Increased hairiness in girls: causes and treatment, which doctor to consult. Hormonally independent idiopathic hirsutism

What is hirsutism in women? This is a condition that is accompanied by the development of increased hair growth ( excess growth terminal hair) in women according to the male type.

Code Hirsutism in the international classification of diseases ICD-10

  • L00-L99 Skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue
    • L60-L75 Diseases of skin appendages
      • L68 Hypertrichosis
        • Hirsutism
          • L68.0 Hirsutism

Causes of hirsutism in women

Among the main reasons for the appearance of hirsutism in girls are:

  • the presence of a genetic predisposition. In this case, the constitutional form of the disease develops. It arises due to the large number of hair follicles initially located at the genetic level;
  • climacteric condition. After completion menstrual function the ovaries cease to perform their main function of producing estrogen. As a result, androgens (groups of steroidal male sex hormones) accumulate in the body, which do not turn into estrogens;
  • pathology of the ovaries. Among the pathologies that affect the ovaries, diseases that have various reasons and mechanism of action, but have the same clinical manifestations in the form of hirsutism. Among the most common pathologies are:
  • adrenal pathology. The most common pathologies include:
    • hyperplasia of the cortical layer in the adrenal glands;
    • Addison's disease;
  • Achard-Thiers syndrome or endocrine disorders at the level of the pituitary gland;
  • reception medicines. When taking some medicines There is a change in the ratio of male and female sex hormones. The most common drugs that lead to hirsutism include:
    • streptomycin;
    • cortisone;
    • prednisolone;
    • interferon;
    • cyclosporine;
    • androgen containing drugs.


The main complaint made for medical care is male-pattern hair growth in women. Instead of light vellus hair a more rigid structure and increased pigmentation are formed. Typical place overgrowth are zones in the face, breast areola, abdomen, inner thighs, buttocks(see photo above).

Hair greasiness increases. On the part of the skin, increased production begins to concern sebum, alopecia appears in typical areas of hair growth and acne. Hirsutism in girls begins to appear during puberty.

Signs of hyperandrogenism such as virilization gradually appear (photo below). There is an appearance of male outlines, this is an increase in muscle mass, baldness in the temple area, a decrease in the size of the mammary glands, preferential deposition of fat in the anterior area. abdominal wall. The voice gradually becomes rougher.


The genitals begin to change:

  • there is a reduction in the labia;
  • increase in the size of the clitoris;
  • the appearance of severe dryness on the vaginal mucosa.

A typical manifestation of hirsutism is menstrual dysfunction. Delays gradually appear until they stop completely. Discharge may be scanty with periodic development breakthrough bleeding. IN groin areas and appears during sexual intercourse severe pain associated with an increase in ovarian size. In women reproductive age infertility develops, which may be irreversible.

Hirsutism in children is a rare manifestation.

Types and stages of the disease

To assess the degree of hair growth, a special visual rating scale is used, which is used to determine the sum of the points obtained. Based on their sum, the degree of development of hirsutism is determined. For hirsutism:

  • from 1 to 7 degree of hair growth is considered normal;
  • from 8 to 9 degree is the border between normal and excessive;
  • from 12 the patient is diagnosed with hirsutism.

Clinical types of hirsutism:

  • neuroendocrine;
  • dermatological;
  • Iatrogenic.

Types of association of the disease with other symptoms:

  • hirsutism itself;
  • hirsutism with a clinical picture of aggravated hyperactive piloseborrheic complex (acne, acne);
  • hirsutism and ovulation disorders;
  • hirsutism and virilization.


Identification begins with a conversation between the doctor and the patient. The complaints, the time of their occurrence and their probable cause are clarified.

Great value The nature of the menstrual cycle, its regularity, time of establishment, the presence of pregnancies and childbirth play a role in the diagnosis, because this is a condition that quickly affects the reproductive system.

Assessment in progress appearance with determination of areas of excess hair growth and its intensity.

Help the doctor more accurately assess the state of hair development; for this, several weeks before the visit you should not use hair removal methods. In addition, you should pay attention to other secondary sexual characteristics.

The fundamental methods for making diagnoses are laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. It is carried out for all women with identified hirsutism.

From laboratory methods, characterized by great diversity, with this pathology we can limit ourselves to:

  • blood test for content total testosterone . Normally, its concentration should be in the range from 0.24 to 2.7 nmol/l. If the concentration increases, a tumor process in the ovaries should be excluded, and if the concentration decreases, take medications from the group combined contraceptives or prednisolone group.
  • dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. One of the metabolites of androgen metabolism, the concentration of which should be in the range from 2700 to 11000 nmol/l. Increased quantity indicates excessive secretion of the substance in the adrenal cortex. In addition, this may be a tumor process in the adrenal cortex or long-term treatment with drugs such as dexamethasone.
  • androstenedione assessment. Its concentration normally ranges from 75 to 205 n/dl. An increase may be a manifestation of ovarian pathology.
  • determination of 17-hydroxyprogesterone. An increase in level above 8.7 zero/l is due to adrenal hyperplasia.
  • cortisol study. If the level of the indicator does not go beyond 138-635 nmol/l, this indicates the possible presence of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
  • gonadotropin assessment. Great importance is paid to the relationship between the levels of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Its ratio should not be more than 2.5.

These hormones are essential for not only identifying the disease, but also determining how to treat hirsutism.

Additional tests may also be prescribed depending on the presence of concomitant pathology.

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:

  • ultrasound examination, in which the ovaries and adrenal glands are examined. Method received wide application due to non-invasiveness and conduction special training. If a Doppler unit is available, the degree of blood flow must be assessed;
  • in the event that there is a suspicion of pathology of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, it is necessary to carry out X-ray examination with assessment of the condition of the sella turcica;
  • for better accuracy can be used computed tomography;
  • if a tumor process is detected, it is necessary to perform laparoscopy.

Treatment of hirsutism in women

Hirsutism can be cured with various methods. Among them, the most effective are medicinal and surgical. In the event that there is severe hirsutism, traditional methods may not be effective.

In women, treatment must be carried out especially quickly to avoid problems with reproductive function, which leads to infertility.

Drug treatment

Since medications form the basis for the treatment of hirsutism; they should be aimed at eliminating the main cause that caused the pathological condition. Among them:

  • Oral combined agents . In addition to the minimum dosage of estrogens, there is an increase in the dosage of hormones that have an antiandrogenic effect. Temporary use may lead to a decrease in the severity of hirsutism. Thanks to treatment, it is possible to achieve independent pregnancy. These drugs include:
    • Zhannina;
    • Diana-35;
    • Jess plus.
  • Glucocorticoids. Their action is aimed at reducing the production of androgens in the adrenal cortex. The purpose is used when hyperplasia has a hereditary course. Among them are the following drugs:
    • Prednisolone;
    • Dexamethasone.
  • Diuretics. When taken, the androgen receptor apparatus is blocked and their synthesis is suppressed. The effect may appear within 2-3 days from the moment of application, but it can only be detected by laboratory tests. Among the unfavorable manifestations is the development of intermenstrual bleeding. These include drugs:
    • Spironolactone;
    • Veroshpiron.
  • If there is no effect from the drugs in the above groups, drugs are used as a reserve agent. Ketoconazole.

Antiandrogen drugs for women against hirsutism have restrictions on admission due to possible contraindications. They should not be neglected, as life-threatening conditions may arise.

Surgical treatment

When identifying tumors of both malignant and benign courses, it is indicated surgical treatment. It comes down to either complete removal of the organ along with the tumor (this necessary measure with a malignant process at any level), and partial resection. Partial removal tissue is an indication in cases where tumor cells are hormonally active. Complete removal of an organ can lead to a number of complications from other body systems, especially the pituitary gland or adrenal glands, so removing part of the hormonally active cells can compensate for the condition.

In case complete removal glands may be assigned lifelong hormone therapy.

Hair removal

This is one of the treatment methods that helps a woman get rid of the psychological component of this disease. After removing unwanted hair, a woman shows inner confidence and depression decreases.

The methods listed below are only a temporary measure; there is no way to completely get rid of hair. Among the main methods are:

  • photoepilation;
  • laser removal;
  • bioepilation;
  • medicinal methods;
  • shaving.

Hair growth by female type does not get worse in this case.

Traditional methods of treating hirsutism

Application traditional methods may not always change hormone levels. In addition, the use of these funds can lead to complications in other organs and systems. But, herbal preparations can be used in local form, reducing cosmetic defects.

Among the most popular methods are:

  • Unripe juice walnuts . To prepare the product, you should cut the young fruits, after the juice appears on the cut, apply it to the area of ​​excess hair. To achieve the effect, a single application per day is sufficient; the course of therapy lasts an average of 10 days. On initial forms One course is enough.
  • Henbane. To prepare the decoction, you need to mix 150 mg of dry herb with a liter of purified water. The resulting mixture is boiled, evaporating the contents, until 200 ml of the finished decoction is obtained. This ensures the creation of effective concentration. While waiting for the solution to cool, it must be filtered. After which it is applied to the lesions where there is excess hair growth twice. The course of therapy lasts on average 5 days. Do not exceed the frequency of application due to possible poisoning.
  • Lemon and sugar mixture. One ripe lemon is squeezed out and the resulting juice is mixed with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 200 ml of water. The resulting mixture is simmered over low heat until it begins to thicken. After which the mixture is cooled and applied to skin. After application, leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Subsequently, the skin is cleansed with warm water.

Traditional treatment will not completely eliminate male pattern hair in women.


Since the disease is often endocrine in nature, i.e. its appearance is associated with a malfunction endocrine glands. At long term and without treatment, type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs, this will be caused by tissue insulin resistance.

In women of reproductive age and adolescents, hirsut syndrome left untreated poses the greatest danger, causing polycystic ovary syndrome. Long-term polycystic disease leads to depletion of the supply of follicles, which subsequently causes infertility.

Also, cycle irregularity manifests itself in the development of difficult-to-stop uterine bleeding or long delays menstruation with dysfunctional uterine bleeding.


At hereditary form hirsutism measures specific prevention does not exist. At neurogenic reasons If the first manifestations are detected, it is necessary to seek help from specialists and promptly eliminate or correct the cause of this pathology.

When prescribing medications that can lead to the appearance of such a sign as excessive hair growth, it is therefore necessary to consult with your doctor for possible use means aimed at preventing growth.

You should not attempt to remove hair on your own at the beginning. specific therapy. This can make the situation worse by causing more hair growth.


Hirsut syndrome has a relatively favorable prognosis. Serious complications that may occur immediate cause no mortality. Only when it appears can significantly change the standard of living, due to the introduction of a diet and constant treatment.

A woman may experience significant problems associated with psychological discomfort. These include disruption of contact with the opposite sex, destruction of marriages, etc.

Treatment of hirsutism can be lengthy and does not always produce an initial effect. Minimum period The time required to achieve the effect is a year or six months. It should be understood that even properly selected therapy will not be able to relieve the patient from the problem of excess hair growth. It only slows down the growth of old ones and prevents the appearance of new foci of excess hair.

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– excess hair growth on the body and face in women according to the male (androgenic) type. It is characterized by the appearance of hair in the upper lip, chin, chest, back and abdomen. With hirsutism, irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding, infertility, and anemia are often observed. Mild degree hirsutism may not require therapeutic measures. Severe hirsutism requires treatment long-term treatment(from 6 to 12 months) and eliminating the cause (polycystic or ovarian tumors, tumors of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome) to stop hair growth. Various cosmetic methods help patients with hirsutism get rid of hair in the unwanted area.

Hirsutism should be distinguished from hypertrichosis, in which hair growth occurs in androgen-independent zones.

Causes of hirsutism

With hirsutism, thin, soft, unpigmented vellus hair, under the influence of a number of factors, is transformed into terminal hair - long, hard and pigmented. Among the causes of hirsutism, the most common are hyperandrogenism, family factor, side effect medications and idiopathic androgen excess.

Hyperandrogenism, or increased production of androgens (male sex hormones), can develop in the following conditions:

  • disorders of ovarian function in polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian neoplasms, ovarian hyperthecosis, chronic anovulation, hypothalamic amenorrhea, etc. Hirsutism of ovarian origin is characterized by menstrual irregularities, infertility, and ovarian hypertrophy.
  • disorders of adrenal function with congenital or acquired adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal tumors, etc. Hirsutism of adrenal origin develops due to increased production by the adrenal glands steroid hormones, including androgens.
  • disorders of pituitary function in Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, prolactinoma, etc. Hirsutism of pituitary origin is caused by primary lesion pituitary gland with further involvement of the adrenal glands and is characterized by increased secretion of cortisol and androgens.

The development of familial (or genetic) hirsutism occurs as a result of genetic and chromosomal characteristics observed over several generations in individual families or ethnic groups. Hirsutism is more often observed in Caucasian and Mediterranean women, less often in Northern European and Asian women.

Taking a number of medications has the development of hirsutism as a side effect. These are corticosteroids (hydrocortisone, cortisol, etc.), anabolic drugs, progestins, androgens, streptomycin, acetazolamide, interferon, cyclosporine, carbamazepine, etc.

Hirsutism caused by unknown causes is called idiopathic androgen excess syndrome. In idiopathic hirsutism there is increased sensitivity to androgen receptors in the skin and hair follicles. Manifestations of idiopathic hirsutism are less pronounced, hormonal abnormalities are minor, the menstrual cycle and reproductive function usually not broken.

The causes of hirsutism can also be the physiological and age-related conditions of a woman, during which a shift in the ratio of estrogens and androgens is observed (pregnancy, postmenopause). In 90% of cases, hirsutism is caused by polycystic ovary syndrome or idiopathic syndrome.

Classification of hirsutism

In accordance with the reasons causing excess hair growth, endocrinology distinguishes several clinical forms hirsutism:

  • neuroendocrine: ovarian, adrenal, pituitary hirsutism;
  • dermatological or constitutional: familial, idiopathic hirsutism;
  • Iatrogenic or exogenous – drug-dependent hirsutism.

Based on the degree of association of hirsutism with other disorders, the following are distinguished:

  • hirsutism itself;
  • hirsutism, aggravated by a hyperactive piloseborrheic complex (acne, acne, etc.);
  • hirsutism with ovulation disorders;
  • hirsutism in combination with signs of virilization.

Symptoms of hirsutism

The main manifestation of hirsutism is male type hair growth in women, i.e. the growth of short, coarse, pigmented hair on the face, chest, around the areolas of the mammary glands, on the back, abdomen, internal surfaces thighs, buttocks. Other signs of hirsutism are increased greasiness of the skin and hair, acne, alopecia, as a result of increased levels of androgens. Hirsutism is often accompanied by menstrual dysfunction ( irregular menstruation, amenorrhea) and infertility.

Subsequently, with hirsutism caused by hyperandrogenism in women, signs of virilization often develop, that is, masculine features: increasing muscle mass, voice becomes rougher, baldness appears at the temples, intensifies sexual desire, the size of the mammary glands decreases, the localization of fat deposits on the body changes according to the male type. Hyperandrogenism causes changes in the female genital organs: the clitoris enlarges, the labia decrease, and the formation of vaginal lubrication stops.

To assess the severity of hirsutism manifestations, various quantitative systems of indicators are used. The degree of facial hair is assessed on a scale from “0” to “+4”, where “+1” is the presence of hair above the upper lip or on the chin, and “+4” is a well-developed beard. According to another scoring scale, the severity of hirsutism is determined by counting:

  • “hormonal number” (sum of points characterizing the quantitative and qualitative growth of hair on the chin, upper lip, chest and mammary glands, upper and lower back, upper and lower abdomen, shoulders and hips);
  • “indifferent number” (sum of points characterizing the quantitative and qualitative growth of hair on the forearm and lower leg);
  • “hirsut number” (the sum of the “indifferent” and “hormonal” numbers in the norm is less than 12 points, on average 4.5-4.6 points).

However, these evaluation indicators are largely subjective and are important only for assessing the dynamics of increase or decrease in hair growth during treatment or as the disease progresses.

Complications of hirsutism

The course of hirsutism can be complicated by menstrual dysfunction, infertility, pathological uterine bleeding, and anemia. Hirsutism due to polycystic ovary syndrome is often combined with diabetes mellitus.

Diagnosis of hirsutism

When collecting anamnesis in patients with hirsutism, it is necessary to clarify the following factors:

1. Nature of development of the disease:

  • gradual growth of body hair, accompanied by the appearance of acne, weight gain, and irregular menstruation, often indicates polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • a sharp development of hirsutism, accompanied by signs of virilization, is more often observed with androgen-secreting tumors.

2. Drug history.

3. The nature of menstrual function. In patients with a regular menstrual cycle, hirsutism is usually idiopathic or familial in nature and does not require in-depth examination.

To clarify the nature of hirsutism, they carry out laboratory tests, determining the content of the following hormones in blood serum:

  • total testosterone (with a testosterone content of 200 ng% - tumor damage to the ovaries);
  • dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) - an indicator of the activity of the secretory function of the adrenal glands (at a concentration of DHEA-S > 700 ng%, which decreases when taking dexamethasone, adrenal hyperplasia is suspected; an increased level of DHEA-S makes one think about tumor processes in the adrenal glands);
  • androstenedione (an increase in the concentration of androstenedione is observed in ovarian pathology);
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone is an intermediate metabolite of adrenal steroid hormones (increases with congenital forms adrenal hyperplasia);
  • cortisol (concentration increases with Itsenko-Cushing syndrome);
  • gonadotropins (the concentration of LH increases relative to FSH in polycystic ovary syndrome).

To find out the causes of hirsutism, a consultation with a gynecologist, ultrasound of the adrenal glands and ovaries, CT scan, MRI of the adrenal glands and other organs, and MRI of the brain are carried out. To exclude tumor processes Diagnostic laparoscopy is performed in the ovaries.

Treatment of hirsutism

Mild degree of hirsutism, not accompanied by menstrual dysfunction, special treatment does not require. Since hirsutism is usually not independent disease, but a manifestation of another pathology, then its treatment is aimed at eliminating the primary etiological factor(removal of adrenal, pituitary or ovarian tumors, withdrawal of medications, causing growth hair, treatment of hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome or acromegaly, etc.).

Drug therapy for hirsutism is prescribed after excluding androgen-secreting tumors. Since hirsutism is most often a consequence of hyperandrogenism, it is advisable to prescribe antiandrogenic drugs that suppress testosterone levels and reduce the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens.

For congenital adrenal hyperplasia, cortisol, prednisolone or dexamethasone are used. To suppress the excessive formation of androgens in polycystic ovary syndrome, it is prescribed lane oral contraceptives, spirolactone, clomiphene. Treatment cycle hormonal drugs takes from 3 to 6 months, sometimes cycles have to be performed more than once. It should be taken into account that there are serious contraindications to treatment with antiandrogens during pregnancy, as well as the fact that taking these drugs prevents the appearance of new hair, but does not reduce existing hair. For hirsutism accompanied by overweight, patients are advised to follow a diet with reduced content carbohydrates.

Cosmetic treatments for hirsutism help remove or make it less noticeable unwanted hair. They include lightening, plucking, shaving, bioepilation with wax or special creams, hair removal, etc. Moderate manifestations of hirsutism are masked by bleaching hair with hydrogen peroxide. Chronic plucking and shaving of hair can cause scarring or skin infections. Chemical depilation is ineffective on thick and coarse hair. Most effective method getting rid of hair with hirsutism is photoepilation or laser hair removal, which destroys hair follicle and stopping the growth of new hair.

Prognosis for hirsutism

Many women suffering from hirsutism develop serious psychological complexes that interfere with a full-fledged family and intimate life, making it difficult to communicate in society.

Treatment of hirsutism is long-term, the effect of reducing hair growth becomes noticeable only after 6-12 months. When treating hirsutism, the growth of new hair is stopped, but existing hair does not disappear. Therefore, it is not possible to completely get rid of excess hair growth with hirsutism, although it is quite possible to slow down the rate of hair growth.

Or male pattern hair. All women have hair on the surface of the body and face, but usually it is thin and light. The main sign by which normality can be distinguished from deviation is the structure of the hairline. A healthy girl has thin, short, light, soft, vellus hairs. With hirsutism, coarse dark thick hair begins to grow on the face, arms, legs, as well as the hips, back, and abdomen. Increased hairiness in girls and women, as a rule, it is associated with virilization, that is, with excessive androgen activity and, as a consequence, the development of male characteristics.

Sometimes girls confuse hirsutism with manifestations, but these conditions are not the same thing. With hirsutism in girls, hair growth increases in places typical for men, but unusual for women: on the face, abdomen. With hypertrichosis, hairiness can increase on any part of the body, and this process is usually not associated with hormonal disorders.

According to various sources, 5–10% of women have hirsutism. Often, increased hairiness becomes a family trait, so unwanted hair especially often appears in girls whose mothers, sisters or other relatives have the same problem. Women of Mediterranean, South Asian and Middle Eastern descent are also more prone to hirsutism due to ethnicity.

Availability excess hair on the body can develop a girl’s feeling of inferiority and complexes, but it’s even worse when hirsutism is combined with hormonal imbalance which can lead to infertility, diabetes and serious violations menstrual cycle.


Excessive growth of rough dark hair on the face and body of a woman is primarily associated with high levels androgens ( male hormones), including testosterone. Every body healthy woman does not produce large number androgens, but some disorders can lead to the production of male hormones greatly increasing. This can cause active growth hair and problems such as oily skin, acne, enlarged genitals.

All of the reasons given below can affect how a girl’s body produces androgens.

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  1. Increased hairiness: which doctor should I contact?

When diagnosing hirsutism, the doctor (gynecologist-endocrinologist) must study in detail the girl’s medical history and heredity, discuss the medications she has taken or is taking in order to determine the cause of the condition. Next, your doctor will likely order blood tests to measure your hormone levels. Doctor ultrasound diagnostics Perform an ultrasound of the ovaries and adrenal glands to check for tumors or cysts. In addition, an MRI of the brain may be required to rule out the presence of neoplasms.


  • Hormone therapy

If a woman has overweight, your doctor will probably suggest losing it first, since obesity affects how the body produces hormones. Maintaining a healthy body weight can bring androgen levels back to normal without the use of medications.

However, a girl may need medical treatment, If excessive growth hair is PCOS symptom or adrenal disease. Birth control pills and antiandrogen medications can help balance hormonal background.

  • Antiandrogen drugs

They can block androgen receptors and reduce the formation of male hormones from the adrenal glands and ovaries. The most commonly used drugs that block the effect of testosterone on hair follicles are Spironolactone and Finasteride (blocks 5-alpha reductase).

  • Combined contraceptive pills, oral contraceptives

Pills (OCs) that contain estrogen and progesterone can help reduce cysts that occur due to PCOS. Estrogen can also reduce the amount of excess hair. These drugs are prescribed as long-term therapy hirsutism. Improvements occur no earlier than three to six months.

  • Cream for excess hair

Vaniqa® (Vanica, eflornithine) is used to reduce excess facial hair in women. It is applied 2 times a day and works by slowing down the growth of hair follicles and increasing the intervals between hair removal treatments. Vaniqa cream can be combined with other medications. Typically, facial hair growth in girls slows down after 1–2 months. Side effects of eflornithine include skin rash and irritation.

  • Hair removal

This is a non-medical way to combat unwanted hair. These are the same methods that many women use to remove hair from their legs, underarms, and bikini area.

  • Waxing, shaving and depilatories

Removing excess hair with wax, using depilatory creams, razors or sugaring - effective, affordable and inexpensive method. These products are easy to use, the results are visible immediately, but they don’t last long. In addition, girls with hirsutism tend to have unwanted hair that is thick and coarse. Because of this, after removal the skin becomes very sensitive and susceptible to irritation and ingrown hairs.

Laser hair removal occurs due to damage to the follicles by light rays. Damaged hair follicles cannot produce hair, and the hair that is already present falls out. When passing full course And correct processing Laser hair removal can provide stable positive results.

  • Electrolysis

This is hair removal using electric current. He treats each hair follicle individually, so sessions may take longer. Like laser hair removal, electrolysis is an expensive, time-consuming procedure that requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. Some women find these procedures uncomfortable or painful.


Treatment of increased hairiness on the face and body of a girl is a long-term task. Most women diagnosed with hormonal imbalance respond well to therapy, but hair growth may resume if it returns to baseline and grows beyond normal limits.

Depending on the underlying cause and choice of therapy, treatment for hirsutism can be lifelong. Laser hair removal or electrolysis can provide more permanent results than shaving, waxing, sugaring or depilatories. If the cause of increased hairiness is PCOS or problems with the adrenal glands, the girl may require lifelong treatment.

Noticing another strand on the comb, every lady falls into depression and begins to conduct experiments on herself: all kinds of balms, masks and serums have filled all the shelves in the bathroom.

If only she knew that some women dream of getting rid of excess hair, but depilation will not help here - thick stubble covers her face and neck, and it is better not to show the décolleté area to anyone. This is how hirsutism occurs, a disease that significantly reduces the quality of life.

Hirsutism: causes

Dark and coarse hair on the face, chest and back is characteristic of men. Therefore, having discovered such a sign in a woman, doctors always diagnose her with hirsutism, a disease characteristic only of the fair sex. The location of hair growth matters—thick hair on the arms and legs has nothing to do with hirsutism.

Endocrinologists do not consider hirsutism a disease - male pattern hair is a symptom of more dangerous illness, at which in bloodstream a large amount of androgens, steroid male sex hormones are received:

  • neoplasms in the ovaries: benign and malignant tumors;
  • congenital diseases of the adrenal glands, salt-wasting or virile hyperplasia;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland.

Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives fast action may cause such hair growth. This does not apply to modern systemic contraceptives, which improve a woman's appearance. In athletes taking anabolic steroid, all signs of hirsutism resulting from a hormonal disorder are also observed.

Burning brunettes with oriental appearance often have stubble hairs on their faces, but this hereditary predisposition, requiring (if desired) the intervention of cosmetologists.

Symptoms and diagnosis of hirsutism

The symptoms of hirsutism are pronounced: hard, bristly hairs cover a woman’s face. When produced by glands internal secretion huge amount androgens, hair growth affects the back, chest and part of the abdomen. Diagnosing hirsutism is very simple for an endocrinologist, but his work is just beginning - he needs to find the cause of this symptom and exclude the possibility of tumor formation.

The woman will need to submit biochemical tests and visit the following specialists:

  • oncologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • surgeon.

You will have to donate blood to determine your sugar level to check the functioning of your pancreas. Excessive hair growth occurs during pregnancy and menopause, when hormonal system women undergoes major changes. In order to find out which hormone concentration contributes to the manifestation of hirsutism, the content of the following biologically active substances in the blood is detected:

  • testosterone;
  • androstenedione;
  • cortisol;

Each of these hormones is produced by a specific endocrine gland, therefore, an increase in the level of any of them will directly indicate the culprit of the disease.

Hirsutism: treatment and prevention

Sometimes hirsutism saves a woman’s life—the endocrinologist discovers a dangerous neoplasm. It does not matter whether it is malignant or benign, any tumor must be urgently removed. The operation is performed using laparoscopy, which minimizes tissue damage and promotes rapid recovery.

When not life-threatening hormonal disorder, as well as after removal of part of the gland or the entire adrenal gland, long-term, and sometimes lifelong, hormone replacement therapy with drugs such as:

  • cortisone acetate (from 700 rub.);
  • dexamethasone (from 150 rub.);
  • hydrocortisone (from 120 rub.);
  • prednisolone (from 40 rubles).

Some sites are full of advice on treating hirsutism with herbs and berries. Such traditional therapy deadly - time will be lost and benign tumor quickly transforms into a malignant neoplasm.

An excellent way to prevent male pattern hair growth is to regularly visit an endocrinologist. This will allow you to put your hormonal levels in order and behave with dignity in stressful situations, do not shed meaningless tears, the culprits of which are often the endocrine glands. And a good cosmetologist can deal with mustaches above the upper lip.

General hair growth in women is normally weakly expressed and is manifested by the presence of vellus hair on the lip, arms and legs. Abnormal hair growth is observed when the functions of the endocrine system are disrupted.

Rice. Male pattern hair growth. Photo

Causes of male pattern hair growth in women

Male pattern hair growth in women (hirsutism) can be caused by:

  • an increase in male hormones, which stimulate hair growth and affect its pigmentation. Excessive amounts of androgens produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands;
  • an increase in insulin levels (hyperinsulinism), which stimulates ovarian cells to produce androgens. Women with hyperinsulinism are markedly obese.

Male hair growth in women also occurs when normal level androgens and regular menstrual cycle. This form is called idiopathic hirsutism.

Symptoms of hirsutism

In women with a mild form of male-pattern hair growth, significant hair growth is observed on the upper lip, in the sideburn area, on the chin, and around the nipples.

With a more severe form of male hair growth, hair appears on the back, chest, shoulders, and abdomen. Possible appearance oily skin, acne, change in voice (it becomes rough).

Male pattern hair growth: treatment

Taking into account the reasons that cause male pattern hair, treatment involves reducing the level of androgens and insulin. Therefore, before treatment it is necessary to be examined.

With polycystic ovary syndrome, in which there is male hair growth, oral contraceptives, aldalactone, clomiphene are prescribed. You can reduce the production of androgens by the ovaries with a combination birth control pills, which contain estrogen and progesterone in a certain dose. Male hair growth in women disappears after 10-12 months of use contraception. Of course that hormonal treatment must be prescribed and monitored by a physician.

At congenital hyperplasia adrenal glands, which is accompanied increased production androgens, cortisol is prescribed. Losing weight also reduces androgen levels.

Cosmetic procedures for excess hair growth

Women who have male hair growth mild form, are offered cosmetic procedures: depilation with wax and sugar, use of electric epilators. The effect of these procedures is temporary, since the hair follicle is not destroyed and hair growth continues.

If male hair growth in women is coarse, more effective methods getting rid of unwanted hair: electrolysis, elos - hair removal, photo - and laser hair removal. With these methods, the follicular apparatus is damaged and the hair is removed along with the root part. You can’t count on an immediate effect, since hair is removed instantly active phase growth. During following procedures other hair is removed and so on for several sessions until you finally get rid of unnecessary hair. Often combined effects are used (photo and laser hair removal), which gives a greater effect.

Hair growth in men

Upon reaching puberty, under the influence of sex hormones, men develop a male type of hair growth: a mustache, a beard, a diamond shape on the pubis, along the midline of the abdomen, on the chest, and well-defined hair growth in the armpits.

Hypertrichosis is increased hair growth in men. Excessive hair growth on the trunk and limbs is of an ethnic nature and is found, for example, among representatives of Caucasian peoples.

In certain cases, increased hair growth in men can cause some inconvenience. Bodybuilders, swimmers, gymnasts, and weightlifters get rid of body hair due to their professional activities.

Men who care about their appearance can also remove unwanted hair. All beauty salons offer hair removal for men. At excessive hair growth For men, it is possible to perform bioepilation with wax, electrolysis and photoepilation.



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