Plantex for colic for little ones. A modern solution to the problem or why Plantex tea for newborns is better than regular dill water

Mother and child are a very sensitive system, especially the first few months after birth. Through trial and error, the mother selects the optimal diet that is suitable for both her and her child and does not lead to tummy problems. But what to do until this moment? You can, for example, use the drug Plantex.

A little about the child’s digestive system

Let's start from the beginning and see what happens to the baby's digestive system after birth. After birth, colostrum enters the baby's mouth for the first time. The microorganisms contained in milk populate the digestive tract and begin to actively multiply there.

From this point on, the intestines are no longer sterile. At the same time, for approximately the first two days, the baby’s stool is black and sticky – this is meconium. While in the womb, the baby swallows amniotic fluid, particles of skin and hair, which, when digested, become black.

Starting from the 3rd day of life, the growth of microflora is maximum, the work of the digestive tract increases. The baby, being breastfed, sucks transitional milk, and his stool becomes greenish in color, which is very frightening for mothers.

This transitional stool is nothing more than the remains of meconium and milky, yellow stool. From the fourth day, the stool is usually pure yellow.

Causes of increased gas formation

Knowing now the features of the digestive processes, we can easily name situations in which there is a change in the functioning of the digestive tract of a newborn, leading to increase in gas formation:

  • improper attachment to the breast. When sucking, the child should completely grasp the nipple and partially the area of ​​the areola, and not make sounds such as smacking. In other cases, excessive air swallowing may occur;
  • Artificial feeding, as a reason, can come in four variants. The first is similar to incorrect attachment with excessive swallowing of air (only here the child does not completely grasp the nipple of the bottle). The second is as an object containing foreign microorganisms. Third, mixtures can disrupt the intestinal microflora if the preparation regime is not followed. The fourth is poor sterilization of bottles and nipples;
  • immaturity of the digestive tract - this issue is more relevant to premature newborns, the number of which has recently increased significantly;
  • mother's consumption of apples, legumes, sweets, carbonated drinks and other products that cause increased gas formation (provided that the child is exclusively fed).

Plantex and other ways to help a child

What to do if a child screams, tightens his legs and shows in every possible way that his tummy is uncomfortable?

  1. First of all, of course, you need to remove “bad” foods from your diet. A mother's diet for severe, prolonged colic is simply necessary.
  2. Place the baby on his stomach 30 minutes before feeding.
  3. Light tummy massage with your hand. It is carried out with light stroking movements clockwise, along a converging (from the periphery to the center) and diverging (from the navel to the periphery) spiral.
  4. Taking herbal and other remedies that reduce gas formation.

Since ancient times, our grandmothers used an excellent recipe for this ailment - dill water, they gave it to the child with spoons, and the gas flow went away.

Subsequently, a plant was found that was very similar to dill in its properties. It's called fennel. However, there are fundamental differences between them! Fennel is a perennial plant, unlike the “annual dill”, it is more sensitive to environmental conditions and requires careful care, and it also has much more healing properties!

It contains a large amount of flavonoids and vitamins, it has a light and mild antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect. In medicine, fennel is also used as an expectorant.

Taking into account all the beneficial properties of fennel, the drug Plantex was released, which is actively used in pediatrics for newborns.

In it, the manufacturer combined an essential oil that contains substances such as fenchone, anethole, camphor, alpha-pinene, limonene, and fruit extract that is rich in fatty acids (oleic, palmitic and linoleic). This entire composition is placed in granules for preparing a solution, which makes the life of mothers very much easier.

After all, collecting raw materials, washing them, preparing water from fennel or dill takes much more time than a simple trip to the pharmacy.

How to give Plantex to a newborn?

Plantex for colic can be given to a newborn from the first day of life, after meals or between feedings. Its preparation will not take much time. Simply pour the contents of the sachet into a bottle and dilute it in 100 milliliters of boiled water.

It is also excellent as a preventive measure if your child needs to switch to artificial feeding.

As for contraindications, in the instructions for use The following restrictions are specified:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components.

It would be unnecessary to estimate how much this drug costs. Its effectiveness has been tested by time, and grateful reviews from mothers and healthy, sound sleep of children are the best evidence of its good work.

Finally, I would also like to note that if the problem persists longer than usual and the proposed treatment methods do not help, or there is a change in the color, consistency and smell of the child’s stool, then under no circumstances should you postpone visiting the doctor.

You need to tell your pediatrician about your problems and undergo a full examination. After all, sometimes very dangerous diseases, such as lactase deficiency, for example, are perfectly masked, delaying diagnosis and treatment.

Health to you and your children!

Hello, dear mommies (and daddies too!). Today I want to tell you about Plantex tea for newborns, instructions for use for which will also be in the article. I’ll tell you how to dilute, how best to give and, in general, how to take Plantex tea, based on personal experience and reviews of young mothers in my circle.

All mothers need to know what Plantex contains includes lactose. Yes, it is an excipient, and not the main composition, but it is this component that can cause allergies, allergic reactions and other side effects in babies if the child has lactase deficiency or galactose (glucose) absorption syndrome.

One more contraindication for use Plantex tea is galactosemia. And it was all these contraindications that determined the “age” from which this tea can be taken - from two weeks of a child’s life, when you already know for sure that the child is not allergic to the components of the drug.

2. How to breed Plantex

Let's start with how to properly dilute this tea.

  1. You need to dilute Plantex tea (and, for that matter, any tea, medicine or food) with clean, washed hands! After all, if before diluting Plantex you wash your hands well with warm water and soap, then the effect of the tea immediately increases by 3-4 times. And I'm not kidding, because it is the bacteria from your hands that get into the baby's intestines that cause all these bloatings and, as a result, crying and sleepless nights.
  2. We dilute the contents of one Plaktex tea bag in 100 ml of warm, boiled water. Well, and, of course, my advice to you: it is better to tear the bag with clean hands than to cut it with scissors, which were previously used to cut everything that is needed and not needed. All because of the same bacteria and other living microorganisms that live quietly on the surface of scissors and, when they get into our beloved tummies, complicate motherhood for you and me.

What should Plantex be diluted in? In a sterilized bottle or cup. Be sure to stir thoroughly so that the granules are completely dissolved (there is no point in rushing here). Plantex tea is not a first aid remedy, but a herbal medicine that has a positive effect on the digestive system.

When the solution is ready, you need to decide how to give Plantex to a newborn:

  • If the child is bottle-fed, then it is clear that it is from a bottle (and dissolved in it).
  • But when the baby breastfed, then I recommend giving tea from a spoon. This will teach the child that he only receives food from the breast and other liquids from the spoon.

3. How often to give Plantex tea

For the first use, 1-2 teaspoons of diluted Plantex are enough. This small amount will help determine if there is an allergy or other side effect from Plantex. And, it would be good that during the first few doses of tea you do not give anything new (neither a new mixture, nor a new medicine, and you yourself do not eat new foods if you are breastfeeding).

From personal experience, I recommend giving tea between feedings, although the instructions for using Plantex allow taking tea after meals. But I do not recommend giving tea after meals - this often only worsens colic problems. If for the first use 1-2 teaspoons are enough, then the second time you need to give a tablespoon of Plantex tea.

Distribute these 100 ml of tea 3 times - this type of tea will be most effective.

4. How to properly give Plantex to infants

If the instructions for using Plantex tea recommend giving only freshly prepared tea to infants, then I will tell you how best to do this in practice.

How to properly divide a packet of Plantex into three uses:

  1. Pour Plantex granules into a clean, shallow plate, distribute the granules with vibration movements (as if shaking a sieve with flour) so that there is an even layer over the entire surface of the plate.
  2. Then divide into 3 even parts. Carefully pour 1/3 into the container where you will dilute Plantex, the remaining 2/3 back into the bag (using an ordinary funnel and closing with a paper clip).
  3. Next time, divide this bag into 2 parts. And dilute each part with 30 ml of warm boiled water.
  4. If, after you diluted Plantex, you did not give it to the child and it cooled down, then before taking it it should be heated to 36-37 ° C (in a warm water bath), but only if you diluted Plantex for no more than an hour back.

5. Which is better: Plantex or Espumisan

So, you need to understand that Plantex and Espumisan are completely different things, if Plantex is a herbal medicine (easier to say, weed), then Espumisan is a medicinal product (in simple terms, “chemistry”). Usually, the problem with colic begins to be solved with herbs - Plantex tea. And if it is not effective, then they try Espumisan.

6. Analogs of Plantex, price for Plantex

If we consider the price category of Plantex tea, it becomes clear that this tea is not an economical option.

On average, prices for Plantex range from 307-542 rubles (depending on the pharmacy), that is, it is not a cheap drug at all.

That is why parents are looking for analogues of Plantex. They are available in every pharmacy under different names. But, unfortunately, according to the principle of preparation, they are more complicated (brew, cool). And in terms of taste, children prefer Plantex to other analogues. Although, the principle of action of such teas is the same.

7. Other questions about taking Plantex

Very often mothers have a question: how often to give Plantex. And in fact, how often to give it is not a simple question. It is clear that it should be given 3 times a day, but the duration of administration is individual (but your main adviser is a pediatrician).

The second common question that can arise quite often is whether Plantex can be used for constipation. It is definitely possible, the drug can to some extent improve the condition of a minor disorder, but this does not mean that it cannot be used for constipation. Plantex affects gastrointestinal motility, which, in principle, only has a positive effect on the digestive system.

And here you can watch a video from Dr. Komarovsky on how else you can cope with colic:

I hope that my tips were useful to you. Leave comments, share the article with your friends via social networks and subscribe to our updates to be the first to read our new articles. And most importantly - let the children not get sick!

In the first weeks of a baby's life, many parents are faced with a problem that happens for seemingly unreasonable reasons. Most likely, the baby is experiencing. This is a natural reaction of the children's intestines and stomach, caused by the organs getting used to new conditions. After all, until the moment of birth, the baby was in the mother’s belly, and the digestive processes took place according to a completely different pattern.

Over time, the intestines will acquire the necessary "maturity", and the baby will stop experiencing colic. But this time may take several weeks, or even months. Parents need to know how to help their child overcome this difficult period of time. Along with home methods of relieving infant colic, many parents resort to help Plantexa for newborns.

Why give Plantex for colic?

Among experts, there are a number of opinions explaining the causes of infant colic, but the most common of them is intestinal immaturity. In the first months, a baby experiences:

  • intestinal motility is weakened;
  • the activity of the stomach is weak, which affects the digestion of food and its absorption;
  • the stomach experiences a severe lack of digestive enzymes.

In this regard, the child may experience a number of problems:

  • food stagnates and the process of fermentation begins;
  • gas formation appears that exceeds the norm;
  • bloating.

Excessive gas formation affects the intestinal walls. They become more stretched, which causes pain and discomfort. During such periods, the baby begins to cry and scream a lot, move his legs, trying to press them to his tummy. Many pediatricians at such moments recommend giving the baby Plantex for colic.

What is Plantex for newborns?

Plantex is a medicine created on the basis of natural components of fennel. Available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It has the form of granules, light brown in color interspersed with lighter and darker colors, which must be diluted in water. When you open the package, you can smell the aroma of fennel.

Fennel, along with anise or dill seeds, has a number of advantages:

  • the secretion of juice in the stomach increases;
  • intestinal motility returns to normal functioning;
  • increases the release of gases and prevents them from accumulating in the intestines;
  • the intestinal walls stop stretching.

Fennel essential oil, as well as aqueous extract of fennel fruits, form the basis of Plantex for newborns. Lactose is included as an excipient.

For 1 sachet of the drug (5 g) there is:

  1. Active substances:
  • fennel fruit extract (250 mg);
  • fennel essential oil (2.4 mg).
  1. Excipients:
  • lactose (2235 mg);
  • acacia gum (12.6 mg);
  • dextrose anhydrous (2500 mg).

Plantex and indications for use

The drug is made to normalize the digestive tract in newborn babies. It is prescribed:

  • with increased flatulence;
  • for disorders of the digestive system;
  • when switching from breastfeeding to formula.

Plantex for newborns - how to give?

Plantex for newborns is available in separate bags, weighing 5 grams. In some pharmacies you can choose to purchase 1 package of the product or a whole package produced by the manufacturer. The package may consist of 10, 20 or 30 sachets.

One dose of the drug is contained in 1 sachet (5 g). Following the instructions, to prepare Plantex for colic, you do not need to spend a long time, as for making. The sachet of the drug must be dissolved in 100 ml of water until the granules completely disappear. The water must be boiled and always hot (at least 70-80 degrees). For infants, adding sweeteners to the solution is not allowed. Before use, the prepared solution must be cooled.

Up to 12 months of age, the drug is taken in the amount of 1-2 sachets per day (5-10 g). But parents should remember that newborn children should be given only freshly prepared Plantex solution. The prepared composition retains its effective properties for no more than 24 hours. Therefore, for children 3-4 months and older, the resulting 100 ml of solution can be divided into 2 or 3 doses.

It is advisable to give Plantex during breastfeeding from a syringe (without a needle) or from a special baby spoon. When using a syringe, place it behind the newborn’s cheek and squeeze out the solution in small portions.

If the baby is bottle-fed, the drug can be poured into his usual bottle.

Each child is an individual from the cradle, so for some children it is not difficult to drink the water offered to them, while others may refuse, fidget and spit it back out. Adults need to carefully monitor the symptoms of infant colic. If Plantex for newborns has good effectiveness, then parents need to resort to various tricks so that the healing solution gets into the baby’s stomach. If the effectiveness of taking the drug is low, then there is no point in resorting to its help, much less forcing the child to take it.

Many doctors recommend taking the drug regularly during the first 4 months. In their opinion, only constant use of the medicine can not only facilitate, but also accelerate the formation of the baby’s digestive system.

When to give Plantex - before or after meals?

You can take the product both during feeding and between meals. If you take the drug immediately after a meal, it will not be effective.

Contraindications and disadvantages of Plantex

Despite the fact that the composition of the drug is natural, contraindications cannot be excluded. For example, some children have an allergic reaction to fennel components. A rash appears throughout the body, which is very itchy and thus causes a lot of trouble.

Some children have difficulty or do not digest lactose at all. Therefore, the presence of lactase deficiency in a baby also leads to the inability to take Plantex solution, because it contains lactose as an excipient. Otherwise, when taking the medicine, it will not help, but will only begin to aggravate the situation with gas formation, increasing the pain effect even more. Some doctors believe that the drug's additional concentration of lactose may upset the already precarious imbalance of the infant's digestive system. Therefore, it should be taken only in certain cases.

If a child has problems with impaired absorption of glucose or galactosemia, then Plantex is also not suitable for use.

Some mothers are in no hurry to give Plantex during breastfeeding because to achieve its effectiveness, it is necessary to take too much liquid. After all, a newborn’s stomach is still very small, and taking 100 ml of solution, the drug displaces the same amount of breast milk. That is, the baby, having drunk 100 ml of the solution, will feel imaginary satiety and refuse breast milk, while not receiving enough food. This may provoke additional crying, but from hunger. In addition, if a woman’s lactation is not established, this can have a very negative effect. In this regard, many women ask the question - Is it possible to dilute Plantex with less water? Despite the fact that there is no data on overdose symptoms, doctors advise strictly following the instructions of the drug and diluting Plantex with the amount of water recommended by the manufacturer (1 packet per 100 ml of water).

Effectiveness of taking the drug

The drug has many analogues, and when a doctor prescribes this drug, parents are primarily interested in the questions: “How quickly does Plantex work and is it really more effective than its analogues?” Unfortunately, this drug, like its analogues, in some cases is not able to completely eliminate colic or completely prevent its further occurrence. The effectiveness of the result will depend on the individuality of the child’s sensitivity to the components of the drug. For some children, due to their special sensitivity, only drops or a suspension of fennel extract, and not soluble granules, can come to the rescue.

If the drug turns out to be ineffective for a particular child, then the dosage should under no circumstances be increased.

Only practical use will help determine whether Plantex will be effective on a particular child. Therefore, if it is possible to purchase the drug individually in bags at a pharmacy, it is better not to purchase a whole package.

There is an opinion that a nursing woman can take the medicine, and through her milk the necessary components will reach the baby. But this is obviously a wrong position, because breast milk will be saturated with “decomposition products” of the drug, and the concentration of active substances will be significantly reduced.

Some parents are interested - Is it possible to give Plantex for prevention?

Doctors warn that Plantex is a preventative medicine of unproven effectiveness.

Plantex for constipation

Some pediatricians prescribe Plantex for newborns. But the drug will be effective only if the baby’s bowel movements are difficult due to the immaturity of the digestive tract. Plantex solution is used to eliminate this problem only in the first months of life. When defecation is disrupted for more serious reasons, this drug is powerless and does not bring positive results. Therefore, despite the fact that Plantex is a non-prescription drug, you should consult a specialist before using it. Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor must be sure that congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are excluded.

Plantex is produced in Slovenia, and its cost starts from 340 rubles for a pack of 10 bags and from 580 rubles for a pack of 30 pieces.

According to parental reviews, the drug has more positive reviews, and there are no sharply negative reviews at all. In 30% of cases there are neutral reviews, which state that the drug did not show a strong effect.

New mothers note that after taking Plantex, the child stops crying and kicking his legs, gradually calming down, which indicates the localization of the pain syndrome and the elimination of the cause of discomfort. But from the negative aspects of the drug it follows that the effective action of Plantex lasts a short time and soon the pain in the stomach and intestines reasserts itself.

Each parent decides to use Plantex or another anti-colic remedy independently, but before use it is imperative to consult with a pediatrician.

For the first weeks of life, this is an absolutely normal physiological state, since the baby’s digestive system is not yet perfect. Despite the harmlessness of this process, the baby experiences inconvenience from it. Overheating, a reaction to medications, formula, or improper breastfeeding can make colic worse.

Very often, bloating in the abdomen and increased gas formation cause the baby to cry continuously. No parent can calmly watch their child suffer. That's why they are looking for ways to alleviate the baby's condition. There are many medications for infant colic. Plantex stands out among them. How to give Plantex to a newborn?

Is Plantex necessary?

After the birth of a baby and his first breastfeeding, a change in the structure of the digestive tract occurs. As the baby ages, the need for nutrition increases. At first he gets enough colostrum, but then his diet changes. Lack of milk can cause increased gas formation, abdominal pain and colic in the newborn. Allergic reactions to some breast milk substitutes also occur. For this reason, the baby also becomes irritable and restless.

To relieve the baby from unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to give Plantex tea for newborns. The manufacturer assures that it contains only natural ingredients - fennel fruit, lactose, living essential oil. As a result, milk is digested faster and more efficiently. In addition, there is no large accumulation of gases in the intestines.

Action of Plantex

To combat colic, pediatricians prescribe herbal remedies with antispasmodic and carminative effects. The drug Plantex is a modern medicine made from natural ingredients. The medication is intended for the treatment of intestinal colic in a child. It is very often used for prevention. Before you understand whether Plantex can be given to a newborn, you need to look at its composition.

The pharmaceutical product contains fennel fruit oil, essential oils, and lactose. Fennel seeds with essential oils promote digestion, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and increase intestinal motility.

Fennel extract is the main component of the drug. It is this that reduces the baby’s pain and improves the passage of gases. At the same time, Plantex not only normalizes gastrointestinal motility and improves digestion, but also increases appetite.

The drug also has a disinfecting effect. By stimulating the digestive tract of the baby, Plantex eliminates the root cause of colic. Some pediatricians prescribe Plantex for newborns for constipation.

This medicinal product has passed pharmacopoeial and pharmacological examinations. It has proven its effectiveness in practice. After viewing the instructions for Plantex, it becomes clear that the drug stimulates digestion, improves peristalsis in the intestines, and enhances the production of juice in the stomach. These properties contribute to the breakdown and absorption of food in a short period of time. In addition, the active components of the product prevent gases from accumulating in the intestines. They promote their discharge, softening intestinal spasms. It is worth noting that a distinctive feature of Plantex is the presence of lactose in it.


On the pharmaceutical market, the drug is presented in the form of granules, packed in 5 grams in sealed bags. One sachet is intended for several doses, which is very convenient in its use. Plantex is used to relieve colic in children starting from two weeks of age. Pediatricians prescribe the drug as a prophylactic or for the treatment of spasms in the intestinal area. In addition, the drug is prescribed to transfer from one feeding option to another.

How to breed Plantex?

According to the instructions, a sachet of medication must be dissolved in 100 milliliters of boiled warm water. Pour the granules into a bottle or mug and shake until completely dissolved. In addition, Plantex can be added to juice or milk. It is only recommended to pour it a little at a time.

It is recommended to use the prepared tea immediately after preparation, first after feeding the baby. It is also worth remembering that 100 milliliters for a child is a significant amount. Therefore, when the baby takes Plantex, he drinks less milk than usual.

Pediatricians recommend giving children under one year of age 5-10 grams, that is, one or two sachets, per day in two or three doses. Infants under one month of age should only be given freshly prepared tea. Reviews of Plantex for newborns say that the drink is almost tasteless, is well tolerated by babies and relieves colic.

Contraindications for taking Plantex

Like any medicine, Plantex has contraindications. It is not recommended to give it if there is a malabsorption of glucose and galactose. And also in case of galactosemia, lactase deficiency or hypersensitivity to a component included in the drug. It is currently unknown how Plantex for newborns interacts with other medications.

The essential oil and extract of fennel fruits, which are the basis of the drug, are characterized by numerous pharmacological qualities. The substances can have not only antispasmodic properties, but also antiseptic effects. This medication is successfully used in the treatment of colic in infants. It easily relieves babies from unpleasant symptoms, improves digestion and appetite. But when using Plantex, you should follow the dosage and recommendations.

Bloating in the baby's tummy is the most common complaint of young parents when visiting a pediatrician. Colic in newborns provokes increased anxiety in the baby and causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. The pathology is provoked by the physiological characteristics of the child’s body.

Which colic drug should I choose? The modern pharmacological industry offers a wide range of drugs aimed at eliminating colic in newborns. One of the popular medications is Plantex. An effective medicine made from natural ingredients, safe and hypoallergenic. The drug is approved for use from the second week of life.

Causes of colic and the effect of the drug

Plantex is used to relieve colic in newborns. The problem accompanies the little man in the first three months of life in almost 90% of cases.


  • excessive gas formation is a completely normal physiological condition due to the imperfection of the digestive system;
  • the intestines are inhabited by few beneficial bacteria, enzymes are produced in insufficient quantities;
  • The digestive system is just forming in the first three months of life, the baby experiences unpleasant sensations;
  • the process is accompanied by bloating and excessive accumulation of gases. The baby lets you know about pain by constant crying, sleep is often disturbed, and constipation develops.

Features of the drug:

  • Plantex granulated tea contains natural ingredients;
  • active components eliminate discomfort in the intestines;
  • the drug normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, suppresses increased gas formation;
  • Pediatricians often prescribe Plantex tea to facilitate the baby’s transition to artificial feeding.

Positive properties:

  • the drug normalizes the motility of the digestive tract;
  • increases appetite;
  • eliminates the cause of colic in a newborn;
  • the components included in Plantex stimulate the production of gastric juice.

Result of regular use:

  • after taking Plantex tea, breast milk or formula formulas are better absorbed;
  • poorly digested food does not accumulate in the children's stomach and intestines, which contributes to the onset of the fermentation process and increased gas formation;
  • The baby completely digests the food, abdominal pain hardly bothers the child.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Plantex is a herbal medicine based on natural ingredients. The drug is used not only for the medical treatment of colic. Granulated tea with fennel extract is recommended for young children for preventive purposes.

Composition of the active solution:

  • glucose;
  • lactose;
  • fennel oil;
  • essential oils.

Active ingredient: fennel extract. The active component promotes the secretion of gastric juice, triggers intestinal motility processes, and improves digestion.

Under the influence of fennel extract, intestinal function is normalized and gases are released better. The combination of useful components disinfects the gastrointestinal tract and improves appetite.

Pay attention! Some pediatricians advise taking Plantex for constipation in a newborn.

Release form


  • the herbal medicine is sold in the form of granules, packaged in a hermetically sealed bag;
  • each package contains 5 grams of medicine;
  • The daily dosage is enough to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a newborn.

Indications for use

Thanks to its active components, the herbal medicine simultaneously affects several negative manifestations:

  • copes with nausea;
  • eliminates bloating and colic;
  • improves intestinal motility, promotes rapid absorption of nutrients;
  • stimulates the normal digestion process, promotes the production of special enzymes responsible for this process;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora, suitable for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

Pay attention! Plantex tea is recommended not only for newborns to reduce pain from colic, but also for nursing mothers. Additional penetration of the drug through breast milk increases the beneficial effects several times. Recent studies have shown that regular use of Plantex improves the secretion of the mammary glands, the quality of breast milk improves, and its volume increases.


Any medicine has limitations, Plantex is no exception. The anti-colic drug is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to glucose, galactose (these substances are part of the medicine);
  • It is forbidden to give the baby Plantex if the baby has confirmed lactose deficiency;
  • Avoid drinking medicinal tea if you are hypersensitive to certain components of the drug.

Plantex tea is created on the basis of plant components. Sometimes a newborn has an allergic reaction (itching of the skin, rashes on the body). Don't overdo it with preventive measures: It is enough to give the newborn several times a week a remedy to prevent colic.

Possible side effects

The drug against colic, flatulence, and intestinal pain is absolutely safe for a newborn: granulated tea does not contain potent components or any toxic or specific components. If in doubt, consult your local pediatrician.

Most doctors positively evaluate the effect of the drug and recommend it as a safe, effective remedy. Negative manifestations are rarely noted, only in case of non-compliance with the rules of administration, use without taking into account restrictions.


Take note:

  • to prevent unpleasant consequences, do not exceed the daily dose;
  • Does the baby react inadequately to the drug? Stop taking it immediately;
  • in the absence of a clearly expressed positive effect with long-term use of Plantex, it is prohibited to independently increase the dose;
  • Each child’s body is individual, and at an early age it is sensitive to an excess of certain components. Exceeding the specified dose often leads to the opposite effect - increased colic.

Find out more about correction methods for younger schoolchildren.

Instructions for using Vibrocil nasal drops are described on the page.

On the page, read effective methods of treating conjunctivitis in children.

Instructions for use

Most parents, especially when their first child is born, do not know how to use Plantex correctly. Be sure to check with your pediatrician what dosage he recommends and carefully read the instructions.

Rules of application:

  • pour the granules into a clean bottle, add warm boiled water (100 ml);
  • Shake the container well until the medication is completely dissolved;
  • One sachet of Plantex is enough for 100 ml of liquid;
  • Sometimes colic plagues babies even after three months. Upon reaching the age of 5 months, the drug is allowed to be diluted with juice;
  • Before drinking tea for bloating and increased gas formation, be sure to feed the baby. Reduce the amount of food: 100 ml of tea is a fairly large portion for a newborn;
  • If the baby is not hungry before taking the medicine, then there will simply be no room left in the stomach for the medicine.

Frequency and dosage:

  • Children under one year of age are advised to use 1–2 sachets per day;
  • divide the entire amount of medication into three doses;
  • Use only freshly prepared drink.

In most cases, babies willingly drink healthy tea: the anti-colic medicine has a neutral taste.

How long can Plantex anti-colic tea be used? Often the Plantex treatment process lasts about a month. This amount of time is enough to eliminate colic and normalize the digestion process. With long-term treatment, the factors that provoke the development of dysbiosis disappear.



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