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In winter, in the off-season, and even with sudden changes in weather, many people feel worse. The hand involuntarily reaches for the pills, but in many cases one could do without them. Since ancient times, people have learned to use medicinal plants to treat and prevent many diseases. And more than 30% of the medicines themselves are obtained from plants. In general, one way or another, but without medicinal plants we can't get by.

About 17,000 species of higher flowering plants grow on the territory of our country, of which more than 500 species are recognized as medicinal. In plants, during their life processes, they form various substances, capable of having a corresponding effect on humans and animals. Alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, many vitamins, minerals and other substances useful to humans are found in plants, and when properly collected, processed, stored and used, they can be used for treatment. Very few herbs are used in their raw form; the rest need to be brought to an acceptable state. Typically, the collected plants are dried and then used to prepare medicines of the following forms:

1. Infusions and decoctions. Infusions are prepared from herbs, flowers and leaves by filling them with water (usually 1:10) and heating in a water bath for 15 minutes. Decoctions are prepared in the same way, but heated for at least 30 minutes. Cool, strain and use according to the recipe.

2. Tinctures - prepared plants are poured with alcohol or vodka (1:5, and for potent ones 1:10), infused at room temperature in the dark for at least 7 days, strained, and left in a cool place.

3. Oils – prepared plant parts are poured with vegetable oil and heated in a water bath.

4. Herbs and teas – mixtures of plants used to treat the same disease (heart tea, kidney tea etc.). This dosage form can also be used for medicinal baths (pine baths etc.).

The collection of medicinal plants should be done during their period. active growth(blooming) in dry morning weather, dry in the shade in a well-ventilated area, store in a well-ventilated container. If you couldn’t prepare the plants you needed yourself, don’t worry. There are now plenty of all kinds of herbs and mixtures in pharmacies. There would be a desire.

So, let's remember our most favorite domestic medicinal plants. We hope you find it interesting.


It is used for inflammation and spasms of the intestines, for menstrual irregularities, as a diaphoretic for feverish conditions, for allergies. Externally, chamomile is used as antiseptic for rinses, lotions, enemas and baths.


The medicinal raw materials are leaves and grass.

It has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, vasodilating, carminative effect. Used for cardiac, nervous, stomach diseases. Increases appetite, reduces nausea, soothes hiccups, enhances intestinal motility. Mint is used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Melissa officinalis

The medicinal raw materials are the leaves and tops of the stems.

Used as a sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic, cardiac remedy. Melissa reduces shortness of breath, palpitations, lowers blood pressure, and also has a good effect on the stomach and intestines. Melissa has a pleasant lemony scent, so it is widely used in teas and baths.


Medicinal raw materials are flowers, leaves and upper parts of shoots.

Infusions and decoctions of oregano are used for intestinal atony, for damage to the secretion of the digestive glands, for diabetes, and also as a sedative for heart patients, a diaphoretic, and an expectorant for pulmonary diseases. This is one of the people's favorite herbs. It is part of breast fees. People even use oregano to increase milk production in nursing mothers.

Small-leaved linden

The medicinal raw materials are flowers collected during the flowering of the tree.

Used linden blossom as a diaphoretic for colds, as well as for gargling, relieving headaches, nosebleeds and fainting.


The leaves are the medicinal raw material.

Coltsfoot decoctions are used mainly as an expectorant for lung diseases, as well as for inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidney, bladder. Included in breastfeeding fees.

Common thyme (thyme)

The decoction is used as an expectorant for diseases respiratory tract, as a mild pain reliever for compresses on sore joints and muscles, for soothing aromatic baths. Thyme herb is used to prepare the medicine Pertussin.

Salvia officinalis

Medicinal raw materials are flowers and upper part stem.

Infusions and decoctions of sage are often used for gargling, teeth and various wounds. Tea from the leaves is drunk internally for bronchitis and inflammation. renal pelvis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, as a diuretic, choleretic, astringent.

St. John's wort, common

The medicinal raw material is the upper part of the grass stems with flowers and leaves, collected during the flowering period.

St. John's wort preparations are used for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and for rinsing the mouth for gum disease. Since St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, preparations made from it are used to treat wounds, burns, ulcers, abscesses and other skin lesions.

Great celandine

The medicinal raw material of celandine is the aerial part of the plant.

IN scientific medicine Celandine juice is used to cauterize warts and kandilomas. Thirty percent tincture is used to burn the gums during periodontal disease. Ointments based on celandine are used for skin diseases.


The medicinal raw material is grass collected during the flowering period.

Yarrow preparations are used as a bitter to improve appetite, as a hemostatic various bleedings(hemorrhoidal, uterine). Yarrow has an anti-allergic effect and accelerates wound healing.

Valerian officinalis

The medicinal raw materials are the rhizomes.

Valerian preparations have a regulating effect on the nervous, neuromuscular system, expand coronary vessels, normalize blood circulation, slightly enhance intestinal motility and suppress fermentation processes. Valerian is used as a sedative for agitation, insomnia, neuroses and other nervous conditions.

Hawthorn blood red

The medicinal raw materials are the flowers and fruits of the bush.

Hawthorn preparations reduce the excitability of the heart muscle, improve heart function, improve coronary and cerebral circulation, relieve arrhythmia. Hawthorn preparations are used for hypertension, arrhythmias, neuroses, insomnia and other disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Rosehip cinnamon

Medicinal raw materials are fruits in the period of full ripening.

Viburnum common

Medicinal raw materials are bark and berries.

In medicine, preparations from viburnum bark are used as an astringent, anticonvulsant, hemostatic and reduces uterine contractions.

The fruits are used as vitamin remedy, as well as a remedy that soothes inflammation in the stomach and intestines. The berries are also used in cooking.

Motherwort cordial

The medicinal raw material is the grass during its flowering period.

Motherwort preparations are used as a substitute for valerian to regulate the activity of the central nervous system. nervous system, as a sedative for neuroses and hypertension.

Calendula, marigold

The medicinal raw materials are the flowers and the upper part of the stem.

Calendula preparations have a pronounced bactericidal property, as well as calming qualities. Used for stomach diseases, hypertension, as well as for rinsing and ointments.


The medicinal raw material is the above-ground part of the herb.

Ivan tea preparations reduce allergies and have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Their enveloping effect is also very useful, thanks to which fireweed is used for diseases of the stomach and intestines.


The medicinal raw material is the root.

An infusion of burdock root is used as a diuretic, as well as a diaphoretic and laxative. Since burdock roots contain inulin, its preparations are used for diabetes. Burdock oil is prepared from olive or almond oil.

Large plantain

The medicinal raw materials are leaves and seeds.

Plantain preparations are used for stomach diseases with low acidity. The seeds contain a lot of mucus, so decoctions from the seeds are also very useful for gastritis, enteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Well then, friends. Let's take more active advantage of what Mother Nature generously gives us and, perhaps, this will allow us to be healthier.

Healing ointments based on natural ingredients prepared from herbs and roots of medicinal plants. Plants can be either dried or fresh. The basis of the ointment can be any of the following fatty substances: petroleum jelly, lanolin, vegetable or butter, lard, almond oil.

For more effective therapeutic effect It is recommended to use lard or oil as a base, as they easily and quickly penetrate human skin and have a better effect than ointments containing Vaseline.

The fatty substance is heated, filtered, beeswax is added, which is used to achieve the desired consistency. The ointment prepared from herbs and plants is placed in jars and hermetically sealed.

The shelf life of the ointment can be extended by pouring paraffin on top of the ointment. Storage conditions for self-made ointment from herbs and plants are a cool place (closet, refrigerator), where the ointment can be stored for several weeks.

The benefits of healing ointments

Numerous diseases and ailments are successfully treated with ointments made from natural ingredients. Almost every such ointment contains a natural antibiotic, which undoubtedly leads to the desired positive result in the patient's recovery.

Contraindications for such ointments are insignificant, however, recommendations from a specialist doctor are required before using ointments, since allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the drug. In particular, you should pay close attention to the components of bee products. One way or another, treatment with any medicines require medical control.

Herbal ointments treat numerous diseases: sore joints, eczema, numerous ulcers, hemorrhoids, colon diseases and other ailments.

Treatment of diseases and preparation of ointments

For inflammation and pain in the joints, it is produced and used next ointment.

Ingredients: dried herbs of hops, St. John's wort, sweet clover, Vaseline or rendered lard.

The herbs should be crushed to a powder state, mixed thoroughly and mixed in the amount of 2 tablespoons with 50 grams of Vaseline. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The prepared ointment is rubbed onto sore joints and also used as compresses.

» Herbal ointments

Ointments are external products obtained by mixing finely ground plant parts with ointment bases: petroleum jelly, lanolin, fresh pork fat, butter or vegetable oil. Ointments made with vegetable oil (sunflower, cottonseed, flaxseed or some other) or mineral fats are better preserved.

Manchurian walnut ointment

Proven in treatment wide range skin diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue granulation, relieves redness and swelling.
Used in treatment:
burns, cuts, acne, skin manifestations allergic reactions etc.

Sabelnik ointment

Compound: alcohol extract marsh cinquefoil, essential fir and peppermint oil, lanolin, based on wheat germ oil.
Indications: joint diseases.
Directions for use: Twice a day, rub a thin layer of ointment externally into the affected area of ​​the body for the corresponding diseases. Course of treatment: 30 days.

"Marham-i-Isa" - Ointment of Jesus

Consists of 12 components (according to the number of Apostles).
White wax;
Gugul resin also known as Dendron balsam (wood balsam);
Lead oxide;
Smyrna, also known as myrrh tree balsam;
Aristoelchia longa;
Copper subacetate;
Resin attopicum;
Pinus longifolia resin;
Olive oil.
Avicenna writes that this ointment has miraculous power heal wounds. She can take off purulent inflammation and restore damaged flesh within a few days. This ointment not only promotes the formation of new tissue, but also helps restore blood circulation and tissue sensitivity after they have died.
It has a pronounced antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

Euphorbia Pallas ointment

Compound: alcoholic extract of Euphorbia Pallas root, lanolin, based on buriti oil.
Indications: for uterine fibroids, mastopathy, breast fibroadenoma, prostatitis, adenoma prostate gland, sexual weakness.
Directions for use:
Twice a day, apply a thin layer of gel externally to the affected area of ​​the body for the corresponding diseases. Don't rub!
Course of treatment: 30 days.

Flaxseed ointment

Compound: alcohol extract of flower tops of toadflax grass, tincture of steelhead, lanolin, .
The base is soybean oil.

Application: for the treatment of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, resolves nodes on thyroid gland, used for mastopathy. Directions for use: Apply a thin layer of gel to the projection of the diseased organ 2 times a day. It is acceptable to apply a linen cloth to the gel.
Do not cover with polyethylene!
The course of treatment is 1 month, then a break or use another ointment.

Walnut ointment

Has a formative and structuring effect on various organs and body tissues, activating the effect on blood circulation and processes associated with iron metabolism. Increases hemoglobin in the blood.
Application: for the treatment of fibrocystic formations and breast nodules, thyroid gland, mastopathy and breast adenoma, rheumatism, like additional treatment malignant tumors.
Directions for use: Apply a thin layer of gel to the projection of the diseased organ 2 times a day.
Do not massage or heat!

Hemlock ointment

Compound: alcohol extract from fresh flower baskets of spotted hemlock, lanolin, gel base. Currant seed oil.
It is used for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors, fibrocystic formations and nodes, mastopathy and breast adenoma, bronchopulmonary inflammation and sinusitis, warts and lipomas.
Apply a thin layer of ointment to the projection of the diseased organ 2 times a day.
For mastopathy, adenoma and breast cancer, do not massage or heat!
The course of treatment is 1 month, then a month break or use another ointment.

Sophora japonica

Compound: alcohol extract of Sophora japonica, lanolin, base - wheat germ oil.
Used for the treatment of skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, lupus erythematosus.
Directions for use: Apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected skin area 3-4 times a day.
The course of treatment is 1 month, after a month's break you can continue to use the ointment.
Contraindications: pregnancy.

Thuja ointment

Compound: alcohol extract of young thuja shoots, lanolin, base - wheat germ oil.
Used for the treatment of fibrocystic formations and nodes (thyroid gland, mammary gland), mastopathy and breast adenoma, skin rashes for allergies, rheumatism, bronchopulmonary inflammation, warts, as an additional treatment for malignant tumors.
Directions for use: 1-2 times a day, apply a thin layer of ointment to the projection of the diseased organ. For mastopathy, adenoma and breast cancer, do not massage or heat!
The course of treatment is 1 month, then a month break or use another ointment. Contraindications: pregnancy, epilepsy, kidney disease.

Celandine ointment

Compound: alcohol extract of celandine herb, lanolin, macadamia, manuka and tea tree oil, base - avocado oil.
Used for the treatment of skin rashes, eczema, moles, papillomas. Directions for use: Apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected area of ​​skin 2 - 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a month break or use another ointment.
Contraindications: pregnancy, epilepsy, kidney disease.

St. John's wort and eucalyptus ointment

Compound: alcohol extracts of eucalyptus, St. John's wort, hellebore, lanolin, glycerin, propolis, base - palm oil. Used to treat burns, cuts, ulcers, sinusitis, and muscle inflammation.
Application: Apply the ointment to the affected area of ​​the skin 2-5 times a day (for burns, wounds, ulcers). For sinusitis, smear the area maxillary sinuses and forehead 2 times a day. For muscle inflammation, apply ointment to the affected area 2-3 times a day, rubbing lightly. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a break or use another ointment. After a month's break, you can continue to use St. John's wort ointment with eucalyptus.
Contraindications: pregnancy.

Clover ointment

Apply externally in a thin layer to areas of tumors and breast hardenings, purulent wounds, ulcers, bedsores. IN gynecological practice tampons with ointment in 3-4 layers of gauze are used to treat cervical erosions, fibroids, fibroids and uterine cancer.

Dimorphant (white walnut) ointment

Today, this ointment is the most effective in the treatment of various skin and subcutaneous tumors. Penetrating into the deep layers skin, blocks the development of neoplasms such as cysts, hernias, lipomas, wen, cystomas various etiologies, sarcoma. During treatment, the tumors become more friable. Gradually, complete disintegration of the neoplasms is observed.
The ointment contains the bark of the dimorphant tree (white walnut), as well as bast, which is the most valuable component in this ointment. among the people this plant called the "Devil's Tree". The dimorphant grows only on Far East, partly found on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. This ointment It has also proven itself very well in the treatment of all types of skin diseases (psoriasis, vitiligo, rashes unknown etiology, trophic ulcers, helps well with arthritis, osteochondrosis, atrophy muscle mass).
Effect of the ointment: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, wound healing, adaptogenic. The ointment contains carbohydrates, gum, essential oil, coumarins, fatty oil, triterpenoids, cardenolides, linoleic acid, the listed components have a detrimental effect on neoplasms, have a strong wound-healing effect, and remove inflammatory process, normalize metabolic processes affected tissue (with open wounds).
Application: For open purulent wounds, the wound is initially treated with a solution of furatsilin (one tablet per 50 ml. warm water), then apply a small layer of ointment and cover with gauze (the procedure is repeated 2 times a day).
For internal tumors, the ointment is used as a cream (a small amount of ointment is applied and distributed with light patting movements). The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.
For psoriasis, scabies, vitiligo, the ointment is applied as a cream 2-3 times a day.
At bone diseases(arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis) ointment is used as a rub (intensive massage). In a similar way, the ointment is used for atrophy of muscle mass (lower and upper limbs).

Hellebore and cinquefoil ointment

Compound: propolis, alcoholic extract of hellebore and white cinquefoil, lanolin, cocoa butter
Indications: thyroid diseases, tumors various localizations. Directions for use: Apply 3-4 times a day thin layer ointment externally to the affected area of ​​the skin. Do not rub!
Course of treatment: 30 days.

Ointments, scientifically, are dosage forms soft consistency, intended for external use. They are usually prepared from powders of medicinal plants, but plant juices and their dry and thick herbal extracts can be used. Unsalted fat, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or butter are used as an ointment base.

Pork fat has a melting point of 34-46°C and is whitish in color. On its basis, ointments are obtained that are easy to wash off hot water. Pork fat is quite well absorbed by the skin and promotes the absorption of substances mixed with it. active ingredients. However, ointment with pork fat has a drawback - it deteriorates quite quickly.

Butter also penetrates the skin well. Thanks to this, ointments prepared with butter have a deeper effect than, for example, those prepared with Vaseline. But also ointments based butter are not stored for a long time.

Goose fat It has an even lower melting point than pork (26-34°C), it is very soft. Previously, it was often used as the basis of ointments used for frostbite.

Beef fat is white and has a dense consistency. Melting point 42-50°C. Often used in a mixture with pork fat (to increase its hardness).

Vegetable oils - peach, almond, apricot, peanut, olive, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed - have a liquid consistency and therefore cannot be used as an independent fat base. They are usually used as part of complex ointment bases, which are alloys of vegetable oils with solid fats, waxes and other similar sealing substances. Ointments prepared with vegetable oils, last longer.

Waxes - distinguish between animal origin (beeswax, spermaceti, lanolin) and plant origin (waxes from pine needles, roses, jasmine, azalea). Beeswax(yellow and white) fuses well with other waxes and fats. It is often used in wax ointments to give greater density to too soft bases (for example, an alloy of 1 part yellow wax and 3 parts is prepared sunflower oil or an alloy of 1 part white wax, 2 parts spermaceti and 7 parts peach oil)

When cooking medicinal ointments They also use preservatives to prevent them from deteriorating during long-term storage, and fragrances that give ointments pleasant smell. Geranium is used as preservatives, lavender oils, cinnamon alcohol.

Preparation of ointment: the ointment base is heated in a water bath, then part of it is mixed in a porcelain mortar with the powder of a medicinal plant using a pestle, after which the rest of the ointment base is added to the required weight (according to the recipe). If added to the ointment essential oils, or others volatile substances, then they are introduced into last resort. Ointments containing up to 10-25% of plant materials are usually prepared from medicinal plants.

To store ointments, use wide-necked jars made of glass, porcelain or plastic, with well-closing lids. Fill them to the top and store them in a cool place, protected from light.



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