A flat lump on the leg under the skin. Causes and features of the appearance of round seals on the feet and heels

Why does a lump appear under the skin on the leg? Your doctor will tell you about this. A lump on the leg is becoming a common occurrence for many, as it occurs very often. In most cases, it is not a disease in itself, but is one of the symptoms that manifests itself in a completely different pathology. A soft lump belongs to the group of neoplasms. If the cause of its occurrence is established, the underlying disease can be cured.

Usually education does not cause much trouble in the first stages of its development. But then the picture changes dramatically. As the lump grows, it turns red and becomes painful. It appears on different parts of the legs, appearing singular or plural. Be soft or hard, causing pain or, apart from being unsightly, not create any more problems. The bumps may develop into ulcers or inflammation.

If you do not treat the pathology, then over time serious suppuration occurs in this area. Diseases that lead to the formation of subcutaneous lumps on the legs have a very different etiology.

First of all, this group includes such a serious disease as gout. Its cause is a metabolic disorder and at the same time a hormonal imbalance. Large amounts of uric acid salts accumulate in the joints. The process is accompanied by pain and swelling, the tissues near the affected joint turn red. The patient develops a high temperature. Weakness appears.

Swelling can form when the disease becomes chronic. With gout, the bumps are red and soften a little at the time of exacerbation. Their localization is different, including on the legs.

Another disease no less serious than gout is bursitis. In this case, the synovial joint sacs become inflamed. The disease occurs both acutely and becomes chronic. The acute form of the disease is caused by trauma affecting the joint capsule. Causes bursitis and infection. For example, it can occur as a complication when:

  • flu;
  • furunculosis;
  • osteomyelitis.

The disease affects any joints, including those located in the arms.

A soft, elastic ball forms in the area of ​​the affected joint. It hurts. The temperature in this case, as with all inflammations, is elevated. If the necessary treatment is not carried out, the disease becomes chronic. The ball does not go away on its own, it hurts, and a fistula forms on the skin near it.

Among the people there is another unofficial name for the cone - “stone”. Doctors call this phenomenon foot deformity. Very often it forms on the big toe. Such a bone can:

  • be soft or hard;
  • have a different color;
  • hurt;
  • develop without any symptoms.

Most often, they fester over time. The most important reason for the formation of a lump under the skin on the side of the foot is tight and uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, most often the foot suffers in women.

One of the reasons for the formation of cones is excess weight, old age, and problems associated with the endocrine system. Another factor is heredity. If close relatives have encountered similar problems, the chance of children having a lump on their leg is quite high.

A person who is far from medicine will not be able to make a correct diagnosis for himself, especially if the tumor is very small in size. Therefore, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor. It is better to choose an orthopedist first; if he does not find any pathology, he will be able to refer you to another specialist.

Bumps on the feet can occur not only in the area of ​​the big toe, but also on the “instep” of the foot, on the sole, and on the shin.

A lump under the skin on the lower limb grows if there is a failure in fat metabolism. Oncology, like a cyst, becomes another reason for the formation of a lump.

On the thigh, lower leg or foot, it is dangerous because it can be reborn. Most often, neoplasms form on the foot. Whether it is cancer or a benign tumor can only be determined after histology. Typically, the lump on the foot is a lipoma, hygroma, atheroma and fibroma.

Lipoma is nothing more than overgrown adipose tissue. The hard ball moves easily under the skin. This subcutaneous ball that appears very rarely turns into cancer. It grows very slowly and creates virtually no inconvenience. Therefore, it can not be treated.

Hygroma is also considered a benign tumor. It is formed at the site of the articular capsule. May contain water. The most likely location is at the base of the toes, on the back of the foot. Such formations appear, for example, due to frequent foot injuries. The rapid growth of hygroma is sometimes accompanied by severe pain, as the joint capsule is overstretched.

Atheroma forms at the site of blockage of the sebaceous duct. The only place on the leg where atheroma will never occur is the sole. There are no sebaceous glands in this place. Very often this type of tumor becomes inflamed and an abscess forms. Such balls rarely reach large sizes. The cause of the appearance is poor hygiene or metabolic problems.

Fibroma grows from connective tissue and most often appears on the sole. Very similar to a tight knot. This type of tumor sometimes grows quickly. Due to its location, it creates significant inconvenience when walking and standing.

In other cases of the formation of lumps not associated with tumors, the following symptoms may be observed:

  1. Redness appears, which means that inflammation has occurred.
  2. The skin in the area of ​​the lump is hot, the pain intensifies when palpated.

A subcutaneous cyst (if it is one that appears) can also become denser. The cyst usually contains serous fluid. The cyst can give rise to the formation of a fistula. Through it, the contents of the cyst come out.

Various approaches to treating the disease

What to do if a lump appears under the skin on your leg? Traditional medicine recommends starting treatment at the initial stage of lump formation. The neoplasm must be treated with iodine tincture. Another way to get rid of pathology is to make compresses from raw potatoes turned into pulp.

You can influence the lump indirectly if you follow a diet and exclude salty and smoked foods. Lumps under the skin on the legs, formed as a result of metabolism, may disappear.

Treatment prescribed by official medicine boils down to surgical removal of the lump. In case of cancer, the formation is removed, and the nearby tissues dry out. In case of inflammation, a drain is placed to drain the pus, and antibiotics are additionally prescribed. Any benign tumors are also removed and the tissue is desiccated.

Fibroids, for example, are removed using laser or cold. These methods are the least traumatic. Hygroma can be treated conservatively. Due to the rapid growth of the tumor, the patient may have problems wearing shoes, so it is better not to delay treatment. With the conservative method, it is punctured and the liquid contained inside is removed.

A lump under the skin in humans is a fairly common phenomenon, occurring throughout the body. These formations can appear on the back, shoulder, thigh, lower leg, and if it concerns the face, then on the chin, cheek, and forehead. Bumps are also very often observed on the hands. , they can be seen on the palm, finger, wrist.

What is a subcutaneous lump?

The lump is scientifically called hygroma; it is a small neoplasm, round in shape, protruding on the body. Depending on where it appears, on the back, finger, wrist, forehead or other parts of the body, its surface varies:

  • Smooth
  • Rough
  • Dense
  • Soft.

Also, often such a formation in a person can be completely painless, and in some cases cause pain. A small lump under the skin in some cases fills with a thick liquid. If the neoplasm reaches a large size, there are often blood clots inside it. In addition, the bumps may contain pus, which is associated with a skin abscess, and may also change color.

At the very beginning, the appearance of a bump on the body does not cause any concern, especially if it is not on the face, but, for example, on the back. For a long time, the lump may be painless and not show itself in any way. But sometimes it starts to grow and become painful. Also, in some cases, a person begins to develop formations throughout his body. In this situation, you need to seek help from doctors.

Causes of subcutaneous lumps

The causes are quite varied, the main ones being:

  • Fat metabolism disorder
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Cysts forming inside the skin
  • Soft tissue oncology
  • Growth of sebaceous glands
  • Birthmarks, usually on the back
  • Some infections
  • Seal capillaries
  • Pityriasis pilaris
  • Lipomas and boils
  • Injuries and severe physical stress
  • Tissue inflammation
  • Acne
  • Fluid in the tendons, which accumulates in chronic pathologies of the synovial bursa.

Often, bumps appear on the arm, wrist, palm or finger from excessive physical labor, as well as due to friction or pressure, prolonged work at the computer, etc. Bumps on the toe can appear from wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. Also, a lump on the leg under the skin may indicate:

  • For salt deposition
  • Flat feet
  • Arthrosis
  • Bursitis.

Lump under the skin on the hands

Most often these formations are found on the hand; they can located on the finger and wrist; on the palm they are observed much less frequently. Often the ball appears in the area of ​​the wrist on the back side; it is generally dense and completely painless. Most often, such a tumor appears due to heavy load on the hand. The cause of lumps on the fingers is often arthritis, deformation of cartilage, etc. This significantly reduces the work of the fingers, it becomes painful to squeeze the palms, and discomfort occurs. With such formations, you should not overwork your hands and you should urgently consult a doctor.

Bumps on the face

Lumps under the skin on the face are quite an unpleasant phenomenon. They can form on the forehead, chin, and cheeks. If, for example, they appear on the back and do not cause inconvenience, then you can live in peace. However, if the bumps are on the forehead or chin, then they cause a person aesthetic inconvenience and cause some discomfort. For the most part, such subcutaneous formations on the forehead and other parts of the face can be caused by:

  • Acne
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands
  • Blockage of the sebaceous glands
  • Inflammatory process
  • Infectious disease.

Treatment of lumps under the skin

When the bumps do not bother a person, especially if they are on the back, then you can do without treatment. But if the formation grows, changes color and begins to cause pain and discomfort, proper measures should be taken. In most cases, drug treatment is used. However, if it does not bring any effect, they resort to surgery and completely remove the cones. Sometimes the cause of such neoplasms under the skin on the forehead and other parts of the body is a weakened immune system, then the therapeutic course must necessarily include drugs that strengthen the immune system. Apart from this, traditional medicine also offers some ways to treat lumps under the skin. In order to use them, it is best to consult with your doctors. If the cause of such formations is mechanical or physical impact, then these factors should also be eliminated.

Quite often people develop a lump in the form of a ball under the skin, and this worries them very much. In such cases, there is no need to panic. There is no need to immediately diagnose yourself, fearing that such a neoplasm is malignant. In most cases, such subcutaneous seals are small in size and do not pose any danger to human health. Let's figure out what types of seals there are and what reasons lead to their formation.

Features of the phenomenon

Almost every person has lumps under the skin that have different origins and, as a rule, do not pose any threat to life. If they cause you discomfort (usually when the growths become large or are located on the face, arm or leg, especially on exposed parts), treatment can be done by surgically removing them.

If such a lump has formed on the scalp, then a person may not even be aware of its presence. It is detected only when it reaches large sizes. On the legs, arms or face, such formations are detected almost immediately.

Such bumps can appear all over the body in any part of it, but if they do not have a tendency to become malignant, then they are usually not treated, simply observing them.

There are bumps that appear as the infection develops. In this case, they become painful, swollen and red. The seals can open on their own or the surgeon can do it. After opening such a neoplasm and removing the pus from it, the patient’s condition returns to normal and the pain goes away.

The main reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous seals:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • getting injured;
  • development of infectious and bacterial diseases;
  • nervous tension;
  • stress;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • improper use of medications;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Classification and etiology of neoplasms

Such neoplasms appear on the human body in the form of subcutaneous seals, which can be identified both by touch and visually. They are as follows:

  • Lipoma.

This neoplasm is benign and consists of adipose tissue. Lipoma can appear on any part of the body. Fatty bumps are usually small in size and have a fairly dense structure. There are cases when a lipoma reaches a very large size and this prevents a person from living a normal life. Then it is surgically removed, but in most cases the lipoma is not touched.

  • Lymphadenitis.

Lymphadenitis occurs when the lymph nodes become inflamed. At the initial stages of its development, the seals are mobile and not very painful. But as the inflammatory process develops, touching the lymph nodes causes severe pain. In this case, the temperature usually rises. Such neoplasms develop in the locations of the lymph nodes: in the armpit, groin, under the jaw and near the ears.

  • Intradermal cyst.

This neoplasm has a dense structure, but the skin at the site of its appearance does not change. In some cases, inflammation of the cyst and its rupture may occur. It usually appears on the neck, arms, and legs.

  • Skin cancer.

As cancer develops, lumps may appear throughout the body, regardless of the location of the primary tumor. In this case, the skin in the places where they appear becomes bluish or greenish and wrinkles. When palpated, such a formation remains motionless.

Depending on the stage of cancer development, different treatment methods can be used, but usually the subcutaneous lumps are removed, after which the patient is prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

  • Subcutaneous abscess.

With the development of a subcutaneous abscess, the neoplasm has clear boundaries. An increase in body temperature occurs in this area. Touching such a lump will be painful. Spontaneous opening of the seal is possible, from which pus will be released. But usually a doctor opens it, removing the pus and washing the wound with antibiotics.

  • Hemangioma.

In this case, the compaction appears due to the expansion of blood vessels. Such formations are painless; they usually develop on the thigh or lower leg as a result of the development of varicose veins. Hemangioma usually does not cause problems for the patient unless it appears on the face or neck. Then it refers to cosmetic defects that need to be dealt with.

  • Malignant superficial neoplasms.

These include neurofibromatosis, sarcoma, and basal cell carcinoma. At the beginning of their development, such seals are small in size, but as they grow they can reach several tens of centimeters. These lumps are painless, so patients often turn to the doctor late, when the tumor has already metastasized.

  • Hernia.

The development of such compaction cannot go unnoticed. Most often, a hernia occurs near the navel or in the groin. A lump appears on the surface of the skin, which can adjust and disappear on its own. If a hernia is strangulated, an operation is necessary, during which the hernia orifice is sutured. In this case, a special mesh is often installed.

  • Rheumatoid formations.

In such cases, compactions appear in the joint area. They are not very painful, the pain is felt mainly in the joints. Treatment of such bumps consists of treating the underlying disease.

How is the treatment carried out?

In each case, the doctor selects the necessary treatment method depending on the type of tumor. Antibiotics may be used if the lump develops due to infection. If a malignant tumor develops, it must be surgically removed. A special medicine can be injected under the skin to help the lipoma resolve faster. In addition, antiviral agents, immunostimulants and homeopathic medications are often prescribed.

Cones are popularly called any dense subcutaneous formations. They can be localized in different places - on the head, neck, arms and legs, in the groin, on the back or chest, appear due to injury or for no apparent reason. In order to recognize the symptoms of dangerous diseases in time, we will learn to recognize the types of bumps and the reasons for their appearance.

Bump from a bruise

The most harmless and familiar option from childhood is bumps from a bruise. They usually appear on the head or knees, replacing a hematoma. In these places under the skin there is almost completely no fatty tissue, where, after an injury, blood from burst capillaries enters. After an injury, fluid remains in the space between the skull and the skin, and on the outside it looks like a dense pinkish swelling.

As a rule, swelling subsides 3-5 days after injury. You can speed up this process with the help of cold compresses, decongestant gels and ointments. If the lump does not go away for more than a week, consult a doctor: this may indicate calcification of the hematoma.

Lymph nodes are found in the neck, under the collarbones, armpits, under the breasts, on the inside of the elbows and behind the knees, in the groin and abdomen. They are round nodules located near blood vessels.

In immune, infectious and tumor diseases, the lymph nodes become enlarged. This process is called lymphadenitis. have the appearance of cones, the size of which depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Lymph nodes that are enlarged during ARVI or influenza disappear as soon as the body overcomes the infection. But if lymphadenitis is accompanied by a high temperature or is asymptomatic, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.


– another common reason for the appearance of lumps on the skin. This benign formation develops under the skin due to metabolic changes, and looks like a soft, mobile lump that does not cause pain when palpated. Lipomas are typically located on the upper back, shoulders and hips.

The lipoma grows slowly, but when it reaches a large size, it is removed surgically, since it looks unaesthetic and can interfere with the functioning of other organs.

Epidermal (sebaceous) cyst

This type of skin cyst is formed when the sebaceous glands become clogged. The size of round bumps can vary from 0.5 to 5 cm. Under normal conditions, this atheroma is painless, but if infected, it can become denser, become larger and even break into the dermis, which can lead to an abscess. Epidermal cysts are localized in the scalp, face, back, hips and shoulders.

The sebaceous cyst is removed by laser enucleation or surgically, opening at the most protruding place and removing the sebaceous capsule. The wound is then sutured and covered with an antiseptic bandage.


The mechanism of formation of this benign tumor is not known, but doctors have found that it can be triggered by injury or a chronic skin disease. Dermatofibroma cones are small in size (up to 1 cm), smooth and dense, brownish; can occur throughout the body but are most common on the shoulders and lower back.

These tumors never become cancerous and rarely require treatment. If the patient does not like the appearance of the dermatofibroma, it is removed surgically or burned with liquid nitrogen.


Liposarcoma - affecting fat cells. Localized mainly in the thighs and legs. Occurs, as a rule, in older patients. The liposarcoma lump is round, soft, elastic, the skin color is not changed.

The tumor rarely metastasizes, which gives a favorable prognosis for treatment. Complete recovery after complex treatment is observed in 30-40% of patients.


This tumor of soft connective tissue occurs quite rarely, affecting mainly women aged 30-40 years. May be localized on the shoulders, hips or neck. Fibrosarcoma develops in the thickness of the muscles, so it takes on the shape of a lump after reaching a fairly large size. To the touch the tumor is hard, round, painless. Small bumps may be felt.

Compared to other soft tissue tumors, the prognosis for complete recovery in this case is favorable.

If you feel a lump under the skin and are firmly convinced that you did not have any bruise in this place, make an appointment with a doctor. Only a complete examination can confirm the safety of this formation.

Maria Nitkina

Skin lesions vary in size and cause. In many cases, the disease begins asymptomatically and can become a sign of a serious illness that requires immediate treatment.

Lumps under the skin on the legs can be multiple or single and can appear at any age, even in a child. When palpated, they have different shapes and consistencies. Some are fused to nearby tissues.

There are several types of formations on the lower leg.


A lump on the calf may be a benign lump consisting of fatty tissue. Lipoma has a loose consistency with clear edges. When the tumor is small in size, it does not have unpleasant symptoms. If the surrounding tissue enlarges and compresses, it is removed surgically.


A lump on the leg caused by a blockage of the sebaceous duct, which turns into a cyst.

A distinctive sign of the formation is that the skin over the lump cannot be folded.

If the atheroma is damaged, it may become inflamed and red.


The tumor is a lump on the lower leg of small size and dense consistency. The inside of the ball is filled with synovial fluid, as it is formed due to old tendon damage or joint disease. If accidentally injured or pressed on the capsule, the hygroma may disappear on its own.

Read also: External preparations for relieving swelling of the legs


A common cause of this lump under the skin on the legs can be diabetes. The tumor appears after a small abrasion or cut. The pathological process can develop in any frequently damaged area of ​​the body.


Soft bumps on the leg that are small and elastic to the touch may be enlarged lymph nodes. They appear with inflammatory diseases in the joints (above or below the knee, in the groin area) or after a cold. Hyperemia of the tissue above the lymph node is a sign of pathology and requires consultation with a specialist, since purulent damage to the formation is possible.

Varicose veins

The disease is an inflammation of the venous wall with the formation of red bumps on the legs or other parts of the body. The cause of the condition is a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, pregnancy (due to increased load on the lower limbs), and prolonged stay in one position. An advanced disease can lead to the development of ulcers or severe swelling.


The disease has a chronic course, in which a blockage of the vessel occurs with the formation of a dense lump that is painful to the touch. Often a thrombus closes the lumen of large vessels, which requires emergency treatment.

Formations on the joints

A lump on the leg under the skin can be a consequence of joint disease:

  1. Gout develops due to problems in metabolic processes, in which uric acid salts are deposited on the joint elements, which provokes the development of an inflammatory process. The disease begins acutely with an increase in temperature and goes away on its own within a few days.
  2. Bursitis is a pathological process in the synovium. Occurs due to damage to the joint capsule. A hard lump forms under the skin in the joint area, which hurts and interferes with walking. At an advanced stage, the disease develops into a chronic course.
  3. Hallux valgus is characterized by curvature of the toes. The pathology develops due to disruption of the endocrine system, osteoporosis, flat feet or improperly selected shoes.

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Subcutaneous cyst

The tumor develops when the sebaceous glands are blocked or become inflamed. The seal looks like a small ball filled with purulent contents or other liquid. It can appear on any part of the body.

Skin diseases

If lumps appear under the skin on your leg, they may be signs of dermatological diseases:

  1. Warts are a benign lump that occurs due to a decrease in the body’s immune forces. When rubbed or pressed, it causes pain and discomfort.
  2. Papillomas are skin growths of irregular shape, different in color from nearby tissues, caused by the HPV virus.
  3. Condylomas are dark, papillary formations with a stalk. Prone to fusion and relapse, sexually transmitted.
  4. Fibroids are a tumor formed from connective tissue, with clear boundaries and painless to the touch. The lump does not differ in color from other areas of the skin and can occur on the mucous membranes.
  5. Dermatofibroma is a sclerosing hemangioma that resembles an itchy spot. The formation has a smooth surface, a dense structure and a tendency to disappear on its own.
  6. Corns - thickening and keratinization of an area of ​​skin, mainly on the sole. The reason is incorrect shoes, obesity, hyperhidrosis, flat feet.
  7. A callus is a round formation filled with liquid. Dry callus has clear boundaries. Anomalies occur due to rubbing of the skin of the foot with new shoes. Damage to the tumor can lead to infection and inflammatory processes.

Read also: Why do my legs hurt after sitting for a long time?

Malignant tumors

Characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of pathological cells, prone to metastasis. The formation does not have clear contours and is capable of growing into surrounding tissues and destroying them.


The appearance of a lump is rarely accompanied by unpleasant sensations. With the development of the pathological process, pain in the area of ​​compaction, increased venous pattern, swelling of the entire lower limb or just the ankle, peeling of the skin, hyperemia of the affected area, general malaise, and increased temperature are possible.

Tumor growth leads to compression of nerve endings and blood vessels. The disease interferes with normal movements.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a lump develops on the skin, you should consult a specialist based on the problem that is bothering you. Consultation with a dermatologist, surgeon or oncologist is necessary to confirm or exclude a particular tumor.

Diagnostic measures

Before determining the nature of the compaction and prescribing a treatment regimen, the doctor conducts examinations:

  1. Visual examination of the skin and the area around it, collecting the patient’s medical history.
  2. Palpation of the affected area.
  3. X-ray examination, ultrasound, MRI, CT.
  4. Histological tests (biopsy with study of the obtained material in the laboratory).
  5. OBC, OAM, blood for biochemistry, hormones.

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Therapy for formations is complex and includes not only exposure to pharmaceuticals, but also diet and weight control.

If there are problems with the joints, the doctor will apply an orthosis or a plaster cast until the inflammation is relieved. Varicose veins require wearing compression garments.

Benign small bumps without signs of inflammation are not treated.

Drug treatment of seals

The treatment regimen depends on the cause and nature of the tumor:

  • Gout is treated with medications that reduce the level of uric acid in the blood. The patient is additionally prescribed NSAIDs and analgesics. Throughout the treatment, the patient follows a diet.
  • Pain in the joints is relieved by intra-articular injections with steroids and lidocaine.
  • Thrombolytics and anticoagulants are needed to eliminate blood stagnation.
  • Malignant neoplasms are treated with chemotherapy.

Tumors must be removed surgically in the following cases:

  1. large tumor size;
  2. if there are signs of compression of surrounding tissues;
  3. in the absence of positive dynamics after conservative treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes

Non-traditional methods of therapy are suitable for people who are prone to allergies. With the help of such recipes, it is possible to reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms before going to the doctor.

Popular methods:

  1. For bumps on the skin, treatment with iodine several times a day helps a lot.
  2. Boil the potatoes, mash and cool. Apply to the affected area for several hours.
  3. Warm baths with the addition of sea salt and herbal decoctions will help relieve swelling and fatigue of the legs.
  4. Lightly mash the cabbage leaf and cut into large veins. Apply to the sore joint and wrap with a bandage. Change the bandage once a day.
  5. Cut an aloe leaf and apply it to the pine cone before going to bed. Strengthen with adhesive tape. For the procedure, you should take the lower parts of the plant, as they contain the most useful elements.
  6. Take herbal teas from lingonberry leaves, horsetail or a decoction of birch buds internally: herbs relieve inflammation and strengthen the body's defenses.

Before using traditional medicine, you need to consult a specialist and find out the reasons that caused these problems.

Preventive measures

To prevent formations on the skin, you should follow the following rules:

  • Adhere to proper nutrition, excluding smoked foods, fatty foods, and baked goods.
  • Limiting salt.
  • Quitting bad habits.
  • Selection of comfortable shoes in size from natural materials with low heels.
  • If calluses or corns often appear, use silicone insoles and inserts (before use, read the comments of specialists).
  • Moderate physical activity, weight control.
  • Do foot baths every evening and regularly examine the skin of your feet.
  • To maintain vascular tone - a contrast shower.
  • After hygiene measures, apply a rich or moisturizing cream and perform self-massage.
  • Timely treatment of diseases.
  • If a pathological lump is detected, consult a doctor.



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