How many years do East European shepherd dogs live? Dog age

East European Shepherds (VEO) are powerful, strong, hardy dogs. Unpretentious in care. Good protectors and friends for all family members. The main characteristic of the East European Shepherd breed is boundless devotion to its owner.

Before purchasing a VEO puppy, you need to evaluate the amount of free time for exercising with the dog. Lack of regular exercise causes your puppy to develop bad habits.

Characteristics of the East European Shepherd breed

Tall, powerful dogs are familiar to many from films. Their stately appearance and excellent performance characteristics made them real heroes. Below is a detailed description of the East European Shepherd breed.

  • Weight . A female weighs 30−50 kg, a male weighs 35−60 kg.
  • Height . The dimensions of an adult East European Shepherd reach 62−72 cm (females), 66−76 cm (males).
  • Color. The most common are pure black and black and tan. Less common is the zonal color - red or gray.
  • Lifespan. The East European Shepherd lives from ten to 13 years.
  • Character . The breed is distinguished by devotion, endurance, and a balanced psyche. Character is formed by constant training - without it, the dog becomes wayward and uncontrollable.
  • Intelligence. VEOs are intellectuals - they respond well to training and distinguish the training ground from the real situation. In the event of a threat, they themselves make the right decision without a command.
  • Security and guard potential. The East European Shepherd dog breed is a good guard dog. They are balanced and treat strangers with distrust.


Compliance with standards is important for representatives of the breed intended for breeding and exhibitions. A pet “for the soul” may have slight deviations from the basic characteristics. The standard parameters are given in the table.

Table - Breed standard East European Shepherd

CriterionCompliance with standardDeviations
Head− Wedge-shaped;
− proportional to the body
Facial area− The nose is black;
− lips are black, close fitting;
− 42 teeth;
− cheekbones stand out moderately;
− eyes oval, medium, dark brown
− Light, protruding, round eyes;
− the first 2 premolars are missing;
− nose partly depigmented
Ears− Highly placed;
− standing, dense;
− triangular
Poorly positioned, sluggish
Neck− Wider to the shoulders;
− muscular
Frame− Stretched format;
− the height of the sacrum and withers varies slightly;
− back straight, slight inclination to the croup
− The format is square or too stretched;
− weak, loose muscles
Tail− Continues the line of the croup;
− saber shape
Crescent or corkscrew-shaped
Limbs− The front legs are straight;
− hind legs set wider apart, moderately laid back
− Weakness of ligaments;
− paw curvature
Gait− Sweeping movements;
− trot is not low
− Ambling;
− imbalance of movements
Wool- Straight, close-lying guard coat;
− abundant, soft undercoat

The following signs of VEO are considered disqualifying:

  • disturbed dental formula;
  • distorted jaw;
  • malocclusion;
  • eversion and inversion of the eyelids;
  • completely depigmented nose;
  • drooping ears;
  • short stubby tail;
  • low trot;
  • staggering gait;
  • lack of undercoat;
  • long hair;
  • curliness.

Differences from the German Shepherd

The breeds are closely related and similar in appearance. The East European Shepherd differs from the German Shepherd in a number of ways. You can see them in the table.

Table - Main differences between VEO and German Shepherd

IndicatorVEOGerman shepherd
Height at withersBitches63−72 cm55−60 cm
Males66−76 cm60−65 cm
WeightBitches30−50 kg22−32 kg
Males40−60 kg30−40 kg
Back lineThe level of the withers and sacrum differs slightlySloping, the croup is lower
GaitSwinging trotCreeping lynx, squat
Purpose of the breed− Companion;
− security guard
− Watchman;
− shepherd;
− companion;
− athlete

There is a difference in color, but it is only obvious to dog handlers. When determining the breed, you need to focus on the size, the difference in the level of the withers and rump.

Pros and cons

Owning a large dog that needs training is a responsible decision. Before buying a puppy, you need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and evaluate the real possibility of keeping it. All the pros and cons are given in the table.

Table - Pros and cons of the breed

History of origin and interesting facts

The history of the East European Shepherd breed began with the import of the first German Shepherds to the USSR. The dogs easily remembered commands and were distinguished by obedience and balance. The breed was used for detection and official tasks.

A decade later, dog handlers began to carry out work to improve the characteristics. They sought to adapt the “Germans” to the existing climate, preserving the original qualities. It was only in 1964 that the VEO was approved as an independent breed in the USSR. The International Canine Federation never recognized her.

VEO is perfect for home maintenance. This is not a chain dog, but a friend and companion. Distinctive features of the breed are high intelligence and lack of inclination to sort things out with pets. VEOs are not jealous, they are not mischievous - they try to please the owner in everything.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

Care and maintenance

The main condition of keeping is long daily walks and active games. The dog's energy must be released. These conditions are also followed when kept in an enclosure - the breed needs to run and communicate with the owner. Care comes down to the following actions.

Raising a dog for exhibition and breeding comes with inevitable costs. The puppy will need premium food and grooming products. For training, you will have to use the paid services of professional dog handlers.

Feeding rules

The East European Shepherd should be fed according to its age and activity level. Food is given strictly after a walk, the bowl is immediately removed after feeding. The serving size is determined experimentally - the puppy is full if he eats everything and immediately moves away from the bowl.

When using ready-made food, preference is given to super-premium and premium brands. They have a balanced composition and contain enough protein. Cheap food harms your dog's digestive system.

When feeding naturally, attention is paid to a balanced diet. The content of animal products is at least 50%, the rest includes cereals, vegetables, and dairy products. Naturally fed puppies should receive calcined cottage cheese daily. Adult dogs are given vitamins in addition to their diet.

As for meat, preference is given to lean varieties - beef, veal, chicken, and offal. It is not recommended to feed your dog pork, lamb, sausages, or smoked meats. Porridges are made from buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal. Millet, legumes, and pearl barley are poorly absorbed by the body. Finely chopped raw or boiled vegetables and herbs are added to the porridge. Salty, hot, spicy, sweet foods are prohibited.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the dog. Dog handlers recommend the following diet:

  • up to two months - six times;
  • up to four months- five times;
  • up to six months - four times;
  • up to nine months- three times;
  • after ten months- twice.

You should not walk your dog immediately after feeding - this can cause intestinal volvulus. Distributing food over two feedings, in the morning they give light foods - porridge, vegetables, cottage cheese, in the evening - meat.

Training issues

VEO puppies are trained from an early age. They start with socialization - visiting crowded, unfamiliar places with the dog. The goal is that the puppy must learn to calmly react to strangers, dogs, cats, and obey the owner in any environment and situation. During training, six rules are followed.

  1. Moderate reps. Repeated repetition of one command tires the puppy and leads to reluctance to obey.
  2. Subsequence. Teams are studied according to the principle “from simple to complex.”
  3. Punishment . The use of mechanical methods of influence is unacceptable. Dissatisfaction is expressed through the intonation of the voice.
  4. Encouragement. For each correctly performed action, the puppy is immediately rewarded with a treat, stroking, and an exclamation of approval.
  5. Persistence. They achieve compliance with the command - develop obedience, suppress stubbornness.
  6. Gestures. Any command must be accompanied by gestures. For example, with a wave of the hand, or a clap on the thigh.

Diseases and treatment

VEO live long, are distinguished by good health and endurance. According to information from canine reference books of the USSR, the breed is susceptible to only two serious diseases.

  1. Gastric volvulus. The pathology is typical for all dogs with a wide chest. The first sign is swelling of the peritoneum. The pathology develops quickly, and it is not always possible to save the dog.
  2. Arthritis. A combined diagnosis indicating joint diseases. Develops due to age-related changes or slow processes of bone tissue regeneration.

In recent years, the list of VEO diseases has expanded. The health of the breed has deteriorated due to chaotic matings and dishonest attitudes of private breeders. Errors in breeding have led to the susceptibility of East European Shepherds to three more diseases.

  1. Rickets. Manifests itself in the curvature of the limbs. Most often it is detected before two months, sometimes develops by six months of age. The reason is a congenital pathology, improper feeding of the puppy.
  2. Dysplasia. Disease of joint tissues. A common disease of large breed dogs.
  3. Enteritis. Viral disease. VEOs are susceptible to infection by viruses. Before vaccination, the puppy can be walked in public areas and contact with animals is prohibited.

VEO's first estrus begins at the age of six months to one year. Mating is planned for the second heat, when the dog’s physical maturation is completely completed. Before mating, the bitch is taken to the veterinarian and given anthelmintic drugs. Pregnancy and childbirth usually proceed without complications.

TOP nicknames

For service breeds, the nickname is carefully selected. It should be easy for the dog to remember, be sonorous and correspond to the purpose of the pet. The table shows the most common nicknames of VEO.

Table - TOP nicknames

Alphabetical indexNicknames for the East European Shepherd “boy”Nicknames for the East European Shepherd “girl”
A- Excitement;
- Scarlet
- Atlanta;
- Arta
B- Baikal;
- Buyan
- Bagheera;
- Storm
IN- Loyal;
- Vortex
- Vega;
- Wave
G- Hamlet;
- Proud
- Hertha;
- Storm
D- Jack;
- Wild
- Dorra;
- Delta
E- Egon;
- Huntsman
- Eva;
- Europe
AND- Jacques;
- Fever
- Heat;
- Julie
Z- Vigilant;
- St. John's wort
- Star;
- Xena
AND- Ideal;
- Emerald
- Spark;
- Irma
TO- Killer;
- Condor
- Cobra;
- Cassie
L- Leon;
- Fierce
- Linda;
- Lyme
M- Morgan;
- Milord
- Dream;
- Blizzard
N- Neptune;
- Norton
- Note;
- Nora
ABOUT- Olympus;
- Orion
- Orchid;
- Orsa
P- Prokhor;
- Pirate
- Blizzard;
- Pandora
R- Rocky;
- Rambo
- Rainbow;
- Rhyme
WITH- Saturn;
- Sultan
- Sparta;
- Sarbona
T- Tyson;
- Tornado
- Tessa;
- Taiga
U- Urfin;
- Hurricane
- Ursula;
- Umka
F- Ford;
- Pharaoh
- Fortune;
- Florida
X- Harley;
- Homs
- Hilda;
- Hana
C- Cerberus;
- Caesar
- Cera;
- Queen
H- Champion;
- Sorcerer
- Chara;
- Charlie
Sh- Sherlock;
- Shaman
- Sherry;
- Charlotte
E- Eling;
- Ernest
- Ashley;
- Elsa

Photo review

If you look closely at the photos of puppies and dogs of the East European Shepherd breed, you will notice differences from its predecessor - the German Shepherd. VEO are larger, harmonious, foldable. Even in photographs, their intelligent and devoted gaze stands out.

Cost and where to buy

Compared to new “fashionable” dog breeds, an East European Shepherd puppy is relatively inexpensive. The price of a purebred representative of the breed in a nursery is about 25-30 thousand rubles (data as of the beginning of 2018). Private owners have lower prices, but there is a possibility of admixture of other breeds, so it is worth contacting a nursery with a good reputation.

Choosing a puppy

To choose the right East European Shepherd puppy, you need to decide on your goals. A show dog that fully complies with all standard criteria can only be found in large nurseries with a good reputation. When choosing a puppy for a home, they are guided by appearance, behavior, health - small deviations from the standard are allowed. In both cases, pay attention to the following criteria.

  • Nursery. A good nursery has documents permitting breeding activities. The conditions of keeping the dogs are assessed - cleanliness, nutrition, grooming.
  • Parents. At two months of age it is impossible to assess the guarding abilities of a puppy. The chances of raising a good defender increase if the parents have undergone appropriate training and have service experience.
  • Appearance . The puppy should look healthy and active in appearance. Its external characteristics, color, and compliance with the standard are assessed.
  • Documents. At the time of handing over the puppy to the new owners, the first preventive vaccinations must be given and all necessary documents must be completed.

Small puppies have soft ears. The East European Shepherd's ears stand up after a complete change of teeth - no earlier than four to five months. If parents do not have deviations in the position of their ears, there is no reason to worry.


Kennels of the East European Shepherd breed:

  • "Veolar" in the Moscow region-;
  • "True Friend" in St. Petersburg-;
  • "Legend of Rus'" in Cherepovets-;
  • "Army of Aragorn" in Krymsk-;
  • "Northern Outpost" in St. Petersburg-

VEO is a faithful friend, a reliable protector, an obedient pet. He will never leave his owner in trouble, nor will he harm his children. If you still have doubts about the correct choice, read the owners' reviews about the East European Shepherd.

Reviews: “Full member of the family”

I found a grown-up puppy VEO this summer. He has DTS. (I live in a 2-room apartment with my husband and 7-year-old child. I have a 2-year-old labrador and 3 cats.) The dog was exhausted and was looking for an owner. Our search for the owner was unsuccessful and we kept the dog for ourselves. I don't regret it at all. The appearance of VEO in our family benefited the Labrador - he built it. All animals are friends. There is no mischief in the apartment, the only negative is a lot of wool. The dog's qualities are amazing, the smartest creature, I'm just delighted!

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The East European Shepherd dog was bred in Russia specifically for service and rescue operations in the climatic conditions of the country. The progenitor of the representatives of the breed was the German Shepherd, brought to the Soviet Union in order to improve the qualities and characteristics of the breed.

Historical background

The East European Shepherd was created on the basis of the German Shepherd, from which it differs in its impressive physique, unpretentiousness, stable psyche and resistance to cold climatic conditions. Together with Dobermans, the dog breed was used in government agencies. The first old-type German shepherds were brought to Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. They proved to be exceptionally smart dogs with excellent working qualities, and were used in search work and as orderlies. German Shepherds remained close to humans on the fronts of the First World War and the Russo-Japanese War.

Since 1924, organized and systematic breeding of dogs began in service dog breeding kennels. VEOs were bred in the USSR in a planned and purposeful manner and were used in economic sectors: border protection in the border troops, investigative service in the police, on the fronts of the Second World War. After the war, Vostochniks became the most common service dogs in the USSR.

It is noteworthy that opinions on the new breed, recognized in 1964 by many Russian cynological communities, were divided. Most believe that the new breed has worse qualities than its ancestors; others tend to think and evaluate the improved skills and characteristics of the breed.

There are known attempts to “renew” the breed. Some breeders tried to cross the new breed of German Shepherds with the stereotypical "East Europeans", but not a single attempt was successful. Systematic improvement of the dog's performance characteristics and selection work to adapt to domestic climatic conditions led to a sharp difference between the VEO and the German shepherd.

In the 1990s, the breed experienced a serious crisis and found itself on the verge of extinction. A significant contribution was made by the fact that the breed did not become officially recognized by international canine organizations. Even being unrecognized, “Easterns” find a lot of fans in Russia and outside the country.

Today, the East European Shepherd Dog breed is recognized by the International Canine Union, but remains unrecognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

Description of the breed

Due to the similarity in the descriptions of the East European Shepherd breed with the German Shepherd, some people confuse the two breeds with each other. In fact, there are a number of cardinal differences.

  1. Country Russia.
  2. The group is not recognized by international canine organizations.
  3. Life expectancy is 10-13 years.
  4. The physique is strong and athletic. The dog is large, the bones are strong, the muscles are well developed.
  5. The body is slightly stretched, the bones are well developed. The gender characteristics are very different in appearance. Males are much larger than females, with a large head and developed chest.
  6. The head is large and proportional. The bite is scissor-shaped.
  7. The ears are set high and erect.
  8. Height: at the withers, males reach 66-76 cm, and females - 62-72 cm.
  9. The average weight of females is 30-50 kg, males - 35-60 kg.
  10. The coat is thick, rough, and has a dense undercoat. The hair on the head and ears is short.
  11. Color: black, black with tan, black and tan, zone-red, zone-gray.

VEO puppies grow quickly. Changes up to 12 months. Month-old kittens are babies 22-27 centimeters tall and weigh 3-5 kilograms. Every month, a healthy puppy grows by an average of two centimeters, gains up to 5 kilograms in weight, and by the time a mature puppy reaches 72 centimeters at the withers, it reaches 72 centimeters at the withers. An adult East European Shepherd weighs 30 - 60 kilograms, with a female weighing 30 kg, a male being much heavier and more massive.

The following are considered disqualifying faults: any bite other than a scissor bite, a non-black nose, underdeveloped testes, long, shaggy hair, a short or docked tail, drooping ears. Cropping of ears is unacceptable.

The East European Shepherd is a large animal, taller than average. The dog is strong, with developed strong bones. VEO has prominent muscles and a pronounced gender characteristic - females are smaller than males. The shepherd has a massive head with a wedge-shaped muzzle, topped with medium-sized, high-set pointed ears, the tips of which point forward and upward. The dog moves confidently and quickly, the movements are strong and balanced.

Character of VEO

The species has clearly expressed protective reactions. They are extremely distrustful of strangers. Otherwise they are balanced and self-confident. They are friendly and obedient towards their owners. VEO's defensive reaction is clearly expressed. The Shepherd is a service dog; the dog has an innate caution and unpretentiousness.

Regarding temperament, VEO:

  1. Balanced.
  2. Confident in yourself.
  3. No outsiders allowed.

The East European Shepherd shows the world the best qualities of a dog. Strength, natural beauty, loyalty, sense of duty - everything is fully expressed in the East European Shepherd Dog, or VEO, bred in the 30s in the USSR. Puppies are clumsy, but adorable, they grow quickly, and with proper care for your tiny dog, you will soon find a friend and protector. The ancestor of the East European Shepherd was the German Shepherd. Exported from Germany, the dogs served as the base breed, and the long-legged VEO was “molded” based on the variety.

Unpretentiousness and excellent service qualities are combined in the dog with nobility, intelligence and loyalty. She is full of inner dignity and confidence (not without reason) in her own abilities, she will become an excellent bodyguard and a full member of the family. The East European Shepherd gets along well with children and will keep company in outdoor games. Does not seek to sort things out with other dogs in the family. Jealousy, intrigue - for the rest, the “Eastern” has no time to engage in such a waste of time.

Having decided to get an Oriental, be aware: you are taking a serious service dog, with specially instilled security qualities. Since childhood, the East European Shepherd has been undergoing an OKD course with a professional trainer. A dog is not suitable for living in an apartment; a country house with a yard is an ideal option. Dog owners are supposed to remember: the “Eastern” cannot be kept on a chain forever, at the risk of raising a dangerous and uncontrollable dog.

VEO becomes very attached to its owner. The dog is harmoniously built and has improved anatomy, which primarily affects the dog’s working qualities.

The Shepherd has excellent hearing and scent, exhibits a distrustful character and is capable of rapid acclimatization. “Vostochnik” does not lose his or her indicative reaction and soberly assesses a person’s capabilities.

VEOs accept training so easily and quickly that a novice dog breeder, even a teenager, can easily cope with dog training. VEO is strongly attached to his owner and senses his mood. Being a formidable dog for strangers, the “Eastern” takes care of and protects the owner’s family.

A valuable quality of a dog is considered to be its remarkable intelligence and intelligence; the dog perfectly distinguishes between a training area and a working situation, where it is quite capable of independently making a decision to protect the owner without receiving commands.

Caring for the East European Shepherd

Proper care of the East European Shepherd - first of all, grooming, regular examinations of the ears, eyes, and claws. There are no particular difficulties in keeping a shepherd dog. Good care is needed. You will need to comb the coat 2 times a week. During the molting period, the procedure is performed more often (daily!). The dog sheds heavily; it is especially problematic to cope with the abundance of hair during the period of intense shedding in autumn and spring.

  • The dog's fur is combed with a metal comb.
  • During the molting period, a “puffer” is added to the comb.

Clean the ears regularly and monitor the condition of the claws. If the nails do not grind down in time, they will need to be trimmed.

Hygiene procedures are introduced at a young age. East European Shepherd puppies will get used to hygiene procedures from an early age, and in adulthood they will accept manipulations calmly. Puppies need to be walked several times a day, creating the need to relieve themselves outside.

It is better to start care procedures as a game. A young individual will more easily accept the need for the process, bypassing the negativity during hygiene procedures.

You should not wash your pet frequently; it should be done as needed. When bathing, it is recommended to use special washing shampoos. For shepherds, it is advisable to use protein-based shampoos.

Disadvantages and diseases of the breed

  1. VEO is a large dog, prone to diseases of this type of dog.
  2. If raised incorrectly, a dog will show aggression towards other animals and humans.
  3. It is unacceptable to keep a dog in a small city apartment.
  4. Wool all over the house and yard.
  5. The dog is strong and large. A weak girl or child cannot walk a poorly trained dog; VEO tends to rush at people with a stick, an altered gait, or running athletes.

What to feed

Avid dog lovers and experienced dog handlers know the saying: “The breed enters through the mouth.” The external characteristics or appearance of the VEO puppy, the pet’s health, growth and full development depend on proper feeding. Feeding the puppy is consistent with the baby's growth rate.

A puppy settling into a new living space, getting used to its owner, experiences stress. In the initial days, it is better to adhere to the feeding regime that was practiced by the breeders running the nursery. Even food and feed should be selected with an eye to feeding in the nursery. As a rule, breeders are happy to advise the owner on emerging issues.

The puppy’s diet depends on the age periods associated with the energy costs of the growing body. There are two known types of feeding: natural products and ready-made factory feeds. In the first case, the owners will need to ensure that many foods are included in the diet and that the diet remains balanced. In the second, everything has already been thought out for the owners. Industrial quality food already contains the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your puppy needs.

  • The one-month-old puppy VEO needs to be fed 6 times a day.
  • The VEO puppy, 2 months old, receives 5 meals a day.
  • At three months of age, the puppy is fed 4 times.
  • A six-month-old puppy is taught to eat 2 meals a day.

If the puppy is active, he is trained or kept in harsh conditions (outdoors in an enclosure, even in winter), the need for food increases due to increased energy costs. But the diet of the “Eastern” is supposed to be balanced, able to replace the loss of energy after exercise and exercise. From now on, nutritious food is available to all breeds.

If, when deciding what to feed the East European Shepherd puppies, you decide to opt for dry food, do not forget to make sure there is fresh water in the animal’s bowl. Food is chosen taking into account the age and breed of the pet. Don’t forget to change your diet, reduce the number of feedings, and the size of portions as your dog gets older.

It is possible to feed a mature East European Shepherd dog with dry food or prefer a diet with products of natural origin. It is better to feed an adult dog twice a day.

Regardless of the method you choose, monitor and supplement your dog's diet with vitamins and mineral supplements. If your work schedule leaves little free time, it is better to prefer a diet based on dry food, selected according to the dog’s structural features. The health of your pet depends on proper nutrition. Representatives of the species are predisposed to diseases:

  • allergy;
  • joint disease;
  • If you eat improperly, stomach problems often occur.

To protect your dog from diseases, introduce the correct daily routine, with obligatory long walks and physical activity. Exclude from your diet:

  1. Sweets. It is better not to give your pet any chocolates, sweets or other goodies. Give your dog a piece of cheese as a treat, or buy special sweets for dogs at the pet store.
  2. Fatty meat. Meat containing excess fat is difficult to digest. It is better to replace fatty pork with veal or boiled beef.

Pet training

The East European Shepherd is required to serve; you will need to keep the dog in shape. Training representatives of the breed is a mandatory requirement for owning dogs. Education and training of the East European Shepherd begins in early childhood in the form of light play. Raising a VEO puppy is a delicate art. East European Shepherd puppies are vulnerable and sensitive, however, it is a mistake to allow a dog to sit on a person’s head.

Shepherd dogs are highly intelligent and take training easily. General physical fitness is directly related to the health of the dog. The main principle of raising a puppy is self-control and consistency in actions. If the puppy has committed a fine or, conversely, the baby’s behavior is worthy of praise, you should praise and scold immediately, without delay, otherwise the puppy will not understand why you were reprimanded, and why you patted him behind the ear and called him affectionately.

Unfortunately, old age always comes to us and our pets. When you buy a puppy, you don’t want to think about the fact that your pet will leave you sooner or later. There is an assumption that a dog lives 7 times less than a person. Based on this assumption, if a dog is 7 years old, then by our standards it is about fifty years old.

In addition, the life expectancy and rate of aging of dogs of different breeds are not the same: the lifespan of giant dogs is almost 2 times shorter than their dwarf counterparts.

East European Shepherd: how long do they live and how to ensure longevity

Breed standard

B indicates that the average life expectancy should be 12-14 years old. There were no significant differences between female and male individuals in life length.

But these data describe only a certain average variant, and how many years a particular pet will spend next to its owner depends on several conditions.

Conditions for longevity

TO factors affecting life expectancy include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • physical health;
  • conditions of detention;
  • emotional background.

Each of these factors can influence both positively and negatively.

A puppy adopted from trusted parents, receiving quality veterinary care, including vaccinations and age-appropriate checkups, nutritious food, adequate exercise, and raised in an emotionally healthy environment has every chance of becoming a “long-liver”, having reached the age of 15-16 years.

Therefore, no one can say exactly how many years an East European Shepherd lives, it all depends on the above factors and their performance by the owner.

Sexual activity plays some role– sterilized individuals have a slightly longer lifespan.

Age changes

The life of a dog can be roughly divided, like the human one, into several stages, each of which will have its own physical and behavioral characteristics.

In the early period, the puppy’s eyes have not yet opened, he eats only milk, and cannot survive without outside care (on average up to 12 days).

By 20-21 days, a gradual refusal of milk occurs, and teething begins.

At 4-7 months, teeth are replaced, and ears should also stand up at 4 months.

By the age of one year, the dog reaches adult size, body proportions are built according to the parameters of the breed and individual characteristics.

Interesting! In the future find out how long East European shepherd dogs live you can look at the teeth, or more precisely, by the presence of tubercles on them, which are gradually erased.

So, at the age of one year, the tubercles on white teeth are clearly visible; by the age of 5, the teeth may change color to a more yellowish color, and the tubercles begin to wear off. By the age of 10, a shepherd may already be experiencing problems with loose and worn teeth.

However, these signs are of a private nature and are highly dependent on the quality of care and nutrition.

Psychologically shepherd reaches maturity at the age of about 3 years. She loses much of her puppy mobility and restlessness, and learns the norms of living together with her owner.

After 8 years of life they talk about the onset of old age. Diseases characteristic of this breed may appear– joint diseases that limit mobility, diabetes.

A dog's decrepitude is indicated by: low mobility, sagging skin around the mouth, and severe gray hair.

Becoming the owner of an East European Shepherd, should be remembered that a dog's life is short. But caring care and harmonious living conditions for your pet will allow you to live out the years allotted to it productively and with pleasure.

According to historical facts, East European Shepherds were bred in the 30s. 20th century, but the breed was officially recognized in 1964.

The breed was bred through selective breeding, and cynologists worked hard to create a more hardy and massive species.

In 1924, the authorities of the Soviet Union set before them the task of developing all the positive qualities in the dog: the breed had to become universal, withstanding physical, psychological and climatic stress.

The first breeding species based on the Moscow nursery "Red Star" never received a logical conclusion due to financial instability in the country, but the work did not stop, thanks to donations from high-ranking officials.

The history of domestic dog breeding in the post-war period was disappointing; a large number of shepherd dogs were exterminated. But the situation changed in 1945., when purebred German shepherds were brought from German kennels.

Nurseries were resumed, work was carried out carefully and in a structured manner, new families were created, the breed has not been crossed with other species dogs, which is confirmed by the presence of documents; breeding took place behind closed doors without the help of foreign specialists.

Its recognition as a new species The East European Shepherd breed received its name in 1964. from General G.L. Medvedeva: she was recognized as the most patriotic breed for her services and heroism during the war.

Breeding work to improve this species continued, second VEO standard was recognized in 1977, it is characteristic that the breed was considered a subspecies of the German Shepherd and did not exist as a separate species.

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, a turning point came for VEO: the German Shepherd received the international FCI standard, which put the East European Shepherd in an illegal position.

Attempted attempts to eliminate this breed, however, during the same period, a new community “Association of breeding kennels of the VEO breed” was formed, which served to create the “Unified Pedigree Book of Matings” of the East European Shepherd Dog since 1999.

Only in 2002 VEO was recognized as a separate species, thanks to the canine organization RFK, which returned honor and respect to her.

Differences between the East European Shepherd and the German

Externally VEO much taller and more massive German (height male varies from 65 cm to 77 cm, bitches- from 62 to 71 cm).

East European Shepherd female a little smaller than a male, whereas in the German Shepherd, females are taller than males.

Pastern paws Even in puppies, Orientals are expressed by their massiveness.

The body of the German’s “back” goes down, as if a dog is crouching; that is, the highest point is at the withers, whereas the East European Shepherd has a body from the withers to the base of the croup looks classic, the back looks more even. The sternum is wider and oval in shape.

Movements are balanced, sweeping “trot” with a fairly strong support push.

Germans look more variegated in color, having a pronounced tan, VEO opposite- They are distinguished by a lighter color, the coat is straight, thick and tough.

The breeds also have different temperaments: the German Shepherd is more playful and noisy, which cannot be said about the Eastern European. They, in turn, are distinguished by “serious” and balanced behavior.

VEO - universal dog, but is most suitable for serving in various military structures.

Gallery VEO


The most pronounced feature of the breed is its attachment to its owner. The dog unquestioningly follows commands and obeys.

He is distrustful of strangers, but does not show obvious aggression.

Without special need, he does not show strength, since he has a stable psyche from birth and iron nerves, but at the same time reacts to the situation with lightning speed.

If the owner or his family is in danger, the dog’s reaction will follow immediately, due to its moral attachment to its mentor, it capable of sacrificing life for the sake of saving the owner and his family members.

Considers the owner his own, above him doesn't dominate, among his own people he allows himself to relax and play.

She loves children, is a good “nanny”, reacts calmly to the whims of children, and is always not averse to having fun with them.

He watches his territory very vigilantly and does not tolerate the presence of strangers. Suitable for the role guide.

You can do the training yourself, but for a more effective result It’s better to entrust her to a dog handler.

The East European Shepherd is easy to train and makes contact easily, which plays an important role in military affairs.

It should be noted her endurance and performance. VEO can be described in one word - bodyguard.

East European Shepherds served in the Chechen War. For heroism and courage, the dog Elga was given an award and a monument was erected in her honor in the city of Primorsk-Akhtarsk. Thanks to her courage, dozens, or even hundreds of human lives were saved: sacrificing herself, Elga pointed out buried mines and hidden ammunition to the military.

Feeding and care

The East European Shepherd is quite unpretentious, but like any other species it requires attention.

  • TO hygiene procedures it should be taught from infancy so that the dog can subsequently respond calmly to them.
  • Special care required fur and ears: The dog should be brushed once a day with a special brush - this improves blood circulation and gets rid of various types of impurities.
  • Wash the dog Veterinarians recommend shampooing no more than once a week; pet stores offer a wide range of this product.
  • Ears are cleaned from excess sulfur once every two weeks with a dry cotton swab.
  • If the eyes the dog is not bothered, then you should not touch them so as not to harm them.
  • For teeth You should keep an eye on them and periodically brush them, otherwise tartar may form.
  • A dog can live both on the street and in the house, but it is still more suitable for the private sector, where it is possible. However, VEO can be kept in a spacious apartment.

  • Regardless of where it will be kept, you should do prevention against worms, and also do not forget about vaccinations. For fleas, use drops or a collar.


As you know, a properly balanced diet helps keep the body in good shape.

Therefore, dog handlers and specialists have developed special diet for the East European Shepherd.

This list of products is suitable for both a puppy and an adult.

Daily puppy menu:

  • meat (beef) – 150 gr.;
  • cottage cheese – 150 gr.;
  • one egg;
  • beef bones;
  • vitamins - doses prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • various porridges – 80 gr.;
  • minerals – doses prescribed by the veterinarian;
  • milk – 110g;
  • soups – 80 gr.;
  • boiled fish (can be used instead of meat).

Puppy food It should not be very thick and hot, and you should not overfeed it - this can lead to obesity.

Water should constantly change so that it does not stagnate. As the baby grows, the diet is gradually increased.

Adults can feed special food: The daily diet should contain both dry and liquid food.


Start training the puppy from the first months his life.

This is a kind of establishing contact between the owner and the dog; to be more precise, an emotional connection is established.

Should limit the toddler's communication with strangers to a minimum, otherwise the dog will subsequently begin to obey everyone.

Since some puppies, due to their age, have difficulty concentrating on the same activity, you should not exercise with it for more than 5 minutes. Enough to do three approaches of 5 minutes. per day.

In fact, dogs carry out all commands reflexively; here we can recall Pavlov’s experiment. The essence of training is based on the same method: after the command is completed, the pet is always rewarded with a piece of his favorite treat.

It must be taken into account that the dog must strictly follow the owner’s orders, without being distracted by foreign objects or noises.

At the age of three months, they begin to walk the dog along the street, asking commands and achieving positive results from it.

You can try teach the puppy the most important command “Near!”

  • To do this, purchase a collar with spikes that fit the size of your pet’s neck, and dress it for a walk with the spikes facing inward.
  • During the walk, the dog is kept on a short leash, saying “nearby”.
  • As soon as the dog begins to move away from the owner, the spikes will begin to put pressure on the neck, causing it discomfort, and the animal will return to its original position.
  • The technique is used for up to a year, until the dog begins to independently carry out this command.

Starts at 4-5 months teach the command “Barrier!”

  • The dog's trainer places a small log on the ground, puts on a leash and begins to run with the dog in the direction of the obstacle, directing the animal towards it.
  • Having approached the target, the trainer runs around the log so that she cannot do the same, thereby forcing her to jump over.
  • It should be remembered that before starting the jump you must shout “barrier”.
  • As soon as the pet completes the task, he is treated to a treat.
  • Training should take place daily until the dog begins to clearly follow the command; barriers can be increased and diversified over time.

Many commands and knowledge of East European Shepherds are already laid down. at the genetic level, the main thing is to develop them.

There is nothing difficult about training— basic commands are easy to execute; The main thing is to be patient and persistent, because not everything worked out for us the first time.

How to choose a VEO puppy

The puppy should be looked after and bought in a specialized nursery: there you can trace his entire pedigree - dog handlers keep strict records of all litters.

The price at the nursery varies from 16,000 rub.. and higher, depending on the pedigree and prospects of the puppy.

Hands-on price - from 3000 rub., but this suggests that instead of a European you can buy a pig in a poke. Be careful! Check your documents.


East European Shepherd puppy games:

Old Russian films often featured large, powerful white-gray dogs with an expressive muzzle. Most often, four-legged actors played the roles of border or police dogs, brave and smart, who could handle any criminal. In reality, everything was like this: East European Shepherds not only stood guard at the border of the USSR and looked for thieves and murderers, but also guarded manufacturing enterprises, were guides for the blind and lived in the families of ordinary citizens. The breed was so popular and recognizable that even children knew the shepherd dog, and the breed was surrounded by an aura of respect.

In the thirties of the last century, in the context of the need for a tough fight against crime and protection of the state border along the entire perimeter of the USSR, the task was set to create a new, domestic breed of dogs. It was supposed to become universal and multifaceted and work successfully in various climatic zones: from the Far North to the southern deserts. They decided to take the German shepherd as a basis, and by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the army and the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had a varied and heterogeneous, but numerous population of German shepherds of the Eastern European type.

The war destroyed a huge number of breeding animals However, several purebred breeding animals of the desired type, exported there at the beginning of the war, survived in the Urals. Already in 1946, at a Moscow dog show, the attention of experts was drawn to the large, bright and beautiful male Ingul. Matings with him produced puppies that were very similar to him, that is, he was surprisingly prepotent and passed on his characteristics to almost all the puppies in the litter.

The Ingula line was the main one in domestic breeding, and very soon, by 1964, the breed of German shepherd dogs of the East European type had changed so much that experts started talking about creating a new, domestic breed. The dogs have become much higher at the withers due to the lengthening of the bones of the limbs, their body weight has increased and their movements have changed, as well as their mental characteristics.

Important! In many ways, such rapid modification was due to inbreeding, as well as official permission for the breeding use of cryptorchid males.

After the start of perestroika, in the nineties, the breed experienced times of extermination; it was banned in many kennel clubs. The efforts of enthusiasts from Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the best representatives of the breed remained, only ten years later bore little fruit and the breed began to revive. Today, the population of East European Shepherds, although not of the same type, is gradually coming to a single standard, showing its best qualities.

Main differences from the German Shepherd

The East European Shepherd is very different from the German Shepherd, so much so that typical representatives of the breed cannot be confused with each other. These are two completely different breeds, possessing not only different anatomical features, but also different mental properties.

The East European Shepherd differs from the German one in height, weight, behavior, movement and other qualities.

The East European Shepherd differs from the German Shepherd in the following main characteristics:

  • Height and weight of the animal. VEO is much larger, the minimum height of a female is 62 centimeters, the desired height is not lower than 65 centimeters. The maximum height of a German female is no higher than 60 centimeters.

Important! Males of both breeds are much larger and more courageous than females.

  • Head size and shape. The skull, the fullness and length of the muzzle, the shape and color of the eyes are completely different in anatomical structure.
  • Animal build. VEO has less pronounced limb angles, a steeper pastern, a higher neck extension, a straight back line, and a shorter tail.
  • Pigment or coat color. Most East European Shepherds have light fawn, gray or off-white tan. The German Shepherd has paws of all shades of red, with a more saturated color being encouraged.
  • Coat. German Shepherds have a more elegant covering coat that is longer, especially on the neck and hind legs.
  • Movements. The famous trailing trot of the German Shepherd is inaccessible to VEO due to a different body structure.
  • Behavior. The prudence and calmness of the East European Shepherd is strikingly different from the fiery temperament of the German Shepherd.

Appearance, standard and photographs

Male East European Shepherds are larger than females.

The East European Shepherd gives the impression of a self-confident, proud and intelligent dog that looks at the world with philosophical calm. A large, beautiful animal above average height, with wide, powerful bones and free movements. Males are always more powerful and courageous than females and have larger heads.

  • The body of the animal seems slightly elongated in length, with a strong straight back, a wide, convex loin and a rounded, long croup that smoothly descends to the tail. The chest is deep, fairly wide, with rounded ribs. The neck is strong, dry, the withers are well defined.
  • The forelimbs are long, the shoulder blades and shoulders are muscular, the forearms are parallel to each other, straight, strong. Pasterns slightly sloping and strong. The hind legs are erect, with muscular thighs and long shins. The hock joints are clearly angulated, flat and dry. The paws are large, rounded, with large toes.
  • The head is massive, wedge-shaped, with pronounced cheekbones and a wide skull. The forehead is flat, the transition to the muzzle is smoothed, but noticeable. The muzzle is pointed, well filled, equal to the length of the head. The jaws are strong, the lips are dry, close fitting, scissor bite, full set of teeth. The ears are set high, medium in size and triangular in shape. The eyes are almond-shaped, obliquely set, the eyelids are dry, eye color depends on the color, dark brown or hazel eyes are preferred, light eyes are allowed in light-colored dogs.
  • The tail is thick, saber-shaped, in a calm state it is lowered to the hock joints, and when excited it can be raised to the level of the back.
  • The coat is hard, thick, and the undercoat is well developed. The color can be black, black and tan, saddleback or zoned. In black, a small white blaze on the chest is allowed. The zonal color can be zonal gray or zonal red. Black and tan and black saddle colors always have a mask, while the tan can vary from almost white to deep brown.

The vices are: in behavior - cowardice, unbridled aggression, lethargy and indifference. In the exterior there are all sorts of deviations from the standard that interfere with the normal use of the animal in work and reduce its endurance.

East European Shepherd in the photo

Characteristics and character of the breed

The East European Shepherd is an extremely intelligent, loyal and courageous dog that can become exactly what its owner wants it to be. Dogs of this breed can guard the house or be an excellent nanny for small children, be a faithful companion and friend to a teenager and serve as eyes for a blind pensioner.

Important! They have a calm disposition, are quite patient, and get along well with any pets.

This is a truly universal dog breed in which loyalty and the desire to please the owner prevail over aggression towards strangers. You can leave children with the East European Shepherd without fear; she is careful and attentive to people who have some kind of health problems. At the same time, you can rely on a dog of this breed in an emergency. She will fearlessly meet intruders and protect the home from intrusion by uninvited guests.

The East European Shepherd matures late, Only by the age of three does the dog reach its full physical and mental development. But even during the period of puppyhood and then growing up, a pet of this breed is not inclined to show destructive tendencies, loudly express his feelings or strive to dominate family members. Of course, like many puppies, the baby can chew his favorite shoes or chew on an abandoned magazine, but he is not capable of destroying an apartment in two hours, as they can do.

Subtleties of training

The East European Shepherd is highly trainable.

Training an East European Shepherd is quite simple, because dogs of this breed simply love to learn. They literally look into the trainer's eyes, trying to understand what is required of them. Their reactions of excitation and inhibition are balanced, the pet equally well assimilates commands that require an instant reaction and a command to endure. You can train an East European Shepherd even at home, without the help of a dog handler.

Until the quarantine is over, the baby is carried outside in his arms, not allowed to communicate with other dogs. As soon as the quarantine is over, the baby is put on a leash and led through the streets, introducing him to the world around him. You should constantly change where you walk, go into entrances, walk along crowded streets, and travel in a car or on public transport. As a result, the adult dog will calmly and intelligently perceive any changes in the environment; it will be easy and calm to be with him in any conditions.

The East European Shepherd is trained in almost the same way as the German one, read the article on our website, as well as.

Important features of care and nutrition

The East European Shepherd can be kept both in apartment conditions and in an enclosure. The excellent adaptive abilities of dogs of this breed to any climatic conditions make them immune to cold or heat. But still, you should equip the animal’s enclosure with a canopy to protect it from the sun and precipitation, and also build an insulated booth.

Important! Caring for a dog of this breed comes down to regular brushing of the dense coat, and during periods of shedding, the pet should be brushed daily, and hygienic care of the eyes and ears.

The East European Shepherd needs regular walks, combined with physical activity in the form of jogging or cross-country, swimming and walking uphill. These exercises, as well as running in shallow water or shallow snow, perfectly strengthen the animal’s muscles and ligaments. Joint walks and activities also strengthen the friendship between the dog and the owner, which teaches both the animal and the person to understand each other at a glance.

It is necessary to feed a high-calorie and balanced diet.

A large animal that takes a long time to develop needs a high-calorie and balanced diet. The East European Shepherd can be fed natural food, but it is desirable that seventy percent of the diet consist of meat products, about twenty percent of fermented milk products and cereals, and ten percent of fish and vegetables. It is imperative to give teenagers calcium supplements after changing teeth so that the bone structure is formed correctly.

Health status and what diseases the breed is prone to

The East European Shepherd is a fairly healthy breed of dog, with an average lifespan of ten to thirteen years, but it does have some hereditary diseases and is also predisposed to certain viral and bacterial diseases.

Important!, which can only be detected by fluoroscopic examination.

Mating of an East European Shepherd should be carried out only after careful selection of pairs, since the breed is still heterogeneous and its restoration is still underway. The most common practice is hand knitting.

How to choose an East European Shepherd puppy, kennels and prices

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to carefully study all offers and call nurseries that deal with this breed. It is unwise to take a puppy from random breeders without RKF or SKOR documents. Yes, the mother bitch of the puppies may look like an East European Shepherd, but not be a purebred, and the father is known only from the words of the breeder. In this case, there is a high risk of acquiring a baby with a bunch of hereditary pathologies and mental defects.

Photo. East European Shepherd puppy

If everything is in order with the documents, and the time has come to choose a puppy, then you need to ask the breeder to give the opportunity to watch the kids for a while. An active, cocky little naughty dog ​​who pesters his littermates and happily jumps on the rug will grow up to be a brave and smart dog. A loner who sits gloomily on the sidelines and does not want to leave his corner is most likely sick or afraid of the guest, and no matter how good he is in appearance, it is better not to take such a pet.

A good baby East European Shepherd can be purchased from the following nurseries:

  • In Moscow: nursery “Silver Style”,, cost from 400 dollars.
  • In St. Petersburg: nursery “Verny Friend”,, price from 450 dollars.
  • In Yekaterinburg: nursery “My Pride”,, cost from 400 dollars.

How to name a pet

The pride of domestic dog breeding, the East European Shepherd dog, must have a sonorous, proud nickname. It is most appropriate to name a pet with a name synonymous with the words “courage”, “courage”, “strength”, you can use the names of great rivers and elements as a nickname.

  • For a male dog. Typhoon, Nord, North, Lord, Corsair, Genghis, Akbar, Icarus, Yary, Dnepr, Leader.
  • For a bitch. Kama, Blizzard, Vesta, Utah, Anthea, Darina, Thunderstorm, Storm, Normandy, Medea.



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