Proper preparation for artificial insemination (AI). Artificial insemination as a method of ART

What is insemination and how the procedure is carried out can be read in this article. This term refers to one of the methods of artificial insemination, during which sexual contact is not necessary. In this case, a man and a woman may not even touch each other. Insemination (you can find out how the procedure works in this article) is a kind of manipulation during which the ejaculate is injected directly into the cavity of the reproductive organ. This way, the cervical canal and vagina remain intact. Moreover, this procedure can be carried out using either fresh or frozen sperm.

If the material is used frozen, then before this it is processed in a special way. In this case, you can take biological material not only from your own husband, but also from an outside donor who donated his sperm.

In what cases is the procedure prescribed?

Insemination with the husband's sperm has different indications associated with sexual pathologies in a man or a woman, and maybe in both at once. Most often, the procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. The female vagina produces a large number of antisperm bodies. Most often, this phenomenon is observed during a long life together. However, not all gynecologists can confirm the correctness of this phenomenon. To determine the full picture, you need to undergo post-coital testing.
  2. Lack of ovulation in women, and, as a result, long-term infertility. In this case, the second partner can be absolutely healthy, and his spermogram is in ideal condition.
  3. Male sperm are not motile enough. In this case, before the procedure, it is recommended to carry out specially selected drug treatment.

Main contraindications

Please note that not every woman can afford a procedure such as insemination. Every woman who wants to get pregnant should know how the procedure goes. But before that, it’s worth considering cases in which such pregnancy would be contraindicated:

  1. Lack of ovulation.
  2. The fallopian tubes are obstructed.
  3. The procedure cannot be performed during menstruation.
  4. The cervix and cervical canal have pathologies.
  5. Inflammatory processes were detected in the vagina.

In any case, before the procedure, undergo an examination and consult with your doctor. If contraindications are found, undergo medication adjustment.

Where is this procedure performed?

Before insemination, be sure to consult your doctor so as not to cause harm to you and your unborn baby. It is also recommended that men undergo examination. This procedure can be performed in both public and private clinics. In some cases, you will be asked to collect a set of special documents.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend several days in the hospital. And, of course, such a procedure is not free. The clinic you contacted will tell you how much insemination costs. Usually the price ranges from five to forty thousand rubles. In this case, the pricing policy depends on the health status of both women and men, as well as on the preparation of appropriate materials.

Insemination: how the procedure works (preparation)

A prerequisite for the procedure is preparation for it. To do this, the couple must undergo a set of special preparatory measures. First of all, every man should take a spermogram, which will determine the activity of sperm. This test is taken by a man after abstaining from sexual intercourse for five days.

The woman must go through all other stages of preparation. A blood test is required, and the patency of the fallopian tubes is also checked. The uterine cavity must be examined using hysterosalpingography. A gynecologist must determine whether ovulation occurs in a woman’s body. Such testing is done by determining certain hormones in the female body or by performing an ultrasound examination.

If after testing it is discovered that the spermogram has abnormalities, then before the process of artificial insemination, special treatment of the sperm is carried out. It is also worth taking care of the microflora of the female vagina.

Before insemination, all points must be completed, otherwise the procedure may not only be useless, but also cause irreparable harm to the female body.

How does the procedure work?

Immediately before the procedure, the woman’s body is examined using an ultrasound sensor. This is done in order to determine the presence of follicles and determine their size.

Now the man's sperm is collected. If necessary, it is cleaned and processed. Sometimes they are filled with useful substances so that sperm remain active longer.

A woman sits in a gynecological chair. At this time, the gynecologist draws the prepared material into a syringe. Instead of a needle, a thin hose is attached to its end, which is inserted into the uterine cervix. After these manipulations, the doctor injects sperm into the uterine cavity.

Onset of pregnancy

The main sign that pregnancy has occurred is a woman’s delayed menstruation. If the embryo has begun to develop, then the gynecologist may recommend special supportive therapy for the expectant mother.

After the first cycle, conception can occur only in 15% of cases. If this does not happen, then this treatment can be carried out up to four cycles. Under no circumstances should the ovaries be stimulated more than four times. If even after this pregnancy does not occur, doctors recommend trying other methods.

The younger the patient and the better the quality of the sperm, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

This procedure has both advantages and disadvantages, which every woman who wants to become pregnant in this way should definitely become familiar with.

Pregnancy after insemination has the following advantages:

All manipulations performed are considered natural;

Parents and child will have a genetic connection;

The procedure is relatively safe;

Insemination is considered an inexpensive reproductive surgery.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

1. The use of additional hormone therapy can negatively affect women's health. This includes the possibility of hyperstimulation of the ovaries, which will release a large amount of fluid into the abdominal cavity. This will lead to an overall increase in body weight, as well as bloating.

2. If the catheter and tube are inserted incorrectly, there is a huge risk of infection.

Expert opinion on the effectiveness of the procedure

Insemination, the effectiveness of the procedure depends on many factors, is considered not the most effective manipulation, since the possibility of conception is only about twenty percent. According to fertility doctors, natural pregnancy is the safest.

But if you cannot conceive a child normally, insemination will be an excellent solution. Moreover, the more times the procedure is performed, the greater the chances of conception.

If before the procedure you additionally process the sperm and stimulate the ovaries, then the probability of conception is already about forty percent.

Artificial insemination: reviews

According to patients, this manipulation is quite painful. The most unpleasant sensations are observed during insertion of a catheter into the cervix. Many women experienced bloody vaginal discharge after this. There have been cases of inflammation developing as a result of infection during the procedure. This is very dangerous if conception does occur.

Artificial insemination, reviews of which can be read in this article, will be considered a safe procedure only if it is performed in a hospital under sterile conditions. Under no circumstances should you do this at home, even if you think you are following all safety measures.

Do not despair if there is a small number of sperm in the sperm of your sexual partner or they are not mobile enough. By contacting a fertility doctor, you can solve this problem, and the chances of success during insemination will increase significantly.

It is best to use unfrozen material for this procedure, as the freezing process can significantly reduce the likelihood of conception.

Please note that the woman must have healthy fallopian tubes and no major contraindications to the procedure.


Insemination in Moscow or other cities should be carried out only under the supervision of experienced doctors. The effectiveness of the procedure can be found out only after ten days. Before carrying out this manipulation, think about your health. Perhaps a visit to a doctor by you and your partner can solve the problem and conception will occur naturally.

For couples facing infertility, assisted reproductive technologies become a chance to become parents.

One of the simple and accessible methods of assisted reproduction is artificial insemination. What is the essence of the procedure? How to behave after insemination? Who is it indicated for and are there high chances of pregnancy?

Artificial insemination - what is it?

Artificial insemination can rightfully be considered one of the first scientific methods of assisted reproduction. At the end of the 18th century, the Italian doctor Lazaro Spalazzi first tested it on a dog, resulting in healthy offspring of three puppies.

Six years later, in 1790, artificial insemination (AI) was first tested on humans: in Scotland, Dr. John Hunter inseminated a patient with the sperm of her husband, who suffered from an abnormal penis structure. Today the procedure is widely used throughout the world.

Artificial (intrauterine) insemination is a technology that involves the introduction of male sperm into the cervical canal or uterus of a woman. For this, a catheter and syringe are used. The day for AI is calculated taking into account the patient’s menstrual cycle.

It is necessary to accurately determine the periovulatory period, otherwise the procedure will be useless. The technology is used both in the natural menstrual cycle and in the hormonally stimulated one.

Sperm is obtained outside of sexual intercourse in advance (and then frozen, thawing on the day of AI) or several hours before the procedure. It can be processed or introduced unchanged.

How effective is artificial insemination? The statistical results are not very promising: fertilization occurs only in 12% of cases.

Who is the procedure indicated for?

For women, indications for vaginal insemination are:

  1. the desire to become pregnant “for oneself” without having a sexual partner;
  2. infertility caused by cervical factors (cervical pathologies);
  3. Vaginismus.

Indications for insemination on the part of men are as follows:

  • infertility;
  • disorders of an ejaculatory-sexual nature;
  • unfavorable prognosis for genetic diseases transmitted by inheritance;
  • sperm subfertility.

In the first three cases, donor sperm is used.

After the procedure: how does the woman feel?

In order to undergo intrauterine insemination, a woman does not need to go to the hospital at all. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts only a few minutes.

How does the patient feel? In practice, she experiences sensations that are no different from those during a routine gynecological examination. A speculum is inserted into the vagina, and perhaps the most unpleasant experience is associated with this. They disappear almost immediately after artificial insemination.

For a short time, there may be a painful pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, which is caused by irritation of the uterus. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur with the introduction of unpurified seminal fluid.

To avoid allergic reactions and to improve the quality of sperm, it is recommended to clean it, even if the seed of the patient’s spouse is used as a biomaterial.

How to behave after completion of the procedure?

The gynecologist performing the procedure will definitely tell you how to behave after insemination, warn about possible consequences, and give the necessary recommendations. Immediately after the injection of sperm, the woman will need to remain in a supine position for one and a half to two hours.

A small pillow should be placed under the buttocks - an elevated pelvis facilitates better advancement of injected sperm into the fallopian tubes. This increases the chance of conception, for which, in fact, artificial insemination was carried out.

The success rate of the procedure depends on the patient’s age, the state of her reproductive health, and the quality of the sperm used. To increase the efficiency of AI, the donor material is processed, as a result of which only the highest quality sperm remain.

To ensure that a potentially fertilized egg can fully develop and implantation of the fertilized egg is successful, hormonal therapy with progesterone is prescribed. If three cycles in a row after artificial insemination do not conceive, other methods of assisted reproduction are selected.

What can and cannot be done during insemination?

Fertilization does not occur immediately at the moment of sperm injection; it requires several hours, up to a day, after insemination. What to do to increase the chance of pregnancy?

On the first day you must refuse:

  1. from taking a bath, as water helps wash out some of the sperm from the vagina;
  2. from douching;
  3. from the administration of vaginal medications.

But having sex is not on the list of things that should not be done after insemination; some experts even see a benefit in this: unprotected sexual contact promotes better movement of injected sperm into the tubes.


By following these recommendations after insemination, within a week (that’s how long it takes for a fertilized egg to move into the uterine cavity and attach there) you can conduct a blood test for hCG. This hormone is a marker of pregnancy; it begins to be produced immediately after implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. A home express diagnostic method - a pregnancy test - is not advisable to use earlier than 12-14 days. In urine, the concentration of hCG is achieved somewhat later than in the blood.

Video: Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Artificial insemination with sperm is performed when sexual intercourse is impossible or when sperm are inactive and cannot independently overcome the barrier properties of cervical mucus and reach the uterus. Carrying out artificial insemination is not a new method and is quite effective, since the technique has been perfected on millions of patients,

History of artificial insemination for pregnancy

The artificial insemination procedure is the introduction of sperm from a husband, partner or donor into a woman's genital tract with the aim of achieving pregnancy.

The history of artificial insemination for pregnancy has been known since ancient times. This technique has been used for over 200 years. It is known that the Arabs in the 14th century used this technique when cultivating Arabian horses. The first scientific article on the effect of low temperatures on human sperm - about sperm freezing - was published in the 18th century. A century later, ideas emerged about the possibility of creating a sperm bank. The first attempts to freeze sperm using dry ice showed that at a temperature of -79 ° C, sperm remain viable for 40 days. The first pregnancy and birth resulting from fertilization through artificial insemination with frozen sperm was obtained by Roger Bourges in 1953. Then, many years of searching for a method of preserving sperm led to the development of a technique for storing sperm in vessels with liquid nitrogen in sealed “straws”. This contributed to the creation of sperm banks. In our country, the introduction of artificial insemination techniques dates back to the 70-80s of the last century.

Carrying out vaginal and intrauterine artificial insemination

There are two methods of artificial insemination: vaginal (introducing sperm into the cervical canal) and intrauterine (injecting sperm directly into the uterus). Each method has its positive and negative sides. For example, the vaginal method is the simplest and can be performed by a qualified nurse. But the vaginal acidic environment is hostile to sperm, bacteria interfere with the linear progression of sperm, and vaginal white blood cells will eat most of the sperm in the first hour after its insertion.

Therefore, despite its technical simplicity, the effectiveness of this technique is no higher than pregnancy through natural sexual intercourse.

The introduction of sperm into the cervical canal brings the sperm closer to the target, but the barrier properties of the cervical (cervical) mucus stop half of the sperm on their way to the uterus, and here the sperm may encounter antisperm antibodies - an immune factor in female infertility. Antibodies in the cervical canal are in the highest concentration and they literally destroy sperm. If there is an immunological factor in the cervical canal, the only option left is intrauterine insemination.

Artificial intrauterine insemination brings sperm much closer to meeting the egg. But! Remember the danger of abortion: when instruments, even disposable ones, are inserted into the uterus, microbes from the vagina and cervical canal are introduced there, but they should not be there.

How to do artificial insemination

Before performing artificial insemination, it is necessary to conduct research into the factors of infertility. The main importance there is given to sexually transmitted infections, STIs, and bacterial vaginosis - a disorder of the vaginal microflora. In addition, it is necessary to comprehensively examine the uterus and ovaries for the presence of polyps in the uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, and ovarian tumor diseases. These diseases must be pre-treated. If the maturation of the egg is impaired, simultaneously with insemination, one of the methods of stimulating the growth of the egg is carried out - inducing ovulation. This helps to eliminate negative factors that can reduce the effectiveness of artificial insemination for infertility, and to carry out fertilization with greater efficiency.

The insertion of catheters into the uterus can cause painful contractions and cramping pain. This is exactly how the intrauterine device works. Such contractions can promote the release of sperm from the uterus, which not only ruins this attempt, but also reduces the effectiveness of subsequent attempts. Despite this, intrauterine insemination (IUI) is now the most commonly used method. Currently, the softest catheters are used, without grasping the cervix with surgical forceps, and antispasmodic (relieving spasms) drugs. In addition, an explanatory conversation is first conducted with the patient using hypnosis and meditation techniques to achieve maximum relaxation of all muscles. Then the cervical canal also relaxes to allow a soft catheter to be inserted into the uterus. The procedure is performed in a regular doctor's office, without surgery or anesthesia. The patient’s sensations are the same as during a routine gynecological examination.

Watch how artificial insemination is performed in the video below:

Oddly enough, the seminal fluid with which sperm enter the woman’s vagina during male orgasm and ejaculation (emission of sperm) during copulation is the most unsuitable environment for sperm, where they not only quickly die (two to eight hours after ejaculation) , but are also not able to quickly move linearly to meet the egg. In addition, seminal fluid is even toxic. If half a gram of seminal fluid is injected into any part of the female body, it will cause severe discomfort to the woman. The introduction of all the sperm into the uterus along with the seminal fluid is precisely the factor that causes strong cramping contractions of the uterus.

Being in the seminal fluid, sperm are completely incapable of fertilizing an egg. The motility and fertilizing ability of sperm can be increased by simply washing it in a physiological solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution). But the most perfect one is used - a cultural medium. This is a medium for culturing cells outside the human body, including eggs and sperm.

Artificial insemination (fertilization) using donor sperm

Insemination is carried out with the sperm of the husband or sexual partner with a normal spermogram. If a man has a decrease in the total number of sperm, a decrease in actively motile and normally formed sperm, and if the woman does not have a sexual partner, then donor sperm can be used. Material for fertilization with donor sperm is obtained from men under 35 years of age, physically and mentally healthy, with no hereditary diseases in first-degree relatives (mother and father, brothers, sisters). When selecting donor sperm for artificial insemination, the blood group and Rh group, screening for STIs and sexually transmitted diseases are taken into account. At the request of the woman, the height, weight, eye and hair color of the donor are taken into account.

In the presence of an immunological factor of infertility - detection of antisperm antibodies - intrauterine insemination is recommended, combined with ovarian stimulation with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparations.

FSH in the follicular phase and the release of LH, which causes ovulation and the onset of the second phase of the cycle, in addition to this, perform very important functions. Early stimulation with FSH drugs helps the egg grow and form a protective zona pellucida, and then causes the follicle containing the egg to fill with follicular fluid, rich in female hormones - estrogens. Estrogens prepare the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus and cervical mucus for the invasion of sperm. The endometrium thickens to 13-15 mm according to ultrasound.

Cervical mucus becomes more liquid and permeable to sperm chains. Following this, a surge of LH, the luteinizing hormone, causes not only ovulation, but also division of the egg, as a result of which the number of chromosomes is halved - from 46 (full set) to 23, which is absolutely necessary before fertilization, since sperm that can fertilize the egg also have half set of chromosomes. During fertilization, the halves are again folded into a whole, ensuring the manifestation of the hereditary characteristics of the mother and father in the new little person.

Due to the stimulation of egg growth with the help of FSH drugs and the induction of ovulation with LH drugs, not only ovulation occurs, but also much more.

After insemination with donor sperm, women are advised to lie down for three to four hours. Two days later, women who have undergone insemination are prescribed hormones for the second phase of the cycle in order to support a possible pregnancy as close to natural as possible in the earliest stages of its development. Instead of painful oil injections of progesterone, tablets of chemically produced natural progesterone, the hormone of the second phase of the cycle, are now used.

It was initially believed that by injecting washed “improved quality” sperm into the uterus, crossing the cervix with a barrier of cervical fluid and anti-sperm antibodies, a higher pregnancy rate could be achieved in a simpler way than in vitro fertilization.

This technique gives 20-30% of pregnancy rates. Each infertility patient undergoes a series of intrauterine insemination procedures using donor sperm along with ovarian stimulation.

Many couples undergo from 6 to 12 courses of intrauterine insemination and ovarian stimulation until they are completely mentally and physically exhausted. It would be better for such couples to refrain from so many attempts at artificial insemination with donor sperm and, if three courses of intrauterine insemination and ovarian stimulation did not produce results, turn to IVF.

Insemination is the introduction of processed sperm into the uterine cavity outside of sexual intercourse. This method has long been used in clinical medicine to treat infertile couples. An interesting fact is that the first documented use of insemination was made in 1770.

Insemination for young couples is prescribed in case of the following indications from the partner:

  • subfertile sperm is an unexpressed decrease in the fertilizing ability of sperm or simply male infertility;
  • ejaculatory-sexual disorders.

The partner must also provide her own testimony:

  • cervical factor of infertility. We are talking about changing the properties of cervical mucus. This prevents a sufficient number of sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity;
  • vaginismus - unauthorized contraction of the muscles of the vagina and perineum under the influence of fear of sexual intercourse;
  • to increase the effectiveness of treatment of female infertility.

However, not all women can undergo the insemination procedure. There are cases when this is completely contraindicated:

  • therapeutic and mental illnesses that make pregnancy impossible;
  • tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovary;
  • malignant neoplasms of any location.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications for insemination. The main thing is the result and benefits of this procedure for those couples who cannot have children. For example, introducing sperm directly into the uterine cavity allows:

  • avoid the influence of cervical mucus on sperm; during normal sexual intercourse, some of them are retained in this mucus and die.
  • control the ovulation process and ensure the meeting of sperm and egg at the optimal time for fertilization.
  • improve sperm quality and increases the chances of getting pregnant compared to natural intercourse.

How is insemination done?

Insemination is now carried out in many medical clinics. Immediately before the procedure, you need to undergo a course of infertility treatment.

During insemination, the time of ovulation in a woman’s natural cycle is first determined by ultrasound. Then, on this very day, the concentrated sperm of the partner is introduced through the cervix into the uterine cavity. The procedure itself is painless, since the sperm is injected using a special catheter with a very small diameter, which easily passes through the cervical canal. Insemination lasts about two minutes. Afterwards, the woman should remain in a horizontal position for another 20-30 minutes.

  • allergic reactions associated with the administration of drugs for;
  • shock-like reaction when introducing unprocessed sperm into the uterine cavity;
  • acute inflammation or exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • occurrence or .

Insemination at home

In principle, experts do not recommend practicing insemination at home - the procedure should be carried out professionally and with the participation of doctors. And, nevertheless, today you can buy special kits on the open market, with the help of which insemination is carried out at home. This is the so-called artificial intravaginal insemination, when the woman independently injects sperm into the depths of the vagina using a syringe.

The insemination procedure on its own has certain difficulties. So, it will have to be carried out by monitoring the process by observing in the mirror that comes with the kit and which needs to be inserted into the vagina.

The procedure itself is as follows: sperm is collected with a syringe, onto which a special tip is then placed. The air from the syringe is first removed. A speculum is inserted into the vagina, slowly opens and is fixed at 2-3 cm. Then the extension along with the syringe is inserted into the vagina - so that its tip is not located too close to the cervix. Now you can slowly press the plunger of the syringe, releasing sperm at the base of the cervix.

Both during insemination and for at least half an hour after it, you must lie with your pelvis slightly elevated (you can, for example, place pillows under your buttocks).

It should be taken into account that insemination at home should be carried out at the most favorable time for conception - during the period of ovulation. It is possible to determine whether insemination at home was effective later using pregnancy tests.

Efficiency of insemination

Insemination is quite affordable financially and the effectiveness of the procedure is on average no more than 15%. This is, speaking on average: various sources determine the effectiveness of insemination from 2% to 40%. This “scattering” in the data is explained simply: to carry out insemination, clear indications are needed - after a thorough examination.

During the examination, specialists must take into account several factors. Firstly, the patency of the fallopian tubes: with some changes in the fallopian tubes, insemination will be ineffective. Secondly, the fertile or subfertile parameters of the spectrogram should be taken into account: in certain cases, insemination as a method of conception will be ineffective, and a positive result can only be achieved through an IVF program. In addition, a woman’s age is also important: after 30-35 years, the quality of eggs decreases, therefore, many doctors believe that at this age it is better to opt for the in vitro fertilization method if a woman wants to get pregnant.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

From Guest

The procedure helped with 2 times with stimulation.

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is a procedure in which specially processed sperm is injected into the woman's uterine cavity through a catheter in order to achieve pregnancy.

Artificial insemination is carried out with the husband's sperm - IISM or donor sperm - IISD.

Insemination can be carried out both in the natural cycle and against the background of stimulation of ovulation (in case of irregular or insufficient ovulation).

In any case, during AI, the patency of the fallopian tubes must be checked, since during insemination, as well as during pregnancy occurring naturally, fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes. After which the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes and is implanted into the uterus for further development of pregnancy.

Thus, with artificial insemination, with minimal impact on the woman’s body, we achieve pregnancy.

How is the artificial insemination procedure performed?

Immediately before ovulation (or at the moment of ovulation), using a thin and flexible catheter, the husband's sperm, pre-treated by an embryologist, which was collected 1.5-2 hours before, is introduced into the uterine cavity. If donor sperm is used, it must first be thawed (1 hour before insemination), because All donor sperm is kept only in a state of cryopreservation.

The entire procedure is carried out within 5 minutes and is absolutely painless. After this, the woman can lie down for 20-30 minutes.

At VitroClinic, sperm management in intrauterine insemination programs is carried out twice with a difference of 1-2 days. This significantly increases the chances of success.

Contraindications to the artificial insemination procedure

As with any other medical procedure, intrauterine insemination has contraindications. It is not carried out:

  • in the presence of an inflammatory process (in one of the spouses);
  • with obstruction of the fallopian tubes (adhesions, a history of ectopic pregnancy, abnormalities in the structure of the tubes, etc.)
  • in the presence of malignant tumors of any location;
  • with space-occupying ovarian formations (cysts, tumors);
  • with severe endometriosis.

Indications for artificial insemination with husband's sperm:

1) from the spouse:

  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Decrease in the number of normal sperm;
  • Increased sperm viscosity;
  • The presence of antibodies in semen to one’s own sperm (positive MAP test);
  • Malformations of the male genital organs, in which either sexual activity is impossible, or ejaculation does not occur in the vagina (eg, hypospadias, retrograde ejaculation);
  • Insemination with cryopreserved sperm of a spouse, for example, with pre-frozen sperm in the event of detection of cancer in a spouse requiring chemotherapy, which sharply worsens the quality of sperm.

2) from the spouse's side:

  • Cervical factor of infertility, that is, the inability of sperm to penetrate through the mucus of the cervical canal (with a very long cervix or the presence of antisperm antibodies in the mucus of the cervix - a positive MAP test in a woman);
  • Increased vaginal acidity.

3) on the part of both spouses:

  • in the absence of pregnancy for unclear reasons (the spouses were examined, no significant abnormalities were identified, but pregnancy did not occur);
  • irregular or inadequate sex life.

Intrauterine insemination with donor sperm is a procedure in which purified donor sperm is injected into a woman's uterus. This is done according to the following indications:

  1. a woman does not have a sexual partner, but wants to become a mother;
  2. the husband does not have his own sperm;
  3. unfavorable genetic prognosis (the husband has sperm, but their use is undesirable due to the high risk of pregnancy failure, fetal development abnormalities, severe hereditary diseases).

Sperm for donor insemination is taken from our cryogenic storage facility. All donors undergo a thorough medical examination before donating biomaterial, so there is no risk of infection during insemination with donor sperm.

Artificial insemination with donor sperm in most cases consists of two stages:

  1. Mild ovarian stimulation.

    It is carried out with hormonal drugs. The growth of follicles is monitored using ultrasound (folliculometry). The insemination procedure is carried out after an egg ready for fertilization is released from the ovary (twice: the day before and immediately after ovulation).

  2. Sperm injection.

    An hour before the procedure, the sperm is thawed. Using a thin and flexible catheter, it is inserted directly into the woman’s uterine cavity, which significantly increases the chances of pregnancy. The procedure is absolutely painless.

Ovarian stimulation is not a mandatory step in the procedure. Insemination can take place in a natural cycle if the patient’s reproductive health is not impaired and her age does not exceed 35 years.

Efficiency and safety of intrauterine insemination with donor sperm

In young women, the effectiveness of artificial insemination with donor sperm is quite high. A third of patients become pregnant after the first attempt, another third after two additional attempts. With age, the chances decrease, which is associated with the decline of female reproductive function. However, even after 40 years of age, pregnancy can occur using artificial insemination.

To undergo this procedure, you can contact VitroClinic. All donors, before donating sperm, undergo careful medical control, so only high-quality biomaterial that has been pre-treated in our spermiology laboratory will be used for fertilization.

The procedure is carried out only using sperm that remains frozen for at least 6 months. This eliminates the possibility of a woman contracting hidden infections. To eliminate the risk of transmitting hereditary diseases, donors undergo a medical genetic examination.

When selecting a donor, the wishes of the patients (height, weight, eye and hair color, education, hobbies, blood type) are taken into account.

Artificial insemination with ovulation stimulation

Artificial insemination with ovarian stimulation in some cases may be more effective than in a natural cycle. The chances of fertilization increase by 2-3 times.

When you contact VitroClinic for medical help regarding infertility, you will need to undergo some examination and tests. The research results will allow the doctor to determine the optimal method of artificial insemination.

The main indications for stimulation before introducing sperm into the uterus:

  • duration of infertility of the couple is 5 years or more;
  • the woman does not have a regular cycle;
  • pathological change in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood;
  • woman's age after 35 years;
  • reduced ovarian reserve;
  • unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination in the natural cycle.

Stages of intrauterine insemination with stimulation:

  1. Diagnostics.

    The married couple undergoes all necessary tests. Based on their results, a decision is made to carry out artificial insemination with or without simulation, spouse or donor sperm.

  2. Stimulation.

    A woman is prescribed daily use of hormonal drugs to stimulate ovulation. As a result, we are guaranteed to receive a mature egg, which increases the chances of pregnancy with artificial insemination.

    We use only gentle ovarian stimulation schemes, individually selecting them for each patient.

    After the doctor sees on an ultrasound that the follicles are ready for ovulation, a hormonal drug is prescribed for a single injection so that ovulation occurs and the day of insemination is set.

  3. Obtaining ejaculate.

    The spouse must donate sperm 1.5-2 hours before the procedure. 3-4 days before this he needs to abstain from any sexual activity. In the case of using cryopreserved sperm, including donor sperm, it is thawed 1-1.5 hours before the start of the procedure.

  4. Injection of sperm into the uterus.

    It is performed on a woman in a lying position using a special catheter. The procedure is absolutely painless and takes only 20-30 minutes, taking into account the fact that the patient must lie down for a while after this. To increase the likelihood of conception in this cycle, another insemination procedure is performed every other day.



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