Why people don't like small dogs. A dog is man's friend

The dog is holy. She is spontaneous and honest by nature. She feels when there is no time for her, and can lie motionless for hours while her idol is busy. When the owner is sad, she puts her head on his lap. “Has everyone abandoned you? Just think! Let’s go for a walk and everything will be forgotten!”

Excel Mant

Happiness is difficult for people. They withdraw into themselves and get into trouble. They themselves don’t know what they need, and they are sad, sad... Dogs don’t have such difficulties. They know that happiness comes from doing something for others. Dogs do everything in their power to please their two-legged friend, and are happy if they succeed.

John Richard Stevens

Dogs, God bless them, believe that man is a weak, defenseless creature that needs constant love and care. You accidentally lick your hand, rub your furry muzzle against your leg, and the poor owner knows: his friend will not leave him in trouble.

Mary McGrory

If you love me, love my dog. The bond between man and dog can only disappear with life...

E. Seton-Thompson

Reverence is a feeling experienced by a man towards God and by a dog towards man.

Ambrose Bierce

The dog is so loyal that you don’t even believe that a person deserves such love.

Ilya Ilf

The best thing a person has is a dog.

Toussaint Charlet

Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people.

Eliane J. Finbert

A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog.

Anton Chekhov

The dog is the only animal whose loyalty is unshakable.

J. Buffon

If you pick up a yard dog on the street and feed it, it will never bite you. This is the difference between a dog and a person.

Mark Twain

Dogs have never bitten me. Only people.

Marilyn Monroe

“The only completely selfless friend of a person in this selfish world, a friend who will never leave him, who is never ungrateful and will not betray him, is the DOG.
A DOG will remain next to a person in wealth and poverty, in health and illness.
A DOG will sleep on the cold ground, where cold winds blow and snow blows furiously, just to be close to its owner.
The DOG will kiss his hand, even if that hand cannot give him water; she will lick her wounds and scratches - the result of clashes with the cruelty of the surrounding world.
A DOG guards the sleep of his poor owner as jealously as if he were a prince.
When all other friends leave, this one remains.
When all the riches disappear and everything falls to pieces, the DOG is as constant in his love as the sun walking across the sky.”

Senator George West, 1870

A person has the opportunity to choose a relative only once in his life - when he gets a dog

Mark Segal

A dog is the only creature in the world who loves you more than himself.

Read more: Pet lovers are bona fide neurotics

Josh Billings

A dog contains all the best that a person can have!

Etienne Charlet

Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.

U.P. Lampton

A dog comforts you when you're sad partly because it never tries to find out why.


Not a single animal would think of surprising its relatives with something.
No dog would give a pig to a man.


A dog has one wonderful quality - it remembers goodness. She guards the house of her benefactors until her death.


In essence, dogs definitely have what we call a soul.

R. Amundsen

Gratitude? This is a disease of dogs that is not transmissible to humans.

Antoine Bernheim

If you don't like dogs, you don't like loyalty; you do not love those who are faithful to you, therefore you cannot be faithful.

Napoleon Bonaparte

By your attitude towards the dog, I will know what kind of person you are.

A. Bosse

If there is a heaven, then there must be pets. Their lives are so intertwined with ours that even the Archangel cannot untangle this tangle.

Pam Brown

If you keep a dog on a leash, do not expect affection from it.

A. Wilmeter

God, make me what I seem to be to my dog...


Why do animal paw prints please us more than human footprints?


It is not surprising that dogs begin to resemble their owners. Both of them have a dog's life.

V. Domile

Buy a dog. This is the only way to buy love with money.

Yana Ipokhorskaya

Dogs laugh too, only they laugh with their tails.


If only people could love like dogs, the world would become a paradise.

J. Douglas

A dog is not the meaning of life, but thanks to it, life takes on a special meaning.

R. Karas

Waking up, the Man asked: “What is the Wild Dog doing here?!” And the Woman answered: “His name is no longer a wild dog, but the First Friend, and he will be our friend forever and ever.”

R. Kipling

A dog's life teaches you not only to snarl, but also to wag your tail.

T. Kleiman

The yawning animal has a human face.

K. Kraus

A dog is the most wonderful, perfect and useful of all acquisitions that a person has ever made.

J. Cuvier

Konrad C. Lorenz

If you think your dog can't count, put three cookies in his pocket and then give him only two of them.
A dog is the best comforter because it doesn’t ask why you’re feeling bad.
The dog is the only creature that has seen its God with its own eyes.
The dog considers the owner to be too tall and an abnormally intelligent dog.

W. P. Lampton

A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone shared by a dog when you are as hungry as he is.

J. London.

Dogs, God bless them, believe that man is a weak, defenseless creature that needs constant love and care. You accidentally lick your hand, rub your furry muzzle against your leg, and the poor owner knows: his friend will not leave him in trouble.

Read more: Dogs become official staff at Middlesex University to help students cope with stress

M. McGregory

If you don't have a dog, get a friend.
Dogs are loved because they do not want to become owners.

G. Malkin

If there were no dog, the person would feel lonely.
Her eyes are still closed, but she already trusts us, she has not yet been born, but is already devoted to us.

M. Maeterlinck, “My Dog”

Those who keep animals must recognize that they serve the animals rather than the animals serving them.

Michel Montaigne.

A dog is not only a man’s friend, to some it is also a mother.

D. Pasternak-Taranushenko

We do not yet have a word that could express at the same time dedication, courage and intelligence - all those magnificent qualities that a dog possesses.

K. G. Paustovsky

Only fleas bite the dog; and a bad person has dogs, fleas, and conscience.

R. Podlevsky

In the history of civilization there are many more examples of canine fidelity than human ones.

Alexander Pope

Only a person who has a dog feels like a human being.
The dog is a clear example of human ingratitude.
The numbers don't lie. Count how many people barked at you and how many dogs!
There are no ugly dogs - there are unloved ones.


Perhaps being called a dog is not such a big insult.
Happiness is difficult for people. They withdraw into themselves and get into trouble. They themselves don’t know what they need, and they are sad, sad... Dogs don’t have such difficulties. They know that happiness comes from doing something for others. Dogs do everything in their power to please their two-legged friend, and are happy if they succeed.

D. - Richard Stevens

Unlike people, dogs never pretend: they love their friends, but they bite their enemies.


If a dog is all you have, you are still a rich man.

L. Sabin

A dog is a creature that barks at an entering guest, while a person barks at a departing guest.

M. Impostor

The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs.

Mmm de Sevigne

The only true friend in Washington is a dog.

G. Truman

People are accepted into Paradise not on merit, but on patronage, otherwise you would remain outside the threshold and let your dog in.

Mark Twain

Don't live in a city where you can't hear dogs barking.


The life of dogs is too short, this is their only drawback.


A dog jumps on your lap because it loves you; cat - because it’s warmer for her.

Alfred Whitehead

There is no better psychiatrist in the world than a puppy who licks your face.

Burn Williams

Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people.

E.J. Finbert

A cat is full of mystery, like an animal; The dog is simple and naive, like a person.

K. Chapek

The dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. The pigs look at us as equals.

Read more: A dog has a beneficial effect on human health

W. Churchill

A chained dog remains faithful only to its kennel.


Money can buy any dog ​​- but not the wagging of its tail.

G.U. Show

Compassion for animals is so closely related to kindness of character that we can confidently say that whoever is cruel to animals cannot be a kind person.

A. Schopenhauer.

Animals are very sweet friends - they don’t ask questions or criticize. J. Eliot

Doesn't matter. A person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like to be left alone.

A dog contains all the best that a person can have.

A dog's friend sounds proud.

If a dog starts playing with a cat, it means that the owners are both fed up

If a domestic dog barks, it is good. But when a stray dog ​​barks, it is bad and dangerous.

Just because a dog bites you doesn't mean you can do the same in return.

It is unknown who feels more important - a person or a dog, because a dog never gives his paw first

Not every home should have a dog, but every dog ​​should have its own home.

No person listens to another with such sincere interest and attention as a dog listens to you.

A dog can express more feelings with its tail in a few minutes than a person can express with words in a few hours.

The phrase “I won’t be long” means nothing to a dog. All she knows is that the owner is GONE.

It's good when a dog is a friend, but it's bad when a friend is a dog...

Only a faithful dog is faithful to us to the end.

Konrad Z. Lorenz

Buy a puppy and you will find the most devoted love in the world.

Rudyard Kipling

You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.

A. Saint-Exupery,
"The Little Prince"

There is nothing more touching than a sick animal:
it endures suffering with such quiet and sad resignation.

T. Gauthier

If you don't know the breed yourself, keep purebred dogs!

A dog needs a yard to feel like a human.

A.V. Ivanov

If you have a dog, then you return not to the House, but to the Home.

Pam Brown

In the fast pace of our lives, modern man from time to time wants to feel that he is still himself, and nothing gives him such pleasant confirmation of this as four legs mincing behind him.

Konrad Lorenz

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A dog is man's friend. What kind of people love dogs?

April 13, 2016 - One comment

For some people, a dog is the best and most faithful friend who will never betray, under any circumstances. For many residents of a modern metropolis, a dog has become a full-fledged member of the family, and for some, a four-legged pet has completely replaced loved ones.

Initially, this animal accompanied a person on a hunt, later it became a guide for the blind, an orderly in war, a personal bodyguard, but in any case it performed working functions.

In recent years, dogs are increasingly being owned not for protection or hunting, but simply “for the soul.” There is an increasing trend towards small breeds that correspond to the latest fashions and are more practical and easy to keep for the city.

The dog became not just a friend of man, but acquired all the rights equal to him. Hundreds of hotels, hairdressers, and pet taxis have opened especially for dogs. In modern cities there are even a number of specialists in plastic surgery for dogs who can remove a small “natural mistake” and make a pet a benchmark for breed standards.

What kind of people love dogs so much? What shapes our tastes and preferences? Let's consider the psychological aspect of this phenomenon.

Who are they, dog lovers?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the peculiarities of human behavior by their innate properties. Sets of such properties are called vectors. People who love dogs are carriers of two vectors at the same time: visual and anal. Such people combine the properties of both vectors.

Many people, when purchasing a dog, do not think about the responsibility that falls on their shoulders. A dog, like any other pet, needs care and attention. She needs to be fed, walked, trained and given the necessary vaccinations.But many people forget about this after some time, when they bring the puppy into their house or apartment. Having played enough with a living toy, they throw the animal out into the street, dooming it to certain death. A dog accustomed to its owner can no longer do without a person. She has to survive on her own. And over time, she runs wild, she develops distrust of people, she becomes dangerous for them.

Increasingly, cases occur when wild packs of dogs (or an individual) attack an adult or child. And of course, those who do not like dogs begin to shout about their extermination. And those who were indifferent before go over to the opposite side. Naturally, no one will love dogs because they rush at people, spread diseases, and ruin city lawns, playgrounds or parks. But is this really so? After all, we should not forget about why and because of whom this is happening.

City residents often complain that dog walkers walk their pets in places not intended for this purpose. In Russia, as you know, there are no special places for walking dogs. And there is no law that regulates the rules of dog walking in our country. However, the dog owner is responsible for serious harm caused by his pet to another person. But dog owners, as a rule, take good care of their animals, take them outside wearing a muzzle or on a leash and do not allow their pet to harm anyone. As for the cleanliness of the city, even if all owners clean up after their animals, the city will not become cleaner. After all, it is not dogs who litter the streets, but people themselves. But many people find it easier to blame dogs and their owners than to look after themselves and their attitude towards the environment. Dogs do not throw bottles, cigarette butts, used syringes and other garbage on playgrounds. Dogs do not break windows and do not leave bags of garbage in hallways. Do dogs defecate in elevators and in the corners of stairwells? A dog accustomed to the street will never do “its business” at home or in the entrance.

Read also: The world's largest dog: TOP 10 giants

Another reason for dislike for the most loyal animals is barking. The dog barks at night, the dog owner’s neighbors don’t get enough sleep, and they are increasingly protesting against having animals in their apartments. But the dog will not bark just like that. There are several reasons why a dog may behave loudly: when it is defending its territory, when it is left alone for a long time, or when it is provoked. It’s worth listening to the dog’s barking and it’s better to check what happened, rather than groundlessly blaming the owner for not being able to calm his animal down. After all, a dog often howls for help when something happens to its owner. Or perhaps undesirable individuals entered the entrance with bad intentions, and the dog is trying to attract people’s attention to warn about this. Do not forget that dogs have a unique sense of smell and are able to identify a stranger who has entered the territory it protects.

There is also a reason why many people hate dogs - various diseases. People disdain dogs because they consider them carriers of dangerous viruses. Currently, there are only a few dangerous diseases transmitted from dogs to humans: lichen, rabies, leptospirosis and helminthiasis. But you can only become infected through direct contact with a sick animal. As a general rule, a responsible owner will always keep their dog vaccinated and vaccinated to prevent these diseases. Therefore, the chance of becoming infected from a pet dog is very small. You can catch the disease much faster through contact with stray animals, which most often end up on the street due to human fault.


Now let's figure out why people dislike your pets.

Although everything seems to be clear that if a dog goes to the toilet in the middle of the street, its feces should be removed. However, some dog breeders do not consider it necessary to do this. When going for a walk with an animal, take a bag and a dustpan with you. Please put all dog excrement in a bag and then throw it in the trash. It's really annoying when you're walking along the sidewalk or square and there's dog poop everywhere. Respect people, clean up after yourself, leave the space clean after you.

If you went for a walk and forgot to take a bag with you, you can come back for dog goodness later. Take everything you need at home, go outside again, walk through the places where you went with the dog, and clean up after yourself.

Yes, dogs bark. They do this to warn you of danger or to scare someone who is threatening you. However, excessive barking is not normal. Your neighbors shouldn't have to suffer from it anyway. Even if the dog is in the house, and its barking is heard outside, it is unlikely that others will be pleased to constantly listen to it. The dog should be taken to a canine specialist for possible correction of its behavior. He will teach her to bark only when it is appropriate.

It's terrible to have a completely uncontrollable dog. This is even worse than communicating with an equally emotional person. A stupid, uncontrollable dog pulls on its leash, lunges and barks at other dogs and people, and grabs and ruins yours and other people's things. She does not respond to commands. Even physical punishment has no effect on her.

This behavior in dogs occurs in the absence of obedience training. Your dog should behave calmly during a walk, without being excited by the sight of other people and children.

The dog must be able to follow verbal commands, and not just respond to leash movements. She also needs to be specially trained for this.

A dog running around without a leash poses a threat to other people, especially if it is poorly trained and reacts inappropriately to others. If she runs into a neighbor's property without a leash, she can trample their plants in the garden, harm other animals, or frighten a child, especially if she is large.

Even an obedient dog walking without a leash will not cause affection among neighbors. If she completely obeys you, it is difficult to predict her behavior when meeting other people.

Please keep your dog on a leash in public places. She should only be kept off-leash in a place that is safe for other people and only if she unquestioningly obeys verbal commands.

Not everyone is willing to pet your dog whenever he wants. Many people don't like it when a dog jumps on them with its paws, gets dirty on their clothes, licks their hands, begs for food, or otherwise invades their personal space. If the animal greets them in this way every time, people will once again try not to enter your house. They are also unlikely to invite you to their home for the same reason.

Teach your dog to behave well in society, both on your own territory and on someone else's.

If a dog is always calm and good-natured, others will treat it well. If she is not trained, it is best to keep her away from others, and when there is company at your home, she should be locked in a separate room. When you go to visit other people, it is best to leave the dog at home.

Some dogs, even when they are puppies, like to spoil things. They chew the legs of beds, tables and chairs, shoes, and also trample and uproot flowers in flower beds. This animal behavior can be caused by fear, anxiety or excess energy. It’s one thing for a dog to do such outrages in your home. It’s different when something like this happens in the house of your friends or neighbors.

We must be respectful of other people's property. If you have a rowdy dog, it is better to lock it in a certain room when you are not at home, so that it does not spoil all the things in the house in your absence. This is especially important if there are people at home whom the animal usually never listens to.

A dog that likes to spoil things should never be brought into other people's homes. You shouldn’t even allow her to enter their yard. This behavior is not normal for an animal. It should be corrected with the help of a veterinarian or dog handler.

7. You take your dog to inappropriate places.

You can't go everywhere with a dog. You will have to enter a restaurant, store or plane without it. If you like to go everywhere with your pet, find establishments where it is not prohibited to enter with it. Go there together.

8. The dog behaves badly in the dog park

Not all dogs can walk on dog parks, although the latter are intended for walking. To be able to be there, the dog must be able to get along with all other animals and their owners. She must be able to follow verbal commands well and correctly. If a dog exhibits aggressive behavior, it should be removed from the area immediately. And please do not leave your animal unattended, even if it is very obedient!

10. You don't want to be held responsible for your dog's mischief.

Accidents involving dogs often occur. Some animals destroy valuable property. Others attack and seriously injure people. If your dog causes harm to others, you should be held responsible. You must be honest with others and admit your guilt. You may need to pay cash for the damage, buy new items to replace damaged ones, or pay for someone else's dog's veterinary treatment. Do everything you can to help the injured party reverse the effects of their dog's bad behavior.

The worst thing you can do is tell everyone that your dog is perfect and could not have done what he is accused of doing. In this case, you may be sued, and you will have to spend much more nerves and money than if all these issues were resolved amicably.



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