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Bring your hands to your mouth, blow on them, lower them. Repeat 5 times.
4. "The little sparrows rejoice." IP: the same. Jumping on two legs in place. After six jumps, walk around in place and repeat the jumps again.

Rebuilding from a circle. Walking one after another.

11. Ball games
Walking one after another. Running. Walking in a circle after the first and last. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises with a ball
1. "Pick up the ball." IP: legs slightly apart, ball below in both hands. raise the ball up, lower it down. repeat 6 times.
2. "Put the ball down." I.p.: sitting, legs to the sides, hands with the ball below. Bend over, put the ball, straighten up, lower your arms, bend down, take the ball, straighten up. repeat 4 times.
3. "Squats." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands with the ball below. Sit down, put the ball on the floor, straighten up, squat down, take the ball, stand up. Repeat 4 times.
4. "Ball forward." IP: legs slightly apart, ball below, in both hands. Raise the ball forward and lower it. Repeat 2 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running. Walking one after another.

12. Flowers
Walking one after another. Running. Walking in pairs. formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "Let's collect a big bouquet." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Spread your arms to the sides, lower down. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Let's smell the flower." IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Lean forward, straighten up. Repeat 4 times.
3. “Show me the flowers.” I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Stretch your arms forward, hide them back. Repeat 5 times.
4. "Where are the daisies?" I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Rise on your toes, look around, lower yourself. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running. Walking one after another.

13. Let's play with the flag
Walking one after another. Running. Walking on toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "Move the checkbox." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands with a flag below. Raise your hands up, wave the flag, lower it down. Repeat 3 times. Transfer the flag to the other hand and perform the same movements.
2. "Knock the flag." I.p.: sitting, legs to the sides, arms with a flag below. Bend over, tap the flag on your knees, say “knock-knock”, straighten up. repeat 3 times, transferring the flag to the other hand.
3. "Place the checkbox." IP: legs slightly apart, arms with a flag below. Sit down, place the flag, straighten up. Repeat 2 times.
4. "Show the checkbox." IP: legs slightly apart, hands behind back. Extend your arms in front of you, hide them behind your back. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running. Walking one after another.

14. Summer
Walking one after another. Running. Walking in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises
1. "Butterflies fly." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Let's touch the flowers." IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Bend over, reach your hands to the floor, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Blow on a dandelion." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Bring your hands to your mouth, blow on them, lower them. Repeat 4 times.
4. "The grasshoppers are jumping." IP: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Perform 6 jumps on two legs, walking in place. Repeat 2 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Walking one after another.

15. Playing with rattles
Walking one after another. Running. Walking in pairs. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises with two rattles
1. "Rattle it up." IP: legs slightly apart, hands with rattles below. Stretch your arms forward, shake the rattles, lower your arms down. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Knock the rattles." IP: feet shoulder-width apart, rattles below. Bend over, tap rattles on your knees, say “knock-knock”, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Swinging arms." IP: legs slightly apart, rattles below. Stretch your arms forward, take them back. Repeat 6 times.
4. “Put the rattles down. I.p.: legs slightly apart, rattles below. Sit down, put the rattles on the floor, stand up, sit down, take the rattles, stand up. Repeat 6 times.
5. "Show me the rattles." IP: the same. Raise the rattles up, lower them down. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running. Walking one after another.



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