Scary stories and mystical stories. How to safely summon the spirit of a good gnome who grants wishes

Do you want to call a swearing gnome, but don’t know how? Or maybe you don’t even know who the swearing gnome is yet?! Didn't you ever call out this little grumpy creature as a child? If not, then listen.

Matny, also known as the obscene gnome, is a character in urban folklore. In appearance, the mated gnome is no different from all its relatives - garden, forest and underground gnomes. Just like them, this gnome wears a cap, striped stockings and a velvet caftan. He also has a beard and is short in stature. But the swearing gnome, unlike his well-bred brothers, loves to use obscene language, and he swears obscenely (and very funny) for any reason, and sometimes does it without any reason. Well, have you changed your mind about calling this sweet creature? Then follow our instructions.

How to call a swearing gnome: methods

Method one, easy

  1. Take a tube of white toothpaste and go into a dark closet with it. If you don’t have a closet in your apartment, lock yourself in the bathroom or restroom, but under no circumstances turn on the light there and don’t take a flashlight with you! The room where you will call the obscene gnome must be completely dark.
  2. Squeeze a little toothpaste into one palm and smear it thoroughly over the entire palm. Sit in the dark for a few minutes, stretch out your hand in front of you, palm up, and say the miraculous words “Mad gnome, come!” three times.
  3. If the gnome responds to your call, first you will feel someone’s little feet walking on your palm, and soon you will hear the gnome swearing in every possible way (he shouldn’t swear while walking on slippery and sticky toothpaste!). Don't let the gnome jump from your palm, otherwise he might get too wild. After listening to the gnome's tirade for a bit, quickly go out into the light. Physical evidence of his visit will be traces of small shoes on your palm.

Method two, more complicated

  1. Late in the evening, take a long and thick black thread and tie a lot of knots on it.
  2. Stretch this thread at a distance of 3-4 cm from the floor and tie its ends to the legs of your bed or your favorite chair.
  3. Now quickly turn off the lights in the room and start calling out: “Mad gnome, come!” Soon after you cast this spell for the third time, you will hear the first unpleasant statements of the obscene gnome. The gnome will walk along your rope like a tightrope, tripping over every knot and swearing with all his might.
  4. Having heard plenty of choice strong expressions from the gnome, you can stop him. To do this, you just need to cut the thread with scissors or simply turn on the light in the room.

If you don't want to summon a rude gnome, try summoning a well-mannered gnome. How this can be done is described in our article.

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Trolls, gnomes, elves, goblins exist only in fairy tales and folk legends and tales. That's what adults think. But children often believe in their existence. The kids gather in whole gangs and try to call these. Whether the kids succeed is unknown. The most common activity among them, among such matters, is calling on a certain fairy-tale entity, which is characterized by a love of obscene expressions. How do they do it? In this article we will tell you how to summon a mating gnome.

Who is this swearing gnome?

Children of all ages simply adore everything mysterious and mystical. Who among us in childhood did not evoke the spirits of famous personalities who have passed on to another world? It is enough to remember how we sat with bated breath over a saucer with letters, and an invisible force moved the needle and thread, thereby answering a variety of questions. Calling a swearing gnome is also a kind of children's entertaining ritual. It's unlikely that anyone has ever seen him. But at the same time we know what he looks like. As a rule, this is a small man, no more than a meter tall. A thick beard, a cap on his head and a silver hammer in his hands are his mandatory attributes. In some cases, he may appear, for example, in a helmet with horns and iron chain mail, grabbed by a wide belt. We'll talk about how to summon a mating gnome later (there are several different ways). In the meantime, let’s find out what distinguishes this mythical entity from other similar creatures.

Characteristic signs of a fairy-tale creature

The appearance of the mentioned gnome will not go unnoticed: this can be recognized by the obscene expressions characteristic of this character in children's stories. Yes, yes, he swears. Why is he doing this? Most likely, the gnome is not too happy about being disturbed and summoned. He also loves sweets very much. Confectionery products are often used to attract him. Many children believe that the gnome can make wishes come true. Whether this is true or not is not known for certain. But when the creature reveals itself, you can try to make your own wish. What if it comes true?

How to call a swearing gnome? Method number 1: in hot pursuit

Do you want to see traces? This method is suitable for those who want to find out how to call a swearing gnome during the day. We do this: we smear the palm of either hand with toothpaste, go into a dark closet where it does not penetrate. And now we need to call our fabulous miracle. We stretch our hand forward, palm up, and say the following spell: “Morning gnome, come!” It would be good to close your eyes while doing this. If you feel some movement and see small circles in your palm, it means the gnome has arrived.

Method number 2

Unconvincing? Or is there no closet? Good! Now we’ll tell you how you can summon a mated gnome in another way. By the way, it is perhaps the most common. To do this you will need a long thread of any color. You need to tie several knots on it. Moreover, the more there are, the better. Then you need to tie the thread to the legs of the table or bed, lifting it 2-3 cm from the floor. To enhance the effect, you can tie candy or any other treat to it. After all, as you know, these characters simply love sweets. Now we turn off the light and say the magic words three times “Gnome, come!” After some time, the creature will come and, getting tangled in knots, will begin to swear. The main thing is that your “barricades” are not noticed by adults... for example, your mother. She, of course, will not swear, but she will certainly arrange an interrogation.

Method No. 3

You can call fairy-tale creatures not only at home, but also on the street. Let's find out how to summon a swearing gnome, for example, in the forest. Three people need to do this. It’s worth finding three trees of different sizes in advance. Let one be large, another medium, and the third small. It is important that these trees form a triangle. Now you need to take a satin ribbon and tie it around the trunks. The result should be a triangle. The gnome's call must be scheduled for 12 o'clock at night. But you must arrive at the “meeting” place 10 minutes before this time. As soon as midnight strikes, you need to hold hands and repeat three times “Morning gnome, appear!” and spit over your left shoulder. After some time the creature will appear. Within 13 minutes it will chew through the tape. After this time, before the gnome touches the callers, you need to have time to say three times: “Dwarf, go away!” There is a belief that summoning this spirit is very dangerous. After all, if it touches a person, he may die. I just wonder why call him at all?.. Eh, children, children...

Method number 4

This method also works at night. To implement your plan, you will need several people and a piece of white paper with a pencil. On it you need to draw a portrait of one of those present, only in order to perform this ritual you should retire to some secluded place late in the evening or at night. A garden house, an outdoor gazebo, or just a house terrace are suitable for this. The portrait is placed in the center on the floor and surrounded on all sides. Instead of paper and pencil, you can use regular chalk. In this case, they draw a portrait of a gnome directly on the floor or on the asphalt. When everything is prepared, they join hands and say the spell: “Mad gnome, come and look at yourself!” After some time he will come. A gnome will appear on the head of the person from whom the portrait was copied. But only the “artist,” that is, the one who painted the fairy-tale creature, can see it. The others will only hear him. The gnome will swear terribly: he is dissatisfied with the quality of the drawing. He will say that he was portrayed poorly, that “the hands of such a would-be artist should be torn off,” and so on.

Eyewitness stories

Children have been telling similar tales for many, many years... Often, however, with the caveat that this has never happened to them, but neighbors Vasya, Dima, Petya knew one boy... etc.

I wonder if anyone has ever actually seen or even heard of a swearing gnome? It is clear that it is usually caused by children. If you look at their comments on various forums dedicated to mysticism, you can come to the conclusion that these creatures are absolutely real and often reveal themselves. Moreover, many children know first-hand how to summon a swearing gnome. This is what they write about the results of such magical rituals. No one had the opportunity to see with their own eyes what this entity looks like. But many heard and felt it. Someone claims that they could distinguish sneezing and a hoarse voice in the silence. Most often it was But one could also recognize obscene expressions in it. It was clear that someone was very angry and was trying to convey this to others. When the guys looked around, they saw no one. Moreover, it was impossible not to take into account these strange sounds. As soon as the children tried to forget themselves and fall asleep, mysterious things began to happen in the room. Either the cabinets opened by themselves, or scattered things appeared here and there. What is this? Rich children's fantasy or reality? This is difficult to determine.

Dwarfs in fairy tales

Do spirits and various mystical entities really exist? We will probably never find an answer to this question. They exist for those who believe in them. As already mentioned, many children know, for example, how to call a swearing gnome.

However, no one has ever seen a photo of these fabulous creatures, since no one has ever photographed them. But at the same time, some guys feel someone’s presence, not to mention quite distinct, in their words, swearing. But in legends and tales, gnomes definitely exist. Here it is worth remembering Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann and Wilhelm Hauff. In them, gnomes appear before readers in the form of ugly dwarfs with a beard and a cap on their heads. They can be both positive characters (as in the fairy tale about Snow White) and negative ones (“White and Rosette”). Dwarves can both reward people for their kindness and punish them for indifference, anger, and greed. As a rule, these fabulous creatures have untold wealth and diligently guard it. They also know the secrets of witchcraft and, if necessary, can put these skills into practice.

Warlike creatures

In John Tolkien's stories, dwarves look a little different. Here they appear in the form of warlike dwarfs in iron helmets and chain mail. In their hands, as a rule, their favorite weapon is an ax.

If someone tells you that they have never summoned spirits in their life, even in childhood, they are probably lying. Everyone wants to look beyond the limits of reality and get acquainted with the inhabitants of the other world... Some entities willingly respond to the call of people, which is why they have gained popularity. One of the varieties of such sociable spirits is gnomes. Most of them know how to make wishes come true and charge for it in sweets. Probably, in their homeland, gnomes rarely find sweets, so treat your dear guest properly... if he does come to you.

Preparation before summoning a gnome

So, you decided to call a gnome who grants wishes. First of all, select a suitable date. Avoid holding sessions of communication with otherworldly entities on Orthodox holidays, as the sound of bells scares them away. Even if there is no church near your home, on such a day spirits simply will not want to come to Earth. With pagan holidays, the opposite is true: our ancestors specifically chose such special dates when the human and “subtle” worlds came into contact with each other most closely. They say that on such days, forest and house spirits walked together through the villages, without fear of people... Alas, now you will no longer see such miracles. But still, the best time to call gnomes is pagan holidays: Kupala, Maslenitsa, Rusal Week and others.

Spirits visit the human world at night, between midnight and dawn - during these hours we will call the gnome, who grants wishes. Better not to do it alone: you may become scared, mess up something in the ritual or not complete it at all - as a result, the gnome will get angry and will not come next time. And this is at best: at worst, it will take away your luck. Gather your friends, ask an adult to attend as a medium - in such a company no one will be afraid of anything. In addition, miracles need witnesses: if you meet a gnome one on one, no one will believe your story about it.

Remove icons and other religious objects from the premises. Before the ritual begins, all participants in the ritual must remove their crosses (whoever has them) and leave them outside the door. No one is allowed to leave the room before the session is over! Make noise, talk loudly and laugh too. Do not try to film the inhabitants of the other world on camera.: Neither photography nor video can capture spirits - such is their nature. At the end of the ritual, do not forget to thank your otherworldly guest.

Summoning gnomes who grant wishes

Next, let's decide which gnome we will call. Dwarf Sweet Tooth willingly fulfills not very difficult requests. The Dwarf of Desires is more powerful, but responds less often: the poor fellow is constantly running around on calls, and even spirits cannot be in two places at the same time. From the Money Gnome, as you might guess, you can only get money - however, often the most cherished dreams are connected with material well-being. Below are ways to call each of these three entities.

Let's start with the Sweet Tooth

You will need a piece of paper, a felt-tip pen and one piece of candy from each participant in the ritual of summoning a wish-granting gnome. It is better that the candies are different. Choose your favorite variety - the tastier the treat is, the greater the chance that the spirit will decide to fulfill your desire. On paper you need to draw a house with a pipe on the roof, an open door and one window. You can also add something of your own, but do not depict people or animals. Draw a high fence around the house without holes, cracks or gates - so that there is enough space in the resulting yard for your candies. Draw it all together or entrust it to the most senior person in the company.

Now let everyone unwrap the candy and write their wish on the inside of the candy wrapper. It should not be too difficult to implement, since Sweet Tooth is the youngest of the gnomes, he does not have the strength of his brothers. Put the treat back in, wrap it well and place it in front of the house in the yard. After the preparations are completed, turn off the light, sit around the drawing and say: “Sweet tooth, come visit us.” Further - not a word: sit quietly and listen. When the candy wrappers rustle, it means that the gnome has already arrived and is choosing the most delicious candy for himself. Wait until the rustling stops, then turn on the light.

For those of you whose candies turn out to be completely or partially unwrapped (sometimes it happens that traces of small teeth are visible on them), your wishes should come true within the next few days. Everyone else can only be advised not to be upset: they will probably be lucky next time. The lucky ones should eat their candies quickly. If you made a wish not for yourself, but for another person, you need to take the candy to him the next day.

And now about how to summon a gnome who grants more global wishes

What is meant by “global”? For example, you want to become a movie star - if the Dwarf of Wishes decides to fulfill this request, within one year after the ritual you should have a chance to fulfill your dream. You will see an announcement about a casting for a role in a new series, decide to try your luck... and you will pass the selection! However, you need to remember: the help of otherworldly forces will help you get the role, but not play it flawlessly. Therefore, work on your stage speech, attend a theater club - in short, hone your talents. So, again we take different candies - one from each participant in the ritual. We stretch the thread between the legs of the table. We hang sweets on it at the same distance so that they do not touch the floor or each other.

After preparations are completed, turn off the lights and say: “ Gnome of Desires, come visit" When the rustling of candy wrappers is heard, let each participant mentally formulate his request. The spirit will choose the most delicious candy (and maybe more than one) and begin to eat it. When the rustling subsides, turn on the light. Those whose candies are unwrapped, bitten, or come off and fall to the floor can be sure that the gnome will fulfill their wishes.

Summon Money Gnome

The ritual of summoning the Money Gnome is the most difficult, but at the same time the most interesting. You will need a plantain leaf (in summer you can find it on any lawn), medicinal chamomile flowers (go to the pharmacy for it), 25 dead mosquitoes (yes, you will have to catch...), thread and a matchbox. It should be noted: all this is a set for one person. If there is a whole group of you, it will take the whole evening to prepare. But if you succeed in summoning a gnome who grants money wishes, your efforts will pay off. We place three chamomile and mosquito flowers on a plantain leaf, roll them up and tie them with thread. We put all this in a matchbox and wait until midnight...

At midnight we look for an old tree and bury our box under it with the words: “ Money Gnome, come and buy my package!" Let each participant remember well where he left the “package”, since he will have to return to this place. Over the next two weeks, you must check every morning to see if the gnome has left the payment. Dig the hole again (yours, not someone else’s!), and if instead of a box you find a chest with gold coins, you can take them to a pawnshop and spend the proceeds on anything. Instead of a chest, the spirit may leave you a talisman - if you find any thing in the ground, keep it. Such a gift will attract wealth and prosperity to you. One way or another, you need to thank the gnome for the valuable find by putting a delicious candy in the hole and burying it.

Dwarves first appeared in German-Scandinavian folklore and became the heroes of numerous fairy tales and legends. They are also called dvergs, miniatures, dwarves and dwarves. If you believe the legends, gnomes are fabulously rich and talented. Do you want to call a gnome to your home? In our article with video we will tell you how to do this.

Dwarves are famous not only for their wealth, but also for their secrecy and belligerence. They are often depicted with a huge iron hammer or axe. In modern cinema, fantasy books and computer games, they can be found in the guise of rude and warlike bearded men who love to drink.

These entities quite willingly respond to the call of people, which is why they are most often tried to be called at home. It is believed that gnomes are endowed with magic and can grant wishes, albeit for certain services. Since they are great craftsmen when it comes to inventions, they need to be given gifts of various mechanisms, parts, and tools.

It is better to summon magical creatures for pagan holidays. Then the border between the worlds is thinnest. The best time is midnight, although you can do it during the day. It is necessary to remove all mirrors, icons and crosses from the room so that there are no obstacles for the magical visitor. At the end of the ritual, you must give a treat to the person you called.

How to call a swearing gnome

If you decide to expand your vocabulary, and at the same time have fun, then call swearing gnome, as in the video. To do this you need:

Take a chair, tie a rope to each leg, and make nine knots on each rope. It will be a small trap. Place a candy or chocolate bar under the chair. At midnight, say three times: “Mad gnome, come!” When the creature appears, it will not be able to get to the treat, since the knots for magical creatures are a serious obstacle. That's when he starts swearing.

Another way:

You need to wrap threads around the legs of all the furniture in the room. You need to fasten the threads three centimeters above the floor. When you call the swearing gnome, he will come and trip over your threads and swear terribly.

How to summon a wish gnome during the day

Calling Sweet Tooth. This is the smallest of the gnomes, so it is easy to lure it with sweets, as in the video. Draw a house with an open door and window on a piece of paper. Prepare several types of candies, unwrap them and write your wish on each candy wrapper. Wrap the candies back up and place them on the piece of paper with the design. Say three times: “Sweet tooth, come to our house. Try some sweets." Then leave the room. After fifteen minutes, check the candy. Which of them will be expanded, those wishes will come true.

Summon the Money Gnome. This is the most complex of the rituals, and the most interesting. You will need:

  • Plantain
  • Chamomile
  • Dead bugs (flies, mosquitoes)
  • Red thread
  • Matchbox

Place the chamomile and insects on a plantain leaf, roll it into a tube and tie it with thread. We hide all the treasures in boxes. It needs to be buried under an old tree in a forest or park, saying: “Money gnome, come and accept my gifts.” After two weeks you need to dig up the boxes. If gold coins appear in its place, you are lucky. Sometimes the gnome leaves some kind of talisman, you need to keep it, it will attract good luck to you.

Gum Gnome. It is believed that this creature can be lured using ordinary chewing gum. Walk out the door and place a few of your favorite chewing gums in front of you. You need to have a piece of white cloth or scarf with you. Cross the threshold back and turn your back. Say three times: “Gum gnome, come!” Wait a while until a rustling sound appears. Then turn around sharply and throw the scarf over the place where the chewing gum was. You won’t have time to catch the gnome, but there will be new chewing gum under the scarf.

Video: how to call a gnome at home

Where is the real Hogwarts Castle?

Do you want to call a swearing gnome, but don’t know how? Or maybe you don’t even know who the swearing gnome is yet?! Didn't you ever call out this little grumpy creature as a child? If not, then listen.

Matny, also known as the obscene gnome, is a character in urban folklore. In appearance, the mated gnome is no different from all its relatives - garden, forest and underground gnomes. Just like them, this gnome wears a cap, striped stockings and a velvet caftan. He also has a beard and is short in stature. But the swearing gnome, unlike his well-bred brothers, loves to use obscene language, and he swears obscenely (and very funny) for any reason, and sometimes does it without any reason. Well, have you changed your mind about calling this sweet creature? Then follow our instructions.

How to call a swearing gnome: methods

Method one, easy

  1. Take a tube of white toothpaste and go into a dark closet with it. If you don’t have a closet in your apartment, lock yourself in the bathroom or restroom, but under no circumstances turn on the light there and don’t take a flashlight with you! The room where you will call the obscene gnome must be completely dark.
  2. Squeeze a little toothpaste into one palm and smear it thoroughly over the entire palm. Sit in the dark for a few minutes, stretch out your hand in front of you, palm up, and say the miraculous words “Mad gnome, come!” three times.
  3. If the gnome responds to your call, first you will feel someone’s little feet walking on your palm, and soon you will hear the gnome swearing in every possible way (he shouldn’t swear while walking on slippery and sticky toothpaste!). Don't let the gnome jump from your palm, otherwise he might get too wild. After listening to the gnome's tirade for a bit, quickly go out into the light. Physical evidence of his visit will be traces of small shoes on your palm.

Method two, more complicated

  1. Late in the evening, take a long and thick black thread and tie a lot of knots on it.
  2. Stretch this thread at a distance of 3-4 cm from the floor and tie its ends to the legs of your bed or your favorite chair.
  3. Now quickly turn off the lights in the room and start calling out: “Mad gnome, come!” Soon after you cast this spell for the third time, you will hear the first unpleasant statements of the obscene gnome. The gnome will walk along your rope like a tightrope, tripping over every knot and swearing with all his might.
  4. Having heard plenty of choice strong expressions from the gnome, you can stop him. To do this, you just need to cut the thread with scissors or simply turn on the light in the room.

If you don't want to summon a rude gnome, try summoning a well-mannered gnome. Our article explains how this can be done.



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