Acupuncture points on the hands and meanings drawing. What is a biologically active point of the hand? Acupuncture points for concentration

22 , 11:53

Point for pain in the head. Located between the big one index finger at the intersection of the bones. Then the thumb will lie approximately in the middle of the life line, the index finger reverse side palms (you can do the opposite. Here you need to press hard. If it hurts, then the point has been found. Three to four active presses and you don’t have to go for the pill.

The point helps to lower blood pressure , normalize many other things. Consciousness will become clearer and vision sharper. IN ears will disappear ringing
Knowledgeable people claim that this healing method is used in military medicine. And in this area, treatment in to a large extent different from the simple one we are all used to. Medicine there is extreme. In military conditions, you need to do everything as quickly as possible - quickly cure, quickly get you back on your feet, quickly stop the bleeding.
This magical one from a medical point of view is located on the back of the middle finger, on the pad. This point is quite painful. We'll have to be patient.
You should hold it for a relatively short time - just one minute. But it will seem for a long time. After this, any painful sensations disappear. Painful sensations even in the spine disappear.

Force Activation Point. Attention! Only if you bring the tips of all your fingers together will it be in the hole in the center of the palm. Only if you feel lethargy, loss of strength, apathy, drowsiness, massage this point.

Heat point. Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Impact on the point helps to warm up, stimulates metabolism, relieves anxiety. It can be massaged in exciting situations, before an exam or an important meeting.

Heart point. Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the little finger. Helps with heart palpitations.

Sexy point. This is a stoma located at a distance of 3 mm. Up from the beginning of the growth of the nail of the ring finger. Only if you have lost interest in the opposite sex or decreased sexuality, you need to unblock the energy flows passing through the meridian of the ring finger.

This one is not cunning and quite effective methodology no more than a hundred years. The authors of this discovery are Koreans, more precisely the Korean doctor Professor Park Jae Woo, who was the first to discover and develop the ability to treat various diseases using special points on human palms and feet. In fact, they solved the mystery of nature and the phenomenon of health points on the human body. Human palms and feet are a small model of the human body. They contain points responsible for various organs and systems.

More than once have you had to deal with the fact that when your hands get cold, you involuntarily begin to rub them. And what happens at this moment? Your hands become warm, and a warm wave spreads throughout your body. Since friction activates all points, all projections of internal organs, this creates heat throughout the body. And if you know the correct location of all points and know how to massage them correctly, you can not only relieve pain or spasm, but also significantly improve the condition of your body.

In order to understand the correspondence of the points on the limbs with the internal organs, it is enough to imagine that there are button points on the palms and feet. And when an internal organ is not in order, the brain sends a signal and activates a certain button that you just need to press or massage. After pressing on a certain area, the work of the diseased organ is normalized, and the performance of blood vessels is enhanced.

The applicator we all know works on the same principles; if you have one, you can massage your feet and palms with it after a hard day at work. This method will relieve tension and fatigue instantly.

For prevention various diseases you need to know the important points on the feet and palms. Daily massage healing points will help improve the functioning of the whole body and improve blood circulation. Plant seeds are an excellent remedy for massage. In addition, the seeds are so-called biological magnets that are able to draw out pain and absorb it into themselves; they are able to transfer their vital energy to the body.

Seeds of different sizes can massage the required size points on the arms and legs. This massage can be easily done in your free time, relaxing on the couch. Also in addition to massage biological points possible for more healing effect glue the seeds onto the dot. The seeds glued to the adhesive plaster must be left overnight and then replaced with new ones.

healing power seeds can be observed when they are replaced, the seeds will change structure, shape, color, size, as if giving up their energy. Sometimes glued seeds can cause pain, which indicates an active treatment process. But you shouldn’t stick to yourself all the seeds that can be found during this period. The choice of seeds for the treatment of diseases must be approached very carefully, since each type of grain has its own special effect on a specific organ.

There are several rules for selecting seeds for treatment of diseases, in su-jok therapy.

1. Seeds must be whole, undamaged, such that they can germinate. These can be seeds in the husk or seeds from eaten fruit.

2. Seeds must be selected taking into account shape, size, color and properties medicinal plant. If you choose seeds for the treatment of diseases of the eyes, head, chest, then the seeds should be round in shape; for kidneys - oval or legumes; for the heart - viburnum seeds, buckwheat.

3. Regarding healing properties plants, then the seeds of watermelon, melon, and parsley, which are applied to the corresponding point on the palm or foot, are suitable as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. For calming effect A patch with hawthorn seeds will help. A patch with seeds of bird cherry, blueberry, dill, and cumin will help improve intestinal function.

4. If we take into account the color of the seeds, then dark seeds are used to treat constipation, light seeds, such as rice, are used to treat lungs; viburnum and pumpkin seeds for the treatment of heart diseases. Light beans for kidney treatment and genitourinary system. Buckwheat for diseases of the nose and throat.

For proper treatment it is also necessary to know the exact location of each point corresponding to the organ (see figure). The ear, nose and throat areas are located on the pads of the fingers and big toes. Massaging the base of the nail plates will help relieve dizziness and weakness.

Intestinal problems will be helped by massage of the areas located in the center of the palm or foot, and on the heels there are many points that are responsible for digestion. The area of ​​the kidneys and genitourinary system is located on outside the brushes are almost at the base.

When coughing, a massage of the thumb or toe is necessary. Even children are taught to do finger gymnastics early age, since Su Jok therapy has no age or medical contraindications. This treatment is also safe for pregnant women.

And the seeds, glued to the soles of the feet, stimulate all organs when walking, help blood circulation and can even cure chronic diseases.

There is a so-called Power Activation Point in the palm of your hand. If you bring the tips of all your fingers together, it will be in the hole in the center of your palm. If you feel lethargic, lack of strength, apathy, drowsiness, massage this point.

Heat point. Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Impact on the point helps to warm up, stimulates metabolism, and relieves anxiety. It can be massaged in exciting situations, before an exam or an important meeting.

Heart point. Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the little finger. Helps with heart palpitations.

Sexy point. This is a stoma located at a distance of 3 mm. upward from the beginning of the growth of the nail of the ring finger. If you have lost interest in the opposite sex or decreased sexuality, you need to unblock the energy flows passing through the meridian of the ring finger.

Head pain point. This point is located between the thumb and index finger at the intersection of the bones. Then the thumb will lie approximately in the middle of the life line, the index finger on the back of the palm (or vice versa). Here you need to press hard. If it hurts, then the point has been found. Three or four active clicks and you don’t have to go get a pill.

I wish everyone health, longevity and prosperity!

Acupressure techniques for the palms are convenient because they help quickly and easily cope with headaches or toothaches, insomnia, stress or the consequences of overeating. Working on each point takes a few minutes, and the effectiveness is noticeable after the first session. The technique has few contraindications and self-medication can be performed several times during the day.

Hand acupuncture is a popular and simple method of influencing the physical and energy body through the study of reflex points. To treat the disease, it is enough to know the corresponding zones on the palm and how to apply pressure on them. Hand massage can be performed at any time of the day and from any position, and the number of sessions is regulated only by your well-being. The acupuncture scheme and projection of internal organs are studied using special atlases that explain the interaction of energies, organs and points.

Palmistry teaches you to recognize diseases by the lines on the palm and by additional manifestations:

  • Numbness of the little fingers indicates the presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Numbness thumbs signals a violation of the respiratory system;
  • An abnormally short little finger indicates a tendency to mental disorders;
  • Wet, cold, and very pale palms are common in people with ANS disorders;
  • The greenish color of the skin of the hands indicates the presence or risk of developing cancer.

Also, the state of health is judged by the curvature of the fingers, the size of the crescent on the nail plate, the location and severity of the main hills and lines.

To improve your health and strengthen your immune system, you can do: general massage brushes The session begins with vigorous circular rubbing of the palm and kneading of the joints. The first exercise is to quickly clench your fingers into fists and slowly relax. Then the fingers slowly squeeze and quickly relax. Each technique is repeated 10-12 times. After this, each of the fingers is massaged from the tips to the base.

The palm is massaged along the outer and inside, along the ribs, center line and at the base. Kneading and rubbing movements are used only for the wrist and central part of the hand. And in order to improve hand gliding and avoid discomfort at this stage, it is recommended to use massage oil or rich cream.

Acupressure on the arm along with preparatory stage takes about 10 minutes, and greatest effect has a session performed on an empty stomach.

The point is pressed with the pads or edges of the fingers. Severe pain indicates that the area was chosen correctly. Movements during working on a point can be circular, vibrating, pulsating, etc.

Contraindications for the session:

  • Oncology;
  • Diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory system;
  • Open form of tuberculosis;
  • Acute inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • Emotional overexcitement.

During pregnancy point technique can only be used after consulting a doctor. Massage is prohibited for children under 2 years of age and people over 75 years of age.

How to improve brain function

Chinese philosophy says that illness or pain in the body appears when the circulation of energy flows in the human body is disrupted. The first organ to suffer from energy imbalance is the brain. To improve its performance, you need to influence the He-gu point. Finding it is easy: if your thumb right hand put between index and thumb left, and place the right index finger on back side left palm pad up. If pain appears when pressing, the point is chosen correctly.

Work on He-gu with the pads of your thumb and index finger for about a minute, then repeat the exercise for the other hand. The impact helps to cope with anxiety, fear, excitement, restores self-confidence and concentration. You can perform the exercise every time you need to overcome negative emotions.

The Le Que point lies in the pulse area. Massaging radius, find the most painful place, impact on which in the morning will help you quickly recover from sleep, cope with swelling and muscle numbness. To stimulate the brain, massage the fingertips: strong pressure for 3-7 seconds improves memory, observation, concentration, and the ability to think. Also, to improve attention and memory, you can alternately squeeze the pad of your thumb with your index, middle, ring and little fingers. Then use the pad of the thumb to press on the base of the fingers from the outside. Each exercise is repeated for one hand 20-25 times.

How to Boost Your Energy

Massage the He-gu point clockwise in a circular motion for 2-5 minutes. Pain and even numbness may occur during the massage, but this normal reaction for irritation and not a reason to stop the procedure.

To relieve fatigue and increase emotional stamina, work capacity and potential, massage the points located on both sides of the nail plate of the little finger. For the work to be successful, it is better to place your hand on a flat surface, and use the fingertips of your second hand to simultaneously press on both points. Working time with each little finger is from 2 to 4 minutes.

To normalize heart function, improve mood and eliminate negative emotions You can massage the central point of the palm. This area is the main area for acupressure.

The location diagram can be found in the atlas or on websites dedicated to palmistry and acupressure practices.

How to get rid of headaches

Massaging the points for headaches is effective if it is not caused by vascular diseases, infectious diseases or elevated blood pressure. The He-gu point is worked for about 2 minutes by alternating pressure and relaxation. Vigorous rubbing of all fingers, starting with the nail segment of the little finger of the right hand, helps a lot for throbbing pain in the head.

How to relieve skin inflammation

To improve the condition of the skin, you need to influence the active points on the palms associated with the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system, lymphatic system And reproductive organs. Problems with the gallbladder can also trigger the appearance of inflammatory processes on the skin. Elaboration reflex zones reduces slagging in the body, eliminates infections and stimulates the production of steroids.

Central and bottom part palms vigorously massage, performing up to 70 active movements for each hand. Massaging your palms with a small ball helps a lot - it can be a golf or tennis ball. It is held between the palms, rotated, squeezed, and the pressure is released. The exercise is repeated from 59 to 70 times.

How to help with an upset stomach

The entry point to the intestines is located on the hill of the inner side of the palm between the ring and middle fingers. Energy meridian The intestine passes through the central part without affecting the main hills. The exit point lies between the bases of the ring and little fingers. In case of indigestion, stomach pain or heaviness in the abdomen, this area is massaged in a circular motion, and for the prevention of diseases, daily work in the morning before breakfast is necessary.

In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the area that is responsible for the digestive organs is massaged for 7 to 9 minutes. Additionally, a point located in the central part of the palm and at the base of the thumb is pierced. Removes discomfort in the stomach and an exercise during which a small elastic ball is rolled between the palms. This technique fills the area with energy solar plexus and the entire food tract.

How to deal with insomnia

To relieve fatigue, emotional stress and improve sleep by massaging a special acupuncture point on the hands. The pairs are located on the little finger: one lies outside, and the second lies inside the nail bed. You need to act on them simultaneously for about 2-3 minutes. Another point is located on the inside of the palm, in the cavity between the index and thumb. When you click on it, it appears severe pain. Apply pressure to the point for about 2 minutes using slow circular movements.

How to cope with stress

The fingertips of both hands are associated with the work of the central and autonomic nervous system, and gently rubbing them will quickly calm you down, restore balance of strength, and concentrate your thoughts. To overcome anxiety, you need to massage the little finger of your right hand from top to bottom, and to restore breathing and hormonal balance The golf ball is rolled between the thumb and index finger.


During a session at home, the rule is that one point is affected for no more than 15 seconds, and the exercise is repeated up to 4 times. There are 2 types of effects on BAP:

  • Exciting, which is achieved with a short and strong pressure;
  • Soothing, which is the result of gentle and prolonged pressure.

Acupressure often involves vigorous rubbing of all fingers and palms, since there are many areas on the surface of the skin. nerve endings and reflex zones.

There are 3 AT groups on the thumb, and 4 on the rest: at the base and on the joints of the fingers. Activate them one by one, starting from the inside of the palm. The point is worked out by pinching it between the thumb and index finger, and the rest are used for emphasis. The palms begin to knead from the central part of the left hand. There are 3 important points in this area: at the supporting tubercle, in the center and at the base of the middle finger.

Full self-massage of the hand includes:

  • Massaging each finger;
  • Massaging the palm and its base;
  • Massaging hills and energy lines;
  • Massaging the wrist, forearm, elbow joint and shoulder.

Biologically active points on the hands are associated with different organs and systems, their development improves the functioning of the corresponding body segment. Acupressure of fingers at home is used in different situations:

  • If your knees hurt, you can rub them middle joint ring finger;
  • If the knees bend poorly, then the middle joint ring fingers Seeds of tomato, carrot or red pepper are attached using adhesive tape;
  • To prevent respiratory diseases, knead the pads of 4 fingers of the palm, without affecting the thumb;
  • To reduce appetite, massage the tip of the little finger, first clockwise and then counterclockwise;
  • To reduce toothache, massage the area around the nail plate. Massaging should take at least 3 minutes;
  • To improve performance thyroid gland work on the point on the bend between the upper and middle phalanx of the thumb and middle finger;
  • To improve liver function, massage the pads of the middle and index fingers.

To activate biologically active points on the palm, you need to do a simple exercise of rolling jade massage balls several times a day. It is enough to spend 5-7 minutes each time to improve the body’s condition, harmonize, get rid of negative thought forms, stress, fears and painful sensations. This simple practice allows the positive energy of jade to resonate in the cells of the body, which leads to the launch of regenerative processes and rejuvenation of the entire body.

If you clench your hand into a fist, the pads of your fingers will involuntarily press on the point in the center of your palm, which is responsible for good spirits. Just a few massaging movements and you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

If you want to stay warm, a heat point will help. It is located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Impact on this area will allow heat to quickly spread throughout the body.

In addition, this point is responsible for feelings of anxiety. By pressing on it, the excitement will “disappear” and calmness and balance will take its place.

In total, there are about 700 biologically active points on the human body. The largest number of magical places are located on the hands, feet, and ears. Each point is responsible for the work of a particular organ. As a result of acupressure (reflexotherapy) you can relieve pain and normalize work nervous system, stop inflammatory processes in the body and even increase resistance to viruses and infections.

According to doctors, this method of self-medication can be used as first aid. You just need to know correct location points and pressure. By the way, if you felt a “vital” point during the massage slight pain or numbness, don't be alarmed. This means you are on the right track.

Dots or needles?

Some compare the method of pressing on biologically active points with acupuncture. Unlike needle treatment acupressure does not require deep medical knowledge. Just look at the picture with the points indicated and try the method on yourself. Besides this, this procedure painless and externally safe.

How to press on a point

The Chinese divide the degrees of action into treatment points in three ways:

  • at acute pain and at primary treatment shown application of lung circular massage of the point, which is carried out with the tip of the index finger. The duration of the massage is from one to five minutes;
  • at chronic diseases, depending, however, on general condition person, it is best and most reliable to use acupressure of medium strength. Multiple massages throughout the day are recommended. Duration - up to thirty (depending on the circumstances) seconds;
  • strong pressure is applied mainly with the thumb. However, in special cases other options are possible. When the desired point is found on the body, lightly touch the tip of the index finger or thumb skin, then begin to make circular movements with a finger, shifting the skin relative to the skin or muscle tissue the rhythm is two revolutions per second. In this case, you should pay attention to ensuring that the finger always remains on one (necessary) point of the body. When applying symmetrical pressure on the points, you should be especially careful.


Look at your brush.
Thumb- this is the head and neck.
Palm - body and internal organs.
Index and middle fingers- projection of the arm and leg.
At the same time, right hand is responsible for right half body, left - behind the left.

Heart point
You can normalize the heartbeat by pressing the pad of the upper phalanx of the little finger.

Head point
If you have a headache, try massaging the area between your thumb and index finger. Place the thumb on the back of the hand, the index finger on the palm (the middle of the life line). To achieve quick effect you need to massage the point for 2-3 minutes with a certain force. If you feel pain when pressing, the point has been found.

For toothache, try rubbing the point located on the back of your hand under your index finger. Massage will temporarily relieve the pain, but will not affect the cause.

Sexy point
Oddly enough, but this point is located on the ring finger of the right hand, on which they wear wedding ring. The place of pressure is just below the base of the nail. Light massage energy point will increase attraction to the opposite sex.

Urogenital point
For genitourinary pathologies, try activating the point located between the tubercles of the ring and middle fingers. Pain when pressed will indicate the development of an inflammatory process.

Feeling point
To restore general well-being, you need to rub your wrists. Here are the points responsible for the balance of forces and energy in the body. Sometimes the impact on this point is compared to contrast shower: such an effective effect.

Massaging your fingertips will help get rid of a runny nose and sore throat. Just a few times of this massage during the day, and you will feel the disease begin to recede.

Point of view
The middle part of the middle finger is responsible for our eyes. Throughout the day, especially if you work at a computer, massage these areas. This will help relieve eye strain.


Massage auricle comparable to the rescue service: quickly and efficiently. Impact on the points will help you relax or cheer up, relieve fatigue or come to your senses during a stressful situation.

The point of a cheerful morning
Will help you wake up faster in the morning light massage ears. Add to it a warm-up of the lobes (pulling, circular movements) and you are more energetic than ever.

Restful sleep point
Massage the lobe at its base (closest to the hard cartilage) clockwise for 3-4 minutes. A massage will allow you to calm down and relax.

Point of view
The central part of the earlobe is responsible for our eyes. Massaging this area promotes speedy relaxation and recovery after tiring work.

Toothache point
5 minutes of massage of the upper edge of the ear on the side where the tooth hurts, and the pain is gone.

Heart and lung point
It’s easy to find these points: inside the ear, closer to the back of the head. Pressing the index finger on this place stimulates the work of the heart muscle and lungs. Massage is effective for arrhythmia, hypertension, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Anti-smoking point
Pressing the cartilage at the bottom of the auricle, just above the earlobe, will help reduce mental dependence from nicotine. In addition, massage causes an aversion to tobacco smoke.


I think you've noticed how when you massage your feet, you feel a connection with certain authorities. This normal phenomenon, since the feet are the conductors of our body. Here is located greatest number biologically active points. Therefore, self-massage begins in the morning, when we get out of bed, and ends when we sit down or lie down.

Chinese medicine has long paid attention to this fact. Human skin is equipped with many important points that are associated with internal organs and allow you to influence their condition.

This technique has a lot in common with acupuncture. For independent health monitoring, it is important to know which internal organs each point is connected to. Their five-minute massage allows you to influence the state of the body and general health. In this case, breathing should be calm and measured.

1. On the outside of the base of the thumb

Here is the point that takes pictures depressive state, anxiety, allows you to survive stressful situation. Let us add that with its help you can relieve headaches, pain in the stomach and pancreas.

2. From the outer side of the first phalanx of the thumb

Massaging this point helps relieve coughs, improve breathing, and affect thyroid function.

3. On the inside of the third phalanx of the index finger

It is associated with the kidneys and bladder. If there are problems in this area, we give a light massage and the condition will noticeably improve. It is recommended to massage it for back and muscle pain, heartburn and dental problems, in a state of anxiety and mental stress.

4. On the inner side of the third phalanx of the middle finger

The area of ​​responsibility of this point is the liver and gallbladder. In addition, it helps to cope with indecision and irritation, migraine pain and menstrual cramps. Her massage has a positive effect on blood flow and vision.

5. On the inside of the third phalanx of the ring finger

6.On the inner side of the third phalanx of the little finger

The point on this finger is connected to the heart, small intestine, helps from pain in the throat, from aching bones. Uncertainty, preoccupation with some problems and anxiety are also eliminated by massaging this point.

7. On the lower part of the palm at the base of the hand

Massage in this area can influence blood sugar.

8. In the center of the palm

Light pressure and massage of this point affects the functions of the digestive system and reduces the intensity of pain in the stomach.

9. On the Hill of Venus

One more important point, which can influence the condition endocrine system and functions of the heart muscle.



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