Shit Tzu haircuts are short. Rules for cutting a Shih Tzu at home

The long, thick hair of Shih Tzu dogs requires daily attention and care from their owners. To ease the hassle and save time on caring for your pet’s fur coat, experienced dog handlers advise giving your Shih Tzu a haircut. Shortened pile will fall out less when shedding and will less often roll into tangles.

Types of haircuts

Proper care of the fur of your four-legged ward involves regular grooming. A haircut is necessary to give the dog an attractive appearance, prepare it for seasonal weather changes and facilitate sanitary and hygiene procedures.

Depending on the purpose, hair clipping for dogs can be:

  • everyday;
  • demonstration;
  • fantasy.

In order to prevent dermatological diseases, it is recommended to systematically shorten the coat as it grows. A neat hairstyle will help prevent the formation of tangled pieces of lint and will simplify the fulfillment of the animal’s natural physiological needs.

Hygienic trimming is organized 1-2 times a month. This removes hairs:

  • around the anus;
  • in the groin area;
  • on the pads of the paws;
  • in the naso-oral triangle;
  • armpits.

Grooming a dog for an exhibition is entrusted exclusively to a professional groomer. The exhibition success of the Shih Tzu largely depends on his skills.

The maximum scope for flight of imagination is provided by the original type of haircut. Her appearance is often determined by fashion trends, as well as the gender of the ward. Some of the most popular Shih Tzu hairstyles include:

  1. Puppy (summer).
  2. Korean (eastern).
  3. Bear (toy).

An animal that resembles a small puppy always evokes affection among others. This is the most basic way to enhance your pet's attractiveness. A special feature of grooming is the same length of fur throughout the body (2.5–5 cm). The shortened pile relieves the body from overheating in the summer heat. However, the dog’s appearance differs from the standard, so it may not be allowed to participate in the exhibition.

Korean haircut includes

  • fur cuffs on paws;
  • long hair on the head, collected in a braid or ponytail.

A more complex option is to create the appearance of a teddy bear:

  • the muzzle is rounded;
  • on the body and paws the pile is shortened as much as possible.

The hairstyle is perfect for Shih Tzu girls. The long pile on the top of the head is gathered into a ponytail and secured with a hairpin or elastic band.

How to cut your Shih Tzu's hair yourself?

In order to cut your pet's hair yourself at home, you need to acquire a set of accessories and tools required for grooming. The set includes:

  • brush for combing fur;
  • metal comb for removing tangles;
  • scissors with pointed ends for paw pads;
  • scissors with teeth along the edge of the blade (thinning) for creating a voluminous hairstyle;
  • a machine for removing hair all over the body (trimmer) and a set of attachments for it.

Before starting the procedure, all devices are wiped with alcohol for the purpose of disinfection. The place where grooming will be carried out is being prepared. A kitchen table that is waist-high is ideal. The tabletop is covered with a rubber coating.

Before you begin processing the animal's hair, the fur must be thoroughly combed with a stiff brush and untangled hairs. Using a trimmer, carefully remove excess hair throughout the body. The pads on the paws are trimmed with scissors. The ponytail is shaped, it should look even and properly balanced, not sloping to one side. Particular attention is paid to the hairs between the claws. The fur is trimmed with thinning scissors.

The muzzle is trimmed at the final stage. Basic manipulations include:

  1. Thinning and trimming of eyebrows. Eyebrows cannot be completely removed. This will deprive the dog of an important organ of touch.
  2. Shortening the beard in the direction from the ear to the mouth, along an oblique line.
  3. Reducing the length of fur in the naso-oral triangle.
  4. Ear villi are removed.

To properly carry out home grooming, the owner needs to watch a video master class or take several lessons from a professional (video from the UCI Dog and Cat Club channel).

Features of haircuts for dogs - boys and girls

Carrying out grooming involves taking into account the gender of the animal. The procedure will be different for female and male Shih Tzus.

  • Females have long strands of hair on their heads (ponytail, braid) decorated with bows, hairpins, elastic bands and other fasteners. Types: oriental, toy.
  • Males have short hair on the head and in the groin area. Types: “teddy bear”, Korean, summer, “lion”.

The thick hair characteristic of the Shih Tzu breed requires special attention and care from the owner. Systematic coat care begins after the pet reaches the age of 1 year.

  1. Fur combing is carried out daily during the molting period and once every few days at normal times. Using a brush helps prevent the pile from becoming tangled and tangled. If the hairs are very tangled, they are sorted out with a comb, and in difficult cases they are cut with a clipper.
  2. Combing is carried out over slightly moistened fur to prevent damage and electrification.
  3. Frequent brushing makes the coat soft, shiny and silky. The dog looks neat and tidy. The Shih Tzu breed standard provides for straight, long hair throughout the body and short bangs that do not cover the dog's eyes.
  4. To keep the coat clean, they resort to water procedures. Bathing water is heated to 39-40˚C, washing is done in the bathtub. Shampoos, balms, and conditioners are used as special products. Residues of hygiene products can cause irritation on the skin, so the dog is thoroughly dried with a towel and the long fur is dried with a hairdryer.

Do you give your dog haircuts?

Are you the owner of a lively and charming chrysanthemum dog, which is what the Chinese often call it? Then you probably know that the main decoration of your pet is its silky coat. Long and thick, it can be cut in different ways, thereby giving your pet a neat and at the same time charming look. Many interesting images have been invented for the Shih Tzu, and we will focus on the most popular of them.


Teddy bear

Creating the appearance of this dog is a difficult process, but very interesting, because in the end the result is wonderful. Do you want your pet to look like a fluffy toy? “Teddy bear” is one of the options for a home haircut that you can learn to do yourself.

To do this, you need to leave the hair on the head and face of the dog, and cut the hair very short on the body. The long “hair” that remains is usually gathered into a beautiful knot and pinned with a ribbon. The result is an adorable baby that really looks like a teddy bear.

Like a puppy

If your dog does not participate in exhibitions, you can give him a short hairstyle, otherwise known as a “summer” hairstyle. In this case, you just need to cut the dog’s hair along the entire length to 2.5-5 cm, but not shorter. If the hair is cut too short, it will cause skin irritation.

As for the head, its fur can be shaped like a cap. This option will look impressive and will also make it easier for you to care for your pet’s fur. A puppy-style haircut for your Shih Tzu can be an excellent option for the summer when it’s hot - it will be easier for the dog to endure the suffocating weather.


This hairstyle is considered a classic and is actually a Shih Tzu style.

A special feature of this look is the long, well-groomed “hair” that can be gathered into a knot on the dog’s head. Long hair flows throughout the body in the form of a “skirt,” which the owner will have to carefully care for in order for the dog to have a decent appearance. As a rule, only the fur around the eyes and the beard and mustache are cut. Usually they are given an arched shape, but they are always left long.
Look at the photo to see what the pet looks like.

Korean style

If you want your dog to have an unusual look, we offer you the following haircut option. To do this, leave long hair on your pet's head, and use various hairpins to create a Shih Tzu hairstyle. These can be braids with bows at the ends, ponytails in the style of the Japanese heroines of the Sailor Moon cartoon, as well as hairpins along the entire length of the “hair” on the head.

In this case, the cuffs are cut off on the paws, and a short length of fur is left on the body. This Shih Tzu haircut allows you to experiment with the dog's appearance. At the same time, you can also dress her up in funny clothes to complete the look.

Whatever haircut you choose, remember that your pet needs to be looked after. And then he will look great with any “hairstyle”.

Photo gallery

Video “All about fashion for Shih Tzu»

This video will talk about how Shih Tzu dogs get haircuts.

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Well, we’re all talking about exhibitions, but we’re talking about exhibitions! Let's remember that not all Shih Tzus participate in dog shows. Most of the representatives of our beloved and so beautiful breed perform an equally important role - they are family favorites and companions of their owners.

Many owners who decide to end their Shih Tzu's show career decide to cut their dog's hair. And also there are those owners who have never even thought about exhibitions, and even took the dog into the house “for the soul”, who simply do not know how to care for the dog’s long hair. And this is understandable. Moreover, we all know that Shih Tzus are beautiful not only in their coat, but also in their haircut. Grooming a Shih Tzu is practical and convenient!

And then the question immediately arises: what should it be? Shih Tzu haircut?

There are a great variety of Shih Tzu haircuts. “Puppy style”, “teddy bear” (the fur on the body and legs is the same length, otherwise called “Teddy Bear”), “Asian style”- these are just the names of Shih Tzu haircuts that have become more popular lately. So what haircut to choose ? I want to give you some tips on where to start if you have decided that your dog needs a haircut. And whether to accept my advice or not, decide for yourself. Make a small action plan for yourself. It will consist of several points.

If you are reading this article now, it means that you have access to the ability to search on the Internet. And it's great! You have a chance to search! “What to look for?” - you ask. First, let's look Shih Tzu haircuts. Although I mentioned the names of some haircuts above, many of them do not look the same to different groomers. Therefore, it is always better if you have exactly the image of the Shih Tzu haircut that you like best. It’s better if you choose several Shih Tzu haircuts that you think will suit your dog. But here another nuance arises, which you may not know about: not every haircut will suit your dog! As you know, the Shih Tzu breed in our country is very diverse: you can find in the breed both squat large dogs with large, expressive heads, as well as small, long-legged dogs with small heads. If you want your dog to look harmonious in his new haircut, choose one like this haircut which will suit her by type most of all, and will also be able to hide any anatomical flaws that your dog has. For example, your dog has crooked forearms. Then don’t choose a haircut where the dog’s paws will be cut short. Either your dog has a small head, then it will most likely suit Asian style haircut. Search the Internet for photos of a Shih Tzu with a haircut that is most similar in type to your dog. For these purposes, use the search engines Yandex and Google, as well as video hosting YouTube, photo hosting, etc. Save these photos (or videos) on your smartphone or tablet; if possible, print the photos. This will be the FIRST POINT of your action plan.

A very important SECOND STAGE of your plan is search for a groomer! Based on recommendations, or also on the Internet, you can find a groomer who can make your dog a beauty. If what your dog will look like is really important to you, don't go cheap! Look for a professional groomer with many positive reviews who can give your dog a beautiful haircut and at least not disfigure your dog. Oh, would you know how long I was looking for a groomer who would be able to bring my ideas to life! Moscow is not a small city, but then, in 2012, with such a huge number of professionals, I could only find 2 (TWO!) people who knew how to do an Asian-style haircut. Oddly enough, at that time no one really knew about these haircuts. Many owners preferred the classic Shih Tzu haircut - “puppy style”. Well, naturally, most groomers simply did not know how to do other haircuts. But this industry is also developing. And currently in Moscow we can find a huge number of professionals in their field who can fulfill any whim of the owners! Well, then, having saved several photos on my phone that met my expectations, I went to the groomer - Irina Smirnova, which is currently widely known not only among Russian groomers, but also among its foreign colleagues. For me, Irina is a Master with a capital M! Having entrusted mine to Irina, I was not disappointed at all! However, see for yourself!

Irina Smirnova (Moscow) is a world-famous groomer, winner and prize-winner of many Russian and international grooming competitions, master of creative haircuts, coloring, grooming teacher, IGA (International Groomers Association) grooming judge, IGA country leader in Russia.

As I wrote above: don't put at the forefront low cost groomer services, as well as proximity to your home. Should always come first PROFESSIONALISM groomer! Of course, a dog’s hair grows back quickly, but will it be pleasant for you to “admire” for a long time the product of “the labors of a crooked hand”? But a sloppy haircut is not the worst thing. The entire Internet is replete with stories of how crooked groomers mutilated a dog. Therefore, choose a hairdresser very carefully who can give your dog a beautiful haircut! But let's move on to the THIRD POINT of our plan! So, you brought the dog, you have photos of models. What's next? And then show the photo or video to the groomer, discuss with him what you want to get in the end. Trust him! If a groomer says that such a haircut will not suit your dog, listen to him and consult with him. Perhaps he will suggest something else that will satisfy you and look good on your dog. As a regular subscriber to grooming groups on various Internet resources, I can often see what happens in the end if the groomer exactly fulfills the wishes of the owner who does not want to listen to the opinion of the groomer. Sometimes you look at such photos and don’t know what to do - cry or laugh!

I understand that you know your dog better than the groomer. But he has a lot of experience behind him. Perhaps the groomer sees something that you don't see. Know how to trust and find a compromise! And if you approach the implementation of these three points of your plan with all responsibility, then I am sure that you won't be disappointed with the result!
Let's once again refresh our memory on all the points of our plan:

1. We are looking for a photo or video of the image (future haircut), taking into account the type of your dog and its shortcomings;

2. We are looking for a groomer in your region;

3.visit to the groomer, agreeing with him on your “wants”

– these are not just pets, but a breed that gives special chic and status to its owner. Pets are quick-witted and smart, characterized by confidence in their own irresistibility. That is why every owner of such a dog tries to care for him as if he were a person of royal blood. Let's talk today about how to cut your Shih Tzu's hair.

How to trim your Shih Tzu at home

Shih Tzu belongs to. If you got a puppy of this particular breed, then get ready to constantly work with your pet’s fur. However, one should not think that this is a heavy duty. On the contrary, it is a great advantage and a very interesting process.

The main advantage of this breed is its luxurious thick fur, thanks to which they are often called lions.

A small dog can have any hairstyle - like a puppy, a teddy bear or a teddy bear, and the dog will look harmonious in any image. In general, cutting a Shih Tzu is a creative matter.

To maintain an elegant appearance, constant, expensive coat care is required, this is especially important for show dogs.

Grooming a Shih Tzu at home suggests the following sequence:

  • carrying out hygiene procedures - washing, drying and combing;
  • determination of cutting zones and lengths on each part of the body;
  • if you are cutting a Shih Tzu like a puppy, the length of the fur should be the same everywhere;
  • When using the American standard, the hair on the back to the midline of the sides is cut to the line of the moire pattern. The paws are not cut, but only trimmed;
  • cutting must be done with a clipper using movements directed from the tail;
  • the lower border of the Shih Tzu's hairstyle runs along the inguinal line of the hind legs and above the line of the claws along the front legs;
  • then you need to cut the chest and neck area. The procedure is performed by the machine from bottom to top. The boundaries are the transition of the neck area to the mouth and the beginning of the ears on the sides;
  • on the paws it is necessary to carefully trim the cover between the claws;
  • cut the base of the tail;
  • This is followed by careful trimming in the area of ​​the nose and eyes;
  • The last stage will be thinning the fur on the paws, ears and tail. Movements should be directed from top to bottom.

After the procedure, you need to comb and style your hair again, you can decorate it with bright accessories and bows.

Everyday haircuts

Like , everyday grooming for Shih Tzu dogs involves a standard trim to ensure the dog’s comfort and to give him a well-groomed appearance. This procedure should be performed 1-2 times a month, depending on the rate of fur growth. It is recommended for all pets to have this hairstyle in order to prevent tangles and matting, as well as to ensure that the dog always looks attractive and neat.

The daily styling procedure involves trimming overgrown hair under the paws, at the base of the tail, in the groin area and between the claws.

Show haircut or exhibition option

Today, model or show haircuts are popular among show dogs. They assume that the hairdresser will implement the most daring ideas and give your pet a non-standard look. This hairstyle attracts the attention of everyone around and stands out for its originality.

For example, let's offer this option:

  • the mustache and beard are cut in a semicircle along an arc;
  • the hair around the eyes is cut using the hair method;
  • a “skirt” is cut on the chest;
  • on the sides the coat is cut short and the length smoothly transitions to the length of the “skirt”. sudden changes in length are not allowed;
  • the hair on the paws is left short and the hair on the groin is almost completely shaved off;
  • Long hair remains on the head, from which a tail is made and secured with bright hairpins or elastic bands.

A peculiarity of exhibition specimens of dogs is that they are not cut, but only the ends are trimmed and combed regularly to maintain the beauty of the hair.

Interesting photo

Tips and tricks for haircuts. What to do and what mistakes there are

In this part of the article we will tell you how to cut a Shih Tzu and the basic requirements for proper coat care: it is necessary to cut in the direction of fur growth from top to bottom;

One of the most popular is the Shih Tzu puppy hairstyle. The main advantage of this image is that there is no need for special skills to perform it at home.


  • body hair is cut to the same length, approximately 3 cm;
  • the top of the head is cut in the form of a beret.

This style is especially appropriate on hot summer days, when a dog with long hair feels hot and uncomfortable.

Another type of puppy hairstyle would be the modern style look. The dog's legs are cut into perfect symmetrical pants, the hair inside the ears is trimmed, and a burgher's mustache is created on the face. The result is not a cute little puppy, but a pretty young teenager. Although at the same time, the haircut of a Shih Tzu puppy has the same features.

Teddy bear

Another common look would be the teddy bear haircut for the Shih Tzu. The main distinguishing feature is the creation of a plush effect by cutting thick hair to the same length throughout the body.


  • on the body the length remains approximately 5 cm;
  • the fur on the head, muzzle, ears and tail is trimmed in compliance with symmetrical proportions;
  • The hairs inside the ears are cut off almost completely. This is necessary not only from a hygienic point of view, but also to avoid unnecessary protruding ears with an overall balanced image.

There are no specially developed standards regarding these hairstyles. The main requirement for their implementation is compliance with symmetry and harmonious appearance.

Classic show haircut

The exhibition version of Shih Tzu dog grooming (photo below) assumes the presence of long hair, which is decorated with all kinds of accessories during exhibitions.

As a rule, for exhibitions, dog owners give their dogs complex or fancy hairstyles. This task is entrusted to qualified groomers.

The classic show version is a hygiene procedure that includes trimming the hair on the belly, around the anus, under the tail, and under the paws.Also, before the exhibition, the hair on the bridge of the nose, under the nose and under the lower lip is trimmed.

The eastern version of the show style involves a slightly cropped coat, with the hair on the head gathered into a cute ponytail. This hairstyle requires constant care; it is for this reason that only show dogs wear these hairstyles. In general, long-term work with the appearance of the future Champion is the main part.

Differences in grooming males and females

Males are usually cut like a bear or like a lion, with the groin area and anus carefully trimmed. This is the main feature of the Shih Tzu haircut for boys. They are rarely left with long hair all over their body.

Haircuts for Shih Tzu girls also have their own characteristics. They are often left with long hair, especially show specimens, which is then used to make tails on their heads using bright accessories or elastic bands.

Tools, accessories and preparations for haircuts at home. Prices in salons

To trim your Shih Tzu's hair at home, you will need the following arsenal of tools:

  • a special machine with various attachments;
  • sharp scissors;
  • milling scissors;
  • combs and brushes;
  • trimming knife for separating mats and matted wool.

Grooming your Shih Tzu (photo below) at home will cost you a tiny amount, or even free. However, we will consider the option if you want to turn to grooming professionals. For example, a standard procedure in Ukraine will cost you 130-150 hryvnia. If you want to do it at home, the master will have to pay about 250 hryvnia for the visit.

In Russia, the cost of the service is slightly higher and amounts to about 1,000 rubles in the salon and 1,400 rubles when a specialist comes to your home.

You shouldn’t skimp on your pet’s beauty and hygiene, because its health and attractive appearance directly depend on it.

Useful video

Watch the interesting and visual video “Grooming a Shih Tzu” for a better understanding of the issue:

General rules for combing

The Shih Tzu's long coat needs to be thoroughly brushed at least once every few days. However, in some cases it is necessary to carry out the procedure daily.

During the molting period, it is imperative to pay attention to combing your pet every day to avoid tangles. Don't think that one Shih Tzu brush is all you need to do this.

You will need several combs, including a massage brush and a long-toothed metal comb. The ideal option would be a double-sided comb with different densities and lengths of teeth.

Let us describe in detail the procedure for combing a pet:

  • Combing begins from the hind legs, strands at a time. You need to start scratching from the bottom up, and then back. It is better to lay the animal on its side. If there are tangles and tangled hair, they need to be taken apart and untangled with your fingers, and then comb the hair with a comb;
  • Using the same pattern, you need to comb your paws, belly, and armpits. Then you need to part your back and comb from top to bottom;
  • Carefully comb behind the ears and remove tangles. To determine the direction of combing, you should focus on the depression on the nose. The hair above it is combed upward, and below it - in a downward direction. The mustache is also divided evenly and combed down;
  • If your pet has a lot of tangles, you first need to untangle or cut them off. It is not recommended to bathe an animal with mats, as this will only worsen the situation.

For a Shih Tzu's everyday neat appearance, a short haircut is quite appropriate. It will not require much effort, nor much time, nor much expense. When an animal has a short haircut, the combing process is reduced, but a short hairstyle does not eliminate the need for combing.

hairstyle for SHI-TCU.

A dog is a reflection of its owner. Do you want your Shih Tzu to catch the admiring glances of passers-by? Bring your pet to our Shih Tzu beauty salon for grooming.

We offer all types of haircuts for Shih Tzu:

1. hygienic Shih Tzu haircut: for a puppy; for dogs that will participate in exhibitions; for Shih Tzus that grow fur.

2. Shih Tzu model haircut: classic, sporty, short (summer), with a skirt, without a skirt, winter haircut for Shih Tzu, baby face.

3. professional Shih Tzu haircut with scissors for a puppy - completely done with scissors - Shih Tzu teddy bear haircut.

4. creative haircuts for Shih Tzu: Korean style and other options

5. creative coloring, shimmering tattoos, etc. Creative grooming. Braiding hair, beautiful ponytails.

All procedures for the health of the Shih Tzu: bathing with professional shampoo + conditioner, squeezing the glands, trimming the nails, our masters always ensure the cleanliness of the Shih Tzu's ears, cutting the hair on the ears according to the breed standard, caring for the Shih Tzu's eyes.

In the beauty salon for dogs "Baluti"

1. there is a discount system - the first most pleasant discount is puppy grooming - 10% discount, regular customer card;

Tender and caringhands - administrator and groomer!A complete care package for your pet includes the following procedures:ry:

Washing(optional) using professional means, conditioning the dog;

Wool styling a professional hairdryer that does not overheat the wool and does not dry it out, but blows water out of the wool;

WITHmodel sweatshirtaccording to the breed standard, at your request you can choose from a photo album;

Hygienic haircut: a mandatory procedure that is included in the complex in our pet salon

Treating the paws, cutting the fur between the pads of the Shitzu's toes, tummy, hygienic places.

Cleaning ears and eyes. Our master groomers will not ignore such an important procedure as cleaning the eyes and ears. The specialist uses lotion to remove impurities from the corners of your pet’s eyes (tear tracks). Of course, ear cleaning is not the most pleasant procedure for an animal, but nevertheless it is mandatory. If you clean your ears regularly, your animal will get used to it and experience minimal discomfort.

Nail trimming for Shih Tzu dogs. Also one of the most important procedures. Too long claws prevent the Shih Tzu from moving fully. In the most neglected state, the claws form a spiral and grow into the pad of the Shih Tzu's paw. To prevent this, you need to trim your dog's nails regularly. However, the claws must be trimmed carefully, being careful not to damage living tissue. If you walk a lot with your pet, then this procedure can be avoided altogether - the claws wear off perfectly on the asphalt.

“Complex” is the most profitable service for your pet, who will leave our salon clean, beautifully trimmed, with neat claws. Please take into account that the cost of the complex does not include combing out tangles.

You can come to our salons in Moscow or we will come to you.

shitzu, shitsu, shitzu, shitshu, shiatsu, shi, tsu

Photos of Shih Tzu haircuts before and after. Shitzu puppy haircut - plush haircut!

The Shih Tzu is a long-haired breed, so regular coat care is essential, otherwise it can become dull and matted.

Mandatory grooming for all dogs with short and long hair.

Classic haircut for Shih Tzu

FACE WITH A BUTTON - cutting the face of a Shitzu



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