Electrical hair removal. Does electrolysis permanently remove hair?

Electrolysis is effective method eliminating excess vegetation for a long period of time. The name of the procedure is due to the principle of its implementation: hairs are removed with its help electric shock. Through a sensor-electrode it enters the hair, heats and destroys its shaft, bulb and papilla. The technique involves a targeted approach, that is, processing each hair separately, which is especially successful when it is necessary to work with small problem areas.

Classification of procedures

Electrolysis is divided into several independent areas, differing in the type of devices used and electric current. Thus, types of hair removal can be determined depending on the electrode:

  • Tweezer sensor, grabs each hair, passes current through it and removes it according to classical principle. This solution is considered painless and suitable for working with sensitive skin.
  • Sensor - needle. The most popular and frequently practiced method. A needle is inserted into the hole from which the hair grows, an electric current is applied, and then the hair falls out on its own. The sensor can be made of a medical alloy or gold, and even have a Teflon coating.

Sensor - tweezers
Sensors - needles

By far, the most commonly used classification of the procedure involves taking into account different types of electrical currents. Thus, it is customary to distinguish the following most popular types of electrolysis.


It is carried out on the basis of high frequency alternating current. It is characterized by extremely rapid destruction of the follicle, due to which it achieves high speed manipulation. It should be taken into account that the effectiveness of such a technique is directly related to the qualifications of the cosmetologist.


Destroys hairs by forming an electrochemical process based on galvanic current. This method is suitable for destroying even damaged follicles, but requires a significant amount of time.


It is a symbiosis of thermolysis and electrolysis. He took their best positive aspects, thanks to which he receives positive reviews from professionals.

Flash (advanced thermolysis)

Due to its characteristics, it has a less painful effect, however final results again determined by the skills and abilities of the specialist.

Indications for electrolysis

Electric hair removal is a truly universal technique. It is used to eliminate hair of any type (both the darkest and very light and even gray). This is precisely why the procedure compares favorably with laser treatment or photoepilation. In addition, it does not matter what type of skin the patient has; this is not a limitation to the manipulations.

Preparation stage

Carrying out this hair removal requires little preliminary preparation. It consists of the patient performing the following actions:

  • Refusal to accept sunbathing(in 7 - 10 days).
  • Shaving the hair in the problem area (about 2 - 3 days in advance).
  • Execution hygiene procedures(in a few hours).

The final effect of all procedures will depend on how accurately these recommendations are followed.

Main stages of the procedure

Electrical hair removal is a very painstaking and time-consuming technique. One session can take from 10 minutes to several hours.

The procedure begins with mandatory anesthesia. Anesthesia during electrolysis can be carried out either by an injection or by a special surface anesthetic cream. The patient then takes comfortable position and takes a passive electrode in his hand, the active sensor is located by the cosmetologist, and it is with the help of it that every hair is removed.

Upon completion of the manipulations prerequisite is the application of a sedative that has an antiseptic effect.

Video: how electrolysis works

Achieve positive effect This is only possible if you complete the full course. Reviews from patients indicate that visible changes occur after the first session, but they do not bring 100% results.

On average full course involves from 5 to 8 procedures (less often - more or less, this can only be determined by a cosmetologist during a personal meeting). The break between sessions is approximately 45 - 60 days, and if necessary can be reduced to a month.

How to properly organize rehabilitation?

Skin care after electrolysis should be carried out on a regular basis. IN mandatory antiseptics should be used, for example, alcohol-containing solutions or Miramistin. The preparations are applied to a clean cotton pad and used for further treatment of the skin 3 - 4 times a day at equal time intervals.

If necessary, it may be necessary to use anti-inflammatory and healing compounds (Bepanten, Panthenol and others ointments). They are used for burns and severe redness of the dermis to relieve inflammation, soothe damaged tissues and provide additional hydration.

On average, rehabilitation lasts up to 14 days, but for many patients it ends much faster. In addition to using the special tools described above, it is necessary to adhere to the following standard restrictions, namely:

  • Do not go out in the sun without special protective cosmetics.
  • Do not visit solariums, saunas and baths.
  • Avoid swimming in pools and open water.
  • Limit physical activity so as not to provoke active sweating.
  • Minimize any mechanical impact onto the treated area (it is strictly forbidden to comb the resulting crusts at the site of the removed hairs).

Negative consequences of electrolysis

Unfortunately, even so effective procedure often accompanied by various side effects. Some of them are a natural reaction of the body to external interference, while others can be quite dangerous and indicate errors that occurred during exposure. Thus, the following manifestations are considered normal:

  • Swelling.
  • Local redness.
  • Mild itching.
  • Formation of crusts and peeling of the skin.

Skin after electrolysis

Of course, complications can be more pronounced. Usually they are associated with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, low professionalism of the cosmetologist, neglect of safety precautions or contraindications. These include:

  • Hyperpigmentation (formation dark spots on the skin).
  • Spread of infection and formation of hidden inflammations.
  • Burns (caused by medical error or skin hypersensitivity).
  • Scarring.
  • Hematomas.

If you experience any of the listed complications, or existing side effects do not go away within 3 - 5 days, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist for further consultation and appointments.

Main contraindications

Electric hair removal has enough large number restrictions to carry out, which is direct evidence of the seriousness of such an intervention. Contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature and decreased immunity;
  • the presence of implanted gold threads, pacemakers, intrauterine devices;
  • exacerbation skin diseases, availability open wounds and cuts on the treated area.

Burns after electrolysis, immediately and after a few days


How much does electrolysis cost? Pricing is sufficient complex process, taking into account many additional factors. The unit of measurement in this case is a minute, the cost of which can be either 10 or 50 rubles. This is explained by the presence of several methods, the use of various instruments, the classification of a specialist, and the availability of various additional services. If you still want to know the approximate costs of the procedures, the information in the table below may be useful to you.

From this article you will learn:

  • how electrolysis works, video, its pros and cons,
  • electrolysis – contraindications and consequences,
  • bikini electrolysis – before and after photos, reviews.

Electrolysis is cosmetic procedure removal unwanted hair using electric current. Most women note that it is very effective, but at the same time painful procedure hardware hair removal (compared to laser or photoepilation).

How does electrolysis work? –
During the electrolysis procedure, a thin needle-shaped electrode is applied to the root of each individual hair, after which an electric current is applied to the electrode. The electric current reaches the follicle and damages it, as well as the tissues adjacent to the follicle that are responsible for hair growth (capillaries and tiny nerve endings). So the viability hair follicle is completely lost.

Electrolysis: reviews from cosmetologists and patients

Electrolysis - reviews from cosmetologists and patients agree that this method is truly effective. However, some patients may experience undesirable consequences, which can deteriorate the aesthetics of the treated area for quite a long time. We will talk about all this below.

1. Advantages of electrolysis –

  • it is suitable for all hair types and skin types,
  • the highest percentage of effectiveness and duration of effect (compared to all other types of hair removal),
  • used for most parts of the body: electrolysis of the face, eyebrows, cheeks, chest, electrolysis of armpits, as well as bikini lines, legs and back.

Electrolysis: before and after photos

2. The main disadvantages of electrolysis are:

  • May not work well after some hair removal methods
    If you have previously used sugaring or plucking, the follicles may be deformed or curved. Curved follicles are more difficult to remove using electrolysis, because... Difficulties arise in inserting the electrode needle into the hair root.
  • Large number of series of treatments required
    You must understand that permanent hair removal using electrolysis may require a large number of procedures. On average, about 15-30 sessions are required for complete removal all hair of one zone. This is due to the fact that in the skin, in addition to active follicles from which hair grows, there are also dormant follicles from which hair does not grow in an inactive state.

    But these dormant follicles are gradually activated, which triggers the process of hair growth in them. Each new procedure will destroy active follicles until there are no active or dormant follicles left in the skin.

  • Long procedure time
    (since the effect occurs on each individual hair, for example, electrolysis over upper lip lasts about 20 minutes).

Electrolysis: contraindications and consequences

Like any procedure requiring electrical influence on the body, electrolysis has a corresponding extensive list of contraindications. It cannot be carried out if -

  • a cardiac pacemaker has been installed,
  • vice mitral valve and other heart diseases,
  • for hemophilia, hepatitis, epilepsy,
  • fresh scars and scars on the treated area of ​​skin,
  • any damage to the skin at the treatment site (rash, cuts, pimples, etc.),
  • warts, moles, papillomas, cancer (on the treated area of ​​skin),
  • viral, bacterial and fungal infections skin at the treatment site,
  • psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne (pimples and blackheads),
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis,
  • presence of any metal medical products in the body
  • pregnancy,
  • endocrine diseases, hormonal disorders.

Electrolysis: side effects

  • severe pain during the procedure,
  • moderate pain may persist for a long time after the procedure,
  • redness and swelling of the skin in the treated area (from 3 to 14 days),
  • the appearance of acne filled with secretions sebaceous glands(Fig. 8),
  • temporary appearance of papules and pustules, i.e. acne (Fig. 8-9),
  • sometimes micro-scars may form,
  • temporary appearance of scabs on the skin (Fig. 10),
  • focal hypopigmentation of the treated skin area (Fig. 11).
  • At first, the pores of the skin may not look very beautiful view– the pores will be enlarged, have red or dark color, which can last up to several weeks (Fig. 12-13).

Frequently asked questions from patients:

1. Electrolysis forever or not – reviews

How long does electrolysis last? Today, electrolysis is the only method of permanently removing unwanted hair. Hair in hair follicles is found in different stages growth, and the skin has a large number of “dormant” follicles, the hair from which has not yet penetrated the surface of the skin, and therefore cannot yet be removed.

Gradually, the follicles are activated, and the hair growing from them penetrates the surface of the skin. Thus, each new procedure will combat the newly activated follicles.

2. Electrolysis – how many procedures are needed?

As we have already said: to achieve the desired result, a whole series of procedures is needed. After each electrolysis hair removal session, new hairs grow thinner and thinner. It should also be noted that if you have previously used wax hair removal or the sugar hair removal method, your hair will be more resistant to electrolysis and more procedures will be required.

In addition, deep-lying hair follicles, as well as follicles with a thick hair shaft, cannot always be removed after 1 procedure, so a number of repeated procedures on the same follicles may be required. It must be said that such repeated interventions increase the risk of complications: the appearance of microscars and skin hypopigmentation.

3. Is electrolysis painful?

Each person has his own pain threshold. However, in any case, electrolysis will be very painful. The thinner the skin and the closer the location of the follicle to nerve ending– those more painful procedure. Additional factors painful are: the intensity of the current (the higher, the more painful), and the type of needle used.

Needles for electrolysis are divided into two types: non-insulated and insulated. Non-insulated needles conduct current along the entire length of the follicle and surrounding tissue, which makes the procedure more painful. Insulated needles focus the current only on the cells responsible for hair growth at the base of the follicle, which slightly reduces painful sensations.

4. How long does the electrolysis procedure take?

Each area of ​​the body requires a different amount of treatment time. It depends on the condition of the hair and its quantity. For example, electrolysis of the upper lip - reviews indicate that 1 session can last from 15 to 40 minutes. Laser hair removal of the same area will require only 4 or 8 minutes.

5. Bikini electrolysis: before and after photos, reviews

Bikini electrolysis is possible for both women and men. Along with the classic bikini, it is often processed rear crotch(the skin between the anus and the vulva, or scrotum), as well as the skin around the anus. Electrolysis of bikini – reviews from cosmetologists are in most cases negative, if we're talking about about a deep, not a classic bikini.

Most cosmetologists do not undertake to carry out this procedure in the deep bikini area due to its unaesthetics (try watching a video of sugar hair removal in the perineal area on YouTube... and you will understand everything).

Bikini electrolysis: before and after photos

Figures 16-18 show gradual changes in the skin after electrolysis: the scabs and redness that appear gradually disappear, but black dots appear in the pores of the skin, which resembles the pores of the skin on the face.

Summary: is electrolysis worth it?

If you choose this method, then you should not immediately treat large areas of skin with it, especially those visible to others. First, you should conduct a short session and remove hair from a small area of ​​skin to see how the skin reacts to this method. The reasons for the complications mentioned above can be both the individual characteristics of your skin and the cosmetologist’s mistakes during the procedure. For example, incorrectly selected electric current parameters.

In our opinion, it makes sense to do electrolysis only in one case: if you need to get rid of fairly sparse hair on a limited area of ​​skin. In this case, the problem can be solved in 1 visit. But if you need to treat large areas of skin where a lot of hair grows, then this method is probably one of the worst.

Most effective alternatives electrolysis (especially in the bikini area), which allows you to achieve excellent results in just 3-4 visits - these are:

Electrolysis: price

For the electrolysis service, the price consists of the following factors: the duration of the procedure, on which area of ​​the skin epilation is planned, the type of needle used, the method of anesthesia, the amount of hair on the skin area... Most often, in the price lists of cosmetology clinics, the price is indicated per minute. Keep in mind that this price usually does not take into account the cost of a needle or numbing gel.

On average, electrolysis in Moscow clinics for 1 minute costs –

  • face – from 22 rubles,
  • body – from 19 rubles,
  • bikini – from 26 rubles.

    Additional charge –

  • needle - from 100 rubles,
  • anesthetic gel – from 200 rubles.

We hope that our article on the topic: Electrolysis in Moscow where to give reviews - turned out to be useful to you!

(4 ratings, average: 2,50 out of 5)

Electrolysis is one of the methods of complete removal hairline on the body. Epilation is carried out using electrical discharges, which are directed into the follicles using electrodes with thin needles. Under the influence of electric current it is destroyed hair follicle, and the hair stops growing.

Types of electrolysis

Today, electrolysis is carried out in five ways: electrolysis, thermolysis, Blend, Flash, tweezer hair removal.

Electrolysis involves the use of low voltage direct current. Under its influence, sodium hydroxide is formed around the hair follicle, which destroys it.

The procedure is painful, and redness may remain on the skin after it.

Experts resort to hair removal by electrolysis only if a small area of ​​skin needs to be treated, since the procedure is quite lengthy.

Thermolysis, unlike electrolysis, is carried out using high frequency alternating current. In this case, the effect of hair removal is explained by the fact that the bulbs are heated and destroyed.

Thermolysis works faster - hair is removed in 2 seconds; a third of unwanted hair can be removed in one session.

The disadvantages of electrolysis, which is carried out using the thermolysis method, are that it does not allow the removal of hair with a curved root and that it is painful. There are reviews about electrolysis by thermolysis, indicating that burns may remain on the skin after the procedure.

The Blend method simultaneously works on the principles of thermolysis and electrolysis. Hair is removed on average in 10 seconds, but the sensations are not so painful, and it is possible to remove hairs that have curved roots.

The Flash method is based on the use of a high-frequency discharge with a long pulse duration. The method reduces pain, but discomfort is still felt.

Tweezer hair removal is the removal of hair using electrodes in the form of tweezers. High frequency electric current is used here. The method works like this: a hair is grabbed with tweezers and a shock is applied through it.

The advantage of the method is that the electrode does not come into contact with the skin, therefore reducing the risk of burns and irritation. The method is most often used to remove hair in areas where the skin is especially sensitive.

Reviews of electrolysis indicate the following disadvantages of the method: the bulbs are not completely destroyed the first time, the procedure must be repeated more than 5 times. In this case, it takes about 30 seconds to apply current to one hair.

There is another concept called scan hair processing. It is sometimes referred to as electrolysis, but this is incorrect, although electric current is also used here. The meaning of the procedure is that the hair is treated with solutions that reduce its growth, after which it is exposed to electric current - this way the products penetrate better into the hair roots.

If you undergo several such scan treatments, you can achieve that the hair will gradually become thinner and stop growing. In some salons, scanning is carried out simultaneously with electrolysis or thermolysis.

In which areas can hair be removed using electrolysis?

Electrolysis is most often performed on the face and legs. In addition, this method can be used to remove hair on your arms.

In the groin (bikini electrolysis), under the arms, and on the chest, it is not recommended to remove hair using electric current, since in these areas the lymph nodes are located quite close to the surface of the skin. However, salons actively practice electrolysis of bikinis and armpits, reassuring their visitors that the depth of exposure to electric current is not so great as to affect the lymph nodes.

What you can and cannot do after electrolysis

After electrolysis, do not wet the treated area with water for 24 hours. Until the skin recovers after the procedure, it is recommended to use special means for processing. Usually they are recommended by the specialist who performed the hair removal, taking into account the characteristics of the skin, the degree of trauma, etc.

It is undesirable to sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium after electrolysis - this can injure the skin and cause age spots. You cannot swim in open bodies of water, the sea, a swimming pool, or visit a bathhouse.

Do not touch the treatment area with dirty hands. Underwear and clothes, if body hair has been removed, it is advisable to wear loose-fitting ones made from natural materials.

It is necessary to reduce physical activity, because due to increased sweating the skin will heal more slowly.

These restrictions apply only to the recovery period. It lasts on average a week.

Also, if electrolysis was performed on the face, it is important to know that for the first day you will have to do without decorative cosmetics.

Many people wonder whether, after electrolysis, it is possible to use other methods of complete hair removal or depilation (shaving, treatment with depilatory creams). Experts recommend not using other methods of getting rid of unwanted hair. That is, for example, if electrolysis was performed on the face, but the result was unsatisfactory, it is advisable to consult a specialist and use another method of electrolysis, but do not try to shave or pull out the hairs yourself.

Contraindications to electrical hair removal

You cannot remove hair using electrolysis if you find:

  • varicose veins;
  • infection;
  • heart disease;
  • spicy, chronic diseases skin;
  • pustules, inflammations on the skin;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus in the decompensated stage;
  • individual intolerance to current;
  • hepatitis.

Also, electrolysis should not be performed on pregnant, lactating women, or those who have intrauterine device(if we are talking about bikini electrolysis), as well as for people with a pacemaker.

  • 1. What is electrolysis
  • 2. Types and methods of electrolysis
  • 2.1. Thermolysis
  • 2.2. Electrolysis
  • 2.3. Flash
  • 2.4. Blend
  • 2.5. Needles that are used for electrolysis
  • 3. Electrolysis: advantages and disadvantages
  • 4. Contraindications
  • 5. On what parts of the body is electrolysis performed?
  • 6. Preparation
  • 7. Skin care
  • 8. Cost of the procedure
  • 9. Can it be done at home?
  • 9.1. Preparation and how to do it right
  • 10. Possible consequences procedures
  • 11. How to numb the skin before electrolysis
  • 12. Frequently asked questions and answers
  • 12.1. Is it possible to do electrolysis during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
  • 12.2. Is it possible to do electric hair removal during menstruation?
  • 12.3. Is it harmful? electric hair removal for the body?
  • 12.4. Is the procedure possible for fibroids?
  • 12.5. Does hair grow after electric hair removal?
  • 12.6. What is better: electro or laser hair removal?
  • 12.7. Are burns possible after electrolysis?

What is electrolysis

Epilation is carried out through the action of electrical discharges on the hair follicle. An electrical impulse passes through a needle-shaped electrode. The technique is very painstaking, since each hair is removed pointwise: a needle is placed on it, a charge is launched and the current, penetrating the follicle, destroys the root system.

One session is not enough to permanently get rid of hair in the treated area. Electrical impulses only affect hairs that are in the growth stage. There are also “dormant” follicles in the dermis, which are activated after some time. For complete cleansing for hair in a certain area of ​​the body, it is necessary to undergo from 6 to 10 procedures at intervals of 3–5 weeks.

Removing unwanted hair with an electrical impulse is not a very painful procedure, but it is noticeable. Most often it is performed using local anesthetics.

Unlike laser and photoepilation, electrolysis is possible on any skin type and regardless of hair color and structure.

Types and methods of electrolysis

The method has several varieties, differing in the types of devices, electrodes and intensity of current discharges.


This is the most common method. The basis of the technique is the use of high-frequency alternating current. The manipulations must be carried out by a specialist. Thermolysis requires speed as the electrode heats up very quickly. The method is painful, the needle instantly burns the skin. The treated area must be numbed. Anesthetics used: Lidocaine or Emla cream. Electrolysis on the face using this method is not recommended due to increased risk microburns.


This technique is also called galvanic. There are two needles involved and D.C., which, in contact with the electrodes, forms chemical process. A negative charge is applied to one needle to form an alkaline environment, and a positive charge is applied to the other to form an acidic environment. Both needles impact the hair socket and destroy the bulb. Skin irritation less with this method.


This is the same thermolysis, but more advanced. It involves very high-frequency flashes (from 2000 kHz), as a result of which the dermis does not have time to heat up, and accordingly the patient experiences much less pain. This method is most often used for electrolysis of the upper lip, eyebrows, and bikini.

With Flash technology there is still a risk of burns, but this largely depends on the artist. Most often, the skin has to be numbed.


It combines two methods – thermolysis and electrolysis. First, the hair root is heated by thermolysis, then destroyed by galvanic current. For the blend method, there are special computer devices that automatically select the strength of the electrical impulse for a particular skin type and hair structure. This method is used for hair removal of bikini, armpits, mustache and other sensitive areas. The skin does not require anesthetics, the method is practically painless.

Sometimes electrolysis of the hands or face is performed using different techniques, since the sensitivity of the skin in these areas varies.

Needles that are used for electrolysis

Electrode needles - their thickness does not exceed 0.1 mm, they can have different shapes(straight, curved). It is placed in the hair hole itself. The shock is then delivered directly to the hair follicle. Complete death of the hair occurs within 1–2 days, after which it falls out on its own.

Needles are made from medical alloy, gold, Teflon, nickel-chrome. Their quality does not affect the result, but is important for skin. Gold electrodes are used mainly on sensitive areas of the body.

Tweezer electrode - unlike a needle, tweezers come into contact with the hair itself, and not with the skin. They grab the tip of the hair and release a discharge that passes along the hair shaft and has a destructive effect on its root. The method is suitable for those with hypersensitivity to pain, but it takes a little longer.

Electrolysis: advantages and disadvantages

Any depilation technique has its pros, cons, and features.


  • suitable for all hair and skin types;
  • guarantees complete death of the follicle to which the current was applied;
  • used for different areas of the body;
  • Several procedures will ensure permanent hair removal.


  • one session will not solve the problem; 5–6 procedures will be required;
  • soreness;
  • there is a risk that burns and marks will remain;
  • may cause severe irritation;
  • requires high qualifications from a specialist;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • high cost.


The effect of current on the layers of the epidermis is a serious process and has many contraindications.

You cannot use an electric epilator if you have the following diseases and disorders in the body:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • some diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncology;
  • skin prone to the formation of keloid tissue;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy at any stage.

The method has complete contraindication for people wearing a pacemaker. If you have varicose veins, you should consult a doctor; usually a session is permissible for initial stage vein diseases

If you are breastfeeding, the procedure is acceptable. But it is worth considering that pain is stress for a nursing woman, and it can reduce lactation. Pain relief during the procedure must be complete.

On what parts of the body is electrolysis performed?

It is supposed to be divided into sections: treatment of eyebrows and chin, arms and legs, abdomen, back, chest (for men), hair removal in the bikini area, on the buttocks.


To prepare for the session, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Avoid tanning 6-7 days before the procedure.
  2. Shave hairs in the epilated area 3 days in advance.
  3. Take a shower an hour before the session.

Skin care

In the first few days after the session, the epidermis needs special care.

Immediately after the session, the body is treated antiseptic solution and after 15 minutes apply a soothing cream. At home, you need to repeat these steps after 5-6 hours.

For the first 5 days, visiting solariums, beaches, baths, saunas, hot tubs, and swimming pools is strictly prohibited. If your legs have been treated, you should not wear tight, tight trousers for several days.

Under no circumstances should you comb the epilated area or touch it with dirty hands. If irritation occurs after the procedure, the skin should be lubricated with Bepanten cream (or its analogues). Minor redness and peeling can be removed with baby cream. This product also works great on burns.

If pustules suddenly appear on the body, it is necessary to use an antibiotic ointment (Miramistin, Levomekol, Erythromycin).

After treatment of the abdomen and back, you should wear light cotton clothing for the first 4–5 days. It is better to depilate such large areas in the cool season so that the body does not sweat.

More precise care after the procedure should be prescribed by a cosmetologist, depending on individual characteristics skin.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of electrolysis is calculated based on the minutes spent.

ZoneNumber of proceduresTimePrice
Face5–10 1 min.0,40$
Hands7–10 1 min.0,50$
Armpits7–10 1 min.0,50$
Legs7–12 1 min.0,50$
Back7–12 1 min.0,50$
Stomach7–12 1 min.0,50$
Bikini7–12 1 min.0,60$
Buttocks7–12 1 min.0,60$

Disposable needle – from 2 to 4 $

Anesthesia – from $1.5 to $10. Pain relief can be done with external medications and injections.

It takes approximately 1 minute to process 1–2 cm. Thus, epilation of armpits, for example, can take about 2 hours, which will equal $90.

Can it be done at home?

Electrolysis at home cannot be done independently. It can only be carried out by a specialist who has medical education and has undergone special training in this technique. In addition, the device is very expensive.

But today, many cosmetologists offer a service that goes to the client’s home, which is very convenient.

Preparation and how to do it right

To create comfortable conditions To conduct a session in your own home, it is necessary to provide the specialist with a sterile area and good lighting.

The skin is prepared in the same way as described above.

Carrying out the procedure at home is no different from the salon: the device is connected to the network, an anesthetic is applied to the skin, then the electrode is inserted into the hair hole and current is applied to it. The destruction of the follicle occurs instantly and after a couple of days the hair falls out. Only a competent cosmetologist can insert the electrode correctly and select the required current discharge.

Possible consequences of the procedure

A poorly performed procedure is fraught with the following negative consequences:

  • the appearance of burns in the epilated area;
  • formation of pigment spots;
  • formation of scars, cicatrices;
  • the occurrence of severe irritation;
  • formation of subcutaneous hematomas.

Unpleasant consequences may occur if the patient does not follow the recommended skin care.

How to numb the skin before electrolysis

Typically, external anesthetics are used for pain relief: Emla cream, Lidocaine spray.

If the patient has a very low pain threshold, the doctor can give an injection: Lidocaine, Novocaine, Ultracaine.

You can take an analgesic tablet (Cinepar, Analgin, Ketofen, Baralgin) half an hour before visiting a cosmetologist’s office.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Is it possible to do electrolysis during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The procedure is prohibited during pregnancy; it is acceptable during breastfeeding.

Is it possible to do electric hair removal during menstruation?

It is possible, but not advisable, since the pain threshold increases these days.

Is electric hair removal harmful to the body?

If there are no contraindications and the technique is performed good specialist, then there is no harm.

Is the procedure possible for fibroids?

Does hair grow after electric hair removal?

During electrolysis, all visible hairs are destroyed, but after a month, hair growth will begin from those follicles that were at rest. To destroy them all, you need to go through several sessions.

What is better: electro or laser hair removal?

The methods are significantly different and each has its own characteristics.

Are burns possible after electrolysis?

Yes, if the specialist was unqualified.

Electric hair removal– this terminology, despite the almost ninety-year period of its development and application, with practical side is not yet familiar to every representative of the fair sex, which, of course, is only a matter of time. Cosmetology on modern stage its development presupposes the availability of a mass of means to ensure that the effectiveness of the impact is as high as possible, and the discomfort is minimized, so much so that the phrase about beauty requiring sacrifice is not a sad reality in the most literal sense of these words.

Electric hair removal, as one of the unique and effective methods combating unwanted hair, is an alternative and more effective than the usual and well-known conservative depilation, which is too far from the result of “removing unwanted hair forever,” as well as less successful photoepilation.

Electric hair removal

Electric hair removal at various types electric current allows you to get rid of unwanted hair of varying thickness, hardness and color on all areas of the body and face (electrolysis of the armpits, bikini area, intimate areas body, legs and thighs, area above the upper lip, etc.). Electrical hair removal is also used to correct eyebrows.

This cosmetic procedure is carried out using a special electrode, which is a disposable needle that penetrates the hair follicle area to destroy it. The effectiveness of the procedure is especially indicative for those suffering from abundant growth hair due to hormonal imbalances in the body. Result electric hair removal largely depends on total number procedures performed.

At electric hair removal may be applied a whole series in various ways carrying out the procedure: thermolysis or electrolysis, technologies called blend and flesh).

Electric hair removal - forever?

First of all, let us note that, in any case, there is no need to wait for real miracles with a magic “current wand”. You shouldn’t believe that hair removal forever is a reality. The reality is that only up to ten percent of hair can be seen on the surface of the body, most of which are in “sleep mode.” So, by removing some, we find others appearing in their place. In order for hair removal to permanently rid you of unwanted hair, you need at least several sessions: everything is determined by skin type, patient sensitivity, hair thickness and many other factors. Only an individually experienced specialist can help you establish clarity in all these aspects.

Permanent hair removal is a procedure that involves not only removing hair from the surface of the body, but also complete destruction all its structures. Special attention is given to the destruction of the bulb, only its complete destruction can bring a lasting effect from the procedure. In order for hair removal, which can permanently rid you of unwanted hair, to be as successful as possible, you need to remember the stages of the procedures and take into account the fact of long-term treatment. The duration of treatment depends on the fact that hair growth occurs cyclically.

Electric hair removal, How hardware method, is concentrated on destroying only fully “ripe” hair. Only anagen hair, that is, one that is at the stage of vigorous growth of the hair follicle, can be completely destroyed under the influence of current. It is then that hair removal can allow you to get rid of that particular hair forever. However, anagen hair on different parts of the body can have different percentage. Therefore, in order to was able to completely rid a woman of hair on her legs; she will have to undergo at least 5-6 procedures. Do not forget that hair removal can forever rid both women and men of unwanted hair when both the procedures themselves and the interval between them are chosen correctly. The last factor depends on how much time it takes for hair to mature in a certain area of ​​the body.



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