Fasts in the year Orthodox menu. Flaxseed bread

Lent in 2018

Lent 2018 will last from February 27 to April 15! Of course, it is important for every observant to know what can be eaten during Lent in 2018 by day (see the article for the nutrition calendar).

What is fasting? This is a time when it is strictly forbidden to include a certain food group in your diet, this can be either lactic acid products or meat.

Lent, which is called Great Lent, always occurs 48 days before the Easter holiday. It is then that a person holds himself strictly, forbidding himself a lot. There is no need to think that during Lent, restrictions are only on food. This is not so; before Easter it is also forbidden to have fun and hold various festivities.

Speaking about the observance of all church fasts, Lent can be characterized as the most severe, because it lasts 7 weeks. This year people start fasting on 02/27/17 and end on 04/15/17. Let's break down the nutrition calendar days and answer the question of what you can eat during Lent.

Foods that are excluded from the diet during Lent

You cannot consume or use such products as:

  • Beef, pork, turkey, chicken;
  • Chicken, quail, ostrich eggs;
  • Any whole milk;
  • Butter;
  • Fermented milk drinks, cheese, cottage cheese of varying fat content.

Speaking of fish, its consumption is allowed only twice a day. church holidays, which can be viewed at church calendar. Here are the various seafood products, such as squid, octopus, crayfish, are recommended to be included in the diet when fasting.

There is no need to think that church fasting is just observance dietary nutrition. Of course, the body is cleansed, but do not forget about the cleansing of the person’s soul at this moment.

There are several rules for eating during Lent 2018 (see the daily nutrition calendar below), which are prescribed in the charter of any church:

  • The strictest eating regime occurs only at the very beginning and at the end of the event.
  • Products made from animals are not suitable for consumption during Lent.
  • Meals must be taken once every 24 hours, on certain weeks. And on calendar days off it is possible to take food 2 times.
  • Choose three days a week on which you will eat only vegetables or fruits, raw or fresh. Cannot be produced heat treatment products, and use oil.
  • In the remaining two working days, food can already be cooked, but also without the use of oil.
  • On calendar days of rest, you can already add a little oil to your food.
  • In the seventh week, on Friday, you should not eat food at all.
  • You can also refrain from eating food until Easter itself, but this is entirely at your discretion.

What can you eat during Lent in 2018 by day?

By organizing your nutrition correctly, you won’t have to starve your body. The main thing is to take the right approach to creating a menu for the next few weeks. Every person needs a fasting day, but not to the point of fanaticism.

Now, let’s look at what you can and should eat during Lent:

  1. Bran bread, or cereal bread;
  2. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice (any type), corn grits, wheat or barley;
  3. Various pickles and marinades, jam;
  4. Mushrooms cooked in any form, only without oil;
  5. Beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas;
  6. Dry fruits, various nuts and natural honey;
  7. Potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage (any variety), radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and so on;
  8. Various fruits - kiwi, oranges, tangerines, pears, grapes and so on;
  9. Shrimp, mussels, crayfish, squid. As for fish, let’s repeat ourselves a little - it is consumed only twice during the entire period of fasting.

Having considered the main list of products, now you know what you can eat during Lent, the meals of which are scheduled according to calendar days in 2018.

Three-week sample menu for Lent 2018

The very first and main week is very strict. The main rule is to enter the desired mode. If you do not want to fast for health reasons, then do not risk your health. You can only adhere to certain rules, but not strictly adhere to yourself.

So let's consider sample menu for the next four weeks of Lent.

Nutrition calendar

First week of Lent 2018

February 28 - You can add a few pieces of black bread to the water. Water can be replaced with a kvass drink (preferably prepared with your own hands).

March 1 - includes various fruits, nuts, raw vegetables, and fresh herbs in the diet. And all this is added to the black bread.

March 3 - We continue to eat food fresh. No heat treatment or oil plant origin.

March 4 - fresh vegetables and various fruits, nuts; it is recommended to include freshly squeezed grape juice in your diet.

March 5 - You can cook vegetable food with a small amount of vegetable oil. If you wish, then on this day it is not forbidden to drink 50 ml of a wine drink without alcohol.

Having described an approximate food menu by calendar day in 2018, you can see what you can eat during Lent 2018. Of course, this is just an example. Now you can easily create your own personalized menu based on your desires.

Daily nutrition calendar - first week of Lent 2018

Second week

March 6 — for breakfast we prepare corn porridge with water, and the drink will be simple freshly brewed tea. For lunch we'll prepare soup with pearl barley, cutlets made from minced carrots, a fresh pear for a snack, and a drink - black coffee. For dinner, we only drink a drink if desired - compote or tea.

March 7 - For breakfast, buckwheat porridge and coffee. For lunch, fresh cabbage salad with bell pepper. Rice soup. Pasta with mushroom sauce. Freshly brewed black tea with honey and lemon. For dinner you can eat any of the fruits, and for drinks freshly squeezed apple juice or compote.

March 8 - wheat porridge with water, and the drink is coffee. For lunch we prepare soup with various vegetables. Salad of cucumber, tomato and sweet pepper. From drinks you can make jelly or make fresh juice. For dinner, you can prepare a fruit salad and drink a glass of compote.

March 9 - oatmeal porridge, tea with lemon and honey. For lunch - borscht made from sauerkraut, a salad of any fresh vegetables, berry jelly. For dinner - boiled potatoes with freshly chopped herbs and fruit juice.

Meals during Lent in 2018

March 10 — For breakfast we’ll prepare oatmeal porridge, kiwi, coffee. At lunchtime - soup with buckwheat and fresh carrots, a salad based on seaweed, freshly brewed tea with lemon. For dinner - a light salad of any vegetables, freshly brewed dried fruit compote.

March 11— rice porridge, a glass of fruit drink. In the afternoon, prepare a salad of boiled carrots with garlic. Potato cutlets and a glass of berry jelly. IN evening time boiled buckwheat with squash caviar, and the drink is fresh fruit juice.

March 12 - fruit salad, a glass of fruit drink or tea with a slice of lemon. In the afternoon we will prepare soup, pickle soup, potatoes baked in the oven and coffee. For dinner - fresh apple, pear and glass of carrot drink.

Dish for Lent

So we looked at another week and answered the question of what you can eat during Lent by day in 2018.

Nutrition calendar by days of the second week:

Third week of Lent 2018

March 13 - millet porridge with water and a glass of freshly brewed tea with the addition of natural honey. At lunchtime - vegetable soup. Carrot casserole, a glass of berry juice. In the evening - any fruit and juice.

March 14 - oatmeal porridge, coffee (you can add a slice of fresh lemon). At lunchtime - soup with legumes, boiled rice with canned zucchini salad. Tea with jam. During dinner - any fresh vegetables and a glass of compote.

March 15 - wheat porridge, a glass of orange juice. In the afternoon we cook - buckwheat soup with vegetables, potato cutlets with mushrooms and onions, a glass of tea with honey. For dinner - any fruit and fruit drink.

Porridge during Lent

March 16 - semolina porridge, a glass of tea with cherry jam. In the afternoon - soup with rice and pickles, cucumber and sweet pepper salad, a glass of carrots - apple juice. During dinner - baked potatoes with pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Hot tea with honey.

March 17 - Rice porridge, a cup of black coffee. At lunchtime, soup with pearl barley, salad with seaweed and onions, a glass of jelly. In the evening - various fruits (baked during Lent), a glass of pear juice.

March 18 - buckwheat porridge, a glass of tea with jam. For lunch - borscht with fresh cabbage, boiled beet salad with garlic, a glass of berry juice. In the evening - pasta with any canned salad, and a glass of tea with lemon.

March 19 - in the morning, oatmeal porridge, a glass of apricot juice. For lunch - vegetable soup with potatoes and carrots, beet cutlets, a glass of black coffee. In the evening - fruit salad, a glass of berry juice.

Calendar meals by day during Lent 2018 for week 4

You can duplicate our nutrition calendar by day, or create your own menu.

Delicious dishes for Lent 2018 - video recipes:

Published 02/28/17 12:57

Lent in 2017: what you can eat by day, menu for Lent by day for 40 days in 2017, what you can eat, and much more, read the TopNews material.

Lent in 2017: daily nutrition calendar for the laity

This week, Orthodox Christians around the world entered Lent to cleanse their souls and bodies before the coming of the bright holiday of Easter.

According to the Church Charter, first and foremost last week Great Lent is observed most strict fast. Eating is allowed only in the evening, but on Saturdays and Sundays only the morning meal can be excluded. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can eat only cold food, and on Tuesday and Thursday hot food is allowed without oil.

On Saturday and Sunday (except Holy Week), in addition to vegetable oil, you can drink a little grape wine. On Good Friday, believers abstain from food all day.

Great Lent 2017: nutrition calendar by day

February 27 - Clean Monday. Refrain from food.
February 28- Tuesday. Refrain from food.
March 1 - Wednesday. Dry eating: bread, water, herbs, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (one dish to choose from).
Dill infusion or decoction of berries/fruits with honey.
Food is taken once a day, during the day.
March 2- Thursday. Refrain from food.
March 3- Friday. Baked or boiled hot food without oil once a day, during the day.
March 4- Saturday. Baked or boiled food with vegetable oil twice a day. Olives and black olives are acceptable. Allowed in small quantities is grape wine without alcohol and sugar, diluted in hot water, but abstinence from wine is recommended.

First week Lent (first Sunday of fasting)

March 6- Monday.
March 7- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil. March 8- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).

March 9- Thursday.
Finding the Head of John the Baptist(first and second acquisition) - Orthodox holiday in honor of the most revered part of the relics of John the Baptist - his head.

March 10- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 11- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil and wine.

March 12- Sunday.
Second week of Lent (second Sunday of fasting). Memorial Day of St. Gregory Palamas.

March 13- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 14- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
March 15- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 16- Thursday.
Hot food without oil.
March 17- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 18- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil

March 19- Sunday.
Third week Lent (third Sunday of fasting) - Cross veneration.
On this day, they read legends, consecrate prosphyra, do not work, visit churches to venerate the cross, reflect on the concept of “carrying one’s cross,” and fast (with the consumption of boiled oil and wine).
March 20- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 21- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
March 22- Wednesday.
Memorial Day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste.
The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are Christian soldiers who accepted martyrdom for their faith in Christ in Sebaste (Little Armenia, modern Turkey) in 320 at Licinia.
Hot food that has been cooked, i.e. boiled, baked, etc. With wine (one cup 200g). One meal a day. Pure grape wine without alcohol and sugar, mostly diluted hot water. At the same time, abstaining from wine is highly commendable.
March 23- Thursday.
Hot food without oil.
March 24- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 25- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil

March 26- Sunday.
Fourth week Great Lent (fourth Sunday of fasting). Memorial Day of theologian John Climacus.
Hot food with vegetable oil
March 27- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 28- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
March 29- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
March 30- Thursday. Standing Rev. Mary of Egypt.
Hot food with vegetable oil and wine
March 31- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
April 1- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil

April 2- Sunday.
Fifth week of Lent (fifth Sunday of fasting). Memorial Day of Rev. Mary of Egypt
Hot food with vegetable oil
April 3- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
April 4- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
April 5- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
April 6- Thursday.
Hot food without oil.
April 7- Friday , feast of the Annunciation.
Hot food with vegetable oil and wine. Fish is allowed.
April 8- Saturday. Lazarev Saturday.
Fish caviar up to 100 grams is allowed. Hot food with vegetable oil

April 9- Sunday. Sixth week Great Lent (sixth Sunday of fasting).
Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). Fish is allowed. Hot food with vegetable oil
April 10 - Maundy Monday
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).

April 11 - Maundy Tuesday
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
To drink: dill (hot infusion or decoction of herbs or berries, fruits) with honey.
April 12 - Holy Wednesday
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - one of these every time).
To drink: dill (hot infusion or decoction of herbs or berries, fruits) with honey.
April 13 - Maundy Thursday. Last Supper
According to the usual (Palestinian) tradition, one dish is served, but eating boiled food with vegetable oil is allowed.
According to the Studio Charter, one boiled dish is supposed, but supplemented with sochivo (any porridge) and legumes; no oil.
According to the charter of Holy Mount Athos, there are two boiled dishes with oil and wine. Pure grape wine without alcohol and sugar, preferably diluted with hot water. At the same time, abstaining from wine is highly commendable.
April 14 - Great Friday. Good Friday. Crucifixion of Christ
Believers do not eat anything. For the elderly, bread and water are allowed after sunset.
April 15 - Holy Saturday. The Descent of Christ into Hell
On Holy Saturday, many believers also refuse food until Easter. For the rest - bread, dried fruits, vegetables, a cup of wine, kvass or honey drink.

Lent 2017: what you can eat

It is important to remember that nutrition during Lent should still be as varied and balanced as possible, so you can include the following foods in your diet:


    Korean salads;

  • pasta without eggs;

    flour products made from flour, water and salt;

    bread (without milk or eggs), unleavened pita bread; sauces (ketchup, lean mayonnaise, adjika, soy sauce, tomato paste);

    balsamic, apple, table vinegar.

The longest, strictest and most famous fast in Christianity is called the Great Fast. In Orthodoxy it is called “Quentary Day” because it lasts forty days and precedes Easter – Christ’s Resurrection. After Pentecost comes the most strict time abstinence - Holy Week. The purpose of fasting is the spiritual and physical cleansing of the believer, therefore, during the entire “fast” time, lay people completely limit themselves to eating meat, and partially fish and dairy foods. Lent 2017 , starting February 27 , Christians' diet will also be modest. What you can and cannot eat at this time, nutritional rules for every day and week by week can be found out from special calendars published on Orthodox websites.

Nutrition calendar for Lent 2017

Spiritual cleansing during fasting includes daily prayers and repentance, forgiveness of enemies; physical cleansing involves strict adherence to dietary rules. The food calendar for Lent was introduced at the end of the 4th century. Limit yourself to certain types food followed already six weeks before the resurrection of Jesus - Easter. Today, many who fast for forty days consider abstinence from meat food cleansing diet. Throughout Lent 2017, hot spices, alcohol, and meat are prohibited for consumption. On some days, wine may be on the table.

Beginning of Lent 2017 - Diet according to the calendar

Opens Lent 2017 Clean Monday February 27 - the day of the strictest abstinence in the early forties next days(except for the last Holy Week). Believers are starving; Only water is allowed. After the end of Clean Monday, you can only eat bread for four more days. In future, the laity should adhere to general rules eating food. They involve eating cold, dry food on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Animal oils and fats, meat are prohibited. Food should not be exposed heat treatment. The main products included in the lean diet are mushrooms, fruits, and vegetables. On Tuesday and Thursday of Lent, the consumption of hot food is allowed (soups, baked or stewed vegetables, porridge). Every Saturday and Sunday of forty days of abstinence you can drink a little wine and oil, and on Palm Sunday and on the Annunciation it is allowed to eat fish. The consumption of fish products is prohibited on Saturday of the 6th week of fasting (Lazarus Saturday). In the last, Holy Week of Lent, from Monday to Wednesday, they eat only fruits and vegetables. IN Maundy Thursday the consumption of oil and wine is allowed, and in Good Friday believers are starving. On the last Saturday before fasting in the evening, you can eat food that has not been heat-treated. However, many people who observe strict fasting do not eat anything until Easter.

On the calendar gray designated strict days fasting, during which one should eat meager food consisting of bread and water.

Blue color is the days when hot food without oil is allowed. Liquid and hot oily food - yellow tint.

Dry eating days are marked in green:

Mondays - 27.02, 6.03, 13.03, 20.03, 27.03, 3.04, 10.04;

Wednesdays – 01.03, 10.03, 17.03, 24.03, 31.03, 05.04;

Fridays – 03.03, 25.04, 01.04, 08.04, 15.04, 22.04

Great Lent 2017 - Meals by day for the laity - Rules of a lean diet

During Lent, believers not only train their bodies, but also develop their will. Not every person, especially those who often eat meat and fish at other times, will be able to resist the temptation to try, for example, fried chicken or brisket. Lenten food is food of plant origin. Monks in monasteries fast very strictly, even avoiding fish, which is allowed for lay people on certain days of abstinence. According to the basic rules of a fasting diet, meat and animal fats are completely excluded from the diet of the fasting person.

How to eat on the days of Lent 2017 for the laity

Lent 2017 is not the same diet. The quality and quantity of food allowed for consumption during these days varies. For example, the laity should observe the strictest fast on Wednesday and Friday. Those who fast according to the full regulations do not even consume vegetable oil on these days. The most moderate days of fasting, allowing even wine, are Saturday and Sunday. The main principle of fasting is abstaining from meat. Strict or moderate adherence to the remaining rules of the “Quentary Day” is associated with the personal zeal of each person, his piety, capabilities, health and many other factors - location, age, degree of church affiliation, etc.

Lent 2017 - Meals for every day strictly according to the rules

Lent 2017, starting on February 27, involves both complete abstinence from food and moderate consumption of fish and dishes with the addition of vegetable oil. According to the church charter, fasting consists of Lent, which lasts forty days, Lazarus Saturday, which occurs before Palm Sunday, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and Holy Week before Easter. Those fasting during this time must strictly follow the dietary rules. They depend on the days of fasting.

Meals for the days of Lent 2017

Lent 2017 begins with Clean Monday on February 27th. The First Week lasts until March 4. On Monday you should refrain from eating any food, but on Tuesday you are allowed to eat bread. March 1, Wednesday, consumption is allowed raw food– greens, vegetables, fruits, water and bread. On Thursday, churchgoers fast, and on Friday, March 3, they eat boiled or baked food once a day. On Saturday, March 4, the laity can eat hot food twice a day, but, of course, lean food. The Second Week, from March 5 to 11, allows the consumption of hot food. On other days, up to the strictest abstinence Holy Week, it is better to follow the general rules of Lent day by day: eat in moderation hot food of plant origin on Tuesdays and Thursdays, strictly fast on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and even allow yourself to taste diluted wine on Saturdays and Sundays. Those interested in more precise nutritional rules for Lent can familiarize themselves with the tables that provide detailed information by day.

Nutrition rules for Lent

The basic rules of nutrition during Lent, as mentioned above, are complete failure from animal food. However, we should not forget that fasting is also a spiritual cleansing. Daily prayers, appeals to the Lord, forgiveness of enemies must also be observed. The strictest days of Lent 2017 are the first Week from February 27 to March 4 and the seventh Week from April 9 to 15. You can learn about the exact nutritional rules on these and other days from the tables.

What can you eat according to the rules of Lent?

The dietary rules for Lent were drawn up many hundreds of years ago. At that time, some products that appeared in the diet of believers later did not yet exist. Today in Lent 2017 you are allowed to eat seaweed and other seaweed, various nuts, durum wheat pasta prepared without adding eggs to the dough, unleavened bread, crackers, vinegars. Cakes and cookies, milk and chocolate candies can be replaced with figs, dates, raisins, prunes, and dried apricots. Stewed vegetables with the addition of tomato paste are very healthy and tasty. On days that allow the consumption of fish products, you can prepare aromatic stuffed fish. With a list of foods allowed lean products can be found below.

Lent 2017—Meals by week

Speaking about nutrition according to the days and weeks of Lent 2017, we should not forget about those who various indications cannot limit himself in consumption certain products. It also happens that a nutritionist or attending physician does not allow believers to strictly adhere to Lenten rules. For example, a doctor may recommend a diet to a patient, rich in protein– in this case, you can and should eat fish and dairy products. People with illnesses should not fast gastrointestinal tract, patients recovering from heavy operations or diseases, young children, pregnant and lactating women. On the contrary, if there is certain diseases lean diet recommended. People with problems cardiovascular system, hypertension, renal failure abstaining from meat and dairy products will only benefit you. It should be remembered that fasting is not the same as dieting. Yes, it involves strict abstinence from certain foods. However, the main thing during Lent remains prayer, daily conversation with the Lord, and rethinking your life.

How to eat during Lent 2017

In the event that a believer who is accustomed to regularly eating foods such as meat, strong broths, and Olivier-type salads, fried foods, decides to start fasting, his body may experience some stress. When changing a diet, a person gets used to new food gradually - it all depends on the person’s ability to adapt to sudden changes in diet. An active, healthy middle-aged person will adapt to changes in diet and quality of nutrition much faster than older people and children. We should not forget that food restriction should not become an end in itself during Lent 2017. Fasting is a time of reflection, so thoughts about food should not distract the believer from prayers and reflections. It makes no sense to prepare specially for each day of fasting, since in this case the layperson will only think about the diet. Fasting should be approached gradually, depending on age, health status and readiness for restrictions. It is also worth remembering that you should break fast gradually, at first still maintaining a restriction in the consumption of animal food.

During Lent 2017, the laity should limit their diet. The rules of strict abstinence in food by day and week can be found in the nutrition calendar produced by various book publishers and published on websites dedicated to Christian topics.

So, with the beginning of Lent, which begins on February 27 in 2017, our entire diet changes radically. Therefore, let's look at the menu for Lent by day for 40 days 2017 for the laity, so that it is easier for you to navigate and tune in to certain products for all days of fasting. By the way, don’t be afraid, if you approach the problem of nutrition rationally and thoughtfully during fasting, you won’t have to go hungry. You can plan your meals in such a way that the food will not only be varied, but also satisfying, nutritious and tasty. And don’t forget - nutrition is only a part of fasting, the main thing is to strengthen prayers, acts of mercy, visit the temple and train in love for your neighbors, then food restrictions will benefit the soul and body.
Just a small clarification, fasting actually lasts not 40, but 48 days (plus Holy Week).

During Lent 2017, you are allowed to eat the following foods:

1. Cereal bread and plain black bread made from coarse rye flour.
2. Any cereals and porridges made from them, cooked in water.
3. Summer preparations, namely salted, pickled and soaked vegetables and salads made from them, preserves, marmalades and jams.
4. Mushrooms prepared in all possible ways.
5. Beans, peas, beans and lentils - boiled.
6. Nuts, honey and dried fruits.
7. All vegetables, both fresh and boiled. Fruits and berries.
8. Seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels) and fish.
9. Tea, coffee, mineral still water, herbal decoctions.
10. In between meals, you need to drink water - 2.5 liters of mineral water and always without gas. Food should be taken three times - 1. morning (breakfast), 2. day (lunch), 3. evening (dinner). The size of each serving is 200 – 400 grams.
Look, it will be easier to make dietary changes.

The beginning of Lent 2017 - the strictest first week(like the last one, Passionate).

02/27/2017, Monday - abstain from food, only tea is allowed - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort.

02/28/2017, Tuesday – during the day you are allowed to eat 200 g of bread, a decoction of dried fruits, herbal tea and water.

03/01/2017, Wednesday: per day - 250 g of bread and herbal tea.

03/02/2017, Thursday: fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Preferably - grapes, apples, nuts, greens.

03/03/2017, Friday: decoction of dried fruits or tea throughout the day. Eating any food is prohibited.

03/04/2017, Saturday – 1. A glass of juice or tea.
2. Boiled vegetables - beets, carrots or potatoes, a glass of red, but only natural, wine.
3. Compote and Lenten cookies.

03/05/2017, Sunday – 1. Vinaigrette and coffee.
2. Any lean soup, potatoes with onions and mushrooms. Wine and compote.
3. Boiled cauliflower with apple and carrot, tea
Can be baked for borscht or soup, take a look step by step recipe, it's very tasty. Besides, they can be made sweet for tea.

The 2nd week of Lent in 2017 in nutrition may look like this:

03/06/207, Monday. 1. Oatmeal with water, tea.
2. Vermicelli soup with carrots. Potato cutlets, fresh vegetables, jelly.
3. Apple and tea

03/07/2017, Tuesday. 1. Buckwheat on water, coffee.
2. Cabbage soup made from sauerkraut (lean), vermicelli (pasta) with mushroom sauce, vegetable salad with fresh vegetable oil, compote.
3. Apples, baked with honey and tea.

03/08/2017, Wednesday. 1. Rice porridge, coffee.
2. Soup - vegetable hodgepodge. Potatoes with mushroom sauce with onions, herbs and tomatoes. Fresh cabbage salad with apple, carrots and cucumber, sauced with berry (grape) vinegar and butter. Compote.
3. Tea with lemon and jam.

03/09/2017, Thursday. 1. Corn porridge, tea.
2. Lenten cabbage soup, vinaigrette, cranberry juice.
3. Mashed potatoes with zucchini. Salted or pickled vegetables. Tea, maybe with lemon or apples.

03/10/2017, Friday. 1. Barley porridge, tea with jam (honey).
2. lean pea soup, vegetable salad and apple compote.
3. Potato salad with mushrooms, tea.

03/11/2017, Saturday. 1. Vinaigrette with mushrooms, coffee.
2. Buckwheat soup, rice cutlets, beetroot caviar, a glass of wine, pumpkin jelly.
3. lean pasties, tea.

03/12/2017, Sunday. 1. Millet-pumpkin porridge, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, potatoes stewed with mushrooms, wine, lemon juice.
3. Vegetable caviar, pea cutlets, tea.

3rd week of Lent 2017, menu for every day

03/13/2017, Monday. 1. Millet, tea with honey.
2. Beetroot soup with pearl barley, potato zrazy stuffed with onions and mushrooms, pea salad with pickles, wine, fruit, cranberry lemonade.
3. buckwheat pie, tea with honey.

03/14/2017, Tuesday. 1. Boiled potatoes with garlic, coffee.
2. Bean soup, pasta with mushroom sauce, lingonberry juice.
3., tea with honey.

03/15/2017, Wednesday. 1. Semolina porridge with strawberry jam, coffee.
2. Lenten solyanka, cauliflower casserole with peppers and tomatoes, coffee.
3. Fried squid with boiled potatoes and tea.

03/16/2017, Thursday. 1. Oatmeal with fruit and tea.
2. Lenten cabbage soup, canned pickles with barley, compote.
3. Vegetable ratatouille, tea.

03/17/2017, Friday. 1. Rice porridge, coffee.
2. Pea soup, boiled potatoes with brown mushroom sauce, rosehip compote.
3. Squash caviar with buckwheat, tea.

03/18/2017, Saturday. 1. Semolina porridge with raspberry jam.
2. Pumpkin soup, stuffed squid with rice, wine, cranberry juice.
3. Open Lenten pie with apples, tea.

03/19/2017, Sunday. 1. Custard oatmeal with dried fruits, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, pilaf with mushrooms, wine and compote.
3. Buckwheat with lecho, tea with honey.

4th week of Lent in 2017

03/20/2017, Monday. 1. Bean porridge, fruit, coffee.
2. Vegetable soup, lean pilaf, nuts, orange juice.
3. Stewed cabbage, tea.
03/21/2017, Tuesday. 1. Pearl barley porridge, coffee.
2. Lentil soup, pea puree with pickles, compote.
3. potatoes with garlic and mushroom caviar, tea

03/22/2017, Wednesday. 1. Lenten cabbage rolls, coffee
2. Mushroom pickle, cauliflower casserole, pineapple juice.
3. Nuts, fruits, tea

03/23/2017, Thursday. 1. Brewed rice, coffee.
2. Bean soup, rice with mushroom sauce, lingonberry juice.
3. Mashed potatoes with zucchini, tea.

03/24/2017 Friday. 1. Oatmeal, coffee
2. Pea soup, baked vegetables, compote.
3. Pumpkin salad with honey,

03/25/2017 Saturday. 1. Custard buckwheat, coffee.
2. Cabbage soup on sauerkraut, squid baked with carrots and onions, compote
3. Potato cutlets, tea.

03/26/2017 Sunday. 1. Apples baked with honey, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, fried potatoes with boiled fish, fruit drink
3. Barley with tomatoes, nuts, or.

5th week of fasting, menu

03/27/2017, Monday. 1. Vinaigrette, coffee.
2. Lentil soup, pasta with mushroom sauce, squash caviar, compote.
3. Boiled potatoes with sauerkraut, tea.

03/28/2017, Tuesday. 1. Oatmeal, coffee.
2. Vermicelli soup with mushrooms, boiled fish with rice, berry jelly.
3. beets with prunes and tea.

03/29/2017, Wednesday. 1. Barley, coffee
2. Lean shea, vegetables, compote.
3. Apples baked with honey, tea.

03/30/2017, Thursday. 1. Stewed cabbage with carrots and herbs, coffee.
2. pea soup, baked vegetables, fried fish in lemon sauce, compote.
Dinner – sweet rice with fruit, tea
03/31/2017, Friday. 1. Oatmeal with jam, tea
2. Lenten borscht, boiled potatoes with herring and onions, rosehip jelly.
3.Vermicelli with mushroom caviar, tea

04/01/2017, Saturday. 1. Seafood, tea
2. Lenten solyanka, wine, raspberry juice.
3. Buckwheat with canned eggplant appetizer, tea

04/02/2017, Sunday. 1. Porridge with pumpkin, coffee
2. Cabbage soup with sour sauerkraut, boiled fish and chips, wine, coffee
Dinner – baked vegetables, tea

6th week of fasting 2017

04/03/2017, Monday. 1. Oatmeal with berries, coffee
2. Light soup with peas and corn, tomatoes with garlic and nuts, vermicelli, compote
3. Buckwheat with mushroom sauce, tea

04/04/2017, Tuesday. 1. lean vegetable pizza, with spicy tomato sauce, coffee
2. Lenten borscht, boiled squid, rice, juice
3. zucchini with boiled potatoes, tea

04/05/2017, Wednesday. 1. Semolina, coffee
2. Potato soup, raw vegetables, tea
3. Carrot cutlets with garlic and onions, tea

04/06/2017, Thursday. 1.beet cutlets, coffee
2. Lunch – lean cabbage soup, herring with vinaigrette, compote
3. Baked peppers stuffed with carrots and garlic, tea

04/07/2017, Friday. 1. Seafood, coffee
2. Vegetable soup, fried fish, rice, compote.
3. Beans baked with carrots and onions, tea

04/08/2017, Saturday. 1. Custard oatmeal with berries, coffee.
2. Buckwheat soup, boiled fish and potatoes, mushroom caviar, wine, compote
3. Sauteed eggplant with rice, tea

04/09/2017, Sunday. 1. Barley porridge, coffee
2. Mushroom puree soup, baked vegetables, boiled fish, wine, juice.
3. Roast mushrooms with potatoes, tea

The last, Holy Week of Lent, coming in 2017

04/10/2017, Monday, fasting day, bread and water.
04/11/2017, Tuesday. 1. Rice, coffee.
2. Cabbage cutlets, juice.
3. Baked apple, tea.

04/12/2017, Wednesday, 1. Fresh vegetables, coffee.
2. Cabbage salad with carrots and apples, coffee.
3. Fruits.

04/13/2017, Thursday. 1. Corn, tea
2. Cabbage soup green peas, vinaigrette, herring, compote
3. Korean baked squid with carrots. Tea.
We bake Easter eggs and paint them!

Look - simple and tasty.

04/14/2017, Friday. Hungry day, herbal tea, water, bread are allowed.

04/15/2017, Saturday – we don’t eat until the first star.
We have provided you with a sample menu for Lent in 2017, and you see for yourself, you can replace some products with similar ones, the main thing is to follow the rules for every day. And don’t forget to do good deeds, help the poor, show love to your neighbors, attend worship services and pray for everyone. And give the money you save on food to the poor.
April 16, 2017 - Great Easter, congratulations to everyone, you have endured fasting, cleansed your soul and body before the Lord, and you can safely break your fast!

Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ on April 28 in 2019. The holiday is preceded by Lent, which in 2018 begins on March 11 and will last seven weeks.

Lent is the strictest and longest of all four multi-day fasts established Orthodox Church. Therefore, it can be difficult to start fasting without any preparation, and it won’t harm your health for long if you don’t know how to eat properly.

The main goal of fasting is to achieve internal qualitative changes, as well as the desire of a Christian to follow the feat of Jesus Christ, who fasted for 40 days in the desert.

Compliance with fasting today is a voluntary act and is deeply individual character. In post free time you need to devote yourself to prayers, subdue your desires for food, excluding any excesses and idleness, and strive for a more secluded lifestyle.

For seven weeks you will have to give up meat, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other animal products. At the same time, food intake per day is limited.

Lenten menu

Fasting is primarily abstinence from rich food, and not exhaustion of the body, therefore Lenten menu should be varied and rich in vitamins.

The Lenten menu can be quite varied - during Lent you can prepare various porridges, lean pilafs, pasta, soups, cutlets, salads and so on.

Porridges - corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, barley, peas, beans, pearl barley and others - can be cooked in water. For example, rice porridge You can diversify by adding pumpkin, mushrooms, raisins, dried fruits or jam.

You can and should eat any vegetables - at your service all types of cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, green beans and others that exist in nature.

It is important to eat plenty of bell peppers and fresh herbs during this period, as they are rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain health.

You can also eat any fruit that is available this season - apples, pears, bananas, oranges, and so on. You can eat jams, dried fruits, pickles, honey, nuts and spices.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili


According to church canons, you need to create a menu for Lenten cuisine according to the following principles - dry eating in the first and last (Holy) weeks of Lent, as well as on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

These days it is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, that is, eating exclusively raw, thermally unprocessed food and lean bread. On this day it is not even recommended to drink tea or compote.

If desired, you can prepare vegetable or fruit salads; the latter can be seasoned with honey.

Salad "Exotic"

Place the shredded cabbage in a bowl, lightly sprinkle with salt and rub with your hands so that the cabbage softens and releases juice. The juice should be drained. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage. Finely chop an onion, a couple of cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of celery. Cut into cubes fresh cucumber, apple or orange. Pour lemon juice, salt, pepper and mix all ingredients. This unusual and spicy salad will energize you for the whole day.

Days without oil

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can eat hot food of plant origin without oil. These days you can treat yourself various cereals and soups, and you can also eat jams, pickles, herbs, and so on.

Bean soup with pasta

Boil red beans, add some pasta, finely chopped onion, garlic and a bunch of cilantro, spices to the pan and cook until tender. Then add salt and the soup is ready.

You can expand your menu these days by adding baked potatoes and other vegetables. You can also prepare lean spaghetti - boil the pasta in salted water and season it tomato paste. These days you can drink tea and compotes.

The second dishes on the menu during Lent can also be mushroom, potato, cabbage, and carrot lean cutlets, in which eggs as a fixative can easily be replaced with semolina. On days when oil consumption is prohibited, the cutlets can be steamed.

With butter

On Saturday and Sunday (except for the last Saturday of Lent) food with the addition of vegetable oil is allowed. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and cook various dishes- soups, salads, lean cutlets and pilaf, and so on.

Mushroom soup

Fry finely chopped onion and garlic in a saucepan and pour boiling water over the frying. As soon as the water boils, you need to pour a handful of rice into the pan, and after 10 minutes, put the mushrooms in the pan and cook a little. Then add a few cauliflower or broccoli florets, grated carrots and bell pepper(preferably red), chopped cilantro, dill and cook the soup until tender. Then add salt and start lunch.

Salad "Markitanka"

Boil potatoes and cut into cubes. Add shredded sauerkraut(preferably red), a can of canned corn, chopped green onions, parsley, cilantro, dill, celery, vegetable oil, lemon juice and mix everything well.

Fish day

During Lent, fish is allowed to be eaten only twice - on the Annunciation (April 7) and on Palm Sunday, which in 2017 falls on April 9. These days, fish can be eaten both boiled and fried, and if you are a fan Japanese cuisine- you can treat yourself to sushi.


Place a whole onion and chopped carrots in boiling salted water. Cook for five minutes over medium heat. Add potatoes and cook until tender. Very carefully, one piece at a time, add the fish (both red and white will do), without stirring, so as not to crumble. Bring to a boil over low heat, add bay leaf, allspice and finely chopped fresh herbs, and remove - the fish will be ready.

Fish baked in foil

You can bake any fish in foil - river, sea, both in pieces and whole (if it is small in size).

Cut the fish into pieces or leave it whole, place on foil, pepper and salt. Greens, preferably oregano or tarragon, can be placed in the belly of the fish, on its carcass or pieces. Then sprinkle with lemon juice, or cover with lemon slices, seal the edges of the foil and bake until done.


Of course, the main meaning of fasting is spiritual cleansing and rejection not only of certain foods, but also of harmful passions, evil words and deeds, bad mood and irritability. But I want variety even during Lent.

To the delight of many fasting sweet tooths, recent years produce many Lenten sweets. You can also eat dark chocolate, nuts, fruit and berry preserves, jams, dried fruits, halva, natural marmalade, biscuits, and so on. The main thing is that desserts do not contain milk or its derivatives or animal fats.

Various delicacies can be prepared at home. For example, you can cook dessert salad.

Cut any fruits - apples, pears, oranges, add raisins, chopped nuts and dried apricots, and season the salad with liquid honey.

For cooking lemon ginger cookies you will need: 100 grams of wheat flour; 100 grams of water; 40 grams of olive oil; 30 grams fresh ginger; one lemon; one full tbsp honey; one tsp baking powder for dough.

Remove seeds and skin from the lemon and grind the pulp in a blender. Grate the ginger on a fine grater, mix honey with warm water(a little to dissolve). Mix 100 ml of water, sifted flour, diluted honey, baking powder, olive oil, ginger and lemon - the dough should turn out thick, its thickness can be adjusted by the amount of water, or by additionally adding flour if the dough turns out watery.

Cover the kneaded dough and leave it for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. Heat the oven to 150 degrees, line a baking sheet with foil, make cookies of the desired shape from the dough and bake for 15 minutes.

The material was prepared based on open sources



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