Template text to attract the attention of potential customers. Best Selling Phrases

If you think a social media headline isn't that important, consider why some almost identical posts receive different responses. This may seem like an exaggeration, but in reality just one element - the headline - can make a difference, regardless of the network. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 people read headlines, and only 2 out of 10 read the rest of the text. There have been cases where replacing one word in a bad post title resulted in a 46% increase in response to it!

Do you need headlines on social networks?

Headings on social networks, like headings to regular texts, catch the reader’s attention and draw him into the content itself. It does not matter what kind of text is titled - selling, entertaining or educational. The title is an intrigue, an eye-stopper, an obligatory element of the text. This is what will “sell” your post.

On Facebook, posts 100-250 characters long receive 60% more engagement than posts longer than 250 characters. But long posts can also be popular and read to the end thanks to “tasty” headings. They should be meaningful, intriguing and short - optimally 7+/-2 words.

For posts of up to 100 characters, the first sentence in the text can play an engaging role, provided that it is formatted properly. A sentence heading can, for example, be separated by a blank line, emoticons or emoji, and each word in it written in capital letters.

Top 30 templates for selling phrases

Use these header templates for inspiration and to get you started if you haven't gotten the hang of it yet. In the future, you will be able to automatically write headlines on your own that will sell on social networks very effectively.

  1. Secret ________
  2. Top 10 ways ___________
  3. Why _________ will never work
  4. How ___________ will help you succeed
  5. What __________ doesn't want you to know
  6. Why __________ is not as bad as you think
  7. 5 tips for helping ____________
  8. How ___________
  9. If you _________, then you can ____________
  10. What everyone should know _____________
  11. Beginner's Guide _______________
  12. 4 keys to _____________
  13. 10 tools (formulas, products) used by experts _____(in what field)
  14. How many times have you tried ____________ and it didn’t work? (for example, they tried to change a tire and failed)
  15. 20 mistakes in _________ and ways to avoid them
  16. The truth about _________________
  17. Complete Guide to ________________
  18. ___________ make it simple
  19. 5 minutes until the best _____________
  20. This is what happens when ______________
  21. Before you __________, read this article.
  22. What happens when _____________
  23. You too can ______________
  24. How to ____________ in less than an hour a day
  25. 7 types ___________. This will help you __________
  26. Examples that prove ______________
  27. Do ___________ like a pro
  28. 20 genius hacks that will help you ____________
  29. 10 examples _____________
  30. 5 things I wish I knew about _____________

The most popular headlines on Facebook and Twitter

On Facebook and Instagram, users are very active in response to emotional headlines: “SHOCK,” “Very touching,” or “Crying with happiness.”

Headlines that catch inquisitive users are also very popular: “Then the incredible happened,” “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to...” and the like.

Twitter works great with headlines that tell you to download something (“Click here to download”). They are very effective and get 13% more clicks.

How to write good headlines for social media posts yourself

Writing headlines is always difficult at first, so feel free to use popular headlines from others as a basis. Google a specific topic, find the most relevant title you see frequently, and think about how you can use it. At the same time, be unique. Don't copy headlines just because they've worked for others - add your own ideas and personality by making them original.

  • Emphasize urgency. For example, “Ten things you should do right now” or “Fix these common mistakes or you risk losing everything.”
  • Use the negative form of the word instead of the positive one. For example, a post titled “5 Worst Blogging Practices” will likely outperform “5 Best Blogging Tips.”
  • Use more present tense verbs and adverbs, especially such as “earn”, “act now”, “launch”, “achieve”. These words get incomparably more clicks due to their relevance, ease of reading and perception.
  • Present information in list form. Using lists in text is still a popular and effective way to attract attention, and although they are often overused, lists still get a fair amount of clicks.
  • Keep nouns and adjectives to a minimum. Overusing adjectives in your headline can make your title sound sound but overly pompous, wordy and, frankly, boring.
  • Be specific. Using a more general title may seem like it will attract the widest audience, but this is often not the case. The title should clearly indicate the topic of your content.
  • Show the benefit. Your headline should communicate HOW your product or information will HELP people, not how good it is per se.
  • Use question words. Using question words like “how”, “what”, “when” and “why” in headlines is always effective in attracting attention and getting a good response.
  • Evoke emotions. A headline that evokes feelings of happiness, anger, or even fear may increase clicks, but be careful: there is a fine line between evoking feelings and manipulating them.
  • Use inside information. Messages that promise to reveal this or that secret are always popular.
  • Don't get carried away. A fancy headline with a lot of long, clever words may seem successful, but it's unlikely to get the interest you're looking for. Instead, give your readers a simple, clear idea of ​​what you're talking about and how it will help them.

The quality of your headlines - both on social media and on your blog - can have a huge impact on the success of all your content. So take your time and test different titles to see which ones work best.

99 sales tools. Effective methods of making a profit Mrochkovsky Nikolay Sergeevich

Template text to attract the attention of potential clients

To attract potential clients to any of your events, you need to create an ad and place it on various specialized websites, thematic portals and forums, on social networks and so on.

The most important thing is to the text was short, intriguing and motivating to action.

As an example, we offer you the text of a letter that was used by the same holiday agency to promote a seminar.

Template 12. Text to attract the attention of potential clients

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We live in our own era, an era of progress and achievement. The market, politics, culture are developing every day. To obtain high profitability from their enterprise, businessmen use marketing tricks, or rather advertising. Marketing is a type of human activity that is aimed at satisfying the needs and wants of customers. Today no company can do without advertising.

A slogan on a poster of a couple of words attracts 90% of people who read it. Only a master who knows his business can do such magic.
If you want ordinary words to work for you, you must adhere to certain principles:
- use “magnet words” - words that attract people to stop and read the advertisement
- create extraordinary headlines

The ability to attract clients is an art. And for this there are a number of words and phrases that are called magic.

Certain words, when combined with each other, create the perfect phrase that literally draws a person into reading the text of an advertisement or advertisement. Some of these words are: You, Exceptional, Power, Discovery, Money, Master, New, Free, Power, Reliable, Incredible, Proven, Scientific, Private, Secret, Cash, Revealed, Discover, Shocking, Hidden, Discovered, Inside, Intimate , Breakthrough, Sex...

The most common word is FREE. This word works in combination with any one hundred percent. For example, “Assorted swimsuits. Points for FREE” The word will have special power if it is highlighted in bold letters from the entire text.

The word Sex is used extremely rarely, but by secretly changing its meaning you can make a profit. For example, “In addition to porn sites, there are others with earnings of $10,000.”
Phrases with the word OPENING are guaranteed to bring you profit, as they almost always work for buyers.

“Secrets of making money”, “Training to become a Master of Web Design in half an hour” are magic phrases that almost every advertiser uses.

Power phrases impact clients deeply simply because of what they mean. Brain viruses that cannot be resisted, the weakest are susceptible to strong impressions.

Collocations with the word Discovery affect people like a current running through the body. It attracts everyone, as if this phrase is a breakthrough in science. Therefore, if you took this phrase to create advertising, then your activity will produce results.

All magic phrases primarily affect the human subconscious psychologically. Brain activity occurs in the head and a person, like a drug, strives to peer into every letter of the text.
In order to penetrate a person’s subconscious, you need to use the necessary words-verbs that fill your phrase with power. With the help of actions, your phrase acquires living force and hidden energy.

Verbs necessary to use:
Push, Save, Tear, Find, Create, Discover, Find out, Save, Distribute, Throw away, Do, Push, Open, Explode, Hit, Come, Get to the bottom, Do...
The most popular phrase with the word Save. There are rich, poor and average in the world. For the poor and middle-aged these days, saving comes first, so the word Save is already deeply embedded in people's minds.

Examples of phrases that are one hundred percent successful:
Make a profit!
Reveal the secret!
Use the latest!
Throw away unnecessary ballast!
Turn it into money!
and so on…

The written phrases cause a reaction in buyers and, as if subjected to hypnosis, they succumb to the actions that are narrated in the advertisement.

Every sale begins with a greeting and a phrase to establish contact. What is important here is the client’s disposition and openness, on the one hand, and the expert’s ability to attract the client’s attention and interest him, on the other hand.

Whether the phrase you say when establishing contact with the client will arouse the buyer’s interest and stimulate his activity depends only on you.

After greeting the Client who enters the store, give the Client the opportunity to “look around” for no more than 1-1.5 minutes (if a group of 2-4 people entered, then 2-3 minutes), and politely offer your help.

Phrases for establishing contact that can arouse the client’s interest and activate it:

Statement of fact (manufacturer advantages, new products, promotions, compliment).

Offering help through action.

Open question.

Non-standard phrase.

Not effective phrases! These are: “Should I help you?”, “Can I tell you something?”, “What are you interested in?”, “What are you looking for?”.

They are prohibited here!!!

Because these phrases can cause negative emotions in the Client. Also undesirable are phrases (closed) that require a short answer “Yes” or “No”, which leads to an interruption of the dialogue, instead of arousing the Client’s interest and setting him up for communication, inducing him to make a purchase decision “Here and Now” .

In addition, these phrases are very confusing and are used by sellers in many stores!

It is important to remember that:

Closed questions to which the interlocutor can only answer “Yes” and “No” are good in a situation with an overly talkative person or when we want to quickly end the conversation or direct it in a strictly defined direction. In other circumstances, questions of this type demotivate the interlocutor because they do not allow him to show his knowledge and beliefs in the conversation. Asked one after another during the needs identification stage, they give the impression of interrogation.

Open questions encourage you to give a detailed answer and get as much information as possible. Open questions begin with the words: “What...”, “What...”, “About what...”, “What is connected with...”, “When...”, “Based on what...”. They are useful if you want to get the other person to "talk", they will help in starting a conversation, or if you want to find out the interests and positions of the interlocutor.

Alternative questions give the right to choose and receive information regarding the direction of the conversation. Use to summarize interim results, as well as to determine further actions. It is very effective to use such questions in order to push the Client to the necessary actions when he has almost already decided: “Have you already decided in what color you will buy the Atlant-21 bed: wenge, mahogany or walnut?”, “Have you already have we decided which bedroom set we will order: oak or beech?”

Alternative questions, the first part of the question is an open question, but at the end the interlocutor is offered answer options. “Are you focusing on the middle or premium segment?”, “Are you interested in the quality (comfort) of the mattress or the design too?”

Clarifying questions help clarify the ambiguity of what the buyer said and obtain more accurate information. This is a specific request for clarification and clarification. “What do you mean by “reliable”?

Statement of fact

Promotion. « Good afternoon Please note that we currently have many promotional offers from Guten+kauf! I’m sure they will interest you” or “You came in on time, today there are special discounts for you...” or “Hello! You have entered the best store in our city! How do you feel about exclusive offers?”

New. "Good afternoon! You came in on time, we just got a new product from MatroLux... I’m sure you will appreciate it”

Nice phrase or compliment . "Good afternoon! Glad to see you again. We love our clients and know them by sight!” or “Good afternoon, I see you noticed Hamburg by Guten+kauf! You have good taste - this is a bestseller and a combination of price + quality! I’m sure it will be able to interest you” or “A good mood is always great, and the impressions of a new comfortable mattress are even more pleasant!!! I suggest you get acquainted right now..."

Manufacturer's advantages . "Hello! Mattresses from Guten+kauf are an excellent investment, especially with such a crazy discount.”

Offer of help with action (appropriate to use when the buyer is interested in a specific model):

- "Please! Only here you can not only look, but also lie down” (At the same time, bring the Client to the desired model and offer to lie down).

- “To feel all the advantages of this model, you need to talk to it closer, you will be satisfied”

- “I want to make you fall in love with this model, let’s take a closer look...”

Please note that at the end of the phrase there is a period, not a question mark.

The key word here is action.

The rule of this technique is Until the words are finished, an action must take place on the part of the expert to activate the client.

Open question

- “What brought you to our store?”

- “What is the purpose of your visit to our store?”

- “How can I be useful to you?”

- “We are currently running a promotion on mattresses from Guten+kauf and Comer-for, conditions may change tomorrow. How do you feel about lucrative offers?

- “Are you coming to us for a mattress or a bed?”

- “Are you choosing a mattress for yourself or someone else?”

- “Sleeping on a high-quality and comfortable mattress is as important as eating well. How do you feel about a quality product?

Non-standard approach

- " Good afternoon! Come in, come in, it’s very warm and cozy here!”

- “Hello, you have a wonderful child! Where did you get it?

- “Finally you’ve come in, we’ve been waiting for you for so long!”

- “Your face is so familiar. You are definitely our regular customer!”

- "Good afternoon! Please tell me what the score was in the Dynamo-Shakhtar match yesterday?”

- “It’s a great day to make a purchase, where should we start?”

- “Great, you compare prices before deciding to buy! How do you evaluate our proposal for ....?”

It is important to remember that non-standard phrases, and therefore non-standard, because they are born directly in a specific situation. Be creative!

During the process of communicating with potential buyers, good sales managers should use special phrases that attract the client, which will increase sales several times. Proper use of such phrases will help to establish a trusting relationship with the buyer; it is important that he himself understands how much he needs your product.

Special combinations of words will allow you to choose the ideal turn of phrase to attract a person to read advertising text or advertisements. This will lead to stimulating sales levels. This article will provide specific phrases, rules of dialogue and an explanation of the importance of their application in practice.

Only experienced sellers are able to objectively assess the importance of starting a dialogue with a client correctly, as this is a key point in further purchases.

The faster the salesperson manages to gain the client’s trust, determine his needs and help him make the right choice, the higher his salary will increase.

Experience very often shows how difficult it can be to start a dialogue correctly. For example, every person can come to a shoe store for a quality product, but at the same time he does not know what exactly to choose.

The seller approaches the buyer and says: “Can I tell you something?” After this, the buyer will most likely answer: “No, thanks, I’m just looking.”, and then leave the store.

Sales failure lies in the salesperson's mistakes when trying to start a conversation with the client. Intrusiveness, lack of creativity and a cold attitude led to a lack of trust, so he was unable to help a person make a choice in this particular store.

You can see effective slogans and phrases to attract customers here:

In some situations, special phrases to attract a potential client can significantly increase the quantity of goods in the store, but for this you need to take into account some nuances.

The main task of a phrase that attracts a client is to attract attention, gain the client’s favor and trust. And the main mistake is the desire to sell the product immediately, at the first opportunity.

This is an absolutely ineffective method, which is one of the reasons for the decline in current sales. you will learn how to properly handle objections in sales.

Setting a goal

First of all, you need to decide on the goals that will lead to the desired result; among the most common are:

  • Why tell a person more about the product.
  • The main goal for your enterprise or activity in general.
  • Who are your clients? The essence of their desires and preferences, .
  • The right way to formulate a purchase proposal for exclusivity and effectiveness.

The most compelling words and phrases for online and offline business

It is necessary to highlight a group of words that affect the client psychologically and attract his attention. All the words and phrases presented below are suitable for sales on the Internet, online stores, websites, retail sales in stores, etc.

  • Free;
  • Because;
  • Instantaneous;
  • Newest;
  • Suddenly;
  • Now;
  • Declare;
  • Introduce;
  • Improvements;
  • Marvelous;
  • Sensational;
  • Amazing;
  • Revolutionary;
  • Opening;
  • Positive;
  • Understand;
  • Truthful;
  • Right;
  • Predominant;
  • Result;
  • Happiness;
  • Values;
  • Save.

The main types of slogans.

There is also a group of words that has the opposite effect and discourages making a purchase:

  • Maybe;
  • Contract;
  • Failures;
  • Take offense;
  • Liabilities;
  • Responsibility;
  • Pay;
  • Bad;
  • Signatures;
  • Buy;
  • Try;
  • Losses;
  • Dips;
  • Sell;
  • Sold;
  • Lose;
  • Solutions;
  • Transactions;
  • Death;
  • Price;
  • Difficulties;
  • Heavy;
  • Price.

Such phrases attract attention the most, and the most effective of them are:

  • Completely free.
  • At this very moment.
  • Absolutely new.
  • Sensationally fast.
  • Exclusive offer.
  • Providing a discount.
  • Quality assurance.
  • Try it for free.
  • Trial option.
  • Safe deal.

Proper use of booster phrases

Managers often make a huge mistake when they instruct their sales staff to devote the maximum amount of time and attention to each client. This leads to the opposite result. The reasons for the effect can be understood by considering the following example.

Customers make many calls to the call center every day, and operators are instructed to always be polite to the customer, help increase call time, and advertise products in every possible way.

Managers believed that the interest and attentiveness of the staff would help raise sales to maximum levels.

After practice, the result was negative. This led to a queue among all callers, complaints about difficulties during making calls and communicating with operators. The buyer perceived flattery and increased intrusiveness as another way to sell him a low-quality product at a high price.

In reality, increasing the level of sales can only be possible after special instructions to staff on how to communicate correctly and effectively with the client. Communication in person or over the phone is not so important; the result can be positive in both cases.

Instructions for training staff in proper communication with clients

There is a certain sequence of stages that will help to consistently and unobtrusively persuade the client to buy and increase the level of sales in the future.

Stage No. 1. Classification of people

First, you should break down buyers based on their type, since buying leads works differently for everyone.

For each category, you need to use special phrases that may not be suitable for another group of people. You should not allocate more than five categories, as this will lead to difficulties in analysis and forgetfulness of all types.

Classification of the main five types of people:

  1. A girl is a person to whom someone most likely recommended a specific product. She will rarely listen to the advice of a stranger, much less a salesperson. It is usually common for a girl to come for one specific product and buy only that. Very rarely do they agree to additional proposals from the consultant.
  2. A guy is a type of person who doesn't fit into other categories.
  3. Engineers are customers who know exactly what they need to buy according to their needs. They usually give a clear description of the required product or require a specific model.
  4. Gentleman is the type of person who communicates with sellers in technical language, attaching great importance to numbers. They know which brands or brands they need, but cannot decide on the model.
  5. A mistress is a person who speaks the language of emotions. She wants to buy something that is fashionable, attractive to look at, or distinctive. She could also decide on a brand, but did not choose a specific model.

Methods of searching and attracting clients.

An important point is that there is no need to classify a person into any of the presented categories based only on his external data. For example, “girl” means a representative of any gender and age, even older men. Social status also does not play a role in this process.

Stage No. 2. Giving the client the opportunity to express his opinion

The most common mistake is making many proposals, because this can not only displease the client, but also confuse him. First you need to listen to the client, his requests, goals and needs.

Experiments have shown that 72 seconds is enough for a person to express a desire and make a complete statement. Although it all depends on the person, as some people need 30 seconds or less, while others will take longer to express themselves.

After listening to the client’s monologue, you can already participate in the conversation and offer options, their choice depends on the category of the buyer.

Examples of competent communication with clients and common phrases

The most important thing is to convince the client of your sincerity and good intentions, this does not depend on the object of sale or service. You also need to take unconventional paths, be creative, and avoid advertising the product at the beginning of the conversation.

You should not put pressure on the buyer and try to tell him as much as possible in the shortest period of time, as this will only confuse him.

After the client has spoken, you can ask questions to identify his needs, such as:

  • “Which color of this model suits you?”
  • “This thing is very convenient and practical! What do you think?
  • “Why did you choose this particular model? What do you like about her?

Then the time comes to change tactics and clarify the situation; for this, the following phrases will help you:

  • “It seems to me, or do you have some doubts about...”
  • “Let me know if I understood you correctly...”

After this, you can begin to offer some advice to the buyer, since he should already be positively disposed towards you. It is worth using the following phrases:

  • “I would like to buy this myself, as it is a good deal”;
  • “I know one hundred percent that you will be satisfied after the purchase”;
  • “I think this will be perfect for you.”

If any difficulties arise, then it is necessary to show understanding. You need to listen to the client’s problem and respond in this way:

  • “I also know your concerns, because a friend of mine also faced a similar problem. But he found a solution...";

One of the most common mistakes is to constantly use the phrase: “Anyone interested?” and pressure on the buyer. In 99% of such cases, buyers respond negatively and leave.

Special phrases and cues in advertising

The originality of the phrase can help the sales agent find a new buyer. These advertising cues should be used very carefully. The most successful expressions:


The success of a sales professional is determined by his ability to start a conversation correctly and choose the moment to offer help. All the stages presented will help you choose the necessary expressions and words to achieve a purchase.



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