Why you shouldn’t photograph sleeping people: prejudices and irrefutable facts. Why you shouldn't take pictures of a sleeping person

Counts bad omen photograph a sleeping person. Since ancient times, people have treated superstitions with trepidation.

They were some kind of house laws. Our grandparents to this day believe that you should not pass things over the threshold or spilled salt will lead to a quarrel.

But times have changed, and modern people they no longer focus their attention on this; now superstitions are perceived only as an echo of bygone times.

However, it is interesting that even in the modern era, new prejudices appear. Apparently, people cannot lose faith in something magical and otherworldly, and superstition, although it cannot be explained, plays the role of a warning.

Today we will tell you about one of the superstitions. You may have heard that you shouldn't take pictures of people sleeping, but no one could explain why.

This superstition appeared relatively recently, because the camera was invented at the beginning of the 19th century, and in free sale it arrived only at the end of the century before last.

Interestingly, even some photographers do not recommend taking pictures of sleeping people. How do they explain this superstition?

As mentioned above, the camera appeared in the century before last, and since this invention was new, only wealthy people could afford to take photographs. It cost a lot of money and was considered a luxury.

When someone died in an aristocratic family, relatives often wanted to capture the deceased in the family circle.

The corpse was washed, solemnly dressed, and seated at the table where the rest of the relatives were sitting. They could also put the body in different poses, depending on their imagination, and take pictures.

Now, when looking at such photos, many people feel uneasy, but at that time it was in the order of things. This is how the superstition arose that eyes closed Only the dead are photographed.

The sleeper looks similar, and this suggests certain associations. Involuntary thoughts about death can materialize and harm a person.

Fearing trouble and fearing death, people began to consider photographs of people sleeping as a bad omen..

Also, the reason for the emergence of this superstition could be that cameras, when they had just appeared, were treated with caution, because it was a new and incomprehensible invention.

The principle of its operation was not known to everyone and therefore superstitions appeared around it, especially thanks to very impressionable and superstitious people.

Then it turned out that photographs can capture not only people, but even otherworldly phenomena. There are many photographs that show blurry outlines that resemble human ones.

Some people believe that ghosts can be photographed with a camera.

Many people have probably heard that a photograph reflects a person's aura. It is with photography that clairvoyants and psychics work if it is necessary to obtain any information about a person.

Bioenergeticists believe that during wakefulness the aura protects a person for about a meter around him, and this fact has even been officially confirmed. In a dream, the protection weakens.

A person in a state of sleep is absolutely unprotected and the most vulnerable. People with supernatural powers claim that if a photograph of a sleeping person falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to unpredictable consequences.

After all damage, evil eye, love spell or other magical actions can be performed by manipulating the photo.

The state of sleep has always caused prejudices in people; it is enough just to trace the beliefs associated with it in mythology different nations. Since ancient times, sleep has been called “little death.”

Thus, the Greeks believed that the gods of sleep and death were brothers. They also believed that under no circumstances should you draw a picture of a sleeping person, otherwise you could bring misfortune and trouble upon him. Most likely, this belief was transferred to the photograph.

The ancient Slavs believed that during sleep the soul leaves the human body. When he sleeps, a gate to another dimension opens. It is believed that if you take a photograph of him sleeping and suddenly wake him up, the soul will not be able to return to the body.

If you look at it from a practical point of view, a camera flash can simply frighten the sleeper and cause him discomfort. There is also another interesting explanation.

Some people believe that a photo flash can frighten a guardian angel, and he will forever leave a person without protection and help.

They were especially sensitive to the ban on photographing a sleepy child, especially a newborn..

It was believed that in the first 40 days of a baby’s life it should not be shown to anyone, even relatives and family friends, and photography was generally prohibited.

A child at this age is still very helpless, and his weak aura will not be able to resist bad influences.

A newborn could easily be jinxed, even by admiring him while sleeping. What could a careless photograph do in such a state?

All these were mystical explanations for this superstition. But there is also an ethical aspect.

Firstly, a sleeping person often looks unattractive: he may sleep with open mouth, in a strange position or drooling. Of course, your friend won’t be happy if you take a photo of him like this; he wasn’t ready for a photo shoot.

Secondly, it’s not good to disturb a person’s sleep, maybe he’s had a hard day, he’s tired and needs rest.

Thirdly, this photo may end up on social networks for everyone to see, and this would be a violation of a person’s privacy rights. Nobody wants to look like a laughing stock in the eyes of others.

Everyone chooses for themselves whether to believe in ancient signs, or look for a logical explanation for everything. As can be seen by different photos on the Internet, not everyone trusts this superstition.

If you are sure that a photo of your sleeping boyfriend will be really funny and he or she will appreciate the photo, then you can take it. After all, our photos retain pleasant memories, and sometimes it’s so nice to look back at them and smile.

Probably the most best advice- This is listening to your intuition.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people? A lot of people ask this question. For some, this is simply superstition, an invention of something that does not exist, completely unworthy of attention. For others it carries a certain meaning.

Many parents take pictures of their children sleeping simply because they look so cute while sleeping. They don’t pay attention to all the nonsense that the Internet is teeming with, they don’t believe in it, which is probably why everything is fine with them and their children.

It all depends on how you perceive information. If it frightens or provokes discomfort you unconsciously give it a lot of attention, maybe that's why some people have the most terrible events that they created in their life come true.

Scientists disagree about photographs of sleeping people; everyone has their own point of view on this matter. There are several reasons why it is not recommended to photograph a person.

Life energy

Scientists have proven that during sleep everything protective forces the body weakens, the body rests, gains energy for a new day.

Photos of a sleeping person carry a huge destructive charge on a person’s positive energy. You can unintentionally take away some portion of a person’s vital resources.

During sleep, the body is very susceptible to any influence, the energy weakens and foreign entities can easily penetrate and damage it.

Waking up in the morning, this person may feel a loss of strength, weakness, irritability and anger. New negative traits that were not there before may appear in his character.

This state of mind can lead to severe mental disorders; a previously absolutely healthy person can easily turn into a mentally disabled person. These manifestations are especially noticeable in extremely emotional and sensitive people. Their psyche simply cannot withstand such behavior and gives up negative influence, penetrated through the energy.

Guardian Angel

We all know that behind everyone’s left shoulder there is a creature that protects us from life’s hardships and losses. Many people know how to communicate with this entity, ask for help in difficult times or advice if the situation is very difficult and it seems that there is no way out.

The angel is with us day and night. Night is a time of calm and rest not only for the soul, but also for the body. This entity is also resting, so if you start taking photographs at night, the guardian may get scared and leave the person forever. And as we know, an angel is given to us only once and for the rest of our lives.

When they get lost biological rhythms, a person can acquire any disease because healthy sleep is an integral part of health and prosperity.

If you lack sleep, you can develop neurosis, digestive problems, mental disorders and depression, which will be very difficult to get rid of without regulating the process of sleep and wakefulness.

You should not risk the health of the sleeping person, a person should live healthy wonderful life, experience joy from every moment, if this person is dear to you, let him sleep peacefully, it’s better in daytime you can take photographs, they will turn out more alive and energetic than ridiculous photographs sleepy man. In our dreams, we have little control over ourselves and therefore the pictures will not look the best.

You cannot photograph a person in a dream for one more reason. Doctors are confident that if a flash of light from a camera wakes a person, the consequences can be very different.

The fear experienced by the body in the first seconds of awakening, when consciousness has not yet arrived, can turn into nervous and mental disorders, stuttering, seizures and others unpleasant moments, which can stay with a person for life. In this case, it is better not to take risks.

Many people are sure that in a dream a person’s soul leaves his body, consciousness goes away, only the subconscious remains to work, which controls everyone’s life. important processes body. If at the time of the photograph the soul was not in the body, it may simply get scared and leave the sleeper forever. This is the kind of disaster you can create if you don’t think about your actions.

After the departure of the soul, a person is no longer a person; he remains a vegetable who does not even know his name or why he is here. You shouldn't play with fate. We have no right to decide such issues.

Of course, the choice is always yours. You can play with this, but you need to remember that the consequences can be very different, from bodily injury to the death of a person as an individual. Maybe these are prejudices, maybe not, it’s better not to try to check the accuracy, as the outcome could be disastrous.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

“Oh, how cute he looks in his sleep! We need to take a picture of him!”
As soon as she took out her camera, her husband immediately snatched it from his hands: “Don’t you know that you can’t take pictures of people sleeping?!”
How often do there be moments when, seeing how cute a person looks while sleeping, your hand reaches out for the camera, but because of all sorts of superstitions you have to stop yourself.

Where did the belief come from?

Once upon a time, when several hundred years remained before the invention of the camera, the only way to capture a person was to draw him. Only wealthy people could afford the services of artists, and for the poorer population, ordering a painting was sometimes an unbearable burden. Therefore, they rarely used the services of artists. Most of the time this happened when I was dying. close person, and to capture what he looked like during his lifetime, an artist was called.
The deceased was dressed in ceremonial clothes, seated at the table with relatives, and if it was a child, then his favorite toy was placed in his hands. For greater realism, the eyelids were opened or the artist completed the eyes.
With the advent of the camera, post-mortem photography has become more accessible, but the association has already been firmly established: a person with his eyes closed is a post-mortem photograph. And in order not to bring trouble to the sleeping person, a belief arose not to photograph sleeping people.

More reasons why you should not photograph sleeping people

Besides superstition, there are several other reasons not to photograph sleeping people:

  1. It is believed that during sleep the soul leaves the body and its energy field is weakened. A person becomes vulnerable to evil spirits and magic. It is believed that it is dangerous to scream or scare a person during sleep; it is necessary that he wakes up gradually and the soul has time to return. Otherwise, the outcome may be sad: the person may remain a stutterer, or suffer a heart attack or stroke.
    As for photographs, magicians claim that the photograph together with the person captures his energy field, and since it is weakened in a dream, it will be easier to cast a spell or curse on a person using such a photograph.
  2. A photograph of a sleeping person sometimes looks unhygienic, since in a dream the person does not control himself. Would you like to have a photo of yourself drooling in your sleep or with your mouth open and your tongue hanging to one side? Most likely not.
  3. It is forbidden to photograph a sleeping person due to the fact that at this moment the Guardian Angel may leave the sleeping person forever. (Religious belief)

Is it possible to photograph sleeping children?

If you don’t believe in superstitions and want to take a photograph of your baby sleeping, then, as practice shows, nothing bad will happen in this case. Although parents still prefer not to put such pictures on public display.
The only reason why it is better not to do this is that the baby may become very frightened, and in the future, because of every sharp sound, he will flinch, get nervous and scream.
Just imagine, your baby is sleeping soundly, and then you suddenly decide to immortalize this wonderful moment and take a photo as a souvenir, after which a dazzling flash and loud sound the camera shutter will wake up the child. Only a person with strong nerves can withstand this.

What are the advantages of photographing a sleeping person?

Here are some benefits of photographing a sleeping person:

  1. The photo can turn out very funny, cute or unusual.
  2. Such a photograph will not work when a person is awake.
  3. This photo can be used as a gift or surprise.

Is it possible to somehow resist superstition?

There are two ways to resist superstitions: simply not to believe in them or “turn them around” in some way so that it turns out that the superstition seems to work, but in this particular case it will not work, for example, if you don’t show the photo to anyone.
To give yourself confidence that superstition does not work, you can watch, for example, American films with scenes where characters photograph each other sleeping and nothing happens to them.
In any case, the question of whether or not to believe that sleeping people cannot be photographed is up to you to decide.

The ban on photographing sleeping people is based on psychological and mystical factors.

Signs and superstitions about photography

  • The person being photographed may not wake up afterwards;
  • A person’s health and destiny can be stolen;
  • Waking up suddenly, a person may be very frightened and even remain a stutterer;
  • The sleeper may not get enough sleep;
  • The man captured on film resembles a dead man during sleep;
  • It’s easy to damage such a photo;
  • A flash can frighten a personal guardian angel, and he will leave the sleeping person forever;
  • Religion prohibits photographing sleeping people.

Signs about dreams

Health problems

There is an opinion that the energy field of a sleeping person is similar to the energy field of a dead person. For this reason, it is not advisable to photograph a sleeping person. This condition can be confirmed in real life and the person will suddenly fall ill and die.

Sudden death

According to other superstitions, it is believed that the soul leaves the body during sleep and moves to another dimension, after which it returns back. A sharp click of the camera shutter can suddenly awaken a person and the soul will not have time to return to the body.

For the same reason, in the Middle Ages it was forbidden to move a sleeping person to another place. There is another belief - from a bright photo flash the soul can go blind and not find its way back. Then the person will forever remain in the world of dreams. This is another answer to the question: why can’t you photograph people sleeping?

Many are sure that a sleeping person looks like a dead person. Therefore, the photo could bring death to him. And if the photo turned out blurry, it also served as a belief that he would die soon.

Evil eye or damage

Experienced astrologers, healers, and psychics who are professional in their field can tell a lot about a person’s fate from a photo. It's about about those who are not charlatans. Photography counts an exact copy a living person, therefore it reflects his aura and energy.

It is from them that psychics determine whether a person is alive or dead, how healthy he is, if not, what is he suffering from, whether he has damage and the evil eye, and other data. The essence of a person - his mentality and character - are also displayed in the photo, along with external signs.

So why shouldn't you photograph sleeping people? According to esotericists, in this way you can disrupt his energy field and even take away part of his strength! If during wakefulness we can somehow hide our true emotions, then in a dream everything is different. The person is completely relaxed and cannot control himself. He is completely defenseless. Therefore, it is impossible to capture a sleeping person. After all, if such a photo falls into the hands of ill-wishers, and then witchers, then they can cast any spell.

Not only magicians, but also scientists agree that during sleep a person’s soul travels to other worlds, remembering a past reincarnation. Therefore, a person often dreams of something that he has not yet seen. Thus, the soul shares information with a person about its past incarnations.

If you take a picture at this time, then the soul will various reasons won't be able to return to physical body. Then the person will simply turn into a zombie. Many black sorcerers know about this and thus make servants for themselves, depriving a person of his spiritual essence, consciousness and emotions.

There are people who, after such incidents, are simply afraid to go to bed, because they worry that they will be photographed again.

Remember: the energy of photographs is stronger than the energy of a person’s personal belongings.

For the same reason, it is believed that photographs of sleeping children should not be taken, since their energy field is much weaker than that of an adult. It's even easier to jinx them. It is believed that this can be done simply by admiring the child.

You can't take pictures of a sleeping woman. It is believed that the child may not be born.

The guardian angel will leave the person

Religious belief explains the ban on photographing a sleeping person by the fact that at this moment the guardian angel may leave the sleeping person forever.

Religious reasons

Followers of Islam claim that it is forbidden to photograph a sleeping person due to the prohibition of Sharia law. It is explained this way: by taking a photo, a person wants to become like Allah, and this is considered a sin, which will result in torment in hell.

Another reason for the ban is that hand-made images can lead to polytheism. This can also be explained by lack of faith in Allah.

Explanation of the ban on filming sleeping people from a psychological point of view

Fright due to abrupt awakening

A sharp click of the camera shutter or flash can frighten the sleeper. IN best case scenario you will hear unpleasant words addressed to you. In the worst case scenario, the person will develop hiccups.

Signs about photography

Children may develop phobias and the central nervous system. “Removing” them is especially dangerous. Today's cameras allow you to take pictures without a flash or a loud click, so such a superstition is invalid.

Sleep disturbance

During the sleep period human body melatonin is produced, which regulates circadian rhythms. For the hormone to be produced “correctly” it is necessary complete absence Sveta. A camera flash can disrupt the body’s recovery process, and the next morning a person will feel tired and sleep-deprived, and this happens subconsciously.


A person may “look” ugly in a photograph. This happens for a reason complete relaxation muscle fibers. The position in which a person can sleep is also not always suitable for photography.

Some note that photographs of a sleeping person are very similar to medieval-style photographs that collectors are “hunting” for. This style appeared in the mid-nineteenth century after the invention of photography. Humanity now has the opportunity to take photographs in memory of a deceased relative. The dead people in the photo looked very realistic.

To take a photo, you had to sit still for about half an hour. It was impossible for a living person to do this, and the cost of such photography was very expensive. And not everyone was ready for a photo shoot, because everyone was afraid of cameras, based on the judgment that a person is like a god.

Therefore, they photographed the dead, and they were laid out or seated in such a way that it seemed that they were alive. A person could be given a newspaper or given a cup of tea. This tradition existed in the USSR as well. The children were surrounded by flowers and their favorite toys. This was the only opportunity to imagine the deceased person still alive.

People tend to “wind up” themselves and believe in various signs. After you show a person a photo of him, he may have little or no reaction. But if he is told a mystical sign, he can believe in it and “attract” illness or even his death. It is especially dangerous to talk about this to people with an unbalanced psyche, as well as to very sensitive individuals.

It is quite possible that some of the signs listed in this article are indeed true. However, to believe in them or not is everyone’s personal choice. But you can with full confidence to say that fear and self-hypnosis create the basis for beliefs, so a person, without knowing it, can bring disaster upon himself. After all, when he concentrates on something for a long time, this could become a reality.

Photography has great strength. She can stop time. With its help, you can damage a person or, on the contrary, heal a sick person. Today, almost everyone can take a photo; it’s not even about the fact that anyone can afford to buy a camera, but about the fact that currently the most budget-friendly mobile phone in most cases equipped with a camera. Here it appears on the page in social networks huge amount photo - people take photographs of everyone and everything - themselves in different poses, animals, nature and even food. However, few people know, but there are several signs associated with photographs. The most common belief is that you should not photograph sleeping people, while the ban on this kind of photography exists not only among superstitious people, even professional photographers They are unlikely to agree to photograph the sleeping person.

Where did it come from that you can’t take pictures of a sleeping person?

If you dig deep into history, you can find information that in the distant 19th century in most European countries there was a tradition of photographing dead people as if they were just sleeping. So, one could see photographs showing a dinner in a family circle, and a dead man sitting at the head of the table. Certainly, to modern man this picture may seem, if expressed soft tongue, strange, but in those days it was quite normal.

Modern explanations for the taboo on photographing sleeping people

It was from the theory of the origin of superstition described above that it came about that if a person is captured in a photo with his eyes closed, it means he is no longer in the world of the living.

Currently, the more common version is that if you take a photograph of a sleeping person, then in this way you can bring trouble on him and, even worse, bring the day of his death closer.

It is not recommended to photograph a sleeping person for one more reason. The fact that the soul travels in a dream is an indisputable fact. By taking a picture, you can wake up a person, and if his soul was near his body, then it may be damaged, but if at that time it was flying somewhere far away, then upon return it may not find its physical body. By the way, for the same reason it is not recommended to transfer a sleeping child to bed.

And finally, the most common version of why there is a taboo on photographing sleeping people is that a person’s soul leaves the body during sleep and makes it very vulnerable. Photographing a sleeping person can have a detrimental effect on his energy.

It has been proven that photography is capable of storing the bioenergy of the person depicted in it. That's why, if a photograph of a sleeping person falls into your hands envious person or, even worse, a black magician, then it will not be possible to escape from trouble. Therefore, if you have a photograph in which a person dear to your heart is captured sleeping, then try to hide it from prying unkind eyes. In addition, we know that thoughts are material, which is why, looking at a photograph of a sleeping person, an association with a dead person can involuntarily arise, and thus one can invite death.

Why you shouldn't take pictures of sleeping children

A sleeping child is a touching picture: a sweet smile, smiling eyes... Well, how can you not take a picture of him so cute?! And yet, try to overcome your desires, because by taking a photo, you can scare your child’s Guardian Angel. In addition, such a photo session can wake up and frighten the baby, and this, if you rely on the opinion of believers, will not lead to any good.

As already mentioned, the photograph captures not only the physical body, but also the biofield. In babies, even when they are awake, it is quite weak, but is it worth talking about the photo?! Having been touched by the sleeping baby in the photo, you can put the evil eye on him.

What about other religions?

IN Christian religion it is said that photographing a sleeping person can frighten the Guardian Angel and he can leave the person forever. However, Sharia law also discourages photographing people while they sleep. This is explained by the fact that when taking a photograph, a person wants to become like the Almighty, which is considered a great sin and for this the photographer will suffer torment in hell. There is another interpretation of the prohibition of photographing a sleeping person from the point of view of the Islamic religion, so, man-made images can lead to polytheism, and this already emanates disbelief in Allah.

Certainly, modern society far from some prejudices, which is why many shamelessly photograph their loved ones while sleeping. We want to say that whether to believe in omens or not is your own business. Just don’t forget that if you strongly believe in something, it will definitely happen, so believe in the best. Have a nice photo, beautiful and different!



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