How many decibels can the human ear withstand? Permissible noise standards in an apartment Permissible decibel standard for humans

]Usually, decibels are used to measure sound volume. A decibel is a decimal logarithm. This means that an increase in volume of 10 decibels means that the sound has become twice as loud as the original one. The loudness of a sound in decibels is usually described by the formula 10Log 10 (I/10 -12), where I is the sound intensity in watts/square meter.


Comparison table of noise levels in decibels

The table below describes decibel levels in ascending order, and corresponding examples of sound sources. Information about the negative effects on hearing is also provided for each noise level.

Decibel levels for different noise sources
Decibels Example source Health effects
0 Silence None
10 Breath None
20 Whisper None
30 Quiet background noise in nature None
40 Sounds in the library, quiet background noise in the city None
50 Calm conversation, normal suburban background noise None
60 Office or restaurant noise, loud conversation None
70 TV, highway noise from 15.2 meters (50 feet) away The note; some people find it unpleasant
80 Noise from factory, food processor, car wash from 6.1 meters (20 feet) away Possible hearing damage with prolonged exposure
90 Lawn mower, motorcycle from a distance of 7.62 m (25 ft) High potential for hearing damage with prolonged exposure
100 Boat motor, jackhammer High potential for serious hearing damage with prolonged exposure
110 Loud rock concert, steel mill It may hurt immediately; there is a very high likelihood of serious hearing damage with prolonged exposure
120 Chainsaw, thunder Usually there is immediate pain
130-150 Fighter taking off from an aircraft carrier There may be immediate hearing loss or a ruptured eardrum.

Measuring sound levels using instruments

    Use your computer. With special programs and equipment, it is easy to measure the noise level in decibels directly on the computer. Below are just some of the ways you can do this. Please note that using higher quality recording equipment will always produce better results; In other words, your laptop's built-in microphone may be sufficient for some tasks, but a high-quality external microphone will provide more accurate results.

  1. Use the mobile app. To measure sound levels anywhere, mobile applications will come in handy. The microphone on your mobile device probably won't produce the same quality as an external microphone connected to your computer, but it can be surprisingly accurate. For example, the reading accuracy on a mobile phone may well differ by 5 decibels from professional equipment. Below is a list of programs for reading sound level in decibels for different mobile platforms:

    • For Apple devices: Decibel 10th, Decibel Meter Pro, dB Meter, Sound Level Meter
    • For Android devices: Sound Meter, Decibel Meter, Noise Meter, deciBel
    • For Windows phones: Decibel Meter Free, Cyberx Decibel Meter, Decibel Meter Pro
  2. Use a professional decibel meter. This is usually not cheap, but it may be the easiest way to get accurate measurements of the sound level you are interested in. Also called a “sound level meter”, this is a specialized device (can be bought in an online store or specialized stores) that uses a sensitive microphone to measure the noise level around and gives an exact value in decibels. Since such devices are not in great demand, they can be quite expensive, often starting at $200 even for entry-level devices.

    • Please note that the decibel/sound level meter may have a slightly different name. For example, another similar device called a noise meter does the same thing as a sound level meter.

    Mathematical calculation of decibels

    1. Find out the sound intensity in watts/meter square. In everyday life, decibels are used as a simple measure of loudness. However, everything is not so simple. In physics, decibels are often seen as a convenient way of expressing the "intensity" of a sound wave. The greater the amplitude of a sound wave, the more energy it transmits, the more air particles vibrate along its path, and the more intense the sound itself. Because of the direct relationship between sound wave intensity and decibel volume, it is possible to find the decibel value by knowing only the sound level intensity (which is usually measured in watts/meter square)

      • Note that for normal sounds the intensity value is very small. For example, a sound with an intensity of 5 × 10 -5 (or 0.00005) watts/meter square corresponds to approximately 80 decibels, which is approximately the volume of a blender or food processor.
      • To better understand the relationship between intensity and decibel level, let's solve a problem. Let's take this as an example: Let's assume that we are sound engineers and we need to get ahead of the background noise level in a recording studio in order to improve the quality of the recorded sound. After installing the equipment, we recorded background noise intensity 1 × 10 -11 (0.00000000001) watt/meter square. Using this information, we can then calculate the background noise level of the studio in decibels.
    2. Divide by 10 -12. If you know the intensity of your sound, you can easily plug it into the formula 10Log 10 (I/10 -12) (where "I" is the intensity in watts/meter square) to get the decibel value. First, divide 10 -12 (0.000000000001). 10 -12 displays the intensity of a sound with a rating of 0 on the decibel scale, by comparing the intensity of your sound to this number you will find its ratio to the starting value.

      • In our example, we divided the intensity value 10 -11 by 10 -12 and got 10 -11 / 10 -12 = 10 .
    3. Let's calculate Log 10 from this number and multiply it by 10. To complete the solution, all you have to do is take the base 10 logarithm of the resulting number and then finally multiply it by 10. This confirms that decibels are a base 10 logarithmic value - in other words, a 10 decibel increase in noise level indicates a doubling sound volume.

      • Our example is easy to solve. Log 10 (10) = 1. 1 ×10 = 10. Therefore, the value of background noise in our studio is equal to 10 decibels. It's quite quiet, but still picked up by our high-end recording equipment, so we probably need to eliminate the source of the noise to achieve a higher quality recording.

A person does not need absolute silence to feel comfortable and peaceful. The complete absence of sounds will not bring peace of mind, and this state of the environment is not silence (in the usual sense of the word). A world filled with subtle, often not perceived by consciousness, rustles and halftones allows you to take a break from the noise and bustle of your mind and body. However, many sounds of varying strength and beauty fill people’s lives, bringing joy, providing information, and simply accompanying necessary actions.

How do you understand that while enjoying yourself you are not disturbing others and not harming yourself? How to eliminate annoying and negative influence from the outside? To do this, it is helpful to know and understand scientifically established noise standards.

What is noise

Noise is a physical and multi-valued quantity (for example, digital noise in images). In modern science, this term refers to non-periodic vibrations of various natures - sound, radio, electromagnetic. Previously, in science this concept only included sound waves, but then it became broader.

Most often, noise means a complex of irregular sounds of different frequencies and heights, and from a physiological point of view, any unfavorably perceived acoustic phenomenon.

Noise unit

The noise level is measured in decibels. A decibel is a tenth of a white, which is practically never used. Characterizes the relationship to each other of two physical (energy or power) quantities of the same name - that is, power to power, current to current. One of the indicators is taken as the initial one. It can be simply basic or generally accepted, and then they talk about the level of the phenomenon (for example, the power level).

For those ignorant of mathematics, it will be clearer than the fact that an increase in any initial value by 10 dB for the human ear means a sound twice as loud as the initial one, by 20 dB - four times louder, and so on. It turns out that the sound heard by a person is a billion times weaker than the loudest. Using this notation greatly simplifies the recording, eliminating many zeros, and makes the information easier to perceive.

Bel originates from methods used to estimate the attenuation of telephone and telegraph signals in their respective transmission lines. Named in honor of the American scientist of Canadian origin, Alexander Graham Bell, who is one of the pioneers of telephony, the author of many inventions and the founder of the world's largest media conglomerate American Telephone and Telegraph Company, as well as a large research center Bell Laboratories.

The relationship between numbers and life phenomena

To understand the numerical expression of noise levels, you need to have precise guidelines. Without application to familiar life phenomena, numbers will remain abstract signs.

Sound source Value in decibels
Calm normal breathing 10
rustling leaves 17
Whispering/flipping through newspaper sheets 20
Quiet background noise in nature 30
Quiet (normal) background noise in a city apartment building, the sound of waves of a calm sea rolling onto the shore 40
Calm conversation 50
Sounds in a not very large office, restaurant hall, rather loud conversation 60
Most common sound level of a running TV, busy highway noise from ~15.5 meters away, loud speech 70
A working vacuum cleaner, a factory (sensation from outside), a train in the subway (from the carriage), a conversation in a raised voice, a child crying 80
Working lawnmower, motorcycle from a distance of ~8 meters 90
Started motor boat, jackhammer, active traffic 100
Loud squeal of a child 105
Heavy music concert, thunderclap, steel mill, jet engine (from 1 km distance), subway train (from platform) 110
Loudest recorded snoring 112
Pain threshold: chain saw, gunshots from certain guns, jet engine, car horn at close range 120
Car without muffler 120-150
A fighter jet taking off from an aircraft carrier (in the distance) 130-150
Working hammer drill (in close proximity) 140
Rocket launch 145
Supersonic aircraft - shock wave 160
Lethal level: powerful volcanic eruption 180
122 mm artillery shot 183
The loudest sound made by a blue whale 189
Nuclear explosion 200

Impact of noise on the human body

The negative impact of noise on people has been confirmed by many studies. In ecology, a very eloquent concept of “noise pollution” has even been formed.

Noise levels above 70 dB with long-term exposure are likely to cause disorders of the central nervous system, changes in blood pressure, headaches, metabolic disorders, disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland and digestive organs, impairs memory, the ability to concentrate and, of course, reduces hearing . Noise exceeding 100 dB can lead to absolute deafness. Intense and prolonged exposure can provoke

Every 10 dB increase in average noise raises blood pressure by 1.5-2 mmHg, and the risk of stroke increases by 10%. Noise leads to earlier aging, shortening the lives of the population of large cities by 8-12 years. According to experts, the permissible noise level in megacities is significantly exceeded: by 10-20 dB near railway stations and by 20-25 dB near medium-sized highways, by 30-35 dB in apartments whose windows do not have sound insulation and overlook large highways.

Research from the World Health Organization has shown that 2% of all human deaths were caused by illnesses caused by excessive noise. Danger is also posed by those sounds that are not perceived by the human ear - lower or higher than a person can hear. The degree of impact depends on their strength and duration.

Daytime noise levels

In addition to federal laws, it is also possible to adopt local legislative acts that tighten national regulations. Russian legislation provides for noise level limits that differ during the day and night, as well as on weekdays and weekends/holidays.

On weekdays, daytime will be from 7.00 to 23.00 - noise up to 40 dB is allowed (exceeding by a maximum of 15 dB is allowed).

From 13.00 to 15.00 the noise level in the apartment should be minimal (complete silence is recommended) - this is the official time for afternoon rest.

On weekends, the schedule changes slightly - daily rates are from 10.00 to 22.00.

Carrying out repair work in residential apartment buildings is allowed only on weekdays in the time period from 9.00 to 19.00 with a mandatory one-hour break for lunch (in addition to complete silence from 13.00 to 15.00), and their total duration should not exceed 6 hours. The renovation of the apartment should be completed within 3 months.

  • production premises - noise level up to 70 dB;
  • open-type offices (partitions between workstations do not reach the ceiling) - up to 45 dB;
  • closed offices - up to 40 dB;
  • conference rooms - up to 35 dB.

Is it possible to make noise at night?

During sleep, a person's hearing sensitivity increases by almost 15 dB. According to the World Health Organization, people become irritable if they are exposed to sounds of only 35 dB during sleep, noise of 42 dB leads to insomnia, and diseases of the cardiovascular system from 50 dB.

Night time on weekdays is considered to be part of the day from 23.00 to 7.00, on weekends and holidays from 22.00 to 10.00. The noise level should not be more than 30 dB (exceeding by a maximum of 15 dB is acceptable).

In exceptional cases, violation of established norms is allowed, these include:

  • catching criminals;
  • actions taken under force majeure circumstances, during emergency situations and natural disasters, as well as to eliminate their consequences;
  • holding citywide celebrations with the launch of fireworks and concerts.

Noise level measurement

Is it possible to determine the number of dB yourself? It is very easy to determine the noise level yourself, without professional equipment. To do this you can:

  • use a special computer program;
  • install the appropriate mobile application on your phone.

True, the results of these measurements can be used only for personal needs.

For a more accurate study, it is better to use a technique designed for this - a sound level meter (often it can be found under the name “sound level meter”). However, if you need to prove a violation of the norms for official proceedings, you will have to call a specialist with the same device.

There are sound level meters of 4 classes of accuracy and, accordingly, cost.

To most accurately determine the noise level in the measurement area, you need to take into account that the device should not be used at temperatures below -10 °C and above +50 °C.

Humidity in the room should not exceed 90%, and atmospheric pressure should not be between 645 and 810 millimeters of mercury.

Where to go if you need to measure noise

Measurements can be carried out by representatives of forensic organizations, but only on the basis of a court order. Research is carried out by representatives of Rospotrebnadzor or third-party organizations accredited by it for this activity. Design organizations and members of builders' organizations working on the principles of self-regulation (SRO) will help - for the legal activities of construction companies, joining such non-profit associations is a prerequisite.

Who to complain to if the noise bothers you

You can contact the police - by calling the duty phone or by calling the local police officer. In some cases, especially when it comes to noise level violations during repairs, it makes sense to call representatives of the utility company servicing the house. Sometimes it is advisable to contact the prosecutor's office. You can also complain to Rospotrebnadzor or sanitary and epidemiological authorities.

Sound, as a signal, has an infinite number of vibrations and can carry the same infinite amount of information. The degree of its perception will vary depending on the physiological capabilities of the ear, in this case excluding psychological factors. Depending on the type of noise, its frequency and pressure, a person feels its influence.

Sensitivity threshold of the human ear in decibels

Frequencies up to 10-15 Hz are infrasound, not perceived by the hearing organ, which causes resonant vibrations. The ability to control the vibrations that sound creates is a powerful weapon of mass destruction. Inaudible to the ear, infrasound is capable of traveling long distances, transmitting orders that force people to act according to a certain scenario, cause panic and horror, and force them to forget about everything that has nothing to do with the desire to hide, to escape from this fear. And at a certain ratio of frequency and sound pressure, such a device is capable of not only suppressing the will, but also killing, injuring human tissue.

Absolute sensitivity threshold of the human ear in decibels

The range from 7 to 13 Hz is emitted by natural disasters: volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons and causes a feeling of panic and horror. Since the human body also has an oscillation frequency that ranges from 8 to 15 Hz, with the help of such infrasound it costs nothing to create a resonance and increase the amplitude tens of times in order to drive a person to suicide or damage internal organs.

At low frequencies and high pressure, nausea and stomach pain appear, which quickly turns into serious gastrointestinal disorders, and an increase in pressure up to 150 dB leads to physical damage. Resonances of internal organs at low frequencies cause bleeding and spasms, at medium frequencies - nervous excitement and injury to internal organs, at high frequencies - up to 30 Hz - tissue burns.

In the modern world, the development of sound weapons is actively underway and, apparently, it was not in vain that the German microbiologist Robert Koch predicted that it would be necessary to look for a “vaccination” against noise, like against the plague or cholera.

There are different noise levels and permissible standards, exceeding which poses a great danger to human hearing.

How is noise measured?

Noise levels, like sounds, are measured in decibels (dB). According to the law of the Russian Federation, there are established standards that cannot be exceeded. In the daytime - no more than 55 decibels, at night - no higher than 45 dB. These are maximum permissible values, since their increase has a negative impact on human health. The nervous system is mainly affected and headaches occur.

Why are high-pitched sounds dangerous?

Noise levels may vary. Some do not exceed the norms established by law and do not interfere with human life. During the daytime, a higher sound level is allowed, but it also has its own limits in decibels. If the norm is exceeded, the person may feel nervous and irritable. Reactions are slowed down, productivity and intelligence decrease.

Noise above 70 decibels can cause hearing impairment. Especially loud sounds have a strong impact on the health of children, disabled people and the elderly. According to studies of the influence of noise on humans, the reaction of the nervous system to an increase in permissible background noise standards begins at 40 decibels. Sleep is disturbed already at 35 dB.

Strong changes in the nervous system occur at noise levels of 70 decibels. In this case, a person may experience mental illness, hearing and vision deterioration, and even a negative change in blood composition.

For example, in Germany, almost twenty percent of workers work in noise levels between 85 and 90 decibels. And this led to increased cases of hearing loss. Constant noise that exceeds the norm entails, at a minimum, drowsiness, fatigue and irritation.

What happens to hearing when exposed to noise?

Prolonged or excessively loud background noise can damage a person's hearing system. The most dangerous thing in this case is rupture of the eardrums. Accordingly, hearing decreases or complete deafness occurs. In the worst case scenario, with a loud explosion, the sound level of which reaches 200 decibels, a person dies.


The maximum noise level in a residential area (at any time of the day) is set in accordance with sanitary requirements. Sound over 70 decibels and higher is harmful not only to the psychological, but also to the physical state of a person. At enterprises, the noise level is regulated in accordance with sanitary standards and hygienic requirements established in the Russian Federation.

The optimal background noise level is considered to be 20 decibels. For comparison, city noise averages 30 to 40 dB. And the maximum permissible for airliners is 50 dB above the ground. Now on many city streets, noise levels reach 65 to 85 decibels. But the most common indicators are from 70 to 75 dB. And this is at a standard of 70 dB.

High noise level (dB) is 90. It causes headaches, increases blood pressure, etc. Areas with high noise levels include residential areas near airports, industrial enterprises, etc. In construction sites, the permitted level of increased noise is not must exceed 45 decibels.

The main sources of noise are cars, aviation and railway transport, industrial production, etc. The average background noise on the roads of large cities is from 73 to 83 decibels. And the maximum is from 90 to 95 dB. In houses located along highways, noise can reach from 62 to 77 decibels.

Although, according to sanitary standards, background noise should not exceed 40 dB during the day, and 30 dB at night. According to the Ministry of Transport, approximately thirty percent of the population lives in noise discomfort zones in the Russian Federation. And from three to four percent of citizens are under the aviation sound background.

Low-intensity noise levels from urban traffic that can be heard in residential areas are approximately 35 decibels. This does not cause physiological changes in people. At a sound level of 40 decibels, after ten minutes a change in hearing sensitivity begins. Under the influence of constant noise for fifteen minutes, sensations return to normal. At 40 dB, the duration of restful sleep is slightly disrupted.

In factory production where the press operates, a special muffler is installed on it. As a result, noise is reduced from 95 to 83 decibels. And it becomes below the established sanitary standards for production.

But mostly people suffer from car noise. In cities where there is heavy traffic, the sound background is slightly higher than normal. When powerful trucks pass, the noise reaches its maximum value - from 85 to 95 decibels. But on average in large cities the excess of the permissible norm ranges from 5 to 7 decibels. And only in private sectors does the noise level meet accepted standards.

Technological progress causes an increase in artificial sound background, which in this case becomes harmful to humans. In some industries, the noise level in the room reaches 60 to 70 decibels or higher. Although the norm should be a value of 40 dB. All operating mechanisms create a lot of noise, spreading over a long distance.

This is especially noticeable in the mining and metallurgical industries. In such industries, the noise reaches 75 to 80 decibels. From explosions and the operation of turbojet engines - from 110 to 130 dB.

What do sanitary noise standards include?

Sanitary noise standards include many factors. The frequency characteristics, duration and time of exposure to a loud background sound, and its character are measured. Measurements are carried out in decibels.

The standards are based on the characteristics of what level of noise, even over a long period of time, does not cause negative changes in the human body. During the day it is no more than 40 decibels, and at night it is no higher than 30 dB. The permissible limit for transport noise is from 84 to 92 dB. And over time, the established background noise standards are planned to be lowered further.

How to determine noise level?

At night, getting rid of loud noise is quite easy. You can call a local police officer or a police squad. But in the daytime, determining the noise level is much more problematic. Therefore, there is a special examination. A special sanitary and epidemiological commission from Rospotrebnadzor is called. And the outgoing noise is recorded in decibels. After the measurements, a report is drawn up.

Noise standards during construction

When constructing residential buildings, developers are required to provide the premises with good sound insulation. The noise should not be more than 50 decibels. This applies to sounds transmitted through the air (working TV, neighbors talking, etc.).

Comparative indicators of permissible noise

Short-term exposure to loud sounds up to 60 decibels is not dangerous for humans. In contrast to systematic noise, which disrupts the nervous system. The following describes the noise levels (in dB) from various sources:

  • human whisper - from 30 to 40;
  • refrigerator operation - 42;
  • elevator cabin movement - from 35 to 43;
  • Breezer ventilation - from 30 to 40;
  • air conditioning - 45;
  • noise of a flying airliner - 140;
  • playing the piano - 80;
  • noise of the forest - from 10 to 24;
  • flowing water - from 38 to 58;
  • noise of a working vacuum cleaner - 80;
  • colloquial speech - from 45 to 60;
  • supermarket noise - 60;
  • car horn - 120;
  • cooking on the stove - 40;
  • noise of a motorcycle or train - from 90;
  • repair work - 100;
  • dance music in nightclubs - 110;
  • baby crying - from 70 to 80;
  • Lethal noise level for humans is 200.

From the list it is clear that many sounds that a person encounters every day exceed the permissible noise level. Moreover, only natural sounds are listed above, which are almost impossible to avoid. And if additional decibels are added, then the sound threshold established by sanitary standards is sharply exceeded.

Therefore, rest is important. After working in industries where noise levels are off the charts, it is necessary to restore your hearing. To do this, it is enough to spend as much time as possible in relaxing, quiet places. Outdoor trips are good for this.

How to measure noise in decibels?

The permissible noise level can be measured independently using special items - sound meters. But they are very expensive. And the recording of sound levels is carried out only by specialists, without whose conclusion the acts will be invalid.

As mentioned above, aggressive noise exposure sometimes leads to ruptured eardrums. For this reason, hearing deteriorates, sometimes to the point of complete deafness. Although the eardrum can recover, the process is very long and depends on the severity of the damage.

For this reason, it is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to noise. From time to time you need to give your ears a rest: be in complete silence, go to the village (dacha), do not listen to music, turn off the TV. But first of all, it is advisable to abandon all kinds of portable music players with headphones.

All this will help preserve our precious hearing, which will always serve faithfully. In addition, silence helps the eardrums recover after injury.

Let's take the most important thing from there:

In accordance with the Code ( read carefully to the end, not paying attention to the region) of the Tomsk Region on administrative offenses, punishment entails the use of sound-reproducing devices at high volumes, including those installed on vehicles, balconies or window sills, disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens. The key words here are “peace and quiet”. Let no one be confused by the reference to regional law. Similar norms exist in almost every region. You can't make noise anywhere.

Most likely, the attentive reader noticed that we are talking about the Tomsk region. BUT. The most important thing here is “Let no one be confused by the reference to a regional law. Similar norms exist in almost every region.”

Without thinking twice, we go to Google to find out what is in our region (in this case we are talking about Moscow). When searching for “sanitary standards for sound”, the first link is the site http://www.vash... .

We carefully study the document. Let's move on to the most important:

6.3. Permissible values ​​of sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands, equivalent and maximum sound levels of penetrating noise in residential and public buildings and noise in residential areas should be taken according to Table. 3.

Here, in fact, is the table itself (unnecessary parts removed):

Type of work activity, workplace

Times of Day

Sound pressure levels, dB, in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz

Sound levels and equivalent sound levels (in dBA)

Maximum sound levels L Amax, dBA

Living rooms of apartments, living quarters of holiday homes, boarding houses, boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, sleeping quarters in preschool institutions and boarding schools

Sanitary standards regulate noise levels both at night and during the day. We are interested in the column “Sound levels and equivalent sound levels (in dBA)”, since when the case was considered in court (see the first link), a noise level of 41 decibels appeared.

What are the "Maximum Sound Levels" in this table? The maximum permissible sound levels (LAmax, dBA) are 15 decibels more than “normal”. For example, for living rooms of apartments, the permissible constant sound level during the daytime is 40 decibels, and the temporary maximum is 55.

These magic numbers don’t say anything yet, since there is nothing to compare with.

We also go to Google with the request “Noise scale”. Again, using the first link we find the site http://www.kakr... . There is a table on the page:

Characteristic Sound sources
0 Can not hear anything
5 Almost inaudible
10 Almost inaudible quiet rustle of leaves
15 Barely audible rustle of leaves
20 Barely audible human whisper (at a distance of 1 meter).
25 Quiet human whisper (1m)
30 Quiet

whispering, ticking of the wall clock.

The permissible maximum according to the standards for residential premises at night, from 23 to 7 o'clock.

35 Quite audible muffled conversation
40 Quite audible

ordinary speech.

The norm for residential premises during the day, from 7 to 23 hours.

45 Quite audible normal conversation
50 Clearly audible conversation, typewriter
55 Clearly audible Upper standard for class A office premises (according to European standards)
60 Noisy Norm for offices
65 Noisy loud conversation (1m)
70 Noisy loud conversations (1m)
75 Noisy scream, laugh (1m)
80 Very noisy scream, motorcycle with muffler.
85 Very noisy loud scream, motorcycle with muffler
90 Very noisy loud screams, freight railway car (seven meters away)
95 Very noisy subway car (7 meters outside or inside the car)
100 Extremely noisy

orchestra, subway car (intermittently), thunder

Maximum permissible sound pressure for the player's headphones (according to European standards)

105 Extremely noisy on an airplane (until the 80s of the twentieth century)
110 Extremely noisy helicopter
115 Extremely noisy sandblasting machine (1m)
120 Almost unbearable jackhammer (1m)
125 Almost unbearable
130 Pain threshold plane at the start
135 Contusion
140 Contusion sound of a jet plane taking off
145 Contusion rocket launch
150 Concussion, injuries
155 Concussion, injuries
160 Shock, injuries shock wave from a supersonic aircraft

At sound levels above 160 decibels, rupture of eardrums and lungs is possible,
more than 200 - death (noise weapon)



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