Breeding crayfish in the basement - for yourself and for sale. Crayfish farming as an idea for your own business Crayfish farming business

In the current economic conditions, a novice entrepreneur has every chance to successfully start his own business. It is important to set priorities correctly and choose the area of ​​application of your strength.

It’s worth taking a close look at this type of business, crayfish farming, which is a very interesting area. According to static data, there is an increase in consumption of this product, while supply remains limited.


The bulk of arthropods on the market are caught from natural bodies of water, which leads to a significant decrease in their population. Industrial farming of crayfish in our country is extremely poorly developed.

Thus, competition in this segment is relatively low. The upward trend in demand for this type of product remains unchanged, which helps maintain prices at a fairly high level.

Like any business, crayfish breeding will require initial investments, the volume of which is determined by the scale of the plans. Before making a responsible decision to open your own business, you study technology, experience of organizing a business at other enterprises, and other issues.

After a comprehensive analysis of your capabilities and preliminary calculations, a final decision is made and a plan of preparatory activities is drawn up.

Video - video of Sevan Crayfish LLC, which supplies live crayfish in Krasnodar:

Preparation of a business plan

The middle zone and southern regions of our country are the natural habitat for crayfish, which can also be bred under artificial conditions.

The habitat of arthropods is reservoirs with fairly clean water, a rocky bottom and sandy shores.

Crustacean farming is carried out:

  • in natural ponds, lakes or rivers;
  • in reservoirs of artificial origin;
  • in specially equipped aquariums.

Each of the options listed above has a number of features and will require different costs to launch the project.

The simplest option is the first, where the initial investment will be minimal, however, the profit will be much smaller. The explanation for this is quite simple: for the correct and rapid development of crayfish, special environmental conditions will be required. The temperature in winter drops and water bodies freeze, while the optimal temperature for this process is about +16 C.

The best conditions for breeding crayfish can be created in aquariums, but the latter have serious limitations in volume. This option will require the greatest costs for the purchase of a whole complex of equipment, rental of premises of a sufficiently large area equipped with a heating system.

Medium in terms of cost - an artificial pond for breeding crayfish, located near the river.

In addition to the pond, you will need young animals or larvae, food, materials for arrangement, etc. An entrepreneur starting this type of business should not count on a quick return on investment.

Practice and statistics show that the return on investment occurs approximately 5-7 years from the start of the project and reaching the planned level of production.

Organization of a crayfish farm

The first step is to attend to the registration of the newly created enterprise. One of the most common legal forms of business organization in our country is. The easiest option for creating an enterprise is to contact a law firm, where they will prepare a package of necessary documents for a relatively small fee.

The scope of activity in accordance with the legal framework of OKVED has code 0.121 - breeding and sale of crustaceans, fish and mollusks. When organizing an LLC, the authorized capital of the enterprise is contributed, the minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles. The created company is registered with the tax office and all extra-budgetary funds. After which you can begin business activities.

The next stage is the selection of a suitable reservoir for breeding crayfish and its improvement. This is a responsible process that determines the success of the entire enterprise; the main thing depends on the quality of implementation of this stage, whether favorable conditions will be created for the life and reproduction of arthropods.

Experts recommend: covering the bottom of the pond with a special polymer film, which reliably isolates the reservoir from harmful substances from the soil entering it. The material is highly durable and will last at least 25 years if installed correctly.

The next step in organizing a farm will be purchasing the necessary equipment for breeding crayfish. The complete set includes:

Experienced entrepreneurs set up a system of three or more reservoirs that communicate with each other. This contributes to an increase in the production of crustaceans and better selection of species. To reduce the impact of the external environment, a polycarbonate greenhouse-type ceiling is installed over the reservoirs.

As the reservoirs are ready, larvae or young crustaceans are purchased, as well as feed in calculated quantities. The best implementation of preparatory activities will create the best conditions for starting, and subsequently developing, a business.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding

The current practice in our country involves certain difficulties in acquiring the necessary amount of living material to populate water bodies.

Existing farms are extremely reluctant to sell larvae or young animals. A way out may be to purchase adult individuals based on the ratio of two females to one male. Mating of crustaceans occurs in the fall; a fertilized female is easily identified by the presence of eggs in a special sac under the tail.

The climatic conditions of the middle zone are quite acceptable for different types of arthropods. One of the promising species is the Australian red-clawed crayfish, the breeding of which can bring good income.

The meat of this type of arthropod is similar in taste and texture to sea lobster, one of the most expensive delicacies. Our country has experience in successfully breeding these crustaceans on a specialized farm near Astrakhan.

Video - experiments on growing Australian crayfish near Astrakhan:

The most accessible type of arthropod in our country is the common crayfish. You can even purchase them in a supermarket, the main thing is that they are alive and healthy.

To accurately answer the question of where to buy crayfish for breeding, you should carefully study the offers from working and developing farms.

Recently, crayfish holding farms have been developing near large cities, which purchase crayfish from other regions and supply them to retail chains and restaurants.

Video report from a farm near St. Petersburg that supplies crayfish from various regions of Russia and abroad:

Breeding technology

In the pond

In this section we are talking about an artificial reservoir, which needs careful preparation before starting the livestock. In addition to preparing the bottom, a number of operations are performed:

  • A protective edge is built around the pond and a drainage drain is made along its outer side. This is necessary to prevent rain runoff and debris from entering the reservoir.
  • Trees are planted along the banks, one of the best types is the weeping willow, which will create shade.
  • It is necessary to provide different depths of the pond: near the shore - about 0.4 m, in the middle up to 3 m.

The maximum permissible number of adult crayfish per square meter of pond area should not exceed 5 units. Before populating the drained reservoir, it is filled, after which the water is allowed to settle for at least two weeks, and preferably one month.

Once the reservoir is ready, instrumental monitoring of water quality for nitrate content is carried out; for arthropods, exceeding the maximum permissible doses is detrimental.

If the pond is properly arranged, crayfish do not need additional feeding; there is enough plankton, algae or larvae in the water.

To accelerate the growth of individuals, complementary feeding is carried out with vegetable scraps, mixed feed, meat and fish waste, as well as cereals soaked in water. Complementary feeding is carried out using special bottom devices, which are removed from the water after a certain time.

This avoids contamination of the pond water, which can have a detrimental effect on the livestock and lead to the death of some of it. Strict adherence to the recommendations of specialists and the use of a full range of equipment to maintain optimal conditions for the life of crayfish will allow you to quickly achieve good results.

In special aquariums

In artificially created environmental conditions, it is quite possible to achieve year-round growth of arthropods. To maintain them, specially designed tanks with a capacity of at least 250 liters are required.

The bottom of the tank is filled with sand mixed with stones, driftwood is laid on them, which serve as natural shelters for crayfish during the period of gestation and laying eggs.

Crustaceans are extremely sensitive to water quality, and the aquariums used must meet very stringent requirements. Firstly, the possibility of contact of water with the metal of the frame must be excluded. Secondly, the tank must be equipped with a water supply system from the bottom. Thirdly, the installation of filtration, aeration and water oxidation systems will be required.

Two plots before moving in, the aquariums are filled with water and plants are planted in the ground. After that, the crayfish are lowered into the tank; there should be at least 5 liters of water per individual.

The technology for breeding crayfish in artificial conditions involves keeping ornamental breeds such as Cuban blues. They are an excellent addition to a home aquarium, but before you start, you need to do a little market research. The agreement with large pet stores will facilitate the accelerated sale of grown products.

At home

This type of business can be done at home on a relatively small scale. To organize such a business, the technology for home breeding of crayfish in pools or aquariums is best suited.

Each of the proposed options has its own specifics and will require the investment of certain amounts to purchase everything necessary and carry out a number of construction works.

The organization of arthropod breeding in aquariums is described above and there is no point in repeating it. Let us dwell on the technology of growing crayfish in specially equipped pools at the dacha or on a site near a country house.

At the preliminary preparation stage, it is necessary to assess the possibilities of the land plot for the placement of an artificial reservoir with an area of ​​at least 30 square meters. m and the productivity of the water source.

For home breeding of crayfish, you will need not the usual rectangular pool with a flat bottom and vertical walls, but a reservoir with slightly different parameters.

Requirements for an artificial pond:

  • The most rational shape is a circle or oval with a diameter of 6 to 10 m; the bottom should look like a bowl with a maximum depth of 1.5-2 m in its center.
  • The bottom must be lined with a special film.
  • The pool is equipped with all systems that ensure circulation, purification and oxygenation of water.
  • A drainage system is installed along the shore of the pool to drain stormwater.
  • Devices are installed around the artificial reservoir to provide shade to the coastal areas.

Such a pool for breeding crayfish can be dug manually yourself or with the help of professional diggers. The amount of work is quite significant, but quite manageable.

The bottom of the pool is covered with river sand and stones and driftwood are scattered across it. Among other things, the necessary equipment is installed. The presence of a ceiling and water heating systems in winter will increase the productivity of the pond.

Crustaceans grow and reproduce faster in artificially created conditions. This can be explained quite simply: arthropods do not hibernate and the process of reproduction of offspring is significantly accelerated.

The presence of several ponds, at least three, and preferably four to five, per site makes it possible to increase the yield of finished products.

Breeding crayfish in a country house will help you gain invaluable experience and become familiar with the technology.

Organizing crayfish breeding at home is usually only the first step towards creating a farm. Having tested the technologies and methods of growing gourmet products in relatively small volumes, and having acquired the necessary experience, it will be possible to think about expanding the business. This business approach will help avoid significant losses in future endeavors.

The article deliberately did not provide examples; they may vary greatly in different regions.

The main thing is that crayfish farming as a business is a fairly promising business that promises a high level of profitability. When organizing and preparing a project for launch, it is important to take the recommendations of specialists carefully and responsibly.

Video - how crayfish farming occurs in Louisiana:

We will tell you what to feed crayfish at home, what methods you can use to breed them, and how much you can realistically earn from it. Find out what equipment you will need for this.

Breeding crayfish for sale is a promising line of business, since this area of ​​activity is not very common among entrepreneurs.

The low popularity is associated with a long payback period for investments, and therefore not every businessman is ready to invest time and money in crayfish breeding. However, novice businessmen looking for a promising idea should take a closer look at crayfish breeding - this activity can bring substantial dividends in the future.

Breeding crayfish at home for sale - how justified is it?

Breeding crayfish will become a stable source of income only with proper organization of the production process. The specifics of the business idea should be taken into account: there are several methods of breeding; special equipment and costs will be required to create a comfortable environment for the reproduction of crustaceans.

Be sure to calculate how much money will be spent on organizing a business, purchasing materials, food and adult animals. Take into account the time required - crayfish need to be cared for like any other animal, although they require much less attention than, say, poultry.

You will need a business plan, which, in addition to direct financial costs, will indicate the costs of marketing and sales markets.

The activity of breeding crayfish belongs to farming, therefore it is most profitable to register an individual entrepreneur and choose the unified agricultural tax (USAT) as the taxation system.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a business

Breeding crayfish for the purpose of subsequent sale is characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages.


  • low competition in the business market segment;
  • the possibility of expanding the client base due to unoccupied areas of activity;
  • popularity of the product among the population;
  • relatively low labor costs;
  • high profitability of the business process.

Due to low competition and an unoccupied niche, there is a chance to quickly increase a regular customer base, which will generate significant income with optimal investments.


  • a large amount of initial costs to create an optimal living environment;
  • seasonality of the production process, since crayfish breed from May to October;
  • long payback period due to slower growth of fry in winter;
  • receipt of revenue only for the 2nd year of implementation of the business idea.

The main disadvantage is that at the initial stage serious costs are required, and their return and subsequent receipt of revenue will take at least a year. This disadvantage is offset by the fact that in the future material costs are reduced, and the rate of profit generation increases.

Important! Initial costs depend on the volume of production and the method of breeding crayfish.

Crayfish breeding methods

Let's look at them in detail.

In the basement

The method consists of installing special equipment in the basement, where an optimal microclimate is created and maintained. Breeding in this way has a serious advantage - individuals do not hibernate and continue to grow.

To create a microclimate, you need to maintain the temperature in the basement at least 7 degrees, and also create artificial lighting in the center of the room. In addition, it must have air ventilation, since water evaporation can lead to the formation of fungus or mold.

In the aquarium

The essence of this method is obvious - crayfish are bred in aquariums. In this case, the containers must be at least 250 liters. The disadvantage of this method is that it is limited in territory, and therefore it will not be easy to reach a serious level of production.

The advantage of this method is that crayfish in an aquarium, as well as in a basement, will not hibernate. To do this, you should maintain the water temperature at 20C and provide the crayfish with filtration of their habitat and access to oxygen.

In the pond

A method for those who have a plot for arranging a reservoir, which requires quite serious financial investments. The advantage of an open pond is the minimal cost of its maintenance and the availability of a natural food supply, but the disadvantage is the hibernation of crayfish in winter and the minimal increase in their weight.

Choose a method based on specific conditions - availability of land, premises for installing equipment, budget.

What to feed crayfish at home

In ponds, the food supply is created naturally, and in this case it is only necessary to feed the growing individuals.

If you breed at home, you need to periodically replenish food supplies, which may consist of:

  • foods of plant origin (cereals, algae, vegetables, tree leaves, bread, etc.);
  • food of animal origin (chopped meat, minced meat, fish, insect larvae and adults, earthworms, mollusks, fry, tadpoles, etc.).

With small volumes of production, you can prepare the feed base yourself, but with industrial production of products this will be difficult. The way out of this situation is to use ready-made combined feeds intended for growing fish.

The daily feeding rate is calculated as follows:

  • for individuals raised for sale - 2% of body weight;
  • for females preparing for laying - 5-6% of body weight.

To reduce the pollution of the habitat, it is advisable to use special feeders, which are lattice cages.

How to breed crayfish for sale - step-by-step instructions

Running a successful business involves not only cultivation, but also breeding, which requires greater concentration and attention.

We bring to your attention step-by-step instructions for breeding crayfish.

Step 1. Create conditions for breeding

First you need to purchase and install special equipment or create a natural pond in the open air. Decide how much production you plan to receive over a certain period, and in accordance with this, calculate the necessary material costs.

The containers are equipped with soil, driftwood, shelters, algae, as well as equipment for creating a microclimate - a compressor for pumping air, a filter for water purification, a heating device, a lighting device.

Step 2. We purchase feed and additional equipment

At the second stage, decide on the food supply - decide whether you will prepare it yourself or purchase it ready-made. With a small number of crayfish, there is no point in purchasing large quantities.

In addition to food, buy additional equipment necessary for cleaning containers, raising young animals and catching crayfish.

Step 3. Select the appropriate type of crayfish

When all the conditions have been created, it is time to purchase the first batch for subsequent breeding. Individuals should not be taken from a natural reservoir, as they take too long to grow, while those sold specifically for breeding develop much faster.

There are different types of crayfish, for example, Cuban blue, marbled, Australian, but the most popular is the European river crayfish. It is he who, unlike his fellows, is characterized by unpretentiousness in care and ease of cultivation.

Step 4. Create conditions for reproduction

For reproduction, purchase males and females in a ratio of 1/1 or 1/2, keeping in mind that their mating period lasts from May to October. Fertilized females, which glue the eggs to the tail, should be placed in a separate container, where after 2 months the larvae will appear.

The female lays up to 500 eggs, but many of them die in the natural environment, leaving about 50 individuals. At home, this figure is much higher - up to 90% of the larvae are preserved, provided that the female is removed before and after laying, since crayfish eat their fry.

Step 5. Looking for ways to implement

If you are running a successful business, you should enter into an agreement for the supply of products to restaurants, shops, pubs or saunas. You can sell not only adults, but also caviar, which is highly valued due to its excellent taste.

What equipment will you need?

For effective breeding you need the following equipment:

  1. Aquarium at least 250 l (capacity up to 50 individuals). It is best to purchase about 10 aquariums to make your farming business more efficient and profitable.
  2. Compressor for mixing the water mass.
  3. Water purification filter from waste products and unusable feed residues.
  4. Oxidizer for aerating water and saturating it with oxygen.
  5. Recirculating sediment for pumping water or draining an aquarium.
  6. Oximeter to measure the percentage of oxygen dissolved in water.
  7. Salt meter for measuring water hardness parameters.
  8. Thermometer.
  9. Conductivity meter to measure the level of water pollution.
  10. Heating device, necessary in winter to maintain optimal temperature.
  11. Lighting device, if you plan to breed crayfish in the basement of the house.

This list includes instruments and equipment without which the process would be impossible.

How much can you earn

Let's calculate the amount of revenue for breeding a house for 1.5 years:

  • if you have 5 aquariums, you can grow up to 250 individuals, each of which will weigh approximately 80 grams (average size);
  • a total of 20 kg of weight will be obtained;
  • if 1 kg costs 1,500 rubles, then upon sale you will receive 30,000 rubles.

This amount will be received after 1.5 years of cultivation, and it is necessary to spend money on feed and equipment maintenance.

Full payback of the resources spent will occur in approximately 4-5 years, depending on the scale of the business, and therefore you need to decide whether you are ready to withdraw money from your budget for such a period.

To make an informed decision, draw up a business plan that reflects the following points:

  1. What equipment to buy and how much money to spend.
  2. What volume of products is planned to be produced?
  3. How much money will be required for cultivation?
  4. Who to sell products to.
  5. What will be the cost of delivery to customers?

It is important to reflect expenses in monetary terms in order to clearly understand how much money needs to be used at the initial stage. In addition, the estimated sales revenue should be determined.


  1. The full payback period for the business is about 5 years.
  2. To achieve success, study information on the arrangement of the habitat, the rules of reproduction and raising of young individuals.
  3. (4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Currently, there is not much competition in the industry related to crayfish breeding in the Russian Federation. Despite the great consumer demand for crustaceans, not many business entities express a desire to engage in their breeding. This is most likely due to the lack of payback at the initial stage, as well as the inability to make too much profit. Despite this, for people who do not plan to breed crayfish on an industrial scale, this business line can be very interesting, low-cost and profitable. Owners of personal plots may well do so.

How to grow crayfish at home?

Before starting to breed crayfish at home, every novice entrepreneur must weigh the pros and cons. The benefits of this business area are evidenced by the following factors:

  • To start a business you need a small start-up capital;
  • in the process of work, the entrepreneur will not need large investments;
  • there is no need to constantly monitor and control the life processes of crustaceans;
  • When selling crayfish, entrepreneurs, as a rule, do not have problems, since these products are always in consumer demand;
  • Many people position crustacean farms as an environmentally friendly type of business, so there is no loss of interest in it, especially among that category of the population that monitors their health and uses only safe and high-quality products for food.

Despite the visible advantages of the cancer business, aspiring entrepreneurs should also be aware of its disadvantages:

  • starting investments begin to pay off after 3-4 years;
  • After starting a business, entrepreneurs will be able to transfer crustaceans for sale no earlier than after 3 years.

Although crayfish belong to the category of specific products, they are always in demand, so novice entrepreneurs, especially those who have the conditions for breeding them, should try themselves in this business area.

Equipment for breeding crayfish - price

Among Russian citizens who are already engaged in the cancer business, the following breeding options are popular:

  • in natural or artificial reservoirs (also requires such conditions);
  • in basements;
  • in swimming pools;
  • in aquariums;
  • in special installations in which there is a closed water supply (the price of such containers may vary depending on their quality and size, but on average entrepreneurs will have to spend up to $1,200 to purchase polypropylene pools).

To breed crayfish at home, novice entrepreneurs most often use special equipment that needs to be installed in well-heated rooms. In order for crustaceans to quickly develop and actively reproduce, it is necessary to maintain a favorable temperature for them, which should not fall below 15 degrees. Before introducing crayfish, people should prepare three large containers (they can be made of either plexiglass or food-grade plastic). At the bottom of such containers (the price can reach $400 per piece), a layer of stones, clay and river sand should be laid out, so that the crustaceans will be provided with living conditions close to natural ones. The thickness of such a bottom should be such that crayfish can dig holes for themselves.

Everyone knows that crayfish can only live in clean water. That is why novice entrepreneurs should install filters in containers (it is not recommended to manually clean the walls of plaque, as this can inadvertently injure or destroy young livestock). People should also purchase the following devices that will help in caring for, catching and transporting crayfish to places of sale:

  • special feed;
  • oximeter with oxygen generator;
  • devices for catching crustaceans;
  • transportation containers.

Advice: Many novice entrepreneurs do not understand why they need to install several containers at once. This is necessary to ensure optimal reproduction of crustaceans. If natural processes occur in one container, then large crayfish will begin to eat small crustaceans.

Food supply and types of crustaceans

The process of feeding crayfish will not cause any particular difficulties for entrepreneurs, since they are unpretentious in food and can eat both meat and vegetables and cereals. Currently, in specialized retail outlets you can purchase feed that contains all the microelements necessary for their development.

If a novice entrepreneur plans to breed crayfish at home for profit, then it is best for him to purchase a stock of blue crayfish (they are sold in specialized fish farms). Experts recommend starting with these crayfish, since they grow several times faster than river crustaceans. As for the number of crayfish that will be the first to be populated into prepared containers, entrepreneurs must take into account the following factors:

  • volume of containers;
  • size of the room;
  • number of containers.

Advice: When purchasing the first population of crayfish, the following proportion should be used: the ratio of males to females should be 1:3. If a novice businessman has an aquarium or a container measuring 300 liters, then no more than 80 crayfish can be placed in it.

If people do not want to, but want to do a more stable business, they should consider a cancer business as an option. An important point that novice entrepreneurs should not forget about is the correct choice of breed. Experts recommend purchasing stock of the following types of crustaceans:

  1. Red crayfish (swamp). Representatives of this species do not grow to large sizes. Their main advantage is the ability to adapt to any conditions. They are very unpretentious and can live in artificial reservoirs, where the depth ranges from 15 to 20 cm.
  2. Blue (Cuban). This breed was artificially bred for industrial breeding. Representatives of this species grow rapidly, reproduce well even in hard water, and are unpretentious in their diet.
  3. Australian crayfish. This type of crustacean is in high demand among catering establishments and end consumers. There is no need to create special conditions for their breeding, as they are very unpretentious. The ideal place to grow them is a swimming pool.
  4. Marbled cancer. This type of crustacean must be kept at a temperature that does not fall below 28 degrees. Males are not needed to fertilize females, as they reproduce by parthenogenesis.
  5. European long-clawed crayfish. This breed is considered one of the most prolific. Crayfish grow very quickly and can be kept in both natural and artificial reservoirs.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium as a business

If novice entrepreneurs decide to breed crayfish in aquariums, then they need to have heated rooms in which a favorable microclimate will be created. The capacity of one aquarium must be at least 250 liters. The bottom of the glass container should be lined with stones. In order to bring the conditions closer to natural, you need to pour sand under the stones and lay driftwood on top.

Advice: When breeding crayfish in aquariums, the proportion should be observed: no more than 350 individuals can be allowed per 1 square meter.

To create optimal conditions for crayfish in which they will actively reproduce, entrepreneurs need to consider the following factors:

  1. The number of females should always be several times greater than the number of males.
  2. For mating, a separate aquarium should be allocated, the volume of which should not be less than 200 liters.
  3. After the birth of the crustaceans, they should be transferred to another aquarium to minimize losses.
  4. Aquariums can be placed in heated basements.

What do crustaceans need to live a full life?

Every person who decides to start a cancer business should familiarize themselves in advance with all the nuances that may affect the final result:

  • crustaceans, regardless of breed, are very sensitive to water, therefore, to ensure their normal functioning, it is necessary to monitor its quality;
  • in artificial or natural reservoirs used for breeding crayfish, there should be a large number of driftwood and stones;
  • Crayfish begin to mate from autumn to spring, so during this period it is necessary to provide them with decent conditions;
  • the water in the container or reservoir must be enriched with oxygen;
  • it is important to monitor the temperature, which should not fall below 1 degree (the optimal option is 18-24 degrees);
  • if crayfish are bred in natural reservoirs, then they need to be protected from predatory fish and waterfowl;
  • In order for crustaceans to grow quickly, it is necessary to provide them with a balanced diet (if there is not enough food, then the adults will begin to eat young and weak crayfish), etc.

How to find sales channels?

Some Russian citizens who are interested in the cancer business are hesitant to start it, because they doubt that they will be able to sell livestock ready for sale. In order to never encounter problems when selling crayfish, you should find one or more wholesalers in advance who will purchase entire batches of crustaceans.

It is worth noting that it will not be possible to cooperate with wholesalers at market prices. Despite minor financial losses, Russian citizens will not have to waste time and money on organizational issues:

  • transportation of finished products (as a rule, wholesalers come to entrepreneurs in their own transport);
  • store and feed grown crayfish;
  • draw up documents (including sanitary ones) for each batch of crustaceans, etc.

In addition to wholesalers, catering establishments, grocery stores, and beer bars can be considered as distribution points. If an entrepreneur has free time and a desire to earn more, he can independently sell the grown crayfish on organized markets. In this case, he will have to undergo sanitary control and have documents confirming the origin of the crustaceans.

Crustacean diseases

If Russian citizens create the most favorable conditions for keeping crustaceans, they will still not be one hundred percent insured against various diseases. The most life-threatening cancer disease is plague. Burn disease, which develops under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, can also cause serious harm to livestock.

The death of livestock (both adult and growing) can occur due to constant overfeeding. Therefore, it is extremely important to feed crustaceans in doses. Insufficient water filtration leads to the development of pathogenic microflora, against which serious diseases appear. Rapid temperature fluctuations and insufficient water aeration can also cause the death of crustaceans.

Breeding crustaceans in natural conditions

Owners of summer cottages and country houses living in close proximity to natural or artificial reservoirs can breed crayfish in them for subsequent sale. To start this business, Russian citizens must fulfill several conditions:

  • before releasing a population of crayfish into the lake, it is necessary to clear it of predatory fish;
  • it is important to prepare the bottom, on which, if necessary, stones and driftwood should be laid;
  • a natural or artificial reservoir must be divided into three parts (this can be done using a metal mesh);
  • it is important to think about how the lake’s water will be maintained clean (pumping and filtration stations are installed if necessary), etc.

The most dangerous time for crayfish to live is during their molting period. Without a shell, they are forced to constantly stay in shelter, which they leave only to eat. The entrepreneur's task is to provide enough food to prevent the crustaceans from eating each other.

What documents are needed to open a cancer business?

Every Russian who plans to breed crayfish for subsequent sale must necessarily obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, he should perform a number of actions:

  1. Pay the state fee.
  2. Contact the state registrar with a minimum package of documents (passport, tax identification number, payment receipt indicating payment of the state duty).
  3. Choose a tax system (the ideal option would be a simplified tax regime).

If you plan to breed crayfish in natural conditions, then the aspiring entrepreneur must fulfill the basic requirements of Federal legislation:

  • the reservoir (artificial, dug on his personal plot) must belong personally to the individual entrepreneur;
  • the lake must be leased from local authorities;
  • the pond should not flow into a natural body of water.

To be able to sell crayfish to end consumers and catering establishments, an individual entrepreneur must complete additional documentation:

  • in accordance with state standards of 2005, certificates are required;
  • You need to obtain a certificate of form No. 2 from the veterinary service;
  • To transport crayfish using your own or rented transport, you will need a sanitary passport;
  • the process of selling crustaceans will have to be reflected in the primary and accounting documentation, on the basis of which the individual entrepreneur will fill out reports and submit them to regulatory authorities, etc.

Profitability of a crayfish farming business

Russian citizens can understand whether the cancer business is profitable using the example below.

  • Purchase of livestock and other primary expenses – 100,000 rubles;
  • Payment for electrical energy – 9,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of special feed – 12,000 rubles.
  • Total for the year - 121,000 rubles.
  • The market price of crayfish is 500 rubles per 1 kg;
  • In a year, an entrepreneur can grow 12,000 pieces of crayfish, the weight of which will reach 2,450 kg.
  • Revenue for the year will be 1,225,000 rubles.

For the year, the individual entrepreneur will receive net profit in the amount of 1,225,000 – 121,000 = 1,104,000 rubles. The business project will begin to pay off in 3 years. If an entrepreneur decides to breed blue crayfish, he will be able to receive income within 1.5 years.

Many people are thinking about not having to work too hard, but at the same time receiving a stable income. If they own personal plots, then a cancer business would be an ideal option for them. When farming crustaceans, people will not have to make any extraordinary investments. Over time, they will begin to receive a stable income if they can provide the conditions necessary for the life of crayfish. Despite the fact that crayfish cannot be considered as, the income from them will be quite enough to ensure a normal standard of living.

Such a business idea does not require large expenses and can generate a stable income for six months - from May to October. The seasonal nature of this income is perhaps the only drawback of such a business. Before starting this business, it is necessary to determine the demand in the market - whether it exists in principle, and if it exists, then how great it is. Of course, you can breed crayfish only for your own consumption, but it is much more pleasant to not only enjoy the final product, but also receive stable income for a long time.

What is the demand in the market?

To start with crayfish farming as a business, it is advisable to call restaurants and supermarkets with an offer to sell crayfish through constant deliveries from your farm. Large supermarkets in the country have fish departments that sell not only fish, but also crayfish. However, many wholesale hypermarkets (where, by the way, restaurants and cafes buy their products) do not have such goods. Therefore, it’s up to you - by calling all major sales points, you will probably find clients. And this is a sure signal that the crayfish farming business plan for this method of trading will pay off in the future.

Another way to create a customer base is to simply sell the product through 2-3 acquaintances or friends. They, in turn, will tell their friends. In other words, word of mouth will start working. But in order to ensure a constant influx of customers, you must adhere to several basic conditions: high quality goods, prices lower than in supermarkets and other sellers, and, as an option, improved service - home delivery of crayfish. Thus, in one season you can form a permanent customer base.

Choosing the type of crayfish farm

Everything has been decided with the client base, the most important part of the business plan remains - the direct organization of a cancer farm at home. Artificial breeding of crayfish is divided into two types, depending on the form of farming: crayfish breeding in ponds and factory type of breeding. The first type is considered the most profitable, since the process is labor-intensive and large-scale capital investments are required for running a business on an industrial scale.

Lake and river crayfish are bred at home. Breeding crayfish as a business in our climate is considered impractical, since most of the year temperatures prevail that are low for reproduction. The exception is the southern regions of the country. It is very difficult to raise crayfish to a marketable state - they quickly hibernate at low water temperatures below 17 degrees and their development stops indefinitely. Therefore, the most optimal and best technology for breeding crayfish for our latitudes involves the creation of artificial closed reservoirs. Therefore, we need to breed lake crayfish, because we need to get a finished product in an extremely short time.

Technology for constructing breeding ponds

The ideal option is a pond (or preferably several reservoirs) within your land plot. Breeding crayfish at home is beneficial due to the close location of reservoirs, you can always control the entire breeding process. In addition, this will significantly secure your business - there will be no danger that someone will want to collect your entire source of income.

So, several reservoirs have been dug on your site. Their depth can be 1-3 meters (in some cases it can be 6 meters), the area of ​​one artificial pond is from 30 to 60 square meters. The bottom should be rocky and covered with sand, and the shores should be clay (so that crayfish can dig holes in them). Running water, as noted above, is not necessary for breeding crayfish. The main thing is to have a water source nearby so that you can fill the reservoirs with water and change it periodically.

Drainage pipes are also needed, which will perform the function of draining and pipes through which water will flow into the ponds. The drain should be covered with a wooden net. Metal mesh is harmful to crayfish, and they can easily bite through an ordinary fishing net. When all the drains are ready, you can begin to fill the reservoir with water and add crayfish there. It is necessary to update the water once every 2-3 weeks, replacing no more than 30% of the water, so as not to disturb the established microclimate.

Home breeding of crayfish is also possible in aquariums, and this is one of the most profitable methods. Firstly, it is a much more convenient catch, secondly, it constantly maintains the optimal temperature, and thirdly, there is no need to constantly replace the water, it is enough to install cleaning filters. In addition, crayfish molt in an aquarium more often - up to 3 times a year, while in reservoirs they molt once. Molting is direct evidence of the growth of crayfish (the shell becomes tighter), which means the product will be ready for sale faster.

The only drawback of aquariums is the limited space available. It is not possible to install more aquariums than the room allows. In addition, costs for electricity and space heating increase. But at the same time the volume of production also increases. But if you already have customers who are willing to constantly buy crayfish, you don’t have to worry about profitability. The cost of the crayfish will be worth the money spent.

You have a customer base, you know what kind of crayfish to breed, where to grow them and in what conditions. All that remains is to decide where to buy crayfish for breeding and how to properly keep them? If you live near a river or any other body of water in which these invertebrates are found, you can catch them yourself using special fishing rods, fishnets (a cylindrical net) or nets. Trapping can take place from mid-summer to the end of November. In dark waters the best catch will be in the evening, in clear waters - at dusk. It is also advisable to catch crayfish in rainy weather and a warm night.

If this is a rather complicated and time-consuming process for you, there is another option. Selling crayfish for breeding is one of the ways to earn money for local residents who live near reservoirs and fish. Usually a kilogram of crayfish costs 100 rubles, so you can buy a large quantity. It is best to buy young of the year - crayfish that appeared this year; it is from them that you can make a good profit in the future.

  • Regularly monitor the renewal of water so that it does not stagnate;
  • Maintain the optimal temperature for adequate nutrition of adult crayfish - it is 17-21 degrees, for larvae - several degrees higher;
  • Crayfish, like all other representatives of the animal world, can get sick. Industrial crayfish farming involves maintaining optimal conditions, and this is different in each country. But everywhere the requirements are the same: standard hydrochemical and temperature conditions;
  • You can feed crayfish with larvae, insects, fish, crustaceans, and worms. But before directly catching them for sale, it is necessary to put them on a special “diet”: feed them only with nettles, potatoes and other vegetation. It is not recommended to give fresh fish, since crayfish will get into fights while eating, losing claws and legs, and, as a result, their presentation. These are the basic conditions for breeding crayfish.

Costs, quantity of initial goods and liquidity

Of great importance is the acquisition of females with live eggs on pleopods (legs under the tail) and their transportation to crayfish farms. In order to grow a ton of crayfish, it is necessary to purchase about 450-600 fertilized females, which are caught from their natural habitat. With an average female weight of about 160 grams, the result is about 80,000 grams of live weight, which is 80 kg. crayfish that need to be purchased for breeding.

Thus, we can calculate the profitability of crayfish farming: 80 kilograms of crayfish at a purchase price of 100 rubles will cost 8,000 rubles. Let's add to this the single costs of organizing and creating artificial reservoirs - about 180,000 rubles. It turns out 188 thousand rubles of start-up capital for running such a business. Now you can calculate how much profit these funds will bring. At the same time, we take into account that you have drawn up a sales plan and the customer base is already ready.

Let's assume that in one season, 500 female crayfish produce 13,000 live offspring (under optimal conditions). The market value of 1 kilogram of crayfish is about 200-250 rubles. Adult crayfish weigh up to 300 grams, which in total will be about 3.5-3.9 tons of ready-to-sell goods. In total, provided that the crayfish are fully marketed and sold at wholesale cost, 500-700 thousand rubles of income are obtained, of which 312-512 thousand rubles are net profit for the season. As you can see, this way of doing business, such as breeding crayfish at home, is a cost-effective way to make a profit.

These conclusions were given after conducting experiments on breeding and growing crayfish by one of the domestic scientists. It is quite possible that they will be useful to you in the future:

After 1,400 fertilized females had given birth, the young crayfish were removed from the cages from the females. Instead, 600 males were placed there, and despite the fact that fertilization took place on time - in early November, this did not give any positive results. From this it was concluded that old females cannot be kept in the pool for more than 3-4 months.

It is also impossible to keep old females for the reason that during breeding it was noticed that they eat their own cubs. This means that after the females lay eggs, it is necessary to move them to another pool, and leave the eggs separately for a year - until the crayfish appear and acquire hard shells.

Crayfish are very sensitive to changes in external conditions, so immediately after being caught from their natural habitats and moved into a body of water, they can crawl out of the water. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the crayfish in a basket for several weeks and feed them there. After this, you can safely release the crayfish into the reservoir - they will no longer climb to the surface.

It is advisable to carry out transportation in containers covered on the inside with smooth straw or moss. Before releasing them into the pond, first water the crayfish with warm water from a watering can.

If you like this type of business, you can additionally watch videos and educational materials about crayfish breeding, which clearly describe and explain each stage. It is worth noting that the process of breeding and growing is quite interesting, and with due effort it can develop from an ordinary hobby into a source of permanent income.

The idea of ​​crayfish farming is not new. Similar farms were organized in the Rostov region even before the start of perestroika in the Soviet Union. However, today this business has not become a fully occupied niche in Russia. Let’s look at the specifics of crayfish farming to understand what the prospects for crayfish farming are and whether such a commercial enterprise can generate significant and stable income.

Breeding crayfish in ponds

Growing crayfish in an artificial pond is considered the cheapest and easiest way to do this type of activity.

If you have your own land, then building a pond will not be a big effort. In this case, the costs will be minimal.

The recommended area of ​​the reservoir is 25-60 m2, depth - 1-3 m. It is advisable to fill the bottom with sand and line it with stones so that arthropods can dig holes for themselves. Afterwards, you should stock up on food, and also build several concrete pools. They are useful for fattening and keeping young livestock.

Be sure to provide a reliable water drain and an additional source of water. Purchase cleaning and aeration systems. Study specialized literature, it will never be superfluous. In principle, after this you can release larvae or breeding stock into the pond.

An artificial pond requires replacement every 2-3 weeks. In winter, it is advisable to catch the stock and transplant it into an indoor reservoir so that the crayfish do not suffocate under the thick ice.

You cannot build a pond in a sunny place!

If there is a natural body of water near your place, then you can release the larvae there. However, it must meet the following requirements:

  • shaded sandy shores;
  • the presence of a rocky bottom;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a bottom suitable for the construction of holes;
  • absence of pathogenic flora.

The problem that we really face in this case is poachers. However, they also have control. You can hire watchmen, put up streamers with bells, and stretch a net over the surface.

This method of cultivation extremely saves the budget for organizing a habitat for crayfish and their nutrition, but the farmer does not have the ability to control the temperature.

This means that the weight of individuals raised in a natural reservoir will be approximately 30% lower than those individuals raised in a home pond.

In the aquarium

Crayfish can be grown in an aquarium even in urban conditions, although on a somewhat smaller scale than in a pond. The premises can be rented in a quiet residential area. This method of breeding crayfish has many advantages:

  • convenient control of pets;
  • strict adherence to temperature conditions;
  • less feed consumption;
  • simplified crayfish catching;
  • possibility of installing a filtration system;
  • shortened wintering.

In such “greenhouse” conditions, young offspring develop quickly and efficiently, and the entrepreneur, in turn, makes a profit faster. However, you should not forget about the need to pay bills for electricity and space heating.

It is important to know the secrets of choosing the right aquarium:

  • volume from 250 l;
  • wide bottom;
  • plastic walls low to 1 m (to avoid metal contact with water).

Soil should be poured onto the bottom, pebbles and driftwood should be placed, and algae should be planted. The planting density of crayfish can reach 350 individuals per 1 m2.

Creating a farm

Entrepreneurs involved in crayfish breeding are advised to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of keeping arthropods in practice before investing significant sums in it. Despite the fact that the World Wide Web provides access to almost any information, you should not neglect the advice of professionals.

Farm for industrial breeding of crayfish

Experienced crayfish farmers will not reveal all the secrets, but by visiting their farm, you will have an idea of ​​what exactly a successful farm should look like.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding

It is difficult to find larvae, so you will have to buy adults. There is no need to purchase a lot of breeding stock at once. For a small farm, 40 males and 80 females will be enough. The latter are easily identified by the presence of eggs under the tail at the end of spring.

Sources for acquiring crayfish can be very different:

  • independent fishing in the river;
  • supermarket;
  • specialized farm.

Naturally, it is preferable to buy arthropods from specialists. They can advise which species will be preferable for your region, conditions of detention and breeding goals (by the way, crayfish have excellent caviar that can be salted). They will also tell you what care should be taken in the first months.

The following industrial types of crayfish are popular:

  • Blue Cuban (withstands temperatures only up to 26 C o, grows quickly, omnivorous).
  • Australian crayfish (suitable for aquariums, capricious in care and nutrition, is the most fleshy type of crayfish).
  • Marble (requires stable water temperature and large areas - 20 adult individuals per 100 cubic meters of water, reproduces by parthenogenesis (that is, there is a female and a male in one individual).


Being herbivorous animals, crayfish do not disdain various organic remains and even carrion in natural conditions.

Crayfish feed mainly on:

  • earthworms;
  • greens;
  • mixed feed;
  • insect larvae;
  • small snails and bottom fish.
In the case of artificial breeding, the diet of crayfish includes:
  • steamed crushed grain;
  • meat;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • fish;
  • grated carrots.

The daily food intake is 2% of the individual’s weight.

You can purchase food for crayfish from companies associated with the fishing business, feed mills, greenhouse farms, and specialized markets.


Mating of arthropods occurs in the fall - from September to October.

Male crayfish are able to fertilize two females in a row, and they simply eat the third.

That is why the ratio of individuals of different sexes in one pond/aquarium should be 1:2.

The eggs are initially placed under the shell of the female crayfish, and after being laid, they are attached by the abdominal legs under the tail. Females often wash the eggs with water, thereby cleaning them and allowing the embryos to develop properly. After 2 months, the larvae hatch.

Rachiha protects them for another 21 days, sheltering them from dangers under their tail. It is worth noting that in the natural environment, females raise 12 crustaceans, but no more than 20 offspring annually. In the case of crayfish breeding at home, this figure reaches 60 crayfish annually.

Want to know what other animals you can raise for sale? is a quickly paying off project with relatively low investments.

Read about how to open an online store from scratch.

You can open a business in any field - services, agriculture, sales. Here is a selection of ideas for small businesses with minimal investment. Read on to learn how to bring your ideas to life.

Features of growing at home

It is important to consider the following features:

Crayfish come in different varieties, and so do their commercial prices. Before starting a business, it makes sense to understand in detail the species of these freshwater arthropods.


To breed crayfish you will need the following equipment:

  1. Aquariums. It is desirable that they be equipped with heaters for incubating eggs, a filtration system, and compressors. Controlling water quality will allow the larvae to develop quickly and correctly.
  2. Swimming pools. Should be separate for teenagers and independent young adults. As crayfish grow older, they are necessarily sorted. This allows them to develop properly and also vary in weight/size, age and cost accordingly.
  3. Ponds. The more there are, the better. It is worth considering that the minimum pond size is 25 m2. It is advisable to give it an oval shape, which promotes proper gas exchange. There should be shelters at the bottom (pieces of plastic pipes, driftwood, stones). It is worth equipping at least a couple of indoor ponds (they raise young-of-the-year crayfish and provide housing for the broodstock).


To be able to legally sell goods, a business must be registered (OKVED codes 01.21; 52.23). This gives buyers confidence that the product is of high quality and safe.

Sorting crayfish before sale

There is always a demand for such products. Preference in the sale of crayfish should be given to wholesale trading enterprises. It is important to establish sales to establishments such as beer pubs, fish restaurants, saunas, baths.

Financial calculations

Regardless of what you choose as a home for crayfish (a pond or an aquarium), the starting capital will be about 200 thousand rubles. With this money you will need to purchase:

  • individuals (200 will be enough);
  • aquarium (dig a hole for a pond and equip it);
  • food and medicines.

You will also need to hire staff (1-2 people). Annual costs for feeding crayfish and replacing water will amount to no more than 100 thousand rubles.

Crayfish pond

It makes no sense to rent a pond. It is usually rented for 1 year. At the same time, the rental rate increases annually. Crayfish grow for about 4 years, so it makes sense to make your own pond.

Today in Russia, prices for crayfish fluctuate between 400-450 rubles. / kg and for adults; 200-250 rub. / kg and young individuals. You can sell goods individually. With the right approach, from a pond of 50 m2, where 50 females are released, you can get in a year:

  • 3.5 tons of young animals (up to 13 thousand individuals);
  • up to 80 kg of breeding stock.

Crayfish farming is not a difficult task. Even a pensioner can cope with it. The only negative is the long duration of the project. Such a business does not pay off quickly, after about 2 years. After that, the business will begin to bring a stable profit - up to 450 thousand rubles. / year. Tangible income appears in years 6-8 with a tendency to constantly increase.

Business plan

Crayfish farming, like any other business, requires a responsible approach.

A carefully thought-out business plan will allow you to understand the project budget and correctly distribute funds at each stage.

Also, this document acts as a kind of supporting outline, which reflects all the important steps and nuances that can later simply be forgotten.

In a business plan, it is important to focus on:

  • project start time (preferably in early April);
  • competition (monopoly coverage of the market/region or the presence of similar farms);
  • purpose of the product (sale on the market, wholesale, processing, sale to breeding stock);
  • sales markets (preferably wholesale buyers - retail chains, restaurants, individual entrepreneurs);
  • method of breeding crayfish (natural aquatic environment, aquarium, artificial pond);
  • cost of breeding stock (200-1000 rubles / kg);
  • type of farm (for cold regions, aquarium breeding of crayfish is necessary, but growing in a pond is more economically profitable).

In general, growing crayfish as a business is a moderately labor-intensive and time-consuming process, but it is also profitable. The farmer will receive a hundredfold for his efforts. In addition, crayfish rarely get sick, and it’s even more fun to watch your pets!

Buying a ready-made business is a solution for those who do not want to deal with the preparatory stages, but immediately have a ready-made, established production and customer base. Buying is a great decision, as you can find a lot of offers.

Read about how to make a million without having anything in the section.

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