Examples of the best commercial proposals. sales pitch killers

A commercial proposal is a document that contains an invitation to a transaction. It can be addressed to one person or a larger group. Compreds, as they are called in professional jargon, are used for various marketing purposes: to sell goods, advertise information products, search for employers, etc.

Examples of commercial proposals

There is an opinion that preparing commercial proposals is entirely the task of copywriters. This is not entirely true. The CP is made up of directors, marketers, and sales managers. And you can too, fortunately you don’t need to graduate from the Faculty of Philology or go through a dozen journalistic trainings. It is enough to know your project from A to Z and understand its strengths. If you are an author who expects to make CP to order, you will have to find out information about the company and products from clients in advance. To avoid spending a lot of time on discussion, draw up a brief. In it, ask a series of questions, the answers to which may be useful. For example, many people ask about advantages, disadvantages, competitors, etc.

However, having information is not everything. For the CP to work, you need to know how to compose it correctly. We will devote the next 15–20 minutes to explaining this.

Types of commercial offers

In almost all specialized literature, compres are divided into two types: “cold” and “hot”. It is important to differentiate between them because they have different target audiences. And, as you know, people are different from each other, and everyone needs their own approach.

  • "Cold" CP is essentially a letter for those who are seeing your brand for the first time. But no, this does not mean that you should send the document to just anyone. It is necessary to first prepare a sample of people who may potentially be interested in the offer. For example, you want to write texts for money, so the first thing you do is send out mailings to digital agencies, copywriting studios and SEO companies. You know that in these places there may be a recruitment of writers, and that some part will definitely respond to your message.
  • "Hot" CP is sending a letter to a public that has already been prepared. Let's say the manager of a company talked to a person on the phone and intrigued him with favorable conditions or an affordable price. The next thing to do is send your potential client a killer business proposal. There is more room for imagination here. If in a “cold” CP you need to do everything to keep the reader’s attention and, God forbid, not overload it with unnecessary information, then in a “hot” one you can go all out. After all, if a certain person is interested in your brand, it is logical to assume that she wants to learn more about it.

There are also additional options for compreds. For example, the popular copywriter Daniil Shardakov mentioned an offer - a more complex type of business text, closely related to legal subtleties. However, we will not focus on this. In order to successfully communicate with clients, at first it will be enough to know about two types of CP.

How to structure a commercial proposal

The compr has much in common with ordinary selling text. If you have experience writing similar materials, it will not be difficult for you to master a similar direction. And the first thing you need to start with is getting to know the structure.

Another useful post:

The structure of the CP is simple, clear and unambiguous. This is the moment when it is better not to reinvent the wheel. Practice shows that following simple rules helps to collect more responses than unrestrained creativity. Therefore, let's look at how to make a commercial proposal as complete and effective as possible.

1. Heading.

The importance of the title cannot be overstated. It creates the first impression of any text. A person, looking at the title, immediately decides what to do next - read with interest, or click the red cross in the upper right corner. Therefore, you should add the best you have in store to this short phrase.

Experienced copywriters advise indicating benefits in the headline. This applies not only to comps, but also to other marketing texts. Another idea is to add an intrigue to the name that will immediately hook you and not let go until the end. However, this is not suitable for everyone. If you feel that your creativity or sense of humor is not enough, it is better to go with the first option.

2. Lead (first paragraph).

World-renowned copywriter Joseph Sugarman taught us the Slippery Slide Method. Its essence is to instantly arouse the reader's interest, and then maintain it until he begins to literally fly through the text. Based on this principle, the first line should be the strongest, and the remaining sentences should accompany it.

A sales lead is a great way to practice creating a “slippery slide.” Start with the strongest possible argument, and then throw in less significant, but no less interesting phrases.

Most often, a lead starts with:

  • descriptions of the problem (“Have you tried a dozen shampoos, but your dandruff still hasn’t gone away?”);
  • a direct indication of the solution to the problem (“Our technique helped 200 new IT specialists find a job in two weeks!”);

Sometimes the first paragraph is based on an answer to an objection, but most often this point is left for last. It’s also rare that leads begin with emotional passages. To use the last technique to its full potential, you need to very sensitively sense the mood of the audience. If you have little experience yet, use more proven and stable options.

3. Offer.

The most important, but at the same time, the most difficult part of the compr. An offer or is literally an offer for a client. The response to the control panel depends on how well it hits the target.

Most often, the offer focuses on the following things:

  • favorable price-quality ratio;
  • additional free service;
  • discount or gift that comes with the purchase

It would seem much more banal. However, finding out the pains of your target audience is not such an easy task. First, you will need to create an image of an average customer. What is his gender? How old is he? How much does he earn? What are your hobbies? What does he want to get from cooperation? Don't skimp on details. Such a psychological portrait will help you understand what is hypothetically capable of arousing interest in this person, and how you can move forward. For example, you will not seduce a top manager with the lowest prices in the city, or a simple housewife with the elitism of the brand.

By the way, here you can connect real people. For example, if the average representative of your target audience is a woman aged 45+, talk about the advertised product with your mother. Believe me, you will learn a lot of interesting information first-hand.

If you want to go deeper into the topic, read:

4. Benefits.

For that matter, some copywriters do not allocate a separate block for benefits. They casually mention them in the headline, lead, offer - and this is enough to captivate the client. However, if you feel that you didn’t say everything you wanted to, put it in a separate paragraph. You can just title it: “Benefits from cooperation.” Or: “What do you get from working with us?” And then write the statement in a numbered or bulleted list.

5. Handling objections.

Every client wants to know that their money was not wasted. Alas, only a few of them have the time to meticulously check every fact from the life of a particular company. Most will close the link at the first sign of distrust. To prevent this from happening, give readers what they want.

Handling objections usually involves:

  • listing of regalia;
  • availability of documentary evidence of success (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, etc.);
  • answers to burning questions that may arise;
  • justifying the reasons why people should take advantage of your offer

To correctly answer all questions, rely only on facts. Don’t fantasize, don’t sing your own praises and don’t “yak” - it’s scary.

6. Call to action.

As a rule, there is nothing special contained in a call to action. Just offer to call you back, write by e-mail, or contact us in another convenient way. Don’t insist on ordering or purchasing – it’s not time yet. Communication is just a step towards business communication, so at first do not demand much from the client.

By the way, since you encourage a person to do something, do it boldly. Forget about the words “may”, “should” and “perhaps”. Such weak constructions show that you yourself are not sure that you are worth contacting. Write “call the number back”, not “you can call back.”

A commercial proposal for the supply of goods is an important document for product promotion. It combines two functions: presentation of product characteristics and informing potential customers about the conditions for its sale. A well-drafted document will allow you to establish a sales area and find new partners.

What is a commercial offer: its functions and types

A commercial proposal is a type of business documentation. It contains a technical description, competitive characteristics of the product and conditions for its sale. It is in writing and calls for cooperation.

A well-written document performs 3 functions:

  • advertising of products sold;
  • expansion of the sales market;
  • maintaining partnerships with existing customers.
After sending the document, it is worth checking with the potential client the time within which a response will be given

There are 2 types of commercial offers:

  • Cold (mass). This message is not identified because it is intended for a wide range of people. Mainly used to inform potential buyers about a new product or improve the characteristics of an existing one. An email from a mass mailing may be considered spam, which reduces the chances of closing a deal.
  • Warm (personalized). It is compiled for a specific target audience, the needs of which have been thoroughly studied. The document must indicate the name of the company and full name of the recipient. Such a business letter receives more responses than a non-personalized one. The sales or sales manager is responsible for its development. The text of the document is agreed upon with the manager.

Basic rules for developing a business letter

Development of a commercial proposal does not require financial investments. A business letter is a powerful tool for promoting a product. Only a well-drafted document can encourage business representatives to enter into economic relations with a potential supplier.

The document should contain only information that is of value to the potential client. Before developing a commercial proposal, it is important to study the details of the addressee’s business: needs, problems that he can solve when purchasing products, and others.

Particular attention should be paid to the title, as it attracts attention and generates interest in the offer.

The commercial proposal must focus on the following parameters:

  • favorable pricing system;
  • wide range of products;
  • possibility of payment in installments;
  • short delivery times;
  • warranty support;
  • availability of a discount system;
  • line of additional services.

Important Details

A dry description of the characteristics of products sold is a useless job that will not receive positive feedback from customers. It is important to reflect the buyer’s benefit when purchasing a product, taking into account his real needs and difficulties. In other words, a business letter should tell what problems the client can solve by purchasing a specific product.

The lack of a price list and a price setting algorithm can be considered a drawback of the commercial offer. The client must understand what factors make up the cost of the presented product.

Obviously, it is impossible to reflect all technical and organizational issues in one document, therefore, at the end of the offer, contact information (telephone number, email address, fax) must be indicated.

7 details of a business letter that increase its effectiveness:

  • results of the research;
  • specific information in digital format;
  • confirmation of additional benefits for the client;
  • availability of graphs and tables to reflect dynamics;
  • the presence of unique pictures and photos for clarity;
  • information about major partners (increases the reputation of the supplier);
  • information about successful cooperation or reviews from major clients (work for the image).


No need to try to reach a large audience at once

A business letter should not be too long or short, describing only superficially the benefits of the product. Ideally, a commercial proposal is 1–2 pages long. The document has 4 main parts:

  • information about the addressee (name of organization, full name of recipient);
  • title - calls for studying the proposal;
  • the main part (description of the product, advantages, benefits from cooperation);
  • contact details.

A business letter must contain the following points:

  • name of the organization and its logo;
  • Full name of the addressee of the business letter;
  • title of the document;
  • date of dispatch and registration number;
  • specific delivery dates for products;
  • installment terms and methods of payment for goods;
  • detailed description of products with photos;
  • description and argumentation of tangible benefits;
  • price formulation;
  • offer validity period;
  • contact details;
  • Full name and signature of the employee.


If the document is sent in paper form, the paper must be of good quality. Letterheads demonstrate the solidity of the company. When designing, it is better to choose a single font that is as easy to read as possible. For clarity, headings can be highlighted in bold.

The design of the document does not have a serious impact on the promotion of the commercial proposal. But there is a risk that potential clients will not like it.

An important element of the offer are tables and calculations. When registering them, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • The table must be placed on one sheet. Complex calculations are inappropriate as they make it difficult to study the proposal.
  • The final results of calculations should be placed at the beginning of the table. The client is primarily interested in the volume of potential costs, and only then the items from which it is composed.
  • A column must use only one unit of measurement.
  • When composing a business letter electronically, it is advisable to add built-in formulas. This will allow the recipient to independently calculate the cost of the product.
  • The text in the table should be easy to read.

Mistakes that hinder the progress of a business letter

A business letter will not receive a response if it contains the following errors:

  • the document was developed without prior study of the demand of the target audience;
  • the letter was sent to companies that are not interested in the product being sold;
  • the terms of cooperation are non-competitive;
  • the document contains only a description of the technical characteristics of the product, the “Benefit Argumentation” block and the pricing algorithm are omitted, there is no call for cooperation, and no contact information is provided;
  • the letter contains cliche phrases that make it uninteresting;
  • there are spelling and grammatical errors;
  • defiant design;
  • presence of slang.

The document cannot indicate the loss of the client’s competitive position in case of refusal to cooperate.

5 successful commercial offers for the supply of goods

Examples of effective commercial proposals:

  • fashionable clothes for teenagers, clear and concise;
You should not include information about the company’s achievements in your commercial proposal.
  • construction board: nothing superfluous, good photos and detailed contact information;

Have you sent a proposal for cooperation to a client? Congratulations: you've just increased your chance of closing a deal by 50%. Have you forgotten anything? According to statistics, 60% of managers do not include a call to action in their CP. And this is a fatality. We turned to copywriting experts and learned how to create a commercial proposal to be sure to interest the client.

Types of commercial offers: which one to choose?

You are about to write a commercial proposal. First, answer yourself two questions: who is it addressed to and for what purpose. Its content depends on this. Author of the book “An effective commercial proposal. Comprehensive guide" Denis Kaplunov divides CP into hot and cold, and also identifies 7 types of letters depending on the task being solved. Let's look at this classification in more detail.

1. Determine the target audience

Based on their readiness to make a purchase, the audience is divided into “cold” and “hot”, which is why commercial letters are usually divided into these two types. Additionally, Denis Kaplunov highlights combined CP.

  1. Hot KP sent after a telephone conversation or meeting. You already know the client’s needs, so include the information he requested in the text: the price for a specific brand, and not for a full catalog, information on a special offer, and not a full price list, etc. Start the text like this: “In continuation of our conversation, I am sending an estimate...”, “Based on the results of the negotiations, at your request, I am sending options for solving the identified problem.”
  2. Cold KP create a mass mailing to those customers with whom you have not yet contacted and who do not know about your company and product. In this case, for each product (or group of products) you only need to create one sample commercial proposal.
  3. More common combined gearboxes. You define your target audience, find out their needs by conducting marketing research or a survey, and mass send out an offer tailored to them. That is, it is a cold letter written for a specific audience and responding to their unique pain points.

2. Seven reasons to send a commercial proposal

How to correctly write a commercial proposal based on a goal that is relevant to the company? Denis Kaplunov identified seven types of CP that solve different company problems. We have collected them in a convenient table and indicated important nuances.

Type of commercial offer Situation Peculiarities
Presentation Introducing a new partner company for the clientShow the benefits of cooperation or purchasing your product.
Updated product It is necessary to inform about a new product, product modernizationOutline the advantages of the new version compared to the previous one. Distributed also to former clients
Promotional Ongoing promotional event (sales, personal prices)Specify offer validity dates or other restrictions
Thank you note Receive feedback from the client, express gratitude for cooperationInclude an additional personal offer in the CP
Congratulatory Promotional offer dedicated to general holidaysOnly a personalized offer, the client must feel unique
Invitation Upcoming event, business presentationSent to existing and potential clients. Describe the bonuses from attending the event
For "lost clients" The client abandoned your services/products in favor of competitorsKiller offer (pre-examine the competitor’s product). Periodically remind the client about yourself

Checklist for an ideal commercial proposal: 8 mandatory points

Regardless of the type and type, any commercial offer is built according to the same rules. Together with Evgeniy Malyshenko - copywriter and author of a blog about commercial proposals- we have compiled an algorithm that will help you understand how to competently draw up a commercial proposal:

  1. The company name, logo, contacts are in the CP header. If the market is very official, then you need to indicate the details of the legal entity.
  2. Destination. The name of the company or employee to whom you are sending the letter.
  3. Title. DO NOT write “Commercial offer” in the title. Choose something catchy that will make the recipient put things aside and read the text. Google “The 100 Greatest Headlines in Copywriting History” and something interesting is bound to pop into your head.
  4. Lead. A few introductory phrases that logically follow from the title and prepare the ground for the proposal itself. Here you can identify the client’s problem that your product will solve or, as it were, predict his needs.
  5. Offer. What you offer the client. The offer must be specific. Compare: “We invite you to consider the possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation” and “We offer you to use the new service and save up to 40% on delivering goods to your customers.” A logical continuation of the offer is a description of the benefits of your offer: provide facts, specific figures, examples.
  6. Reasoning or selling price: convince the client that your offer is worth the specified money. Too expensive? Focus on quality and status. Cheap? Describe how you managed to optimize the price.
  7. Call to action. Push the client to call, follow a link, etc. Be specific (no “If you are interested in our offer...”) and use the formula “action + stimulant.” For example: “Click the link now and get 30% off your first order.”
  8. Signature. The name and position of the person responsible for the proposal.

How to write a commercial proposal letter correctly

A well-drafted proposal for cooperation is half the success. But all efforts will be in vain if the letter is lost in the client’s mail. To avoid disaster,

a) be sure to indicate the subject of the letter (again, NOT “Commercial offer”, but something that encourages reading);

b) write a succinct and informative cover letter.

It is optimal to compose a letter of no more than six sentences answering the question of how and why the client needs to familiarize himself with the commercial offer right now.

  • say hello;
  • introduce yourself;
  • mention the background of the communication (if any) and talk about the proposal;
  • briefly disclose the details of the CP;
  • indicate a couple of benefits from the offer;
  • call to action.

Evgeniy Malyshenko, copywriter, expert in creating commercial proposals:
– You can place a commercial offer directly in the body of the letter, or you can just write an introduction here and attach the commercial proposal as a separate file. Exactly how to proceed depends on the situation. For example, if you are addressing a specific person, describe the proposal in a business letter. It is more logical to attach a universal commercial proposal, a presentation of a service or a company, to a cover letter. The target action of such a letter is to download the file. Regarding the headlines and subject lines of the letter: in b2b markets there is something that always works - this is the client’s benefit: indicate it.

Finding partners in business is necessary, as ideas or projects may arise that will bring many new opportunities. But it often happens that the head of a large enterprise or firm does not have enough time to meet with potential partners, and they ask to send them a commercial proposal (CP).

Why offer services

You should know how to write a commercial proposal correctly, since the success of the transaction may depend on its content. Often you want to include as much information about your company or service in your commercial proposal, but too much text can alienate a potential partner or client. It is necessary to compose the proposal in such a way that the person who reads it becomes interested and wants to continue cooperation.

Knowing how to write a business proposal is important for both business newbies and those with more experience. It doesn’t matter whether you are the owner of a large company or a start-up entrepreneur, everyone needs well-written proposals.

How to learn to write such letters

The main questions that arise when writing a CP relate to where to start writing, what information to include and how to finish. Sample commercial proposals make it possible to eliminate errors.

Basic rules

  1. First of all, you need to define the market segment.
  2. It is important to specify the CP - to write what type of cooperation will be discussed.
  3. You should try to interest the person to whom the proposal is addressed from the first lines.
  4. It is necessary to describe the advantages of the company.
  5. It is important to present in simple language, without fanaticism, the main ideas of the commercial proposal. It should be borne in mind that the person who will read the text does not have sufficient knowledge about the specifics of the product or service being offered. Information needs to be presented in an accessible manner. It is also not recommended to use advertising-related phrases, as this approach can be off-putting.
  6. You should not indicate possible risks; it is better to ignore them.
  7. The text should be written in a business style, but at the same time simple; it is also recommended to exclude strong emotional overtones.
  8. No matter how much you would like to include as much information as possible in the text of the letter, you should highlight only the main points and present the remaining data as an announcement.
  9. You should consider answers to the client’s possible questions and doubts.

What needs to be done before writing a proposal

First of all, you need to make a list of those to whom these proposals will be sent. If you are confident that some organizations will refuse, then you should not waste time on them. Although, as practice shows, cooperation can be achieved with almost any company.

It is necessary to draw up a list of organizations that need the proposed product or service, and also specify what exactly the company can provide them.

The important point is that it is necessary to make two sentences, separately for the manager and for the specialist. You should think about where to highlight which points, since a manager is a person who makes decisions, and a specialist is a performer who will carry out the task. Therefore, for the latter, it is necessary to highlight those points that will simplify his work in future cooperation (for example, draw up a commercial proposal for the supply of something). And for the manager, development prospects and cost savings will be the most significant.

It is also recommended to practice before writing a commercial proposal by making several sample letters for different companies. In each of them, you should outline the company’s activities and how you can help it. For example, in a commercial proposal from an insurance broker to a large insurer, you can use the following words:

Dear leader!

In the current economic situation, it is necessary to increase sales volumes. Your company is a leader in this service sector. There is always a need to attract new clients. Our brokerage agency is ready to help you. We want to sell your insurance products to our customers. Our agency specialists will provide competent advice in the field of insurance.

We will always answer by phone.

Sincerely, employee's name and position.

How to start writing

It is recommended to start drawing up the right commercial proposal directly from the essence. It is necessary to understand that in addition to this offer, the company to which it is sent receives a lot of similar letters. Therefore, there is no need to delve into the content; it is recommended that from the first sentences you reveal the essence of the commercial proposal and outline its goals. Under no circumstances should you start a letter with hackneyed phrases, be original!

Before writing a proposal, it is worth doing an analysis of the company for which it is being made and identifying the needs. For example, you can call and talk with a company representative, during the conversation remember a few phrases that will be included in the announcement of the commercial proposal. That is, if the head of a company says that he wants to increase office sales, then in the announcement of the commercial proposal it is recommended to write that your activities will increase office sales.

If you are unable to talk to the head of the company, you can go to the official website; as a rule, the main areas of activity and prospects for its development are reflected there.

KP writing style

First of all, you need to draw the client's attention to his problem, and then offer a solution to it. Developing a commercial proposal involves using simple sentences that are easily and quickly understood. If you think that this or that phrase is unnecessary, then it is better to remove it.

It is necessary for the text to be lively, it is recommended to add specifics to it - indicate specific numbers, name existing partners. You can also indicate the subtleties of production or the specifics of the work. Tell us how a process is optimized. There is no need to go deeper and describe the entire production system. It will be enough to highlight a couple of working moments.




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