Why did the cat poop with blood? Why does blood appear in a cat’s stool: causes, concomitant diseases

A cat's diarrhea with blood and mucus indicates serious illness, so before going to the doctor you can provide first aid: remove pain syndrome, give a remedy for diarrhea. In cases severe pain On the contrary, you cannot self-medicate; go to the doctor immediately. Since the cause of such symptoms is often infectious and invasive diseases, then put accurate diagnosis and an antibiotic can be prescribed only after laboratory tests.

Normally, cats' feces are dark brown, shaped like short tubes. Healthy cat goes to the potty “mostly” 1-2 times a day, considers the frequency of bowel movements to be up to 3 times a day normal, provided that there are no other symptoms of the disease. Kittens have light brown feces, often unformed, mushy, this is due to feeding habits - high content mother's milk.

We talk about (diarrhea) in cases where a cat goes to the potty too often while eating stool. These signs should not be confused with a situation where the cat also goes to the potty often, but without stool (this is constipation). With diarrhea, stool is usually semi-liquid or liquid and may contain foreign inclusions (mucus, helminths, blood).

It happens if pathological process the large intestine is connected. If blood comes out thin section(for example, with an ulcer), the stool will be black in color, since the blood has time to coagulate and be partially digested. But blood can come out of both sections, in which case the stool will be dark with blood admixtures.

Possible diseases

The table below lists the symptoms and possible reasons. All pathologies are classified according to the characteristics of diarrhea.


First aid

First aid can be provided to the animal if the cat’s condition is not so bad and a trip to the veterinarian can be postponed until the next day. Or vice versa, when the cat’s condition is critical and the animal can simply not be brought to an end, this option usually occurs when poisoning.

Remember! Cats with bloody diarrhea should not be given aspirin, as this will increase blood loss.

Painkillers (both drugs are best given together)
Analgin0.5 ml/kgNot recommendedOne-time
Diphenhydramine0.1 ml/kgNot recommendedOne-time
In case of poisoning with rat poison
Aminocaproic acid5 grams dissolved in 10 ml at 0.85% saline solution, administered subcutaneously0.5-1 grams dissolved in 1-2 ml in 0.85% saline solution, administered subcutaneouslyContains vitamin K (blocks the action of the poison) the injection will give you time to visit the veterinarian
For diarrhea
Loperamide1/2 tablet1/4 or 1/8 tabletUntil the diarrhea stops
To cleanse the stomach and intestines
Activated carbon0.5-1 tablets1/4-1/8 tablets2-3 times, interval 12 hours
EnterosgelHalf a tablespoon½-¼ teaspoon


Among other things, treatment is supplemented with diet:

  • For an adult cat, go on a hunger strike for 24 hours;
  • then, exclude fatty, spicy, fried foods;
  • exclude dry food;
  • you can feed rice porridge, boiled chicken;
  • drinking plenty of water.

Can be used special dietary foods for diarrhea from Purina, Hills, Eukanuba. If diarrhea persists, or if the cat refuses to eat, Ringer-Locke solution should be injected subcutaneously. For adult animals – 20-50 ml, for kittens – 5-10 ml.


It is not diarrhea that needs to be treated, but the cause of its occurrence.specific disease. Therefore, therapy and medications will greatly depend on the diagnosis. But if you can’t visit a veterinarian, you can give your cat some medications at home:

PreparationDosageCourse of treatment
Antibacterial drugs
Furazolidone1/4 tablet 2 times a day1/6 tablet 1 time per day5-7 days
Phthalazole1/4 tablet 2-3 times a day1/8 tablet once a day5-7 days
Enterofuril suspension2.5 ml 2-3 times a day0.5-1 ml 2-3 times a day7-10 days
Prasitel (for round and tapeworms)1 tabletFrom 1/4 to 1 tabletThe first time - once in the morning on an empty stomach
Second time - after 10-15 days
Dirofen (against everyone)1 tabletFrom 1/4 to 1 tablet
Polyverkan (from everyone)0.5 briquettes0.25 briquettes


Basic preventive actions are aimed at preventing the cat from eating inedible objects or infected animals (birds, rats, insects).

What to do:

  • you can't feed the cat raw meat, fish;
  • you should not be allowed to walk in places where poison is scattered (near farms, food warehouses);
  • should not be allowed to walk near garbage dumps;
  • Do not leave medications or chemicals on the floor or table;
  • Do not give your cat inedible solid objects (buttons, needles, coins);
  • it is advisable to feed special feeds for animals;
  • it is advisable to comply certain time feeding and diet, do not change it suddenly;
  • give your cat vitamins so that she doesn’t get licks – pathological condition with vitamin deficiency, when the animal tastes non-edible objects.

The other day my friend Alexandra called me with a question: the cat has blood in his stool.
During the conversation, we found out that the cat eats colored food and his feces are colored. And since the cat relieves itself in a tray with filler, it is difficult to clearly see the feces. So we did as follows: for the next week the cat was given brown food, without colored inclusions. And the feces turned brown. And when they started giving colored food, it became colored again. So no treatment was needed, because the color of the stool simply depended on the color of the food.

Since this question "blood in cat's stool" frequent, let's figure out in what cases this happens:

1) Option one, the most common: regular feces brown, normal consistency. And on it is a drop of scarlet blood. At the same time, the animal feels good. In that case we're talking about that this is blood from the rectum - the mucous membrane or fissure of the anus is simply scratched.
If this happens once, you don’t have to do anything.
If this repeats, the reason may be that there is not enough in the diet fat-soluble vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids.
To heal the mucous membrane, you will have to put candles with sea buckthorn oil in the cat’s butt.
And add vegetable oil to your cat’s food: olive, sunflower, sesame – any will do. Do not overdo the dose, otherwise you will cause diarrhea. Start with a coffee spoon 2 times a day. You can gradually increase the dose to a teaspoon 2 times a day.

If blood in cat stool continues to come out, there is a lot of it - go to the vet. It is necessary to exclude such options as polyps and intestinal tumors, bacterial infection, impaired blood clotting, poisoning with hemolytic poisons, pancreatitis, helminthiasis. All of the above is not a field for the owner’s initiative. The diagnosis must be made by a competent doctor.

2) diarrhea and drops of scarlet blood: we treat diarrhea, in the butt - suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

3) Constipation, and during bowel movements blood in cat stool. Relieving constipation. First, try adding oil to your food. If it doesn’t help, let’s talk in more detail.

4) diarrhea alternates with constipation, the cat is hunched over. She may have colitis - go to the vet.

3) feces are dark like tar, and when washed away with water, they wash out like meat slop. This already shows that it is possible stomach bleeding or bleeding from small intestine. This is where you definitely need the advice of an experienced veterinarian.
And if at the same time you know that over the past day or two the cat has eaten tubular chicken bones- run to the vet. This may be evidence of intestinal perforation. When the intestines are perforated, the animal no longer looks happy and relaxed. It may hunch over, not eat, and may vomit.
In this case, go to the vet immediately!

While cleaning your cat's litter box, you may notice that there is blood in your pet's excrement. This is not like that rare problem, veterinarians encounter it all the time. Blood clots or, even worse, a bloody puddle in the tray are a sign of a serious pathology in the animal. Under no circumstances should you expect the situation to resolve itself. We need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon and help the animal timely assistance. So, the cat has bloody stool - what does this mean?


Normal cat feces does not contain bloody or mucous impurities or remains of undigested food. Blood in feces is a sign serious problems with the health of the animal. The reasons that provoked this may be the following.

Exclusively dry food in the diet

Coarse feed particles injure the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. It is even worse if the animal does not have constant access to water. The appearance of extravasates in feces is inevitable.

Chronic constipation

An unbalanced diet, small amounts of water consumed, and eating “human” food sooner or later lead to constipation. Hardened feces injure the colon, which leads to bleeding after bowel movements.

Foreign bodies

If your pet accidentally swallows sharp object, a health-threatening situation may develop. Contact the veterinary clinic immediately!

Important! Protozoa also cause harm to the animal's intestines. They increase the permeability of blood vessels.

Damage by viruses and bacteria

The reason for the appearance of blood in stool is: infectious diseases(panleukopenia, enteritis, etc.). In addition to diarrhea mixed with blood, these diseases manifest themselves sharp deterioration condition of the animal, dehydration, severe vomiting.

Other reasons:

  • Diseases of the digestive organs, liver, pancreas.
  • Chronic inflammation of the large intestine (colitis). One of the manifestations of the disease is erosion and ulcers on the intestinal mucosa. Hence the cat’s feces with blood and the appearance of mucus in it.
  • Polyps. These benign neoplasms intestines are quite common. Fecal masses that pass through the intestines injure overgrown areas of the mucous membrane, which leads to bleeding.
  • Malignant tumors. For cats, rectal cancer is rare, but you still need to exclude this terrible pathology. Only a specialist can do this. Cancer develops gradually, gradually, manifesting itself only when metastases have spread throughout the body.
  • Bleeding disorders, allergies.
  • Poisoning with poison for rodents. The cause may be rodent hunting or direct contact with poison. It is no coincidence that experienced rat-catching cats do not eat their prey, but put it at the doorstep as a hunting trophy. And young, inexperienced animals often die.
  • Fur swallowed by an animal while licking often causes extravasation in the feces. Most often this problem occurs in long-haired beauties. The hairs injure the intestinal mucosa, causing bleeding.
  • Tubular bones in a cat's diet. Sharp bones injure the intestines, which leads to the appearance of extarvasate in the feces.
  • Dysbacteriosis. In addition to bloody feces, this condition in a cat is manifested by intestinal bloating, alternating diarrhea and constipation.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the same phenomenon. There are also many answers to the question of whether a cat has bloody feces - what does this mean. For this reason, you need to take the symptoms seriously and not neglect a visit to the veterinarian.

Causes for concern

You should contact your veterinarian if your animal has the following symptoms:

  1. The cat strains a lot when defecating and meows.
  2. Blood appeared in the pet's stool.

What to do before visiting the vet?

Before going to the veterinary clinic, observe your pet. Special attention pay attention to the following points:

  • How often does blood appear in a cat's stool?
  • The amount of blood excreted in feces.
  • The behavior of the animal when visiting the tray (meowing, anxiety).
  • The presence of other foreign matter in the feces - undigested food, wool, mucus, etc.
  • Changes in general condition(activity, presence or absence of vomiting, loose stool, temperature increase).
  • Changes in appetite.

Important! Be prepared to answer the doctor's questions, such as:

  • changes in the animal's diet;
  • availability of access to poison for rodents;
  • the possibility of foreign bodies entering the animal’s body.

All this will allow the doctor to put correct diagnosis and save the health, and sometimes the life of the animal.


Before prescribing treatment, the veterinarian will carefully examine the pet. The animal is prescribed the following tests:

  • Detailed blood test.
  • Examination of stool for protozoa and helminths.
  • Stool examination occult blood.

Important! A coprogram provides a lot of information. This technique makes it possible not only to examine the composition of stool, but also to detect hidden blood in it. X-ray diagnostics and ultrasound are also used abdominal cavity, colonoscopy.

My cat has bloody stools - what should I do? Treatment

Kit therapeutic measures depends on the reason:

  • If the appearance of blood in the stool is caused by infections, then antiviral and antibacterial drugs will help the animal.
  • For cats suffering from allergic reactions or dysbiosis, treatment using a special diet and probiotics will be effective.
  • If blood in the feces is caused by helminths or protozoa, then a prescription will help anthelmintic drugs or coccidiostatics.
  • Help for cats with pancreatic diseases enzyme preparations. Long-haired cats need to buy food with additives that painlessly remove hair from the body.
  • Polyps can be removed surgically and conservative treatment can be continued in the future.

Preventive measures

So that the cat does not experience discomfort when visiting the litter box for “big” matters, and even more so, to prevent serious pathologies, you must follow these rules.

The presence of blood in the feces indicates some kind of disorder in the cat’s body. This symptom cannot be ignored. Why is blood in cats' stool dangerous? What are the reasons for the development of this phenomenon? Let's look at these and other questions in this article.

Causes of blood in cat stool

There can be several reasons for the appearance of blood in a cat's stool.

Often blood in the stool appears due to constipation. The cat strains during defecation, which leads to minor bleeding. Once the root cause is eliminated, the blood disappears. If there are a large number of worms in the feces, brown clots are visible.

Many owners are concerned about when to take their cat to the vet. It is necessary to take your pet to the clinic if the following symptoms appear:

  • the cat often runs to its litter box;
  • constipation (the animal strains strongly and to no avail);
  • bright scarlet blood in stool ( large number).

Associated symptoms to watch for

The presence of blood in a cat's stool may indicate a serious illness.

The presence of blood in the stool is not separate disease. This phenomenon is only a sign of a more serious illness, the course of which is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting and refusal to eat;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • apathy and intense thirst.

How is the disease diagnosed?

In order to determine what disease the animal is suffering from, the veterinarian conducts clinical examination and prescribes additional examinations. These include: general and biochemical analysis blood, laboratory test urine and feces, examination of the rectum. In some cases, the veterinarian prescribes ultrasound examination(ultrasound), x-ray or colonoscopy.

Questions your veterinarian may ask

In order to present the complete clinical picture problems, the veterinarian may ask the cat owner the following questions:

  • Has the animal's usual diet changed recently?
  • Is there a possibility of swallowing foreign objects?
  • Could the cat eat tubular bone or spoiled food?
  • Does the animal get food from the owners' table?
  • Did the cat walk backwards on the carpet? (This sign indicates a problem with the anal sinuses.)
  • Has the animal had any injuries, blows or bites in the anal area?

Bloody or tarry stool in a cat

The color of blood in stool can vary from bright scarlet to very dark (almost black). The color of the blood spots determines which organ needs treatment. For diseases of the colon and lower section intestinal blood is bright red.

In young animals, scarlet blood in the stool may indicate a large number of worms. In older cats this phenomenon observed during development malignant neoplasms. Tarry dark chair indicates problems with upper section intestines.


The color of blood in a cat’s stool can be different; by the color you can determine what kind of disease your pet has.

The treatment regimen is prescribed by a veterinarian after examination and all necessary examinations. During this period, it is recommended to feed the cat a special diet; it is also necessary to ensure that the animal receives plenty of water.

To collect stool, you will need a sterile container, which can be purchased at veterinary clinic or in a regular pharmacy. Wait for the cat to defecate, then use a clean stick to collect some feces. Make sure that no filler or other impurities get into the container.

Feces must be taken to the laboratory within 12 hours after defecation. Before testing, the container is stored in the refrigerator. If it is necessary to detect protozoa, the feces should be delivered to the laboratory no later than half an hour after defecation, and if it is necessary to find cysts, the period can be extended to a day.

You cannot donate feces if the cat has received laxatives, activated carbon or Vaseline oil. After an X-ray of the intestines or stomach and an enema, feces are not examined. To detect dysbiosis, feces are filled with a small amount of saline solution.

Preventive measures

To ensure that there is no blood in your pet’s stool, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • Give your cat anti-helminth medications on time (once every 3-4 months);
  • if you poisoned cockroaches or rodents, make sure that the cat does not come into contact with the poison;
  • regularly take stool and urine tests, this will allow you to detect the onset of the disease in time.

Any disease can be treated much easier in the first stages. If you notice that the cat is bothered by the process of defecation, or blood is visible in the stool, show the animal veterinarian. You should not wait for the disease to develop, as this can lead to serious consequences.

In a cat, this is a rare phenomenon, especially if the animal does not suffer from any chronic disease. Presence of blood in fecal matter pet indicates the presence of a disease, and the first step is to establish the root cause of this condition and urgently begin treatment.

Main reasons

If with blood, the reasons may be different:


In addition to blood in the stool, there may be other symptoms indicating the presence of a serious illness. In these cases it is necessary urgent help specialist:

  • frequent urination;
  • vomit;
  • weak or absent appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • thirst;
  • apathy.

When is veterinary help needed?

When one of the the following signs Urgent professional help is needed:

Diarrhea with blood in a cat: treatment

If you have the above symptoms, it is not recommended self-treatment. If a cat has diarrhea with blood, a specialist will tell you what to do. If an animal is sick, you should not leave the animal unattended. If there is a general malaise in the cat, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-therapy, especially with drugs that are sold in the public domain, is undesirable, as it is fraught with more serious problems, including the death of the animal. The entire course of treatment is carried out only with those medications prescribed by the veterinarian who examined the cat.

All drug treatment should be prescribed based on the results of tests that help identify the cause of diarrhea in the cat. The doctor will determine how to treat the identified disease. In advanced cases, they are prescribed medicines antiviral and antibacterial action. It is possible to prescribe immunostimulants (Gamavit) and antidiarrheal drugs("Loperamide"). IN mandatory hemostatic agents are used: "Vikasol", "Ditsinon", vitamin C.

In case of diarrhea, it is necessary to help the animal's intestines and stomach to empty. To do this, you need to stop feeding the cat during the first 24 hours. At the same time, the animal should always have free access to a bowl with clean water. It has been noticed that many, on the contrary, consider drinking too much to be a provoking factor for the appearance of diarrhea. This is fundamentally wrong. There must be water constantly. Drink plenty of fluids will help the conclusion harmful substances from the body.

The next day after fasting, the animal is placed on special diet, which includes the white of a boiled egg, boiled rice, white fish.

The amount of food consumed should be halved. The cat needs rest. You shouldn’t provoke her to play, much less let her go outside.

The cat's litter box should always be clean and easily accessible by the cat. If it is difficult for an animal to walk, then it is worth moving it.

If your cat continues to have bloody diarrhea, it is most likely caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Doctor's help required.

Seeing a doctor should occur as soon as possible, before the severe dehydration body.

Preventive measures

If disinfection work is planned, then it is advisable to give the animal for foster care in safe place. If rodents or insects are poisoned, and the cat is with you, then you need to limit its movements in the treated area. It is also necessary to ensure that the cat does not eat the dead rodent.

At the first suspicious changes in the animal's feces, tests are taken. This simple procedure will help to quickly identify the problem and prevent undesirable consequences, keeping your pet healthy.



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