Constant desire to take a deep breath. Constantly want to take a deep breath or yawn reasons

When we breathe easily, we don’t even notice this process. This is normal, since breathing is a reflex act that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Nature intended it this way for a reason. Thanks to this, we can breathe even in an unconscious state. This ability in some cases saves our lives. But if even the slightest difficulty appears with breathing, we feel it immediately. Why does constant yawning and shortness of breath occur, and what to do about it? This is what the doctors told us.

Dangerous symptoms

Sometimes difficulty breathing occurs for physiological reasons, which are quite easily remedied. But if you constantly feel like yawning and taking deep breaths, this could be a symptom of a serious illness. It’s even worse when, against this background, shortness of breath (dyspnea) often occurs, appearing even with minimal physical exertion. This is already a reason to worry and see a doctor.

You should go to the hospital immediately if difficulty breathing is accompanied by:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • changes in skin color;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • severe coughing attacks;
  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling and cramps of the limbs;
  • feeling of fear and internal tension.

These symptoms usually clearly indicate pathologies in the body, which need to be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

Causes of lack of air

All the reasons why a person may go to the doctor with the complaint: “I can’t breathe fully and I’m constantly yawning” can be roughly divided into psychological, physiological and pathological. Conditionally - because everything in our body is closely interconnected, and the failure of one system entails disruption of the normal functioning of other organs.

Thus, prolonged stress, which is attributed to psychological reasons, can provoke hormonal imbalance and cardiovascular problems.


The most harmless are physiological reasons that can cause difficulty breathing:

It is difficult to breathe in the heat, especially if you are severely dehydrated. The blood becomes thicker, and it is harder for the heart to push it through the vessels. As a result, the body does not receive enough oxygen. The person begins to yawn and try to breathe deeper.


Shortness of breath, yawning and a regularly felt lack of air can cause serious illnesses. Moreover, often these signs are the first symptoms that allow diagnosing the disease at an early stage.

Therefore, if you constantly have difficulty breathing, be sure to go to the doctor. The most common possible diagnoses are:

As you can see, most diseases are not just serious - they pose a threat to the patient’s life. Therefore, if you often feel short of breath, then it is better not to delay your visit to the doctor.


And again, we cannot help but recall stress, which is one of the main causes of the development of many diseases today.

Yawning under stress is an unconditioned reflex inherent in us by nature. If you observe animals, you will notice that when they are nervous, they yawn constantly. And in this sense, we are no different from them.

When stressed, a spasm of the capillaries occurs, and the heart begins to beat faster due to the release of adrenaline. Because of this, blood pressure increases. In this case, taking a deep breath and yawning perform a compensatory function and protect the brain from destruction.

When you are very frightened, there is often a muscle spasm, which makes it impossible to take a full breath. It’s not for nothing that the expression “takes your breath away” exists.

What to do

If you find yourself in a situation where frequent yawning and shortness of breath occur, do not try to panic - this will only make the problem worse. The first thing to do is to provide an additional flow of oxygen: open a window or vent, if possible, go outside.

Try to loosen as much as possible the clothing that prevents you from fully inhaling: take off your tie, unbutton your collar, corset or bra. To avoid dizziness, it is better to take a sitting or lying position. Now you need to take a very deep breath through your nose and an extended exhalation through your mouth.

After several such breaths, the condition usually improves noticeably. If this does not happen, and the dangerous symptoms listed above are added to the lack of air, call an ambulance immediately.

Before medical professionals arrive, do not take medications on your own if they are not prescribed by your doctor - they can distort the clinical picture and make it difficult to make a diagnosis.


Emergency doctors usually quickly determine the cause of sudden difficulty breathing and the need for hospitalization. If there are no serious concerns, and the attack is caused by physiological reasons or severe stress and does not recur, then you can sleep peacefully.

But if you suspect heart or lung disease, it is better to undergo an examination, which may include:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • computed tomogram.

What types of research are needed in your case will be determined by your doctor during your initial examination.

If lack of air and constant yawning are caused by stress, then you may need to consult a psychologist or neurologist, who will tell you how to relieve nervous tension or prescribe medications: sedatives or antidepressants.

Treatment and prevention

When a patient comes to the doctor with the complaint: “I can’t breathe fully, I’m yawning, what should I do?”, the doctor first of all collects a detailed medical history. This allows us to exclude physiological causes of oxygen deficiency.

In the case of overweight, treatment is obvious - the patient should be referred to a nutritionist. Without controlled weight loss, the problem cannot be solved.

If the examination results reveal acute or chronic diseases of the heart or respiratory tract, treatment is prescribed according to the protocol. This requires taking medications and possibly physiotherapeutic procedures.

A good prevention and even a method of treatment is breathing exercises. But in case of bronchopulmonary diseases, it can only be done with the permission of the attending physician. Incorrectly selected or performed exercises in this case can provoke a severe coughing attack and a deterioration in the general condition.

It is very important to keep yourself in good physical shape. Even with heart disease, there are special sets of exercises that help you recover faster and return to a normal lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is especially beneficial - it trains the heart and develops the lungs.

Active games in the fresh air (badminton, tennis, basketball, etc.), cycling, walking at a fast pace, swimming - will not only help get rid of shortness of breath and provide an additional flow of oxygen, but also tighten your muscles, making you slimmer. And then, even high in the mountains, you will feel great and enjoy the journey, and not suffer from constant shortness of breath and yawning.

Yawning represents a physiological reaction of the body, trying to make up for the lack of oxygen, which, with active and sufficiently deep inhalation, is forced into the bloodstream, thereby ensuring the saturation of brain tissue. The feeling of lack of air can have many reasons that contribute to its formation, and it is to get out of this state that the body reacts with the desire to yawn.

Links of the physiological chain

Regulation of maintaining a constant level of oxygen in the blood flow, and its stable content when the level of load on the body increases, is carried out by the following functional parameters:

  • The work of the respiratory muscles and the brain center for controlling the frequency and depth of inspiration;
  • Ensuring air flow, humidification and heating;
  • Alveolar ability to absorb oxygen molecules and diffuse it into the bloodstream;
  • The muscular readiness of the heart to pump blood, transporting it to all internal structures of the body;
  • Maintaining a sufficient balance of red blood cells, which are agents for the transfer of molecules to tissues;
  • Fluidity of blood flow;
  • The susceptibility of cellular level membranes to absorb oxygen;

The occurrence of constant yawning and lack of air indicates a current internal violation of any of the listed links in the chain of reactions, requiring timely implementation of therapeutic actions. The development of the symptom may be based on the presence of the following diseases.

Pathologies of the heart system and vascular network

A feeling of lack of air with the development of yawning can occur with any damage to the heart, especially affecting its pumping function. The appearance of a fleeting and quickly disappearing deficiency can occur during the development of a crisis condition against the background of hypertension, an attack of arrhythmia or neurocirculatory dystonia. In the most common cases, it is not accompanied by cough syndrome.

Heart failure

With regular disturbances of cardiac functionality, which results in the development of insufficient activity of the heart, a feeling of lack of air begins to arise naturally, and intensifies with increasing physical activity and manifests itself in the night interval of sleep in the form of cardiac asthma.

The lack of air is felt precisely during inhalation, forming wheezing in the lungs with the release of foamy sputum. To alleviate the condition, a forced position of the body is adopted. After taking nitroglycerin, all alarming signs disappear.


The formation of blood clots in the lumen of the vessels of the pulmonary arterial trunk leads to constant yawning and lack of air, being the initial sign of a pathological disorder. The mechanism of development of the disease includes the formation of blood clots in the venous network of vessels of the extremities, which break off and move with the blood flow to the pulmonary trunk, causing blockage of the arterial lumen. This leads to the formation of a pulmonary infarction.

The condition is life-threatening, accompanied by an intense lack of air, almost reminiscent of suffocation with the appearance of coughing and the discharge of sputum containing impurities of blood structures. In this condition, the coverings of the upper half of the torso acquire a shade of blue.


Pathology results in a decrease in the tone of the vascular network of the entire body, including the tissues of the lungs, brain, and heart. Against the background of this process, the functionality of the heart is disrupted, which does not provide the lungs with a sufficient amount of blood. The flow, in turn, with low oxygen saturation enters the tissues of the heart, without providing it with the necessary volume of nutrients.

The body's reaction is a voluntary attempt to increase the pressure of the blood flow by increasing the frequency of heartbeats. As a result of a closed pathological cycle, constant yawning appears during VSD. In this way, the autonomic sphere of the nervous network regulates the intensity of the respiratory function, providing oxygen replenishment and neutralizing hunger. This protective reaction avoids the development of ischemic damage in tissues.

Respiratory diseases

The appearance of yawning with a lack of inhaled air can be provoked by severe disturbances in the functionality of the respiratory structures. These include the following diseases:

  1. Asthma of the bronchial type.
  2. Tumor process in the lungs.
  3. Bronchiectasis.
  4. Infectious lesions of the bronchi.
  5. Pulmonary edema.

In addition, the formation of shortness of breath and yawning is influenced by rheumatism, low mobility and excess weight, as well as psychosomatic reasons. This spectrum of diseases with the presence of the symptom in question includes the most common and frequently detected pathological disorders.

Breathing is a natural physiological act that occurs constantly and to which most of us do not pay attention, because the body itself regulates the depth and frequency of breathing movements depending on the situation. The feeling of not having enough air is probably familiar to everyone. It may appear after a quick run, climbing stairs to a high floor, or with strong excitement, but a healthy body quickly copes with such shortness of breath, bringing breathing back to normal.

If short-term shortness of breath after exercise does not cause serious concern, quickly disappearing during rest, then long-term or suddenly occurring sudden difficulty breathing can signal a serious pathology, often requiring immediate treatment. Acute lack of air when the airways are blocked by a foreign body, pulmonary edema, or an asthmatic attack can cost life, so any respiratory disorder requires clarification of its cause and timely treatment.

Not only the respiratory system is involved in the process of breathing and providing tissues with oxygen, although its role, of course, is paramount. It is impossible to imagine breathing without the proper functioning of the muscular framework of the chest and diaphragm, the heart and blood vessels, and the brain. Breathing is influenced by blood composition, hormonal status, activity of the nerve centers of the brain and many external reasons - sports training, rich food, emotions.

The body successfully adapts to fluctuations in the concentration of gases in the blood and tissues, increasing the frequency of respiratory movements if necessary. When there is a lack of oxygen or an increased need for it, breathing becomes more frequent. Acidosis, which accompanies a number of infectious diseases, fever, and tumors, provokes increased breathing to remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood and normalize its composition. These mechanisms turn on themselves, without our will or effort, but in some cases they become pathological.

Any respiratory disorder, even if its cause seems obvious and harmless, requires examination and a differentiated approach to treatment, therefore, if you feel that there is not enough air, it is better to immediately go to a doctor - a general practitioner, cardiologist, neurologist, or psychotherapist.

Causes and types of breathing problems

When a person has difficulty breathing and lacks air, they speak of shortness of breath. This symptom is considered an adaptive act in response to an existing pathology or reflects the natural physiological process of adaptation to changing external conditions. In some cases, it becomes difficult to breathe, but the unpleasant feeling of lack of air does not arise, since hypoxia is eliminated by an increased frequency of respiratory movements - in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, working in breathing apparatus, or a sharp rise to altitude.

Dyspnea can be inspiratory or expiratory. In the first case, there is not enough air when inhaling, in the second - when exhaling, but a mixed type is also possible, when it is difficult to both inhale and exhale.

Shortness of breath does not always accompany illness; it can be physiological, and this is a completely natural condition. The causes of physiological shortness of breath are:

  • Physical activity;
  • Excitement, strong emotional experiences;
  • Being in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room, in the highlands.

Physiological increased breathing occurs reflexively and goes away after a short time. People in poor physical shape who have a sedentary “office” job suffer from shortness of breath in response to physical effort more often than those who regularly visit the gym, pool, or simply take daily walks. As general physical development improves, shortness of breath occurs less frequently.

Pathological shortness of breath can develop acutely or be a constant concern, even at rest, significantly worsening with the slightest physical effort. A person suffocates when the airways are quickly closed by a foreign body, swelling of the laryngeal tissues, lungs and other serious conditions. When breathing in this case, the body does not receive the required even minimum amount of oxygen, and other severe disturbances are added to shortness of breath.

The main pathological reasons why it is difficult to breathe are:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system - pulmonary shortness of breath;
  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels - cardiac shortness of breath;
  • Disorders of the nervous regulation of the act of breathing - central type shortness of breath;
  • Violation of the blood gas composition - hematogenous shortness of breath.

Heart reasons

Heart disease is one of the most common reasons why it becomes difficult to breathe. The patient complains that he does not have enough air and notes the appearance of swelling in the legs, fatigue, etc. Typically, patients whose breathing is impaired due to changes in the heart are already examined and even take appropriate medications, but shortness of breath can not only persist, but in some cases it gets worse.

With heart pathology, there is not enough air when inhaling, that is, inspiratory shortness of breath. It accompanies, can persist even at rest in its severe stages, and is aggravated at night when the patient is lying down.

The most common reasons:

  1. Arrhythmias;
  2. and myocardial dystrophy;
  3. Defects - congenital ones lead to shortness of breath in childhood and even the neonatal period;
  4. Inflammatory processes in the myocardium, pericarditis;
  5. Heart failure.

The occurrence of breathing difficulties in cardiac pathology is most often associated with the progression of heart failure, in which either there is no adequate cardiac output and the tissues suffer from hypoxia, or congestion occurs in the lungs due to failure of the left ventricular myocardium ().

In addition to shortness of breath, often combined with dry, painful pain, in persons with cardiac pathology, other characteristic complaints arise that make diagnosis somewhat easier - pain in the heart area, “evening” swelling, cyanosis of the skin, interruptions in the heart. It becomes more difficult to breathe in a lying position, so most patients even sleep half-sitting, thus reducing the flow of venous blood from the legs to the heart and the manifestations of shortness of breath.

symptoms of heart failure

During an attack of cardiac asthma, which can quickly turn into alveolar pulmonary edema, the patient literally suffocates - the respiratory rate exceeds 20 per minute, the face turns blue, the neck veins swell, and the sputum becomes foamy. Pulmonary edema requires emergency care.

Treatment of cardiac dyspnea depends on the underlying cause that caused it. An adult patient with heart failure is prescribed diuretics (furosemide, veroshpiron, diacarb), ACE inhibitors (lisinopril, enalapril, etc.), beta blockers and antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides, oxygen therapy.

Diuretics (diacarb) are indicated for children, and drugs of other groups are strictly dosed due to possible side effects and contraindications in childhood. Congenital defects in which a child begins to choke from the very first months of life may require urgent surgical correction and even heart transplantation.

Pulmonary causes

Pathology of the lungs is the second reason leading to difficulty breathing, and both difficulty in inhaling and exhaling is possible. Pulmonary pathology with respiratory failure is:

  • Chronic obstructive diseases - asthma, bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, pneumoconiosis, pulmonary emphysema;
  • Pneumo- and hydrothorax;
  • Tumors;
  • Foreign bodies of the respiratory tract;
  • in the branches of the pulmonary arteries.

Chronic inflammatory and sclerotic changes in the pulmonary parenchyma greatly contribute to respiratory failure. They are aggravated by smoking, poor environmental conditions, and recurrent infections of the respiratory system. Shortness of breath is initially disturbing during physical exertion, gradually becoming permanent as the disease progresses to a more severe and irreversible stage of its course.

With lung pathology, the gas composition of the blood is disrupted, and a lack of oxygen occurs, which, first of all, is lacking in the head and brain. Severe hypoxia provokes metabolic disorders in the nervous tissue and the development of encephalopathy.

Patients with bronchial asthma are well aware of how breathing is disrupted during an attack:
it becomes very difficult to exhale, discomfort and even pain in the chest appears, arrhythmia is possible, sputum is difficult to separate when coughing and is extremely scarce, the neck veins swell. Patients with such shortness of breath sit with their hands on their knees - this position reduces venous return and the load on the heart, alleviating the condition. Most often, it is difficult for such patients to breathe and lack air at night or in the early morning hours.

In a severe asthmatic attack, the patient suffocates, the skin becomes bluish, panic and some disorientation are possible, and status asthmaticus may be accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness.

In case of breathing problems due to chronic pulmonary pathology, the patient’s appearance changes: the chest becomes barrel-shaped, the spaces between the ribs increase, the neck veins are large and dilated, as well as the peripheral veins of the extremities. The expansion of the right half of the heart against the background of sclerotic processes in the lungs leads to its failure, and shortness of breath becomes mixed and more severe, that is, not only the lungs cannot cope with breathing, but the heart cannot provide adequate blood flow, filling the venous part of the systemic circulation with blood.

There is also not enough air in case pneumonia, pneumothorax, hemothorax. With inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma, it becomes not only difficult to breathe, the temperature also rises, there are obvious signs of intoxication on the face, and the cough is accompanied by sputum production.

An extremely serious cause of sudden respiratory failure is considered to be the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. This could be a piece of food or a small part of a toy that the baby accidentally inhales while playing. A victim with a foreign body begins to choke, turns blue, quickly loses consciousness, and cardiac arrest is possible if help does not arrive in time.

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary vessels can also lead to sudden and rapidly increasing shortness of breath and cough. It occurs more often in people suffering from pathology of the blood vessels of the legs, heart, and destructive processes in the pancreas. With thromboembolism, the condition can be extremely severe with increasing asphyxia, bluish skin, rapid cessation of breathing and heartbeat.

In children, shortness of breath is most often associated with a foreign body entering during play, pneumonia, or swelling of the laryngeal tissue. Croup- swelling with stenosis of the larynx, which can accompany a wide variety of inflammatory processes, ranging from banal laryngitis to diphtheria. If the mother notices that the baby is breathing frequently, turning pale or blue, showing obvious anxiety or breathing and stopping altogether, then you should immediately seek help. Severe breathing disorders in children are fraught with asphyxia and death.

In some cases, the cause of severe shortness of breath is allergy and Quincke's edema, which are also accompanied by stenosis of the lumen of the larynx. The cause may be a food allergen, a wasp sting, inhalation of plant pollen, or a drug. In these cases, both the child and the adult require emergency medical care to relieve the allergic reaction, and in case of asphyxia, tracheostomy and artificial ventilation may be required.

Treatment of pulmonary dyspnea should be differentiated. If the cause is a foreign body, then it must be removed as quickly as possible; in case of allergic edema, the child and adult are advised to administer antihistamines, glucocorticoid hormones, and adrenaline. In case of asphyxia, a tracheo- or conicotomy is performed.

For bronchial asthma, treatment is multi-stage, including beta-adrenergic agonists (salbutamol) in sprays, anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide), methylxanthines (aminophylline), glucocorticosteroids (triamcinolone, prednisolone).

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes require antibacterial and detoxification therapy, and compression of the lungs with pneumo- or hydrothorax, obstruction of the airways by a tumor is an indication for surgery (puncture of the pleural cavity, thoracotomy, removal of part of the lung, etc.).

Cerebral causes

In some cases, breathing difficulties are associated with damage to the brain, because the most important nerve centers that regulate the activity of the lungs, blood vessels, and heart are located there. Shortness of breath of this type is characteristic of structural damage to brain tissue - trauma, neoplasm, stroke, edema, encephalitis, etc.

Disorders of respiratory function in brain pathology are very diverse: it is possible to either slow down or increase breathing, and the appearance of different types of pathological breathing. Many patients with severe brain pathology are on artificial ventilation because they simply cannot breathe on their own.

The toxic effect of microbial waste products and fever leads to an increase in hypoxia and acidification of the internal environment of the body, which causes shortness of breath - the patient breathes frequently and noisily. In this way, the body strives to quickly get rid of excess carbon dioxide and provide tissues with oxygen.

A relatively harmless cause of cerebral dyspnea can be considered functional disorders in the activity of the brain and peripheral nervous system - neurosis, hysteria. In these cases, shortness of breath is of a “nervous” nature, and in some cases this is noticeable to the naked eye, even to a non-specialist.

With intercostal neuralgia, the patient feels severe pain in half of the chest, which intensifies with movement and inhalation; especially impressionable patients may panic, breathe quickly and shallowly. With osteochondrosis, it is difficult to breathe, and constant pain in the spine can provoke chronic shortness of breath, which can be difficult to distinguish from difficulty breathing due to pulmonary or cardiac pathology.

Treatment of difficulty breathing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system includes physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, drug support in the form of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics.

Many expectant mothers complain that as their pregnancy progresses, it becomes more difficult for them to breathe. This sign may be quite normal, because the growing uterus and fetus raise the diaphragm and reduce the expansion of the lungs, hormonal changes and the formation of the placenta contribute to an increase in the number of respiratory movements to provide the tissues of both organisms with oxygen.

However, during pregnancy, breathing should be carefully assessed so as not to miss a serious pathology behind its seemingly natural increase, which could be anemia, thromboembolic syndrome, progression of heart failure due to a defect in the woman, etc.

One of the most dangerous reasons why a woman may begin to choke during pregnancy is pulmonary embolism. This condition is life-threatening and is accompanied by a sharp increase in breathing, which becomes noisy and ineffective. Asphyxia and death without emergency assistance are possible.

Thus, having considered only the most common causes of difficulty breathing, it becomes clear that this symptom can indicate dysfunction of almost all organs or systems of the body, and in some cases it can be difficult to identify the main pathogenic factor. Patients who have difficulty breathing require a thorough examination, and if the patient is suffocating, emergency qualified assistance is needed.

Any case of shortness of breath requires a trip to the doctor to find out its cause; self-medication in this case is unacceptable and can lead to very serious consequences. This is especially true for breathing problems in children, pregnant women and sudden attacks of shortness of breath in people of any age.

Video: what prevents you from breathing? Program “Live Healthy!”

It’s even worse when, against this background, shortness of breath (dyspnea) often occurs, appearing even with minimal physical exertion. This is already a reason to worry and see a doctor.

You should go to the hospital immediately if difficulty breathing is accompanied by:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • changes in skin color;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • severe coughing attacks;
  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling and cramps of the limbs;
  • feeling of fear and internal tension.

These symptoms usually clearly indicate pathologies in the body, which need to be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

Causes of lack of air

All the reasons why a person may go to the doctor with the complaint: “I can’t breathe fully and I’m constantly yawning” can be roughly divided into psychological, physiological and pathological. Conditionally - because everything in our body is closely interconnected, and the failure of one system entails disruption of the normal functioning of other organs.

Thus, prolonged stress, which is attributed to psychological reasons, can provoke hormonal imbalance and cardiovascular problems.


The most harmless are physiological reasons that can cause difficulty breathing:

  1. Lack of oxygen. It is strongly felt in the mountains, where the air is thin. So if you've recently changed your geographic location and are now significantly above sea level, it's normal to find it difficult to breathe at first. Well, ventilate the apartment more often.
  2. Stuffy room. Two factors play a role here: a lack of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide, especially if there are many people in the room.
  3. Tight clothes. Many people don’t even think about it, but in pursuit of beauty, sacrificing convenience, they deprive themselves of a significant portion of oxygen. Clothes that strongly compress the chest and diaphragm are especially dangerous: corsets, tight bras, tight bodysuits.
  4. Poor physical shape. Lack of air and shortness of breath at the slightest exertion are experienced by those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have spent a lot of time in bed due to illness.
  5. Overweight. It causes a whole bunch of problems, in which yawning and shortness of breath are not the most serious. But be careful - if you significantly exceed normal weight, heart pathologies quickly develop.

It is difficult to breathe in the heat, especially if you are severely dehydrated. The blood becomes thicker, and it is harder for the heart to push it through the vessels. As a result, the body does not receive enough oxygen. The person begins to yawn and try to breathe deeper.


Shortness of breath, yawning and a regularly felt lack of air can cause serious illnesses. Moreover, often these signs are the first symptoms that allow diagnosing the disease at an early stage.

Therefore, if you constantly have difficulty breathing, be sure to go to the doctor. The most common possible diagnoses are:

  • VSD – vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is the scourge of our time, and it is usually triggered by severe or chronic nervous overstrain. A person feels constant anxiety, fears, panic attacks develop, and fear of enclosed spaces arises. Difficulty breathing and yawning are warning signs of such attacks.
  • Anemia. Acute iron deficiency in the body. It is necessary to carry oxygen. When there is not enough of it, even with normal breathing it seems that there is not enough air. The person begins to constantly yawn and take deep breaths.
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis. All of them, in one way or another, lead to the fact that it becomes almost impossible to take a full breath.
  • Respiratory diseases, acute and chronic. Due to swelling and drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx, it becomes difficult to breathe. Often the nose and throat are clogged with mucus. When yawning, the larynx opens as much as possible, so when we have the flu and ARVI, we not only cough, but also yawn.
  • Heart diseases: ischemia, acute heart failure, cardiac asthma. They are difficult to diagnose early. Often shortness of breath, coupled with difficulty breathing and chest pain, is a sign of a heart attack. If this condition occurs suddenly, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.
  • Pulmonary thromboembolism. People suffering from thrombophlebitis are at serious risk. A detached blood clot can block the pulmonary artery and cause part of the lung to die. But at first it becomes difficult to breathe, there is constant yawning and a feeling of acute lack of air.

As you can see, most diseases are not just serious - they pose a threat to the patient’s life. Therefore, if you often feel short of breath, then it is better not to delay your visit to the doctor.


And again, we cannot help but recall stress, which is one of the main causes of the development of many diseases today.

Yawning under stress is an unconditioned reflex inherent in us by nature. If you observe animals, you will notice that when they are nervous, they yawn constantly. And in this sense, we are no different from them.

When stressed, a spasm of the capillaries occurs, and the heart begins to beat faster due to the release of adrenaline. Because of this, blood pressure increases. In this case, taking a deep breath and yawning perform a compensatory function and protect the brain from destruction.

When you are very frightened, there is often a muscle spasm, which makes it impossible to take a full breath. It’s not for nothing that the expression “takes your breath away” exists.

What to do

If you find yourself in a situation where frequent yawning and shortness of breath occur, do not try to panic - this will only worsen the problem. The first thing you need to do is to provide an additional flow of oxygen: open a window or vent, if possible, go outside.

Try to loosen as much as possible the clothing that prevents you from fully inhaling: take off your tie, unbutton your collar, corset or bra. To avoid dizziness, it is better to take a sitting or lying position. Now you need to take a very deep breath through your nose and an extended exhalation through your mouth.

After several such breaths, the condition usually improves noticeably. If this does not happen, and the dangerous symptoms listed above are added to the lack of air, call an ambulance immediately.

Before medical professionals arrive, do not take medications on your own if they are not prescribed by your doctor - they can distort the clinical picture and make it difficult to make a diagnosis.


Emergency doctors usually quickly determine the cause of sudden difficulty breathing and the need for hospitalization. If there are no serious concerns, and the attack is caused by physiological reasons or severe stress and does not recur, then you can sleep peacefully.

But if you suspect heart or lung disease, it is better to undergo an examination, which may include:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • computed tomogram.

What types of research are needed in your case will be determined by your doctor during your initial examination.

If lack of air and constant yawning are caused by stress, then you may need to consult a psychologist or neurologist, who will tell you how to relieve nervous tension or prescribe medications: sedatives or antidepressants.

Treatment and prevention

When a patient comes to the doctor with the complaint: “I can’t breathe fully, I’m yawning, what should I do?”, the doctor first of all collects a detailed medical history. This allows us to exclude physiological causes of oxygen deficiency.

In the case of overweight, treatment is obvious - the patient should be referred to a nutritionist. Without controlled weight loss, the problem cannot be solved.

If the examination results reveal acute or chronic diseases of the heart or respiratory tract, treatment is prescribed according to the protocol. This requires taking medications and possibly physiotherapeutic procedures.

A good prevention and even a method of treatment is breathing exercises. But in case of bronchopulmonary diseases, it can only be done with the permission of the attending physician. Incorrectly selected or performed exercises in this case can provoke a severe coughing attack and a deterioration in the general condition.

It is very important to keep yourself in good physical shape. Even with heart disease, there are special sets of exercises that help you recover faster and return to a normal lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is especially beneficial - it trains the heart and develops the lungs.

Active outdoor games (badminton, tennis, basketball, etc.), cycling, walking at a fast pace, swimming will not only help get rid of shortness of breath and provide an additional flow of oxygen, but will also tighten your muscles, making you slimmer. And then, even high in the mountains, you will feel great and enjoy the journey, and not suffer from constant shortness of breath and yawning.

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Doctor, for some reason I am constantly tormented by lucid dreams.

This is not for me. Go out the door, along the corridor to the left and into the next dream.

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Any use of site materials is permitted only with the consent of the portal editors and by installing an active link to the source.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

I always want to take a deep breath

noticed deterioration under stress, anxiety

I recently had the same exacerbation as yours

This state infuriated me

I'm like a fish out of water

I seem to be inhaling air, but in the area of ​​the heart and chest, as if something is missing

I thought I was the only one!

What did you treat with - nothing

somehow it went away on its own, sometimes I could drink valerian, motherwort, everything

Well, I also started drinking Novopassit. I hope it improves in a couple of days. Yes, that’s the rub, now I’m not worried at all (I think so). Although it turns out that I’m worried

In general, you are not the only one!

It’s not always the consequences of stress and sedatives don’t always help, don’t write something you don’t know! Just because it helped you doesn't mean it will help everyone

I have the right to write what I think is necessary, and your opinion does not interest me at all!

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It is difficult to take a full breath - what could this mean?

When it is difficult to take a full breath, a suspicion of lung pathology first arises. But such a symptom may indicate a complicated course of osteochondrosis. Therefore, if you have breathing problems, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of difficulty breathing in osteochondrosis

Shortness of breath and the inability to take a full breath are characteristic signs of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis. Pathology in the spine occurs for various reasons. But most often the development of degenerative processes is provoked by: a sedentary lifestyle, performing work associated with increased stress on the back, and poor posture. The impact of these factors over many years has a negative impact on the condition of the intervertebral discs: they become less elastic and durable (the vertebrae shift towards the paravertebral structures).

If osteochondrosis progresses, bone tissue is involved in destructive processes (osteophytes appear on the vertebrae), muscles and ligaments. Over time, a protrusion or herniation of the disc forms. When the pathology is localized in the cervical spine, the nerve roots and the vertebral artery are compressed (through which blood and oxygen flow to the brain): pain in the neck, a feeling of lack of air, and tachycardia appear.

When intervertebral discs are destroyed and vertebrae are displaced in the thoracic spine, the structure of the chest changes, the phrenic nerve is irritated, and the roots that are responsible for the innervation of the organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are pinched. The external manifestation of such processes is pain, which intensifies when trying to take a deep breath, and disruption of the functioning of the lungs and heart.

Features of the manifestation of osteochondrosis

The clinical manifestations of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis are different. In the first stages of development, it can be asymptomatic. Shortness of breath and chest pain when breathing deeply occur as the disease progresses. Shortness of breath can be bothersome both during the day and at night. During sleep, it is accompanied by snoring. The patient's sleep becomes interrupted, as a result of which he wakes up tired and overwhelmed.

In addition to respiratory disorders, with osteochondrosis the following appear:

  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • stiffness in hand movements;
  • headaches (most often in the occipital region);
  • numbness, stiffness of the neck;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • tremor of the upper extremities;
  • blueness of fingertips.

Often, such signs of osteochondrosis are perceived as a pathology of the lungs or heart. However, true disturbances in the functioning of these systems can be distinguished from spinal disease by the presence of other symptoms.

It’s difficult to understand on your own why you can’t take a deep breath. But at home you can do the following:

  • take a sitting position, hold your breath for 40 seconds;
  • try to blow out the candle at a distance of 80 cm.

If the tests fail, this indicates a problem with the respiratory system. To make an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor.

Breathing problems: diagnosis, treatment

Only a doctor can find out why it is difficult to take a full breath after the patient has undergone a comprehensive examination. It includes:

Examination of the chest organs. Prescribed:

Diagnosis of the spine. It includes:

  • radiography;
  • contrasting discography;
  • myelography;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

If during the examination no serious pathologies of the internal organs were revealed, but signs of osteochondrosis were found, the spine needs to be treated. Therapy should be comprehensive and include drug and non-drug treatment.

During drug therapy the following is prescribed:

Painkillers and vasodilators. The principle of their operation:

  • accelerate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and tissues of the affected part of the spine;
  • reduce vascular spasms and pain;
  • improve metabolism.

Chondroprotectors are taken in order to:

  • restore the elasticity of intervertebral discs;
  • prevent further destruction of cartilage tissue.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Effect of use:

  • pain decreases;
  • inflammation and swelling of tissues at the site of compression of blood vessels and spinal cord roots disappears;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • restore motor function of the spine.

Additionally, vitamins are prescribed. In difficult situations, it is recommended to wear a Shants collar: it supports the neck, thereby reducing pressure on the roots and blood vessels (the feeling of lack of air does not occur so often).

An integral part of complex treatment of the spine is the use of auxiliary treatment procedures. The main goals of such therapy:

  • reduce the severity of pain;
  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • eliminate breathing problems;
  • stimulate metabolic processes in affected tissues;
  • prevent exacerbation of pain.

Non-drug treatment of osteochondrosis includes:

  • acupuncture – improves blood flow, blocks pathological impulses of the peripheral nervous system;
  • electrophoresis - relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, has a calming effect;
  • magnetotherapy. It helps improve cerebral circulation, saturate the myocardium with oxygen (the activity of the chest organs is normalized, shortness of breath disappears);
  • Exercise therapy and breathing exercises. The effect of the exercises: the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are strengthened;
  • massage – accelerates the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and chest organs, relaxes muscles, and normalizes metabolism.

Constant lack of air with osteochondrosis can lead to the development of bronchial asthma and inflammation of the heart muscle. In severe cases, pathology of the cervical or thoracic spine causes complete loss of respiratory functions, disability and even death. Therefore, after confirming the diagnosis, you must immediately begin taking therapeutic measures.

If treatment recommendations are followed, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. Exceptions are made in cases of delayed consultation with a doctor: when a prolonged lack of air has led to irreversible changes in the tissues of the brain.

To prevent the occurrence of shortness of breath in osteochondrosis and exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended:

  1. Exercise regularly.
  2. Be in the fresh air as often as possible: this will reduce the likelihood of hypoxia.
  3. Eat right.
  4. Quit smoking and minimize alcohol consumption.
  5. Watch your posture.
  6. Running, swimming, roller skating and skiing.
  7. Do inhalations with essential oils and citrus fruits (if you are not allergic to fruits).
  8. Have a full rest.
  9. Change the soft bed to an orthopedic one.
  10. Avoid excessive stress on the spine.
  11. Strengthen the immune system with folk remedies or medications (as recommended by a doctor).

Lack of air, shortness of breath, pain when taking a deep breath - may be signs of heart and respiratory diseases or a manifestation of complicated osteochondrosis. To prevent health and life-threatening consequences, you must consult a doctor: he will identify the cause of the respiratory system dysfunction and select the correct treatment.

  • Types of osteochondrosis
    • Cervical
    • Chest
    • Lumbar
  • About the disease
    • Symptoms
      • cervical
      • breast
      • lumbar
    • Reasons
    • Development
    • Prevention
    • Exacerbation
  • Treatment
    • Drug treatment
    • Injections
    • Pills
    • Massage
    • Manual therapy
    • Exercises
    • Medicines
  • Advice for those who are sick
    • How to live with osteochondrosis
    • Nature of pain
    • Quick Pain Relief Methods
    • Symptoms, syndromes and complications

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Consulting: Natalia Aleksandrovna Stankevich

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

You really did a lot, visited different specialists. Let's try to look for the possible psychological roots of YOUR illness.

I haven't worked for 4 years now.

I am dating a man, or rather we live together, but we are not committed.

I don’t have children yet, but I really want to

I don’t want anything at all, I completely lost myself in my illness.

Why do I sigh so often, all people are calm, but every minute I sigh, eat, but I don’t have enough air, my breathing becomes unsteady, I brush my teeth, I want to breathe again and I can’t, and this also causes pain in my chest.

What do you think about when it starts? Can your thoughts and moods provoke it?

It all started a year ago, a friend had a birthday, alcohol, dancing, noisy company, etc., the next day her condition was naturally unimportant,

Berlin (Germany)

then a feeling of discomfort, doubt, confusion arises, and as a result, fear arises out of nowhere.

Feeling of doubt - what do you doubt?

Fear - what are you afraid of?

My husband is a very strong person, he has no fears at all

Sometimes I’m even ashamed to tell him that I’m having an attack, I have to remain silent and cope alone.

Of course, he knows about my condition, that I have VSD, and that I can handle it on my own.

Berlin (Germany)

something needs to be done, but I don’t want it, but I have to do it because I have to

I remember loved ones who are far away, whom I miss very much

Previously, I could cheer myself up with a simple shopping trip or meeting with friends,

he told me that they live with more serious illnesses and laughed

Once we had a fight and I was left at home alone, and he went to the dacha. In the evening I became scared to be alone and I went to see him, halfway there I felt incredibly bad, tears were rolling down my face,

Are you dependent on your husband? I mean psychologically?

Of course he came, for some reason I immediately felt better,

What were you afraid of as a child?

Did you have a dad?

Berlin (Germany)

on the last day of departure I felt bad, shaking, dizziness, lack of air, etc. started again. I haven’t been around since the morning, I couldn’t even really say goodbye to my family

And earlier you described an episode about how you quarreled with your husband, he left and you felt bad.

Are you afraid of separation, Sasha?

I don’t want to cook or eat, I do it every day, my husband doesn’t like to go to restaurants, he only eats homemade everything,

Are you afraid that your husband will leave you?

Berlin (Germany)

what was your relationship with him?

Berlin (Germany)

he says this will never happen.

I'm really afraid of losing my husband

Isn’t it this fear that “chokes” you during your attacks?

Berlin (Germany)

And housework is a woman's responsibility,

but there should be cleanliness in the house, my mother taught me to cook from childhood, taught me to have order and cleanliness.

mmmm, somehow there are a lot of “musts”, “musts”, “musts”. What do you want? Yes, for the soul.

Berlin (Germany)

Do you think a lot?

sometimes I feel like I'm driving myself into a corner

what do you offer?

I want to be happy, loved.

Berlin (Germany)

The only thing I want now is to get rid of these constant sighs.

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

Do you think the reason could be in these experiences?

Perhaps I know the reason for my condition, this topic is very unpleasant for me, it is discussed only in the family circle. Two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, they came in too late, so the operation can no longer be done, they prescribed drug treatment, and they said everything is in God’s hands. It was a shock for me. .

No one can know the reason better than you yourself.

Symptoms of VSD - respiratory discomfort

Respiratory discomfort is a condition that is often described and felt by patients as shortness of breath, but in reality it is not.

Usually it is felt as dissatisfaction with inhalation, “as if it’s hard to inhale,” “you want to take a deep breath, but you can’t,” “from time to time you want and have to take a deep breath.” In fact, as paradoxical as it may sound, the body does not experience a lack of oxygen at this time, but everything is quite the opposite - there is a lot of oxygen.

This is the so-called hyperventilation syndrome, but an imbalance in the nervous system does not allow the respiratory center of the brain to adequately assess the situation.

It is generally accepted that the cause of respiratory discomfort is an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood. It must be said that in a healthy person, at times, exactly the same symptoms are possible, especially under stress, but in a patient with neurocirculatory dystonia, respiratory discomfort occurs regardless of any provoking factors.

In the treatment of attacks of rapid breathing during VSD, you can use a simple recommendation. Breathe into the bag, the air will become poor in oxygen, and accordingly, the excess oxygen in the blood will be immediately consumed by the body and the balance will be restored. Otherwise, the treatment retains the same principles as in the treatment of VSD: sedatives, tranquilizers and beta-blockers.

More articles on this topic:

1 Comment

Interesting opinion! I just have this! We need to remove the cause of the violations - everything will be restored!

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I often take deep breaths

Time zone: UTC + 2 hours [Summer Time]

Every 5 minutes I want to take a deep breath!

ZhF-dependent: 9 years 18 days

I read a book to my daughter before bed and constantly feel short of breath.

ZhF-dependent: 8 years 7 months 10 days

From: Zaporozhye, Right Bank

Family: game over

So much to do. I don’t have time to score everything.

ZhF-dependent: 9 years 18 days

I had this, I blamed it on allergies, I took pills, but they didn’t help, I have scoliosis since childhood, double curvature, I’ve been wanting to see a good chiropractor for a long time, and then the opportunity presented itself, so after the first session I stopped choking, he told me right away He said that the lungs and intestines work poorly, which is also true.

So if you may have a problem with this, I can give you the coordinates of this guy, he helped me a lot

ZhF-dependent: 8 years 7 months 24 days

A daughter is a compliment to a woman from God! So it's worth repeating! *C

ZhF-dependent: 9 years 18 days

An ambulance was called 2 times. Because I started to choke.

In general, it all ended, I was discharged, but literally a few days later I had another attack of suffocation. I bought myself a cylinder for asthmatics - so that I could provide first aid to myself if something happened. Sometimes I use it. Doctors say she is healthy. No allergies, no asthma. And the attacks are already tormented.

I’m even afraid to go out somewhere alone now.

My symptoms are as follows: my arms and legs suddenly become weak, tingling in my limbs, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, feeling of fear, panic - it seems as if I’m going to die and no one can help me. Most often this happens on the street, not at home.

I read it on the Internet and diagnosed myself with a panic attack.

This is associated with dystonia.

I don’t know how to deal with this. And how to continue to live with this - too.

ZhF-dependent: 9 years 4 months 2 days

From: Zaporizhzhya, BABURWOOD

The spine should be checked first! Pinching the vertebrae of the thoracic region gives such an effect, but my cervical vertebrae were pinched, so my fingers went numb, starting with my little fingers.

the heart can be there too, but it’s easier to dismiss the reason with the spine. a good and careful manual technician will help you. Just a “stroking” massage is unlikely.

ZhF-dependent: 9 years 18 days

ZhF-dependent: 7 years 4 months 26 days

ZhF-dependent: 8 years 7 months 5 days

ZhF-dependent: 7 years 2 months

Family: husband and daughter

For me it was related to nerves; doctors usually refer to vegetative-vascular dystonia. This means that you need to drink something calming (herbs, not antidepressants) + toughen up. I did that and everything went away. I also breathed using Strelnikova while walking - it relieves such attacks very well!

ZhF-dependent: 7 years 6 months 26 days

From: where the center of the universe is

Family: insieme per sempre

As long as there is life, there is happiness in it. And much, much happiness lies ahead. . L. Tolstoy. War and Peace.

ZhF-dependent: 7 years 11 months 16 days

Go to a neurologist. I delayed for a long time, and then before the New Year I went, it turned out that there was indeed a failure of the nervous system. He prescribed me a course of medications for 2 months plus injections. I'm being treated. It became easier. And breathe and generally LIVE. He also said that in case of attacks, you should immediately take an instant-action tablet - alprazolam. Well, if you’re in a public place and you can’t do anything. And I can’t find her anywhere. We don't have them in Kherson. 🙁

But in general, everything here is interconnected - the nerves and the vegetative-vascular system and the spine. We need to act comprehensively, then it will make sense. Good health to you.

Also, don’t forget to thank your doctors.

cardiologist4 21:26

cardiologist3 15:45

cardiologist5 23:21

I am a resident of eastern Ukraine - I came to the northern capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, for about a year now. During the first week of my stay I began to feel unwell (shortness of breath, noticeably rapid heartbeat when inhaling, heaviness in the heart area, fatigue in the muscles of the left forearm, muscles of the chest on the left side.), but my fellow countrymen told me that it’s okay - you’ll get used to it - then It will pass, I thought it was acclimatization. But as it turned out, it became more difficult (the SYMPTOMS INTENSIFIED AND FREQUENCY, THE OUTER PHALANGES ON THE HANDS AND LIPS BEGAN TO BE NUMBER. MORE THAN A MONTH PASSED), I forced myself to quit smoking and began to do Tibetan exercises, because for some reason I believed, according to my internal state , that this was all an erroneous diagnosis, and decided that maybe I had chondrosis somewhere on the spine or chest. After a while, the symptoms went away, the reason is unknown to me, either exercise, or time, or the weather. Or maybe he quit smoking. I was glad that I felt normal and nothing bothered me. But I was not happy for long. After a long day of work and heavy physical exertion, in the evening after eating, the symptoms appeared again, but much less pleasant and more aggravated. Later, the numbness in my hands developed into a cramp, I felt that something was wrong with the blood and gave an injection.

I started taking SUPRADIN vitamins. Two courses, seven to seven, did not change the specifics of the work - physical activity. Before bed, 80 grams of warm red wine. In the morning, a hearty breakfast after Tibetan exercises. Well, until this relapse has passed.

The previous evening I had a huge fight with my wife. I was very nervous and drank a lot of vodka, didn’t eat much, ate well and went to bed very drunk. I woke up with the usual hangover, mild.

First hour of work, symptoms: shortness of breath, SEVERE FATIGUE.

Later 30 minutes, symptoms: Severe shortness of breath, heaviness in the muscles, pressure on the temples and the heart area.

I took VALIDOL. Symptoms after another 30 minutes: I MOVE EASIER, I STOP - SYMPTOMS INCREASE.

I took time off from work, took NITROGLYCYRINE with me, came to the house, didn’t go in until it passed, moved with a light step, VALIDOL was still under the tongue, about half of it. Well, it seems like it was okay. I went home and brewed chamomile, St. John's wort, agave and Crimean thyme. I made a strong decoction and drank it. After about 30-40 minutes it became easier - I could be in a calm state, all the symptoms went away, only slight pressure remained on the temples and, with a sudden movement, the area of ​​the heart. I found peppermint and added it to the teapot, I only drink this, I’m afraid of taking other medications without the advice of a specialist!


I ask you to advise me on prevention or treatment based on these symptoms.

I will be very grateful for your attention. I am 32 years old, 63/172 AB(4) Rh+

cardiologist5 16:05

cardiologist0 18:23

cardiologist4 23:41

cardiologist9 08:53

Throughout my life (I’m now 54 years old), this also happened under stress, during experiences - one often intersects with the other. But for the last few months the problem has been constant. When it’s easier, and when it’s completely overwhelming. I compared it with the climate - when it’s very hot and dry it’s not at all suitable. As soon as you enter a room where the air conditioner is running and get under its stream, you can immediately take a deep breath. In my opinion, not a specialist, but only observation - several factors play a role here:

1. Hot weather, as a result, dry air, stuffiness.

2. Increased stress of a psychological nature.

3. Increased physical activity.

To relieve an attack, it is necessary, first of all, to take a comfortable semi-recumbent position; a sitting position helps, focusing on your hands behind you. Be sure to calm down and relax. Take sedatives: valerian, motherwort.

Access to fresh, moist air is required. You can try breathing through a damp handkerchief.

Actually, everything said is based on my own experience. Health to everyone.

cardiologist4 16:44

cardiologist3 21:54

cardiologist5 21:56

cardiologist2 21:25

cardiologist4 18:35

cardiologist3 15:33

It may be nervous, but it becomes scary for your heart. Hands are shaking, weakness, heaviness encircling the left side. Especially at night. I can even wake up because I forgot to take a breath.

What could it be and what can be taken in such conditions.

cardiologist5 10:42

Thanks for the quick response!

cardiologist8 22:21

cardiologist2 15:04

cardiologist7 10:49

cardiologist4 21:49

cardiologist0 23:54

cardiologist1 23:15

cardiologist6 21:52

cardiologist4 22:52

Complaints: periodic feeling of tightness in the chest, constant deep sighs, sniffing (inhaling) through the nose, general weakness.

There is a diagnosis of VSD, I would like to know if there are any more serious diseases together.

Here is the result of the echocardiography, everything seems to be in order? Maybe something else needs to be tested to completely rule out cardiovascular pathologies?

The child often takes deep breaths. What is this?

Today is the 5th day that my son periodically takes a deep breath, as if he can’t breathe... he does this about once every 10 minutes, and by the evening he begins to breathe so often, about 2-3 times a minute... on the second day of this behavior, they passed anplis- I thought maybe the hemoglobin had dropped, but everything was normal there... we went to a neurologist - he said he was overexcited from the holidays and it was like an obsessive movement or a nervous tic that only manifested itself like this... she prescribed a sedative for a month... we drink... so far there is no result... I also did a cardiogram everything is fine.

I’m so afraid for him, maybe someone’s children did this? What did they prescribe to you, what did the doctors say? How long did it last? Sometimes he starts playing and breathes normally, and sometimes every breath he takes is a deep breath that he takes exclusively through his mouth while raising his shoulders as if he had been working for 2 hours.

Don't worry! This happens to children.

So I told my husband to do an X-ray, but the neurologist listened to us and said it’s not an easy matter... I’ll probably do it

Well, for starters, I would go to different doctors. My husband does this, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it, but he’s already a healthy guy

Take him to a pulmonologist suddenly, like during asthma, he doesn’t have enough air. This is what my husband does sometimes with his inhaler

Oh, I would have done an x-ray and taken him to a pulmonologist, I somehow feel uneasy

Does he have tachycardia?

No, Lil's ECG shows a slight arrhythmia, but it's most likely out of fear)

Maybe give him a sedative. Maybe it's nervous.

Kirill, he’s 5 years old, what did you have?

Of course, at your age there shouldn’t be such “jokes” like you liked to do and therefore repeat it, but you never know, maybe he actually repeats it on purpose

Yes, we went to see Kostyulina... she seemed to listen to me and explain what was what...

So they told us stress, overexcitement.

health and let there be no stress.

How are you doing now? Has it passed? For your information, none of our 5 doctors heard wheezing, and an x-ray showed bronchitis in one, pneumonia in another and there was no particular cough. Well, they really didn’t sigh like that

It’s still rare, but it does this... we treat it according to a neurologist’s prescription.

How are you doing now? My son has been doing this for a month now.

Hello! We then went to a neurologist, he prescribed a sedative (homeopathy), + drink liquid magnesium 2 times a day, + follow a daily routine (go to bed on time, etc.) and remove all gadgets.

After 2 weeks... observing all this, he still did the same... I began to reprimand him to try to control myself and not sigh when I wanted... it didn’t help either... then I just stopped paying attention and somewhere after 3 weeks it went away, but we They did everything as the doctor said... they drank magnesium for a month for sure... This is one of a series of obsessive movements... like a tic... either he got overexcited or nervous... Get well!

I also think it's a tick. Thank you! Be healthy!

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Feeling of lack of air during VSD

A feeling of lack of air is one of the most common symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic disorder. VSD with respiratory syndrome can cause fear, but in itself does not lead to disability or death. In this article we will try to figure out why “I’m suffocating” or “I can’t take a full breath” - a common complaint of people with VSD, and we will also look at the cause of breathing problems.

Hyperventilation syndrome - what is it?

Hyperventilation syndrome is a form of autonomic disorder, the main symptom of which is difficulty breathing. Moreover, this disorder is in no way associated with diseases of the heart, bronchi and lungs

Literally, hyperventilation syndrome means excessive breathing. Today, shortness of breath syndrome is considered one of the most common symptoms of a disorder of the autonomic nervous system (other symptoms may be present at the same time).

Causes of hyperventilation with a feeling of lack of air

Breathing is a function in the human body that is controlled not only by the autonomic, but also by the somatic nervous system. In other words, a person’s emotional state directly depends on the functioning of the respiratory system and vice versa. Stress, depression, or simply temporary difficulties in life can lead to shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of oxygen.

Sometimes the cause of respiratory attacks that accompany VSD can be an unconscious tendency of people to imitate the signs of certain diseases (we are talking about suggestibility - symptoms, for example, “I can’t take a deep breath,” are picked up by a person after surfing the Internet and studying forums) and its further manifestation in everyday behavior (for example, coughing and shortness of breath).

There is also a seemingly unlikely reason for the development of breathing difficulties in adulthood: observation in childhood of people with shortness of breath (patients with bronchial asthma, etc.). Human memory is capable of “fixing” certain events and memories and reproducing them in the future, even years later. As a rule, for this reason, breathing difficulties are observed in artistic and impressionable people.

As you can see, in each of the described cases, the psychological component of the occurrence of breathing problems with NCD comes first. Those. Once again we see that we are talking about neurosis.

Breathing disorders due to VSD: mechanism of development

Being in a stressful situation, in a state of fear, overwork or anxiety, a person can unconsciously change the depth of breathing and its rhythm. Trying to provide the muscles with an additional flow of oxygen, a person, as if before a sports competition, tries to breathe faster. Breathing becomes frequent and shallow, but additional oxygen remains unclaimed. This leads to subsequent unpleasant and frightening sensations of lack of air in the lungs.

Moreover, the occurrence of such disorders leads to a state of constant anxiety and fear, which ultimately contributes to the appearance of panic attacks, which aggravate the course of the already “difficult” hyperventilation syndrome.

Changes in the blood. Improper breathing leads to changes in blood acidity: frequent shallow breaths lead to a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the body. A normal concentration of CO2 in the body is necessary to maintain the walls of blood vessels in a relaxed state. Lack of carbon dioxide leads to muscle tension, vasoconstriction - the brain and body begin to experience oxygen deficiency.

Cardiovascular disorders. Frequent shallow breathing leads to changes in the amount of minerals such as calcium and magnesium in the blood, which causes discomfort or pain in the heart, pressure in the chest, dizziness, trembling of the limbs, etc.

Symptoms of hyperventilation syndrome

The symptoms of breathing problems are varied, and in any given case, the breathing problem manifests itself in different ways. Breathing pathology can be accompanied by muscular and emotional disorders, and typical symptoms of hyperventilation syndrome are often “masked” as signs of heart, lung and thyroid diseases (angina pectoris, bronchitis, goiter, asthma).

Important! Breathing disorders with VSD are not at all associated with diseases of the internal organs and their systems! However, a direct connection between hyperventilation syndrome, nervous disorders and panic attacks has been traced and proven.

One way to reduce the feeling of lack of air during an attack of VSD is to breathe into a paper bag.

This purely psychological problem can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of lack of air, “incomplete” or “shallow” inspiration
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest
  • Yawning, cough
  • "Lump in throat", difficulty breathing
  • Pain in the heart
  • Numb fingers
  • Fear of stuffy and cramped spaces
  • Fear of death
  • Feelings of fear and anxiety, tension
  • Dry cough, wheezing, sore throat

Important! In the presence of asthma, patients find it difficult to breathe when exhaling, and with hyperventilation, problems arise when inhaling.

In people with VSD, symptoms of respiratory distress may be the main complaint, or they may be mild or even absent.

What are the dangers of breathing problems with VSD?

The feeling of lack of air during VSD and neuroses is an unpleasant symptom, but not so dangerous. And you need to treat an unpleasant symptom as a way by which the body tells you that it is difficult for it to cope with stress or overwork.

However, the difficulty of diagnosing this imbalance in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system can lead to a false diagnosis and, accordingly, to the prescription of incorrect (even dangerous!) treatment.

Timely assistance with hyperventilation syndrome is very important: otherwise, problems with cerebral circulation and the proper functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems may occur.

Also, a difficulty on the path to recovery can be a person’s reluctance to admit that he has hyperventilation syndrome: he stubbornly continues to “attribute” more serious health problems to himself. It is very difficult to get rid of breathing problems in such a situation.

Psychology for treating the feeling of lack of air during VSD

Providing a person with intelligible information about changes in the state of his body, teaching self-control during exacerbations, changing a person’s attitude towards his illness - these are just some aspects of psychotherapeutic treatment.

But the most important task in this case is to understand the cause and mechanism of development of the disease in order to eliminate the fear of its occurrence.

Shortness of breath with vegetative-vascular dystonia and other breathing difficulties should not be left without due attention, even if they cause minor discomfort and do not interfere with a full life. You can get acquainted with the features of psychological correction of the feeling of lack of air during VSD here.

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How healthy people react to a person with neurosis. A cautionary tale for relatives

How to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane

Headaches with VSD

I’m suffering a lot, I have no strength, it’s terrible. I can’t work, I have asthma attacks. I have two children, I'm tired of suffering so much

Alla, try contacting us, leave a request, we will try to help.

Please help me too, it’s very bad!

try to hold your breath and let the air out completely...

And I was tired, I suffered for 10 years... Try the technique of partial breaths.

For a minute, do not take a deep breath, but breathe incompletely and rarely!

In 2 minutes there will be a full, deep breath! Good luck!

I breathe through a tube with an internal diameter of 4-5 mm. After some time, the feeling of lack of air and pressure on the heart goes away. Try this remedy.

The same thing as on your site... I thought about cigarettes, quit - it doesn’t help...

Tell me what to do. Tired of breathing like this.

Hello, Alexey. If it doesn’t go away on its own, then you need to work with a psychotherapist who specializes in working with anxiety-phobic disorders. You can apply for an appointment with us, we will try to help you.

Hello! A couple of months. ago I began to take deep breaths often, every minute, or even more often. From this state I can no longer breathe completely, it really torments me, not life, but existence (I checked my heart (ultrasound and ECG) everything is normal, only there is an additional chord, although I have had OOO all my life. Shortness of breath and a dark streak appeared on both lips. I quit the bad habit, it still doesn’t help. I took an x-ray six months ago, only pleural adhesions. Can you help me?

I forgot to add that I have had a low-grade fever for 8 months now, in the evenings, every day, 37-37.2.

I drank various sedatives, to no avail. Obsessive thoughts about cancer...

Hello, Oksana. A little, let's say, non-standard symptoms for us. Therefore, we will be able to answer your question about the possibility of psychotherapy only after a detailed psychodiagnosis. Sorry.

Hello, Oksana, get tested for herpes type 6. And in general, go to an immunologist and get tested for anti-bodies, which ones he will tell you.

hello, for 3 days I have been suffering from a lack of air, I constantly take deep breaths, about every minute today there was a heaviness in my chest, as if something was pressing on my chest, it used to happen on its own, the doctors said that it was from nerves, I also think so, since I have a congenital neurosis, this is how I feel it happened a couple of times in my life, I’m now 25, I don’t smoke, I also have bad stools, I go to the toilet mostly 1-2 times a week, it seems to me that my stomach is bloated, although it was the same before and there was no shortage of air

Hello! About a year ago, maybe a little less, I was diagnosed with VSD (I went to the doctor about chest pain). For six months I didn’t even think about it and nothing really bothered me, but in the last two months I have developed symptoms such as difficulty breathing, the feeling that I can’t focus my eyes on anything (everything is blurry), it seems like I’m about to faint, fear death or fear that I was suffering from something serious, there were panic attacks (numbness of the limbs, increased heart rate, shortness of breath and slight dizziness). I don't know who to turn to for help. I can’t live a full life, I have some obsessive bad thoughts in my head all the time...

Hello, Ksenia. First, contact your primary care physician/family doctor to undergo standard examinations in such cases (for example, ECG and others). If everything is normal there, then the problem is of a neurotic and not an organic nature. And then welcome to us, we will try to help you.

Hello! Tortured with suffocation! Help! I have 10 attacks a day, and each time I say goodbye to life, it started after severe stress and problems, I didn’t sleep for half a year at all and sleeping pills didn’t help, then I ran to a neurologist because I started to choke when I inhaled, it was hard, it felt like something was squeezing in my throat and then belching, my surrounding attacks do not see, except for a strong heartbeat, numbness of the fingers, coldness of the hands or sweating, I constantly have a fear of suffocation, I start talking to someone and it immediately pops up in my brain that I will suffocate, I had an ECG done, went to the ENT, said the tonsillitis has worsened due to VSD, the cardiologist only has tachycardia and everyone is referred to VSD. Glycine and validol can relieve attacks. I still take vitamins. I don’t know what to do and how to get rid of this.

54 years old. the symptoms appeared the first year ago. all the same shortness of breath, heaviness behind the sternum, shortness of breath, sleepy state, I can’t concentrate on anything, panic, bad thoughts, difficulty falling asleep. Calms down by playing sports, intense cycling. As soon as the body breathes intensively, the symptoms all disappear, and so do the thoughts about illnesses. I feel great on vacation when all the problems remain at home + there is a lot of physical activity. But some time passes after the lesson and everything comes back again.

I am 54 g, about a month ago I began to feel a painful heaviness in the heart area and at the same time deep breathing

I don’t know why and why this happens, I assume it’s from anxiety and nervousness, so I take phenibut during this, although these symptoms do not go away from it

I did a cardiogram, there was a slight arrhythmia and low blood pressure - the doctor said: this happens...

Can anyone tell me what this is and why?!

Good evening, for two years now I have been suffering from something I don’t understand, most likely SVD.

It’s hard for me to breathe, I can’t take a deep breath. Spasm in the chest, as if receiving a strong blow. Heaviness. The feeling doesn't go away. Lump in throat. Almost constantly.

It especially intensifies (exacerbates) in the evening/at night. Any event causes symptoms. I became wildly afraid of closed spaces. I don’t take elevators. I don’t fly on airplanes. Previously, I couldn’t even go down to the subway. Acute symptoms immediately began. And most importantly, weakness, both physical and energetic. It's hard to concentrate.

I have learned to partially control them, but I cannot eradicate them... This has never happened before. No problems with anything or phobias. Everything came overnight...

I'm 24. And I struggle with it. But I'm running out of strength and morale. If it's important, I work on TV.

I believe that this can be removed. If you can help please.

Contact me, Ilya, we will help you overcome your claustrophobia.

I have the same situation ((((I’m already tired of this, it all started when I was 28, now I’m 33, I don’t have the strength anymore. I want to breathe calmly like before.

Hello. It started for me too at one point. I work part-time as a taxi driver. I didn’t sleep for days (mortgage, desire to make money, etc.) And then one fine day, turning with a client onto one of the streets, I felt very dizzy. I got scared and went out to catch my breath, but I got there normally, although my hands were shaking. Now (for several years) I have been suffering from various symptoms. Either some kind of lightness in the head, or shortness of breath, or discomfort in the frontal area of ​​the head. I can’t imagine what it’s connected with. I haven’t gone to the doctors yet. It’s scary.. I want to live))))

Hello. I often have this feeling of dust in my nose and it’s hard to breathe. I can’t understand why. I saw an allergist and everything was fine.

Hello) I have a constant feeling of fear, it’s as if someone is holding my heart in a fist, I can’t take a deep breath, I can’t make a lump in my throat, and it feels like at such a moment I can’t say anything, it just started, and new sensations have appeared that in He gives away the shoulder blade and shows the heart, it started in March of this year, I’m already tired, I had an ECG done in July, everything is fine, help. I’m afraid of dying from a heart attack, what if I’m sick.

I was afraid to stay at home alone, to walk down the street alone, I thought that suddenly I would become ill, and there was no one around, I was quietly struggling with this. But the feeling of illness does not leave me, this fear does not allow me to live in peace.

This, Ksenia, I believe, is agoraphobia in its purest form. See this article

Good afternoon, I’m 25 years old, it all started 2 years ago, first shortness of breath, then after 7.8 months discomfort began, either in the chest or in the back, and heaviness torments me, especially in the evening. I had a fluorography, x-ray, ecg, tests, everything was normal, now I’m even more afraid, all sorts of bad thoughts are constantly present, I’m afraid that I’m going to die, I’m tired of living like this, I don’t know what to think anymore, please help me, what could it be!

Natalya, I’m afraid to upset you, but there is no diagnosis of VSD. So you are a “prominent representative” of a non-existent disease :)

(this, of course, does not mean that you are not experiencing symptoms). Here, we wrote about this in detail.

I'd like to hear your opinion.

For about 10 days I feel like there is dust in the air, so I try to hold my breath and take a shallow breath. The feeling of dust is more pronounced when I breathe through my mouth, as if I inhale dust deeply, then I feel it inside.

Guys, just take the Adaptol course and everything will be fine for you. Why torture yourself over this bullshit.

The same Adaptol that “is practically unknown to the world community” and “no correct studies of effectiveness and safety have been conducted”? Or some other Adaptol?

I suffered from terrible attacks throughout my youth. Then I started visiting the sauna every week, and in the summer too. I warmed up on the 2nd shelf, and then sat on the 1st until my head started to sweat. The window must be open in the steam room itself even at 30 degrees below zero. Then the pool, take a quick dip and immediately rest, lie down for at least a few minutes. And so 3 passes. That's 3 hours. Daily exercises “birch” and “plough” for cerebral circulation and lymph function. I forgot this problem for a good 20 years. And now at the age of 60 I am. How do I save myself? The exercises are the same, but + squats, and lying upside down on a special inclined board. In courses I drink a tablespoon a couple of times a day of a mixture of onion juice + the same amount by volume, not weight, of honey. I take a cardioaspirin tablet in the summer.

I, too, have suffered from VSD for 3 years now, I forgot about it, very rarely she remembers me, but then I know how to deal with it, and this way I even feel very good. I used to not be able to leave the house one meter, I thought I would die, now I work, it takes almost 40 minutes to get to work, you need to understand that this is not a disease but panic nerves, you need to overcome your fear, and then you can forget about VSD. Or at least cope with her attacks.

Hello fellow VSDers. I went through all this, “choked” every day, ran around the house in horror from the lack of oxygen, and brought myself to a nervous breakdown! I lay in the hospital for a month, drank liters of Corvalol, could not stay alone at home, in short, I suffered! Friends, I am the one who will save you all from this “disease” when another panic overtakes you, or a feeling of not fully inhaling, lie with your sternum on the bare floor, straighten your arms and throw your head back and try to breathe only through your nose! Breathe as if you are smelling roses, don’t try to inhale through your mouth, it won’t work. Only through the nose and short breaths. But I want to disappoint you, this “disease” will last a lifetime! I suffered from it for 5 years, and for 3 years now I have learned to understand what to do if I start to run out of oxygen! The most important thing that I understood is that physical activity helps a lot in eliminating this problem for a while, but it will come back, so physical activity is a good motivator to combat the lack of oxygen. When panic begins, try to relax your throat, open your mouth slightly and relax your throat and jaw as much as possible, while breathing only through your nose, in short breaths. Remember, you won't choke. Laugh when there is a lack of oxygen, sing loudly, shout out loud, act crazy. Why all this, you ask? It’s simple, in this state you increase adrenaline in the blood, thereby increasing the acidity in the blood, more blood enters the head, thereby eliminating hypoxia due to the fact that oxygen increases through this state... all this will help you cope with panic. Over the years, I have found traps for panic, when panic begins, I catch it in a trap, I am always one step further, I have learned to avoid panic, I breathe deeply.. I know so perfectly what I was “sick with” everything these years that I can write a book. In general, I want to open a club, for people like me, I want to teach people how to get rid of the lack of oxygen in 1 minute. Write to me by email, we will meet on Skype. I know what it is, how it interferes with living, loving, creating... I lost my job, my girlfriend, I almost ended up in a mental hospital, I was on tranquilizers :)) and now I have my own business, I like to go into the forest and live in a tent a week, without valerian, etc., etc. ..

Damn, you're cool! Just great. But, realizing the problem, I just can’t cope with it.

How did this happen for you, I can’t cope with the attacks, I’ve been suffering for 6 years now. I’m tired.

Alex, good evening. I, too, went through all this horror, for many, many years I was treated by all the doctors, I was in different clinics, I took different antidepressants, I brought myself to the point of complete exhaustion of my body. I also found ways out of this state myself, it helps for a while, it may not bother me for years, and then suddenly! - suddenly returns, and the methods that previously helped to cope with this nightmare no longer help. And now, at the beginning of summer, this horror with lack of air has begun again. Nothing makes you happy when you can’t breathe! If possible, write to me how else you can cope with these attacks, please!

I would be glad to talk, I don’t have the strength to endure all these circles of hell... the children suffer, my mother is sick all the time, my husband no longer looks in my direction, and most importantly, I’m melting before my eyes... if I can ask you a few questions, please write to me. NATALIA

Good afternoon, I have a similar problem, I’m 29 years old and I’ve been going crazy for 2 months now, I can’t breathe, at first they thought it was bronchitis, then asthma, everything was fine, now I’m on antidepressants, but it’s just not completely letting me go. I have 2 children, I feel sorry for them when they look at me in this state. I’ll add all the tests: I did an X-ray and a spiragram, and both the endocrinologist and the gastroenterologist checked everything was normal. They put everything on this, but I can’t believe that I can live like before! I will also add that all this time the temperature remains at 37-37.3, as it should be, it does not react to antipyretics! Please tell me how I can get back to life, I can’t do this anymore! Thanks in advance...

Hello, help me, this constantly torments me, I can’t sleep

Hello Alexey! Can I chat with you on Skype? I also suffer from constantly sighing. Please write to me how to find you.

Elena, I believe that you have not carefully studied the materials on the site. Otherwise you would have noticed my contacts :)

The gap must be filled immediately! 😉

If you want to get rid of the desire for an additional deep breath - suffocation, then

study the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing - the Buteyko method.

I guarantee a positive result, but I warn you, not everyone can do this, but if you want to live normally, you can help yourself with this breath.

If you didn’t understand the method, didn’t follow it, or you’re too smart, and everyone around you is just thinking about how to fuck with you...) You have only one way out - physical activity, only they will give you results. Play any kind of sport and I guarantee you health. Oh, unexpectedly, corny YES? But this is the cruel truth of life, no physical. under stress, the body’s organs dry out and degrade, the blood becomes dirty and a bunch of different symptoms of illnesses of unknown origin appear, but all you have to do is not sit, but do something physically until you SWEAT. The appearance of sweat is an indicator of the benefits of physical activity. All. Stay healthy.

Hello! I have been worried about a terrible condition for the last few months... weakness, dizziness, tremors in the body, shortness of breath, pressure changes, tachycardia, face burning, fears, cough... if I go anywhere from home, I only take a taxi... the temperature is normal, ECG ultrasound of the heart oak , urine is normal, FGD is normal, ultrasound and hormones are normal, FVD and CT and chest x-ray without pathologies.....I don’t know what to do..I have no appetite at all...I have a lot of stress, I have cervical osteochondrosis...I 29 years old. Quit smoking a month ago. Smoked for 12 years

You have withdrawal symptoms. It will pass in a year. Just don’t smoke again

I have the same bullshit. Giardia is positive, the lack of air syndrome is constant and no amount of gymnastics helps. only when you cough up a lot, recently I drank hydrogen peroxide 3 percent 10 drops in 1 glass of warm water, after about a week I went to gargle with a baking soda solution and spat out little worms, white cm 2, all the doctors shrugged, I was just as exhausted as you are endlessly something hurts

Good evening I have been suffering from VSD for a year and a half now. But the feeling of shortness of breath appeared only today. Before this, I couldn’t sleep normally for two days, I had severe anxiety all the time, my body was trembling. And today I feel like I’m suffocating. It’s as if I have a lump in my throat and something is blocking the air from passing through. It’s as if he stops climbing altogether. And this makes my head hurt. ((((is this also from VSD?

I have been suffering from the same bullshit for two years. Before that, I didn’t understand what was wrong with me. I felt suddenly unwell (dizzy, dizzy, blood pressure rose, my heart was pounding like crazy, I couldn’t take a breath, my arms were cramping) and I needed to urgently go to bed and lie down. She underwent treatment in the hospital. A lot of everything but little use. I came to see a vertebrologist and told him what and how. He told me that you are having panic attacks. And only after that I read about P.A. I realized that it was them. I read Kurpatov's book. Everything was just told and explained. Since then I have been working on myself. I say this is just a symptom, it will go away now. And I convince myself every day. That it's not fatal.

So the advice to everyone is to practice self-hypnosis every day that everything will pass.

Hello, I would like to know if anyone has had this experience. My little sister suddenly doesn’t have enough air and cramps in her arms start for about 5.10 minutes and then goes away. And she immediately puts her to sleep

In fact, no one has any problems or illnesses, it’s all about negative thoughts, emotions, unnecessary experiences from scratch. Previously, I had a feeling of shortness of breath, they even called an ambulance sometimes, but all the doctors said that I was fine. So that's what I'm talking about. I made some connections and noticed that the most vivid attacks were when I was quarreling with a girl, or was very worried. People! 70% of all diseases are related to nerves and this is true.

Let's move on to how the insight came to me. I started going to the pool twice a week, while at the same time, everything was the same as before, I ran to the doctors in the clinic, looked for illnesses in myself. Suddenly, one fine day I noticed that I rarely breathe through my nose, more often I try to breathe deeply through my mouth and it doesn’t always work. Then I realized that I had been breathing incorrectly for about 4 months already. On the same day, I deliberately began to breathe through my nose and diaphragm, and oh, miracle! No nerves, complete calm and all bad thoughts flew out of my head...

Lord, this is some kind of ejazz, I’m 32, I’ve been suffering from VSD for 5-6 years now. I really ask for help. Eternal lack of air, depressive state, state of loss of consciousness. I can’t go far from home, I take a taxi everywhere, I don’t sleep well. Help, I can’t do this anymore.

This is impossible. This is the nastiest of all symptoms of VSD. Usually all my symptoms went away in a week to two months, but this crap with my breathing has been going on for half a year now! The feeling that I’m not breathing in the air fully, as if some of the air is just coming in, like not all of it, I want to breathe in more and more (((shortness of breath begins (((like a spasm in the chest in a circle, a feeling that it’s squeezing everything inside with an iron hoop. Coma in no throat. I went through a full examination with a pulmonologist and an allergist, everything was normal, my asthma was removed, I did a CT scan of the chest, everything is ok, just an old adhesion. In short, I don’t know how to deal with this anymore, now I’ll find Kurpatov and read him, maybe he will help (

While I was writing it became easier

Hello! My name is Alina! I’ve been suffering from this problem for five years now. Before I was diagnosed with VSD, there’s always not enough air. I’m constantly taking deep breaths (I’m so tired of this. And in the hospital, the doctors can’t understand what I have. The tests are all normal. I took an MRI there is protrusion everywhere in the cervical and thoracic regions, could it be because of this? I don’t know what to do, who to contact. I don’t know why. The lungs are also normal and the thyroid gland was taken. I took a Doppler scan of the vessels of the neck, very high blood flow, maybe because of this, I don’t know why. There are no bad habits. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. Even at rest, it’s hard to breathe. Tell me what I have and how dangerous it is. Thank you. comes on its own..and also goes away unnoticed. Don’t worry - it’ll just go away and it hasn’t happened for about 6 years, only from time to time it did not appear for long... here in the fall there is again a lack of air... that is, not saturation with inhalation. Very much

I read on this topic... and the conclusion is that physical activity will distract you, but not too much. It will go away as unnoticed as it appeared.

I periodically have a feeling that is unpleasant but...NOT DANGEROUS...I have had it since childhood. I don’t suffer from any asthma and it appears after nervous experiences.

Everything is accurately described. And yawning and lack of air.

It just goes away on its own. But sometimes it lasts for up to a week, you go yawning all the time and you can’t breathe normally.

I’ve read…useful advice and I’ll take it into account

I also have shortness of breath, a tendency to OCD, and panic attacks, dousing me with cold water helps. As soon as I stop pouring it starts again. and sports

Is yours constant or periodic?

More than once in January... twice... and for several days... they rushed the ambulance in vain. I know the enemy in person... the only danger is actually inhaling something, well, while driving, for example. And so... disgusting yes. But still alive

I had the same problem and called an ambulance, I don’t know what to do, let’s talk, maybe together we’ll somehow get out of this vicious circle

Guys, this is terrible. I also have difficulty breathing. And this symptom is even more complicated by the fact that breathing is a vital function and when a failure occurs, the body automatically turns on panic, as this is an instinct! Of course, you try to control yourself, but sometimes you don’t have the strength, you burst into tears and for some reason it becomes easier. At least damn cry all the time so as not to choke))

Well, my oxygen consumption itself is high, but here in the city it’s difficult. While I’m alone in the room, everything is fine, but my brother comes in and after half an hour I can’t breathe anymore, I start to get stupid.

Or I go to a friend’s house to watch a movie, but he also doesn’t have much ventilation there, and after half an hour or an hour we both yawn, and sometimes he falls asleep.

It was hell at work - 6-7 people in a poorly ventilated office and you just can’t think straight. An ordinary programmer is just a working animal for our managers, so the conditions are appropriate.

I am 72 years old, I first encountered shortness of breath at the age of 7. I was suffocating very much, even if I was dying, but there were no doctors. At the age of 8 I fell ill with diphtheria, had paralysis of the nasopharynx and spent a week alone in an isolation ward, but did not die and two months later I was cured of diphtheria and in one month from shortness of breath. There was nothing, but after severe stress, shortness of breath appeared at 35 years old. I was treated for stress with antidepressants and diphenhydramine helped the most. But now it is not in pharmacies. Sonapax (sold by prescription) also helped, but it is very strong and needs to be cut into small pieces. Complete distraction from everything, including reading this forum, also helps.

I periodically ended up in hospitals for various reasons and doctors often diagnosed me with VSD. An analysis of the situation and the Internet showed that VSD was not invented, but was introduced into medical practice without fail, in order to conceal the diagnosis of radiation sickness. I was born in a city located next to the city of Obninsk. In the 40s, an atomic bomb was made in Obninsk, and then a nuclear power plant was built and the entire district was contaminated with radioactive strontium. Currently, at my dacha, the background level is two times higher than the background level in Gomel after the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and children were taken from Gomel to southern resorts. And here, in the late 40s, rotten trees glowed and I collected them, like a “flashlight” for the night. In the district, people still die mainly from cancer of various organs, but diagnosing cancer is prohibited and doctors are forced to dissemble and therefore are very indifferent to us. The first signs of oncology appear over many decades, but the consequences are treated, i.e. from osteochondrosis and related.

Since 1995 My shortness of breath again began to appear once a month, then once a week, then every other day, then every day, then almost all the time with short breaks. Visits to doctors and their constant diagnosis of VSD ended in a heart attack and 2nd group disability. After a heart attack, you have little trust in doctors, and sometimes this is not deserved, because... every 10th of them is honest. But these are difficult to calculate. I was first diagnosed with cancer at the age of 71, and now I also suffer from shortness of breath. It is certainly not lethal, but it is disgusting to the point of loss of consciousness. So we will heal together. Yes, validol also helps me, tablets for laziness and fatty foods, such as lard, pork. Eating fast leads to constant shortness of breath. But here the problem of induced obesity arises. I had to develop a method of losing weight and constantly monitor my weight. And yet, high blood sugar is also a cause of shortness of breath, and therefore complete abstinence from sweets reduces the symptoms of shortness of breath, but not for long.

I also suffer from insufficient breathing, as well as the so-called phenomenon of palpitations. I twitch when falling asleep and suffer from insomnia from time to time.

I constantly want to cry in this state, but even if I start, I can’t do it, because I have no strength, weakness.

Doctors diagnose VSD, and don’t say anything intelligible, just like everyone else.

I was prescribed Anvifen and Teraligen, I took courses, and everything is catching up.

Please, if anyone knows how to relieve symptoms during an acute condition, please help.

I myself am trying to save myself with Coronal, Valimedin, Corvalol. The condition becomes drowsy, and it is not possible to fall asleep.

Yes, it’s terrible. I’ve been suffering for three years now, I have an aversion to smells, I can’t take a deep breath, and now I generally feel like I’m about to stop breathing; dizziness as well. I was examined at the clinic, they said I’m healthy, I took blood pressure twice threw it abruptly and then the same song again...

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