Soluble streptocide helps. Application in gynecology

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Streptocide. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Streptocide in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Streptocide in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of acne, sore throat and erysipelas in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Streptocide- broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Streptocide is one of the first representatives of chemotherapeutic agents of the sulfonamide group. Has a bacteriostatic effect. The mechanism of action is due to competitive antagonism with PABA and competitive inhibition of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase. This leads to disruption of the synthesis of dihydrofolic and then tetrahydrofolic acid and, as a result, to disruption of the synthesis of nucleic acids.

Sulfanilamide is active against gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Vibrio cholerae, Haemophilus influenzae, Clostridium spp., Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Yersinia pestis, as well as against Chlamydia spp., Actinomyces spp., Toxoplasma gondii.


  • tonsillitis;
  • purulent-inflammatory skin lesions;
  • infected wounds of various etiologies (including ulcers, cracks);
  • furuncle;
  • carbuncle;
  • pyoderma;
  • folliculitis;
  • erysipelas;
  • acne vulgaris (pimples);
  • impetigo;
  • burns (1st and 2nd degree).

Release forms

Powder for external use 2 g and 5 g.

Tablets 300 mg and 500 mg.

Liniment 5% (water-soluble streptocide).

Instructions for use and method of use

Locally. For superficial infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and ear, for burns, ulcers, etc. used in the form of 10% ointment, 5% liniment or powder. Liniment or ointment is applied directly to the affected surface or spread on a gauze pad; dressings are performed after 1-2 days. For deep wounds, sulfonamide is introduced into the wound cavity in the form of carefully crushed sterilized powder (5-10-15 g), while sulfonamide or other antibacterial drugs are prescribed orally. Mixed with sulfathiazole, benzylpenicillin and ephedrine, it is sometimes used topically (for acute runny nose) in powder form (by blowing or sucking it into the nose when inhaling).


Orally for adults - 500 mg-1 g 5-6 times a day; children under 1 year old - 50-100 mg, from 2 to 5 years old - 200-300 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 300-500 mg per dose.

Maximum doses for adults when taken orally: single 2 g, daily - 7 g.

Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, hypoprothrombinemia, agranulocytosis;
  • visual impairment;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • skin allergic reactions;
  • nephrotoxic reactions (most likely in patients with impaired renal function);
  • hypothyroidism.


  • severe renal failure;
  • blood diseases;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • nephrosis;
  • jades;
  • acute porphyria;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated for use in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy and lactation.

Experimental studies in rats and mice treated during pregnancy with certain short-, medium- and long-acting sulfonamides (including streptocide) orally in high doses (7-25 times higher than the therapeutic oral dose for humans) showed a significant increase in the incidence of cleft palate and other bone malformations in the fetus.

Special instructions

Use with caution in patients with impaired renal function. During the treatment period, it is necessary to increase the volume of fluid consumed.

If hypersensitivity reactions occur, treatment should be discontinued.

Drug interactions

Myelotoxic drugs increase hematotoxicity.

Analogs of the drug Streptocide

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Osarcid;
  • Streptocide white;
  • Streptocide white soluble;
  • Streptocide soluble;
  • Streptocide ointment 10%;
  • Sulfanilamide;
  • Streptonitol.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

"Pharmacopeia" strictly normalizes the composition of the drug. Active substance – . Streptocid ointment also contains soft white paraffin as an additional component. Powder contains 0.5 mg sulfanilamide.

Release form

You can find ointment and powder in pharmacies. Varieties of the drug are also known, such as Streptocide white And Streptocide soluble liniment . Streptocide tablets have not been produced or sold in Russia since 2008.

Pharmacological action

Antimicrobial means for treating the skin.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Streptocide is antimicrobial bacteriostatic means. It acts against pathogenic cocci, Shigella spp., Clostridium perfringens, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Chlamydia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Actinomyces israelii. The medicine promotes accelerated healing of wounds and epithelialization .

Wikipedia and other sites indicate as a synonym streptocide sulfonamide . Its chemical name is 4-Aminobenzenesulfonamide and its formula is C6H8N2O2S.

Its action is based on competitive antagonism With PABC , synthesis disorder tetrahydrofolic acid , and also inhibition of dihydropteroate synthase .

Indications for use

Streptocide helps against acne, as well as in treatment pyoderma , faces , impetigo , purulent-inflammatory lesions of the skin, folliculitis , burns of I and II degrees, infected wounds of various origins.

Previously, Streptocid throat tablets were used, which were produced in the Russian Federation until 2008. Now the powder can be used. It effectively helps with sore throat.

This remedy is also used for infections of the skin, ENT organs, respiratory and urinary tracts. It is possible to use Streptocide powder for wounds and as a prophylactic agent; it, like Streptocide ointment, is soluble.

From what tablets, powder or liniment help in one case or another, it is better to consult a doctor.


This product has the following contraindications: increased sensitivity To sulfonamides , anemia , congenital deficiency glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase , porphyria , diseases of the hematopoietic system, and liver failure , azotemia .

The use of Streptocid tablets is also contraindicated when nephrosis , jades , .

Side effects

When using the product, the following side effects are possible, in addition, the following side effects are observed: nausea, vomiting, leukopenia , crystalluria .

Tablets can also cause, and in rare cases nephrotoxic reactions, thrombocytopenia , hypoprothrombinemia , eosinophilia , visual impairment, peripheral neuritis , hypothyroidism , ataxia .

Instructions for use Streptocide (Method and dosage)

For those who use Streptocide ointment, the instructions for use indicate that the product is intended to be applied in a thin layer to the affected skin. Thus, the product is applied topically and externally. Besides, liniment Streptocide 10 and 5% can be spread on a gauze pad, which is changed every 1-2 days.

The powder is applied directly to the affected areas. For deep wounds, it is introduced into the wound cavity in a dosage of 5 to 15 g. For those who use Streptocide powder, the instructions for use also indicate that dressings can be done every 1-2 days.

Tablets are applied orally at a dosage of 0.5 g 5-6 times/day. The maximum dosage is 2 g at a time. The instructions for Streptocide state that you should not take more than 7 g per day. Tablets for children are taken in the following dosage at a time:

  • age up to 1 year – 0.05-0.1 g;
  • age 2-5 years – 0.2-0.3 g;
  • age 6-12 years – 0.3-0.5 g.

Soluble Streptocide is used in the same way as a similar product in the form of a regular ointment.

In addition, it is possible to use the powder for... It helps if the disease has already begun to progress, but has not yet penetrated the internal tissues. Lightly dust the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils with the powder, and after 10 minutes rinse with a disinfectant solution. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 2 hours.

If the disease has just begun to manifest itself, it is acceptable to use throat tablets. The tablet should be crushed into powder and mixed with a teaspoon of honey. This remedy is taken before bedtime. The effect can be noticed the very next day.

In addition, when using the drug during sore throat It is very important to maintain a proper diet. Food should be liquid and warm, without a lot of spices and hot sauces. Drinking grapefruit and lemon juices is especially beneficial. These drinks have a beneficial effect on.


In case of an overdose of the drug, nausea, intestinal colic , headache , crystalluria , vomit, dizziness , fainting, blurred vision, hematuria . Long-term use of the drug in high doses is fraught with the appearance of thrombocytopenia , megaloblastic anemia , leukopenia , jaundice .

In case of overdose, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. If a large dose was taken accidentally, gastric lavage is performed.


Myelotoxic drugs enhance hematotoxic manifestations of Streptocide.

Terms of sale

Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be kept out of the reach of children, preferably at a temperature of up to 25°C.

Best before date

Five years from the date indicated on the packaging. Do not use after expiration date.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

The following analogues of the drug are common:

  • Streptotsid-Darnitsa ;

They are sold in tablets. All analogues have their own application characteristics, so before using any of these drugs you should carefully read the instructions.

Streptocide during pregnancy (and lactation)

Contraindications to the drug indicate that Streptocide is prohibited from taking. The active substance of the drug quickly passes through the placental barrier and is found in the fetus. In addition, it can cause toxic effects.

The drug may cause kernicterus in infants.

Reviews about Streptocide

Opinions about this medicine as antimicrobial the means are exclusively positive. Reviews of Streptocide report that the drug is effective and fast-acting. The product helps to cope with many problems and at the same time has a low cost.

Streptocide powder for acne also receives positive reviews. Especially if you combine its use with a special tonic or lotion.

Streptocide price, where to buy

This product is considered very affordable. So the price of ointment in pharmacies is about 20 rubles. And the cost of the powder may depend on the form of release. It can be bought in a bottle, jar, or bags. The price of Streptocide powder in a bottle or jar is approximately 40 rubles. And the cost of the product in packages is about 30 rubles. The price of Streptocide in tablets is not indicated anywhere, since this product has not been on sale since 2008.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Streptocide ointment 10% 25 g Biosynthesis Biosynthesis

    Streptocide ointment 10% jar 25 g TulaTula Pharmaceutical Factory

    Streptocide soluble liniment 5% 30 gStada Arzneimittel AG [Stada Arzneimittel]

    Streptocide powder 2 g Lumi LLC

    Streptocide 2 g powder Lekar Doctor

Europharm * 4% discount using promo code medside11

    Streptocide liniment 5% 30 g LLC "Ozon"

    Streptocide powder 2 g Tula FF

    Streptocide ointment 10% 25 g Biosynthesis OJSC

Liniment based on Streptocide is an effective antibacterial drug for external use. It is produced by pharmaceutical companies in the form of a thick ointment that has a distinct medicinal odor without additional impurities. The drug is completely white. It belongs to the category of medications of the sulphilamide group, which makes it especially effective in the fight against microorganisms such as meningococcal, pneumococcal, streptococcal, gonococcal infections, as well as E. coli. A positive therapeutic effect in the fight against other types of bacterial strains has been scientifically proven. The drug is used in all areas of medicine where there is an urgent need to suppress pathogenic microflora that has entered an open wound area of ​​the body.

What is Streptocide soluble liniment, price and release form?

Liniment of this type, which is soluble in its chemical and pharmaceutical properties, is an ointment that has a homogeneous structure with an average degree of viscosity. The main component of Streptocide balm, which has an antiseptic effect, is the substance sulfanilamide. This is a universal, broad-spectrum antibiotic that allows for complete rehabilitation of an ulcer in a short period of time without using surgical methods.

Liniment streptocide 5% ointment is produced in an aluminum tube with a total weight of 30 grams, packed in a cardboard box, or in a jar containing 1800 grams of ointment. The container is made of dark glass (this type of packaging is intended for selling medicine in wholesale quantities and making direct deliveries to healthcare institutions where there is a daily consumption of this product in large volumes). The cost of liniment based on Streptocide is in the range of 95-100 rubles.

Indications - what helps and what effect to expect?

The main purpose of the soluble liniment, which includes Streptocide, is to suppress bacterial microflora so that there is no further progression of the disease with a deterioration in the clinical picture of its course. The drug helps if a person has the following pathologies:

Most doctors practice the use of soluble liniment Streptocide in patients who suffer from vomiting and nausea of ​​unknown origin.

The patient takes the dose of medicine prescribed by the doctor orally with a small amount of warm water. This kind of therapeutic techniques is entirely the initiative of the attending physician and is used under his responsibility, since the manufacturer positions the medication as an ointment intended exclusively for external treatment of the body. Depending on the type of illness, it is possible to use the drug in the presence of other health problems.

Instructions for use of Streptocide liniment 5% ointment

In order to treat a wound surface or an inflamed area of ​​the body, it is recommended to follow the following instructions and instructions established by the manufacturer of the medicine:

Soluble liniment based on Streptocide can act as medicinal compresses, when the required amount of medication is applied to a dense layer of gauze, and then the fabric soaked in an antiseptic is attached directly to the diseased area of ​​the body.

Each disease is considered as an individual case of the development of the disease and, accordingly, the treatment mechanism is also different, and most often it is developed individually for each patient individually.

Contraindications and side effects

Streptocide in the form of soluble liniment has a number of side effects, the occurrence of which is extremely rare, but nevertheless, in the course of multiple clinical trials, as well as directly in medical practice, similar precedents have been encountered. There are the following medical contraindications to the use of ointment based on Streptocide:

Children under 3 years of age also do not use Streptocide in the form of a soluble liniment as a medicine. This is an exhaustive list of contraindications that are mandatory even for patients whose illness is not classified as severe.

Side effects manifest themselves in the form of the following reactions of the body to the use of this medication:

  • headache, temporary memory loss and dizziness;
  • severe vomiting and persistent nausea associated with lack of appetite;
  • various allergic reactions, ranging from the formation of a red rash on the surface of the skin and ending with bronchial spasm, or the onset of anaphylactic shock;
  • a sharp decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • numbness of the lower and upper extremities;
  • development of tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • blue discoloration of the skin and tissues located around the mouth.

If you strictly follow the indicated dosage and follow all the doctor’s instructions, then in most cases it is possible to avoid any side effects of the drug.

Thank you

Streptocide is an antimicrobial drug of the sulfonamide group for external and local use. Streptocide is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, such as tonsillitis, infected wounds, burns, folliculitis, boils, acne, impetigo, erysipelas, etc.

Varieties, names, composition and release forms

Currently, Streptocid is produced under the following commercial names:
  • Streptocide;
  • Streptocide soluble;
  • Streptocide ointment.
Strictly following the letter of the rules, one must assume that the products listed above with different names are varieties of Streptocide. However, the above different names belong to the same drug - Streptocide. Different names for the same medicine are due to the fact that some pharmaceutical factories produce medicines under historical names. In fact, all Streptocides, regardless of the name, contain the same active substance and are available in the same dosage forms, so there is no difference between them, except for the names. Considering this state of affairs, in the further text of the article we will use one name “Streptocide” for all drugs produced under different historical names.

Streptocide is currently available in Russia in the following dosage forms:

  • Ointment 10%
  • Liniment 5% for external and local use;
  • Powder for external use.
Powder and ointment are produced under the name “Streptocide”, under the name “Streptocide ointment”, respectively, an ointment, and under the name “Streptocide Soluble” - liniment.

In tablet form Streptocide is not currently available in Russia and Belarus, although such a dosage form existed in the past. However, in Ukraine, Streptocid is still available in tablets for oral administration. Also does not currently exist in Russia and Belarus, but was produced in the past "Streptocide soluble" in powder form for the preparation of solutions for intravenous administration. Streptocide in tablets and in the form of intravenous injections was used to treat tonsillitis, erysipelas, cystitis, pyelitis, enterocolitis, wound infection and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Streptocide for oral and intravenous administration was no longer produced and used because more effective drugs appeared (antibiotics and other newer and more effective drugs of the sulfonamide group). Accordingly, currently in Russia and Belarus Streptocid is produced and used only in forms for external and local use, and in Ukraine the drug continues to be used in dosage forms for external use and for oral administration.

Considering the fact that oral forms of Streptocide are outdated, and in Ukraine they are produced mostly by inertia, we will consider various aspects of using only ointment, liniment and powder for external use. We will not give various aspects of the use of Streptocide tablets, since this is impractical. After all, Streptocide tablets are too outdated, since to achieve the desired therapeutic effect they must be taken in very high doses, which leads to a high risk of side effects. Currently, other drugs of the sulfonamide group are being produced, which, compared to Streptocide, are much more effective and with fewer side effects (for example, Biseptol, Sulfamethoxazole, Sulfadimethoxine, etc.).

All currently existing dosage forms of Streptocide contain as an active substance sulfonamide. Moreover, the ointment and powder contain regular sulfanilamide, and liniment contains a soluble form of sulfanilamide, which is also called mesulfamide.

Powder for external use contains only the active substance itself - sulfonamide, and does not contain auxiliary components, unlike ointment and liniment. The ointment contains sulfonamide in the amount of 10 g per 100 g of the finished product, and liniment - 5 g per 100 g of the finished product. Accordingly, Streptocid ointment has a 10% concentration, and liniment - 5%. Streptocid ointment contains medical petroleum jelly as auxiliary components, and liniment - glycerin, purified water and an emulsifier (Lanette SX, Neowax SX).

Streptocid powder is available in heat-sealed bags of 2 g or 5 g, and is a white powdery mass. Ointment 10% is available in aluminum tubes or dark glass jars of 25 g or 50 g, and is a homogeneous thick mass of white or light yellow color. Liniment 5% is available in aluminum tubes or dark glass jars of 30 g, and is a homogeneous, thin mass of white or white with a creamy tint.

Recipe for Streptocide

Recipe for Streptocide ointment is written as follows:
Rp.: Streptocidi 10% unguentum

In the recipe after the abbreviation "Rp." followed by the name of the drug in Latin “Streptocidi”, then its dosage form and concentration are indicated (also in Latin): “10% unguentum”. In the second line after the abbreviation "S." indicates how to use the prescribed remedy. The second line of the prescription is an instruction to the patient.

Recipe for Streptocide liniment is written as follows:
Rp.: Streptocidi 5% linimentum
S. Lubricate wounds 3 – 4 times a day.

In the first line of the prescription, the name of the drug (Streptocidi), its dosage form (linimentum) and concentration (5%) are indicated in Latin. The second line instructs the patient how to use the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

Recipe for Streptocide powder is written as follows:
Rp.: Streptocidi pulvis 5 g
S. Powder the wounds 3 – 4 times a day.

In the first line of the prescription, the doctor indicates in Latin the name and dosage form of the drug (Streptocidi pulvis - Streptocide powder), and in the second line - a brief instruction for the patient on how to use the drug.

Therapeutic effect

Streptocide has an antimicrobial effect, destroying pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs. The drug stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes by inhibiting the formation of purines and pyrimidines necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. And in the absence of DNA and RNA synthesis, microorganisms lose the ability to reproduce and, having lived their life, die.

Streptocide has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative cocci (bacteria having a spherical shape), such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, meningococci, gonococci, enterococci, etc. In addition, Streptocid is destructive against the following microorganisms:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Shigella spp.;
  • Vibrio cholerae;
  • Clostridium perfringens;
  • Bacillus anthracis;
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae;
  • Yersinia pestis;
  • Chlamydia spp.;
  • Actinomyces israelii;
  • Toxoplasma gondii.
Accordingly, all dosage forms of Streptocide can be used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and nose caused by any of the above microbes.

Since the drug has an antimicrobial effect, it indirectly also has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the death of microbes that provoked the infectious-inflammatory process.

In addition to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, Streptocide promotes faster healing of wounds on the skin.

Indications for use

The indications for use for various dosage forms of Streptocide are the same, so we present them in one list.

So, Streptocide powder, Streptocide ointment and Streptocide (soluble) liniment are indicated for use as part of complex therapy for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Infected wounds of the skin (festering wounds);
  • Burns of I-II degrees;
  • Skin ulcers of various origins (including trophic);
  • Skin cracks;
  • Purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, such as folliculitis, boils, carbuncles, acne vulgaris, impetigo, pyoderma, etc.

Instructions for use

Streptocide powder - instructions for use

Streptocide powder can be applied externally to the damaged surface of the skin or blown into deep wounds. Also mixed with Sulfathiazole, Benzylpenicillin and Ephedrine, Streptocide is used for nasal respiration in case of acute runny nose.

The powder is applied to the damaged surface of the skin using the powdering method, that is, first a little powder is poured onto gauze, after which the surface of the wound is “powdered” with this gauze. You can also gently pour the powder directly from the bag onto the surface of the wound. But you should try to evenly distribute the powder over the surface of the wound. After applying the powder to the damaged surface, you can cover it on top with a gauze cloth, bandage it, or leave it uncovered. For a single application to the wound, take 2–5 g of powder, depending on the size of the damage.

The powder can be applied to the wound surface 3 to 4 times a day. In this case, the frequency of application of the powder is determined by the course of the infectious-inflammatory process. For example, if the wound is wet, with copious discharge, then its surface is sprinkled with powder often, up to 4 times a day. If the wound is dry, then it can be treated with Streptocide powder only 1 - 2 times a day. In such a situation, it is recommended to apply Streptocide powder once a day if the wound is then covered with a bandage, and 2 times a day if the wound is left open.

If the wound is deep, then Streptocide powder is blown directly into it. In this case, for one injection, take 5–15 g of powder, depending on the size of the wound. After the powder is injected, the wound is usually covered with a bandage. The powder is injected 1-4 times a day, depending on the intensity of discharge from the wound, following the rule: the more the wound gets wet, the more often the powder needs to be injected into it.

The powder is applied to the wounds until they begin to heal or until the release of pus or inflammatory fluid from the wound surface stops.

For acute rhinitis, Streptocide powder is mixed with Sulfathiazole, Benzylpenicillin and Ephedrine, and inhaled through the nose. This powdered mixture can be used for several days (5 – 7) to treat a runny nose. In this case, the mixture is sucked into the nose several times a day, carrying out this procedure when copious nasal discharge reappears.

Streptocide ointment and Streptocide soluble (liniment) - instructions for use

The ointment and liniment are applied in a thin layer directly to the wound surface or to a gauze pad, which is applied directly to the damaged or inflamed area of ​​the skin surface. If it is necessary to apply ointment or liniment to the mucous membranes (for example, to treat a sore throat), then they are spread in a thin layer directly onto the inflamed or damaged area.

The wound treated with ointment or liniment is covered with a gauze bandage, which is changed once every 1 to 2 days. The ointment or liniment is used until the wound stops releasing pus or inflammatory fluid and it begins to heal.

Ointment or liniment is applied to the mucous membranes 2–3 times a day at regular intervals until the wound heals or until the severity of the inflammatory process decreases.

For large wound surfaces, it is necessary to take into account that the maximum daily dosage of drugs for treating injuries is 6 g of sulfonamide (for adults). This amount of sulfonamide (6 g) corresponds to 120 g of liniment or 60 g of Streptocide ointment. The maximum daily dosage of Streptocid for external and local use for children 5 - 12 years old is 3 g of sulfanilamide (which corresponds to 60 g of liniment or 30 g of ointment), for children 1 - 5 years old - 1.8 g of sulfanilamide (which corresponds to 36 g of liniment or 18 g of ointment), and for children under 1 year of age - 0.6 g of sulfonamide (which corresponds to 12 g of liniment or 6 g of ointment). This daily dosage limitation means that within 24 hours, no more than 120 g of liniment or 60 g of ointment can be used for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, no more than 60 g of liniment or 30 g of ointment for children 5 – 12 years, no more than 36 g of liniment or 18 g of ointment for children 1–5 years old and no more than 12 g of liniment or 6 g of ointment for children under one year old. The limitation of the daily dosage for the treatment of large wound surfaces is due to the fact that the active substance from damaged skin and mucous membranes is easily absorbed into the bloodstream, and can have a systemic effect and provoke the development of severe systemic side effects.

On average, the course of using Streptocide ointment or liniment is 10 – 14 days However, if necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor, you can extend the use of the drug. Without a doctor's recommendation, you should not use liniment or ointment for more than two weeks in a row.

Special instructions

Simultaneously with Streptocid powder, ointment or liniment, other antimicrobial drugs in the form of tablets, capsules, etc. can be used orally, if necessary, to increase the effectiveness of therapy.


An overdose of Streptocide ointment, liniment or powder is possible if the drugs are used in large quantities or for a long time to treat large wound surfaces. In such cases, sulfonamide is absorbed into the systemic circulation in high doses, as a result of which an overdose may develop.

Overdose is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea;
  • Symptoms of dyspepsia (heartburn, belching, flatulence, etc.);
  • Crystalluria (salt crystals in urine);
  • Dizziness;
  • Confusion;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Fever;
  • Leukopenia (decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the blood);
  • Agranulocytosis (disappearance of neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils from the blood);
  • Thrombocytopenia (decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood) - observed only with prolonged overdose;
  • Megaloblastic anemia - observed only with prolonged overdose;
  • Jaundice – observed only with prolonged overdose.
To treat an overdose, it is necessary to discontinue the use of Streptocide and drink plenty of alkaline waters for several days (for example, Borjomi, Essentuki 4, Smirnovskaya, Nabeglavi, Luzhanskaya, etc.). You need to drink alkaline mineral water until all the symptoms of overdose go away.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Ointment, liniment and powder Streptocide do not affect a person’s ability to operate machinery. However, when using a large amount of the drug or when using the drug for a long time, sulfonamide may be absorbed into the systemic circulation, which may result in dizziness as a side effect. Therefore, if a person does not feel any symptoms of disruption of the central nervous system while using ointment, liniment or powder Streptocide, then he can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring a high speed of reactions and concentration. If, while using Streptocide, any symptoms of dysfunction of the central nervous system appear, then you should abandon any activities associated with the need to have a high speed of psychomotor reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

Ointment, liniment and powder Streptocide, when used to treat extensive wound surfaces or when used for a long time, when absorption of sulfonamide into the systemic circulation is possible, can enhance the toxic side effects on the blood system of any other drugs that have hematotoxicity.

Streptocide for acne

Any dosage form of Streptocide (ointment, powder or liniment) can be used to treat acne and acne with excellent therapeutic effect. The effectiveness of Streptocide is due to the fact that the product destroys pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation in pores clogged with excess sebum. Accordingly, the use of Streptocide leads to a sharp decrease in the severity of inflammation, relief of swelling and removal of redness on the skin.

Streptocide ointment or liniment for the treatment of pimples and blackheads is recommended to be simply applied to the skin as a cream 1 – 2 times a day after cleansing the skin. The ointment or liniment is left on the skin overnight or for several hours if the drug was applied during the daytime. If there are few pimples or blackheads, then these products can be applied pointwise, directly to the rash.

And immediately after washing, you simply dust your skin with the powder. To do this, after washing, the skin is allowed to dry so that it becomes not wet, but slightly damp, after which Streptocide powder is taken onto the fingertips and gently distributed over the entire problem area of ​​the skin with patting movements. Dust with Streptocide powder once a day in the evening, before bedtime. The applied powder is left overnight and washed off in the morning.

Streptocide quickly eliminates redness, reduces swelling and stops the inflammatory process. Thanks to this action, existing pimples and blackheads on the skin are resolved within a short period of time, and new rashes do not appear.

The drug is used in courses lasting 2–4 weeks, after which they take a break for a month and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. Streptocide can also be used occasionally, when skin rashes have already been mostly cured, but sometimes isolated pimples or blackheads appear. In such cases, ointment, powder or liniment is used for several days to quickly eliminate the rash that appears.

In addition, Streptocid for the treatment of acne and acne can be used not in its pure form, but in the form of a mash prepared on the basis of salicylic acid. The recipe for preparation and rules for using such talkers are given in the relevant sections. However, the effectiveness of mash and Streptocide in its pure form for the treatment of acne and acne is approximately the same.

Streptocide on the wound

Various wounds on the skin can be treated with Streptocid powder, liniment or ointment in order to accelerate their healing and stop the infectious and inflammatory process in them.

The powder is poured directly onto the wound or into the wound if it is deep, after which it is covered with gauze or a bandage. The ointment or liniment can be applied either directly to the wound, or applied to gauze and covered the wound surface with it. After applying powder, ointment or liniment to the wound, it is recommended to cover the wound surface with a gauze bandage. Powder, ointment or liniment is applied to the wound 1 - 4 times a day for 10 - 14 days.

Before applying Streptocide powder, liniment or ointment, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant (for example, a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc.).

Side effects

Streptocide is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

Ointment, liniment and powder most often provoke allergic reactions on the skin (urticaria, etc.) or dermatitis (rashes, itching, burning of the skin) as a side effect. However, with long-term use of ointment, liniment or powder in large doses or for treating extensive wound surfaces, the active substance Streptocide may be absorbed into the blood with the development of systemic side effects, such as:


On the domestic pharmaceutical market, Streptocide has only analogs for therapeutic action, that is, drugs that contain other active substances, but are similar in their therapeutic effects to Streptocide. Streptocid has no analogues for the active substance (drugs that contain the same active ingredient).

So, the following drugs are analogues of Streptocide in terms of therapeutic effect:

  • Argedine cream for external use;
  • Argosulfan cream for external use;
  • Dermazin cream for external use;
  • Turmanidze ointment for external and local use;
  • Mafenide acetate ointment for external use;
  • Sulfadimezin tablets for oral administration;
  • Sulfargin ointment for external use;
  • Ebermin ointment for external use;
  • Etazol tablets, solution for injection, granules for the preparation of suspension for oral administration.

Streptocidal ointment, which can be bought at any pharmacy, has a powerful antimicrobial effect. The product is used externally, acts gently, accelerates recovery from infectious lesions of the skin. This medical drug has several analogues, but the bacteriostatic effect of sulfonamide is unparalleled.

Streptocide ointment - composition

This medication represents a pharmacological group of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. Available in the form of an ointment, intended for external use. The chemical composition of Streptocide ointment includes two components - sulfonamide and petroleum jelly. The first is an antibiotic, the second smoothes out the aggressive effect on sensitive skin. Streptocide ointment does not contain toxic components; many analogues containing streptocide are known.

This representative of the sulfonamide group is active against a number of pathogenic microorganisms that produce in the upper layer of the epidermis. Among these are the causative agent of anthrax and diphtheria, E. coli, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, influenza and catarrhal pneumonia, Vibrio cholerae, herpes, chlamydia, clostridia, pathogenic cocci and other pests. Excessive activity of the infection producing in the body decreases due to the violation of the integrity of the membranes, after which the microbes are quietly removed from the body.

The mechanism of action of Streptocidova ointment causes competitive antagonism with PABA and inhibition of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase. As a result, the synthesis of nucleic acids is disrupted, and a stable bacteriostatic effect is observed against pathogenic flora. The ointment has a low rate of absorption into the systemic bloodstream, so the risk of intoxication of the body is minimal. The streptocidal composition can be produced in the form of a powder, which has the same pharmacological effect in the body.

Streptocide ointment - what is it used for?

The effect of synthetic substances is quick and targeted, however, before starting to use the ointment, you must consult with your doctor and avoid self-medication. Infectious skin diseases are the main indication for the use of the Streptocide composition. The drug is prescribed as an independent treatment or as part of an integrated approach to the problem in the absence of allergic reactions. More detailed indications for the use of Streptocide ointment are detailed below:

  • ulcerative lesions of the dermis;
  • thermal and mechanical skin injuries;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes of the respiratory system, for example, with sore throat;
  • boils and carbuncles;
  • pink pimples and acne;
  • streptoderma;
  • pyoderma;
  • chronic form of cystitis;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • erysipelas skin diseases.

Streptocide ointment for acne

Since the medical drug has a pronounced antimicrobial, bactericidal and drying effect, it is actively used in modern dermatology with increased activity of Staphylococcus aureus. Streptocidal ointment against acne is considered a productive and reliable remedy that suppresses the inflammatory process of the dermis, removes visual redness, itching and blackheads.

The drug is prescribed locally, and for its regular use, soak a gauze pad with the composition and place it on areas of the face with a large number of acne. A stable antibacterial effect is observed after the first session, but it is important to complete the course to the end. Pimples first turn pale, then dry out, and then completely disappear from the surface of the skin.

Wound treatment with Streptocide

When the integrity of the skin is violated, this effective remedy is also used. Streptocide ointment for wounds is necessary even for small cracks, abrasions, cuts, and bruises. The medicinal composition should be applied in a thin layer up to 3 times a day until the skin completely restores its integrity. Treatment lasts a short period of time - from 5 to 7 days, the risk of intoxication is completely eliminated. The drug can be not only a treatment, but also an effective prevention, especially in childhood.

Streptocide for herpes

Streptocidi is not only an antibacterial, but also an antiviral drug for topical use. When pronounced symptoms of herpes appear, it is also used, treating the sores up to 2-3 times a day. When the streptocide composition gets on the mucous membrane, the patient experiences discomfort, but this is a temporary phenomenon. After each procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and get rid of any remaining drug. Streptocide ointment for herpes has a selective therapeutic effect, so it is better to use it as part of complex therapy.

Streptocide ointment for burns

If Streptocide ointment is applied to the wound cavity, the therapeutic effect is observed immediately. This medicine promotes the regeneration of affected tissues, relieves inflammation, and suppresses an acute attack of pain. Streptocide ointment for burns is prescribed in the absence of side effects, so a preliminary consultation with a specialist for patients will not be superfluous. Allowed in combination with Panthenol.

Streptocide in the nose for a runny nose

Since the medication comes into contact with the mucous membrane, when treating the respiratory tract in this way, a visit to an otolaryngologist is required. Streptocidal ointment is prescribed for sore throat, laryngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, as an auxiliary treatment to facilitate nasal breathing. It is necessary to inhale the medicinal composition up to 2-3 times a day. Streptocidal ointment in the nose is not often used; vasodilators in the form of nasal drops are an alternative.

Streptocide ointment in gynecology

For progressive vulvovaginitis or after surgery, this drug is prescribed, since it not only relieves inflammation and destroys pathogenic flora, but also promotes the productive restoration of the affected mucous membrane. Tampons with Streptocide ointment in gynecology must be inserted at night for 7-10 days. The medicine has a quick effect and may not be supplemented by taking pills or other medications. More often, streptocidal ointment becomes an auxiliary treatment that accelerates the result.

Streptocide ointment for hemorrhoids

If the hemorrhoidal node is inflamed, the patient experiences not only discomfort, but also noticeable pain. The instructions for streptocide in the form of an ointment indicate that this drug, when used externally, helps to reduce foci of pathology, prevent bleeding, and relieve acute pain. Streptocide ointment for hemorrhoids is applied directly to the site of pathology up to 2-3 times a day until the alarming symptoms completely disappear. The drug is inexpensive, no bandages are required, therefore it is especially in demand in medical practice.

Liniment Streptocide - instructions for use

Before ordering and purchasing the specified medication from an online pharmacy, it is important to read the instructions and exclude medical contraindications. Only after this apply a thin layer of ointment with streptocidal base to previously cleansed skin. After using Streptocide, be sure to wash your hands and perform the same manipulations after each session. Reviews from patients report that otherwise a small rash may appear on the skin.

  • hypersensitivity to the chemical components of Streptocid ointment;
  • renal failure;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • extensive damage to the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • lactation period, pregnancy;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • anemia, azotemia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Graves' disease;
  • children's age - up to 14 years.

Streptocide ointment during pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, such a prescription is appropriate if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the unborn child. If the pharmacological effect does not harm intrauterine development, Streptocidal ointment during pregnancy is prescribed for boils, large areas of acne, and hyperemia of the skin. In the first trimester, it is better to refrain from such a prescription; in subsequent trimesters, act strictly as prescribed by the doctor.



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