Useful foods for kidney disease. What is good for the kidneys: foods, drinks, herbal infusions

Learning to maintain kidney health with proper nutrition

Surprisingly, there are often careless individuals among us who believe that since there are two kidneys in the body, it is not necessary to take care of their health. It is a pity that it is impossible to connect each of them with someone who had the misfortune of being left with only one kidney. Having learned about how this affects the way of life, our unwary comrades would probably reduce their ardor.

However, if you are interested in this article, you can already be counted among those who treat their invaluable health with due attention. You can consider this the first step in the right direction.

The kidneys, like other organs, will be fine if you lead a healthy lifestyle: eat healthy foods, exercise and try to avoid bad habits (smoking, addiction to alcohol, overeating, etc.). Each of us adjusts this list to suit ourselves. After all, physical activity is contraindicated for some, while others are allergic to foods that only benefit others.

What foods are good for human kidneys?

It is important to remember that almost two-thirds of your health depends on what you eat every day and in what quantities you eat it. Foods and drinks that are good for the kidneys– the best tool for preventing diseases associated with this organ. The kidneys are very unpretentious and benefit from virtually any food that is valuable to the body. But there are also favorites here.

Food for the kidneys. 5 useful products:

  1. Watermelon and melon

The undisputed leaders of our list. They perform a very important function: they remove all harmful substances that accumulate in them. The benefits of watermelon and melon are simply invaluable. The main disadvantage of these products is that they are seasonal. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and consume these gifts of summer in full every year.

Without a doubt, watermelon and melon can claim the title of “The healthiest product for the kidneys.” They share this title between two. Therefore, you can safely choose the option that, in your opinion, tastes better. Better yet, consume both. You can't go wrong.

  1. Berries

Despite the fact that watermelon also belongs to this category, we decided to highlight it separately. This paragraph lists options that have narrower specifics. These include: grapes, blueberries, cranberries and rose hips.

In general, they are all united by one common benefit: due to their juiciness, these berries have a good diuretic and disinfecting effect, and also help break down stones into sand and then remove the latter from the body.

Needless to say that the best option would be berries grown on your own plot? Store-bought options are often packed with harmful substances to give the product a more appetizing appearance. So choose wisely.

  1. Pumpkin

Another useful product that has a diuretic effect. In addition, pumpkin is rich in vitamin A, which is of undeniable importance for the kidneys. You can use it to prepare a great variety of healthy dishes, among which pumpkin porridge is worth highlighting. In general, you can consume pumpkin in any form. This product is easily available and should definitely be made a regular part of your diet.

  1. Greenery

Products in this group are beneficial for the whole body. Especially if you eat them fresh or add them to a salad. This includes all the wonderful herbs and green vegetables that we are used to eating: dill, parsley, onions, celery, cilantro and many others. These tasty and healthy foods help remove toxins, waste and other harmful substances from the body.

And closing our list of foods that are good for the kidneys are seafood. The fish deserves special attention, if only for the reason that it stands out noticeably against the background of other representatives belonging to vegetarian cuisine.

Fish oil has enormous benefits, so you shouldn’t give up fatty fish. In addition, it has the richest taste. Among individual representatives, it is worth highlighting herring, salmon, tuna and cod.

But fish should be treated with great care, because it is not useful in all forms. Of course, we are talking, first of all, about dried and dried. Fish prepared in this form loses almost all its beneficial properties, instead of which it acquires a lot of harm not only to the kidneys, but also to other organs.

It is important to remember that some of the products listed above are useful to eat fresh. With the exception of pumpkin and fish, since not everyone will agree to consume them raw.

Also, do not neglect products that are not included in this list. Be sure to include vegetables as part of your diet. Especially carrots, which are rich in vitamin A even more than pumpkin. Fruits will also become your reliable helpers in the fight for kidney health. Special attention is paid to apples, which it is advisable to eat two or three a day and always with the peel, in which the largest amount of nutrients is concentrated. Also very useful are baked goods made from wholemeal flour, which contain a lot of fiber, which speeds up digestion and helps remove toxins and salts from the body.

When asking the question “What foods are good for the kidneys?”, try to choose what you like best from the list. You won't be nice by force. This also applies to food. Exhausting yourself by eating something you don’t like can cause more harm to your body than good.

Besides, rest assured, you won't last long. As a result, you will give up everything and start eating even worse than before. Therefore, shape your diet wisely and according to your preferences. And don't completely give up on what you love. After all, food should be fun.

Healthy drinks

It is logical that if there are healthy foods for the kidneys, then there are corresponding drinks. The most common of them:

The source of life and the main material for maintaining kidney function. You should drink at least two liters a day. More is possible. Boiled water loses all its beneficial properties. To avoid drinking dirty tap water, you can use filters. However, harmful substances are removed from it by chlorination. And if you let such water stand for about three hours, the chlorine will completely disappear from it, and it will be suitable for drinking.

  • Tea (green, black with milk, black with lemon)

Many people know about the diuretic properties of green tea. This is truly one of the best drinks for the kidneys. The other two options also have a diuretic effect, as well as additional benefits from milk (calcium) and lemon (vitamin C).

  • Mineral water

Wonderful water from the source, rich in beneficial natural substances. The question really arises: is it worth relying on the quality of purchased mineral water? In this case, there is only one piece of advice - it is best to purchase water that is obtained from local natural sources.

But not restored store samples. You will get nothing but harm from them. The best option is to get a juicer and supply yourself with refreshing, delicious drinks from fruits and vegetables.

  • Fruit drinks

Berry analogues of the previous option. Especially pay attention to drinks made from those berries that are included in the second point of the list above: cranberries and blueberries. Your kidneys will be eternally grateful to you.

  • Herbal decoctions

Birch, rosehip, chamomile, sage, mint, currant leaves and many others. They perfectly cleanse the body and greatly help the kidneys perform their functions.

It should be borne in mind that fluid is very important for the kidneys. After all, it passes directly through them. And this means that this liquid must be free of harmful substances. Therefore, the listed drinks are products useful for their work in all respects. Don't neglect them.

But if it is extremely difficult for you to provide yourself with drinks, the preparation of which takes time, then at least try to drink more water. This will not be a huge task, but will provide an invaluable service to your body.

Foods harmful to the kidneys

Telling only what can and should be consumed will not be enough. Unfortunately, among the foods and drinks available to modern people, there are a lot of things that are not allowed, but that are desirable. Products that are beneficial and harmful to the kidneys are equally attractive to the average person: the former have obvious benefits, which is understandable to everyone, but the latter attract with their rich taste (albeit sometimes not natural) and accessibility. Therefore, in order to stick to the right course in nutrition, you have to show considerable willpower.

One way or another, you need to know the enemy by sight. Therefore, we list what you should not make part of your daily diet:

  • Various artificial food additives

Carrying out the function of cleansing the body, they experience real stress when faced with various flavor enhancers, leavening agents, preservatives and other additives designed to extend the shelf life or increase the taste properties of food.

It is also advisable to refrain from adding ketchup and mayonnaise to food, because they contain a large proportion of artificial additives and fillers. Not to mention the fact that their use negatively affects the figure.

  • Spicy and salty dishes

Salt and numerous seasonings create a very heavy load. From such meals, this organ is subject to increased wear and tear, as is your entire digestive system. But, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, “white death” cannot be completely ruled out, since it is necessary for full functioning.

Although in most cases you already get enough salt in your daily food. Just remember that it is better to under-salt than to over-salt.

  • Harmful drinks

The next most harmful is alcohol, especially beer. And if we take into account that in the post-Soviet space it is customary to drink “in a big way,” then talk about the supposed benefits of moderate consumption loses all meaning. Any drunken feast is a real hell for their healthy functioning.

Coffee lovers should also seriously consider moderating their addiction. Coffee creates a very large load, and with frequent consumption you will instantly damage your kidneys.

The same applies to strong tea and cocoa, but these drinks, as a rule, are consumed no more than once a day. And yet, nothing prevents you from brewing tea “weaker”. The loss to taste is small, but there is almost no harm left.

What foods are good for the adrenal glands?

Speaking about the kidneys, it would be unfair to neglect the adrenal glands, which are located close to them and are closely interconnected. If the kidneys are responsible for excretory function and cleansing the body, then sexual function and ability to work largely depend on the adrenal glands. That is, if you experience frequent and severe fatigue or a constant loss of energy, then it is not necessary to refer to laziness or difficult work. You may have problems with your adrenal glands.

Beneficial foods for the kidneys and adrenal glands overlap in many ways., especially when it comes to fish and fish oil. Vegetables and fruits will also become a healthy part of your diet. And, of course, you need to drink a lot of water. However, this is not enough. For the full functioning of the adrenal glands and the prevention of related ailments, you need a diet rich in energy value. This means you will need more vitamin B, C and D.

If you are a vegetarian, then you need as much plant protein as possible, which is rich in legumes. Eat peas, beans, and lentils. Cereals are excellent as a source of carbohydrates, especially oatmeal and buckwheat.

Those who are not burdened with restrictions regarding food of animal origin should consume eggs and natural meat (especially beef and poultry). It’s natural, since factory products are often stuffed with artificial fillers. Dairy products that are good for the adrenal glands are butter, fermented milk and cheese. Only with the latter you should be careful. Eating cheese too often may not be good for your health. Although if you take low-fat varieties, for example Adyghe, there are noticeably fewer complaints.

There are two foods that should be strictly limited, especially if you have problems with the adrenal glands. It's caffeine and sugar. Excessive consumption of these components creates a real overload for the adrenal glands and greatly wears them out.

Otherwise, the situation with unwanted products is approximately the same as with kidneys. Unnatural food and additives, soda, fast food, etc.

What foods are good for kidney disease?

Diseases can be both congenital and acquired. But both of these groups have one sad fact in common: they are extremely difficult to treat. Therefore, if at one time you did not pay due attention to prevention and did not choose healthy foods for the kidneys as an alternative to junk food, then get ready for the fact that it will be difficult to correct your mistakes.

If we talk about the occurrence of stones, then it is possible to determine which products are useful for kidney disease in a particular case only after determining the composition of the patient’s stones. This will require special tests. In some situations, you have to modify your diet, excluding even healthy and seemingly harmless food. For example, if the detected stones contain a lot of calcium, then you will have to minimize the consumption of dairy products. But calcium is necessary for healthy and strong bones.

When they are sick, they have to give up many foods. However, in no case should you go hungry, since the body in such conditions especially needs regular nourishment. Meals should become frequent and small. Often you have to put a ban on the daily portion of liquid (no more than 1.5 liters). And you definitely need to limit your salt intake.

Healthy foods for kidney disease These are, first of all, vegetables, grains and cereals. They are rich in nutrients, energy value, and are easily absorbed and digested. For sweets, you can only please yourself with fruits, berries and various drinks based on them, including fruit drinks, juices, compotes and jelly. If you don't like dried fruits, then it's time to join them.

Nutrition for glomerulonephritis and kidney cancer

Particularly complex diseases and acute inflammations place even stricter restrictions on nutrition. Almost everything in food is prohibited in such cases. You have to eat according to strict restrictions in portions and the order of intake. Often the patient is forced to eat the same thing throughout the day, following a strict separate diet plan.

The concept of “healthy foods for kidney disease” in this situation becomes very relative. The types of food allowed for consumption can be counted on one hand. However, this is the only way to overcome the disease in order to be able to live a full life in the future and allow yourself to eat what you like.

Among inflammatory processes, glomerulonephritis is particularly complex. Most often it occurs in children. During inflammation, the immune system weakens so much that there is a danger of contracting other diseases. Subsequently, this can leave a serious imprint on the rest of your life. Therefore, it is very important to maintain bed rest, undergo proper treatment and eat right.

Products useful for glomerulonephritis:

  • Eggs - 1-2 per day, soft-boiled or as an omelet
  • Vegetables and herbs - cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, dill, parsley (boiled and fresh)
  • Fruits and berries, especially watermelon and melon
  • Dairy products – milk, cottage cheese, fermented milk
  • Fish – low-fat varieties (boiled, steamed and baked)
  • Meat and fish no earlier than 2 weeks after the onset of the disease (boiled and steamed, finely chopped)
  • Soups and broths are predominantly non-meat, with pasta, vegetables, without salt
  • Drinks – still mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, weak tea, decoctions of black currant and rose hips (liquids no more than 0.8 liters per day)

An even more serious complication is kidney cancer. When this disease occurs, one kidney practically ceases to function, and all the work that was previously distributed between the two organs is completely transferred to the remaining healthy one. In this case, it is very important not to overload it, carefully plan and provide the patient with a balanced diet. Together with liquid, the volume of food taken should not exceed 3 kg. per day.

Useful foods for kidney cancer are approximately the same as for glomerulonephritis. The amount of animal protein should not exceed about 80 g per day. Thus, meat must be consumed with great caution, in small portions and only in boiled form. You should periodically replenish the lack of fluid with water, as dehydration occurs. The rest: vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products.

It is unlikely that anyone, after reading this material, will have any doubts about the importance of preventing kidney disease. In principle, there is nothing catastrophic here. The kidneys always monitor the health of the body and remove unnecessary and harmful substances naturally. But in order to definitely avoid problems, it is advisable to help them with this. And the best way is proper and healthy nutrition.

  • A little theory, or how does it work?
    • How to eat properly?
    • About drinking regime

Swelling in the face and legs that occurs in the morning after drinking alcohol or regular tea in excessive quantities, nagging pain in the lower back, fatigue and a slight increase in temperature after a hard day’s work are clear signs of kidney problems.

To prevent diseases and malfunctions, it is necessary to consume foods that are healthy for the kidneys, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and drink enough water. Probably everyone has heard about this. What is really good for the kidneys?

Being a natural filter responsible for purifying the blood, these organs constantly pass through about 1 liter of it per minute. At the same time, the blood is cleansed of toxins and waste, decay products of complex organic substances, and microorganisms. Waste products mixed with blood plasma are excreted from the body in the form of urine. Based on the analysis, doctors judge both the state of the body as a whole and the functioning of the kidneys themselves, because any disorder changes the composition of the substances released, and inflammation and infections are characterized by the entry of bacteria and dead defenders of our health (leukocytes, lymphocytes, etc.) into the urine. )

Each kidney is enclosed in a kind of protective shell of adipose tissue. Fat protects the excretory organs from hypothermia and keeps them in a certain position, preventing them from falling down under the influence of gravity. Prolapse of the kidneys, caused by sudden weight loss due to illness or diet, leads to obstructed urine flow, causing some diseases of these organs.

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How to help your kidneys work properly?

Due to the fact that the urinary system has to filter the blood and cleanse it of harmful impurities, good nutrition and compliance with the drinking regime are of great importance for its normal functioning. Equally important is reducing the risks associated with the release of large amounts of toxins produced by microbes into the blood - good functioning of the immune system, the absence of foci of chronic inflammation in the body.

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How to eat properly?

Among foods that are good for the kidneys, fresh fruits and vegetables and herbs occupy their rightful place, which should be present on the table every day, supplying the body with vitamins. Pumpkin occupies a special place among vegetables that are good for the kidneys. These are watermelons and melons, fresh cucumbers, zucchini and squash, pumpkin and dishes made from it. A characteristic property is their mild diuretic effect without irritating the kidney tissue, and the large amount of moisture they contain reduces the concentration of harmful substances dissolved in the blood. The benefit in this case is double: the kidneys are stimulated to work and cope well with small amounts of harmful impurities in the blood.

Other vegetables and fruits are no less useful; you just need to limit the consumption of those that contain a lot of oxalic acid. These are primarily rhubarb, sorrel and spinach. Large doses of oxalic acid can lead to the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys, especially if the drinking regime is disrupted or the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis is obstructed.

Due to dieting, beauty-conscious people can cause significant damage to their kidneys by consuming too much protein and neglecting fats. It is imperative to take into account that everything that contains protein (meat, fish, dairy products or protein supplements for athletes) is harmful. Excessive amounts of protein do not accumulate in the body, but are excreted from it in the form of half-life products. This is an additional burden on the kidneys.

When eating fish and meat, you should remember that the average daily dose of protein is approximately 0.7 g per 1 kg of ideal body weight.

That is, not the one that the scales show, but the one that is calculated by the formula: 50 + 0.75(B – 20): 4, where B is the person’s age rounded to a whole number.

Cooking food that is good for the kidneys involves boiling, steaming, or baking. Excessive consumption of fried, smoked, too spicy and salty foods can cause harm. It is also important to remember that the average dose of salt that is harmless to the kidneys is approximately 3 g per day.

It’s not for nothing that the popular proverb says: “It’s too late to drink Borjomi when the buds have fallen off.” It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Nowadays, poor kidneys work under enormous overload. Who in the body is responsible for neutralizing harmful substances that enter the human body? - First of all, two organs - the liver and kidneys. The liver breaks down poisons, and the kidneys remove them. Either already changed, or unchanged. And the ecology of large cities and the quality of most food products and water are now such that this creates unusual, too great a load on these two organs.

According to statistics, people living along large highways are 15 times more likely to be diagnosed with kidney disease. It is assumed that the reason for this is lead contained in exhaust gases. What to do? Shouldn’t we immediately move to the wilderness, to the village?

In such conditions, there is no need to create unnecessary stress on the kidneys. Let’s summarize very schematically: what do the kidneys “love” and what do they “dislike”? Let's start with what they love, writes

What do kidneys like?

1. Kidneys love dry, warm air. In warmth, the blood vessels of the kidneys dilate. Their blood supply improves. But dry heat is especially useful. The fact is that in such conditions a person begins to sweat intensely. Sweat removes some harmful substances that are usually excreted by the kidneys. For example, the end products of nitrogen metabolism in the body. And the load on the kidneys is reduced. Renal climatological resorts are areas with a hot and dry climate, where people sweat a lot. Steaming is very beneficial for the kidneys. A dry steam room - sauna - is especially useful.

2. Healthy kidneys like a person to drink a sufficient amount of water. If there is no edema (hidden or obvious), there is no renal or heart failure, you should drink at least 2 liters per day. The kidneys will excrete excess water in urine. Moreover, they can easily remove, along with excess water, all harmful substances that need to be removed. And if little water is consumed, then the kidneys have to retain it in the body and save it. Less urine is produced. And to remove large amounts of harmful substances, urine has to be highly concentrated. It's harder on the kidneys.

3. Kidneys love, of course, clean water. If the water is contaminated, then the kidneys have to remove with urine not only toxic substances that come from food and are formed in the body itself, but also harmful substances contained in the water itself. This is again an extra burden. So you need to use clean water or clean it. In the summer, it is advisable to give the “kidneys a vacation.” Drink, at least for a while, clean well or spring water.

4. The kidneys love foods and medicinal plants that have a mild diuretic and disinfectant effect on the urinary tract. These are watermelon, cucumbers, parsley, dill, celery, rose hips, birch sap, strawberries, strawberry leaves and others.

5. Kidneys love a horizontal body position. At the same time, their blood supply improves. This may not have much significance for healthy kidneys, but it must be taken into account if everything is not in order with the kidneys. If your kidneys are not entirely healthy, you need to lie down more. Daytime rest in a horizontal position is advisable.

What don't the kidneys like?

1. Kidneys do not like cold. It is dangerous to sit on something cold and damp, on a stone, on damp ground. By the way, for this reason, kidney diseases often occur among tourists, climbers, fishermen, and those spending the night in cold conditions. It is dangerous to stay in cold water for a long time. Before and after being in cold water, you need to warm up so that the kidneys do not have time to become hypothermic. Pyelonephritis is the main danger for inexperienced “walruses”.

It is dangerous in general, and especially in old age, in the cold season, to wear fashionable short jackets, for women to wear light skirts with thin tights. Better warm pants.

2. The kidneys do not like a lot of salt in the diet. After all, the kidneys have to remove excess salt. It's better to under-salt your food. Salty foods are not eaten regularly, but as holiday dishes.

3. The kidneys do not like excessive amounts of protein animal foods. After all, proteins are not stored and broken down into carbon dioxide and water, like carbohydrates and fats. Excess proteins are broken down to form the final products of nitrogenous breakdown: creatinine, urea, uric acid, which are not harmless and must be excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, the now fashionable protein diets for weight loss are simply a blow to the kidneys. And this is one of the reasons why over the age... you should not abuse meat products.

4. Kidneys do not like alcohol abuse. If your kidneys are not okay, be careful. By the way, people who abuse alcohol are much more likely to develop bladder cancer.

5. There are medications that have nephrotoxic effects. You need to know them: these are kanomycin, gentomycin, streptomycin and some others (be sure to read the annotations). If you have not had kidney disease, such medications can be taken, but still not two nephrotoxic drugs at the same time.

6. Chronic foci of infection have a bad effect on the kidneys. Because they cause constant, albeit slight, intoxication, and the kidneys must remove toxic substances. In addition, microbes from these lesions can enter the blood. And then to the kidneys. And cause inflammatory kidney diseases. Streptococcal infections - tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, caries - can cause severe kidney disease - glomerulonephritis. Therefore, caries, chronic tonsillitis, and sinusitis must be treated.

Thus, knowing what is good for the kidneys and what is harmful, you can keep these organs in good condition, despite the not the best conditions of our modern life.

It is no secret that with a healthy lifestyle, it is easy for the body to perform its functions. When all systems are normal, it works like a clock. The health of the kidneys, like other organs, largely depends on what a person eats. Plus physical activity and giving up bad habits - all this contributes to good health.

What foods and drinks are good for the kidneys?

1. First of all, of course, watermelons and melons. These products have a diuretic effect and flush out the kidneys well, and a course of the watermelon diet can even help remove oxalate stones. However, you should not expect a miracle from melons and watermelons if stones larger than 3 mm have formed in the kidneys.

2. Grapes, blueberries, cranberries, rose hips are also good for the kidneys, and indeed for the whole body.

3. Pumpkin, carrots, spinach, dill - these vegetables contain a lot of vitamin A, which is especially beneficial for the kidneys.

4. Bread made from wholemeal flour is healthy. It contains a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion and removes salts from the body. In this sense, bran is also beneficial for kidney health.

Healthy drinks

1. The most valuable and beneficial drink for the kidneys is pure water. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. When boiled, water loses a lot of useful components, and tap water - you understand... So, it is recommended to drink the required amount of clean drinking water.

2. Among teas, green tea and tea from the leaves of Orthosiphon stamen (kidney tea) are useful.

3. Mineral water enriched with useful substances is also suitable for maintaining kidney health.

4. Only natural juices are healthy. Store-bought options with preservatives are not suitable for health improvement. It is better to make your own juices from fresh fruits and vegetables.

5. Fruit drinks from cranberries, blueberries and other berries, decoctions from rose hips, sage, mint, currant and birch leaves, chamomile flowers - all this is also important for kidney health.

Foods and drinks that are harmful to the kidneys

1. Products with artificial food additives, such as ketchup and mayonnaise. All kinds of enhancers, leavening agents, sweeteners and preservatives are a real stress for the kidneys.

2. Salt and excessive amounts of seasonings place a heavy burden on the kidneys. The entire digestive system is working hard. You can’t completely exclude salt; it has certain benefits, but restriction won’t hurt. It's better to under-salt. Better yet, use .

4. Carbonated drinks cause enormous harm to the kidneys. It’s better to avoid them completely.

5. Any feast with alcoholic drinks is a difficult test for both the kidneys and the liver. Among alcohol, beer is the most harmful drink for the kidneys.

6. Coffee lovers, with their addiction, also create a huge burden on the kidneys. The same applies not only to coffee “fans,” but also to those who are fond of strong tea and cocoa. If it is impossible to refuse, then you need to at least brew all these drinks weaker.

How are the adrenal glands doing?

If we are talking about the kidneys, we also need to touch on the work of the adrenal glands. After all, they are in very close contact. The kidneys are the excretory system of our body. And the adrenal glands are responsible for the proper functioning of sexual function and performance. If constant fatigue begins to depress you, it is better to go to a specialist. An endless loss of energy may indicate that you have problems with the adrenal glands.

What is good for the adrenal glands?

Foods for supporting adrenal health are the same as for kidneys. Vegetables, fruits, and enough water. But there are also differences - for better functioning of the adrenal glands, you need more vitamins B, C and D.

Vegetarians should eat more legumes as they contain essential plant protein. These are peas, beans, lentils.

And those who have no restrictions in the choice of foods need to eat meat, eggs, butter and cheese, as well as fermented milk products.

What is harmful to the adrenal glands?

Basically, two products negatively affect the functioning of the adrenal glands - coffee and sugar. And of course, it is undesirable to consume fast food, carbonated drinks and other unnatural foods.

Frequent consumption of unnatural foods contributes to premature aging of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Causes of inflammatory processes in the kidneys

Kidney diseases can be congenital or acquired. The sad thing is that they are all difficult to treat. If you do not think about the prevention of these diseases, that is, for example, if you do not change your diet in favor of natural products or do not stop regular alcohol consumption, then the consequences will not take long to arrive.

Unfortunately, heredity and an unhealthy lifestyle are not the only causes of kidney disease. Problems can also arise due to the spread of inflammation that has arisen in nearby organs. Or when immunity decreases. In all cases, it is necessary to quickly normalize the functioning of the kidneys, because if the body is not fully cleansed, serious complications will appear. After all, the kidneys are the body’s filter. When they work poorly, toxic substances accumulate in the body.

The kidneys are involved in blood purification and regulate blood pressure. Violations lead to poisoning of the body. And if the treatment necessary in one case or another is not carried out in time, atrophy may begin. Then it is much more difficult to treat, the course of the disease takes an unpredictable form.

Any inflammation of the kidneys is called nephritis. They are treated with diuretics, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents.

How to treat kidney inflammation?

For example, you can prepare an infusion of cinquefoil in milk. Pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs into freshly boiled milk. After 20 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass three times a day. This remedy has an excellent diuretic effect, due to which the load on the heart is relieved, blood pressure is reduced and swelling subsides.

Among pharmaceutical products, many praise the Fitolysin gel. But not everyone can swallow an aqueous solution of this gel - it gives off a very Vietnamese “star” vibe...

Among dietary supplements, green pills from Indonesia are very popular, which contain extracts of silkworm leaves, kidney tea leaves, ginseng roots, seahorse extracts, imperata rhizomes and licorice roots.

Kidney stone disease

What is kidney stone disease? If there are small stones and oxalate sand in the kidneys, they may not bother a person for a long time at all, and they will be found out about them when examining other organs on an ultrasound. But when the stones are already of a decent size, and even move or come out, they cause severe pain and can cause injury to tissues.

Large kidney stones are removed surgically. And small stones can be crushed. Folk remedies can help loosen small stones into sand and get it all away. At the same time, reduce pain. Well, if there is no trust in traditional methods, and there is no time to go to the doctor, but you have the funds to buy effective dietary supplements, then this treatment option is not bad either.

Folk remedy for small kidney stones

To dissolve small kidney stones, you can regularly prepare bean broth. Cut a kilogram of washed green beans and place in an enamel pan. Pour one liter of water and put on fire. After it boils, cook for fifteen minutes. Leave until it cools down. Take at least a glass, three times a day.

Pharmacy remedies for renal edema and urinary tract inflammation

1. To relieve edema resulting from impaired renal function, kidney tea (kidney collection) is used, and for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and nephrourolithiasis, the above-mentioned “Phytolysin” is used.

2. To loosen small stones and remove oxalate sand, and also as an antiseptic kidney remedy, many experts recommend the same Indonesian dark green capsules, which were also mentioned above.

Internal organs suffer from bad eating habits: our liver and kidneys especially suffer, because they become hostage to the whims of the stomach.

The kidneys are the filter of our body. This important organ retains and removes waste and harmful substances from the body. Unfortunately, they are the most vulnerable, since their health depends on various factors. But if you follow a diet that will protect this organ, you can maintain health and beauty, because prevention is much more effective than the most thoughtful treatment.

Foods that are harmful to the kidneys

Foods high in salt. Excess salt in the diet poses a danger to the kidneys. An abundance of salted, smoked foods, processed foods and fast food (the actual salt content of which is not detailed) leads to the accumulation of excess sodium in the blood, as well as to the loss of such an important element as potassium. Which negatively affects the condition of the body, especially the cardiovascular system, and this is reflected instantly in appearance, since salt retains water in the tissues of the body, which leads to edema.

Products high in animal protein. The problem is that animal proteins are not “stored” and are not broken down into carbon dioxide and water, like carbohydrates and fats, which is why they lead to the formation of waste and toxins. Particularly harmful are types of meat such as old beef or pork, as well as some offal, since, among other things, they are rich in iron, the excess of which has a bad effect on kidney function. In order not to burden the kidneys, you can limit the consumption of fermented milk cheeses and cottage cheese.

Foods high in vinegar and spicy foods. Usually, in order not to cause additional trouble to the kidneys, spicy foods and foods containing vinegar should be excluded from the diet, since when excreted they can irritate the urinary tract and also provoke the formation of toxins.

Alcohol. Alcohol is one of the main enemies of healthy kidneys, as it destroys their cells. Sometimes alcohol abuse can lead to kidney failure. The same, however, applies to beer, which dehydrates the body and very often causes malfunction of the kidneys.

Coffee, soda. Coffee and sweet carbonated drinks also irritate the kidneys, and mineral medicinal water without consulting a doctor can cause kidney disease and malfunction.

Greenhouse vegetables and fruits. To avoid straining your kidneys, you should exclude from your diet vegetables and fruits that have been grown with the use of chemicals and pesticides, as well as those grown hydroponically, since consuming such food creates waste in the body and accumulates toxins that are difficult for our kidneys to remove.

Controversial issues

Mushrooms. Doctors warn that you need to be careful with mushrooms, since poisoning with this product can lead to the development of acute kidney failure. Therefore, when picking mushrooms in the forest, you need to be careful or eat only mushrooms that have passed the control, such as ordinary oyster mushrooms and champignons.

Herbs and spices. Regarding seasonings, views vary: Ayurveda claims that coriander and cardamom, on the contrary, treat inflammation in the kidneys and genitourinary system, although in most cases spices are excluded from the diet in case of kidney disease. However, healthy people should only avoid very hot spices or consume them in small quantities.

Legumes (peas, lentils and beans). These foods are believed to contain substances that promote the formation of sand in the kidneys, while many Western diets for people with unhealthy kidneys include legumes.

Some doctors do not advise introducing spinach, sorrel and rose hips into the diet; this only applies to people with kidney disease; others should consume these products in reasonable quantities, because, on the one hand, they are too acidic, which negatively affects kidney health, and on the other hand, on the other hand, they have a diuretic effect and beneficial vitamin A.

Foods that are good for your kidneys

Fresh vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamin A have a positive effect on kidney health: carrots, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, onions and especially cilantro, as well as those with a diuretic effect: pumpkin, watermelon, melon, apples and plums, cabbage. In addition, vegetables, fruits and herbs are a valuable source of vitamins, mineral salts, phytoncides, cell membranes and microelements.

Fish and seafood. Rich in iodine and fatty acids, which are beneficial for the functioning of the kidneys and improve their excretory function, and are a source of “light” protein.

Water. For normal kidney function in the absence of diseases, you need to drink 2 liters of clean water a day, and you don’t have to be afraid to drink too much, because the kidneys will remove all the excess. If little water is consumed, the kidneys have to retain it in the body, which leads to edema.

Healthy drinks. Mineral water (in consultation with a doctor), natural freshly squeezed juices, teas (green, black with milk, lemon), herbal infusions and teas (from strawberry leaves, linden, chamomile, etc.), fruit drinks (cranberry and etc.). These drinks prevent the formation of kidney stones.

To keep your kidneys healthy, you should not overeat - it is better to eat small portions, but more often. A large amount of food consumed does not have time to be completely digested, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

To keep your kidneys healthy, you don’t need to get carried away with a variety of diets, including for weight loss: sudden weight loss causes the kidneys to sag, and a long-term salt-free diet disrupts their function and leads to kidney failure, and fashionable protein diets have a negative impact on work this organ.

If you adhere to the correct diet for the kidneys, excess fluid will quickly be eliminated from the body, and excess weight will go away with it.

Long-term consumption of over-salted food leads not only to impaired kidney function, but also to the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Mild seasonings and fresh herbs can be used as salt substitutes, which have a beneficial effect on kidney function. In addition, there are many varieties of salt with reduced sodium content.

In order to cleanse the kidneys, you can periodically arrange vegetarian fasting days on freshly squeezed vegetable, fruit and berry juices (about 1-3 days). Juices should be drunk in small sips at least 30 minutes before meals or between meals. At this time, 600 ml of juices per day or more is required. For such juices, you can choose melons (watermelon, melon), apples, carrots, celery, cucumbers, cabbage, as well as all kinds of berries and herbs.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs