The healthiest fish for humans. Which fish is the healthiest for humans?

To maintain health and natural appearance, a person needs to consume about 20 types of amino acids, most of which are found in fish. In addition, seafood and river fish contain a huge amount of other microelements that cannot be found in any other food product. Regular consumption of fish provides:

  • stabilization of the thyroid gland;
  • control cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • Omega-3 component improves blood clotting;
  • restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

In addition, the benefits of fish for humans include improving memory and the ability to remember more facts. Let's look at which fish is the healthiest for humans and know what to buy in the store!

Beneficial properties of fish for the human body

  1. Ketu;
  2. Pink salmon;
  3. Red fish;
  4. Trout, etc.

Salmon is generally easy to cook and has the best flavor. Accordingly, the cost of this type is high. Speaking of benefits, it is worth adding that pink salmon and trout improve metabolic processes and activate liver function. Chum salmon in its pure form (not canned) improves the functioning of the nervous system.

This category includes cod, burbot, hake, and pollock. All of these species have dietary meat that contains virtually no fat. In addition, the meat contains a complex of vitamins and useful metals, namely sodium, magnesium and copper. Speaking about the beneficial properties of cod fish, it is important to highlight:

  • quick recovery of strength - recommended for athletes;
  • restores psychological state;
  • promotes wakefulness - improves emotional state;
  • strengthens teeth and bone tissue;
  • restores the natural color of the face, hair and nails.

Canned cod fish does not provide these benefits to the human body!

At the same time, inexpensive and healthy fish, Herring is an excellent solution for building a rational diet, both from the point of view of health and beauty. It contains vitamin A, D and group B, which is beneficial for the nervous system.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s sea or river perch, this fish is equally useful regardless of its habitat. It is distinguished by the presence of tender meat with few bones. The best option in terms of taste and benefits is fried or boiled perch. Among the properties important for the human body are:

  • improving the functioning of mucous membranes;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • regulation of blood sugar;
  • restoration of a weakened digestive system.

Whenever possible, try to buy perch from aquariums.


Healthy fish that is easily digestible and contains virtually no fat and protein. However, fried pike contains a lot of copper, manganese, zinc and iodine. Stuffed pike is a tasty dish, as are young fish cutlets. It is also served fried.

Speaking about the beneficial properties of pike, it is worth highlighting the improvement in psycho-emotional state, improvement in the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems. Pike strengthens bones, nails and hair.

We are talking about a group of fish that represent the best combination of accessibility and benefit. As a rule, every settlement with reservoirs has river fish, which includes a rich set of valuable elements. However, in our world there are few types of fish that do not contain trace elements beneficial to organisms. However, a lot depends on the habitat. Naturally, in polluted rivers there live not so many beneficial, but rather harmful representatives of the aquatic world. Be careful!

In conclusion, we will consider a number of unique beneficial properties of fish in the treatment of various ailments. River fish containing Omega-3 is an effective remedy for restoring heart rhythm. Mackerel, sardines and herring have a therapeutic effect.

Experts have noticed that fish is the best way to escape insulin. In Japan, the death rate is significantly lower than in many other countries. Experts are confident that this pattern is closely related to the Japanese attitude towards seafood.

It's no secret that fish improves vision. However, not many people know that Omega-3 is a good preventative against cancer. Many scientists believe that with the help of this element it will be possible to treat cancer in the future.

Everyone knows that fish should appear on our table at least once a week. You can, of course, eat fish more often, but less often is not recommended. Even if you are on a strict weight loss diet. And in the diet of pregnant women this is generally a mandatory product.

Russia has been famous for its fish dishes since ancient times. Many rivers and access to the seas provide variety on our table: river and sea, white and red, cartilaginous and bone. And, looking at all this wealth, sometimes you want to find out which fish is the healthiest?

Let's start with the fact that all fish are healthy. This is, first of all, high quality, easily digestible protein with a low percentage of fat, as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are not produced by the human body and come to us only with food.

That is why it is an essential product in the diet of children and pregnant women. These acids affect the proper development of the brain and vision.

In addition, fish is rich in:

  • fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iodine;
  • bromine;
  • fluorine;
  • iron
  • and gray.

It is believed that the healthiest fish is sea fish, since it contains higher levels of valuable vitamins and microelements necessary for human health. River fish is not so rich in composition, but it is relatively cheap and no less tasty. In addition, sea fish is delivered frozen to most cities in the country, and this significantly reduces its value.

The best of the best

This is most dangerous for pregnant women. It is best if you decide to buy and cook river fish, take it from well-known manufacturers. There are both large and small fisheries that comply with the conditions for breeding commercial species and are responsible for the quality of the final product that ends up on your table.

The salmon family is worth mentioning separately: trout, salmon, pink salmon and chum salmon. Their red meat tastes very good. The main advantage of these varieties is the increase in nutritional value during preservation. Paradoxically, such fish have a higher calcium content - a building component of teeth and bones. This is worth taking note; such fish will be especially useful for pregnant women. You just need to choose a fresh carcass of a pleasant orange-pink color, without a pungent odor. Such meat is not stored for a long time, it is better to eat it right away.

Sea fish are mainly cod: hake, burbot, pollock, navaga, cod - in total there are more than a hundred species, many of which regularly appear on our table. All this is dietary meat, rich in protein and almost free of fat, very beneficial for human health. In addition, it is a very tasty and easy-to-prepare fish.

In terms of waist

There is another classification that is relevant for those men and women who have gone on a diet to lose weight. These are classifications based on fat content.

Fish is divided into:

  • fatty, with a fat content of over 8%.
    Its calorie content is high enough to meet your weight loss goals. This is from 200 to 240 calories per 100 grams of product. This includes fatty herring, fatty meat of mackerel and sturgeon, everyone’s favorite halibut and delicious eel;
  • Medium-fat fish contains from 4 to 8% fat.
    Its calorie content is comparable to the calorie content of regular meat, pork or beef. From 100 to 140 kcal per 100 grams. It may not be suitable for weight loss, but as a source of protein and energy during sports, this is what you need. River trout, sea bass, pike perch, tuna, often mistaken for fatty fish, carp, mackerel, lean herring and pink salmon - this is an incomplete list of varieties that can diversify your table;
  • and, last on the list but not least, low-fat fish, as if created for weight loss.
    The fat content in it is less than 4%. Calorie content fluctuates around 90 kcal. At the same time, it is high-quality, quickly digestible protein and essential amino acids and fatty acids. Even on the most severe diet, you will ease the stress of losing weight on your body if you include hake, cod, navaga, pike, flounder, bream or river perch in your menu.

Both on a weight loss diet for women, and during strength training that requires a lot of energy expenditure for men, fish should become a mandatory element of the diet.

Fish protein is best absorbed by the human body. This protein is healthier than meat protein. Marine goods can be bought at any store.

The ideal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates makes the dish dietary. Find out what types of sea fish there are, look at the photos with names.

Description and characteristics of marine fish

The underwater world is rich in a variety of species of inhabitants. In the depths of the sea you can find countless thousands of individuals that delight with their appearance or frighten with their huge teeth.

  1. Cod representatives. Dietary species, which include hake, haddock, hake, cod and other white varieties.

    The fish was nicknamed “chicken” for the small number of bones in the meat. This healthy variety helps to overcome vitamin deficiency and rickets due to its vitamin composition.

  2. Mackerel group It is distinguished by its peculiar striping. The meat is tender and fatty compared to white varieties.

    It contains vitamin D and omega-3, which help support immunity.

  3. Horse mackerel group. Subspecies - more than 200 individuals. Horse mackerel has a slightly sour taste, the fat content of the meat is no more than 5%. The class includes Seriola, Lichia, Caranxa.
  4. Scorpion family. A species known as “sea bass”. Fatty fish varieties that are popular among chefs.
  5. Steam group. On store shelves, a mix of Cuban crucian carp, chon fish and other representatives will be sold as oceanic crucian carp. The fat content of meat reaches 10%.
  6. Notothenia family. A fatty variety, the main representatives of which have tender, almost boneless meat. Fat content – ​​up to 25%.
  7. Croaker representatives. There are more than 150 subspecies of individuals. The taste is reminiscent of river water, but does not have a sharp sea smell.

    Famous representatives are captain fish, trout, umbrine.

  8. Herring and her friends. The source of income for most port cities.
  9. Smelt. The main known representative is capelin. Despite its small size, it is in demand on store shelves.

And these are not all representatives. The sea and ocean are not fully explored spaces. Fish is the basis of a healthy daily diet.

Everyone representative is easy to find on store shelves in raw and prepared form.

Types of edible marine fish

Habitat: sea. These species differ from their river relatives in the large amount of useful minerals and vitamins in the meat. Marine inhabitants can be roughly classified into 6 groups.

Check out the list in the table:

Representatives of predators are sharks. Its meat is eaten as a delicacy. Mercury accumulates in meat, which complicates the cooking process. There are more than 450 species of sharks.

Herring species do not have scales on their heads. Representatives have small teeth and simple coloring. The meat is rich in protein and vitamin A.

Herring- one of the most popular sea monasteries. A similar group is mackerel.

Habitual sea creatures like cod and mackerel often end up on our table.

Flounder - dietary meat, saturated with phosphorus, selenium and B vitamins. Halibut, a fattier species, belongs to the flounder family.

There are more than 500 subspecies in the group. Eating such varieties prevents the development of atherosclerosis and helps improve blood flow.

The cod group is the largest. It includes white fish varieties. The garfish family are individuals of the garfish.

When cooking, the meat changes color to green; this is normal. This needle-like appearance is very tasty.

Names of fatty, white and red fish

The percentage of protein in fish meat is much higher than the fat content. Low-fat varieties are suitable for dietary nutrition; the calorie content of white meat is no more than 100 kcal per 100 g.

Fat content of representatives is up to 1.5%. These are pollock, Argentina, hake, blue whiting, pollock, etc. White meat is easily digested, and beneficial substances are quickly absorbed by the body.

Important! Include white fish varieties in your diet and improve your well-being.

Red varieties such as pink salmon, trout, and salmon are fish of medium fat content. This group includes herring, tuna, horse mackerel.

The average calorie content is higher than the low-fat group - up to 150 kcal per 100 g. Low-fat fish is included in the diet of children and athletes.

Salmon and cod are suitable for salting, frying and stewing - as the cook’s imagination dictates.

To bold The species includes representatives whose meat exceeds a fat content of 7%. Calorie content – ​​more than 200 kcal per 100 g.

Halibut, eel, mackerel - the fatty varieties are the healthiest and contain a huge amount of polyunsaturated acids. Suitable for feeding people leading an active lifestyle.

What is the healthiest fish for humans? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since many fish have all the necessary saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, minerals and vitamins. The difference is that some representatives contain less nutrients, while others contain more. From more than 20 thousand species of aquatic inhabitants, we have selected the most beneficial fish species for human health.


Pike reveals the ten most useful species of fish for humans. This is the only non-marine representative that was able to get into our rating. In terms of the content of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and fatty acids, pike is in no way inferior to marine life. Fish is completely free of carbohydrates and contains easily digestible proteins. Eating pike several times a week promotes longevity, increased mental abilities and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


Tuna is one of the most useful types of fish for humans. The seafood product has a whole range of useful and nutrients: retinol acetate (A), thiamine (B), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), choline (B4), B12, E, folic acid, copper, iron, potassium - that’s just a small list of all the beneficial substances of tuna. Useful microelements and substances of this fish take part in the metabolic processes of the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and with regular use increase endurance, physical and mental abilities. Regular consumption of tuna, like any other fish, promotes longevity.


Herring- not only one of the cheapest types of fish, but also very healthy. A resident of the Atlantic Ocean is rich in DHA and EPA acids, which strengthen the immune system, remove toxins and improve vision. In addition, herring contains substances that have anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. The product is useful for hypertensive patients, as it is able to normalize blood pressure, but it should only be consumed in lightly salted form. In addition, herring is recommended for diabetics and people with high cholesterol. Fish is considered an irreplaceable source of easily digestible protein.


Sardine also awarded the status of the most beneficial fish for human health. It is a source of trace elements, minerals and contains all the necessary vitamins: PP, B2, B12, D and others. Cod has anti-inflammatory properties and is good for treating arthritis and other joint-related diseases. Regular consumption of this type of food allows you to reduce cholesterol and maintain it at normal levels. Sardine reduces the risk of malignant tumors, strengthens the nervous system, memory, and improves metabolism. In addition, fish is considered a natural antidepressant.


Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout very useful for humans due to its high content of easily digestible protein and low calorie content. The animal product is rich in both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Among the trace elements present in fish, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus should be highlighted. Eating trout at least once a week reduces the risk of increased cholesterol and the formation of cholesterol plaques on blood vessels, and helps strengthen the nervous system and memory.


The list of the healthiest fish for humans includes paltu With. The species of the flounder family is not only a source of fatty amino acids, but also a storehouse of trace elements and minerals. Potassium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, magnesium, iron - this is just a small list of what the product is rich in. Fans of this fish who eat it regularly are less likely to have vision problems, are less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, and do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Eating halibut cod is especially beneficial for health, as it has several times the nutritional and beneficial properties of cod liver.


Cod takes fourth place in the list of the healthiest fish. The inhabitant of sea waters can also boast of useful substances and microelements, as it is practically an entire vitamin complex. Cod contains a lot of iodine, which is vital for the normal functioning of the entire body: it increases physical endurance and mental abilities. Vitamin PP normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, forcing the body to work like a clock, and also helps strengthen the nervous system. Sulfur, which is part of cod, has an antibacterial effect and helps improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. This species is very rich in omega acids.



The status of the most useful fish for humans deserves and notothenia. The nutritional properties of notothenia are in no way inferior to meat; moreover, fish protein is absorbed better by the body than meat protein. Like all fish, it contains essential amino acids, which are contained in it in the required quantities. Notothenia contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals in abundance. Chromium allows you to better withstand stressful situations and fatigue. People who use notothenia up to 2-3 times a week are less susceptible to depression and chronic fatigue. This fish is also recommended for people with low hemoglobin: it contains cobalt, which stimulates the production of blood cells.



Mackerel or mackerel is one of the most beneficial fish for human health. In 100 gr. The seafood product contains half the daily requirement of protein needed by the body, which is also easily digestible. Regular consumption of mackerel helps normalize blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin A, which is part of fish, is responsible for tissue regeneration, phosphorus makes the skeletal system stronger. In addition, mackerel contains sulfur, which allows the body to fight harmful bacteria. Sodium maintains the water-salt balance in the body's cells. Nicotinic acid is responsible for strengthening the nervous system.


Salmon and all fish of the salmon family are the most beneficial for humans. Salmon species include salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, coho salmon and others. The meat of these species is not only very tasty, but also the healthiest. The protein contained in the seafood product is easily absorbed by the body. Salmon are more enriched than other species with saturated and unsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. In addition, they contain such important substances for the health of every person as vitamins B and D. Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body, and group B is responsible for healthy skin, hair, proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also strengthens the nervous system. Salmon should definitely be present in the diet of older people and athletes. It slows down the aging process in the body, accelerates regeneration processes and is an excellent preventive product against cardiovascular diseases.

The main argument is the high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs): omega-3 and omega-6. The body does not synthesize them itself, needs input from outside. These acids play a vital role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cells, improve the condition of the joints and brain, and stimulate reproductive function.

The second reason is the presence easily digestible protein, the building block for all fabrics. Finally, the content is relevant. A, E,D And iodine, the deficiency of which is experienced by every fourth person in our country.

! Good news for residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Siberian scientists have found that the leaders in polyunsaturated fatty acids in the region are the Yenisei omul(1.76 g per 100 g) and whitefish from Lake Sobachye (1.66 g).

Of all the living creatures on our planet, only unicellular algae. They serve as food for invertebrates, which in turn are eaten by larger fish. None of the plant species can synthesize acids in the same volume and, accordingly, cannot meet the daily human need for omega-3. Therefore, fish is a must on the weekly menu.

Rules for choosing a fresh product

Here are some important signs of quality fish:

  • The gills are pink in color and have a fresh cucumber smell;
  • The eyes of the fish are shiny, not cloudy or dull;
  • After pressing on the carcass, the dent quickly disappears, no water is released;
  • The color of salmon fish fillets is not bright, and the veins are white (not orange);
  • Glaze in frozen raw materials does not exceed 5% or is absent.

Rating of the most necessary fish

The opinion that the fattier the fish, the healthier it is (more vitamins, microelements, omega-6 and omega-3), is not entirely correct. Judging by our table, the maximum essential acids are contained in relatively low-fat sockeye salmon.

An adult's need for polyunsaturated fatty acids, according to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, is 0.8-1.6 g per day. Therefore, you will receive the maximum daily dose from 40 grams of sockeye salmon steamed. At the merciless prices of 2018, such a piece will cost 38 rubles.

As for heat treatment, it cannot disrupt the structure of omega-3 and omega-6 acids. In fish fillets, they are part of cell membranes that protect them from degradation during cooking. However, steaming remains preferable from a nutritional point of view.

The healthiest fish

Name Proteins* Fats* Calorie content PUFA**
1 Red salmon 20.3 g 8.4 g 150 kcal 4.4 g
2 Mackerel 16.8 g 13 g 192 kcal 4.3 g
3 Salmon 20.8 g 12.9 g 200 kcal 3.9 g
4 Atlantic herring 18.8 g 11.9 g 147 kcal 2 g
5 Trout 18.4 g 4.5 g 121 kcal 1.9 g
6 Tuna 22.6 g 2.5 g 115 kcal 1.8 g
7 Whitefish 19 g 7.5 g 144 kcal 1.5 g
8 Sardines in their own juice 8 g 2 g 210 kcal 1.5-2.3 g
9 Halibut 13.3 g 12.3 g 160 kcal 1.4 g
10 Pink salmon 21.8 g 6.7 g 145 kcal 1 g
11 Chum salmon 22.6 g 6 g 132 kcal 0.9 g
12 Pollock 16 g 1 g 72 kcal 0.6 g
13 Flounder 17.9 g 3.1 g 101 kcal 0.4 g
14 Cod 17.3 g 0.8 g 77 kcal 0.2 g

*Per 100 grams of product.



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