Freshly squeezed orange juice, diluted. Proper consumption of freshly squeezed juice

The popularity of juices is growing and growing. Moreover, the regular consumption of vegetables and fruits in in different forms, including in the form of juices, the system calls healthy eating. On the one hand, it seems that regular consumption of juices and fruits is not a cheap pleasure. On the other hand, there is nothing more valuable than health. And compared to many products that are not entirely healthy for health, juices, fruits and vegetables cost pennies.

Orange juice can rightfully be recognized as the most popular juice in the world. After all, for large quantity For people, the first picture that pops up before their eyes when they hear the phrase “a glass of fresh juice” is a glass of orange juice. It has everything you need - an uplifting aroma, a delicious sweet and sour taste, a huge amount vitamins so necessary for our beauty and health!

Benefits of orange juice

Freshly squeezed orange juice contains vitamins A and C in abundance. In slightly smaller amounts, this juice contains B vitamins (B6, B2, B1), vitamins K and E, biotin, folic acid, inositol, niacin, bioflonoid and eleven essential amino acids. In addition, orange juice contains trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.
Thanks to a large amount of vitamin C, orange juice helps improve immunity, fights fatigue, especially chronic fatigue syndrome, and strengthens blood vessels. Orange juice is often prescribed for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
It is recommended for people suffering from joint diseases, liver, lung and skin diseases. Orange juice is also indicated for the treatment of anemia and some other pathologies of the blood system. I note that we're talking about specifically about freshly squeezed orange juice, and not the kind sold in the store.
Is orange juice safe if consumed in large quantities?
No. Like everyone food product Moreover, a product saturated with biologically active compounds, orange juice has indications and contraindications, and a dosage regimen. The optimal amount of orange juice that a person can drink during the week is from 3 to 6 small glasses (150-200 ml).

The harm of orange juice

Freshly squeezed orange juice is not recommended for people with high acidity gastric juice suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers and duodenum. In addition, orange juice is not indicated for almost all intestinal diseases.
If you suffer from one of the diseases listed above, but still cannot deny yourself orange juice, do not forget to dilute it by half.

Orange juice, just like all other fruit juices, has one important drawback. The fact is that orange juice contains a lot of sugar. At the same time, the amount of fiber, which can slow down its absorption, is very small. All this leads to the fact that excess orange juice can easily cause the development of obesity or type II diabetes.
It should be noted that in terms of the risk of diabetes or obesity, orange juice is one of the most dangerous fruit juices. So if you compare it with apple juice, it turns out that orange juice is almost twice as dangerous.
What I noticed... Many of us observed a certain “ritual” in foreign films, when a person woke up, went to the refrigerator and drank a glass of orange juice, as if “for vigor and benefit.” Did you follow this example? In vain. To avoid all sorts of publications, it is best to drink a warm drink in the morning. boiled water. This will clear your stomach and throat from mucus accumulated at night and “wake up” your digestive system. The juice will only cause irritation and even heartburn if you drink it on an empty stomach.
And yet... A piece of sun in a glass - what could be better when you are not feeling well?

The popularity of juices is growing and growing. Moreover, the healthy nutrition system calls for regular consumption of vegetables and fruits in various forms, including in the form of juices. On the one hand, it seems that regular consumption of juices and fruits is not a cheap pleasure. On the other hand, there is nothing more valuable than health. And compared to many products that are not entirely healthy for health, juices, fruits and vegetables cost pennies. Orange juice can rightfully be recognized as the most popular juice in the world. Indeed, for a large number of people, the first picture that pops up before their eyes when they hear the phrase “a glass of fresh juice” is a glass of orange juice. It has everything you need - an uplifting aroma, a delicious sweet and sour taste, a huge amount of vitamins so necessary for our beauty and health!

The benefits of orange juice. Freshly squeezed orange juice contains vitamins A and C in abundance. In slightly smaller quantities, this juice contains B vitamins (B6, B2, B1), vitamins K and E, biotin, folic acid, inositol, niacin, bioflonoid and eleven essential amino acids. In addition, orange juice contains trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Thanks to a large amount of vitamin C, orange juice helps improve immunity, fights fatigue, especially chronic fatigue syndrome, and strengthens blood vessels. Orange juice is often prescribed for hypertension and atherosclerosis. It is recommended for people suffering from joint diseases, liver, lung and skin diseases. Orange juice is also indicated for the treatment of anemia and some other pathologies of the blood system. Let me note that we are talking about freshly squeezed orange juice, and not the kind sold in the store.

Is orange juice safe if consumed in large quantities? No. Like any food product, especially a product saturated with biologically active compounds, orange juice has indications, contraindications, and dosage regimens. The optimal amount of orange juice that a person can drink during the week is from 3 to 6 small glasses (150-200 ml).

The harm of orange juice. Freshly squeezed orange juice is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice, gastritis or gastric and duodenal ulcers. In addition, orange juice is not indicated for almost all intestinal diseases. If you suffer from one of the diseases listed above, but still cannot deny yourself orange juice, do not forget to dilute it by half.

Orange juice, just like all other fruit juices, has one important drawback. The fact is that orange juice contains a lot of sugar. At the same time, the amount of fiber, which can slow down its absorption, is very small. All this leads to the fact that excess orange juice can easily cause the development of obesity or type II diabetes.

It should be noted that in terms of the risk of diabetes or obesity, orange juice is one of the most dangerous fruit juices. So if you compare it with apple juice, it turns out that orange juice is almost twice as dangerous. What I noticed... Many of us observed a certain “ritual” in foreign films, when a person woke up, went to the refrigerator and drank a glass of orange juice, as if “for vigor and benefit.” Did you follow this example? In vain. To avoid all kinds of publications, it is best to drink warm boiled water in the morning. This will clear your stomach and throat of mucus that has accumulated at night and “wake up” your digestive system. The juice will only cause irritation and even heartburn if you drink it on an empty stomach. And yet... A piece of sun in a glass - what could be better when you are not feeling well?

Freshly squeezed orange juice (fresh), due to its rich composition, is one of the most healthy drinks for human health. It contains in abundance the necessary for normal operation body substances and microelements: vitamins A, B, C and E, iron and zinc, copper and manganese, fluorine and phosphorus, potassium and calcium, iodine and sodium, organic acids and starch. By regularly and correctly consuming fresh oranges, you can significantly strengthen your immune system, prevent vitamin deficiency and reduce the risk of developing many diseases.

Beneficial properties of orange drink

The benefits of the drink for human health are as follows:

  • Strengthens the immune system. Taking fresh juice reduces the human body’s susceptibility to viral infections and minimizes the risk of colds.
  • Promotes weight loss. Minimum quantity proteins, fats and carbohydrates makes freshly squeezed orange juice a low-calorie drink and allows you to use it to get rid of extra pounds. Eating fresh juice helps improve intestinal function and normalize metabolism.
  • Strengthens and expands the walls blood vessels . This property of juice when it frequent use helps reduce risk internal bleeding and formation of hematomas. The drink is especially useful for smokers due to its strengthening effect on blood vessels. Its regular use prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system: prevents the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart, heart failure.
  • Prevents depression. Fresh juice replenishes the body with energy, gives strength and improves mood. Its regular use helps to cope with apathy more easily, chronic fatigue and stress, preventing them from turning into prolonged depression.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The skin acquires a healthy color, excessive dryness, acne and age spots disappear.

    Drinking juice from fresh oranges has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems. It is indicated for use in cases of vitamin deficiency and anemia, increased blood pressure and atherosclerosis in order to restore the functions of the lungs and liver, for joint diseases and to eliminate inflammation of the oral mucosa. Citrus nectar cleanses the body of poisons and toxic substances, helps get rid of constipation, improves potency and prevents cancer.

    Indications for use of freshly squeezed juice

    Orange juice is used not only for internal, but also for external use in cosmetology.

    Indications for use of citrus drink:

    Indication Rules of use
    Strengthening immunity, vitamin deficiencyIt is recommended to consume fresh orange juice 3-4 times a week, 1-1.5 glasses per day. Children over 3 years old are allowed to drink no more than half a glass of drink every other day.
    Strengthening potencyTo maintain sexual strength, men are recommended to drink 1.5-2 glasses every other day.
    Weight lossPeople with overweight You should drink a citrus drink 2 times a day, 1 glass. It is recommended to take this dose every other day.
    Prevention of liver diseases and cardiovascular pathologiesIt is recommended to take orange juice 2-3 times a week. Its use will strengthen blood vessels and cleanse cells internal organs and enriches them with missing microelements
    Skin cleansing and rejuvenation

    Women should drink 1 glass of fresh juice every other day. Fresh juice You need to wipe your face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Procedure:

    1. 1. Soak a cotton swab in the juice and wipe your face thoroughly with it.
    2. 2. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask warm water without adding soap.

    Cleansing should be done once a week before bedtime. Regular use of this product will help restore skin cells and prevent it early aging, improve color skin and restore elasticity, get rid of acne and age spots

    Dry skin

    You need to prepare a moisturizing mask:

    1. 1. Mix 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and the juice of one orange.
    2. 2. The mixture must be applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes.
    3. 3. Remove the mask using cotton wool and wash your face with warm water
    Oily skin
    1. 1. Mix the components until a mixture thick as sour cream is formed.
    2. 2. The resulting product is applied to problematic skin for 15 minutes. After this time, the mixture is washed off with clean, cool water.

    The maximum amount of drink consumed internally should not exceed 2 liters per week for an adult.

    Important: when purchasing oranges for a drink, it is recommended to choose fruits average size. They are heavier than large fruits, as they contain more juice and sugar, which makes their effect on the gastric mucosa less aggressive.

    It is necessary to carefully monitor the body's reaction after eating oranges and drinking them. In case of side effects And allergic reaction it is necessary to reduce the amount of juice consumed and reduce its concentration.


    It is important to understand that if the permissible norm Drinking orange juice can cause significant harm to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe not only the rules for preparing fresh juice, but also its intake. Excessive indulgence in citrus drinks can lead to the development diabetes mellitus and obesity.

    Despite the presence of numerous useful properties, it is recommended to refrain from drinking juice in the following cases:

    • For increased stomach acidity, gastritis and peptic ulcers. Aggressive effects on the gastric walls will provoke an exacerbation of the existing disease.
    • If you are allergic to oranges and have a tendency to have an allergic reaction to exotic fruits. Consumption of orange juice for individual intolerance dangerous due to the appearance of profuse rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching and swelling. Taking a drink at severe allergies may provoke anaphylactic shock.
    • For diabetes mellitus. It is necessary to coordinate the consumption of juice with the supervising physician. In some cases, doctors allow the consumption of orange drink, strictly establishing permissible dosage and concentration.
    • During pregnancy. Citrus nectar can negatively affect the development of the fetus and lead to the child becoming allergic to oranges and other citrus fruits in the future.
    • During lactation. Indulging in orange juice for a breastfeeding mother can provoke a severe allergic reaction in the infant.

    In the presence of the above contraindications, with the permission of a doctor, drink the drink diluted in half with water.


    You can prepare orange juice yourself using a blender or juicer, or purchase a ready-made drink at grocery store. Fresh juice prepared at home is much healthier, since, unlike store-bought products, it does not contain preservatives and chemicals, extending its shelf life.

    Important: you need to choose ripe citrus fruits for drinks. It is recommended to dilute all fresh juices in equal proportions with mineral still water. If the orange mass turns out to be very liquid, then it is diluted as follows: 2/3 of the juice is mixed with 1/3 of the water.

    To prepare the drink at home, you need to thoroughly wash the fruits, pour boiling water over them and wipe dry. To make juice in a juicer, you need to clean required quantity peel the fruits, cut them into 2 parts and load them into the device. The resulting mass is combined with the required volume of water.

    To obtain fresh juice using a blender, washed citrus fruits are cut into pieces and crushed using the device. The resulting mixture should be strained through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and diluted with water.

    Important: a fresh drink must be drunk within 15-20 minutes. This is how long the juice retains all its vitamins, nutrients and microelements. After this period, they are destroyed.

    You can increase the lifespan of beneficial properties by adding a pinch of citric acid. For storage it is recommended to use glass jar or a bottle that needs to be capped and placed in the refrigerator. This method will extend the period of maintenance useful substances until 7-8 o'clock. Storing in a metal container will lead to oxidation and loss of nectar benefits.

    Rules for using fresh juice

    In order for a freshly squeezed drink to bring only benefits, you must strictly follow the rules for taking it. Juice should not be drunk:

    • To the hungrystomach. Drinking citrus juice on an empty stomach will irritate the stomach walls. It is recommended to drink juice 30-40 minutes after breakfast.
    • Immediately after eating. Mixing food with a citrus drink will provoke a fermentation process in the stomach.
    • Just before going to bed. You should drink orange juice at least 1.5-2 hours before going to bed at night. Otherwise, taking it will lead to swelling and fermentation. Best option– drink orange drinks in the morning.

    You can't drink fresh juice every day. You should take them once every 2-3 days. It is strongly recommended to use a straw to drink juices. This measure will help protect tooth enamel from the harmful effects of organic acids, preventing its destruction.

    To prevent an allergic reaction, in the first days of taking the drink, it is recommended to consume 2-3 tablespoons of it. After a week, the volume is doubled. After 10-15 days, the portion is adjusted to 1 glass.

    By following the above rules, you can reduce possible harm to a minimum and extract maximum benefit from a fruit drink.

Orange juice is a real rock star among fresh juices of all stripes. A sip of this drink is firmly entrenched in the mind as the best morning recharge, helping to wake up, cheer up and start a new day energetically. The refreshing and sweet taste of orange juice is complemented by a good dose of vitamins, which replenish the required daily requirement in many respects.

Since ancient times in the East, orange juice was considered medicine and was used to restore internal organs after illness and skin after wounds and burns. However, like any medicine, the drink has contraindications and limitations. Let's figure out what outweighs orange juice - benefit or harm?

Benefits of orange juice for the body

The drink contains an amazing composition of components that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of many life support systems. Freshly squeezed orange juice resembles vitamin bomb, healing everything that falls within its area of ​​action. Let's take a closer look at what the benefits of this fresh juice are:

1. Orange juice is beneficial cardiovascular system, strengthening the muscle itself and the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the blood of cholesterol.

2. Thanks high content vitamin C (one glass includes daily norm ascorbic acid) the drink has a strengthening effect on immune system, carries out rehabilitation work after complicated illnesses.

3. The benefits for women include an amazing taste: the citrus smell will help weaken the less pleasant aroma of other components dietary dishes and drinks.

The “Korolek” variety of orange is famous for its ability to speed up metabolism and actively burn body fat, leaving a feeling of fullness.

4. The antioxidant qualities of fresh juice increase the duration cell cycle and do not allow premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles.

5. The drink helps normalize functioning nervous system, increases the level of resistance to depression and fatigue, especially against the background of vitamin deficiency and exhaustion of the body.

6. The acids contained in orange juice increase gastric secretion and normalize intestinal function, improving the process of cleaning the gastrointestinal tract from deposits toxic substances, eliminating the problem of constipation.

7. Fresh food hinders development urolithiasis and outputs excess liquid from the body.

Thus, orange juice puts barriers to the development of many diseases:

It is worth noting that in addition to freshly squeezed orange juice, you can drink packaged orange juice, making sure that this drink natural. The safest formulations in the designation of the composition are: “directly pressed extract”, “reconstituted juice”. The more natural ingredients in the list ( citric acid, sugar), the healthier product. Give preference to glass packaging.

Harmful effects of the drink

Every coin has two sides. The benefits and harms of orange juice are closely related and impose a number of restrictions on the use of the product. We recommend that you spend special attention list of negative properties:

1. Increased acidity product has a negative impact on the flow chronic diseases stomach (ulcer, gastritis).

2. The harm of orange juice lies in its high sugar content, so excessive consumption of the drink can lead to weight gain or type 2 diabetes. If you have problems with blood glucose levels, it is better to refrain from including the product in your diet.

3. Fresh leaves a thin acidic film on the teeth, which destroys the enamel and, as a result, increases the sensitivity threshold of the “exposed” ones. nerve endings. To avoid complications, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water after drinking the juice.

4. Children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should be given the drink with special care: being a strong allergen, orange juice can cause more harm than good.

Proper consumption of freshly squeezed juice

Factory-produced packaged juice is subjected to heat treatment and filtration, which slightly reduces the final level positive properties, but makes the product safer.

Concentrated fresh juice can act as a strong irritant for the digestive organs, provoking the emergence of new complications against the background high acidity. It is extremely important to follow the norms and rules for drinking orange juice so as not to harm your health:

2. Optimal time for juice - between breakfast and a snack before lunch. Fresh juice drunk immediately after eating can provoke fermentation in the intestines.

3. Drinking orange juice before bed will cause harm due to extreme thirst: Drinking large quantities of water at night will cause swelling. An acceptable option is a small diluted glass 2 hours before going to bed.

4. The limiting norm for the drink is to take it every other day without exceeding the volume of half a liter per day.

5. Orange juice should be drunk through a straw (minimum damage to teeth) and, preferably, in diluted form: proportion 1:1 or with the addition of a third of water from the total volume.

When losing weight, the regimen for taking fresh juice in the morning is as follows: tea - 30 minutes - orange juice (half a glass) - 30 minutes - meal. Repeat three times a day, following the recommendation half an hour away from food, but not daily. Be aware of the sugar content of the product. Mix cocktails from orange, apple, beetroot, grapefruit.

Every fifth person on the planet drinks orange juice. When you mention juice, you immediately associate it with orange juice. Almost every home has a solar drink. And many people drink it in the morning for breakfast. But like every product, juice has contraindications. Does orange juice benefit the body, or is it harmful?

Orange juice is rich in its composition. It contains microelements and vitamins, without which the human body cannot function normally.


  • manganese
  • cobalt
  • iron
  • sodium
  • phosphorus
  • calcium
  • potassium


  • vitamin group A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, H, E, C,
  • Beta carotene,
  • Vitamin RR.

It also contains:

  • starch
  • organic acid
  • mono- and disaccharides
  • ash and dietary fiber.

The calorie content of juice per hundred grams is 60 kcal. Due to its low calorie content, the juice can be used in fasting days, in order to reduce body weight.

Useful properties

  1. Due to the rich composition of orange juice strengthens the immune system, helps with fatigue, strengthens blood vessels.
  2. The juice is recommended for consumption by people who have diseases of the heart, blood vessels, joints, liver, skin and lungs.
  3. P for blood diseases Orange juice also helps.
  4. Works great with constipation in people of any age.
  5. For smoking people juice is a lifesaver. Of course, juice won’t help you quit smoking, but you can quickly remove nicotine from your body. It will also strengthen the capillary walls of blood vessels, which are less elastic due to smoking.
  6. Because of great content Potassium and ascorbic acid juice is beneficial for hypertension, gout, atherosclerosis. Excellent for lowering cholesterol.


Freshly squeezed orange juice can be used for disinfection of wounds, since it has antimicrobial properties and contains phytoncide. Orange is used for these substances in medicine, industry and cosmetology.

For gastritis You need to mix orange peel, valerian roots, mint leaves and watch in equal parts. Brew ten grams per two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. Drink strained three times a day.

For illnesses respiratory tract you need to do inhalations. Brew orange peel and orange tree leaves. Breathe in pairs for thirty minutes.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil perfectly fights fatigue, depression and protects against viral diseases. Apply the oil to cotton pads and spread around the room.

For lead poisoning, a decoction of orange peels will help. Fifty grams of dry peel are placed in half a liter of boiling water and boiled for five minutes, then infused and filtered. You need to drink a glass every five hours.


As with any product, there are benefits and harms, drinking orange juice in large quantities is contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases; it contains high acidity.

Juice is also high in sugar, which can cause type 2 diabetes or obesity. Orange juice causes allergies.

  1. gastritis
  2. allergy
  3. diabetes mellitus
  4. Take with caution during pregnancy
  5. during breastfeeding can cause severe allergies in the child.

It is better not to drink juice at night, as it causes fermentation in the intestines. And retains water in the body. It is better to drink juice 2 hours before bedtime.

Everything is good in moderation. There is no need to abuse orange juice and drink it every day, observing the dosage.

How to make a drink from 4 oranges

The juice served with breakfast is very healthy; it will help you wake up and perk up after the night. Strengthens the immune system and relieves fatigue.

For preparation you will need four oranges.

  1. Pre-wash the fruits with soapy water. Soap for the solution can be purchased at the supermarket, it is called “soap for vegetables and fruits.”
  2. Place the oranges in the freezer overnight. In the morning, grind in a blender along with the zest.
  3. Pour three liters of purified water and leave for thirty minutes.
  4. Strain the drink well until complete cleansing from the pulp.
  5. Add another six liters of cold water.
  6. To this mixture add one kilogram of sugar and five grams of citric acid.
  7. Pour into bottles and put in the refrigerator.

The juice is ready for breakfast.

You can drink it instead of water; this drink will quench your thirst well.

Orange juice in a juicer

Fruits need to be washed. Afterwards, the oranges are peeled and placed in a juicer. The juice is ready to drink.

Shelf life of orange juice:

  • Freshly squeezed orange juice cannot be stored; it must be drunk within fifteen minutes. If this is not done, the juice will lose its beneficial properties due to contact with air.
  • Fresh juice is stored for 8 hours, citric acid serves as a barrier to air, there is no contact, the beneficial properties are preserved. Be sure to keep it under the lid to prevent air from entering.
  • You need to store the juice in a glass container in the refrigerator. Do not let juice touch metal containers.

How to drink the juice:

  1. It is recommended to drink juice once every three days.
  2. If you have an allergy, you should drink the juice, starting with one tablespoon, constantly increasing the dose to two hundred milliliters.
  3. It is best to drink the juice through a cocktail straw; due to the acidity, the juice can destroy the enamel.
  4. The juice must be diluted with water one to one; you cannot drink concentrated juice.

Juice for the liver

The liver is very important organ in the human body. If the liver is diseased, then a person’s life turns into existence. The liver is like a filter for the body, through which all wastes and toxins pass, harmful substances. Therefore, the liver needs constant monitoring.

To improve your liver health, you need to drink juices every day. Because of a large percentage vitamin and sugar, and minimal sodium content. This combination has an excellent effect on the condition of the bile ducts.

Orange juice cleanses liver cells well, supplying them with useful macro-microelements and vitamins.

Juice for women's beauty and health

Oranges are very good for women's health, due to the content of a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, eating fruits reduces the risk of stroke. When a woman regularly consumes oranges, the body rejuvenates from the inside. Oranges and juice can also be used in cosmetology.

Freshly prepared orange juice cleanses the skin better than any toner. Thanks to vitamin C, skin cells awaken, improves skin tone and complexion.

Regular use of masks gives the skin freshness and removes signs of fatigue, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. The skin will become elastic and tightened.

Oranges are most suitable for combination and oily skin. The juice will tighten pores and eliminate shine. The juice also fights acne and age spots.

Don't forget to take precautions when using orange juice.

Orange is a citrus fruit and can cause allergies, it is worth checking the reaction as follows. Apply a little juice to the crook of your elbow; if the allergy does not go away within an hour, you can use it.

Juice for masks is used once a week, it cannot be used daily.

Facial cleansing mask

There is no simpler mask. Squeeze the juice of one orange and wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in the juice. Leave for forty-five minutes, wash with water and do not wipe your face.

Skin tone mask

Spread the orange pulp over your face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for twenty or twenty-five minutes. Rinse off the pulp with water.

Use for dry skin

Mix yolk, thicker sour cream and one orange and apply to the face and neck for a while. Wash with a cotton pad or cotton wool.

Mask for oily and combination skin

Yeast is mixed with orange juice to form thick sour cream. Apply to face and leave for fifteen minutes. Wash with cold water.

Face scrub mask

Add a glass of orange juice to a glass of purified water and add oatmeal, the mask should be thick enough to be easy to apply. Massage and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse your face with cold water.

Beneficial properties of orange juice: video

Oranges are a unique citrus fruit; they are not only tasty, but also healthy. Drink orange juice and be healthy and beautiful!



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