Scientists about the psychological effect of blinking. Frequent blinking in adults

Previously, it was believed that the only function of blinking was protective (for example, from dust and from drying out). However, scientists have found that there is another function of blinking - psychological.

It is known that on average a person blinks about 15-20 times per minute. Thus, it turns out that ten percent of the time we are awake our eyes are closed. Yes, of course, with the help of blinking, the eyeball is moisturized and protected, but we blink much more often than necessary to perform such functions.

A group of Japanese made a new discovery: when we quickly close our eyes, it helps us focus on the current situation and collect our thoughts.

This conclusion was made after noticing a certain pattern: the occurrence of moments when we blink is not an accident. And despite the fact that it seems to us that we blink absolutely spontaneously, it turns out that this is not at all the case. Research has shown that we do this at expected times.

So, for example, when we read something, we blink after the sentence has finished. If we listen to someone, we often blink during the pause that the speaker makes between statements. When several people look at the same thing, they blink almost simultaneously, when short time actions are delayed.

In the course of research, it was found that people begin to blink subconsciously: in order to mentally relax or, if necessary, quickly focus on something.

To confirm or refute this fact, scientists conducted a study on 10 volunteers who then underwent magnetic resonance imaging and watched the TV show "Mr. Bean." Scientists looked at which areas of the brain showed decreased or increased activity while blinking.

An analysis of the results showed that when blinking, brain activity increased in the so-called “passive mode network of brain functioning.”

This area of ​​the brain operates when a person is in a state of waking rest. And it is this area that is responsible for that break that helps us improve attention after a person opens their eyes again.

The main causes of frequent blinking

Some people are very bothered by excessive blinking. This phenomenon has a fairly simple explanation, but if it causes severe concern, then it is better to consult a specialist. Especially in the case when frequent blinking occurred unexpectedly.

And yet, the most common causes of frequent blinking are quite understandable even without going to a specialist:

Dry eyes are probably the most harmless reason frequent blinking. For example, a person may suffer from hay fever, which will cause irritation and dry eyes. And this, in turn, will lead to frequent blinking.

Neurological problems may also occasionally cause frequent blinking. There may also usually be other symptoms, such as paralysis or involuntary movements.

Use of certain medications may cause excessive blinking. Examples of such drugs include the psychostimulant Ritalin and benzodiazepines.

Another reason for frequent blinking, especially in children, can be a nervous tic. Such uncontrolled movements can be transient or chronic. In adults, tics can be caused by anxiety or stress.

The cause of frequent blinking in children can be a nervous tic caused by fatigue, boredom or anxiety. Most often, the tic lasts from several weeks to several years and goes away on its own. Periodically, the tic may return, but in severe cases, it is still better to consult a specialist.

Analysts in the “science news” section of the “Stock Leader” magazine note that the most in simple ways, which can help calm the child are the following:

You should not focus the child's attention on blinking, as this will only make the situation worse.

It is necessary to try to reduce all situations that lead to stress to a minimum. In addition, it is important to ensure that the child gets enough sleep, since fatigue and stress only worsen the condition.

If the child begins to blink a lot, you need to try to relax him (for example, read a book he likes, play a game, etc.)

When the child blinks, he needs to be given more water, however, these should not be sugary drinks

To rule out problems that can cause frequent blinking - a scratch on the cornea, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, ingrown eyelashes and others - you should consult an ophthalmologist.

If the eyes get tired and their mucous membranes dry out, a person blinks often. But sometimes constant blinking can indicate development in the body dangerous disease, which negatively affects the visual system. If a person blinks constantly, there are additional pathological symptoms, it is better not to postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist.

Why the problem appears: reasons

Frequent blinking eyes is often associated with overload visual system, because of which the mucous membrane becomes dry, and in order to moisturize it, you need to blink quickly. The eyelids close involuntarily when scale gets into the eyes, the sharp edges of which irritate the sclera, sometimes injuring it. Other ophthalmological reasons the violations are:

  • inflammation of the cornea, conjunctiva, iris or eyelid;
  • blepharospasm;
  • myopia or farsightedness;
  • dry eye syndrome;

There are also non-ophthalmological diseases that provoke involuntary blinking:

  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • epilepsy attack;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • hormonal and endocrine disruptions;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • intoxication;
  • brain tumors of various etiologies;
  • uncontrolled use of certain groups of drugs;
  • chronic stress, nervous overload;
  • nervous tic;
  • allergic reaction;
  • abuse of bad habits.

Sometimes severe blinking in adults is a consequence bad habit when a person is used to doing this without physiological need. In such a situation special treatment not required. Self-control and the desire to stop blinking frequently unnecessarily will help you get rid of the habit.

Other symptoms

If there is a problem directly in the human body, then his eyelids may swell.

If eye blinking is associated with pathological processes in the body, a person will be bothered by additional pathological signs:

  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • itching, burning, irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • pain affecting the left and right eyes;
  • formation of edema in the upper or lower eyelids;
  • decreased visual function;
  • flickering of flies and dots before the eyes;
  • nystagmus;
  • clouding of the sclera;
  • involuntary twitching of the eyelids.

The progression of non-ophthalmic pathologies is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe headaches;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • lack of coordination;
  • disorientation;
  • anxiety, panic, aggression;
  • redness skin accompanied by swelling and itching;
  • loss of consciousness.


The ophthalmologist may refer the patient for an MRI of the brain.

If adults constantly have eye pain and want to blink frequently, it is better to find out the causes of this condition and, if necessary, try to eliminate them. To do this, you need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, who will then initial examination and taking an anamnesis will provide direction for a number of such diagnostic procedures:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • tonometry;
  • visometry;
  • Ultrasound internal organs and visual system;
  • CT or MRI of the brain;
  • radiography;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • allergy tests;
  • immunogram.

Additionally, consultation with the following specialists may be required:

  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • allergist;
  • infectious disease specialist

What treatment is prescribed?

Effective drugs

If the cause is neuromuscular syndrome, then to eliminate it the patient is prescribed Baclofen.

To make blinking less of a concern, you must first eliminate its root cause. Therefore, first the doctor selects a treatment regimen aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. Neuromuscular syndromes The following medications will help you remove them:

  • "Phenibut";
  • "Phenazepam."

At inflammatory processes, affecting organs vision, medications of the following groups are prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiseptics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • vitamins.

The syndrome associated with excessive dryness of the eye mucosa can be relieved if you use the following eye drops according to your doctor’s prescription:

  • "Vizin";
  • "Tobradex";
  • "Vial";
  • "Artificial tear."


Therapy of eye diseases can be supplemented with electrosleep procedures.

If one or both eyes hurt due to ophthalmological disorders, in addition to drug therapy It is recommended to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic treatment. the procedure has contraindications, which means that you should not self-medicate without a doctor’s direction. If there are no restrictions, the following are assigned effective methods physical therapy.

On average, each person blinks up to 10 thousand times a day. The eyelids move down and up about 20 times per minute. Each blink lasts about...

On average, each person blinks up to 10 thousand times a day. The eyelids move down and up about 20 times per minute. Each blink lasts about 70 milliseconds. These indicators apply to most cases, but often people blink on purpose or do it due to eye diseases, as well as a feeling of discomfort.

Blinking is a means of moisturizing the eye.

The inner surface of the eyelids is covered the thinnest membrane, which in medicine is called the conjunctiva. The human eye needs constant hydration, which is best achieved by blinking. When the eyelids are closed, moisture is evenly distributed throughout the conjunctiva, which eliminates discomfort.

Moisturizing the eye is a natural necessity, which is a feature of physiology. A person must blink. On the surface eyeball Tiny particles of dirt accumulate that may not be noticed or felt, but their accumulation will harm your vision. In this case, blinking, in addition to moisturizing, has a cleansing function.

Blinking as a reflex

The retina of the eye interacts with the human brain. When any object approaches the eyeball or when danger arises (wind, dust, sun rays) an instant signal about the need for protection is given. As a result of this process, a person strives to lower his eyelids as quickly as possible to protect his vision.

When dust, other small particles or contaminants get on the surface of the eyeball, the best way to eliminate discomfort is blinking. The eyelids distribute moisture over the surface of the eye, and foreign objects go to the edges, after which they are easier to remove from the retina.

A closed eyelid represents a kind of blocking of the visual signal, so when trying to protect oneself from danger, a person tends to close his eyes. During strong emotional experiences, blinking increases several times. Thus, the body tries to reproduce an additional protective function.

Blinking as a psychological reaction

Scientists' studies have proven that in some cases a person blinks under the influence psychological factors and even intentionally. Theories of "sign language", for example, include many techniques carried out by lowering the eyelids and rapid blinking. In this way, a person tries to attract attention to himself or involuntarily shows a peculiar reaction to words, events and situations. The most common example is winking at your interlocutor.

Blinking is closely related to the brain's reaction to current events. Japanese experts noticed that when reading books a person blinks more often; when watching a video, the frequency of eyelid drooping directly depends on emotions. This fact is primarily due to the proven nuance that during blinking the human brain is at rest. IN in a broad sense When the eyelids lower, events are comprehended and brain tension is reduced at the same time.

Why do people blink in their sleep?

The situation when a person blinks while sleeping is not uncommon. This fact is explained quite simply and banally. In a dream a person sees certain situations, participates in different situations, and his subconscious perceives the dream as reality. Scientists have been studying human sleep behavior for a long time.

Based on the research, the following conclusions were made:

  • in a dream, a person blinks when reacting to events;
  • Blinking occurs when situations or so-called slides change.

Blinking in your sleep is not a deviation. Besides psychological reaction to dreams, this reflex due to normal hygiene eyes, which the eyelids carry out around the clock.

The cause and frequency of blinking has been studied for centuries by scientists around the world. It has been proven, for example, that newborn children blink least often, and women blink more often than men. Moreover, each person spends approximately 10% of his waking period with his eyes closed.

When a frame changes in a video, or when a sentence ends in a book or in a speech, a person blinks. Scientists conducted experiments that revealed the fact that when watching a movie, a group of people blink almost simultaneously.

I have a problem with my eyes: I blink constantly, I feel uneasy. I saw an ophthalmologist and a neurologist, but doctors find it difficult to make a diagnosis. Besides, my blood pressure is not good thyroid gland. Please respond, tell me how to treat frequent eye blinking in adults.

Sorokina Olga, Khabarovsk

In order to get rid of frequent eye blinking, it is first very important to understand psychological reasons your illnesses. When the eyes blink, a person, at least for a moment, manages to hide from the situation into which he has driven himself. You constantly maintain a state of stress within yourself and do not want to let go of the situation. You don’t even for a second want to look at life from the outside; you need to be informed about everything and accept active participation in the theater of action. And hence the tension and increased blood pressure. As a result, both liver function and thyroid gland. Moderate your passions and stop acting like you are in a theater. You are not an actress, you live your life, and it should be happy and balanced.

It is also very important for you to follow a daily routine and diet. You need to get up early in the morning, at 6-7 o’clock, do a little physical exercise, then have breakfast and plunge into work. But the most important thing is to go to bed on time, around 21-22 hours. May you have trouble falling asleep at first. In this case, you can drink it at night sedative. It is best if it is tea made from chamomile, hop cones, lemon balm, hawthorn, rose hips, motherwort, peony or pharmaceutical soothing tea. Mix the herbs in equal parts and pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew and drink 30 minutes before bed as a bite with 1 teaspoon of honey or jam. Drink the mixture for at least 1 month. By the way, tea with cloves and cinnamon also helps you sleep well.

You also need to drink infusions choleretic herbs which will help normalize blood pressure. This could be calendula, cilantro, immortelle, corn silk. Compose your own bouquet of any 3 herbs and pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water. Let it sit until it cools. After this, strain the infusion and drink hot 30 minutes after meals for at least 2 months in a row. If you have been drinking “chemistry” (tablets) for a long time, then you need to drink calendula tincture, 20 drops per 1 tablespoon honey water. To prepare this water, take 1 teaspoon of honey and dissolve it in 0.5 cup boiled water. Drink 20 minutes before meals for 3 months.

Now let's talk about the thyroid gland. It can cause frequent eye blinking in adults, especially when there are liver problems. You need to find cocklebur herb and prepare an infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water, after 20 minutes strain the infusion and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals for 3 months in a row.

Dropping freshly brewed green tea into your eyes is very beneficial. good antiseptic and replenishment with microelements. Place 2 drops in each eye 2-3 times a day for 3 months.

Massage and gymnastics for the eyes are also very important in your case.

Close your eyes and move them as far as possible to the right and hold them in this position for 30 seconds, and then to the left in the same way.

Raise your closed eyes as high as possible and lower them all the way down. Hold in each position for 30 seconds.

Perform circular movements with your eyes closed to the right. Do 5-7 circles.

Close your eyes tightly for 30 seconds. Now perform circular movements with your eyes closed to the left - 5-7 circles.

Close your eyes tightly again for 30 seconds.

Use your fingertips to press on closed eyes and wait 30 seconds. Finish the exercises here. Perform this complex every day, maybe 2-3 times.

Be sure to get a massage every day. Start from the brow ridge - close your eyes and, grasping the edge of the eye socket, remember the entire brow ridge. Close your eyes tightly for 30 seconds.

Now, with your eyes closed, grab and crush the lower edge of the eye socket. After this, close your eyes again for 30 seconds.

Press down on your closed eyes and release your fingers. Do 3-5 such movements.

Finish the massage: cover your closed eyes with your palms and hold them for 30 seconds or more (optional), so that they are in complete darkness.

Popova Tatyana, doctor

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Why does a person blink his eyes often? Scientists have long found the answer to this question. Blinking is an unconscious process; normally a person blinks every 4-5 seconds. This frequency is determined by the need to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye and supply it with oxygen.

But this is not the only reason. Adults often blink in order to quickly orient themselves in a situation and collect their thoughts. Give yourself a little mental break. It is also noticed that we always blink when reading when we reach the end of a sentence or line.

Photo 1: If blinking causes discomfort and pain in one or both eyes, this is always a sign of unfavorable processes in the body. Source: flickr (Evgeniy).

Diseases that cause pain when blinking are often infectious nature. But pain when blinking can occur due to common colds.


Contact with the organ of vision foreign body may result in intense eye blinking. Therefore, you should carefully examine the visual apparatus and remove the speck. This can be done by rinsing the eye clean water. IN in rare cases, you can’t get the foreign body out on your own and have to contact an ophthalmologist.

Frequent blinking in adults

  • Emotional and psychological. People may blink frequently to add emphasis to words. It has also been observed that a person blinks frequently if he experiences severe emotional or physical fatigue.

This is interesting! A person lying on the move, in the absence of training, begins to blink quickly and unconsciously. And if a person is trained, then an uncontrollable desire to blink appears after consciously stopping the reflex during relaxation.

  • Dry eyes. Dry air or wind can cause this condition. Also, prolonged work at the computer can also cause dryness and, as a result, frequent blinking.
  • The appearance of such diseases visual apparatus, such as stye, conjunctivitis, keratitis or other diseases.
  • Tiki. This disease appears as a result of chronic neuroses. There are two types of nervous tics: primary and secondary. With primary tics, childhood disorders of the nervous system return. Secondary tic is associated with impaired brain activity.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals, metabolic problems, hormonal imbalances.
  • Tourette's syndrome. In this case, frequent blinking occurs along with uncontrollable sounds and obscene words. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.
  • Negative reactions to taking medications.
  • Allergy.
  • Reaction to bright light. Under the influence of light and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, increased blinking begins.

Increased blinking in children

Photo 2: If a child has difficulty communicating with his peers or gets lost in the presence of adults, all this negatively affects him nervous system and is manifested by frequent blinking. Source: flickr (momof4mejias).
  • Entry of a foreign body into the child's organ of vision.
  • Decreased visual acuity. In this case, the child will squint to focus while looking at the object.
  • Dry eyes. Spending a long time at the computer or in front of the TV can lead to this problem.
  • Eye strain. If a child’s eyes experience tension as a result of heavy workload at school, extensive homework, or spending long periods of time in front of a computer or TV, he begins to blink frequently.
  • Blepharitis. This disease may appear as a result of a lack of vitamins, problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases that are accompanied by decreased immunity.
  • Styes, conjunctivitis, keratitis or other eye diseases.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Tiki. If the cause of frequent blinking in children is nervous tics, then you must immediately contact a neurologist to find out the cause of the appearance of tics.
  • Psychological problems. Excessive criticism from adults negatively affects the child's psyche, which can manifest itself through frequent blinking.

Pay attention! Eye blinking can occur in up to 18% of children at some point in their development. If such a tic goes away within a year, then in this case there is a “transitional” condition that does not need to be treated by the child.

What to do

If the cause of frequent eye blinking is normal fatigue, then it is necessary to arrange good rest for yourself and get a good night's sleep. With a very intense work rhythm, it is necessary to properly organize the day. Get up 30-40 minutes earlier and do a little exercise for your body. It is very important to go to bed on time, no later than 22:00. This daily routine will allow you to spend your energy more properly and stop excessive overwork.

If your eyesight is dry, leading to excessive blinking, you should limit the time you spend at the computer or in front of the TV. During long work Take short breaks for yourself at the computer. While resting, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and let them rest.

If the cause of frequent blinking is bright light, then you need to eliminate the source of bright light. It can be either bright sunlight, or bright artificial lighting.

If your child gets very tired at school or because of extensive homework, which leads to frequent blinking, then take active walks for your child. fresh air. Such walks will help relieve tension and stop frequent blinking.

If you notice that you are overly critical of your child and set high demands for him, become softer and more condescending to him during communication. Don't punish for small things and don't judge harshly for mistakes. After all, no adult is immune from mistakes. Praise your child at every opportunity and support him.

Pay attention! If you see that the child is blinking intensely, then you do not need to focus his attention on blinking. This will only make the situation worse. Better give him a glass of water to drink and help him relax.

If any other reasons lead to discomfort, then you need to visit an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Homeopathic treatment

During treatment eye diseases the following apply homeopathic remedies:

  1. (Sepia), Staphysagria, Aurum metallicum. These remedies are successfully used for styes on the eye and inflammation of the eyelids.



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